Welcome! Our channel Noman Ali Khan connects you with spiritual insights and Islamic teachings. Here, we share lessons from the Quran, precious aspects of supplications, and narratives of religious guidance to illuminate your spiritual journey. Stay connected with us and embark on a path of tranquility and enlightenment in your life.
00:00The Qur'an, of course, has history, it has laws, it has events of the future, Judgment Day,
00:06it has the origin of the universe, it has many subject matter, right?
00:10There's all kinds of subjects in the Qur'an.
00:12But the goal of the Qur'an, the agenda of the Qur'an, is actually transformation.
00:19As-salฤmu สฟalaykum.
00:20Before you begin this video, just quickly wanted to let you know that
00:23so much of the work on the Qur'an has been completed on Bayyinah TV.
00:26I want you to enjoy systematically studying the Qur'an
00:28from the beginning all the way to the end, in brief and then in great detail.
00:32And to do that, I'd like for you to sign up on bayyinatv.com.
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00:44If you want to, one of the ways you can think of the agenda,
00:46the goal of the Qur'an is transformation.
00:49So I'm going to give this to you by way of an analogy,
00:51and we'll come back to that analogy over and over again.
00:53Of course, people say, well, you know, Muslim countries,
00:55for example, a country like Pakistan, where I come from, right?
00:59There's arguments about we should have Islamic laws implemented
01:02because we are a Muslim country.
01:04Therefore, if we don't have Sharia laws,
01:06then we're disobeying Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
01:08We have to implement the hudud, etc, etc.
01:10This is a very common conversation, right?
01:12So I'm going to give you an analogy today.
01:14Imagine there's a family, they weren't very practicing.
01:17It's Muslim, but not very super religious, right?
01:20And the dad, I don't know, he watched one of them videos online
01:23and he probably watched one of those British Dawah videos.
01:28Come on, bruv, you've got my Dawah, bruv,
01:30like one of those bruv videos.
01:32And he's just like, oh, I'm a bruv now, right?
01:35So he comes home, his daughters are 18, 19, 20 years old.
01:40You know, he's been married to his wife for 25, 30, 40 years, whatever, right?
01:44And he comes home, from today on, all of you are wearing hijab.
01:48And today on, everyone here is praying five times a day.
01:50I don't want to hear it.
01:52He comes home and he implements,
01:57You're going to pray five times?
01:58I don't want it.
01:59If you want to live under this house, this is how it's going to be.
02:02You better, you better do.
02:03And he just lays down the hudud of Allah.
02:08Now you tell me, logically speaking,
02:10those girls that are 18, 19, have never been told to do this,
02:13don't understand why all of a sudden dad's going crazy.
02:16Wife doesn't understand, she's been married to him all this time,
02:18he's never said anything like this.
02:22And they start listening to him because they get scared,
02:24because he's really authoritative.
02:25So they get scared and they start observing hijab,
02:28they start praying five times a day.
02:29My question to you is,
02:31do these young girls develop a love for Islam or a hatred for it?
02:37Anybody here can tell you.
02:39If you're a sane human being,
02:41you know that this is a surface transformation.
02:44But on the inside, it's actually building resentment.
02:47In fact, there's a good chance that some of these girls
02:50might even run away from home.
02:52There's also a good chance that they might rebel and become,
02:55they were okay before,
02:57but they really don't want anything to do with Islam ever again.
03:00In fact, later on,
03:01they might even become better Muslims on their own after rebelling.
03:05And now they're thinking about wearing hijab on their own.
03:08But what stops them is the reminder of what it triggers,
03:10the memory that it triggers,
03:11and it gets in the way of them actually being able to do that.
03:15Because somebody said the goal of Islam is,
ูุนูููุง ููุฃูุทูุนูููุง
03:20The goal of Islam is obedience.
03:22I started by saying a statement
03:24that I want to unpack for you through this ayah.
03:26The goal of Islam, what did I say is it?
03:30The goal of Islam is transformation.
