Sueños de libertad Cap 142 (12-09-24)

  • 2 days ago


00:00You're awake.
00:19How did the girl end up yesterday?
00:22Aren't you going to answer me?
00:25The principal of the school had me together for more than an hour to explain the study and activities program.
00:31So I'm glad I got a room in Sigüenza.
00:35I asked you about the girl, Jesus, not you.
00:38She's doing great.
00:40They gave her a spacious and bright room.
00:44And she's going to receive an exquisite education.
00:48Did she cry again?
00:50Well, no.
00:52On the contrary, she seemed delighted as she went to the dining room to have dinner with her new classmates.
00:59You would have felt proud of her.
01:02I'm always proud of Julia.
01:04Because she's one of the most wonderful creatures I've ever met.
01:08And one day you'll regret taking her out of this house just to hurt me.
01:12If you took her out of here, it's for her own good.
01:15And if I had wanted to punish you, I would have locked you up in a asylum when I had the chance.
01:20And I didn't.
01:21No, you didn't, because you know that any faculty member would have realized right away that you were drugging me.
01:26I hope one day you realize that this is the best for Julia.
01:29And for everyone.
01:30I wish it were.
01:32But you know better than anyone that what you're doing to the girl is an irreparable damage.
01:35And I'm not going to forgive you for that in life.
01:39And what about me?
01:40Do you think it hurts me to separate from her?
01:42I'm the one who should forgive you.
01:44I'm not to blame for the girl being far from home and surrounded by strangers.
01:47I think you are.
01:48And if you took her out of here, it's to protect her from you.
01:50My God, Jesus, your way of changing the reality is sickening.
01:53You believe your own lies.
01:55Of course.
01:56Now it will turn out that I am the one who invented that you were going to kidnap her to take you to England, right?
02:00You were the one who was going to separate her from her family and her own father.
02:03And if you hadn't done that madness, I would never have sent Julia anywhere.
02:07You know perfectly well that the girl is better with me than with anyone.
02:10Because Tegustio is not my daughter.
02:11Julia is not your daughter.
02:12Neither is yours.
02:13Because you will never have a child of your own.
02:15Repeat that.
02:16Repeat it if you dare.
02:18Let me go.
02:19If you don't want them to leave evidence in front of your whole family.
02:50What are you doing, mother?
02:52It is already.
02:53I'm tidying this up.
02:55Today I have woken up earlier than usual.
02:57And I want to lighten the firewood.
03:01And this is part of the cleaning?
03:03I have removed the ornaments.
03:05It only accumulates dust.
03:11You have removed all the photos of your father?
03:14And I have removed all the photos of my mother.
03:17He has removed all the photos of his father?
03:23Mother, I understand that it still hurts him to know that his father was ...
03:26Joaquín, I don't want to talk about that now.
03:29I don't know if I can digest all this.
03:31But of course, seeing his photos doesn't help me.
03:35They are unpleasant memories.
03:38Luis and I also had a hard time accepting it.
03:43And I'm sure his father had a very bad time.
03:45Yes, I'm sure he had a very bad time.
03:48But I'm the one who was deceived.
03:50They were here, for God's sake.
03:52In my house.
03:54When it was already the second day.
03:57His relationship with Mario lasted just over a year.
03:59Joaquín, I try to do what I think is convenient for me.
04:03I hope you respect me.
04:05Yes, of course.
04:07But it's over.
04:09And it's not worth suffering so much for something that has no remedy.
04:12You have to turn a page.
04:14And look ahead.
04:15That's what I'm doing, removing the photos.
04:19Turn a page.
04:21And look ahead.
04:24Very well, if removing the photos of his father helps you ...
04:28Go ahead.
04:29I don't know.
04:32I don't know where I can keep this.
04:34You keep it.
04:35Or throw it away, I don't care.
04:37She's leaving.
04:43Everything is fine, son.
04:44I see you worried.
04:46Yes, everything is fine.
04:47Thank you, Tere.
04:50Good morning.
04:51Good morning.
04:52Good morning.
04:53What a bad regulator today.
04:56I wanted to announce something to you and I preferred to do it before you came down.
05:00Jaime and I have decided to move to Barcelona to boost sales from there.
05:04They are somewhat stagnant.
05:07Anyone could do that, right?
05:10Now is not the best time for you to leave while Jaime is like this.
05:13We have made the decision thinking about him.
05:17And I think it's the right thing to do.
05:19I think it's the right thing to do.
05:21I think it's the right thing to do.
05:23I think it's the right thing to do.
05:25I think it's the right thing to do.
05:27We have made the decision thinking about him.
