الشيخ حجاج الهنداوى ربع ختام بقرية ميت خاقان

  • 2 days ago


00:30Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim
01:00Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim
01:30Ar-Rahman ar-Rahim
02:00Kalla iza balaghati al-taraqi
02:15wa qeela man ta'ata
02:29wa zanna annahum firaq
02:42wa'l-taqdaqa al-falaqu bil-la'iqlaa rabbika yawma illa'l-masaaq
03:12fa laa saddaqa wa laa sallaa wa laa kin kathaba wa ta'ala
03:42thumma dhahada idhaa anjihi yatanakka
03:54awlaa laka fa awlaa
03:59thumma awlaa laka fa awlaa
04:12ayahsahu al-insanu an yutrakasuda
04:27alam yaghrufatan min maliyuna
04:42thumma kala alaqatan fa qalaqa fasawa
04:53thumma kala alaqatan fa qalaqa fasawa
05:11thumma kala alaqatan fa qalaqa fasawa
05:41thumma kala alaqatan fa qalaqa fasawa
05:56Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim
06:13wujuhu l-yawma zinnaa dhurratun idhaa rabbika
06:31wujuhu l-yawma zinnaa dhurratun idhaa rabbika
07:01wujuhu l-yawma zinnaa dhurratun idhaa rabbika
07:32taqlaa idhaa laqati at-tawafi
07:51taqlaa idhaa laqati at-tawafi
08:05wadahannahu al-firaq wa-l-jalafat
08:16laqadithati laqadithati laqadithati
08:31Allahu Akbar
08:33Allahu Akbar
08:35Allahu Akbar
08:38Allahu Akbar
08:40Allahu Akbar
08:52taqlaa idhaa laqati at-tawafi
09:08taqlaa idhaa laqati at-tawafi
09:19waqeela man raaqat
09:32wadahannahu al-firaq
09:48taqlaa idhaa laqati at-tawafi
09:57waqeela man raaqat
10:03wadahannahu al-firaq
10:10wa-l-taqlaa idhaa rabbika yawma zinnaa
10:40wa laa saddaqa wa laa sallaa
10:55wa laa dhikal zahraa wa tawallaa
11:10thumma zahraa lillaa lilliyaka man qawlaa
11:26awlaa laka fa awlaa thumma awlaa laka fa awlaa
11:40ayahzabu l-insaanu ayn yuyurata suhlaa
12:00alam yakulutafa min maniyunnaa
12:20thumma kaanaa laka
12:30thumma kaanaa laka
12:42thumma kaanaa laka
13:13alayhi s-salam alayhi s-salam alayhi s-salam alayhi s-salam
13:15alayhi s-salam alayhi s-salam
13:32alayhi s-salam
13:50ayahzabu l-insaanu ayn yuyurata suhlaa
14:20alam yakulutafa min maniyunnaa
14:31thumma kaanaa laka
14:37alayhi s-salam alayhi s-salam alayhi s-salam
14:45thumma kaanaa laka
14:55alayhi s-salam alayhi s-salam alayhi s-salam
15:25ayahzabu l-insaanu ayn yuyurata suhlaa
15:55alayhi s-salam alayhi s-salam alayhi s-salam
16:19bismillahir rahmanir raheem
16:36bismillahir rahmanir raheem
16:56wa allathee qaddaa fahdaa
17:18wa allathee akhraa bil baaraa
17:27wa allathee akhraa bil baaraa
17:57ayahzabu l-insaanu ayn yuyurata suhlaa
18:17allathee qaddaa fahdaa
18:32bismillahir rahmanir raheem
18:45sabbihim rabbika lahla allathee khalaqa fahdaa
19:09allathee qaddaa fahdaa
19:15wa allathee akhraa bil baaraa
19:26wa allathee akhraa bil baaraa
19:47wa allathee akhraa bil baaraa
20:17wa allathee akhraa bil baaraa
20:28innahu yab'lahu al-qamraa maa yufsaa
20:37wa l-yamteeru khalil yusraa
20:53sabbihim rabbika lahla allathee khalaqa fahdaa
21:01wa allathee qaddaa fahdaa
21:06wa allathee akhraa bil baaraa
21:23wa allathee akhraa bil baaraa
21:30wa l-yamteeru khalil yusraa
21:43wa l-yamteeru khalil yusraa
22:13innahu yab'lahu al-qamraa maa yufsaa
22:28wa l-yamteeru khalil yusraa
22:38fadakhtee linnama'atidh zikraa
23:03fadakhtee linnama'atidh zikraa
23:26linnama'atidh zikraa
23:55fadakhtee linnama'atidh zikraa
24:04fadakhtee linnama'atidh zikraa
24:34fadakhtee linnama'atidh zikraa
24:44innaha lafyuhfukhul mulaa
24:55innaha lafyuhfukhul mulaa
25:15suhufi Ibraheem wa Musa
25:35innaha lafyuhfukhul mulaa
25:41suhufi Ibraheem wa Musa
25:48There is none worthy of worship except Allah
26:17There is none worthy of worship except Allah
26:26Allah is the Greatest
26:33and to Allah we belong
26:46bismillahir rahmanir raheem
27:16bismillahir rahmanir raheem
27:32bismillahir rahmanir raheem
27:42bismillahir rahmanir raheem
27:53bismillahir rahmanir raheem
28:03bismillahir rahmanir raheem
28:13bismillahir rahmanir raheem
28:23bismillahir rahmanir raheem
28:33suhufi Ibraheem wa Musa
29:03suhufi Ibraheem wa Musa
29:10There is none worthy of worship except Allah
29:21There is none worthy of worship except Allah
29:44bismillahir rahmanir raheem
29:53bismillahir rahmanir raheem
30:03bismillahir rahmanir raheem
30:24The Creator of mankind is none other than Allah
30:35Recite! Recite!
30:45Recite! Recite!
30:47Recite! Recite!
30:49Recite! Recite!
30:51Recite! Recite!
30:54Recite! Recite!
30:58Recite! Recite!
31:00Recite! Recite!
31:02Recite! Recite!
31:04Recite! Recite!
31:06Recite! Recite!
31:08Recite! Recite!
31:10Recite! Recite!
31:12Recite! Recite!
31:14Recite! Recite!
31:16Recite! Recite!
31:18Recite! Recite!
31:20Recite! Recite!
31:22Recite! Recite!
31:24Recite! Recite!
31:26Recite! Recite!
31:30Recite! Recite!
31:32Recite! Recite!
31:34Recite! Recite!
31:44In the name of allah, most gracious and merciful
31:48The name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful
32:18The Most Merciful, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful
32:48Allahumma ta'ala hum na'afin na'afin
32:58Allahumma ta'ala hum na'afin na'afin
33:08Allahumma ta'ala hum na'afin
33:16Allahumma ta'ala hum na'afin
33:26Allahumma ta'ala hum na'afin
33:36Ta'ala hum na'afin
33:44Allahumma ta'ala hum na'afin
33:54Ar-ra'aytahin ka'ala ala al-huda al-amr bi'l-taqwa
34:41Allahumma ta'ala hum na'afin
34:49Allahumma ta'ala hum na'afin
34:57Allahumma ta'ala hum na'afin
35:41Ar-ra'aytahin ka'ala al-huda al-amr bi'l-taqwa
