Baby Blues TAS_ Teddy Cam

  • 2 days ago


00:14Got that magazine you wanted Thanks
01:09It sure is nice to go out to dinner every now and then
01:14Busy's not expecting us for another hour. Maybe we should do something crazy. Let's go to Summit Hill and make out great
01:23Actually, I heard that area is not so safe anymore. Yeah, and I had the garlic shrimp I miss Zoe let's go home
01:30I hope busy and Zoe had a nice time. We're so lucky to have busy
01:33Oh, yeah, when we're out, it really relaxes me to know Zoe's in good hands
01:38Can I help you
01:41We're looking for our daughter busy your parents are here. No, our daughter is Zoe. We're the McPherson's. Oh, right
01:48Please come in. Thank you
01:51Hi, mr. Mrs. Mac. This is my boyfriend boyfriend. Oh, you must be Johnny busy told me about you
01:58Yeah, well, I'm out of here rebound biz
02:15Bye guy change never busy. You didn't tell us your boyfriend was gonna be here
02:20Yeah, and don't tell my mom. She still thinks he's in juvie
02:24Excuse me. I have to go count some things
02:28Johnny seems friendly. He's okay. Oh, I kind of hate all men. Thank you. Mr. Mac. You don't count. Thanks again
02:36What's wrong, honey? Would a drive help you sleep? Okay by my ride. I'm meeting some friends at a club. Sure
02:42Let me just ditch my bra
02:45Bouncer lets me in free that still works like two charms
02:49Wanda I don't like this one bit. We pay busy to babysit. So we not entertain some Fonzie wannabe Daryl. It's busy
02:55We've known her since she was a Girl Scout. Yeah. Well, I think some parts of the oath may have slipped her mind
03:00Well, I trust her completely and who doesn't cut loose a little in high school
03:10Yeah, those were wild times
03:16She's asleep, ah, I know you probably won't understand busy, but there's no sight more exciting when your own child's sleeping
03:24Yeah, you're right don't understand
03:31Here we are
03:32Xerxes didn't this used to be photosynthesis. It's been Xerxes forever like three months
03:38I've never heard of that band. Oh, it's not a band. It's a guy roadkill hoagie. He's Dutch
03:45I used to know all this stuff. When did I get so out of the loop?
03:54Welcome Wanda McPherson
03:57Where am I? You are in the present a brave new world that has reached the apex of civilization
04:04Since you gave birth our planet has witnessed many changes
04:08There are now two Starbucks on every corner
04:12The Internet has been replaced by a highly advanced text access device called the yellow pages
04:19Finally the Republican and Democratic parties have been replaced by
04:24respectively big business and big business
04:29Are you okay? Mrs. Mack? Oh
04:32Sorry, it's just that things are changing so fast. Yeah menopause must suck. See ya
04:50So, we're having we fooled around how about the kitchen counter good idea
04:55It'll be that much easier to eat their food and drink their liquor. Have you seen the baby? Don't worry
05:00I put her in a safe place. I
05:05Think you about got that bush girl, huh? You got something on your mind
05:09Yeah, is it okay?
05:10Don't wait for me to start talking so you can interrupt what you said
05:13I had to ask permission if I was gonna do something dangerous. Is it gonna kill you me?
05:19No, then quit bothering me, huh?
05:23What were we talking about? Oh, our babysitter's got this new boyfriend and I'm worried about Zoe. Huh? What's your wife think?
05:29She says I'm paranoid. That's what they say when they're in on it
05:32If only there was some way I could know what's going on while we're not home
05:37Come with me
05:43Would you mind telling me what we're doing consolidating our power Darryl for truly information is power
05:52Follow me
06:01What is this my own private Central Intelligence Agency
06:05I've installed hidden cameras throughout the house to monitor the comings and goings of my loved ones
06:09Let's see what the wife's up to. Don't you trust Melinda not as much as I trust the Banneker micro eye
06:15Yeah, I want to order the cheese maker
06:172000 the inventor himself just demonstrated it on the cheese maker 2000 talk show and the audience is very excited
06:24I don't know. What color says it come in Oh
06:28Cheddar yellow, that sounds pretty
06:30Credit card number. Yeah, this is Carl Bitterman. I'm afraid we lost our credit card again
06:35Yeah, no, no, no, thank you
06:39Canceled what do you mean canceled? I tell you this place pays for itself Carl
06:44I can't believe you spy on your own family just level on the playing field
06:49Hello, what's this?
