• 2 days ago


00:00Today we are going to tell you how it is to see a mosque in a dream.
00:07If a person sees a dream in which he is sitting in a mosque and there is greenery around him,
00:14it means that people will have a misconception about the thing which is not present in the dream.
00:26If a person sees himself as the Imam in a mosque,
00:30it means that a great person of that area will be a follower of the dreamer.
00:39Keeping the mosque clean, taking care of its cleanliness,
00:43adding beauty to it is a matter of great happiness.
00:47If a person sees in a dream that he has lit a lamp in the mosque,
00:53it means that Allah will bless him with a good son.
01:03It is a beautiful dream if a person sees that he has lit a lamp in the mosque.
01:10If a person sees in a dream that he wants to enter the mosque,
01:20but a person stops him at the door,
01:23it means that he will be treated unjustly.
01:27He will be treated unjustly.
01:32Therefore, such a person should pray for wellness in the courtyard of Allah after seeing a dream.
01:41If he sees that the call to prayer has been made on the minaret of the mosque,
01:45it means that Hajj will be performed on Umrah.
01:48If he sees that the call to prayer has been made in the mosque,
01:52it means that he will invite people to the religion of Allah.
01:59If a person sees in a dream that it is Friday,
02:04and he has added beauty to the mosque,
02:10Allah will bless him with a good son.
02:16Scholars will benefit from this.
02:19So, in this respect, this dream is very good for those who see it.
02:26If a person sees in a dream that he has added beauty to the mosque,
02:32Allah will bless him with a good son.
02:41Normally, we see this scene in the mosque.
02:45A person has gone to the mosque, he has prayed,
02:48and he is standing towards the Qibla, he worships Allah.
02:51But if a person sees in a dream that he is in the mosque,
02:56he prays, but his direction is not towards the Qibla,
03:00he is turning from the Qibla,
03:02then his interpretation is very bad.
03:06Some interpreters have said that this is a sign of misguidance.
03:10Such a person should pay a lot of attention to his affairs.
03:16If a person sees that a mosque is being built in a desolate place,
03:22such as a mosque of Madrasa or Khan,
03:25or something similar to it,
03:27then this is an interpretation of his reformation of religion and intellect,
03:31and to collect rewards for the hereafter.
03:36We have talked about the cleanliness of the mosque.
03:40There were many beautiful interpretations of it.
03:44Now let's talk more about it.
03:46If a person sees that he cleans the mosque,
03:49that is, he washes the mosque,
03:51then this is a sign that his wealth will be spent in that mosque,
03:56and Allah will fulfill his purpose.
03:59This is also a sign of fulfilling the purpose.
