• 2 days ago


00:00:00Boss, the meeting for acquiring this hotel is scheduled, and the penthouse suite is ready
00:00:12for you.
00:00:13And your nephew has reserved the lounge for his birthday.
00:00:17You are late!
00:00:18I'm so sorry, I was stuck at work.
00:00:19You are a terrible girlfriend.
00:00:20Don't bother coming.
00:00:21Sir, are you okay?
00:00:39He's having an allergic reaction, he needs to lie down.
00:00:41Do you even know what you're doing?
00:00:42Get him some water!
00:00:43Okay, this is Ben and Julie, please help you.
00:01:07Are you okay?
00:01:10No, it's windy.
00:01:14Thank you.
00:01:19Sir, your dress got dirty.
00:01:39Should I prepare something for her?
00:01:42Yeah, go help her.
00:01:46You agree to let me go?
00:01:55You don't think the Wilson Group can run without you?
00:01:59Of course not.
00:02:02I'm just a little secretary.
00:02:05I'll get prepared now.
00:02:11Hey, Miss Miller, you look so beautiful today.
00:02:22Thank you.
00:02:23These are my homemade cookies with your favorite flavor, chocolate.
00:02:29What do you want?
00:02:32Just say it.
00:02:33Well, I heard that the company is hiring a new chief secretary.
00:02:37Are you leaving?
00:02:38How much perfume is she wearing?
00:02:41Um, yes, HR should have informed you guys, right?
00:02:45Why are you leaving?
00:02:46Did the CEO's fiance say anything?
00:02:49Whatever the reason is, it's nothing to do with you, so just mind your own business.
00:02:54I know that the chief officer can be recommended by the previous one.
00:02:58What do you think of me?
00:03:00Just please, give me a bit of space.
00:03:07What do you mean?
00:03:08Are you insulting me?
00:03:10No, don't get me wrong, I just...
00:03:14Are you pregnant?
00:03:16That's why you're leaving.
00:03:18Stop talking nonsense.
00:03:20I just have a stomach bug.
00:03:39Is she okay?
00:03:42What's happening? Please tell me.
00:03:44Her surgery can't wait any longer.
00:04:04Well, I think you have made the right choice.
00:04:09But, I'll need a million dollars.
00:04:14A million dollars, that's a lot of money.
00:04:19But, you know, I do have a very generous client coming tonight.
00:04:26If you catch his eye, you might be able to make that kind of money, I don't know.
00:04:33He has a very particular taste, you know.
00:04:37He likes his women...
00:04:47Maybe you go on his little cruise ship, whatever, and then...
00:04:52and then you service all of his friends.
00:04:54If it's your only chance.
00:04:59Wendy, we need to talk.
00:05:01I am working, I don't have time for you.
00:05:05No problem, Whitney will take care of it.
00:05:07Seems like everything is settled, huh?
00:05:10You're hurting me.
00:05:14Bob, what do you want?
00:05:18Come home with me this weekend.
00:05:20I want you to meet my family.
00:05:23You have got to be kidding me.
00:05:27Bob, we are not together anymore.
00:05:31Why? I never said we're splitting up.
00:05:34Yesterday was just, you know, my birthday.
00:05:37I just had some fun, so what?
00:05:39You don't think that's betrayal?
00:05:42You can take her to your family dinner, whatever.
00:05:45No, my uncle doesn't like this kind of women.
00:05:49What does your uncle have to do with it?
00:05:52You know, my uncle, he doesn't like me dating gold diggers.
00:05:56He likes innocent, honest girls.
00:05:59Like you.
00:06:01So you're coming to attend his birthday.
00:06:03My promotion depends on him.
00:06:05Are you ordering me around after sleeping with another woman?
00:06:11You are unbelievable.
00:06:14Fine, I'll pay you.
00:06:19I'll buy one night to play my girlfriend.
00:06:22How about that?
00:06:27Who are you?
00:06:30You saved me last night.
00:06:32Don't you remember?
00:06:40Did you?
00:07:05You got really drunk last night.
00:07:07You came on so strong, I was helpless.
00:07:09What can I do?
00:07:11But we don't even know each other.
00:07:14Did Bob know the woman he was kissing?
00:07:19I told you about that.
00:07:25You talked a lot.
00:07:27Need any help?
00:07:38I'm sorry.
00:07:40I'm sorry.
00:07:42I'm sorry.
00:07:44I'm sorry.
00:07:46I'm sorry.