06:57And in
07:00Lawnmower so what I'm supposed to wire my house with cameras depends
07:04Does your secret room have a fiber-optic platform with XL network switches? I don't even have a secret room
07:16Wow, according your voice pattern you're telling the truth. Well, that makes it hard but not impossible a
07:27Teddy bear that lazy eye. It's a video camera. Just turn it on and walk away
07:31I don't know Carl Darryl. This is about your daughter's well-being. It's not like we do this for kicks
07:37Hey, isn't that our bedroom? Nope
07:43If you're looking for show tunes ma'am there on aisle three, I'm fine
07:47We have a just-released collection of Broadway gems. No, thank you sung by Miss Julie Andrews
07:53I just want the new roadkill hoagie CD. Yes, ma'am. How would you like that gift wrap? Why would I want a gift wrap?
08:00Well, I just assumed it was for someone. Yeah, it's for me
08:04buried in the basement
08:06starting to smell
08:08Buried in the basement, please. Don't tell her you'll be buried in the basement. Think I'm in love
08:18Darryl I got such a wake-up call last night. What do you mean?
08:21Can you name one top 40 album sure Barney's sleepy time songs Elmo Palooza adult top 40?
08:29Oh, no, exactly since Zoe was born. It's like we've been in a cave, but we're parents now
08:35It's okay not to know that stuff. It's not okay for me. I want to reconnect. I need stimulation. We joined the zoo
08:41That's not enough. You don't know you get to go to an office every day and interact with adults
08:47Hey captain Walcott's got a booger on his time there
08:50It does keep you sharp. Well, I've hired busy to come in a couple of afternoons a week busy, huh?
08:56I'm gonna take a class go to the gym. Do you think Johnny will come with her? I don't know probably
09:02Probably so when's your first day tomorrow tomorrow?
09:06What time?
09:09Three o'clock that's 1,500 hours, right? Oh
09:15It's for Zoe
09:20Walking shoes captain Walcott's got a piece of spinach in his teeth. Hey, what's this?
09:24Nothing said the guy who just pulled a videotape out of a teddy bear none of your business Kenny, please
09:30No, I'll be your best friend. I'm sorry to say you may already be there. Come on
09:36Our babysitter's got a boyfriend and I'm afraid she's not paying attention to Zoe so you spied on all right
09:42Hey pop teenagers getting it on. It'll be like watching the WB
09:52Okay, I'll sing it again, but you have to eat your veggie
09:56She's incredible. What a babysitter. She plays she interacts. She keeps her clothes on I blew off a focus group for this
10:04Hey busy, what do you say? We find out if this couch folds out? Whoa warm up the pause button
10:10Get off me you jerk, but I got knees. Yeah, we'll go suck a binky. I'm watching the baby the baby's fine
10:19In your face punk. Hi. Oh, hi, mrs. Mack. Let me get my stuff
10:26Shows over Wanda was right about busy all along. I will never doubt my wife again
10:34You must work out a lot today was the first time since Zoe was born you're kidding
10:40Well, I got a figure there's a surrogate mother out there carrying the birth weight
10:44Well, I try you're not just trying you are succeeding
10:51Hello you look like you work out a lot too you'd be the judge
10:56My goodness, I
10:58Know that giggle that's her first date giggle. Hey looks like that guy's taking care of your baby
11:08You look like you work out a lot too you'd be the judge
11:12My goodness
11:20That didn't mean anything let's believe that or blow your brains out what I was just being friendly so as mrs.
11:25Robinson, you're crazy. Yeah. Well riddle me this captain. Has your wife been acting different lately?