05:29Jaime loves the sea.
05:32And he would like to spend the last days he has left by the coast.
05:38It would be good for him.
05:41I'm sorry you're going so far, Marta.
05:43But if it's for Jaime's sake, I have nothing to say.
05:48I'm just going to miss you a lot.
05:50I miss you too.
05:54And when do you plan to leave?
05:56As soon as possible.
05:59The stores already have a new manager.
06:01Carmen will replace me and take care of the accounts of the stores in the provinces.
06:06As soon as the day comes, we'll leave.
06:15Keep me informed.
06:17We'll talk about it more calmly, if you like.
06:23Well, see you at the factory.
06:26See you.
06:46Well, I'm already here.
06:48What happened? Why are you calling me so urgently?
06:50Lately I haven't won for results.
06:52No, you haven't.
06:55But sit down, I want to talk to you about my transfer to Barcelona.
07:00I've made a decision.
07:03Well, tell me what it is.
07:08I'm going to follow your advice and I'm going to Barcelona.
07:16Well, I'll have to prepare the suitcase.
07:18No, no, no, Father. You don't have to sacrifice yourself for me.
07:21You don't want me to go?
07:22Of course I want you to come with me, please. You know that perfectly well.
07:26But you told me that this is your place.
07:29And I don't want to separate you from the land where my mother is buried either.
07:36You don't have to go, Marta. I don't want you to go.
07:41I would end up losing you if I went out that door.
07:47I couldn't stand it.
07:49It's been a long time since I started losing myself.
07:52Not just because I don't accept myself as I am.
07:56Everything I've done has been to protect you.
07:58From whom? From my brother, Jesus?
08:01Why do you allow him to keep playing with everyone? How is that possible?
08:05I don't allow you to do that.
08:07It's you.
08:10If my brother is like that, it's because you didn't put limits on him in time.
08:14And now, unfortunately, it's too late.
08:15Because he will continue to weigh the heads of anyone who gets in his way.
08:23I don't know how he can live in peace, knowing that a son of his can do so much harm.
08:30What I live is a hell inside, Marta.
08:35And I deserve it for being such a bad father.
08:39Yes, really, maybe you could do things better.
08:45I suppose you have your reasons to let Jesus do that to you.
08:51Although that ruins my life.
08:53Finish breakfast, please. Let's talk.
08:56I'm not hungry.
09:05Father, I'm going to visit you many times.
09:10And you can also come for a season, if you want.
09:13I know, but I don't want to change your life for anything in the world.
09:18My life, of course, is going to change. And yours too, daughter.
09:23In the end, that bad son of Jesus has gone out with his own, to separate you from Marta.
09:31Because Marta...
09:33Marta comes with me to Barcelona.
09:35But how is that possible?
09:37But if Marta has a very important position here in the factory, and a very sick husband, she's going to leave him here in that state.
09:44The husband will also come.
09:47Between the two of us, we will take care of him.
09:53Father, what's wrong? It doesn't seem right to you.
09:56I think you're too modern for me.
10:00The three of us together, I can't get my head around it.
10:03I know, but Jaime is a beautiful person, and Marta loves him very much.
10:09Not as a husband, but...
10:10Yeah, yeah, but he's still her husband, daughter, and you're going to be there in the middle of the two of them.
10:14Yeah, but he doesn't care.
10:16Because he stopped seeing Marta as his wife a long time ago.
10:19And he thinks it's good that the three of us go.
10:22Well, I don't know, maybe...
10:24I should go too. I don't want to leave you in a situation...
10:28You're going to need help.
10:30No, father, really. We're going to be fine.
10:32That if you want to come, you're always welcome.
10:35But let the reasons be honest.
10:39Don't make it harder for me.
10:46If that's what you want, and you tell me that...
10:55You're very, very happy with the love of your life.
11:01In the end, it will turn out that I have a very modern father.
11:14Well, well, well.
11:17But look at her.
11:19But look how beautiful she is for her first day as a manager.
11:22Shut up, come on. I'm fine, really.
11:26It's just that this morning I had to go to the bank and I didn't even have time to look in the mirror.
11:29You're so beautiful, Carmen.
11:31Elegant, but discreet.
11:33Come on, if you were blonde, you would have confused yourself with Mrs. Marta.
11:37You're so beautiful, Carmen.
11:39You're so beautiful, Carmen.
11:41You're so beautiful, Carmen.
11:43You're so beautiful, Carmen.
11:45Yes, yes, I know.
11:47I have to buy at least a couple more blouses.
11:49And a skirt until I get my new uniform.
11:51Yes, that too.
11:53But I didn't mean that, huh?
