• last year
Network Rail launches appeal to public to name leaf-busting trains


00:00In layman's terms it's like driving on black ice, so you have to be really careful,
00:29you're braking a lot earlier just to assess the conditions and gives yourself time to
00:34react, so if it does slide you can release the brake, reapply and hope it has some sort
00:40of more effect and you're giving yourself distance to react to the situation.
00:45It does take longer to get where you're going because you have the same problem in trying
00:48to pull away, again it's like pulling away in a car if you like on ice, it will just
00:53spin and you'll have to keep shutting off power, restarting power, so it can take you
00:58a long time to actually get going, a lot longer, three or four times longer than it would normally
01:03take you.
01:12It's similar to when you're washing down your car with those sort of things but a much much
01:22bigger operation, so we jet at 1500 bar or 22,000 psi, it's very very powerful, if we
01:28leave it running statically it will dent into the rail, it will cut into the rail.
01:46Our RHTTs and our MPVs are out there every day treating the tracks to make the train
01:51service more reliable for passengers.
01:54As a passenger myself I just have to stand on Crystal Palace station in the morning and
01:58see an MPV running through with the jets on and I can see the direct connection we're
02:02having to my journey and other people's journeys.