00:07:48I'm sorry.
00:07:50I'm sorry.
00:07:52I'm sorry.
00:07:54I'm sorry.
00:07:56I'm sorry.
00:07:58I'm sorry.
00:08:00I'm sorry.
00:08:02I'm sorry.
00:08:04I'm sorry.
00:08:07I should not have drank that much last night.
00:08:11Well, I cheated on you.
00:08:14And then you slept with a devilishly handsome guy to get even.
00:08:18Sounds fair to me.
00:08:28Last night wasn't enough for you.
00:08:31I'm not that kind of girl.
00:08:37After I leave this room, we don't know each other, okay?
00:08:41What if I want to know you?
00:08:46If Bob knows about this, he might want to get back at you.
00:08:51He has a very powerful uncle.
00:08:54You know his uncle?
00:08:56Well, no, but I've heard he's very influential.
00:08:59He sounds terrifying.
00:09:03Are you concerned for me?
00:09:08Maybe you should give me your number.
00:09:13In case he comes after me, you could vouch for me.
00:09:17Okay, that's true.
00:09:28And here's my number.
00:09:30Call me.
00:09:32If you need anything.
00:09:34Well, let's hope I won't have to.
00:09:42Silly girl.
00:09:44How'd you think you ended up in the penthouse suite?
00:09:54Get Bob up here for me. Now.
00:10:28So according to store rules, flowers used for gift wrapping are free.
00:10:31I actually made these using leftover petals.
00:10:33Here, give this to your little brother.
00:10:35I'm sure he'll love it.
00:10:37Thank you.
00:10:39I'll take that flower.
00:10:41I'm sorry, sir, but this flower belongs to a little girl.
00:10:44But I want it.
00:10:46Give it to me.
00:10:47She came here first. I'm sorry, sir.
00:10:49Here you go, sir.
00:10:51Um, excuse me, sir. You have to pay for that.
00:10:57I'm sorry, sir.
00:10:59The flowers are free, but everything else in the store you have to pay for.
00:11:02This applies to every customer, regardless of who you are.
00:11:08Pick it up.
00:11:10Buy her something nice.
00:11:17Tell the manager to give that girl a raise.
00:11:19Yes, Mr. Vincent.
00:11:21Mr. Vincent is mad.
00:11:23Fire this girl, Aria, right now.
00:11:29Uh, we have a reservation.
00:11:33Executive Lounge has a dress code.
00:11:35Well, my boyfriend's waiting for me.
00:11:37Can you just let me in like this?
00:11:39There's nothing I can do.
00:11:43How dare you talk to her in such a way?
00:11:45This lady is a guest in our penthouse suite.
00:11:47Penthouse suite?
00:11:49I'm sorry, sir.
00:11:51I'm sorry.
00:11:53I'm sorry.
00:11:56I'm terribly sorry.
00:11:58Please forgive me.
00:12:00Miss, we prepared for you some fitting dresses.
00:12:02The manager will lead you to the suite.
00:12:04Of course.
00:12:06This must be Bo's arrangement.
00:12:08He's so thoughtful.
00:12:10Please, follow me.
00:12:12This way.
00:12:16Bob prepared all these for our date?
00:12:18I didn't expect him to be so thoughtful.
00:12:28Hey, babe.
00:12:30I got you a perfect gift.
00:12:32What are you doing here?
00:12:34Didn't I tell you not to come?
00:12:36What's happening?
00:12:38Do you even know how embarrassing it was?
00:12:40I'm sorry.
00:12:42I'm sorry.
00:12:44I'm sorry.
00:12:46I'm sorry.
00:12:48I'm sorry.
00:12:50I'm sorry.
00:12:52I'm sorry.
00:12:54I know how embarrassing you look right now.
00:12:56If you'd just listened to me...
00:12:58You wouldn't be in this mess.
00:13:24Something I can be, something I wait for
00:13:33Something I'm made for
00:13:55Wendy, do you know how late you are?
00:13:57Do you know how much time you've wasted?
00:13:59I'm sorry, I was busy last night
00:14:02Busy with what? Bob's birthday?
00:14:04I saw he posted on Instagram with a girl much prettier than you
00:14:09Oh Wendy, you've been dumped by that rich guy?
00:14:12You must be very upset
00:14:14No wonder how you made such a huge mistake on financial report
00:14:18What are you talking about?
00:14:25I don't recognize these papers
00:14:30But I could tell the data is terribly wrong
00:14:33Whitney, wasn't it your job to do this?
