あにまるランキングダム 2024年9月5日 ~不思議&最強!スゴい動物大図鑑~

  • 2 days ago
あにまるランキングダム 2024年9月5日 ~不思議&最強!スゴい動物大図鑑~
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00:00A few days later
00:00:04There are more than 1.5 million species of animals in the world
00:00:08They have acquired various abilities during evolution
00:00:13The special ability of such animals is
00:00:16It's a mystery of life that's full of amazing life forms
00:00:25The mystery of the animals God gave
00:00:28Makabushi Special Ability Ranking Dam
00:00:36Are there any animals you like?
00:00:38The master of mimicry, Mimic Octopus
00:00:41Mimic Octopus
00:00:43Mimic Octopus
00:00:45In Japanese, it's an octopus that mimics
00:00:49Yes, Mimic Octopus is the master of mimicry
00:00:54The one who is disguised now is
00:00:57A flounder with poison
00:01:00It looks like a flounder
00:01:02He pretends to be a dangerous creature with poison
00:01:05He protects himself from the enemy
00:01:12The one who appeared in front of him is
00:01:14Minokasago with a poisonous fin
00:01:18The master of mimicry, Mimic Octopus
00:01:21What will he do?
00:01:23He will transform
00:01:28He changed his color
00:01:30He changed his color in an instant
00:01:33He changed his color in an instant
00:01:38In general, octopuses and flounders can change their body color instantly
00:01:44Because they have a method of coloring that includes various colors in the skin
00:01:50By making it shrink or enlarge, they can create complex colors
00:01:57Mimic Octopus's special ability is
00:02:00Not only the color and pattern, but also the shape of the body and the speed of swimming
00:02:07I want this ability
00:02:11According to experts, flounders and Minokasago have been created
00:02:17It is thought to be an ability obtained through evolution
00:02:22If they don't look like each other, they will all be eaten
00:02:25Then there will be a little resemblance
00:02:28Then they will get married and have a lot of children
00:02:31Then there will be a little resemblance
00:02:34It's an endless repetition
00:02:38It's like a world where a slippery imitator is killed
00:02:42There are so many people around
00:02:44It's amazing
00:02:46Here is a sudden hide-and-seek quiz
00:02:50What is hidden?
00:02:53Please answer in 5 seconds
00:02:58What is that?
00:03:02The correct answer is
00:03:06What is that?
00:03:08It's bigger than I thought
00:03:10It's big
00:03:11There is an animal I know
00:03:13Yes, of course
00:03:14Here is the next question
00:03:16What is hidden?
00:03:18Where is it?
00:03:21I don't know
00:03:22I don't know
00:03:23Where is it?
00:03:24Where is it?
00:03:26The correct answer is
00:03:28Where is it?
00:03:31I don't know
00:03:32It's a flounder
00:03:36Please show me again
00:03:38I don't know
00:03:40Please show me again
00:03:43Is the outline correct?
00:03:50It's amazing
00:03:51It's amazing
00:03:52I was told
00:03:54Here is the next question
00:03:56It's amazing
00:03:57It's amazing
00:03:58It's amazing
00:03:59Can you run there?
00:04:01A small and cute basilisk
00:04:05A lizard basilisk lost in the pool
00:04:10It lives in a tropical rainforest
00:04:12It's the biggest and the biggest
00:04:14It's the biggest and the biggest
00:04:16It's the biggest and the biggest
00:04:18It's in a big trouble
00:04:24The dog Brody is locked on
00:04:29It's in a big trouble
00:04:35Brody is getting closer
00:04:37The next moment
00:04:39Basilisk activates a special ability
00:04:48It goes there
00:04:49It goes there
00:04:52It runs on the water
00:04:56It can't do that
00:04:58It's a dog this time
00:05:00It usually runs away from the crocodile and the snake
00:05:04The silhouette is very interesting
00:05:07It's okay because it's good at diving
00:05:13This is a video of a green basilisk running on the water
00:05:20It only uses its hind legs
00:05:23It takes a step forward before it sinks
00:05:28It can run 20 steps in a second
00:05:35It's a basilisk
00:05:40Basilisk's legs are flat
00:05:44It doesn't sink
00:05:48The 13th question
00:05:53Why did it become like this?
00:05:55A dolphin launched into the land
00:06:00Dolphins live in the seas all over the world
00:06:04Their special abilities are different depending on where they live
00:06:11They have their own abilities depending on where they live
00:06:14This is the most surprising one
00:06:24Dolphins are swimming in the water
00:06:29Dolphins are swimming in the water
00:06:36It's looking sideways
00:06:38Let's take a closer look
00:06:44A lot of fish
00:06:50Are they eating them?
00:06:54This is the reason
00:06:56The reason why dolphins live in the sea
00:06:59They can't move fish
00:07:02Strand feeding
00:07:05The method is to surround the fish with teamwork
00:07:09and gradually push them to the shore
00:07:13I see
00:07:15Then, at once
00:07:19They create a wave and push the fish to the shore
00:07:27Dolphins get a lot of fish
00:07:33According to an expert,
00:07:35it's more efficient for dolphins to put the fish on the land
00:07:40than to chase them in the shallow
00:07:44They are smart
00:07:46However, this hunting
00:07:48seems to be exposed to birds living nearby
00:07:51Birds gather at the time of hunting
00:07:54Like this
00:07:56This is natural
00:07:59There are some students like this
00:08:02In the human world
00:08:04Yes, there are
00:08:14The penguins are so kind
00:08:19The daily life of animals is mysterious
00:08:26The miraculous drama is ranked
00:08:34We should learn from animals
00:08:41In the strongest animal card battle, the dream match comes true
00:08:46Lion, it's you
00:08:53Lion VS Tiger
00:09:00Shark VS Crocodile
00:09:06I'll give it to you
00:09:12Deep sea
00:09:20Animals are studied from all angles
00:09:24Animal Rankingdom
00:09:28Welcome to our kingdom, Animal Rankingdom
00:09:33I'm Takumi Saito, the king
00:09:37And I'm Kazueizawa, the minister who supports the king
00:09:46The minister has a strong personality
00:09:50Please be quiet
00:09:53The king said to be quiet
00:09:55In this kingdom
00:09:57Not only humans
00:09:59The world created by humans
00:10:03How can I say
00:10:07Wait, the character
00:10:09Please stop
00:10:11He's the king
00:10:13Don't stand in front of the king
00:10:15I don't know what you're talking about
00:10:17Don't stand in front of the king
00:10:19Don't stand in front of the king
00:10:22I'm not the king
00:10:25I think it's a game where animals coexist and respect each other
00:10:31I think it's a game where only humans can decide
00:10:36Humans are said to be animals that stumble on the same stone
00:10:41This is
00:10:44It's not a belly, it's a soft
00:10:46Which one?
00:10:49The former president of Uruguay, Mr. Fuhika
00:10:51The best in the world
00:10:53He said that after visiting the atomic bomb dome in Japan
00:10:57History taught me
00:10:59Only humans stumble on the same stone
00:11:03It means repeating the same stone
00:11:05That means
00:11:07We have something to learn from animals
00:11:13Let's talk about animals together
00:11:15Can I say one thing?
00:11:17You can't talk about anything other than me
00:11:19You've been talking about the king for a long time
00:11:21Mr. Yashio said it
00:11:23I don't have time
00:11:33Komatsugumi that creates color
00:11:37Komatsugumi is loved by bird watching fans all over North America
00:11:43Another name is Robin
00:11:46The secret of Robin's special ability is in the egg in the nest
00:11:52It's said to create color
00:11:55What does it mean?
00:12:01This is the egg
00:12:03It's beautiful
00:12:05The beautiful blue that wakes you up
00:12:07It's called Robin's Egg Blue
00:12:10It became a hot topic that it looks like Tiffany's brand color
00:12:14The reason why it's blue
00:12:16It's a color that stands out
00:12:18Be careful not to drop it from the nest
00:12:21It also has the role of suppressing the absorption of UV
00:12:25Various speculations have been made
00:12:28The truth has not been revealed
00:12:36Planaria that revives again and again
00:12:42Planetary rock
00:12:45Planaria that only lives in beautiful rivers
00:12:49The body length is about 1 to 2 cm
00:12:52It's an insect-free animal
00:12:55It has eyes and a brain, but no blood vessels
00:13:00This is a video demonstrating Planaria's special ability
00:13:06When you take out the nest
00:13:08In three parts
00:13:17Is it alive?
00:13:19Under observation
00:13:24It's back
00:13:26From the head to the tail
00:13:31From the tail to the eyes and the head
00:13:36From the body
00:13:38The head and the tail began to regenerate
00:13:41What is this?
00:13:43What does it mean?
00:13:46And finally
00:13:48In one week, the original shape
00:13:51Planaria with the same genes
00:13:53Increased to three
00:13:55What is this ability?
00:13:57In addition, even if it is cut in three or five
00:14:03According to American research
00:14:05From the size of 1 in 279
00:14:08It has been proven to regenerate completely
00:14:12It will increase infinitely
00:14:15What is the reason for this special ability?
00:14:18Planaria cells
00:14:20It has the same characteristics as iPS cells
00:14:25It can determine and regenerate the damaged part
00:14:34In such Planaria
00:14:36Even more
00:14:40Transform the body
00:15:09Even if it is cut in three
00:15:11In one week
00:15:13Return to the original body
00:15:15With the same genes
00:15:20In such Planaria
00:15:22Even more
00:15:27Transform the body
00:15:37Increased by itself
00:15:39Planaria does it on its own
00:15:45Planaria is a male and female animal
00:15:51It can be increased depending on the sex
00:15:53It can also increase on its own
00:15:55It is an animal with a special ability
00:15:59How do you die?
00:16:02If you crush it, you will die easily
00:16:06If you crush it, you will die easily
00:16:08You may die of thirst
00:16:11The ability to increase is because the structure is simple
00:16:15If humans get tired of The Touch
00:16:18It will be more interesting
00:16:20It will be more interesting
00:16:22It will be more interesting
00:16:24The audience will only be The Touch
00:16:29The 10th place in the ranking of special abilities
00:16:34The one who proposed with a red circle
00:16:37The King Azarashi
00:16:41When the ice in the sea melts and the cracks begin to appear
00:16:45The season of love begins
00:16:47The King Azarashi, who lives with the face of the North Pole and the North Atlantic
00:16:53The nose is long
00:16:55When the male becomes 6 years old
00:16:57The nose tissue develops and the nose becomes inflated
00:17:04What is this?
00:17:06When two people are threatened and decide which one is bigger
00:17:09This is used
00:17:11This is not a special ability
00:17:14It looks for a lover and pokes the sea
00:17:18It looks for a lover and pokes the sea
00:17:21It seems to have found a target
00:17:25It slowly approaches
00:17:27What should I do?
00:17:28The King Azarashi's proposal strategy begins
00:17:33What should I do?
00:17:36It's cute
00:17:37Is it a heart?
00:17:38What is this?
00:17:43Is this a kiss?
00:17:44A red balloon popped out of the nose
00:17:48This is a special ability of the King Azarashi that appeals to females by inflating the skin on the inside of the left nostril
00:17:56It looks bad
00:17:59However, even if you try hard, you may be shaken like humans
00:18:05I'm shaken by this
00:18:07I'm torn
00:18:09It's like a fight between males
00:18:11The bigger the nose is, the better
00:18:14It's clear
00:18:16Even if you don't hurt each other
00:18:20It's good to know before fighting
00:18:24You don't have to get hurt
00:18:26Humans are the same as Rizent
00:18:32The era is bigger
00:18:34Rizent is not good for women
00:18:36That's right
00:18:38Humans learn from animals
00:18:43Next, the 9th place
00:18:47A snake that lives in the forest that admires the sky
00:18:53A snake about 1.2 meters long living in South Asia
00:18:58First, let's take a look at its special ability
00:19:12This snake can actually fly
00:19:16Its name is Paradise Flying Snake
00:19:21First, pay attention to the moment it flies
00:19:25It jumps using the recoil of the branch
00:19:29And if you look closely
00:19:32By spreading the ribs and flattening the body, it increases air resistance
00:19:41If you catch the wind well, you can fly over 100 meters
00:19:47100 meters is amazing
00:19:50According to experts
00:19:52There is a theory that it can fly to capture flying lizards
00:20:00Next, the 8th place
00:20:05A snake that makes young children work hard
00:20:11A snake about 1 cm long living in South Asia and Australia
00:20:19While many ants are making nest in the ground
00:20:23Their nest is
00:20:26A leaf that grew on a tree
00:20:32How do they make a nest with a leaf?
