Hollyoaks 5th September 2024 Part 1

  • 2 days ago
Hollyoaks 5th September 2024


00:00I may have had an ulterior motive for getting you on the machine.
00:02I mean, it's not like my daughter's dating a murderer, is it?
00:05Oh, no.
00:08Are you blue?
00:09You took Mercedes' twins.
00:11I was never gonna hurt the Marias.
00:12I just needed Warren to confess to Norma's murder.
00:15He's the reason why Lizzie's gone.
00:16Did you see that?
00:17I sexually abused her.
00:18I told her to stop lying.
00:20Frankie needs help.
00:21You can't go into the police, not until she's ready.
00:24I know.
00:24She's lying, I didn't judge her!
00:26Get off me!
00:28I'm arresting you for assault.
01:20I wanna be king in your story
01:22I wanna know who you are
01:24I want your heart to be for me
01:26Oh, I
01:28I want you to sing to me softly, cos then I might run in the dark
01:33How could you do this to JJ?
01:36Call and I'll rush out
01:40Call out of breath now
01:43There's a ghost in me
01:47Wait, what have you done to him?
01:49There is ice in those eyes
01:51You've got that power over me
01:53In my mind
01:55The only one I know
01:57The only one on my mind
01:59You've got that power over me
02:01Please, tell me you were sober enough to help me, okay? I'm a dead man
02:06He said you wouldn't tell anybody
02:08And now JJ's been arrested
02:10That's what happens when you kick off for the police
02:12He panicked because of you he spent last night in his cell
02:15And everybody at school is gonna be talking about it
02:17Reporting it wasn't a choice
02:19I see what you're doing, you're breaking your bail
02:21But I am so sorry
02:24I am so sorry I didn't spot it
02:26And I'm sorry you've been suffering for so long
02:29But legally, as a teacher
02:31I have to report it
02:35Is that the police?
02:38They'll want to take you to the station
02:40So you can give a statement so they can question JJ
02:42Frankie, Frankie!
02:44Don't open it, because I'm not going and I'll say I made it up
02:47Why would you do that?
02:48Because it's gonna tear my family apart
02:50And I'm never gonna see JJ or Mum again
02:52Police, open up, please
02:54JJ is in control of his family apart because of what he's done
02:58But you don't have to stay silent anymore
03:02Look, please
03:04Can we let the officer in?
03:09Okay, I did ask Ethan a few more questions when we were alone yesterday
03:13While he was hooked up to a lie detector
03:15Did you do some water torture after that?
03:17Really welcomed her into the family
03:19I mean, you must have proper grilled him
03:21He's avoiding me
03:22What are you so worried about?
03:23Just keep away from him
03:25I can't say any more, not until I've got all the facts
03:27You think you're James Bond or something, don't you?
03:29Right, well, I've got a new mission for you
03:31Get a lie!
03:38Are you sure Ethan is blue?
03:42I am trained in using polygraph machines
03:45And as you'll see, he's killed before
03:48This feels like it's getting out of hand
03:51Promise me you won't do anything rash
03:55Trust me, hon
03:57You've got nothing to worry about
04:10So Donny, who's an ex-cop, knows you've killed someone
04:13And asked if you've heard the name Blue
04:17Right, it's bad, isn't it?
04:18He's not going to stop digging around, he's going to find out I shot Mya
04:21Forget about your ex, okay? That's gone, that's done
04:23It's buried, it's history
04:25When this comes to light, it's going to look proper dodgy, isn't it?
04:27No one's going to believe it was an accident, Dave
04:29Hey, Dave
04:30I'm glad that Cindy's gone
04:32But, you know, if you ever need a microwave meal sticking in, let me know
04:35Alright, Dave
04:36Listen, I know me and Cindy didn't exactly see eye to eye
04:40But I'm sorry to hear things didn't work out between the two of you
04:42Is she alright, though?
