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Motiv8's Mark Cromwell talks to us about overdose awareness month
00:00What is your full name? My name is Mark Cromwell and I am an accredited addictions professional at Motivate.
00:07And how did you get into Motivate?
00:11So, I applied for a job there, I got into recovery. I used to have issues with substances myself.
00:20I went away, got support, did a bit of work on myself and I seen a post come up at Motivate.
00:27Went for it, got given a voluntary role and I have worked my way up from that.
00:34And in terms of the charity Motivate, what do they offer and who do they offer it to?
00:40So we are a free and confidential service, we are a charity.
00:44We provide support to people with issues around alcohol, drugs, gambling, even gaming as well as an issue today.
00:51And on the back of that we provide support to people that are affected by that, to family members, friends and so on.
00:58And we have a very valued group work programme that goes on as well. So a lot of community has been created.
01:07This is an opioid reversal drug, so anybody that has an overdose, this can be administered and this can put a stop gap between that person's overdose and vital life care getting put in place.
01:23So what we try and do is we encourage people to carry one of these and we encourage people to bring an ambulance as well.
01:30Lots of vital message around this as well.
01:33This lasts for about 20 minutes or half an hour.
01:35Does it?
01:37But in terms of how, I know obviously you're giving them out to people today, but if people say they didn't feel comfortable collecting one today, how would they go about picking one up off you guys?
01:47So they can look us up on our Facebook page, our socials and there's a drop in every Wednesday 12 till 2, it's free, it's confidential.
01:58It takes about 10 to 15 minutes. Come in nice and discreet, get it out there in the community, you know, let's end overdoses.
02:07Is that a quote then for this stand today?
02:11Just to raise awareness of, because the ethos behind Overdose Awareness Days is that it's put on the 31st of August because September is Recovery Awareness Month.
02:23So we try and sort of kick start it off with obviously us being here and just raising awareness, getting it out there, you know, recovery is possible, there's support out there.
02:33And like I said, motivate is free and it's confidential and we're here to help people in our community.