00:20:38Ants are weaving their bodies together
00:20:43They are bending the leaves together
00:20:46It's like a cartoon
00:20:48It's the same way as making a bridge in a man's house
00:20:54The way they work efficiently is
00:20:58A true craftsmanship
00:21:02This alone is enough
00:21:05But what they use for finishing is their special ability
00:21:12What is it?
00:21:15A weaving ant brings a white object to the scene
00:21:19What is it?
00:21:21And then
00:21:26It looks like a thread
00:21:28It looks like a thread
00:21:31What is this?
00:21:37Furthermore, it's mysterious
00:21:41It's a special ability ranking of mysterious animals
00:21:47And then
00:21:49Lion, it's you
00:21:53In the card battle to decide the strongest animal
00:21:55A dream match is realized
00:21:57Who will win?
00:22:01To be continued
00:22:04A weaving ant makes a nest with a leaf
00:22:10What is their special ability?
00:22:16A weaving ant brings a white object to the scene
00:22:21And then
00:22:24It looks like a thread
00:22:28The white object is a weaving ant
00:22:34With the thread that the ant brings
00:22:37They weave the leaves together to make a nest
00:22:44They fold the leaves and glue them together
00:22:49They repeat this process
00:22:51In just a few hours, the nest is completed
00:22:58They've been working hard since they were kids
00:23:01They make a nest together
00:23:05This is the ability of a weaving ant
00:23:11They've been working hard since they were kids
00:23:13Mr. Terada has been working hard since he was a kid
00:23:16He's been working a lot
00:23:18He's been working more than a weaving ant
00:23:20How many years have you been working?
00:23:23I've been working for 14 years
00:23:297th place
00:23:33What is the reason?
00:23:35The male penguins' Oshikura Manju
00:23:41The male penguins live in the Antarctic
00:23:43They are about 1.2 meters long
00:23:48They breed in the Antarctic in winter
00:23:51They are the only animals on Earth
00:23:54It's a barren land
00:23:55It's a harsh environment, so there are no predators
00:24:00When females lay eggs
00:24:02They immediately leave the eggs to the males
00:24:04They go to the sea to store nutrients
00:24:08Meanwhile, it's the male penguins' job to warm the eggs
00:24:14It takes about two months for the females to come back
00:24:18The males don't eat anything
00:24:20And they hatch from starvation
00:24:25In the Antarctic in winter, the sun doesn't rise all day
00:24:29The temperature can reach minus 60 degrees
00:24:36How do they overcome the harsh environment?
00:24:48All penguins?
00:24:49The penguins gather in the Antarctic
00:24:52I don't want to go outside
00:24:56I want to go inside
00:25:00They gather in large numbers
00:25:02And stick their bodies together
00:25:07It's like an Oshikura Manju
00:25:12This engine is called a paddle
00:25:15The males survive the cold with each other's body temperature
00:25:20I don't think it's cold
00:25:22And if you look closely
00:25:28They switch
00:25:30In fact, this is to prevent the males on the outside from getting cold
00:25:35They switch inside and outside regularly
00:25:39They are so kind
00:25:41Penguins are so kind
00:25:44They follow the same rules
00:25:46I want to go inside
00:25:50This is what we need to learn
00:25:52We are the humans
00:25:55Their movement is like a wave
00:25:59The penguins' wave
00:26:04They stick together like this
00:26:06And wait for Hina's birth
00:26:10Not only the emperor penguins help each other
00:26:17For example, a small penguin about 40 cm in length
00:26:22What are the special abilities taken in New Zealand?
00:26:28A small penguin appeared on the coast
00:26:32A chameleon chases it from behind
00:26:36The chameleon chases the chameleon
00:26:50The penguin runs away
00:26:52But the chameleon hides in the rocks
00:26:56And the next moment
00:27:01Here it comes
00:27:06A group of small penguins landed in a safe place
00:27:13It's a decoy
00:27:16It's brave
00:27:18It's a life-threatening decoy
00:27:20The hero was here
00:27:23With their brave actions
00:27:26They save many lives
00:27:29It's a way for them to live
00:27:34The outside is the coldest
00:27:37But they can rotate
00:27:40It's their kindness
00:27:42That's how they survive
00:27:44I learned a lot
00:27:45We should mark them all
00:27:47And say that they are hiding inside
00:27:49We should deceive them
00:27:51They are kind
00:27:54But if they die from the outside
00:27:56They will all die
00:27:58In the middle of winter
00:28:00It's their kindness and wisdom
00:28:03If we don't share them
00:28:05They will all die
00:28:07I think they know that
00:28:10I'm impressed
00:28:13The 6th place
00:28:17A chameleon lying with a cute face
00:28:24A chameleon of the euthydes living in North Central America
00:28:29A mother walking with her baby
00:28:33She is often seen in the house
00:28:36But the chameleon's special ability is not a kiss
00:28:41It's a lie
00:28:43What's going on?
00:28:46A baby chameleon
00:28:54A baby chameleon that doesn't move
00:28:58Is it dead?
00:29:03Is it alive?
00:29:06The baby chameleon's special ability is a ghost
00:29:09It's a horse that pretends to be dead
00:29:12What does that mean?
00:29:14It can stay like this for 4 hours
00:29:17At this time
00:29:19It even has a beard
00:29:23A wolf and a baby chameleon
00:29:26If you eat me, I will break your stomach
00:29:29A chameleon lies
00:29:33I was killed in a fireplace
00:29:37The director told me to stop sweating
00:29:40It's impossible
00:29:42A chameleon is lying on the fireplace
00:29:46If it's not dead, it's impossible
00:29:51The 5th place
00:29:54A hippopotamus
00:29:57A hippopotamus
00:30:02A hippopotamus in the zoo
00:30:05It's cute
00:30:07It looks like it's in the water
00:30:09But it can't breathe in the water
00:30:13It can only dive for 5 minutes
00:30:17It can dive for 5 minutes?
00:30:19The hippopotamus has a cute ability
00:30:29A hippopotamus that sleeps
00:30:32But it's in the water
00:30:36It looks like it can't breathe
00:30:39But then
00:30:48It can breathe?
00:30:49It can breathe?
00:30:51It's like a lie
00:30:53While it was sleeping, it was able to breathe
00:30:57It's cute
00:30:59It's unconsciously doing this
00:31:02It's cute
00:31:04According to an expert,
00:31:06The hippopotamus has little water
00:31:09It's a good place to protect itself
00:31:12It can sleep in a safe place
00:31:15It can breathe
00:31:19I want that ability
00:31:22The ability to pee automatically
00:31:26I unconsciously go to the bathroom
00:31:30I don't remember
00:31:33The bathroom is a mess
00:31:35I know that
00:31:37When I wake up in the morning,
00:31:39There is a light in the bathroom
00:31:41I don't remember
00:31:43I go to the bathroom and come back to sleep
00:31:46You can't turn off the light yet
00:31:49You can turn it on
00:31:52You should go to the hospital
00:31:57Next, the 4th place
00:32:02Ants that attack their friends
00:32:07The Florida ant that lives in the South East of America
00:32:13This year, a team from Germany, Switzerland, and Okinawa
00:32:18Announced a surprising result
00:32:22Let's watch the video
00:32:31One ant is biting its friend's leg
00:32:37It's smooth
00:32:43It bit its friend's leg
00:32:49Actually, this is a surgery to save the life of the ant
00:32:56The Florida ant cut its friend's leg and treated it
00:33:04They disinfected the wound with saliva to prevent infection
00:33:10If the ant can't stop the infection,
00:33:14They cut its friend's leg with surgery
00:33:20It's amazing
00:33:23So far, only the Florida ant has cut its friend's leg
00:33:30The mystery of the ant is still a mystery
00:33:34The 3rd place
00:33:38The shark-attacked turtle
00:33:45The shark-attacked turtle
00:33:47The shark-attacked turtle was caught in Australia
00:33:51It's a beautiful sea turtle
00:33:59But, right next to it
00:34:03It's a shark-attacked turtle
00:34:05It's a shark-attacked turtle
00:34:08The shark-attacked turtle likes the shark-attacked turtle
00:34:12If the shark-attacked turtle is bitten by the shark,
00:34:15The shark-attacked turtle's jaw and teeth will be destroyed
00:34:19It's a desperate situation
00:34:22What will happen?
00:34:24What will happen?
00:34:26What will happen?
00:34:28What will happen?
00:34:30What will happen?
00:34:32What will happen?
00:34:35What will happen?
00:34:39What will happen?
00:34:43What will happen?
00:34:45What will happen?
00:34:48What will happen?
00:34:52The shark-attacked turtle is about to be attacked by the shark-attacked turtle
00:35:00It's a desperate situation
00:35:03What will happen?
00:35:05What will happen?
00:35:07What will happen?
00:35:11What will happen?
00:35:12It's coming
00:35:14What's going on?
00:35:16It's under the skin
00:35:18How did it get under the skin?
00:35:20It's coming again
00:35:22It's under the chin
00:35:25The moment when the shark-attacked turtle is bitten by the shark,
00:35:27The shark-attacked turtle is under the skin
00:35:31That's amazing.
00:35:33Twice in a row.
00:35:39And after that.
00:35:41That's amazing.
00:35:43I'm going crazy.
00:35:45After turning around,
00:35:47he used the opponent's momentum
00:35:49to pass the ball.
00:35:51That's amazing.
00:35:55he evades with a goal.
00:35:57He uses a variety of techniques
00:35:59to pass the ball.
00:36:01He doesn't run away from the ball.
00:36:03That's right.
00:36:05In fact,
00:36:07the shell of a sea turtle
00:36:09is lighter than a land turtle
00:36:11so that it can move fast
00:36:13in the sea.
00:36:15Because of that,
00:36:17the head and limbs
00:36:19can't fit in the shell.
00:36:21That's why
00:36:23he has the ability
00:36:25to avoid the ball.
00:36:27The sea turtle won
00:36:29the game.
00:36:31That's amazing.
00:36:33He's smart.
00:36:35This video was
00:36:37watched by an expert.
00:36:39Once upon a time,
00:36:41a fisherman in Okinawa
00:36:43heard a story that
00:36:45a shark was near
00:36:47when a sea turtle was swimming.
00:36:49He was surprised
00:36:51that the video proved that.
00:36:55part 2.
00:37:01This is dangerous.
00:37:09is about 60 cm long
00:37:11and lives from morning to night.
00:37:15It looks a little grotesque
00:37:17and hurts your eyes
00:37:19when you touch it.
00:37:23Here is
00:37:27The fish
00:37:29is trying to eat it.
00:37:39it's suffering.
00:37:43If you look closely,
00:37:45there is something
00:37:47in the fish's mouth.
00:37:49What is it?
00:37:51It's scary.
00:37:53It's actually Nuta-Unagi.
00:37:55When it's in danger,
00:37:57it releases a lot of saliva.
00:37:59That's amazing.
00:38:01It makes the predator's mouth
00:38:05and makes it suffocate.
00:38:07It looks like slime.
00:38:11all the predators
00:38:13seem to suffer
00:38:19If you touch it,
00:38:21it will die.
00:38:23This saliva
00:38:25also troubles humans.
00:38:31A large amount of Nuta-Unagi
00:38:33sticks to the car.
00:38:35What did this person do?
00:38:37In 2017,
00:38:39a truck carrying
00:38:43caused a traffic accident.
00:38:45The Nuta-Unagi
00:38:47was thrown on the road.
00:38:49It weighed about 3.4 tons.
00:38:51The Nuta-Unagi
00:38:53released a lot of saliva.
00:38:55So, the road was flooded
00:38:57and the road was blocked.
00:38:59The local fire department
00:39:01had to clean the road
00:39:03for 3 hours.
00:39:07the 1st place is
00:39:09Croquette from Shonui-kai.
00:39:11It's Kotodori.
00:39:17lives in Australia.