03:33I gave you the analogy that was given in Surah Al-Fatih,
03:36how the companions of the Prophet ๏ทบ were transformed
03:40like a seed is transformed into a full crop.
03:43Now the transformation of a seed is a farming process,
03:46and it takes cultivation and care and time.
03:49Now, what does that have to do with this ayah?
03:51First thing Allah mentions is that
03:52Allah sent His messengers with Al-Bayyinat.
03:55He sent His messengers with Al-Bayyinat.
03:58We're gonna keep things simple.
04:00So Al-Bayyinat will be two things for this discussion.
04:03Al-Bayyinat is miracles that prove
04:06that what these messengers are saying is in fact from Allah.
04:09Like it is in fact divine.
04:11It's not just somebody's opinion.
04:13It's not just somebody's philosophy.
04:15It is the truth coming from the highest heavens.
04:17And there's proof for that.
04:19And when it's proof that is absolutely clear,
04:21that is called Bayyinat.
04:22Number one.
04:24The second thing Bayyinat will mean is teachings
04:26or a worldview in which nothing is confusing.
04:30Everything is crystal clear.
04:32Not only do I know my why is crystal clear
04:36and my what is crystal clear.
04:39So why should I pray?
04:40Why should I believe?
04:41Why should I dress like this?
04:43Why should I eat like this?
04:44The why behind all of that is
04:46why should I believe this is God's book?
04:48Why should I believe in a God to begin with?
04:51Why should I believe in a prophet?
04:52The why is absolutely clear.
04:54And then on top of that,
04:56what do I have to do?
04:57And exactly what is expected of me
04:59is also absolutely clear.
05:02The why and the what are within the Bayyinat.
05:05The why of Islam and the what of Islam.
05:07Messengers came with this.
05:09Now imagine a human being that is absolutely clear
05:11after this exposure,
05:13they know exactly why they're a Muslim.
05:16If you take a survey of the Muslim world,
05:19if you go to a Muslim country, right?
05:21Where the majority of the population is Muslims
05:24and you interview the average 16 year old,
05:2718 year old, 20 year old,
05:28even in fact 30 year old,
05:29why are you Muslim?
05:31Can you tell me why you're Muslim?
05:33What convinces you of Islam?
05:36You frame it another way.
05:37What convinces you of Islam?
05:39What will be understandably
05:41the vast majority response
05:43of the people in that country?
05:46My parents are Muslim.
05:48What do you mean?
05:49We're all Muslim.
05:50That's what you're supposed to be.
05:52What do you mean what convinces you?
05:53It's obvious.
05:54No, how is it obvious?
05:55It just is.
05:56Stop messing with me.
05:59In other words, it's been passed down
06:02and that's good enough.
06:04Is it Bayyin to the next standard?
06:05Is the why Bayyin?
06:06Is the why clear?
06:08No, because if that's the answer,
06:11then a Christian in a Christian country,
06:13in an African Christian nation,
06:15in an Asian Christian nation,
06:17you go to the Philippines,
06:18you go to parts of Nigeria,
06:19you go to other places,
06:20ask a Christian young man,
06:21why are you Christian?
06:22What are they going to tell you?
06:23Same answer.
06:24My parents, everybody's Christian.
06:25What do you mean?
06:26That's just what it is.
06:27That's just my religion.
06:29If you ask a Hindu,
06:30he's going to say the same thing.
06:31If you ask a Buddhist,
06:32he's going to say the same thing.
06:33So then our answer is no different,
06:35meaning it's not Bayyin.
06:36In fact, that answer is recorded in the Qur'an.
06:39ููุชููุจูุนู ู
ูุง ุฃููููููููู ุนููููููู ุฃูุจูุงููุง
06:42We just follow what our parents did.
06:44That's in the Qur'an.
06:45But that's not a description of the Muslims.
06:46That's a description of everybody else.
06:50So it's not Bayyin.
06:52Now, I said the why should be clear
06:55and what else should be clear.
06:58The what is the revelation itself.
07:01What does your religion say?