11:55I meant that we would have to agree to raise the child with the same values.
11:59Ah, no, no, no.
12:01You don't command that, Claudia.
12:03I'll do whatever you say.
12:05And Tassio?
12:07But hey, we're not going to talk about that right now, we're in the store.
12:10Have you seen how I put the children's section?
12:13Well, well, you look beautiful, Carmen.
12:15I was seeing it before.
12:17What did Mrs. Marta tell you?
12:19That you put it like that or did you come up with it?
12:21No, no, I came up with it.
12:23I've always thought that giving a little touch to the shelves would look better.
12:25I'll tell you, I already have the ideas.
12:27Oh, Carmen, I wanted to ask you a question.
12:30Do I have to treat you now or can I continue to treat you?
12:34Claudia, please, how are you going to treat me of you?
12:37Well, in front of the customers, yes.
12:39And when we go to a point of sale too, but let's go by formality.
12:42Oh, Carmen, I would love to accompany you to a point of sale,
12:45even if it's just to grab your bag.
12:47Come on, we're going to keep being partners.
12:49Esma, I want to take advantage of my position to improve our working conditions.
12:52We already talked about it sometime, remember?
12:54Well, let's see if they let you.
12:56Man, of course they're going to let me.
12:58To begin with, because everything I'm going to propose will be reasonable things.
13:01And to continue, because here the one who knows the most about the store is me.
13:04That's true.
13:05With all due respect to Mrs. Marta,
13:07it's not the same to have a business starting from the top
13:10than starting from the bottom.
13:12Well, you're right, Carmen.
13:14And when you're right, I have to give it to you.
13:16Well, yes.
13:18I'm so happy, Tere, that our Esma is here.
13:20I still can't believe it, Claudia.
13:22Well, I'm going inside to see if the lavender soap box I asked for has arrived.
13:26Yes, it has arrived.
13:29Yes. Look, I left it here with Alvarán.
13:30And these are some account books that they have left for you too.
13:33From all the stores.
13:35Apparently, you're in charge of reviewing annual accounts.
13:38And she?
13:46My God.
13:50How many numbers!
13:57I thought I had followed you.
13:58I thought I had followed you.
14:00It was just an excuse.
14:02I let you two talk calmly about the matter.
14:05Is everything okay?
14:07I'm not going to lie to you.
14:09I don't understand.
14:11How is it possible that Jaime died so far from here?
14:15We are the only family he has.
14:18And Julia's.
14:20She's my only granddaughter, for God's sake.
14:22Julia had to go against her will, Father.
14:25Because Jesus has insisted.
14:26And Marta, if she leaves, her reasons will be clear.
14:29But where is she going to be better than here, in her own house?
14:32No matter how difficult it is that sometimes things get Jesus.
14:35You could have prevented Jesus from taking Julia to that boarding school.
14:39Jesus is your father and he has the last word.
14:42I'm tired of everyone blaming me for the decisions others make.
14:46I don't know why, but I have the feeling that Marta's has not been an easy conversation either.
14:50And Jesus has come out with the action, right?
14:52Andres, I also sometimes need a little humanity.
14:56A little love and understanding.
14:59Everything he has always done has been to watch over the family.
15:03No, Father. He has only watched over Jesus.
15:06Let's not start, Andres.
15:08He is the only one who really feels protected in this house.
15:11While the others are out there raffling their daggers.
15:14Things are much more complicated than you think.
15:17You would never have done what I have done to save Julia's family.
15:20You would never have done what I have done to save the family from the scandal and the ruin.
15:24It's obvious.
15:28If they had let them put Jesus in jail for what he did,
15:34by now we would have lost everything.
15:37What was still missing was to hear it.
15:40The scandal would have been so great that no one would want our products anymore.
15:46Our gifts, our products.
15:47He really tells me.
15:49Andres, be aware.
15:51When I'm gone, all this will be yours.
15:55And I don't want you to lose everything because of your older brother.
15:59I do everything for you, even if you don't believe it.
16:03But how is it possible that my father has gone so far?
16:08Your father has threatened me not to tell him what I knew.
16:11First, he told me that he would send my mother to the worst asylum he could find.
16:17He did that.
16:20And then he threatened to report me to adultery.
16:23He saw us.
16:25I'm not such a bad person, Andres.
16:28I'm just a desperate father for the well-being of his children.
16:33Yes, father.
16:35But the end does not justify the means.
16:37And you better than anyone should know it.
16:39After threatening Jesus so many times for that.
16:48DAY 3
16:55Wow, there are all the shops here.
16:58Look. Arenaz,
17:02It's a lot of numbers.
17:04I don't know when I'll have time to do this.