00:39:19This is
00:39:21the normal beautiful
00:39:25Pay attention to the
00:39:27change of the cry.
00:39:35This is
00:39:37imitation of Kawasemi.
00:39:39It's sharp.
00:39:41The real Kawasemi
00:39:49can imitate the cry.
00:39:53the sound is
00:39:55imitation of anything.
00:39:57In other words,
00:39:59it's Croquette from Shonui-kai.
00:40:03listen to the medley.
00:40:07the cry of a baby.
00:40:19It's amazing.
00:40:21It's human.
00:40:27imitates the impact.
00:40:41I feel numb.
00:40:45imitates the impact of Shonui-kai.
00:40:47The cry of a baby is amazing, too.
00:40:51Kotodori imitates more.
00:41:03the sound of chainsaw.
00:41:05It's amazing.
00:41:21the sound of a saw.
00:41:23Where did you learn to fly?
00:41:25How was it?
00:41:29imitation is mainly
00:41:31the cry of a male to a female.
00:41:33Kotodori is popular
00:41:35because he can make more sounds.
00:41:39Birds don't have
00:41:41a human-like body.
00:41:45there are two channels
00:41:47connected to the lungs.
00:41:49If you can move
00:41:51them separately,
00:41:53you can make complicated sounds.
00:41:55Kotodori is
00:41:57good at imitating
00:41:59birds because
00:42:01he can make many sounds.
00:42:07let's watch
00:42:09Kotodori imitating
00:42:11the sound of a toy laser gun.
00:42:17I don't like it.
00:42:19It's not funny at all.
00:42:21Even if Kotodori runs away,
00:42:23he will always
00:42:25cry on the back of a female.
00:42:27It's not funny.
00:42:29That's all.
00:42:31This is the ranking of
00:42:33Kotodori's special abilities.
00:42:35I thought there were
00:42:37no other sounds.
00:42:39For example,
00:42:41Kotodori always
00:42:43imitates the sound
00:42:45of a toy laser gun.
00:42:47It's like a party.
00:42:49I want to live with
00:42:51Kotodori and Korokke
00:42:53for a year.
00:42:55Korokke may not
00:42:57be able to speak Japanese.
00:42:59Korokke may cry a lot.
00:43:01Korokke may cry a lot.
00:43:03Korokke may not be able to speak Japanese.
00:43:05When I shot
00:43:07a video of
00:43:09Kotodori's life,
00:43:11I thought
00:43:13Kotodori would be
00:43:15told not to
00:43:17be extinct
00:43:19because they were
00:43:21so bad friends.
00:43:23But everyone
00:43:25was different.
00:43:27We were like
00:43:29a herd of animals.
00:43:31I was able to think
00:43:33thanks to the king.
00:43:35Thank you, your majesty.
00:43:39What is the strongest animal?
00:43:41Let's fight with animal cards!
00:43:43The strongest animal battle
00:43:49Players will play
00:43:51with animal cards.
00:43:55this person.
00:43:57The king of beasts,
00:44:03He is a former Japanese champion
00:44:05in the Jushu Tournament.
00:44:07He is good at
00:44:09defeating beasts.
00:44:11He has no weakness.
00:44:21He has fought
00:44:23with dangerous animals
00:44:25all over the world.
00:44:27Will he be able to
00:44:29use his experience
00:44:31in the battle?
00:44:33The rule is
00:44:35that the player who wins
00:44:37the first two games
00:44:39after playing three games
00:44:41with three animal cards
00:44:43will be the winner.
00:44:45The battle will be judged
00:44:47by the bestseller
00:44:49of the first two games.
00:44:51The winner is
00:44:53Koji Shintaku.
00:44:57The first game.
00:44:59What animal did they choose?
00:45:03The lion of beasts!
00:45:05That's right.
00:45:07Takei will start from there.
00:45:09He is 2m tall and weighs 200kg.
00:45:11He is the only animal
00:45:13that hunts in a group.
00:45:15He is a lion.
00:45:17The opponent is Abareru.
00:45:19He is also my pet.
00:45:23It's a tiger!
00:45:27He is 2m tall and weighs 200kg.
00:45:29He is the only animal
00:45:31that hunts in a group.
00:45:33He is a tiger.
00:45:35It's a fierce battle.
00:45:37Everyone has thought about it.
00:45:39The battle will start
00:45:41in the royal hall.
00:45:43It's a dream match
00:45:45to decide the winner.
00:45:47Lion vs. Tiger.
00:45:51The first one is the lion of beasts.
00:45:53His special move
00:45:55is a punch
00:45:57that can break a cow's neck.
00:45:59He bites the opponent's throat
00:46:01with a sharp fang.
00:46:03It's a gold attack.
00:46:07The lions are aiming
00:46:09at a group of running cows.
00:46:13He did it.
00:46:17He is in the group.
00:46:21He aims at the neck of the cow
00:46:23that runs at high speed.
00:46:25It's a one-shot kill.
00:46:29The fierce battle
00:46:31is between male lions.
00:46:37The lions protect the group
00:46:39and sometimes fight
00:46:41It's a perfect match
00:46:43for the lion of beasts.
00:46:47He is not weak at all.
00:46:49He fights everyday.
00:46:51He has a muscular body.
00:46:53He can hold the opponent
00:46:55and draw him with his claws.
00:46:57He has a great
00:46:59holding power.
00:47:01He is twice as strong
00:47:03as Muroshi in his prime.
00:47:05Muroshi is amazing.
00:47:07He has a handsome
00:47:09face like a decoration.
00:47:11He protects his neck,
00:47:13head, and ears.
00:47:15He is like a defense.
00:47:17The tiger will never lose.
00:47:19This is
00:47:21the tiger hunter.
00:47:23The tiger hunts
00:47:25with one shot
00:47:27without making a crowd.
00:47:29What is his special move?
00:47:35He did it.
00:47:37The tiger hunts
00:47:39with one shot
00:47:41without making a crowd.
00:47:47He speeds up
00:47:49to 60 km per hour.
00:47:53He is powerful.
00:47:55The battle
00:47:57between the tigers
00:47:59is a fierce battle.
00:48:01He is attacking.
00:48:05He is angry.
00:48:07He is angry.
00:48:09He is angry.
00:48:11He has sharp claws.
00:48:13He can't escape.
00:48:15He has three times
00:48:17the power of a heavyweight boxer.
00:48:19He can win
00:48:21with one shot.
00:48:23He is aggressive.
00:48:25He is aggressive.
00:48:27He is aggressive.
00:48:29The tigers cross the quiet plain.
00:48:31The tigers cross the quiet plain.
00:48:41he can jump
00:48:43more than 5 meters.
00:48:45He can't do it with a wooden stick.
00:48:51he didn't die.
00:48:55he met a lion
00:48:57in the zoo.
00:48:59It's a rare sight.
00:49:15They fight with great power.
00:49:17They fight with great power.
00:49:19They bite each other
00:49:21They bite each other
00:49:23They bite each other
00:49:25The lion's team
00:49:27is divided.
00:49:29Will the lion
00:49:31win this battle?
00:49:33The lion and the tiger
00:49:35are similar.
00:49:37They are the same.
00:49:39However, the tiger has more physical strength.
00:49:41Did you see his start?
00:49:43He started with a crouching.
00:49:45He uses his legs and thighs.
00:49:47He can hide his claws.
00:49:49If that was a human, what do you think would have happened?
00:49:53It would have been a single blow.
00:49:56It would have flown into space.
00:49:59Who will be standing at the top of the beast?
00:50:02The king of beasts, Lion, versus the hunter, Tiger.
00:50:07Who will win?
00:50:13The red flag is raised.
00:50:15The red flag is raised.
00:50:21I want to know the basis of this.
00:50:24If it's a tie, it's when an item becomes important.
00:50:30It's the defense part.
00:50:33The reason why the shield is so fluffy is because
00:50:36the tiger and lion's fangs are about 10 cm long,
00:50:39but they don't get stuck.
00:50:42The lion has a lot of armor,
00:50:45so it's a big advantage.
00:50:49In this battle, the lion wins.
00:50:53I don't think it's for intimidation.
00:50:55I think it's for dignity.
00:50:58However, the lion also has a weakness.
00:51:02It's water.
00:51:04The lion can cross the river.
00:51:08The tiger is angry.
00:51:10The tiger, who is good at swimming, is approaching at high speed.
00:51:16What are you doing?
00:51:21The water-eating lion is very impatient.
00:51:25He had no choice but to run away.
00:51:27What's interesting is that both strength and weakness are a set.
00:51:34That's what's interesting about animals on Earth.
00:51:37Next is the second match of the strongest animal battle.
00:51:41What is the next animal card?
00:51:44The strongest creature on earth,
00:51:46the African elephant!
00:51:48It's you!
00:51:50It is 6 meters long and weighs 7 tons.
00:51:54Once it goes wild, it can't be handled.
00:51:56The African elephant.
00:51:58This is the only one!
00:52:00Go! You are the horn!
00:52:03The African elephant.
00:52:05It's an unfamiliar animal.
00:52:08It's the strongest dog animal in Africa.
00:52:11It has a strong personality.
00:52:13It is 1.2 meters long and weighs 25 kg.
00:52:17It has an infinite amount of stamina.
00:52:19The African elephant has a strong teamwork.
00:52:23Who will win the battle?
00:52:27The African elephant versus the African elephant.
00:52:30The first match is the strongest animal on earth,
00:52:32the African elephant.
00:52:34I think I can beat it just by touching it.
00:52:36It walks in the wilderness.
00:52:38What appeared there?
00:52:40It's big!
00:52:42It's so big!
00:52:44The African elephant rushes in with great force.
00:52:48It hits a 7-ton aircraft at a speed of 40 km per hour.
00:52:52Gigant Heavy Rush explodes.
00:52:56This is the African elephant.
00:52:58It attacks a single tree.
00:53:03Are you kidding me?
00:53:05It's hard.
00:53:07Are you kidding me?
00:53:09It's amazing.
00:53:12The African elephant was irritated.
00:53:14The African elephant hit the African elephant by force.
00:53:18This is the African elephant and the crocodile.
00:53:21They are fighting in the water of the savannah.
00:53:24The African elephant has overwhelming power.
00:53:27The crocodile is helpless.
00:53:33This is the crocodile's home.
00:53:35Are you kidding me?
00:53:40The elephant's nose is powerful enough to move a 2-ton car.
00:53:48The crocodile was completely knocked out.
00:53:50The African elephant won without injury.
00:53:54If the crocodile is stepped on, it's over.
00:53:58There is a video that captures the overwhelming power of the African elephant.
00:54:04In front of a tour truck to see wild animals in South Africa.
00:54:09A single African elephant stood still.
00:54:12The elephant is clearly excited.
00:54:16The elephant threatens the truck.
00:54:19You shouldn't go there.
00:54:23What will happen next?
00:54:33The African elephant lifts the truck.
00:54:38This is a shocking power.
00:54:41This is amazing.
00:54:45In the breeding season, the male of the herd is very fierce.
00:54:52He threatens and attacks the animals around him.
00:54:56I felt the power of the perfect elephant.
00:55:00This is a special card.
00:55:04This is a herd card.
00:55:07There are two kinds of special cards that can be used only once in this battle.
00:55:12The herd card is a power-up for the animal card.
00:55:17For example, bears and leopards cannot be used on animals that are not in a herd.
00:55:22The African elephant gets stronger by being in a herd.
00:55:27Formation, chase!
00:55:33That's a good way to say it.
00:55:36This is the African elephant.
00:55:41The African elephant hunts in the savanna.
00:55:43He hunts animals in a herd.
00:55:46Formation, chase!
00:55:51Let's see how the African elephant hunts in the savanna.
00:55:59First of all, the African elephant spreads out and divides the herd of prey.
00:56:04He finds the weakest target from the herd of prey and locks on.
00:56:10He can run for an hour at a speed of 40 km per hour.
00:56:14He chases the prey efficiently with his strong stamina.
00:56:22Once he's targeted, he can't run away.
00:56:27This is a video of the African elephant.
00:56:32The African elephant was caught by a lion.
00:56:36He was bitten on the neck and couldn't move.
00:56:41But at the next moment...
00:56:51The lion was provoked by another African elephant.