00:14:36Seriously? Are you going to say it was me?
00:14:40Don't blame others, you have to do it by tonight or you'll be fired
00:14:46Hey Bob, you're here early, you had fun last night?
00:14:56Yeah I did
00:14:57Wendy, we need to talk
00:15:17What a jerk, he's a jerk
00:15:24Yes, I don't need him
00:15:31She's our penthouse sweet guest, make sure she gets back safely
00:15:35Yes manager
00:16:17You're still up late
00:16:20I thought you said you were clocking out
00:16:25Did you tell your father about us?
00:16:28My father?
00:16:30Yeah, I received a message from his secretary
00:16:34He wants to invite me to his house for dinner
00:16:37Oh really? That's great
00:16:41I've been wanting to introduce you for a long time
00:17:01Oh crap, I've got to pick that Wendy up
00:17:07What are you doing here?
00:17:09You don't seem very happy, am I disturbing our busy president?
00:17:13No of course not, it's great to see you, you look beautiful
00:17:18Stop it, managing your overseas business has given me wrinkles, you owe me big time
00:17:24I'll have Mark get you anything you need, but I'm running late, I have to go
00:17:30What can be more important than a company and me?
00:17:35What can be more important than a company and me?
00:17:38Seems like I picked the wrong time
00:17:40Don't be like that, I want to introduce you to someone
00:17:45Oh really?
00:17:52Where's Ryan? He said he'd pick me up but I don't see him
00:17:56I wonder if I look presentable
00:17:59Wendy, you look so beautiful today
00:18:03Come on, I want to introduce you to someone
00:18:05Oh, dear grandfather, this is Wendy, the loveliest lady in the house
00:18:10The one I want to introduce to you
00:18:12Nice to meet you Wendy
00:18:15You and Bob really look like the perfect match
00:18:19Me and Bob?
00:18:27Why do you look like you want to bite Bob's head off?
00:18:30Did he and his little girlfriend offend you?
00:18:33She's my girlfriend, I need to tell father
00:18:37Wait, are you telling me you're fighting over a woman with your nephew?
00:18:43Ryan, when did you become so childish?
00:18:46I'm not, since when do you care so much about it?
00:18:51Come on, you don't want your father to see his son and grandson fighting over a woman
00:18:57He's just gotten back from a nursing home, his temper isn't great
00:19:01Don't stress him, okay?
00:19:03And it's for your girlfriend's good
00:19:11Don't be a fool in love
00:19:13The calm, collected Ryan Clark is the one I know
00:19:21Who is she? Is this part of the plan?
00:19:24Uncle Jack
00:19:28So good to see you, Karen
00:19:35Ryan, Linda has been managing your overseas business all these years
00:19:41Now she's finally back, so you better take good care of her
00:19:46Of course father
00:19:48Bob, Ryan, please come with me to the study room
00:19:53So, tell me about Paris, Chopin
00:19:57So, you must be the lucky girl who got Bob head over heels
00:20:02I'm Linda
00:20:04May I say your dress is beautiful
00:20:07What's your name?
00:20:09You can call me Wendy
00:20:13Who is she? Why was she with Ryan? And why are they so close?
00:20:20You seem a bit nervous
00:20:22Don't worry, the Clarks family is great
00:20:25Try one of these cakes, it's my favorite
00:20:28I can't believe Uncle Jack still remembers
00:20:31What's your favorite?
00:20:33I'll ask Kitchen and they'll make it for you
00:20:37That's okay, thank you
00:20:41Speaking of that, Linda, why did you come back?
00:20:46Didn't Ryan give you all the overseas business?
00:20:49Was it too much for you?
00:20:51How could it be?
00:20:53You know, Ryan and I grew up together, he knows my abilities
00:20:58I heard some gossips and decided to check it out
00:21:03I couldn't believe the most wanted bachelor in finance has fallen in love
00:21:08Linda, you must be joking
00:21:11Haven't you and Ryan been together for so long?
00:21:16I'm just sitting here waiting for my wedding invitation
00:21:19Oh my god, stop
00:21:22Well, I did say if we're both single and old we'd just get married
00:21:30Download the app to watch
00:21:32What happens next?
00:21:38What are you doing in here?
00:21:43I thought you left with that flashy woman, you jerk
00:21:48You're drunk, look at me
00:21:52I don't want to look at you
00:21:56You kissed that woman and then you left with her
00:22:01We're over
00:22:04And give me my lighter back, it's expensive
00:22:08I cheated on you and all you want is a lighter?