17:06I'm not good at accounting.
17:08Don't worry, Carmen.
17:10If you ever need to stay home, we'll take care of the shop.
17:14Good morning, everyone.
17:15Good morning, both of you.
17:16Good morning.
17:17Carmen, I came to wish you the best on your first day as a boss.
17:21This morning, I don't know why you woke up so early, you haven't told me anything.
17:24Because I went to the bank to ask if they were giving us the mortgage now with my salary increase.
17:28Of course, do you think that's going to go there?
17:30Tassio, before you tell me anything, have they said yes?
17:34What do you mean they said yes? Easy.
17:36Well, your signature is missing, as a husband.
17:39In these times that run until we change it,
17:42you can't ask for a single piruleta, even if you earn more.
17:45Well, earn more for the moment.
17:47Well, honey, what else is there?
17:49The important thing is that we're going to be able to have our little flat.
17:51What a happy couple, congratulations.
17:53That's good luck, to have your own flat.
17:55I'd like that.
17:56Well, you'll have it too, you'll see.
17:59Tassio, aren't you happy?
18:01Yes, yes, yes, of course.
18:03What surprises me is that everything is going so fast, without any problem, I don't know.
18:07Oh my life, what a joy, I can't believe it.
18:09We're going to have our flat.
18:12Very good.
18:14Well, see you later.
18:22What are you doing?
18:24Well, I'm cleaning some covers that had turned black.
18:28Do you need help?
18:30I'm cleaning the floor, Maria.
18:33I'm bored of doing nothing.
18:36Well, go out and read for a while, what can you do?
18:38Have you seen what a beautiful day it is?
18:42I prefer to be here.
18:45What's wrong with you? You're a little restless.
18:51Yesterday I told Begoña everything I thought about her.
18:55Everything, everything?
18:57The fact that you think I faked her illness too?
18:59I put it on the tray.
19:01Well, and you've been looking for her a little too.
19:04And I'm tired of going with my feet on lead.
19:08I just told her that ...
19:11that such a quick recovery made her think.
19:16And as she faced me, I told her the truth.
19:18Well, anyone would feel offended if they were accused of something like that.
19:21Well, let her be offended if she wants to.
19:23She knows I'm telling the truth.
19:25Now she's good, she pretends well.
19:27More fake than a wooden king.
19:30Notice that I think you're wrong.
19:33Well, you should have seen her face of anger when she was discovered.
19:38María, you should leave him once and for all.
19:41Listen to me.
19:43Let her leave my husband alone.
19:46Because of her, we lost our son.
19:48But what are you saying?
19:50You didn't lose anything because you didn't expect anything.
19:53But Begoña doesn't know that.
19:55María, the one who's going to go crazy is really going to be you.
19:58I'm perfectly fine.
20:00And she should feel guilty.
20:02Instead of facing me.
20:04And what did you expect?
20:06For her to stay there after what you told her?
20:13Hi, Gemma.
20:14Hi. What's up?
20:16Nothing. Tere told me you were here.
20:18I came to give you a kiss before I went to work.
20:20What are you doing, cleaning up?
20:23I'm helping Gemma.
20:25To go to Toledo to eat.
20:28I don't have plans this afternoon. Do you want to go to Madrid for dinner?
20:31Not today, but later.
20:33When Jaime and Marta leave, we'll do whatever you want.
20:36Now I want to spend time with them.
20:38Before they leave.
20:40Well, I encourage both of you to go to work.
21:04Tere told me she wanted to see me.
21:08Did you know that Marta and my son-in-law are going to Barcelona?
21:12With Fina.
21:15Now we both have to say goodbye to our daughters.
21:19Although I know it's best for them.
21:22I wish we were sure.
21:25Nothing guarantees that they will be safe.
21:28More safe than here, of course.
21:30You say it for Jesus.
21:32Do you also think I should stop him?
21:35Look, I'm not going to tell you how to act.
21:38But if something happens to my daughter because of this,
21:41I don't know what I would be able to do.
21:44I understand you.
21:52My daughter is the most important thing in my life.
21:55That's why I know I should let her go.
21:58Because whatever it is, what I want most in this world is her happiness.
22:01Have you talked to Marta about that?
22:04The two of them will know how to take care of each other very well
22:07because they really love each other.
22:10And the sooner she accepts it, the better, Damián.
22:13Because if not, she will end up losing her daughter completely.
22:17I will never be able to conceive that kind of love.
22:21It would be enough for me to respect it.
22:24I try, but it has been useless.
22:27Marta has decided to leave for Barcelona.
22:30Julia has already left.
22:33To top it off, my son-in-law is dying.