00:56:53The lion threatened the lion by dropping the prey he was eating.
00:56:57The African elephant didn't hesitate and ran away.
00:57:02He pretended to be dead.
00:57:04This is a video of the African elephant hunting in the savanna.
00:57:12The African elephant hunts more than 50 animals in a herd.
00:57:16The African elephant has a long history.
00:57:18He chases the African elephant until he kills it.
00:57:21He is like a 10-year-old Deca.
00:57:26The strongest power versus the strongest brain.
00:57:29Who will win this battle?
00:57:32Please give us the result.
00:57:38The African elephant won.
00:57:42Giant King!
00:57:45The African elephant doesn't chase the African elephant.
00:57:48He knows all the terrain.
00:57:51For example, he knows where the water is and where the swamp is.
00:57:58The African elephant's only weakness is that he can't get out of the swamp.
00:58:02He has to chase the African elephant to a place where the other African elephant is not good at.
00:58:06He has to divide the territory and kill the African elephant.
00:58:09That's the real brain.
00:58:12The African elephant won this battle.
00:58:17The final battle.
00:58:18The winner is the one who wins this battle.
00:58:21What is the animal card that entrusts fate?
00:58:25The animal with the strongest shield.
00:58:28It's a wild storm.
00:58:30It's a fearless lion.
00:58:32It's a rattlesnake.
00:58:35The strongest animal card battle.
00:58:37Who will win?
00:58:41The final battle.
00:59:01The strongest animal card battle.
00:59:03Who will win?
00:59:05The final battle.
00:59:07The winner is the one who wins this battle.
00:59:09What is the animal card that entrusts fate?
00:59:13The animal with the strongest shield.
00:59:16It's a wild storm.
00:59:18It's a fearless lion.
00:59:21He is 75 cm tall and weighs 20 kg.
00:59:25There are countless needles on his back that protect the iron wall.
00:59:28It's a wild storm.
00:59:30It's a fearless lion.
00:59:32It's a rattlesnake.
00:59:35It's a wild storm.
00:59:37It's a rattlesnake.
00:59:39What kind of animal is a rattlesnake?
00:59:41It's a large-scale wild animal.
00:59:44It's an interesting animal.
00:59:47He is 70 cm tall and weighs 10 kg.
00:59:50It's a fierce iron ball that attacks the opponent without hesitation.
00:59:54It's a rattlesnake.
00:59:57It's a defensive attack.
00:59:59It's like a shield.
01:00:01I went to YAMAHARA to shoot a video.
01:00:05I went there with a rubber boots.
01:00:07The rubber boots pierced my shin.
01:00:12This is a fierce attack.
01:00:14But I won't be afraid of it.
01:00:16It's a rattlesnake.
01:00:19It's an iron ball.
01:00:21It's a rattlesnake.
01:00:22It's a fierce animal.
01:00:24What are these two doing?
01:00:26They are just friends.
01:00:29Who will win the battle?
01:00:36YAMAHARA is the strongest shield.
01:00:41YAMAHARA is the strongest shield.
01:00:45YAMAHARA protects itself from all enemies with a thousand needles.
01:00:49They protect each other.
01:00:52YAMAHARA has a different body hair.
01:00:54YAMAHARA has thousands of short hair.
01:00:57YAMAHARA is hungry.
01:00:59YAMAHARA looks at YAMAHARA.
01:01:01YAMAHARA protects YAMAHARA.
01:01:03YAMAHARA protects YAMAHARA.
01:01:07This is interesting.
01:01:09In this video, YAMAHARA locks YAMAHARA.
01:01:17YAMAHARA ran away.
01:01:19YAMAHARA was attacked by YAMAHARA.
01:01:22YAMAHARA ran away.
01:01:25YAMAHARA was attacked by YAMAHARA.
01:01:30YAMAHARA hurts YAMAHARA.
01:01:33YAMAHARA's needles pierce YAMAHARA.
01:01:36YAMAHARA pierced YAMAHARA's body.
01:01:38YAMAHARA lost his life.
01:01:41This is amazing.
01:01:43YAMAHARA's needles pierce YAMAHARA's body.
01:01:49Is that so?
01:01:51This is almost defense.
01:01:53I can't win against my animal.
01:01:57This is the strongest mental.
01:02:00This is RATEL.
01:02:02RATEL has claws and fangs.
01:02:05RATEL is weaker than large beasts.
01:02:09RATEL's strongest weapon is a super-aggressive demon.
01:02:15This is the special move of BRAVE HEART BLITZ.
01:02:19This is a video that shows this move.
01:02:25RATEL encounters a lion looking for a prey.
01:02:29RATEL is in great danger.
01:02:39This is amazing.
01:02:41The lion is surprised.
01:02:43The lion is attacked by a lion that is three times larger than it.
01:02:46RATEL was caught by a lion.
01:02:49RATEL was caught by a leopard in the forest.
01:02:59I'm sorry, lion.
01:03:03What did you do to my lion?
01:03:06RATEL attacked the lion like a bullet to save his friends.
01:03:10RATEL made the leopard run away.
01:03:14This is a strong mental.
01:03:16RATEL is motivated.
01:03:18RATEL is in a desperate situation.
01:03:21RATEL is in a desperate situation.
01:03:24I will attack.
01:03:26I will attack.
01:03:28RATEL is in great danger.
01:03:30RATEL is in great danger.
01:03:32RATEL is in great danger.
01:03:34RATEL is in great danger.
01:03:42RATEL ran away from the lion.
01:03:47RATEL is in a desperate situation.
01:03:51Let's run away.
01:03:55The lion was caught by the lion.
01:03:59RATEL is in a desperate situation.
01:04:03The lion was caught by the lion.
01:04:07This is my prey.
01:04:09The lion threatened the leopard.
01:04:12The leopard ate the lion.
01:04:14The leopard disappeared into the grass.
01:04:18RATEL is amazing.
01:04:20RATEL is a scary lion.
01:04:22RATEL has the ability to recover.
01:04:24Even if a poisonous snake bites RATEL, RATEL will recover.
01:04:28RATEL is full of energy.
01:04:30RATEL has the ability to eliminate poison.
01:04:34RATEL has the ability to defend.
01:04:37RATEL is full of energy.
01:04:39This is not the time to be excited.
01:04:41RATEL is here.
01:04:43RATEL is here.
01:04:45RATEL is here.
01:04:47RATEL is here.
01:04:49RATEL is here.
01:04:51RATEL is here.
01:04:53RATEL is here.
01:04:55RATEL smells bad.
01:04:59RATEL smells bad.
01:05:01RATEL is not allowed to shoot for a week.
01:05:03I thought RATEL would come.
01:05:08The card I use is this card.
01:05:11This is the location card.
01:05:15The location card changes the location of the battle to the location that the animal is good at.
01:05:20For example, the hippo can move faster in the water.
01:05:24You can bring it to your advantage.
01:05:27I use this location card.
01:05:29I use the sharp claws of YAMAARASHI.
01:05:32I dig a hole in the back of the tree.
01:05:36I put my head and stomach in the hole.
01:05:42I move to a place where I can defend perfectly.
01:05:48I don't have a weak point.
01:06:01What kind of battle is that?
01:06:04I want to see it.
01:06:06The final battle between YAMAARASHI and RATEL.
01:06:09What is the decision?
01:06:14I choose red.
01:06:17The battle is over.
01:06:21Let's start.
01:06:23The only weak point is that there is no hard needle on the stomach.
01:06:28If you go into the ground and defend, you will be invincible.
01:06:36Thank you very much.
01:06:37YAMAARASHI won this battle.
01:06:42This is the result of the strongest animal battle RIKU.
01:06:50YAMAARASHI won this battle.
01:06:55This is the result of the strongest animal battle RIKU.
01:06:57Animals don't get along with each other.
01:07:04Tigers and lions don't get along with each other.
01:07:09That's why they don't get along with each other.
01:07:14I think this is a big factor for humans to learn.
01:07:19They instinctively aim for something weaker than themselves.
01:07:21There is no reason to fight a strong animal.
01:07:25I don't know what RATEL's spirit and mentality are.
01:07:32RATEL's body is small.
01:07:34RATEL doesn't have a unique language.
01:07:36RATEL's most important thing is guts.
01:07:39I don't understand that.
01:07:44RATEL is encouraged by humans like me.
01:07:47If RATEL fights normally, RATEL has no chance of winning.
01:07:49RATEL is encouraged by humans like me.
01:07:53RATEL is encouraged by humans like me.
01:07:58RATEL is encouraged by humans like you.
01:08:01I want RATEL to use a location card.
01:08:05RATEL can swim in the water.
01:08:10If RATEL uses a location card, RATEL will win.
01:08:15I want RATEL to do it again.
01:08:17I want RATEL to do it again.
01:08:21Next is the ranking of the best zoo in Japan.
01:08:29This is Nagasaki Biopark in Saikai City, Nagasaki Prefecture.
01:08:34There are about 200 species of animals in the park.
01:08:44Various animals such as monkeys and birds live in the park.
01:08:51It's a zoo where you can get close to animals.
01:08:57This is the reason why Nagasaki Biopark is the most popular in Japan.
01:09:01I'll give you a watermelon.
01:09:05I'll give you a watermelon.
01:09:10I can't eat much.
01:09:13This is a video of a hippo eating a whole watermelon.
01:09:18This is a popular video on YouTube.
01:09:23The number of views is over 160 million.
01:09:30There are many other videos.
01:09:33The number of views is over 1600.
01:09:36The number of subscribers is over 570,000.
01:09:42Most of the posts are made by Kamichika and Haruoka.
01:09:51I will introduce the ranking of the most popular videos in Japan.
01:09:59The third place is the Agetemita series.
01:10:04You can see the eating scene of animals in the Agetemita series.
01:10:10First, I gave corn to Brazil.
01:10:15It's a normal size.
01:10:18But I gave him a whole corn.
01:10:22I got a white corn from a viewer.
01:10:26I will give it to him.
01:10:29It's too big.
01:10:32It's too big.
01:10:39I gave him a whole corn.
01:10:42He ate it all.
01:10:45Next, I gave capybara corn.
01:10:51I gave it to a 8-year-old hippo.
01:10:56It's cute.
01:11:01This hippo also eats corn.
01:11:07Next, I gave cream to a hippo.
01:11:12I gave it to a hippo.
01:11:15This hippo doesn't eat corn.
01:11:18This hippo doesn't eat corn.
01:11:22Even the same hippo has a different taste.
01:11:28You can see not only the knowledge of each animal, but also the actual behavior of each animal.
01:11:35I want to deliver that to the viewers.
01:11:39The Agetemita series has this kind of attempt.
01:11:43It's an ASMR video with a comfortable eating sound.
01:11:47It's an ASMR video with a hippo eating pear.
01:12:08It's an ASMR video with a mini pig eating cabbage.
01:12:18Cabbage looks fresh.
01:12:21It's an ASMR video with a hippo eating watermelon.
01:12:28It's an ASMR video with a hippo eating watermelon.
01:12:40The video ranking that Biopark wants you to watch.
01:12:44The second place is...
01:12:47The second place is...
01:12:49The second place is...
01:12:54The second place is...
01:13:02It's interesting whether animals eat the food or not.
01:13:08The second place is...
01:13:13In the wild, they eat insects, snakes, and birds.
01:13:20Sometimes, they feed them a growing agent containing natto bacteria.
01:13:24But how do they react to the real natto?
01:13:34This is the first time they meet natto.
01:13:37What are they going to do?
01:13:40It doesn't work?
01:13:42You don't like the smell?
01:13:45The strongest animal card battle takes place in the water!
01:13:50This is the best shark in the world!
01:13:53All of a sudden?
01:13:54All of a sudden.
01:13:55This is going to be tough.
01:13:58Hitofuizame, Shachi, Wani.
01:14:01Which one is the strongest animal?
01:14:05In the wild, they eat insects, snakes, and birds.
01:14:11Sometimes, they feed them a growing agent containing natto.
01:14:14But how do they react to the real natto?
01:14:19It doesn't work?
01:14:21You don't like the smell?
01:14:23You don't eat it?
01:14:25How is it?
01:14:26It doesn't work?
01:14:27They are wary of the unfamiliar natto.