11:30Well, she has been talking about needing excitement egg saloon reconnecting with the world
11:36Perfect quit talking like a Batman villain. So you're gonna confront her. Oh, that's a good idea
11:40I'll just say hey, honey. I saw the darndest thing today on my hidden spy camera
11:43Well, I would at least keep an eye on the situation. I'm not gonna spy on my own wife. You've got the technology
11:51No, no, I'm returning this to Carl because I'm not like you Kenny I trust people
12:03So, uh, what's your hum in there Oh new song roadkill hoagie no scissor bitch Johnny turned me on to them Johnny turned you on
12:10Huh? Oh Darryl these few hours a week means so much
12:14I was feeling like the adventurous part of my life was over but now there are exciting new experiences around every corner
12:21You wanted to see me mrs. Gordon. Yes Conrad. It's about your grave
12:27It's been bad. Is this 90210? No, I don't watch that anymore. They got too old look
12:32I'm gonna be late for a football practice. Okay, if I change here, oh, please
12:39Mrs. Gordon, are you sure? There's not some way I could get extra credit. Oh
12:46I heard this was good
12:48You know
12:48I could have a body like that if I was some dead bring teenager who sat around all day doing bicep curls while he watched
12:53Cartoons, but I got responsibilities. I got a wife and family to support
12:58Stupid show put a quarter in you
13:02And I thought I was the teacher. Oh to thank busy for this week
13:06I said we take her and Johnny out to dinner tomorrow. Hey great
13:09We can talk about blackheads and make out in the high jump it fine. Don't come
13:14So, where's busy she couldn't make it either
13:19I'll come and
13:21The Lumberjacks said that takes care of my hiccups now who's gonna inflate this thing
13:28That was a joke you were trying to tell him I right there yeah, I remember the punchline now
13:32What a terrific restaurant Johnny. Well, I'm always looking to try new things grow or die. That's my creed. Oh
13:40What's wrong sweetie? Are you hungry? I got it
13:49Wanda what are you doing? We're in a restaurant
13:51I fed Zoe in restaurants before not when we have company
13:55I'm sure nobody minds don't we live in an exciting time so many of the old taboos falling away
14:01Yeah, well, let me tell you something kid some of those quote-unquote taboos hold our society together
14:07Morality fidelity discretion. May I take a your he'll have the soapbox
14:14Well, Zoe and I need to powder our noses me too, let me carry that for you. Thank you. Thank you for that smile
14:23Something's going on
14:25Huh? Johnny's getting ready to move on. What makes you think that there are signs?
14:29Usually he's real romantic, you know holding hands copying feels I bet he's seeing someone else
14:37We're back Darryl, guess what? I'm going for a motorcycle ride tomorrow your wife told me she'd never been on one
14:44So I offered to take her for a ride
15:15How'd you know I've got my sources
15:25So we come over the rise of the 16th green and there's my ball 12 12 and a half feet from the cup hello
15:32Huh, oh, sorry, you weren't listening to a word I said
15:39Okay on the first tee I pull out my three would Kenny do you think I'm boring no
15:44But I'll think you're rude if you keep interrupting my very interesting golf story, but if you were a woman, would you find me stimulating?
15:52Darryl cubicle walls don't reach the ceiling
15:56Well, well if it isn't the odd man out I don't need you right now Rodney that motorcycle guy was here earlier
16:03I'm handsome, isn't he? He's just a boy a boy can remind a woman. She was once a girl
16:09What do you get this stuff? Thank you. I've said it to my mom
16:17Just gets easier and easier
16:20Just gets easier and easier
16:24Yeah, how was your day great I made I forgot some of the office be back soon bye tacos
16:33Hey, mr. Mack, could you go by the mall busy? How long have you been out there?
16:42So, how's it going fans sucky tastic, yeah, I know the feeling mr.
16:48Mack, how do you know if someone really loves you?
16:51Well, I guess they make you feel like you're special
16:55Stick by you when things get tough
16:58Now, you know what you can't ever really know in the end giving your heart to someone
17:02It's just a huge leap of faith. Stop the car
17:07Hey Teresa recognize me
17:11Take that
17:14How's the pavement feel huh, sweetie
17:20Huge leap of faith, I'm not gonna watch this
18:06That was so exciting it does get the blood moving Oh busy must have taken Zoe to the park
18:12You want something to drink? I think that's a good idea. Loosen us up a little bit set the mood
18:19Here you go Cheers
18:23Thank you so much for today Johnny, you're welcome
18:26So is your husband home? He's at work
18:31What are you?
18:33What do you say? We find out if this couch folds out?
18:37Uh, I already know if it folds out or not. I bought it
18:41You know Johnny after a woman has a baby
18:45She's very insecure and the attention of a young man means a lot
18:50But I'm married to a wonderful man and for busy's sake you should try to be such a man. Do you understand?
18:58We're not gonna do it, right?
19:01Last food stir does good flowers like they need to do it
19:12Hi, did you get what you needed turns out I didn't need it after all
19:16Hey, let's say you pack those up and we go on a picnic where well
19:20I don't know someplace new someplace old who cares as long as we're together. Well, okay
19:25What's that for I just love you
19:34That's really sweet