22:39Dark times are coming back to this house.
22:42The truth is that a lot of things have come together.
22:45I'm losing the reins of the family.
22:48I feel like everything can be out of control at any time.
22:53If it weren't for ...
22:57Has he told you anything worthy?
23:01About what? Has something happened?
23:05And where are Marta and Jaime going?
23:08To Barcelona.
23:10It seems that my brother-in-law prefers to die near the sea.
23:18What's wrong? Does it worry you?
23:21It's you, who should be worried.
23:24Don't be scared. Tell me your secret. You were never pregnant.
23:27Now that you have nothing to lose, please.
23:31No, no. I already told you that Jaime is not going to say anything.
23:35Because he knows that if I tell him, they will fire Dr. Borrell.
23:39They are not together anymore.
23:41The doctor has gone out with my brother-in-law Luis again.
23:44Oh yeah?
23:48Well, I don't think he wants Marta to know that he was unfaithful to her.
23:53That's possible.
23:55Of course, imagine.
23:57And if Marta leaves him, who would take care of him?
24:00Marta wouldn't be so heartless.
24:02I've seen it, it's the best thing in this house.
24:05Look, in this house, everyone took one foot.
24:11Things between Dina and I have changed for the better.
24:19I'm glad. I know she was very affected by the departure of the little one.
24:24Precisely for that reason.
24:26For that reason, she got closer to me.
24:30And yesterday we kissed.
24:34So, things have gone further.
24:39And you know better than anyone how much I love her.
24:44But I don't know if I'm going to get my hopes up.
24:47No, no, Damián.
24:49Dina is not to play with anyone's feelings.
24:52On the contrary, she has always been very clear and very direct when she has felt betrayed.
24:56For that very reason.
24:58Because yesterday, after kissing us, she ended up getting away from me again.
25:04She may regret it.
25:08We are all afraid that love will take control of us.
25:13And she has plenty of reasons to fear suffering.
25:18You know, I've always thought you two would end up together.
25:23I only doubted it once.
25:27When I came to think that you kept unconfessable secrets.
25:32You know.
25:34Fortunately, I was wrong.
25:38Or not?
25:39Of course. All my secrets started with Tassio and ended with Julia.
25:48You have to believe me.
25:50Yes, yes, I believe you.
26:10Come in.
26:18I come at a good time. I don't mind spending a while.
26:21No, no, please. I was just packing my things. Come in.
26:31It has to be hard, right?
26:38Putting these things in my suitcase and knowing that I would never take them out again.
26:44Yes, it is, it is.
26:47You see, I've spent my life saving lives.
26:50Except mine.
26:53Jaime, I just wanted to thank you for agreeing to come with us to Barcelona.
26:59And I want you to know that Marta would never have left you alone.
27:03I wouldn't have asked her to leave you to go with me either.
27:07I know, Fina.
27:10In this time, I've known you a little better.
27:13Although we haven't had much contact.
27:16Jaime, you are a beautiful person.
27:20And I will be eternally grateful for all the support you are giving us, both me and Marta.
27:29Fina, I don't want to be a burden for the three of us.
27:31Jaime, don't say that again, please.
27:34We will take care of you between the two of a thousand loves.
27:39It's going to be hard. It's going to be very hard, I want you to know.
27:44My life hasn't been a road of roses, precisely.
27:48I'm used to having to endure very hard blows.
27:52Starting with the death of my mother and...
27:56Marta told you that in the end we are going to live in a tower next to the beach?
28:01In a tower?
28:03That's what they call the villas there.
28:06Well, I had no idea, but near the sea.
28:10That must cost a fortune.
28:13It will be the best investment of my life.
28:18I don't know, I can't imagine a better way to leave this world.
28:22Close to the sea and...
28:26And with you three.
28:28Jaime, tell me the truth.
28:30Don't you prefer to spend these moments with Marta alone because I can go to an apartment or...
28:35Listen, listen to me.
28:38The last day of my life I want to see Marta happy.
28:42And that will only be possible if you are with her.
28:47Marta has been the great love of my life.
28:50She still is, although in a different way.
28:53And she has had the great fortune of finding you.
28:58I can't even imagine how she would feel if she were alone right now.
29:03Jaime, I will never leave Marta.
29:07I promise you.
29:09I know.
29:15What's wrong? What's wrong?
29:18Jaime, what...
29:21What do I do?
29:22Nothing, nothing.
29:25It's just a little dizziness, that's all.
29:27It's over.
29:28No, I'm sure.
29:29I'm going to look for Dr. Borrell, I think she's taking care of a friend.
29:32Fine, fine.
