Emmerdale - Tom Uses Amelia To Play Mind Game With Belle (4th September 2024)

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00:00I mean, I wasn't expecting a street party,
00:02but I thought she'd at least say she were happy.
00:04Well, I expect she was just being protective.
00:06I know, but I don't want her to be protective.
00:08She needed a bit of support, that's all.
00:11Hey, I'm glad she knows.
00:14We'd nothing to be ashamed of.
00:17I know, but I do still want her to be on board with it.
00:20Mm. OK, well, I'll tell you what.
00:24Why don't you ask her out to lunch
00:26and we can double team the charm of it?
00:28OK, yeah.
00:30Are you OK?
00:31That's one less drink. Should I be...?
00:33We'll bring her round.
00:36Why don't you come back to the house?
00:38Have a brew and a proper catch-up.
00:46Am I the only one who thinks Belle might be on to something?
00:50No, you're not the only one, but we're hardly unbiased, are we?
00:54I just don't get what Amelia sees in him.
01:04I'll get these in.
01:05Best behaviour, OK?
01:08See? He is trying.
01:11What, you think I'm going to be won over
01:13because a bloke's getting the first round in?
01:15It's always worked for you before.
01:19A pint of zero and two dry white wines, please.
01:25Go on, then.
01:27You know you want to.
01:30Well, I'm here with my Amelia and you were pretty vocal yesterday,
01:33so I thought I'd let you get a cheap shot in.
01:37Yeah, get a hold of yourself, mate.
01:40Yeah, what he said.
01:44Fine. As long as we're clear, Belle and I are separated.
01:48So it's nobody else's business what I do with my life.
01:50Implies we care.
01:52Yeah, what she said.
01:58How are we feeling?
02:00Better now, me.
02:01Well, it is your home.
02:03Yeah, I know you've got a place of your own,
02:05but it doesn't stop you coming back here.
02:08You know you'd always be welcome.
02:11And it'd be better than rattling around up there on your own.
02:14I have thought about it.
02:16When a relationship ends, well, there's a grieving period.
02:20Like when someone dies.
02:22How is she?
02:24You don't mean that. Not really.
02:26But it's good you're talking about your feelings.
02:31And at times like this, it's good to be around family.
02:36It just feels like a step backwards.
02:38You don't have to be permanent.
02:40At least have a think about it.
02:42I will. Thanks, Lids.
02:44Well, we're family. Here to support.
02:47And it'd be much easier to do that if you were in Sydney.
02:50I know.
02:52And it'd be much easier to do that if you were in situ.
02:55You know, we can make sure you're doing everything to keep well.
03:01Oh, um...
03:03Just taking your meds and whatnot.
03:06I am taking my meds. Who said I haven't been?
03:09It's just after yesterday.
03:11Here we go. It's all in my imagination.
03:13I never said that. No, but it's what you think.
03:19You practically admitted to stealing Tom's tablet.
03:23And then you accused him of trying to steal it back again.
03:26Look, I know it's hard for you, him being with Amelia.
03:30But can you understand why we'd all think it were a bit...
03:34..out there?
03:36Do you believe me or not?
03:39Of course I believe you, obviously.
03:41It's just I think...
03:42You think that I believe I'm telling the truth.
03:45But I might not be telling the truth because I'm having delusions.
03:49Will you at least try and consider it?
03:50No, I won't consider it. Lydia, this is real.
03:53And Amelia deserves to see what Tom's like, what he's actually like.
03:57So thank you so much for the offer and thank you for all this support,
04:00but, no, I'm good by myself.
04:07The thinker.
04:09Oh, she loves it.
04:10Well, I'm getting more sleep now.
04:11She's a cute horse.
04:13I know how much more I can take watching them play happy families.
04:16Well, I guess you're just going to have to learn to live with it.
04:23Cards on the table.
04:26I get why you'd be nervous.
04:28Look, I am not one to believe everything that I hear, but...
04:32Belle's accusations?
04:36I get it. In your shoes, I'd be worried too.
04:38Well, we were planning on being quiet about it.
04:41Now it's out in the open, it's probably better for everyone.
04:44Yeah, we've done that wrong.
04:49Well, on the subject of what yous have done,
04:52and I reckon you know what I'm talking about...
04:54Kerry, that's none of your business.
04:56I'm just trying to find out how serious this is.
05:00Well, it's serious. Of course it is.
05:02We care about each other, but we're just taking it slow.
