Sexy Hot Romantic Scene - College Boy Wants to Experiment Rough Stuff With His Teacher _ Unfaithful Wife _ Movie Recaps

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Sexy Hot Romantic Scene - College Boy Wants to Experiment Rough Stuff With His Teacher _ Unfaithful Wife _ Movie Recaps
00:00We are going to recap the first three episodes of A Teacher.
00:03Claire Wilson prepared for her first day teaching English at Westerbrook High School for the school
00:08year. In the hallway she asked Catherine, the French teacher where the faculty lounge was since
00:12she was new. Catherine asked where she had transferred from, and Claire said Riverton
00:17Middle School. At the morning meeting Principal Rivas introduced Claire to the staff. Catherine
00:23offered to go for drinks to fill Claire in on the school. Matt Claire husband have to leave on a
00:28work trip but he don't want to, especially with her ovulating. So Matt agreed and asked about her
00:33day. She confessed about some lipstick from a store which amusing him. The next day Eric and
00:39Josh admired their attractive new teacher as she read Dylan Thomas. Eric asked Mr Castillo about a
00:44scholarship meeting in soccer. Logan asked Eric about the pretty teacher Claire. In next scene
00:50Logan teased Josh that his sister Mary had gotten more attractive and Eric got a ride to work from
00:55Josh. Matt's flight was cancelled so he texted Claire. To celebrate her first day she went out
01:00instead of eating a microwave dinner. Eric's friends Josh and Logan met him after work and
01:05shared an illegal substance before asking for milkshakes. After seeing Claire Logan introduced
01:10himself and they sat with her. Logan and Josh left after a text. Eric said his friends assumed
01:16food was free since he worked there. Claire paid for the shakes relating to working as a teen.
01:21They discussed college and Eric's low SAT scores. She offered tutoring if allowed. Claire gave Eric
01:27a ride mentioning her brother the cop lived nearby. He was surprised. She listened to Frank Ocean and
01:33Eric found her interesting. In bed Claire ignored Eric's follow-up request. She dreamed of an
01:38intimate moment with Eric but Matt woke her having caught a late flight. Though tired they made love
01:43to not waste ovulation. That weekend Claire claimed meeting Catherine when she actually tutored Eric.
01:49A month later at a party Eric reunited with ex Allison until Logan and Mary interrupted.
01:55The police busted drinking and drugs. While fleeing Eric encountered Officer Wilson,
02:00who knew a citation could ruin a scholarship. Eric asked if he had a sister at the school.
02:05Eric begged the officer not to call his mother instead he asked him to call Claire since she
02:10had been tutoring Eric for several weeks. Soon after Claire received a call from her brother.
02:15He informed her about her student situation. Claire asked the officer to let Eric's mistakes
02:20slide promising to pick him up right away. She explained to Matt she has to go because
02:24there's an student needed help so she had to leave. Meanwhile Eric sat on the curb next to
02:29Allison. She wondered how he avoided a citation. Then her father arrived to take her home. Later
02:36Officer Nate escorted Eric to Claire's car. She thanked her brother for doing her a favor.
02:41After Nate left Claire admonished Eric for his poor choices. He apologized. She insisted he
02:47never mention Nate's kindness or the ride home since it could cost Nate his job. When Eric
02:52called her Miss Wilson. She said to use her first name outside of school. The next morning Eric
02:57prepared for his tutoring session. His brother Phil said a woman was at the door. To Eric's
03:02surprise it was Claire checking on him since he missed her calls. She proposed skipping SAT prep
03:08and going somewhere else instead. So Eric took his brothers Phil and Devin to the neighbors before
03:12leaving with Claire. In the car he jokingly asked if she was kidnapping him. Claire revealed she
03:18was taking him to see the University of Texas. Her alma mater. On campus she asked about his goals.