07:02What is the Qur'an?
07:03What's in the Qur'an?
07:05Do you know about Surah Al-Baqarah?
07:07Do you know about Al-Imran,
07:08Misa, Ma'idah, An'am, A'ras,
07:11you know, Anfal, Tawbah.
07:15You know, can we can ask you some questions about Surah Al-Tawbah?
07:17Ask a 30-year-old educated,
07:19got a bachelor's degree,
07:20even got a master's degree,
07:21well-educated Muslim,
07:23born and raised in a Muslim country.
07:24Ask them, hey, do you know anything about,
07:27I don't know, Surah Al-Baqarah?
07:29Can you tell me about Surah Al-Baqarah?
07:31They'll be like, I'm not a Shaykh.
07:34What do you mean?
07:36Do you know what Allah says about,
07:37I don't know, inheritance stuff?
07:40It's complicated.
07:42Do you know anything about,
07:43do you know what Allah says about,
07:44I don't know, the Prophet,
07:45Nuh Alayhi Salaam?
07:47Do you know anything about that?
07:48In which Surahs he talks?
07:50This is complicated, bro.
07:51I'm not a PhD in Qur'an studies.
07:54I'm just a programmer.
07:55I'm just a taxi driver.
07:56In other words, for the vast population of people,
08:00the what of revelation,
08:01the what of revelation is actually not what?
08:06The first thing that Allah mentioned in this ayah
08:09is messengers came with Al-Bayyinat.
08:13That's the first thing.
08:15And the people that listened to the messengers,
08:18these truths, the why and the what
08:19became absolutely clear to them.
08:22Then came the second step.
08:24Then Allah says,
08:25ููุฃููุฒููู ู
ู ุงููููุชูุงุจู
08:26Then he sent with them the book.
08:29The book is a reference to Allah.
08:31So the law came second after clarity.
08:34Clarity was first.
08:36That's what the messengers came with.
08:37And once clarity was there,
08:38then came the law.
08:40So if you notice, for example,
08:41in the Seerah of the Prophet ๏ทบ,
08:43it's easy to say the Sahaba were the most obedient.
08:46These were the people of
08:47ููููุงูููุง ุณูู
ูุนูููุง ููุฃูุทูุนูููุง
08:49These were the people.
08:50But actually when the Qur'an was being revealed,
08:52the vast majority of the Qur'an was revealed in Mecca.
08:55And in Mecca, there wasn't much to be done
08:58as far as the laws of Islam.
09:00Allah didn't reveal women covering their heads
09:03until a couple of years into Medina.
09:06We don't often talk about that,
09:07but some of the greatest Sahabiyat in Islam
09:11that were living in Mecca
09:14probably didn't cover their hair
09:16because the ayat hadn't been revealed yet.
09:19A huge chunk of the Seerah of the Prophet ๏ทบ,
09:21there were no five prayers.
09:22So there was nobody getting up for Fajr.
09:25That came a little bit a few years in.
09:27A few years in.
09:29Zakat hadn't been revealed.
09:30Halal meat hadn't been revealed.
09:33Inheritance law hadn't been revealed.
09:35Hijab hadn't been revealed.
09:37All the things that you look at,
09:38the visible signs of Islam,
09:39observance of Islamic law,
09:41weren't there.
09:42What is being revealed then?
09:44What's being revealed is stuff
09:45that transforms the inside.
09:48What's being revealed is what creates bayan within.
09:52It makes everything bayyin within.
09:56You're not in a construction of a building.
09:58I want you to think of Islamic laws,
10:00the laws as the building.
10:02But you cannot build a building
10:03until you have a what?
10:06Or another analogy you can think of
10:08is the laws of Islam
10:09are like the tip of an iceberg.
10:11In the ocean,
10:11you can see the part that's above the water,
10:13but the vast majority of it is
10:15underneath the water.
10:16The laws in the Qur'an
10:18don't even amount to 10% of the text.
10:21They don't even amount to 10% of the text.