04:44Yeah, she must have been in a hurry to get out of here that fast
04:46Okay, you can stop with the act, I know you don't actually care
04:49You're just fishing for the gory details
04:51Oh, so the details are gory, then
04:55Go on, off you pop, the pair of you
04:57Gladly, you stink of booze and regret
04:59Yep, that'll be right
05:04Dave, he ain't going to stop looking into this, alright?
05:07Especially when he finds out his daughter's hanging around with a murderer, okay?
05:09What do I do?
05:10Stop bulletin' him like you did Rex
06:10We need to have a chat
06:24What's going on with you?
06:27Fine, if you're not going to tell me what's going on with you, at least help me find this contact book
06:30Right, I need a guy for tonight and I thought I left it here
06:33I don't even know why I'm asking you, you're probably still drunk
06:35And I don't know why you're freaking out
06:37And by the way, I didn't actually mean for you to shoot Donnie
06:39I mean, you know that, right?
06:41Listen, word of advice
06:43Act normal around him
06:45Keep seeing Vicky
06:47If you're freaking out, it's only going to make you look more guilty
06:50Probably right
06:52Don't know why I'm letting some senior citizen hook me up to a lie detector at a party
06:55Jesus, clearly lost the plot
06:57You know what?
06:58Word of advice for you as well, yeah?
07:00Mercedes was probably right
07:02You stink
07:03Get in the shower
07:04What are you talking about?
07:05What are you going to do, get in there with me?
07:06If I have to
07:07I'm going, listen
07:08Have you got somewhere to be?
07:12Right, there you go, turn the taps on, I'm doing a thing
07:15If you would like
07:18Yeah, you can go now, by the way
07:22Where are you going?
07:23I'm getting a towel
07:30Okay Frankie, do you know what you're here to discuss?
07:38You ready to start?
07:42Okay Frankie, so you've said that your brother JJ has been sexually inappropriate with you
07:48Do you think you could tell me about the first time this happened?
07:54After Rhys, our half-brother died
07:58And our stepdad Neville left
08:03Mum started drinking all the time
08:07She had a strange memory
08:09Kind of just stopped looking after us
08:13Being with JJ, it just became a happy place
08:18Maybe it was a twin thing, but
08:21We'd just escaped
08:24In our own little world
08:27It was just us and nothing else mattered
08:31When I was nine
08:33I was really into ballet
08:37So I told them about this dream I had
08:41I was dancing in the middle of a school disco
08:45And I'd be breaking out into pirouettes
08:50Everybody around me, just watching
08:58And one night
09:01Mum passed out
09:04And JJ came into my room
09:08And he said that he wanted to play school discos
09:12And I thought he was just being nice
09:14You know, wanting to act out my dream of being a ballerina
09:21But that isn't what he meant
09:25Take your time
09:29He pulled me closer
09:33And we started slow dancing
09:38And then his hands went places
09:42Where did he touch you?
09:45Do I have to?
09:48I know this is difficult
09:51I know this is difficult
09:53But we have to be really clear about what happened
09:59He touched my front
10:03My private part
10:07And I didn't understand what had happened
10:09But it just felt like I'd done something really wrong
10:13Did you tell anyone about this?
10:15Yeah, I tried to tell my mum
10:18But she just says she doesn't remember
10:24I just felt like we had this
10:27This really horrible secret
10:31Like we were still in our own little world
10:34It just turned into this nightmare
10:37And how long did his sexual behaviour go on for?
10:40I don't know
10:43It was until my mum thought that Paul, her new boyfriend
10:49Was the one doing stuff to me
10:54I guess JJ stopped
10:56Because he thought mum was close to their dream
11:00What happened with JJ after that?
11:02We didn't play school discos for a while
11:06And then it started again
11:10When we moved here
11:12So that was earlier this year
11:14Can you tell me more about that?
11:19He just touched me in the same way
11:24He kept doing that and then...
11:28Eventually he...