00:22:13It's a DuPont lighter
00:22:17Why would you give me something so special if I didn't deserve it?
00:22:23Because I loved you
00:22:47I love you
00:23:11Where am I?
00:23:14Who are you?
00:23:28Boss, the meeting for acquiring this hotel is scheduled
00:23:32And the penthouse suite is ready for you
00:23:35And your nephew has reserved the lounge for his birthday
00:23:40You are late
00:23:42I'm so sorry, I was stuck at work
00:23:45You are a terrible goof and don't bother coming
00:23:50Sir, are you okay?
00:24:00He's having an allergic reaction, he needs to lay down
00:24:03Do you even know what you're doing?
00:24:05Get him some water
00:24:09Okay, there you go
00:24:14This is benadryl, it will help you
00:24:29Are you okay?
00:24:36No, it's windy
00:24:48Thank you
00:24:59Sir, your dress got dirty, should I prepare something for her?
00:25:05Yeah, go over
00:25:09A few hours later
00:25:14You agree to let me go?
00:25:17Why? You don't think the Wilson Group can run without you?
00:25:23Of course not
00:25:25I'm just a little secretary
00:25:27I'll get prepared, now
00:25:39Hey, Miss Miller, you look so beautiful today
00:25:43Thank you
00:25:45These are my homemade cookies with your favorite flavor, chocolate
00:25:52What do you want? Just say it
00:25:54Well, I heard that the company is hiring a new chief secretary
00:25:59Oh, really?
00:26:00How much perfume is she wearing?
00:26:03Yes, HR should have informed you guys, right?
00:26:06Why are you leaving? Did the CEO's fiance say anything?
00:26:10Whatever the reason is, it's nothing to do with you, so just mind your own business
00:26:14Wait, I know that the chief officer can be recommended by the previous one
00:26:20What do you think of me?
00:26:21Just please, give me a bit of space
00:26:28What do you mean? Are you insulting me?
00:26:31No, don't get me wrong, I just...
00:26:33Wait, are you pregnant?
00:26:36That's why you're leaving
00:26:38Stop talking nonsense
00:26:40I just have a stomach bug
00:26:59Is she okay?
00:27:01Is she okay?
00:27:05What's happening? Please tell me
00:27:07Her surgery can't wait any longer
00:27:10Well, I think you have made the right choice
00:27:30But I'll need a million dollars
00:27:35A million dollars, that's a lot of money
00:27:41But you know, I do have a very generous client coming tonight
00:27:49If you catch his eye, you might be able to make that kind of money, I don't know
00:27:56He has a very particular taste, you know
00:28:00He likes his women...
00:28:09Maybe you go on his little cruise ship or whatever
00:28:13And then you serve as all of his friends
00:28:17If it's your only chance
00:28:22Wendy, we need to talk
00:28:24I am working, I don't have time for you
00:28:27No problem, Whitney will take care of it
00:28:30Seems like everything is settled, huh?
00:28:32You're hurting me
00:28:38Bob, what do you want?
00:28:41Come home with me this weekend, I want you to meet my family
00:28:47You have got to be kidding me
00:28:50Bob, we are not together anymore
00:28:54Why? I never said we're splitting up
00:28:57Yesterday was just, you know, my birthday
00:29:00We had some fun, so what?
00:29:02You don't think that's betrayal?
00:29:05You can take her to your family dinner or whatever
00:29:09No, my uncle doesn't like this kind of women
00:29:12What does your uncle have to do with it?
00:29:15You know, my uncle, he doesn't like me dating gold diggers
00:29:19He likes innocent, honest girls, like you
00:29:24So you're coming to attend his birthday
00:29:27My promotion depends on him
00:29:29Are you ordering me around after sleeping with another woman?
00:29:34You are unbelievable
00:29:37Fine, I'll pay you
00:29:42I'll buy one night to play my girlfriend, how about that?
00:29:50Who are you?
00:29:53You saved me last night, don't you remember?
00:30:00I don't remember
00:30:02Did you?
00:30:27You got really drunk last night
00:30:29You came on so strong, I was helpless, what can I do?
00:30:33But, we don't even know each other
00:30:36Did Bob know the woman he was kissing?
00:30:41I told you about that
00:30:47You talked a lot
00:30:49Need any help?