10:24So what is 90% of the text doing?
10:27It's creating a transformation within.
10:30A transformation of how I see the world,
10:32how I see reality,
10:33how I think about history,
10:34how do I think about myself,
10:35how do I think about others,
10:36what do I think about the future,
10:38my thoughts about right and wrong,
10:39my feelings about right and wrong.
10:41Spiritually, intellectually, and emotionally,
10:43it is transforming.
10:44These three ways.
10:45Spiritually, emotionally, and intellectually,
10:47it is making things clear to me.
10:48Then Allah reveal laws.
10:51Then Allah said,
10:51ุฃููุฒููู ู
ู ุงููููุชูุงุจู
10:54But even then,
10:55once He sent the law,
10:56let me tell you something about the law now,
10:58and I'm getting a little ahead of myself.
11:01ุงููุฑู ุจูู ุงููุชุงุจ ูุงูู
11:03This is important.
11:04The difference between the law and the balance.
11:06Because Allah said He sent the law and the scale,
11:08the balanced scale, right?
11:10Which is obviously a term for justice
11:12because scales are a symbol for justice.
11:14So what's the difference between law and justice, right?
11:17We call it the legal system.
11:19In America, we call it the legal system.
11:21We also call it the justice system, right?
11:25That is a misnomer.
11:27And I'll explain to you why.
11:30The law can be misused.
11:33The law can easily be misused.
11:35And even Islamic law can be misused.
11:37And I'll show you how.
11:39For example, in Islamic law,
11:40for certain allegations,
11:41you have to produce at least four witnesses.
11:44Four reliable witnesses.
11:47Is it possible that somebody says,
11:49I really want to ruin this person's life.
11:52And the society thinks of these four guys
11:54as reliable, decent people.
11:57But they decided together, these four people,
11:59that they're going to ruin that person's life.
12:01And they said,
12:02we are the four witnesses that accuse this person
12:04of doing X, Y, Z.
12:05Did they produce the four witnesses?
12:08Did the legal requirement get met?
12:12Was justice served?
12:15So you can actually fulfill the law
12:18and still not get justice.
12:20The law and justice are two separate things.
12:23The ideal situation is,
12:25the law is supposed to be used
12:26so you can get justice.
12:28But Kitab is separate
12:30and Meezan is separate.
12:31Allah said,
12:32ููุฃููุฒูููููุง ู
ู ุงููููุชูุงุจู ููุงููู
12:35And the reason He said that is,
12:36once your worldview changes from within,
12:40then you understand the law isn't just there
12:42so you follow the law.
12:44The law is there so you get the result of justice.
12:48The purpose of the law
12:50is to actually get you to justice.
12:52The purpose of the law isn't,
12:53the law is a means to a greater end.
12:55And that greater end is justice.
12:58Now you come to a country that says,
13:00or a society that says,
13:01we have to implement Islamic laws.
13:04We have to, for example,
13:04cut the hand of the thief.
13:06Okay, we have to cut the...
13:07Because Qur'an says,
13:08ููููุชูุนููุง ุฅูุฐูู ุฃูููู
13:10So we have to implement the hudud,
13:11we have to cut the hand of a thief.
13:13And in that society,
13:14the judge,
13:15the Sharia court judge,
13:17accepts bribes.
13:20The person who appointed him,
13:22appointed him because of personal connections.
13:24So he's not even qualified to be that judge.
13:27The person who stole can't find honest living
13:31because of the corruption of the politicians
13:33of the system that they've created.
13:35In other words,
13:35the entire society is out of balance.
13:38But the one poor guy that got caught stealing,
13:41what are we saying about him?
13:42We should do what with him?
13:43Cut his hand.
13:46And we're saying,
13:46this is the implementation of Islamic law.
13:49And you might even get away with saying,
13:50we implemented the law,
13:52but we certainly did not implement what?
13:56The goal of the message
13:58was first to make things clear.
14:00And when things become clear,
14:02the goal and the objective of the law becomes clear.
