• last year


00:00Are you a perfectionist?
00:04Nothing like Greer?
00:06Nothing like Greer?
00:07I hope not.
00:08She has some fun.
00:10She's definitely fun.
00:12And she's funny.
00:13But I know, in a weird way, I always say as an actor, you can't be a control freak.
00:20And you can't really be a perfectionist because you don't have the control.
00:24You're the one who, you have to give in to the leadership of the director and the vision
00:28of the director.
00:30And I think when people get into trouble is when they don't surrender to that.
00:33Let's talk about the dance sequence.
00:35Were you on the WhatsApp group saying you didn't want to do it?
00:39We all were except for Liev.
00:40Yeah, Liev said like he was so into it.
00:42Which I was kind of surprised.
00:43Yeah, he did that.
00:44And he showed me, he did a slide.
00:46Why didn't you want to do it?
00:47You're a dancer.
00:48No, because I didn't feel like Greer would dance.
00:52I felt like Greer would watch, but he danced as Greer.
00:56What'd you think?
00:58I think it's great.
00:59And I'm so glad they got us all to do it because there's some joy in it.
01:04Season two.
01:05How's season two?
01:06What's your pitch for season two?
01:08I don't have one.
01:09Do it.
01:10It's going to be like the new murder she wrote.
01:12Greer comes across a murder every time.
01:16Are you going to write it?
01:20How much are you giving me?
01:21How much are you giving me?
01:22A lot.
01:23How do you connect?