العالم الحقيقي بالعربية

  • 2 days ago


00:00Die! Die!
00:03Why won't you die?
00:04Beneath this mask there is more than flesh.
00:07Beneath this mask there is ideas.
00:10And ideas are recruited.
00:13My life changed. My mindset changed. Everything changed.
00:15I've been able to generate well over 40,000 US dollars a year.
00:19Now they're attempting to silence and censor my school.
00:23They're attempting to do this because it works.
00:26255,000 15K a month.
00:295 figures a month.
00:3015,000 euros.
00:32If my school did not allow people to make money from home, they wouldn't censor it.
00:36My school delivers exactly as promised.
00:38It's completely changed my life over the course of the past few years.
00:41It is the only educational platform on the planet that will teach you how to make money today.
00:44You can join at 8 o'clock in the morning and be earning money by 8 o'clock the same night.
00:47I don't even need my job anymore. I can literally make money from thin air.
00:52You do not need $100,000. You do not need to waste four years getting a degree.
00:56You can join and start making money online, Matrix-free, geographically free, near instantly.
01:02We have a completely custom platform. Nothing is Matrix-owned.
01:06We teach things that you can't learn anywhere else.
01:08Sales, business, finance, marketing, investing.
01:12Learn the latest in artificial intelligence and how it's impacting business today.
01:15We'll even teach you fitness.
01:17And it is for this reason we are the largest online educational platform on the planet.
01:21We will continue to grow until the Matrix finally cracks. Forever.
01:24They cannot stop the light of God's truth. They cannot stop you.
01:28They cannot stop me. They cannot stop the ambitious people finding the tools they need to escape.
01:33It is game over for the Matrix.