11:33He raped me
11:36And he hit me as well
11:39That's why I fell down the stairs
11:41And I only lied
11:42I only lied and said that Nancy pushed me because...
11:45Because he told me that he was going to leave me alone
11:49She's not going to go to prison, is she?
11:51We'll come back to that
11:53Can you tell me if someone may have witnessed or heard
11:56Any of these instances of JJ assaulting you?
12:01No, I don't think so
12:04I did start writing things down on my phone though
12:08That might be very useful evidence
12:10Yeah, but mum found it
12:12She doesn't think that JJ did it
12:16She doesn't think that JJ did it
12:18She doesn't think that JJ did it
12:20She doesn't think that JJ did it
12:22She doesn't think that JJ did this so she got rid of it to protect him
12:26We'll look into that
12:28Otherwise JJ was really careful
12:31And I didn't want anybody to know about this either
12:35I was really scared
12:38I just figured that everybody would think I was lying again
12:45But when I told dad
12:49He said something amazing
12:52He said he believed me
12:56And he's the only reason that I can talk to you now
13:01He's made me see that this isn't my shame
13:04It's JJ's
13:07And now it's time for him to carry
13:17You've kept my 15-year-old son locked up since yesterday
13:21And I bet you barely even touched your officer
13:23So do you know what I'm going to do?
13:24I'm going to get my lawyer
13:25He's going to come down here and he's going to sue the living daylights out of him
13:28Oh, darling
13:32What happened?
13:33He let me off with a warning
13:34Oh, thank goodness
13:35Are you alright?
13:36Apart from the slop they gave me to eat
13:38I thought you'd been cooking for him
13:41Right, can I take him home now?
13:43Not yet
13:44We've received new information about another matter
13:46What matter?
13:48Jack Osbourne, I'm arresting you on suspicion of sexually assaulting Francine Osbourne
14:04Why would JJ do something like that to her?
14:08I'm not struggling to get her head around it too
14:11The police will want to interview everybody in this house
14:13I'll have to think of the best way to talk to Oscar
14:16The police will probably want to interview Lexi as well
14:19You told them?
14:24I'm so sorry
14:26Are you?
14:28After what I accused you of, what I put you through
14:31No, I understand things a lot better now
14:34And I just want to say that there's no way in my heart that I'd bear you any ill will
14:39I'm the one who's sorry
14:42But let's not keep going on about what happened to me
14:47I just want to get back to normal
14:49Well, if you want normal, well, I'll thrash you at the game like usual
14:52Hey, Frankie
14:54Do you want your hot chocolate?
14:58She should have seen how rude she was in the interview
15:01I can't imagine
15:03After she's done this, you know, keeping him for so long
15:06Oh, and she told them you didn't push her down the stairs
15:10That's good
15:11I'm just glad everything's out in the open now
15:14Yeah, I just wish Suzanne had seen what would have gone on years ago, you know
15:19Come on now, it's so hard to even consider
15:22Especially as a parent
15:25I just hope JJ admits what he's done so she can finally be free of this
15:30So you're telling me the allegation that you've been sexually assaulting your sister
15:35Is completely false
15:38That's right
15:40You've never touched Francine in a sexual way
15:44You've never had sexual intercourse with her
15:46Right, that is enough
15:48Calm down, Mrs Ashworth
15:49It's just, Frankie, this is what she does, she lies
15:52She said this about your grandfather, she said it about me stealing her phone, which I didn't do
15:56She does it for attention
15:58Mrs Ashworth, you're here to support JJ
16:00Not participate in the interview
16:09Does the phrase school discos mean anything to you?
16:16You've never played school discos with Francine
16:25Can I ask you something?
16:30If this goes to court and people reckon I did it
16:34That won't happen because you're innocent
16:39Your sentencing will be up to the judge
16:42Or it will be made public
16:46If you're found guilty, you would likely be put on a sex offenders register
16:51But the important thing now is to tell the truth
16:54Because if it's later found out you've been lying on record
16:57Your punishment could be harsher
17:00So I'll ask one more time
17:02Have you had sexual intercourse with your sister?