00:31:29I should not have drank that much last night
00:31:34Well, I cheated on you
00:31:36And then you slept with a devilishly handsome guy to get even
00:31:40Sounds fair to me
00:31:50Last night wasn't enough for you
00:31:54I'm not that kind of girl
00:32:00After I leave this room, we don't know each other, okay?
00:32:04What if I want to know you?
00:32:07Listen, if Bob knows about this, he might want to get back at you
00:32:13He has a very powerful uncle
00:32:16You know his uncle?
00:32:18Well, no, but I've heard he's very influential
00:32:21He sounds terrifying
00:32:25Are you concerned for me?
00:32:31Maybe you should give me your number
00:32:35In case he comes after me, you could vouch for me
00:32:39Okay, that's true
00:32:50And here's my number
00:32:52Call me
00:32:54If you need anything
00:32:58Let's hope I won't have to
00:33:04Silly girl
00:33:06How'd you think you ended up in the penthouse suite?
00:33:16Get Bob up here for me, now
00:33:27Get Bob up here for me, now
00:33:29Get Bob up here for me, now
00:33:50So, according to store rules, flowers used for gift wrapping are free
00:33:53I actually made these using leftover petals.
00:33:55Here, give this to your little brother.
00:33:57I'm sure he'll love it.
00:33:59Thank you!
00:34:01I'll take that flower.
00:34:03I'm sorry, sir, but this flower belongs to a little girl.
00:34:06But I want it.
00:34:08Give it to me.
00:34:09She came here first. I'm sorry, sir.
00:34:12Here you go, sir.
00:34:13Um, excuse me, sir! You have to pay for that!
00:34:16Pay? Me?
00:34:19I'm sorry, sir.
00:34:20The flowers are free, but everything else in the store you have to pay for.
00:34:23This applies to every customer, regardless of who you are.
00:34:30Pick it up.
00:34:31Buy her something nice.
00:34:38Tell the manager to give that girl a raise.
00:34:40Yes, Mr. Vincent.
00:34:42Mr. Vincent is mad.
00:34:44Fire this girl, Aria, right now.
00:34:59Uh, we have a reservation.
00:35:01Sorry, Executive Lounge has a dress code.
00:35:04Well, my boyfriend's waiting for me. Can you just let me in like this?
00:35:07There's nothing I can do. Security?
00:35:10How dare you talk to her in such a way?
00:35:13This lady is a guest in our penthouse suite.
00:35:16Penthouse suite?
00:35:19I'm terribly sorry. Please forgive me.
00:35:21Miss, we prepared for you some fitting dresses.
00:35:24The manager will lead you to the suite.
00:35:27Of course.
00:35:28This must be Bob's arrangement.
00:35:30He's so thoughtful.
00:35:33Please, follow me. This way.
00:35:39Bob prepared all these for our date?
00:35:41I didn't expect him to be so thoughtful.
00:36:04Hey, babe.
00:36:05I got you a birthday gift.
00:36:08What are you doing here?
00:36:10Didn't I tell you not to come?
00:36:13What's happening?
00:36:15Do you even know how embarrassing you look right now?
00:36:18If you'd just listened to me, you wouldn't be in this mess.
00:36:22You're right.
00:36:45But something I can be
00:36:48Something I wait for
00:36:55Something I'm made for
00:37:16Wendy, do you know how late you are?
00:37:19Do you know how much time you've wasted?
00:37:21I'm sorry. I was busy last night.
00:37:24Busy with what? Bob's birthday?
00:37:26I saw he posted on Instagram with a girl much prettier than you.
00:37:30Oh, Wendy, you've been dumped by that rich guy?
00:37:34You must be very upset.
00:37:36No wonder how you made such a huge mistake on financial report.
00:37:40What are you talking about?
00:37:46I don't recognize these papers.
00:37:50But I could tell the data is terribly wrong.
00:37:54Whitney, wasn't it your job to do this?
00:37:57Seriously? Are you going to say it was me?
00:38:00Don't blame others. You have to do it by tonight or you'll be fired.
00:38:15Hey, Bob. You're here early. You had fun last night?
00:38:19Yeah, I did. Wendy, we need to talk.
00:38:41What a jerk.
00:38:44He's a jerk.
00:38:46Yes. I don't need him.
00:38:53She's our penthouse suite guest. Make sure she gets back safely.
00:38:57Yes, manager.
00:39:14I'm sorry.
00:39:45We're still apart.
00:39:48I thought you said you were clocking out.