14:04And the laws of Islam are not isolated.
14:07They are like,
14:08like you know how there's a neural network,
14:10everything is connected to everything.
14:11One law cannot be taken in isolation
14:13from the entire system of laws
14:15and the system of justice that Allah created.
14:18Because in isolation,
14:19it can create injustice.
14:21It ravages justice.
14:23And that's why when Allah talks about His laws in the Qur'an,
14:27one of my favorite examples is divorce law.
14:31When He talks about it,
14:32He keeps talking about taqwa.
14:35The ayat should be legal.
14:37The conversation should be,
14:38do this, don't do this, do this.
14:39And every time at the end of the ayat,
14:40ููุงุชูููููุง ุงูููููู ููุนูููู
ููุง ุฃูููู ุงูููููู ููุนูููู
ููุง ู
ูุง ููู ุฃููููุณูููู
ู ููุงุญูุฐูุฑููุง
14:45You better know Allah knows what you're up to.
14:48Why is Allah saying,
14:50you have to have taqwa of Allah
14:51because those laws that Allah has revealed
14:54can easily be turned into injustice
14:57in the absence of taqwa.
15:01You can take Islamic laws
15:03and do loads of injustice.
15:05And guess what the Israelites had done?
15:08The Israelites said,
15:09we are committed to the law of God
15:12without actually having the spirit of the law.
15:15There's something called the letter of the law
15:17and the spirit of the law.
15:18The spirit of the law is what produces justice.
15:20The spirit of the law was gone.
15:23Allah revealed in his revelation,
15:25not just laws,
15:26but also the scale.
15:29So this is the al-farkh bayna al-kitab wal-mizan.
15:31This is an important distinction.
15:33That al-farkh,
15:34that then after all of that,
15:37he mentioned iron.
15:38And iron was a reference to warfare.
15:41And we talked about that yesterday a little bit.
15:43But we need to understand the connection.
15:46The first time I mentioned to you warfare
15:48or prophetic wars,
15:50were revealed as a commandment.
15:53Believers commanded to fight.
15:55Was which messenger?
15:56Do you remember?
15:58Musa Alayhi Salaam.
15:59We have to understand why.
16:01Why wasn't Nuh told to fight?
16:03Why wasn't Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam told to fight?
16:05Why wasn't Salih Alayhi Salaam told to fight?
16:07You read all their stories.
16:08Nobody's doing jihad.
16:09And all of a sudden,
16:10Musa Alayhi Salaam wasn't even told to fight with Fir'aun.
16:15He wasn't told to fight.
16:16He was told to do da'wah.
16:18And then they're freed.
16:19They go in the desert.
16:20They're in Ummah.
16:20They're freed.
16:21And all of a sudden,
16:22Allah reveals to them the commandment to do what?
16:25To fight.
16:26To fight.
16:28What happened?
16:29And why couldn't you tell people to fight before?
16:31Why now?
16:32It has to do with law.
16:35If you guys are law students,
16:36you already know this.
16:38If you're sociology students,
16:39you already know this.
16:40If you're political science students,
16:41you already know this.
16:42Laws are different from morals.
16:45So I'll give you two terms now.
16:46Laws and morals.
16:49Is that a law or a moral?
16:51That's a moral teaching, okay?
16:54Is that a law or a moral teaching?
16:56That's a moral teaching.
16:57Stopping at a red light.
16:58Is that a law or a moral teaching?
17:01That's a law.
17:02Now if you break a moral teaching,
17:05kindness, modesty, humility.
17:07If you break a moral teaching,
17:09there are no legal ramifications.
17:12You don't get a fine for being a jerk.
17:16Allah says,
17:16ุฅูููู ุฃูููููุฑู ุงููุฃูุตูููุงุชู ููุตูููุชู ุญูู
17:18The ugliest voices is the braying of a donkey.
17:22Meaning don't raise your voice.
17:23The Qur'an condemns raising the voice.
17:26But is it like right now,
17:27I'm raising my voice in some contexts.