17:24My bad about before
17:26But I didn't just want the gossip about Cindy
17:29Okay, yeah, I wanted the gossip, I'm a gay, I live for the drama
17:33But I'm also going through a separation
17:36So I know how rough it can be
17:39I just wanted to say that
17:41I'd better go anyway, I've got a prison visit with Warren
17:43How's he getting on?
17:46As good as anyone can be
17:48When they've been framed for killing their mum
17:50They think he was fine
17:52That's the only thing that makes sense to me
17:55There's no way he would have killed Norma
17:57Well, I'll give him my best
18:01You alright Danny?
18:02Hi Dave
18:08What's that?
18:09Ethan's contacts
18:11There's something in here that proves he's blue
18:14Where'd you get it?
18:16Broke into his flat
18:17You what?
18:22Why would you do that?
18:24It's alright, nobody saw me
18:27Say Ethan is blue
18:29He now knows you're onto him from the polygraph test
18:32And once he realises this is missing
18:34He'll put two and two together, he could retaliate
18:37Which is why I need to find something in here that nails him
18:40So that that doesn't happen
18:41I wanted to help you because I know this is personal to you
18:45But your obsession is putting our families at risk
18:49It has to stop
19:01Right, we've got a problem
19:03Danny Clark, the guy who owns the market, used to be a copper
19:05And he's convinced Ethan is blue
19:07How'd he come to that conclusion?
19:08I've no idea, but he broke into our flat
19:10Well then he's too close
19:12We need to get rid of him
19:13Well that was my first instinct
19:15And then I realised that he was breaking in to investigate Ethan
19:18He's still on the wrong track
19:19Yeah, but he could put the pieces together
19:21And figure out he's got the wrong brother
19:24Maybe we should do him in
19:26Nah, not yet
19:28There's a smarter way
19:33Right, right now Ethan
19:35If I die, avenge me
19:37I know you're not listening to me
19:39But if you need me, just call me
19:41And remember, you've got college tomorrow
19:51What's wrong Dad?
19:52Missed me staying at a friend's tonight
19:55What do you do now?
19:56I pushed something too far
20:00Didn't realise it upset her this much
20:11Still don't get why the officer wants to speak with me again
20:14I've already been through here
20:15It's probably just an update or something
20:17Don't worry about it, alright?
20:22What you doing here?
20:26JJ what?
20:30It's alright, just breathe
20:32JJ what?
20:33JJ's told them
20:35He told them
20:36What's he told them, Suzanne?
20:42You admitted it?
20:44I did
20:47I told them we had sex
20:49But I didn't reap you
20:53You wanted it too
21:02And I pumped him to Dave before, he sensed his best
21:04Well, Cindy's well shot of him
21:06I still don't get it
21:08Why have you pled guilty to killing Norma?
21:11Lou got to our girls
21:13I need the fine now
21:15But that's only because I confessed to killing my mum
21:17So that's why you did it?
21:20Wait, has he made another threat?
21:22Is that why you lost us in here?
21:23We gave him what he wants
21:24You're in here for life
21:25That's him done with us now, no?
21:28I've been thinking
21:30Look, me being banged up in here
21:32It can't be the end game
21:34He's already tried to bump me off once
21:36Must have stopped him finishing the job
21:39I have already copped for a murder charge
21:41To keep our little girl safe
21:45But I have got a feeling
21:47That he's going to have people waiting for me
21:49When they send me to this new prison
21:52To kill you?
21:55Which is why
21:56I am breaking out of here tomorrow
21:58And you two are going to help me
22:03Donnie's sorry
22:05It's cute
22:07Let me go
22:11What was that?
22:12Let you go?
22:20I'm afraid I can't
22:22Not till Blue's done with you
22:28I'm sorry
22:57Listen, I'm sure we'll get more out of her in the morning