29:34That's it, I'm going to look for her.
29:36I don't care, I'm going to look for her.
29:37Calm down, calm down.
29:39It's over, really.
29:42We'll have to get used to this kind of thing.
29:47I'm fine, really.
29:49I'm fine.
29:57Here's your chamomile tea.
30:01Next week the Italian circus will come to Toledo for the siestas.
30:05Would you like to go?
30:07To a circus?
30:08No, thank you.
30:10I have a lot of circus going on here.
30:12Between fairies and clowns who want to make me laugh.
30:15Are you saying that because of me?
30:17Well, look, no.
30:19For the moment, you're safe.
30:23Don't you want to sit down for a while?
30:25No, if I sit down, I don't get up.
30:28What are you missing?
30:30I prefer to entertain my head by working.
30:33Well, then I'll have to get up.
30:37Where have you been all morning? I wanted to see you.
30:39In Toledo.
30:40Seeing things that I'm never going to buy.
30:42You can have everything you want.
30:44You just have to ask me.
30:45It's just that I don't need anything.
30:48Just that the people I love are fine.
30:51Do you know anything about the girl?
30:53I hope she gets used to that boarding school.
30:56Yes, Jesus told me that she had stayed quiet yesterday.
31:01I don't understand why he did it.
31:03Julia is very young.
31:05The least she needs is to be admitted to a boarding school.
31:09Yes, I know.
31:10Yes, I know.
31:11And I've tried to dissuade Jesus, but there's been no way.
31:17Aedina, it seems that the family is separating again.
31:22Marta is going to Barcelona.
31:25I know.
31:26Gema told me.
31:28And I don't understand.
31:30She's going to feel much more alone there when Jaime is gone.
31:34Well, I wouldn't worry about that anymore.
31:36She's gone to another school.
31:39I'm going to miss her.
31:42This house is no longer what it used to be.
31:46I was talking to Isidro this morning.
31:50The only consolation I have left is that you are here with me.
31:54You are the only one who makes me feel good.
32:00Well, don't you want to sit down?
32:03I have the feeling that you are going to leave at any moment.
32:06Well, in a while.
32:09And then you do the balance.
32:11First of each of the stores and then the sum in total.
32:15The balance?
32:17The balance is the result of subtracting the passive from the active.
32:20As soon as you get on with it, you'll see how easy it is.
32:23Now, you're going to need a notebook.
32:26And I thought I knew accounting.
32:29I'm in trouble right now, Dad.
32:31I can't get it in on the first day.
32:33Do you think this is like doing the old account but with other names?
32:38What the stores spend to buy products is what they earn by selling them.
32:42I understand. And if we have any extra expenses?
32:45Like the flowers, for example, when it comes to the launch of the chests?
32:48Ah, no, that also has to be reflected in its corresponding invoice.
32:51It is very important that you do not spend a dime without justifying it.
32:54No, I know that. I've never done it, I'm not going to do it now.
32:57Let's do one thing.
32:59Start filling out the dirty data before you pass it to the book.
33:02As soon as I have some time, I'll take a look.
33:04Do you agree?
33:05Yes, of course. Thanks.
33:07Well, man, what are you two doing here so entertained?
33:11Nothing, I had some accounting doubts and he's helping me here.
33:14If you want something, take advantage now that I'm going to get into the kitchen.
33:17No, no, I don't want anything, thanks.
33:22Well, what, woman?
33:24The numbers that are a worker ...
33:29Dina, it's time for you to stop working at home.
33:33Yes, that's why Teresa and Gemma are there, don't you think?
33:36And who's going to supervise what they do?
33:38Nobody, they both work very well.
33:41And I would like to spend more time together.
33:45How together?
33:47Well, like now.
33:49Well, don't regret the kiss we gave each other last night.
33:58It was very important to me.
34:00You know, I suffered a lot when you rejected me when I asked you to marry me.
34:07But I've learned from my mistakes and I'm going to do everything I can so that nothing gets in the way between us.
34:14We also have to think ...
34:16There's nothing to think about.
34:18I don't care about anything as much as you do.
34:21Not the factory, not my children, nothing.
34:24All I want is to love you and take care of you for the rest of my days.
34:35We both deserve to be happy once and for all.
34:39To be happy once and for all.
34:51Gemma, when you finish cleaning the windows, go to the kitchen to help, please.
34:57We're running late.
35:00What are you doing standing there, woman?
35:02Come on.
35:04The sooner you start, the sooner you'll finish.
35:09I'm sorry.
35:14And you knew you had to do all this?
35:17Of course, I have to do what Mrs. Marta does.
35:23And you know how to do it?