17:29And the da'wah guy,
17:32like that guy.
17:34But is he doing something that is illegal?
17:40It goes against the wisdom or the morality in the Qur'an.
17:43It goes against that,
17:44but it's not illegal.
17:46Something may be immoral and still not be what?
17:49So morality and law are two separate things.
17:51One way you can understand it in the Qur'an
17:53is the terminology ุงููุชุงุจ ูุงูุญูู
17:56One way to think about that.
17:57The laws fit under ุงููุชุงุจ
17:59and the moral system fits under ุงูุญูู
18:04The best you can be to your parents.
18:06Is that a law or a wisdom?
18:10What do you think?
18:11The best you can be to your parents.
18:14It's wisdom.
18:15That's not a law.
18:16That's not a law.
18:18Because there's a range.
18:20There's a range in it.
18:21Some people's best is different from other people's best.
18:24Different scenarios.
18:25The best Ibrahim ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู
can do is leave the house.
18:28That's his ihsan to his waleed.
18:31That's his ihsan.
18:32And somebody else is to stay with their parents no matter what.
18:34That's their ihsan.
18:35Different situations.
18:39when laws come,
18:40we're talking about laws
18:41because ุงููุชุงุจ was used, right?
18:42So we're talking about laws, not wisdoms.
18:44Prophets, many prophets,
18:46Nuh ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู
18:46Salih ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู
18:48they were given morality.
18:50And the first time Allah gave laws was who?
18:54Musa ุนููู ุงูุณูุงู
18:56And the thing about laws,
18:57like stopping at a red light,
18:59is it cannot be considered a law
19:01until there is law enforcement
19:04that will punish you for breaking the law.
19:08Law cannot be considered law
19:10until there is law enforcement.
19:12And you cannot have law enforcement
19:14until there's force.
19:16And the phrase for force in this surah,
19:18on this ayah,
19:19is iron.
19:22It's iron.
19:22You have to have power to execute laws.
19:25Any laws in any society,
19:27any governance.
19:28The moment laws come into the picture,
19:30you must have enforcement,
19:31the power to enforce those laws.
19:33Criminal laws, for example.
19:35Imagine a judge who passes a verdict
19:38and says,
19:38this one's guilty,
19:40this one stole the land,
19:41the land shall be signed over to this person.
19:44The judge himself doesn't have the power
19:46to go there
19:47and then hand the deed over
19:48to this one or that one.
19:49The state has power, right?
19:52And if you break this,
19:54the police will show up
19:55or the authorities will show up
19:57and they will enforce the law.
19:59Because they have the power to do that.
20:01The police officer has the power
20:03to stop your car.
20:04And he's armed.
20:06He has the power of the state behind him.
20:07He's got hadith on him.
20:10In order to be able to implement the law.
20:11So I want you to understand
20:13why hadith was mentioned,
20:14why iron was mentioned
20:16in context of the law.
20:17That's one.
20:19But I want you to also understand
20:21the relationship between clarity
20:23and even before that,
20:24al-bayyinat and hadith
20:25also have a relationship.
20:28Prophets ๏ทบ came to give clarity.
20:32But some prophets,
20:33Allah wanted them
20:35not just to be saved
20:37but for them to leave,
20:38to create a society.
20:42Nuh ๏ทบ couldn't save everybody
20:45in a society.
20:46He had to escape.
20:48Salih ๏ทบ had to escape, right?
20:51Shu'ayb ๏ทบ had to escape.
20:53Musa ๏ทบ is being commanded
20:55to create a society.
20:58To create an actual living society
21:00that lives under the law of Allah
21:03based on these bayyinat.
21:05And when prophets are commanded
21:06to create a society,
21:07they must replace a power system
21:10that already exists.
21:11So those prophets will have enemies
21:14that will try to crush
21:15and destroy their message
21:16as much as possible.
21:17Allah does one of two things.
21:19Either Allah will say to that prophet,
21:21leave town, I will destroy them.
21:24I won't let you be killed, loot.