00:39:53Did you tell your father about us?
00:39:56My father?
00:39:58Yeah. I received a message from his secretary.
00:40:02He wants to invite me to his house for dinner.
00:40:05Oh, really?
00:40:07That's great.
00:40:10I've been wanting to introduce you for a long time.
00:40:27Oh, crap. I've got to pick that Wendy up.
00:40:34What are you doing here?
00:40:36You don't seem very happy. Am I disturbing our busy president?
00:40:40No, of course not. It's great to see you. You look beautiful.
00:40:45Stop it. Managing your overseas business has given me wrinkles.
00:40:49You owe me big time.
00:40:51I'll have Mark get you anything you need.
00:40:54But I'm running late. I have to go.
00:40:57What can be more important than a company and me?
00:41:00Seems like I picked the wrong time, huh?
00:41:03Don't be like that.
00:41:05I wanted to introduce you to someone.
00:41:07Oh, really?
00:41:14Where's Ryan? He said he'd pick me up, but I don't see him.
00:41:18I wonder if I look presentable.
00:41:21Wendy, you look so beautiful today.
00:41:25Come on, I want to introduce you to someone.
00:41:27Oh, dear grandfather, this is Wendy, the loveliest lady in the house.
00:41:32The one I want to introduce to you.
00:41:34Nice to meet you, Wendy.
00:41:36You and Bob really look like the perfect match.
00:41:41Me and Bob?
00:41:49Why do you look like you want to bite Bob's head off?
00:41:52Did he and his little girlfriend offend you?
00:41:55She's my girlfriend. I need to tell father.
00:41:59Wait, are you telling me you're fighting over a woman with your nephew?
00:42:06Ryan, when did you become so childish?
00:42:08I'm not.
00:42:11Since when do you care so much about it?
00:42:14Come on, you don't want your father to see his son and grandson fighting over a woman.
00:42:19He's just gotten back from a nursing home. His temper isn't great.
00:42:23Don't stress him, okay?
00:42:25And it's for your girlfriend's good.
00:42:33Don't be a fool in love.
00:42:35The calm, collected Ryan Clark is the one I want.
00:42:43Wishy, is this part of the plan?
00:42:46Uncle Jack.
00:42:49So good to see you.
00:42:58Linda has been managing your overseas business all these years.
00:43:03Now she's finally back, so you better take good care of her.
00:43:08Of course, father.
00:43:10Bob, Ryan, please come with me to the study room.
00:43:15So tell me about Paris, champagne.
00:43:19So, you must be the lucky girl who got Bob head over heels.
00:43:24I'm Linda.
00:43:26May I say your dress is beautiful.
00:43:29What's your name?
00:43:31You can call me Wendy.
00:43:35Who is she? Why was she with Ryan? And why are they so close?
00:43:42You seem a bit nervous.
00:43:44Don't worry. The Clarks family is great.
00:43:47Try one of these cakes. It's my favorite.
00:43:50I can't believe Uncle Jack still remembers.
00:43:53What's your favorite?
00:43:55I'll ask Kitchen and they'll make it for you.
00:43:59That's okay. Thank you.
00:44:03Speaking of that, Linda.
00:44:06Why did you come back?
00:44:08Didn't Ryan give you all the overseas business?
00:44:11Was it too much for you?
00:44:13How could it be?
00:44:16You know, Ryan and I grew up together.
00:44:18He knows my abilities.
00:44:20I heard some gossips and decided to check it out.
00:44:25I couldn't believe the most wanted bachelor in finance has fallen in love.
00:44:30Linda, you must be joking.
00:44:34Haven't you and Ryan been together for so long?
00:44:38I'm just sitting here waiting for my wedding invitation.
00:44:41Oh my God. Stop.
00:44:45Well, I did say if we're both single and old, we'd just get married.
00:45:00What are you doing in here?
00:45:05I thought you left with that flashy woman, you jerk.
00:45:10You're drunk.
00:45:13Look at me.
00:45:14I won't look at you.
00:45:18You kissed that woman and then you left with her.
00:45:23We're over.
00:45:26And give me my lighter back. It's expensive.
00:45:30I cheated on you and all you want is a lighter?
00:45:35It's a DuPont lighter.
00:45:39Why would you give me something so special if I didn't deserve it?
00:45:45Because I loved you.
00:46:09Alright, I'm leaving.
00:46:13Where am I?
00:46:38Who are you?