35:25Well, in two days I'll have learned it.
35:28I'm going to the store, I have my colleagues there and I don't want to leave her alone either.
35:32Wait a minute, woman, I just got here.
35:34By the way, you know you can't be wrong about a single number, right?
35:40Oh, yes, it's not like it's the first time I've done a number.
35:43Carmen, look, I'm telling you because if at some point something bad happens or there is a mistake,
35:49the only person responsible here is you.
35:51You want to scare me?
35:53No, Carmen, all I'm telling you is that this isn't that easy.
35:56Yeah? Who said it was?
35:58You know people get ready to do all this, right?
36:00Oh, and I'm not prepared for this?
36:03Well, not for this in particular.
36:06I don't know, maybe you should think about whether you want to be the boss of...
36:09Well, look, that's enough, Tassio.
36:11What makes you think I'm not prepared for this, huh?
36:14Carmen, calm down.
36:16All I'm telling you is that if at some point you make a mistake,
36:19it's going to affect you and I wouldn't like it, that's it.
36:22Well, look, I'm going to tell you something.
36:24I'm prepared for this and for what they throw at me, so you know.
36:27Thank you very much.
36:29Thank you very much for ruining my first day as a manager.
36:42This is Jaime's suitcase.
36:46Please remind me to send it home so he can take it.
36:49Don't forget.
36:53We're all going to miss him a lot.
36:58The truth is that I think it's a bit hasty for him to go with Marta right now.
37:03But I understand that he wants to get away from all this a bit.
37:06It seems like a lie that I have chosen so much affection for him, right?
37:09With how badly you started.
37:12The truth is that at first it made it difficult for me.
37:15But soon I realized that he was a good person.
37:18The best I've ever known.
37:20The other day he confessed to me that he falsified my analysis.
37:26Something got out of hand.
37:28And we had our ups and downs, I won't deny it.
37:32I can imagine.
37:34But right now I'd rather forget it.
37:36He apologized very honestly.
37:38And knowing that I blackmailed Jesus to do something so deplorable.
37:44Do you know what it is?
37:49Sorry, I haven't said anything. Forget it.
37:51Right now I just want to focus on finding a way to stop my husband's miserable plan.
37:57Before it ends with all of us.
38:08Father's photos are in the attic of the closet in my room.
38:11In case you're looking for them.
38:13Mother has taken them to try to forget everything.
38:18Although I think there's something that will help her more.
38:21I'm afraid.
38:25Help me set the table. Come on, put the tablecloth.
38:30I think these are the dishes that Mother likes to put on Sundays.
38:35Stop with the dishes, Joaquín. You're making me nervous.
38:38What's going on?
38:40Well, a while ago...
38:42...Gemma called me because she was going to have lunch in Toledo with María.
38:46And she told me that she saw Mother and Damien together.
38:52Mother and Uncle Damien together?
38:55Very good. And what? In what context?
39:01Making little hands.
39:03On the terrace of the house.
39:05The viewfinder. Yes, what you hear.
39:07Oh my God.
39:09Of course.
39:11Of course, this is due to the fact that Mother has found out that Father was what he was.
39:16And that's why she has removed the portraits of Father and that's why she has approached Uncle Damien today.
39:21Well, yes.
39:23And it is possible that she is doing it out of spite.
39:26Although I think these things are not the kind of things that...
39:30...that suddenly arise.
39:32From one day to the next.
39:38You're both here.
39:39Hello, Mother.
39:40Oh, good to see you at the table. Very good.
39:42I brought you something very tasty.
39:44But don't put me on the plate.
39:46I've already eaten with Uncle.
39:48With Uncle?
39:51That's exactly what we wanted to talk about.
39:53Don't be rude.
39:54No, no, no, no, Luis.
39:55The sooner we clear this up, the better.
39:57Gemma couldn't help but tell you what she saw, right?
40:01Mother, is...
40:03Is it true or not?
40:05Well, yes.
40:07It's true.
40:08Uncle and I feel...
40:13What Jesus has done with Julia has no name.
40:16I'm sorry that he has separated you in this way.
40:18Have you been able to talk to her?
40:19No, not yet.
40:21But as soon as I can go see her.
40:22And I will be worthy.
40:23Of course.
40:24Luis has told me that his mother is very affected by the departure of the girl.
40:28I have had to bite my tongue to not tell her that she is actually the daughter of his brave brother.
40:32Please, you can't know anything yet.
40:35I would prefer to be frank with him.
40:39We promised that we would never hide anything that could affect the other.
40:42And this affects him completely.
40:44I know it's very difficult for you, but...
40:46...this situation will change.