01:14:31They don't eat it.
01:14:33They don't eat it, but you tell them not to eat it.
01:14:36Did they eat it?
01:14:38They ate it.
01:14:39They ate it.
01:14:40They saw it.
01:14:42They thought they could eat it, so they ate it.
01:14:47At first, they didn't know if it was food or not.
01:14:52The staff was surprised by this result.
01:14:55Now they know.
01:14:58I was surprised by this result.
01:15:00Natto is originally made of beans.
01:15:02So, I thought that herbivores would eat it more.
01:15:06However, carnivores eat it more.
01:15:09In the wild, they eat meat that is a little bit rotten.
01:15:14So, I thought that the smell was similar to that of rotten meat.
01:15:23I touched a raccoon and checked it.
01:15:28I could see that it was washed with water.
01:15:32In the wild, raccoons are told not to wash food.
01:15:39It looked like a raccoon was washing food.
01:15:42However, I thought that the raccoon was checking the texture of the food in the water.
01:15:47This is a fresh image.
01:15:49The staff was surprised.
01:15:52It doesn't seem to be in the picture.
01:15:56Next, they give goya to the dog.
01:16:00It is said that goya's nutrients are useful for dog's health if it is not overeaten.
01:16:07How does the dog react when it sees goya for the first time?
01:16:12They give goya to the Golden Retriever, an idol dog of the biopark.
01:16:19I will talk about the taste.
01:16:21The dog's taste is sweet, bitter, umami, salty, and sour.
01:16:29It's salty.
01:16:31It's not salty.
01:16:33Dogs like food that is bitter.
01:16:36So, I will give goya to the Golden Retriever.
01:16:44It must be bitter.
01:16:46Let go of it.
01:16:48It must be bitter.
01:16:50Don't regret it.
01:16:53It must be bitter.
01:16:57Is it okay?
01:16:59It has a gloomy face.
01:17:01Think again.
01:17:03It must be bitter.
01:17:07What I want to show on YouTube is the movement of the animal.
01:17:13I want people to know what kind of ecosystem this animal has.
01:17:17I want people to know what kind of ecosystem this animal has.
01:17:24The number of videos like this takes time from normal business.
01:17:31They have a planning meeting.
01:17:35They upload videos at a pace of one video every three days.
01:17:39Will someone chase me?
01:17:43In addition, they have a live stream on weekends and events.
01:17:49Why are they so particular about videos?
01:17:53I think the zoo exists in the lives of visitors only when they come to the zoo.
01:18:02I want to create an environment where people can think about animals even when they don't come to the zoo.
01:18:12I want people to understand the beauty of animals.
01:18:22There is also an account on TIKTOK.
01:18:24There are about 1.89 million followers.
01:18:27The video of a hippo eating a watermelon posted on TIKTOK has 70,000 comments from all over the world.
01:18:33I've seen a video of a hippo on TIKTOK.
01:18:35There are comments from all over the world.
01:18:39I think it's fun to watch.
01:18:42It's fun regardless of language.
01:18:47The video ranking that Biopark absolutely wants you to watch.
01:18:51The first place is the popular animal.
01:18:55The first place is the absolute series of beavers.
01:19:00Beavers are a group of rats.
01:19:06It is an animal that has a habit of bringing back wood and making vines.
01:19:14The first place is the American beaver ecosystem series.
01:19:19First of all, let's take a walk with the beaver.
01:19:24It's hard to hold.
01:19:26It's amazing.
01:19:29It's amazing, but it's all broken.
01:19:33This beaver is greedy and carries a large amount.
01:19:37It's falling.
01:19:41It uses both arms to bring it back to its owner.
01:19:46It's amazing.
01:19:49It's hard.
01:19:53I did my best.
01:19:55The reason why you can see the beaver's free movement like this was the staff's idea.
01:20:02When I saw the exhibition, I felt that it was a little narrow.
01:20:07The beaver has a lot of action.
01:20:10It makes a dam and a nest.
01:20:13I can't do that.
01:20:16I'd like to put it out.
01:20:18You can hang a bridge there.
01:20:22You can open the door to get in and out.
01:20:28Then this video became very popular.
01:20:33It's a video of the beaver moving around freely.
01:20:40When you find a pond, you dive in.
01:20:49It's coming out.
01:20:53The beaver has a habit of stopping the flow of water.
01:20:57It immediately covers the drain with branches and fallen leaves.
01:21:03I'll have to do something about it later.
01:21:06When you find a tree on the ground, you bring it back to the pond.
01:21:12It's amazing.
01:21:14On the way back to the tree,
01:21:17When you find a bigger tree,
01:21:21You can choose a bigger one and bring it back to the pond.
01:21:27This kind of activity that makes wild animals move
01:21:32It won the Impact Award for Enrichment to be sent to zoos and aquariums.
01:21:39The beaver shows various behaviors.
01:21:44Last year, a baby was born.
01:21:48A baby beaver was born.
01:21:51This is the baby beaver soon after birth.
01:21:54It's a baby beaver.
01:22:03It's cute.
01:22:06Mr. Kamichika will continue to post videos.
01:22:11I want to go to the zoo.
01:22:14I want people to like animals through videos.
01:22:18I want people to be interested in the living environment.
01:22:22I want to create a good future for both humans and animals.
01:22:27That's the mission of the zoo.
01:22:32In order to create a better future for animals and humans,
01:22:36Nagasaki Biopark continues to post videos.
01:22:41On the other hand, Saito Takumi, the king of our Animal Ranking Dam,
01:22:47is also trying to share the preciousness of life through videos.
01:22:52This is a love story between a dog and a owner.
01:22:56This is a Hollywood movie.
01:22:59I'm preparing to make a movie.
01:23:02I ate a magical biscuit because I liked the owner so much.
01:23:07A dog became a human.
01:23:10How do dogs live in the human world?
01:23:13This is a non-fiction story.
01:23:16Where did you put the biscuit?
01:23:18This is a non-fiction story.
01:23:21Danny Trejo, a Mexican actor,
01:23:24and Hollywood stars from all over the world will appear in this movie.
01:23:30The director wants to portray the love between humans and animals.
01:23:34He is trying to capture the Hollywood dream.
01:23:38You can see the hippo.
01:23:41I think this movie can be understood by any race.
01:23:46Yes, I think so.
01:23:48What is the strongest animal?
01:23:51It's a battle with animal cards.
01:23:53The strongest Animal Ranking Dam,
01:23:56Mr. Mizuno.
01:23:58First, this person.
01:24:00He loves animals.
01:24:05He doesn't like studying, but he doesn't want to lose to animals.
01:24:09He studied hard for this day.
01:24:14Koki Kusamagi from Miyashita Kusanagi.
01:24:17Do you like animals?
01:24:19He likes animals, but he can't touch them because of allergies.
01:24:23But this is a card battle.
01:24:25He can control animals without touching them.
01:24:28He will win.
01:24:30From the three strongest animals chosen by each player,
01:24:35they will battle one by one.
01:24:39I love animals.
01:24:40I studied a lot for this day.
01:24:43I see.
01:24:45I studied how animals are like.
01:24:52I also collected the strongest animals.
01:24:55I fought with them once.
01:24:59I fought with them once.
01:25:01I brought them in the order of how badly I was beaten.
01:25:05I see.
01:25:07This time, you have a notebook.
01:25:08Isn't it too analog?
01:25:12The first match.
01:25:15Yuuchami, open.
01:25:17This is the strongest shark.
01:25:22This is strong.
01:25:25The strongest shark has appeared.
01:25:29This shark is the strongest shark.
01:25:33It can attack humans.
01:25:35It is 5 meters long and weighs 1 ton.
01:25:39This shark is the strongest shark.
01:25:43Can I say it again?
01:25:45Let's do it again.
01:25:47This shark is the strongest shark.
01:25:51It's a crocodile.
01:25:53Can I say it again?
01:25:56What will happen?
01:25:58This shark can attack humans every year.
01:26:04It is 5 meters long and weighs 1 ton.
01:26:08This shark has interesting specifications.
01:26:13This shark is feared as a predator.
01:26:17This shark has two teeth.
01:26:19This shark is a model of a scary predator.
01:26:23That's right.
01:26:26This shark is good at attacking humans.
01:26:32This shark is a model of this shark.
01:26:36This shark has strong teeth.
01:26:38This shark has a strong face.
01:26:40This shark has 300 sharp teeth.
01:26:43This shark may have new teeth.
01:26:49This shark is 5 meters long and weighs 1 ton.
01:26:57This shark is big.
01:26:59If this shark gets close to the prey, it will run away.
01:27:03When hunting, this shark hides in the deep sea.
01:27:08This shark will run away.
01:27:12This shark is called SHARK ROCKET.
01:27:17There is a video that captures this moment.
01:27:21This shark is a good prey for this shark.
01:27:25This shark has a special move.
01:27:29This shark is called SHARK ROCKET.
01:27:33This shark can fly at a speed of 65 kilometers per hour.
01:27:39This shark can fly in the air.
01:27:44This shark has a good sense of smell.
01:27:49This shark can smell 100 liters of water.
01:27:59If this shark gets close to this shark, it will run away.
01:28:09This shark is too strong.
01:28:13This shark is the strongest shark in the sea.
01:28:20To be honest, I don't like this shark.
01:28:24This shark has sharp teeth.
01:28:26This shark has 300 teeth.
01:28:31But this shark has 20,000 teeth.
01:28:34This shark has strong teeth.
01:28:37This shark has a lot of blood.
01:28:40This shark is weak.
01:28:46This shark is a crocodile.
01:28:49This shark lives in South Africa.
01:28:52This shark carries a prey.
01:28:54The crocodile was watching this shark carefully.
01:29:00This shark is approaching the lion.
01:29:07The lion raises its claw.
01:29:09The crocodile opens its mouth wide.
01:29:13The lion took the prey.
01:29:18This shark can't do anything.
01:29:21This shark is not good at swimming.
01:29:24This shark is not good at swimming.
01:29:27This shark can't catch a lion.
01:29:32This shark is confident that this shark can't catch a lion.
01:29:35This shark gives up and leaves the server.
01:29:41This shark never releases the prey.
01:29:45This is a video of this shark catching a prey.
01:29:48This is a video of this shark catching a prey.
01:29:52This is a video of this shark crossing the river in Kenya.
01:30:00This is a video of this shark approaching the crocodile.
01:30:10This is a video of this shark catching a crocodile.
01:30:14This shark is not good at swimming.
01:30:17This shark is not good at swimming.
01:30:23This shark's special move is a death roll.
01:30:31This shark never releases the prey.
01:30:34This shark turns his body and eats the prey.
01:30:37This shark is a death roll.
01:30:40This shark is a shark.
01:30:41Can this shark be eaten by this shark?
01:30:44This shark eats all the big creatures in the world.
01:30:50He is good at killing animals.
01:30:54I underestimated this shark.
01:30:58I expected this shark to win this game.
01:31:00This shark attacked close to uncertainty.
01:31:03This shark is not good at this.
01:31:05This is a part of his plan.
01:31:07This shark leaves quickly.
01:31:08I went like this, and when I noticed, he was right next to me.
01:31:12Also, he's got a lot of heat, so he has a lot of defense.
01:31:16Oh, because he's tough.
01:31:17If he was about to get bitten by a shark, he'd be like,
01:31:20Hey, Sensei!
01:31:22Sensei, Sensei!
01:31:24And also, his special move, Death Roll.
01:31:27Oh, there it is.
01:31:28That's amazing.
01:31:29But Hojiro's shark is too big, so it's impossible, right?
01:31:31It's possible.
01:31:32It's possible?
01:31:34After both teams' presentations, it's time for the verdict.
01:31:38The winner is...
01:31:42Hojiro's shark!
01:31:44Hojiro's shark!
01:31:47When it comes to biting power,
01:31:49actually, a crocodile looks amazing, but it's not that amazing.
01:31:52Oh, really?
01:31:54Wait a minute.
01:31:56Crocodiles have long jaws,
01:31:58so the more they go to the tip, the weaker they become.
01:32:03I see.
01:32:04That's because they can't bite, so they do Death Roll.
01:32:07Oh, I see.
01:32:08If they could bite, they wouldn't do Death Roll.