00:46:44Boss, the meeting for acquiring this hotel is scheduled.
00:46:48And the penthouse suite is ready for you.
00:46:51And your nephew has reserved the lounge for his birthday.
00:46:57You are late.
00:46:59I'm so sorry. I was stuck at work.
00:47:02You are a terrible girlfriend. Don't bother coming.
00:47:08You are a terrible girlfriend. Don't bother coming.
00:47:13Sir, are you okay?
00:47:23He's having an allergic reaction. He needs to lay down.
00:47:26Do you even know what you're doing?
00:47:27Get him some water!
00:47:31Okay, there you go.
00:47:36This is Benadryl. It will help you.
00:47:51Are you okay?
00:47:58No, it's windy.
00:48:10Thank you.
00:48:21Sir, your dress got dirty. Should I prepare something for her?
00:48:27Yeah, go over.
00:48:36You agree to let me go?
00:48:39Why? You don't think the Wilson Group can run without you?
00:48:45Of course not.
00:48:47I'm just a little secretary. I'll get prepared now.
00:48:58Hey, Miss Miller. You look so beautiful today.
00:49:03Thank you.
00:49:05These are my homemade cookies with your favorite flavor, chocolate.
00:49:11What do you want? Just say it.
00:49:14Well, I heard that the company is hiring a new chief secretary.
00:49:19How much perfume is she wearing?
00:49:23Yes, HR should have informed you guys, right?
00:49:26Why are you leaving? Did the CEO's fiance say anything?
00:49:30Whatever the reason is, it's nothing to do with you, so just mind your own business.
00:49:34Wait. I know that the chief officer can be recommended by the previous one.
00:49:40What do you think of me?
00:49:41Just please give me a bit of space.
00:49:48What do you mean? Are you insulting me?
00:49:51No, don't get me wrong. I just...
00:49:54Wait. Are you pregnant?
00:49:57That's why you're leaving.
00:49:59Stop talking nonsense. I just have a stomach bug.
00:50:22Is she okay?
00:50:26What's happening? Please tell me.
00:50:28Her surgery can't wait any longer.
00:50:32Well, I think you have made the right choice.
00:50:53But I'll need a million dollars.
00:50:58A million dollars? That's a lot of money.
00:51:04But you know, I do have a very generous client coming tonight.
00:51:11If you catch his eye, you might be able to make that kind of money. I don't know.
00:51:18He has a very particular taste, you know?
00:51:23He likes his women inexperienced.
00:51:32Maybe you go on his little cruise ship or whatever, and then you serve as all of his friends.
00:51:39If it's your only chance.
00:51:44Wendy, we need to talk.
00:51:46I am working. I don't have time for you.
00:51:50No problem. Whitney will take care of it.
00:51:52Seems like everything is settled.
00:51:55You're hurting me.
00:52:00Bob, what do you want?
00:52:04Come home with me this weekend. I want you to meet my family.
00:52:09You have got to be kidding me.
00:52:13Bob, we are not together anymore.
00:52:17Why? I never said we're splitting up.
00:52:20It was just, you know, my birthday. I just had some fun. So what?
00:52:24You don't think that's betrayal?
00:52:27You can take her to your family dinner or whatever.
00:52:31No. My uncle doesn't like this kind of women.
00:52:35What does your uncle have to do with it?
00:52:38You know, my uncle, he doesn't like me dating gold diggers.
00:52:42He likes innocent, honest girls. Like you.
00:52:47After coming to attend his birthday, my promotion depends on him.
00:52:51Are you ordering me around after sleeping with another woman?
00:52:56You are unbelievable.
00:52:59Fine. I'll pay you.
00:53:04I'll buy one night to play my girlfriend. How about that?
00:53:12Who are you?
00:53:15You saved me last night. Don't you remember?
00:53:46You got really drunk last night.
00:53:49You came on so strong, I was helpless. What can I do?
00:53:52But we don't even know each other.
00:53:56Did Bob know the woman he was kissing?
00:54:00I told you about that.
00:54:06You talked a lot.
00:54:09Need any help?
00:54:12Need any help?
00:54:43In another life, another time, maybe we'll be alright.
00:54:52I should not have drank that much last night.
00:54:56Well, I cheated on you.
00:54:59And then you slept with a doubly handsome guy to get even.
00:55:03Sounds fair to me.
00:55:12Last night wasn't enough for you.
00:55:15I'm not that kind of girl.
00:55:22After I leave this room, we don't know each other, okay?