03:24He said he dreamed of becoming a doctor to help people. Suddenly Cody Logan's UT student brother
03:30invited Eric to a frat party that night. Though hesitant at first Eric agreed to go after CLA's
03:35encouragement. At the party Claire shared it was her first frat party. Commuting and caring for her
03:40father prevented her from attending social events as a student. Eric said he never met his father
03:46who left when his mom got pregnant. Claire told him not to miss out on life then Eric gently removed
03:51something from her hair leaving Claire flustered. They shared an intense gaze before she suggested
03:56heading home. Once home Claire deleted Eric's message about having a great time. Meanwhile Eric
04:01awaited her reply but she still hadn't accepted his Instagram request. Claire came home to see
04:07new music equipment Matt had bought without consulting her. He said he used money from
04:11bonds his grandfather left him. Upset he didn't discuss it first. Claire argued the money was for
04:17necessities not hobbies. Matt said he loved music and felt unsupported. To end the fight Claire
04:23walked away. Eric excitedly told his mom about his UT tour with Claire. That night while Matt slept
04:28Claire finally accepted Eric's Instagram request. The next day Josh was angry Logan and Eric avoided
04:34detention. Eric realized he could now see CLA's profile. His smile prompted Logan to ask what was
04:41so delightful but the bell rang before Eric could respond. In the hall Eric saw Claire and mustered
04:46his courage inside an empty classroom. He asked if she got his message. After thanking her for the UT
04:52tour he suddenly kissed her. Claire caught him off guard pushed him away and told him to leave. Eric
04:58quickly apologized and left the room. Stunned Claire sat at her desk and touched her lips in
05:03disbelief. The next morning Eric awoke from an erotic dream about Claire. At the hospital a
05:08doctor informed Claire her uterus was deteriorating rapidly. Though stressed she told Matt they could
05:13consider in vitro fertilization. However she would undergo the invasive procedure. Wanting to continue
05:19the conversation later Claire said she had to get to school. After English class Eric stayed behind
05:25to apologize again for his actions the previous day. The teacher stressed that his behavior was
05:30unacceptable. Warning that if anyone found out what happened it would ruin her life. He promised
05:35never to tell anyone and asked if she would still tutor him. A appalled Claire refused to continue
05:40tutoring him. Saying it wasn't her problem that he couldn't find someone else. Desperate Eric begged
05:46her to reconsider. Explaining he couldn't afford the SAT prep courses his classmates attended.
05:52Claire reluctantly agreed to continue but only if he promised never to act that way again.
05:56At soccer practice Logan asked Eric if he was going home. Eric was unsure since he didn't have
06:02a date but his friend encouraged him to go. Mentioning he had booked hotel rooms for the
06:07after party. Josh suggested Eric take Allison since everyone expected them to get back together anyway.
06:13Later in the gym Claire and Catherine decorated for the dance. Claire watched unhappily as Eric
06:18asked Allison who accepted. That night Matt wanted to continue discussing CLA's doctor visit
06:24and hormone therapy recommendation. But Claire who had just started teaching at Westerbrook felt it
06:28might not be the right time. Matt touched her arm reassuringly saying he was willing to wait until
06:33she was ready to start a family. The next day at Logan's Eric saw Cody was also there. Cody asked
06:40about the woman Eric was with at UT. Logan felt betrayed that Eric never mentioned seeing someone.
06:45Eric lied that her name was Stephanie and she went to UT. When Logan asked to meet Eric's new
06:51girlfriend he claimed things were rocky and they'd meet her when the time is right. Eric then ignored
06:56multiple messages from Claire asking where he was. Meanwhile Claire sat alone at the diner wondering
07:02why Eric missed their tutoring session. Before the dance at Logan's house the seniors pre-partied.
07:07Logan's mentions of the hotel rooms which upset Josh since his sister Mary was Logan's date.
07:12At the dance Catherine and Claire complained about chaperoning while drinking from Catherine's
07:17flask. Claire watched Eric dancing closely with Allison and Jealousy confronted him about missing
07:22their session. He apologized so she reminded him that he had begged for continued tutoring.
07:27Eventually Eric admitted avoiding her because he was too attracted to her and didn't want to get
07:32her in trouble. Stunned Claire taught him to return to the dance. Later they locked eyes across the
07:38room. Claire headed for the exit and Eric followed her to the parking lot and got into the car.
07:43She drove into a dark place and turned off the lights. Claire said they didn't have to go through
07:47with it if he didn't want to but Eric said he do. So Claire joined him in the back seat and
07:52removed his coat. And they kissed and proceeded to have sex.