01:32:10Oh, I see.
01:32:11They'd just eat it like a shark.
01:32:13But if they catch a crocodile's teeth, they can't let them escape.
01:32:18If they get bitten, they can't take them off.
01:32:20So Death Roll is a move that compensates for its weakness.
01:32:24That's right.
01:32:25When it comes to using teeth, Hojiro's shark is more overwhelming.
01:32:29If they could just bite, they would be able to bite a crocodile's thick skin.
01:32:34Death Step.
01:32:38Next up is the second match.
01:32:41The strongest card I've brought is...
01:32:44The Gang of the Sea, Shachi!
01:32:47Shachi is here.
01:32:48Shachi is strong, too.
01:32:49Shachi is said to be the pinnacle of marine life.
01:32:53It's the strongest, isn't it?
01:32:54It weighs 3.5 tons.
01:32:58Shachi's strongest move is here.
01:33:04Here's the shocking video.
01:33:07Ei is swimming on the seabed.
01:33:11Shachi is getting closer.
01:33:29He did it!
01:33:37The strongest card I've brought is...
01:33:44The Gang of the Sea, Shachi!
01:33:47Shachi is strong, too.
01:33:49Shachi is said to be the pinnacle of marine life.
01:33:53It's the strongest, isn't it?
01:33:54It weighs 3.5 tons.
01:33:57Shachi is said to be the pinnacle of marine life.
01:34:02Who are you going to fight?
01:34:04This is the world's largest snake, Anaconda.
01:34:07It's a snake!
01:34:09It's 9 meters long and weighs 250 kg.
01:34:12It's the world's largest snake, Anaconda.
01:34:15It's a carnivorous and ferocious snake that lives in the river.
01:34:21It's a dream match between the sea and freshwater.
01:34:25I want to know who will win.
01:34:28If you drop this card, there's no chance of winning.
01:34:31It's Shachi's turn.
01:34:32You may think that Shachi will win.
01:34:36But I think it's Panda's turn.
01:34:40I don't think so.
01:34:41There is a video of Shachi that is as bad as Panda.
01:34:47The Gang of the Sea, Shachi.
01:34:49Anacondas are easy to be eaten.
01:34:51Shachi is close to that.
01:34:54It's big.
01:34:56It's 6 meters long and approaches Anaconda.
01:35:01It doesn't come at all.
01:35:03It grabs Anaconda.
01:35:07It hits Anaconda.
01:35:08It's throwing Anaconda.
01:35:11Poor Anaconda.
01:35:13It doesn't kill Anaconda just to survive.
01:35:17It has a habit of enjoying killing.
01:35:20It's a bad guy.
01:35:22It's the Gang of the Sea.
01:35:25It's scary.
01:35:27It often performs at aquariums.
01:35:32Shachi's teeth are pointed.
01:35:35This is to catch prey.
01:35:39However, Shachi's special move is not biting with sharp teeth.
01:35:46There was the strongest attack from the body.
01:35:52Here is the shocking video.
01:35:55A is swimming on the sea.
01:35:59Shachi is approaching.
01:36:01It's a bad guy.
01:36:06It's a special move.
01:36:08It's a tail fin attack.
01:36:11He fainted.
01:36:14It's a tail fin attack.
01:36:20Sometimes, it's thrown like this.
01:36:28Once again.
01:36:30It's a bad guy.
01:36:32It's enjoying killing.
01:36:37Shachi looks at the sea to breathe.
01:36:42Shachi is a mammal that breathes from the nose.
01:36:47Shachi has a lot of heads.
01:36:51He found a mark on a big ice.
01:36:54However, he can't do anything with his expression.
01:36:57What should I do?
01:36:59Think about it.
01:37:02He dives into the sea.
01:37:05No way.
01:37:08He waves his body to the storm.
01:37:13He cooperates with his friends to create a bigger wave.
01:37:20He fell.
01:37:22He dropped the storm into the sea.
01:37:26He had no choice but to become Shachi's food.
01:37:32He has a cute face, but he has a bad personality.
01:37:35I want him to say that he is smart.
01:37:38Shachi is good at group activities.
01:37:41So, I'll give him a special card.
01:37:44It's a strong group.
01:37:46It's a strong group.
01:37:49Anaconda has a high potential.
01:37:54Anaconda spends most of its time in the water because it is too heavy.
01:37:59It is 9 meters long and is the largest snake in the world.
01:38:04It's big.
01:38:05Like humans, it loves pork ribs.
01:38:09It stretches from head to toe.
01:38:12It's amazing.
01:38:14It's amazing.
01:38:22What is that?
01:38:24If you swallow everything, you'll see it.
01:38:29It's amazing.
01:38:33It's small, but it's like an alligator.
01:38:37It's strong.
01:38:39Anaconda gets caught in a prey and dies.
01:38:43It's a special move.
01:38:44It's a death coil.
01:38:47Once Anaconda gets caught in a prey, it can't escape.
01:38:52Because it has a long body.
01:38:54So, it can attack alligators.
01:38:57But Shachi breathes with his nose.
01:39:00If Anaconda gets caught in a prey and his nose is blocked, he wins.
01:39:04He can't attack like that.
01:39:06He will die.
01:39:08Shachi vs Anaconda.
01:39:11Who will be the winner?
01:39:13The winner is...
01:39:16The winner is Shachi.
01:39:18The winner is Shachi.
01:39:23It is possible to aim for the weakness of animals that breathe.
01:39:28I thought it was this.
01:39:31But a special card appeared.
01:39:34I thought the story would change if it was a group.
01:39:37Shachi is smart and smart.
01:39:40He can see through the weakness of animals.
01:39:42If his friends bite his head, he can solve the problem.
01:39:50If it was the other way around, it would have been dangerous.
01:39:54Shachi is strong, cruel, and smart.
01:39:57But he has a weakness.
01:40:00Shachi is too sensitive.
01:40:02His heart breaks.
01:40:04He is mentally weak.
01:40:06He can't eat in a new environment.
01:40:11He will die.
01:40:13I suddenly felt a sense of intimacy.
01:40:16He is mentally weak.
01:40:18The third match will be a one-win-one-loss.
01:40:28He is 30 cm tall and weighs 1.5 kg.
01:40:33This is a carnivorous freshwater fish that lives in the tropical area of the South China Sea.
01:40:37This is a group.
01:40:39I will use a special card.
01:40:43This is a group.
01:40:46He uses a special card.
01:40:51This is a strong card.
01:40:52This is an electric eel.
01:40:56This is a good match.
01:40:58This is an electric eel that weighs 1.5 kg.
01:41:02This is an electric eel.
01:41:05I don't like electricity.
01:41:08I don't like electricity.
01:41:13I don't like electricity either.
01:41:17This is a group of piranhas.
01:41:19This is a group of piranhas.
01:41:22Why is there an Amazon?
01:41:26He puts chicken in it.
01:41:31They are coming.
01:41:36He eats meat one by one.
01:41:40A few minutes later.
01:41:44He ate it cleanly.
01:41:48Piranhas are sensitive to the smell of blood and attack prey.
01:41:53Piranhas are especially afraid of sharp teeth.
01:42:00Piranhas attack with a group of piranhas.
01:42:09He ate it cleanly.
01:42:13He ate it cleanly.
01:42:16This is a group.
01:42:18He doesn't have to turn on the power all the time.
01:42:23He can eat a lot of food.
01:42:26He is a soft person.
01:42:29He is a soft person.
01:42:31He may not be able to chew.
01:42:33He is like a potato.
01:42:38There is a video that captures the moment of electricity.
01:42:44He is chasing a small fish.
01:42:49This is a special technique.
01:42:51He turns on the power of thunderbolt.
01:42:56He catches the prey by paralyzing it with electricity.
01:43:03This electricity is about 800 volts.
01:43:06The voltage at home is 100 volts.
01:43:09This is eight times that of humans.
01:43:13In fact, the internal organs of the electric eel are concentrated in the head.
01:43:18This is under the face of the turtle.
01:43:22The remaining 80% is a generator that generates electricity.
01:43:27This generates a large amount of electricity by rapidly absorbing sodium ion, which has a positive charge in the cell.
01:43:38This is a crocodile that locks on the electric eel.
01:43:44He was finally bitten.
01:43:48However, the crocodile was in a strange state.
01:43:53He was paralyzed and couldn't move.
01:43:59This is the power of electricity.
01:44:03Isn't the crocodile weak?
01:44:05The crocodile has been beaten all the time.
01:44:09As you can see in the video, electricity can be used for both attack and defense.
01:44:15You can protect yourself before you are bitten.
01:44:18If you hit the crocodile, the crowd of piranhas will float up.
01:44:21If there are 10 piranhas, all the piranhas will be paralyzed.
01:44:25However, if there are 1000 piranhas, the piranhas will not be paralyzed.
01:44:29The number of piranhas is not written.
01:44:31Isn't that cheating?
01:44:33So far, one win and one loss.
01:44:36Is it advantageous for the piranhas to use a special card?
01:44:40The judgment is. . .
01:44:42The winner is. . .
01:44:51It may be the strongest.
01:44:54Water has a high electricity conductivity.
01:44:57You can kill all the piranhas in an instant.
01:45:02Is it like catching a toy with an electric eel?
01:45:05That's right.
01:45:06Depending on the condition, most animals will die.
01:45:16However, the electric eel was not perfect.
01:45:21If you use it once, it will take time to recharge the next time.
01:45:25It depends on the condition.
01:45:26If you use it for a long time, it will take a long time to recharge.
01:45:29If you use it for a long time, it will take a long time to recharge.
01:45:33If there is a person who has given it to you, it will be dangerous.
01:45:38In this battle, the electric eel won.
01:45:42So. . .
01:45:44The winner is KUSANAGI.
01:45:48I'm glad.
01:45:50The strongest animal battle, the victory of water.
01:45:54This is the result.
01:45:59This is also a lucky battle.
01:46:02No animal is perfect.
01:46:06We learned how to deal with each weak point.
01:46:10I lost, but I made a hole.
01:46:13I knew I was going to swallow it, but I saw it for the first time in the video.
01:46:17How long does it take to digest?
01:46:19If you are attacked by a weak point, you can beat a crocodile.
01:46:28You can beat a crocodile.
01:46:31You can swallow a crocodile.
01:46:35There is news that humans are swallowed.
01:46:38I have seen a snake with a big snake.
01:46:43I saw it at the birthday party of MIRACLE HIKARU.
01:46:45Where is it?
01:46:47There was a big snake.
01:46:50I hate people who touch me.
01:46:54I get nervous when I don't like people.
01:46:56I can feel that through the scales.
01:46:59I'm looking at people.
01:47:01I'm trying to get into the hole.
01:47:04I'm trying to get into my ears.
01:47:08Snakes don't know the size.
01:47:10I don't know.
01:47:11You can't get in.
01:47:12Some snakes can't swallow.
01:47:14I fell in love with a snake.
01:47:17The next day, I had an allergic reaction.
01:47:25A penguin swimming in water.
01:47:30The penguin is mumbling.
01:47:32The penguin walks on the ground.
01:47:34Is the penguin tired?
01:47:36The penguin doesn't seem to be able to walk.
01:47:40I looked at the bones of the penguin.
01:47:46The reason is obvious.
01:47:49It's a bird.
01:47:50Look at the penguin's legs.
01:47:52It's pretty long.
01:47:54The penguin's legs are actually long.
01:47:59The penguin's long legs are bent 90 degrees.
01:48:02From the base of the leg to the knee.
01:48:04The penguin's legs are in the body.
01:48:07The penguin was in an air-conditioned chair.
01:48:12It's a very tiring walk.
01:48:16The penguin is a fine bird.
01:48:18It is said that the penguin's long legs were out of the body.
01:48:27The penguin spends time in cold areas where there are fewer butterflies.
01:48:31The penguin swims in the water.
01:48:33To keep the body temperature from escaping.
01:48:35The penguin evolves its legs with muscles and fat.
01:48:39The penguin is in that body shape.
01:48:41If you look at the animals with bones like this.
01:48:45I was able to see a new side of the animals that I had never seen before.
01:48:49I was able to see a new side of the animals that I had never seen before.
01:48:52I see.
01:48:53From here.