21:26Leave town, I will take care of them.
21:29Salih, leave, I'll take care of them.
21:31Shu'ayb, leave, I'll take care of them.
21:33Nuh, build an ark, I'll take care of them.
21:36But then some prophets,
21:37Allah decided, no, you won't leave,
21:39you'll take care of them.
21:42The bayyinat have come.
21:43The bayyinat have been rejected.
21:45And when the bayyinat have been rejected,
21:46those people need to be punished.
21:48And Allah will punish them.
21:50He could punish them by his own.
21:52He could send a flood.
21:53He could send an earthquake.
21:54But with the Musa ๏ทบ
21:56and the subsequent prophets
21:58and finally the messenger of Allah
22:01Now those who reject the bayyinat
22:04of the messenger
22:05while the messenger is there,
22:07they will be punished by Allah
22:08by that messenger himself.
22:11And by the believers himself,
22:13which is why in Surah At-Tawbah,
22:14Allah says,
ู ุงูููููู ุจูุฃูููุฏููููู
22:17Allah will punish them by your hands.
22:21Allah will punish them by your hands.
22:23That's what I call prophetic war.
22:25Now Allah can have his own ba'ath.
22:29Ba'athullah is the phrase
22:31that's used in Surah Al-Ghafir.
22:32Who's going to save us
22:33from the ba'ath of Allah?
22:35Allah can wage war himself.
22:37And when Allah wages war,
ู ุงูููููู ุจูููููุงููููู
ู ู
ููู ุงููููููุงุนูุฏููููู
ู ุงูููููู ุจูููููุงููููู
ู ู
ููู ุงููููููุงุนูุฏููููู
22:43Allah can destroy their buildings
22:44from their foundations.
22:46From the foundations.
22:47But with Prophet Musa ๏ทบ
22:49and culminating in Rasulullah ๏ทบ,
22:52the commandment is,
22:53you will become God's punishment
22:55on those who rejected the bayyinat
22:57by which I'm referring to the Quraysh.
23:00They rejected the bayyinat
23:01because they were the recipients of it
23:03right in front of the living Prophet
23:05right in front of them.
23:06This is about the Rasul.
23:07ุฃูุตูููุง ุฑูุณูููููุง ุจูุงููุจูููููููุงุชู
23:09ููุฃููุฒูููููุง ู
ู ุงููููุชูุงุจู ููุงููู
ู ุงููููุงุณู ุจูุงููููุณูุทูููู
23:13Then, even with justice.
23:16The thing is,
23:17nowadays there's lots of rhetoric
23:18and conversations about social justice
23:20and the fight for justice.
23:21And there are societies
23:23which you will find that
23:24because there's enough injustice,
23:26people pick up arms
23:27or there's a civil war
23:28or they're talking about war,
23:30they're talking about fighting for it,
23:31you know, in the name of justice.
23:33So we all know throughout history,
23:36the call for justice
23:39passively, non-violently
23:41goes so far
23:43and in some cases it's successful.
23:45But after so much non-violent calls for justice,
23:48eventually what happens?
23:50I hope you guys enjoyed that video clip.
23:52My team and I have been working tirelessly
23:54to try to create as many resources for Muslims
23:57to give them first steps
23:59in understanding the Qur'an
24:00all the way to the point
24:01where they can have a deep,
24:03profound understanding of the Qur'an.
24:04We are students of the Qur'an ourselves
24:06and we want you to be students of the Qur'an alongside us.
24:08Join us for this journey
24:10on bayyinatv.com
24:11where thousands of hours of work
24:13have already been put in
24:14and don't be intimidated,
24:15it's step by step by step
24:16so you can make learning the Qur'an
24:18a part of your lifestyle.
24:19There's lots of stuff available on YouTube
24:21but it's all over the place.
24:23If you want an organized approach
24:24to studying the Qur'an beginning to end
24:26for yourself, your kids, your family
24:28and even among peers
24:29that would be the way to go.
24:30Sign up for bayyinatv.com