05:07Yeah, well, I'm not just talking about the other.
05:09You've got a one-track mind, you.
05:11No, I'm saying there's a lot of other things that go with being serious.
05:15Well, taking it slow for us just means that we're not planning on moving in,
05:19or wedding bells, or, I don't know, even getting a cat together.
05:22Nothing like that, OK?
05:26Well, you've just reminded me.
05:28Esther was talking about wanting a puppy.
05:30Now, given what you just said, I knew at the time it wouldn't be perfect,
05:33but we did just have this litter delivered over at the surgery,
05:38and the owner's looking for homes, so...
05:42Just say if you think it's a bad idea.
05:43No, it's lovely.
05:45Esther will be made up.
05:46Well, do you not think you should be running this past Chas first?
05:49No, Chas will be fine.
05:50It's not like he's going to complain, is it?
05:58He's getting her a puppy.
06:00What? Tom!
06:01Tom, I've just heard him tell Amelia that he's going to get her and Esther a puppy.
06:05Belle, look, I know you're upset about Pye.
06:07No, this isn't about her, OK?
06:09This is... This is exactly what he did to me.
06:12OK, look.
06:14Belle, he's not your problem any more, OK?
06:17And them two, they'll probably be together five minutes and then split up.
06:20He is not your problem any more.
06:22Well, yeah, I know.
06:23I thought we were just talking generally, but, um...
06:26I just think everyone in a way...
06:29I need a word.
06:30Belle, I really don't want to argue, but...
06:32Please, I need you to know exactly what he's like.
06:34Yeah, well, you would say that. You're the ex.
06:36It's got nothing to do with that.
06:38Do me a favour, of course it has.
06:39Amelia, everything he's doing right now is to try and make me jealous.
06:42My God, do you actually hear how pathetic you sound right now?
06:45After everything you've put Tom through,
06:46the help that he's tried to give you were your issues
06:48and you still won't let it go.
06:50He's lying to you about me.
06:51Yeah, well, I'm sorry it didn't work out.
06:53But Tom's actually a really good guy
06:55and he don't deserve you stalking him or me.
06:57Please, just drop it, Belle.
06:59Leave us alone so we can be happy.
07:07Is everything all right? I wonder where you've gone.
07:09Yeah, yeah, I was just coming out.
07:23Well, I wish I'd been there.
07:25Don't just leave her, Kerry. She's not worth the trouble.
07:28You know people should be allowed to have a quiet drink
07:30without being hassled by the local headcase.
07:32Kerry, it's fine. No, it's not fine.
07:35Listen, next time you want to have a go at somebody,
07:40how's about you start with me, yeah?
07:42Sorry, you got a problem? Ask her.
07:44No, I'm asking you, Kerry.
07:46You can quite easily be replaced, you know.
07:48Skating on pretty thin ice as it is.
07:50Everything all right?
07:52Well, let's just say she's going to start losing customers
07:54very quickly if she allows this one to threaten people
07:56every time they go up to the loo.
08:02I just wanted to speak to Amelia.
08:04Hey, it's fine, all right? It's all just a misunderstanding.
08:06I'm sure Belle didn't mean to cause any trouble.
08:09Right, Belle? Oh, fine here, thank you.
08:11Maybe let's all just get back to having a nice, quiet drink, yeah?
08:22Belle, look, I know you've got your problems.
08:25Are you going to start on about my meds as well?
08:27No! I was actually going to say, maybe give this lot a wide berth.
08:33Look, if you need someone to talk to, I'm here for you.
08:35I don't want to talk.
08:36Charity, I just want you to back off.
08:53I knew you used to hide a key.
08:56Just give it to me and go.
08:58I'm just making sure you're OK.
08:59I'm fine now. Get out.
09:01Really? Cos you didn't seem fine earlier.
09:04What was all that with Amelia?
09:06Tom, please.
09:08Please just leave her alone. I'm begging you, don't do this.
09:10I'm begging you, do not do this to her.
09:12You think I'm enjoying it?
09:16I mean, clearly you're jealous.
09:17And I wouldn't mind if it wasn't so unnecessary.
09:20I'm not jealous.
09:22Oh, come on.
09:25After what happened today...
09:27And I get it.
09:29I'd be jealous too if the roles were reversed.
09:36We'd be so good if we got together again.
09:40You know we would.
09:52I'm never giving up on Isabel.
09:56Believe it.
10:00We belong together.
10:03You'll see.
10:05You'll see.
10:07In the end.