01:48:54I was surprised to see the skeleton ranking.
01:48:56I was surprised to see the skeleton ranking.
01:49:01It's a rare ranking.
01:49:03First of all, third place.
01:49:08Chameleon is a species of lizard suitable for living on trees.
01:49:13It's coming.
01:49:17It stretches its tongue with adhesion.
01:49:20It feeds on food.
01:49:22It takes a short time to get it out of its tongue and catch it.
01:49:27It reaches 90 km per hour in just 0.01 seconds.
01:49:32It's a super speed.
01:49:35Why does the chameleon use its tongue like a rocket?
01:49:39The secret is also in the bones.
01:49:42I'm curious.
01:49:43I will pierce the chameleon.
01:49:49The tongue is also made of bones.
01:49:51It's amazing.
01:49:52When you look closely, you can see something sticking out of its chin.
01:49:58This is the bone under the chameleon.
01:50:03The bone is called the skull.
01:50:05It is usually stored in the mouth.
01:50:09There is a tongue around the tongue.
01:50:15When you catch a prey, the bone under the tongue is pushed out.
01:50:21The tongue, which had become a jaw, is pushed out.
01:50:25That speed is created.
01:50:29The speed of muscle contraction is made possible by the bones.
01:50:37The second place is the blowfish.
01:50:42It is a stone blowfish that lives in the warm sea.
01:50:47It looks comfortable.
01:50:49It's very cute.
01:50:57When it is attacked by an enemy, it expands its body to protect itself.
01:51:05In general, blowfish cannot eat anything larger than their mouth.
01:51:13The blowfish's body is bigger than the enemy's mouth.
01:51:18That's why blowfish can't swallow it.
01:51:23Of course, blowfish also has bones.
01:51:27Why can blowfish change the size of their body so freely?
01:51:33Let's see the secret.
01:51:35Stone blowfish skeleton.
01:51:43Stone blowfish skeleton.
01:51:56A blowfish that expands its body to protect itself from the enemy.
01:52:01What's going on with the bones?
01:52:05Let's see the skeleton of such blowfish.
01:52:10What's this?
01:52:14It looks amazing.
01:52:16If you look closely, the small bones of a tetrapod overlap to form a blowfish.
01:52:25If you look closely at the inside,
01:52:28it's a little transparent.
01:52:30When the blowfish expands its body, it gets in the way, so there is no skull.
01:52:40The small bones overlap to form a blowfish.
01:52:49Now, let's move on to the 1st place.
01:52:52But before that,
01:52:54let's play a quiz to find out who this is.
01:52:59Look at the bones of an animal and guess what animal it is.
01:53:05What is it?
01:53:06Who is it?
01:53:07What are these bones?
01:53:08It's a manbo.
01:53:10Manbo is a good name.
01:53:12Look at the edges.
01:53:16It's a manbo.
01:53:18The answer is manbo.
01:53:22Thank you, manbo.
01:53:24It was empty.
01:53:28Actually, manbo is a member of blowfish.
01:53:31The blowfish expands its body to protect itself from the enemy.
01:53:37However, manbo expands its body to protect itself,
01:53:44so it doesn't need to expand its body.
01:53:47But they are the same member,
01:53:50so they don't have ribs like blowfish.
01:53:55I see.
01:53:56Next is this.
01:53:58What's this?
01:53:59Who is it?
01:54:00What's this?
01:54:02It's a bat.
01:54:03It's a bat.
01:54:04It's a bat.
01:54:05Is it a bat?
01:54:06Is it a bat?
01:54:07Is it a bat?
01:54:08It's a bat.
01:54:09It's a bat.
01:54:10The answer is...
01:54:13It's transparent.
01:54:14It looks like a human.
01:54:15It's a bat.
01:54:16It's a bat.
01:54:19Bats are the only mammals that can fly with their wings.
01:54:25I see.
01:54:26They make wings by stretching their fingers long and thin.
01:54:32I see.
01:54:35The 1st place is the blowfish.
01:54:39What's going on?
01:54:40The blowfish looks scary because it hides in the rocks at the bottom of the sea.
01:54:47It looks like it doesn't understand Japanese.
01:54:48When it's attacked by a prey, it acts like a hunter.
01:54:52It won't let go of any prey it catches.
01:54:56Even if it swells now...
01:54:59What's more...
01:55:02Even though it doesn't move its mouth much, the fish it catches are being sucked in.
01:55:10The secret is obvious when you look at the bones.
01:55:14Let's go.
01:55:15It's a blowfish.
01:55:16It's transparent.
01:55:17It's a blowfish.
01:55:18It's transparent.
01:55:19It's transparent.
01:55:20It has a strange structure.
01:55:22What's that?
01:55:23What's that behind its mouth?
01:55:28Actually, this is also a bone.
01:55:31What kind of bone is it?
01:55:33The 2nd place is the jaw.
01:55:35The 2nd place is the jaw.
01:55:36The blowfish has a mouth in its mouth.
01:55:40It looks like an alien.
01:55:41It's scary.
01:55:42It's true.
01:55:43It's a giant blowfish.
01:55:45When it catches a prey, the 2nd jaw pops out from the back of its throat.
01:55:50Then, it eats the prey.
01:55:54The 2nd jaw pulls it into the back of its throat and eats it.
01:56:02The blowfish has a long body and is defenseless.
01:56:05It dives and hides to make it difficult for the enemy to aim at it.
01:56:10Therefore, the 2nd jaw has evolved so that it can eat the prey it catches while hiding.
01:56:18Evolution is amazing.
01:56:20It's amazing.
01:56:21The secret of the scary blowfish bone.
01:56:24I don't want to be caught.
01:56:27That's all for the skeleton ranking.
01:56:31I've never seen a blowfish before.
01:56:33The reason why many people like movies is because of the movie Alien.
01:56:39I think they made it based on that movie.
01:56:43It's amazing.
01:56:44I think there are more movies like this.
01:56:47I think so, too.
01:56:48I think there are more movie characters like this.
01:56:52In fact, Japan has the largest number of aquariums in the world.
01:56:56It is the largest aquarium country in the world.
01:57:01One of them is the Kusetsuyo Aquarium, which is very unique.
01:57:10All the information about aquariums in Japan can be found here.
01:57:16You can see the beauty of underwater creatures in picture books and events.
01:57:21This is Kawa-chan, the brother of fish.
01:57:26I will introduce the Kusetsuyo Aquarium ranking recommended by Kawa-chan.
01:57:34The third place is...
01:57:36It's still cold, so I want to go somewhere cool.
01:57:40In that sense, it's very cool.
01:57:43And there are more mysteries than in space.
01:57:46That world is expanding.
01:57:49We came to Gamagori City, Aichi Prefecture, which is located almost in the center of Honshu.
01:57:58There is a Takeshima Aquarium in a town by the sea in front of Mikawa Bay.
01:58:03It's a stylish design.
01:58:06The first thing that welcomes us inside is...
01:58:12It's cute.
01:58:15At first glance, it looks like an ordinary aquarium.
01:58:20This is the point of Kusetsuyo Aquarium.
01:58:27What is it?
01:58:28Wow, it's big.
01:58:29It's not an exaggeration to say that it's the main creature of our aquarium.
01:58:33It's a one-legged crab.
01:58:35It's an aquarium of deep-sea fish.
01:58:38Deep-sea fish?
01:58:39That's right.
01:58:40What is on display in this aquarium is a deep-sea creature.
01:58:45It's because it's deep.
01:58:47The deep sea is the sea deeper than 200 meters deep.
01:58:52It's a dark world where the sunlight barely reaches.
01:58:56It occupies about 95% of the ocean.
01:59:01In addition to the one-legged crab, there are other deep-sea creatures in the Takeshima Aquarium.
01:59:08As for the fish, they have eyes.
01:59:11They close their eyes and take a rest.
01:59:14They are called Nanukazame.
01:59:17They carry shellfish and sea urchins on their hind legs.
01:59:21They are also known to protect themselves from the surrounding environment.
01:59:24They are called Ohomora.
01:59:27There are more than 140 rare deep-sea creatures.
01:59:32It's a very popular aquarium.
01:59:36In addition to that,
01:59:42you can touch precious deep-sea creatures directly.
01:59:48I want to touch it.
01:59:50There are more than this.
01:59:53They went to the aquarium's breeding office.
01:59:59It seems that they are dissecting deep-sea fish.
02:00:03I didn't know that.
02:00:08Did they eat it?
02:00:14Takeshima Aquarium in Gamagori City, Aichi Prefecture.
02:00:20They are dissecting deep-sea fish in the breeding office.
02:00:30Did they eat it?
02:00:32I'm a gourmet hunter, Sanda-chan.
02:00:35I eat deep-sea creatures.
02:00:38I aim to convey the taste to the customers.
02:00:43Sanda-san is a gourmet hunter who has eaten more than 80 types of deep-sea creatures.
02:00:51The meat is a little soft.
02:00:53I tell the customers that it was delicious.
02:00:58It's called eating.
02:01:01In the first place,
02:01:03I heard a voice saying that it was delicious while looking at the deep-sea creatures on display.
02:01:09I thought I would eat it and report it.
02:01:15The deep-sea creatures I ate were introduced in the report.
02:01:20The deep-sea creatures I have eaten so far are
02:01:24I want to eat this.
02:01:26Because the body is small, there are many organs such as digestive organs.
02:01:30There are many deep-sea creatures in the legs.
02:01:33Where do you eat it?
02:01:35I'm brave.
02:01:37I'm curious about the taste.
02:01:40I ate it as a tempura.
02:01:42It's just fragrant.
02:01:46Next is the fairy of Ryuhyo that everyone knows.
02:01:49It's Kurione.
02:01:51I ate it raw.
02:01:55Bitterness spreads in the mouth and the brain is at its limit.
02:02:00Don't worry, I'm alive.
02:02:03This is a comment.
02:02:05This is dangerous.
02:02:08This is dangerous.
02:02:13I will grill this.
02:02:16This is a sea cleaner that eats dead fish.
02:02:22How does it taste?
02:02:25I will eat this.
02:02:30This is not good.
02:02:33This tastes like shrimp.
02:02:41Sometimes the contents of the stomach stick to the meat.
02:02:44This is bitter.
02:02:47If you are interested in the taste of this,
02:02:50you can buy it at the souvenir shop of the aquarium.
02:02:55How does it taste?
02:03:00This is the second place in the ranking.
02:03:05This is the best aquarium in the world.
02:03:09This is the best aquarium in the world.
02:03:18I went to Tsuruoka City in Yamagata Prefecture.
02:03:26I went to the Tsuruoka Aquarium.
02:03:34I was guided to the inside of the aquarium.
02:03:40I went to the inside of the aquarium.
02:03:44This is very impressive.
02:03:47This is a giant jellyfish.
02:03:51This is a jellyfish that swims in the water.
02:03:56There are many jellyfish here and there.
02:04:02There are many jellyfish here and there.
02:04:06This is a special aquarium for jellyfish.
02:04:11This is a jellyfish that lives in the Mediterranean Sea.
02:04:17This is a jellyfish that lives in the Mediterranean Sea.
02:04:25There are many species of jellyfish on the umbrella.
02:04:30There are jellyfish that look like they are wearing a jacket.
02:04:34You can see almost all the jellyfish exhibited in Japan here.
02:04:41There are more than 80 types.
02:04:46You can't see this kind of exhibition at other aquariums.
02:04:53This is a jellyfish bar.
02:04:57You can put jellyfish on the counter.
02:05:03This is too special.
02:05:06At the jellyfish bar, you can learn about the growth process of jellyfish.
02:05:13This is a life cycle of jellyfish.
02:05:16The growth of jellyfish is that the male takes out the sperm in the water.
02:05:20The female takes it into her body and gives birth to eggs.
02:05:23After that, the jellyfish grows while changing its shape at each stage.
02:05:28After about a month, the jellyfish is called a jellyfish.
02:05:32You should be surprised at the growth process.
02:05:36At the third stage, the jellyfish is called a polyp.
02:05:43The body is separated and the number of polyps is increased.
02:05:49It has been revealed in recent research that one polyp can be divided into up to 72.
02:05:58After that, the polyp is divided into four stages and grows into a strobila.
