• l’année dernière


00:00Le salut est avec vous et la mercie de l'Allah est avec vous.
00:05Le salat est une récompense pour l'âme humaine, sans doute.
00:10Et si le salat n'était pas récompensé,
00:13qu'est-ce que l'Allah a ordonné à ses servants de l'aider ?
00:17Il a dit, O ceux qui croient,
00:20soyez aidés par la patience et le salat.
00:23Vraiment, Allah est avec les patients.
00:25Notre Prophet, peace be upon him,
00:28a said, Stand up and pray.
00:30Indeed, in prayer is healing.
00:33And Allah has commanded us to worship.
00:37It is a link between the servant and his Lord
00:40and a way to please Allah.
00:43And worship for the Muslim is a great healing for the soul
00:46and purification for the human soul
00:49and reassurance for the heart.
00:52Allah said, And We send down from the Qur'an
00:55what is healing and mercy for the believers.
01:22And we send down from the Qur'an
01:25what is healing and mercy for the believers.
01:52It is like a link between the mosque and the sky.
01:55And we notice that the Islamic architecture
01:58in the construction of mosques
02:01makes a large part of the mosque without a roof.
02:04It has no roof except for the sky.
02:07And this creates a feeling among the worshippers
02:10of the deep connection between the mosque and the sky.
02:13It is like a link between the mosque and the sky.
02:16It is like a link between the mosque and the sky.
02:19And this creates a feeling among the worshippers
02:22of the deep connection between the mosque and the sky.
02:25And this elevates the human soul
02:28to a higher level than the material life
02:31and the material life of this world
02:34which is a marriage.
02:37Prayer is a healing for the soul
02:40and a healing for the human being
02:43from every aspect of existence.
02:46Some people say,
02:49I pray and read the Holy Qur'an
02:52but I still suffer from anxiety and anxiety.
02:55I know people who pray and read the Qur'an
02:58but they hate this and hate that.
03:01And their hearts are filled with hatred
03:04and hatred for other people.
03:07So where is the saying of Allah
03:10and we send down from the Qur'an
03:13that it is a healing and a mercy for the believers?
03:16And where is the saying of our Master, the Messenger of Allah,
03:19that it is a healing in prayer?
03:22Our answer to this is that
03:25the one who runs the television
03:28and finds that it does not work
03:31and finds that the television is working
03:34should I say that it is defective
03:37in the station of the television
03:40and that it is defective in the station of the television?
03:43He needs to be fixed
03:46so that he responds to the waves
03:49of the stations of the television
03:52as well as the hearts of the human being.
03:55The hearts of the righteous believers
03:58receive the psychological healing in prayer
04:01and in the Qur'an
04:04and they respond to it and they are filled with light
04:07and they are filled with light
04:10and they are filled with light
04:13and they are filled with light
04:16and they are filled with light
04:19and they are filled with light
04:22and they are filled with light
04:25and they are filled with light
04:28and they are filled with light
04:31and they are filled with light
04:34and they are filled with light
04:37and they are filled with light
04:40and they are filled with light
04:43and they are filled with light
04:46and they are filled with light
04:49and they are filled with light
04:52and they are filled with light
04:55and they are filled with light
04:58and they are filled with light