40:51Have you been to the Civil Guard?
40:52And the one that almost ends up locked up?
40:55There may be a way.
40:57Which one?
41:00I don't know.
41:01But I guess there will be, right?
41:04Come in.
41:11I came to...
41:12Talk to Begoña, I guess.
41:14I'll leave you.
41:16I'm going to the canteen to eat something.
41:25Have you told her the plans we have to find Valentín's body?
41:29But she has been tempted.
41:31We should.
41:32I don't know.
41:33Luz has always been there.
41:34I know, but I don't want to put her in danger again.
41:36And now that she's with Luis, it would be keeping another secret.
41:40I don't want to put her in that mess.
41:43I don't know.
41:44I don't want to involve anyone else.
41:46I don't know.
41:47With two unaccounted for, we're in trouble.
41:49Andres, I've found a place where we can hide all this without anyone hearing us.
41:55I've respected my sister's mourning and memory for many, many years.
42:00Mother, I don't think it's possible for her to be rushing.
42:07Sons, this has been going on for a long time.
42:12It's not something that happened today, no more.
42:15How long?
42:16Did the uncle and you already feel things when Jesus stole the lands from us from the thermal waters?
42:21Your uncle had nothing to do with that.
42:24Yes, mother, we already know that the uncle is not like his son.
42:27But he is still a De la Reina.
42:30I don't have to remember that until recently we were considering separating from them.
42:34A De la Reina is Andres and you get along better with him than with your brother.
42:37Well, I mean, you get along very well with him.
42:39I don't want either of you to get upset.
42:42No, we're worried that all this comes as a result of...
42:48Mother, that he has realized that father...
42:51He was an investor.
42:53Tell him.
42:54So that's why.
42:56Sons, I've been in love with Damián for a long time.
43:00Although I myself have not wanted to see him because...
43:03And above all, I was very afraid.
43:05To see how you took him.
43:08And don't you fear how Jesus can take him?
43:10I don't care what your cousin thinks, says or does. I don't care.
43:15Besides, I'm tired of always taking others into account.
43:18Above my own needs.
43:21I hope it is clear enough.
43:25Sons, I have the opportunity to live something with a man who loves me.
43:28Who really loves me.
43:30And whom I love.
43:32And I will not allow anything or anyone to prevent me from carrying this to the end.
43:38Is it clear?
43:40Is it clear?
44:03What were you doing?
44:04I wanted to check that no one was following us.
44:06Don't worry, Jesus doesn't know this place.
44:10And whose house is this?
44:12It was the parents of my best friend from school.
44:14They used to come here on weekends and they always invited me.
44:18I've had very good times in the little house.
44:21That's what we used to call it.
44:23And in fact...
44:25I don't know.
44:27I don't know.
44:28That's what we used to call it.
44:30And in fact, this is where I wanted to hide when I ran away.
44:35You never told me about this place.
44:38It's a perfect refuge.
44:40Yes, it is.
44:42My friend Amalia moved from Madrid to Gran Canaria when her parents died.
44:45But she left the keys in the lintel and told me that she could come whenever she wanted.
44:50That her house was my house.
44:56Tell me.
44:58Are you sure you want to continue with this?
45:02Are you the one who has doubts now?
45:04No, but I want you to be aware that we are alone in this.
45:08That we only have each other.
45:10I know.
45:11And I thank you very much for being by my side, Andrés.
45:14I know it's not easy for you either because Jesus is your brother.
45:17Jesus is the least of my worries.
45:20Your family, right?
45:23Yes, I won't deny it.
45:26But it hurts me much more the year you and Julia are suffering.
45:30Begoña, my brother is a monster.
45:35And I want to get rid of him.
45:40Don't do that, Andrés, please.
45:45Look at me that way.
45:49Yes, you're right.
45:51Forgive me.
45:53I couldn't help looking at you and...
45:56feeling that...
46:00I feel guilty.
46:01I see.
46:03I just lost a child.
46:05And Maria is having a very bad time.
46:07I know.
46:08And you too.
46:10It's normal.
46:12That child was not born, but it was already in our hearts.
46:16I understand it perfectly.
46:18That's why I feel so guilty that Maria had the accident.
46:20It's not your fault, Begoña.
46:23When everything explodes, Maria will need you.
46:26Yes, she will need me.
46:30You won't be happy if she suffers.
46:35And I won't be happy if you suffer.
46:39I know.
46:42It's complicated, Andrés, because...
46:45we both feel what we feel, we can't help it.
46:50staying by Maria's side, you did the right thing.
46:55Do you really think so?
46:58Because you're a fair and loyal man.
47:02And that's why I love you so much.