02:06:05Gradually, the polyp enters the body and the polyp is divided again.
02:06:12Each polyp is growing into the jellyfish we are looking at.
02:06:21This is interesting.
02:06:23If you can make a 100-day-old jellyfish, you can get 100 million polyps in a day.
02:06:31The number of polyps is increasing rapidly.
02:06:34There is a research announcement that the number of polyps will be 70 times per month.
02:06:38The number of polyps will be 70 times per month in the next month.
02:06:41This is a big problem.
02:06:43If the number of polyps increases like this, the sea will be full of jellyfish.
02:06:46The sea will be full of jellyfish.
02:06:48Because the jellyfish are being eaten.
02:06:51Therefore, the sea must have food.
02:06:56Various things are intertwined to create an environment.
02:07:00It is the balance of food chain.
02:07:03The food chain of the sea is maintained by an exquisite balance.
02:07:10Such jellyfish are eating small animal plankton in the food chain.
02:07:18The jellyfish that reflect light and shine in rainbow colors are eating something strange.
02:07:28This is a valuable video that captures the essence of the meal.
02:07:39This is a video that captures the essence of the meal.
02:07:51The jellyfish that reflect light and shine in rainbow colors are eating something strange.
02:07:56This is a valuable video that captures the essence of the meal.
02:08:00The jellyfish that reflect light and shine in rainbow colors are eating something strange.
02:08:05This is a video that captures the essence of the meal.
02:08:10The jellyfish that reflect light and shine in rainbow colors are eating something strange.
02:08:16In addition to the jellyfish, there is also a jellyfish exhibition.
02:08:20This is where we breed jellyfish.
02:08:28This is a jellyfish breeding laboratory.
02:08:32They have succeeded in breeding jellyfish, including north water jellyfish,
02:08:37large jellyfish, and jellyfish that have never been successfully bred.
02:08:45If you hear that there is a rare jellyfish,
02:08:47you will be able to see it not only in Japan, but also abroad.
02:08:50It is said that the jellyfish are collected, bred, and displayed at aquariums.
02:08:57This large-scale research facility is the top class in Japan.
02:09:01There are many visitors from abroad.
02:09:05I will let you know how interesting jellyfish are.
02:09:11You may think it's just a jellyfish, but it's so difficult to breed.
02:09:18I think the passion of the people who rely on such a creature is the strongest.
02:09:27The number of jellyfish breeding is increasing.
02:09:34There are many insects.
02:09:37There are many creatures that have decided that they don't need males.
02:09:47Maybe humans don't need males.
02:09:51You said a scary thing.
02:09:53I was told by a jellyfish that the pyramid where the king and the man are sitting is the body of humans.
02:10:06I think the king himself denied it.
02:10:09In the case of jellyfish, they make a new species when they make children.
02:10:15If you increase the number of species, you may get the same disease.
02:10:19By getting a different gene here, you can make a difference.
02:10:23Both species are breeding.
02:10:25It's an interesting lifestyle.
02:10:28That's why you can stay here forever.
02:10:33Kawa's recommended aquarium ranking.
02:10:36The first place is...
02:10:39This is a rare aquarium in the world.
02:10:43This is the largest aquarium in the world.
02:10:47You'll know what I mean when you go there.
02:10:50The youngest handsome captain of Japan is waiting for you.
02:10:56He went to Nabari City, Mie Prefecture.
02:11:00It's in the mountains.
02:11:01It's crowded.
02:11:03Customers are heading to the back of the mountain.
02:11:09He follows the customers and walks along the road in the mountains.
02:11:15There is an aquarium in the mountains.
02:11:19It's true.
02:11:20This is the first aquarium in the world.
02:11:26The youngest handsome captain of Japan is waiting for him.
02:11:35I heard that this is the largest aquarium in the world.
02:11:39I think it's faster to go there.
02:11:41Let's go there.
02:11:45He doesn't go to the aquarium.
02:11:47He goes to the back of the mountain.
02:11:52There are many fish called YOSHINOBORI in Iwahada.
02:11:57There are many of them.
02:11:58It's a shallow area.
02:12:01There are many fish in this area.
02:12:03There are many fish in this area.
02:12:05People who like freshwater fish are popular.
02:12:08Is this a cute fish?
02:12:09This is cute.
02:12:11I found a good fish.
02:12:14This is a red-bellied imori.
02:12:16This fish has a red belly.
02:12:18Is this a red-bellied imori?
02:12:19The number of places where you can see wild fish is decreasing.
02:12:25What does the largest aquarium in the world mean?
02:12:30This is a tourist attraction called AKAMI SHIJUHASHI TAKI.
02:12:33Visitors walk along the waterfall.
02:12:37They can see various animals while walking along the waterfall.
02:12:41This is a whole aquarium.
02:12:46The building itself is not very big.
02:12:51There is a 3-kilometer-long canyon.
02:12:55The creatures that live there are also part of the AKAMI SHIJUHASHI TAKI aquarium.
02:13:00You can see the animals that live in nature in the aquarium.
02:13:08This is the largest aquarium in the world.
02:13:12If you look closely, you can see a special animal.
02:13:20What is that?
02:13:22This is a place where OOSAN SHOUMO lives.
02:13:28This is a warning from the AKAMI SHIJUHASHI TAKI aquarium.
02:13:33You can see OOSAN SHOUMO, which is designated as a national natural monument.
02:13:40This is amazing.
02:13:43OOSAN SHOUMO is exhibited in the main aquarium in the museum.
02:13:49I am exhibiting OOSAN SHOUMO.
02:13:53Where is it?
02:13:54It looks like a rock.
02:13:56I think there is a strange rock over there.
02:14:03It's a little bumpy.
02:14:06Is that OOSAN SHOUMO?
02:14:08This is OOSAN SHOUMO.
02:14:11This is about 106 cm long.
02:14:17OOSAN SHOUMO is not a fish.
02:14:19OOSAN SHOUMO is one of the largest amphibians in the world.
02:14:24This is cool.
02:14:26OOSAN SHOUMO has not changed much since 30 million years ago.
02:14:31OOSAN SHOUMO is also called a living fossil.
02:14:35OOSAN SHOUMO is nocturnal.
02:14:37OOSAN SHOUMO often stays still in the shade of a rock.
02:14:43OOSAN SHOUMO is a amphibian.
02:14:45OOSAN SHOUMO needs to breathe deeply.
02:14:51When I see OOSAN SHOUMO moving, I get excited.
02:14:54OOSAN SHOUMO only breathes from the surface of the water.
02:14:58OOSAN SHOUMO inflates the throat.
02:15:00OOSAN SHOUMO sucks air into the lungs.
02:15:04OOSAN SHOUMO can move from 20 minutes to 30 minutes.
02:15:07OOSAN SHOUMO can move from 20 minutes to 30 minutes.
02:15:13OOSAN SHOUMO moves slowly.
02:15:15OOSAN SHOUMO moves slowly.
02:15:27The movie I play as a voice actor is being released.
02:15:31I play the voice of three high school students.
02:15:35I play the voice of three high school students.
02:15:38I play the voice of three high school students.
02:15:41I play the voice of three high school students.
02:15:47OOSAN SHOUMO is a national special natural monument.
02:15:51The scene of the meal is shocking.
02:15:55The meal is a big meal.
02:15:58The meal is a big meal.
02:16:06OOSAN SHOUMO is designated as a national special natural monument.
02:16:11OOSAN SHOUMO is designated as a national special natural monument.
02:16:15OOSAN SHOUMO is classified as a Chinese food.
02:16:21OOSAN SHOUMO is classified as a Chinese food.
02:16:27OOSAN SHOUMO is classified as a Chinese food.
02:16:33OOSAN SHOUMO is classified as a Chinese food.
02:16:38There are many animals in the museum.
02:16:43There are many animals in the museum.
02:16:48Chris B1000 came tovesty.
02:16:52I thought about what kind of living creatures were active in the aquarium.
02:16:56I thought about what kind of living creatures were active in the aquarium.
02:17:01So I decided to change the lionfish and the steelfish toactive.
02:17:06So I decided to change the lionfish and the steelfish to active.
02:17:09The aquarium is located next to the valley.
02:17:13I think it's rare to find an aquarium like this.
02:17:18I want to make the best use of the landscape to make it the only aquarium I've been able to enjoy in my life.
02:17:27I think the best aquarium is a place where you can see the true nature of animals.
02:17:32In that sense, I think this is a perfect aquarium.
02:17:37The way the zoo and aquarium are displayed and the philosophy behind it are clearly different from when we were children.
02:17:46I also reflect on my actions.
02:17:49I was moved by the fact that I could talk about the scale of the earth with my family.
02:17:57What did you think of the report?
02:17:59It is said that the number of monkeys and the amount of fruits in the Amazon is constant.
02:18:09That's why I came out many times today.
02:18:12There is a balance between being a predator and being able to eat.
02:18:18I wonder if there is a present that only humans have come out of there.
02:18:24Throughout the day today, the way humans are and the way they will be in the future.
02:18:30Perhaps it is a desire for the sake of humans that has destroyed other creatures.
02:18:38I think we should work on how to accept it as a weakness of humans and create a future and light.
02:18:54The Nagasaki Biopark has become a catalyst for being called the best zoo in Japan.
02:19:00A bunch of watermelons.
02:19:04One of them, Momo, is 30 years old this year.
02:19:09In terms of humans, it is an age to celebrate.
02:19:14Momo, who has grown so far, and Ito, the director, have a bond that has overcome difficulties.
02:19:25I was raised by an artificial childcare, so I am Momo's parent.
02:19:32Momo was born in March, when the cold was severe 30 years ago.
02:19:38Normally, hippos are born in the water, but Momo was born on the ground.
02:19:45This has caused great damage to Momo.
02:19:49Hippos have short legs, so they can't get between their mother and the ground on the ground.
02:19:56Babies can't reach Chibusa.
02:19:59Momo was in a state where she could not drink milk and fell into a state of death in the cold.
02:20:05Momo's mother, Nonnon, is said to have abandoned her child.
02:20:11I'm not like that, I was born on March 6th, when it was cold.
02:20:17I think she thought that if she was born in the water, she would die.
02:20:23The breeder protects Momo.
02:20:26Even though he had taken care of one side, there was no successful example of hippo artificial childcare in Japan at that time.
02:20:33Each one was made by hand.
02:20:40The first wall is milk.
02:20:43Momo did not drink the necessary input to increase the resistance.
02:20:48By raising Momo, my mother was very angry.
02:20:52I can't squeeze milk from my mother at all.
02:20:57The milk of Jersey cow with high fat content was noticed here.
02:21:03When I asked a friend's farm, he kindly shared it.
02:21:08As a result of the support of the breeders, about two months have passed since the birth of Momo.
02:21:15It was thought that hippo artificial childcare was successful, but a certain doubt arose in Mr. Ito.
02:21:22When I washed the dirty things after milk, I wondered if Momo could swim properly.
02:21:31Momo, who has never been in the water since she was born.
02:21:36If she can't swim, she can't return to the pond where her mother is.
02:21:41However, Momo refused to drink water and drowned without knowing how to breathe.
02:21:49I entered the pond from my nose and mouth, but I didn't know when to close it.
02:21:53At that time, I inhaled the water at once and showed it to Momo.
02:21:56At that time, I inhaled the water at once and showed it to Momo.
02:21:59From the second time, I felt like I was going to play in the water with her.
02:22:09In order to return to his mother, Mr. Ito carried out swimming training.
02:22:14Mr. Ito continued to teach Momo how to use her timing and feet.
02:22:19Three months have passed since then.
02:22:24Momo learned how to swim.
02:22:28It is characterized by a strange way of swimming like a butterfly.
02:22:34Two years and four months after birth, Momo was able to return to the pond where her mother lives.
02:22:40Her mother also accepted Momo.
02:22:44At the age of seven, Momo gave birth to her first child.
02:22:49She gave birth in the water, which she had never experienced before.
02:22:56The moment when I became a real hippo was when I gave birth to my child.
02:23:03At that time, I couldn't stop crying because I forgot to take a picture.
02:23:09Momo, who delivers the charm of animals that entertain the viewer.
02:23:15There was a mother-child love between the hard-working breeder and Momo, who desperately survived.