00:55:26What if I want to know you?
00:55:29Listen, if Bob knows about this, he might want to get back at you.
00:55:35He has a very powerful uncle.
00:55:38You know his uncle?
00:55:40Oh no, but I've heard he's very influential.
00:55:43He sounds terrifying.
00:55:47Are you concerned for me?
00:55:52Maybe you should give me your number.
00:55:57In case he comes after me, you could vouch for me.
00:56:01Okay, that's true.
00:56:11And here's my number.
00:56:15Call me.
00:56:17If you need anything.
00:56:19Well, let's hope I won't have to.
00:56:26Silly girl.
00:56:28How'd you think you ended up in the penthouse suite?
00:56:32Get Bob up here for me. Now.
00:57:02So according to store rules, flowers used for gift wrapping are free.
00:57:16I actually made these using leftover petals.
00:57:18Here, give this to your little brother. I'm sure he'll love it.
00:57:22Thank you.
00:57:24I'll take that flower.
00:57:26I'm sorry sir, but this flower belongs to the little girl.
00:57:29But I want it. Give it to me.
00:57:32She came here first. I'm sorry sir.
00:57:34Here you go sir.
00:57:36Excuse me sir, you have to pay for that.
00:57:39Pay? Me?
00:57:42I'm sorry sir, the flowers are free, but everything else in the store you have to pay for.
00:57:46This applies to every customer, regardless of who you are.
00:57:53Pick it up. Buy yourself something nice.
00:58:00Tell the manager to give that girl a raise.
00:58:03Yes Mr. Vincent.
00:58:05Mr. Vincent is mad. Fire this girl area right now.
00:58:22We have a reservation.
00:58:24Sorry, executive lounge has a dress code.
00:58:27Well, my boyfriend's waiting for me. Can you just let me in like this?
00:58:30There's nothing I can do. Security?
00:58:33How dare you talk to her in such a way?
00:58:36This lady is a guest in our penthouse suite.
00:58:39Penthouse suite?
00:58:41I'm terribly sorry. Please forgive me.
00:58:44Miss, we prepared for you some fitting dresses.
00:58:47The manager will lead you to the suite.
00:58:49Of course.
00:58:51This must be Bob's arrangement. He's so thoughtful.
00:58:55Please, follow me. This way.
00:59:00Wow. Bob prepared all these for our date?
00:59:03I didn't expect him to be so thoughtful.
00:59:26Hey babe.
00:59:28I got you a birthday gift.
00:59:31What are you doing here?
00:59:33Didn't I tell you not to come?
00:59:35What's happening?
00:59:37Do you even know how embarrassing you look right now?
00:59:41If you'd just listened to me, you wouldn't be in this mess.
01:00:05Something I'm not.
01:00:08But something I can be.
01:00:11Something I wait for.
01:00:17Something I'm made for.
01:00:36Wendy, do you know how late you are?
01:00:38Do you know how much time you've wasted?
01:00:40I'm sorry. I was busy last night.
01:00:43Busy with what? Bob's birthday?
01:00:45I saw he posted on Instagram with a girl much prettier than you.
01:00:50Oh, Wendy. You've been dumped by that rich guy?
01:00:53He must be very upset.
01:00:55No wonder how you made such a huge mistake on financial report.
01:00:59What are you talking about?
01:01:02What are you talking about?
01:01:10I don't recognize these papers.
01:01:14But I could tell the data is terribly wrong.
01:01:18Whitney, wasn't it your job to do this?
01:01:21Seriously? Are you going to say it was me?
01:01:24Don't blame others. You have to do it by tonight or you'll be fired.
01:01:33Hey, Bob. You're here early. You had fun last night?
01:01:37Yeah, I did. Wendy, give me a Tik Tok.
01:02:03What a jerk. He's a jerk.
01:02:08Yes. I don't need him.
01:02:15She's our penthouse suite guest. Make sure she gets back safely.
01:02:19Yes, manager.
01:03:03We're still apart.
01:03:06I thought you said you were quacking out.
01:03:11Did you tell your father about us?
01:03:14My father?
01:03:16Yeah. I received a message from his secretary.
01:03:20He wants to invite me to his house for dinner.
01:03:23Oh, really? That's great.
01:03:27I've been wanting to introduce you for a long time.
01:03:45Oh, crap. I've got to pick Wendy up.
01:03:51What are you doing here?
01:03:55You don't seem very happy. Am I disturbing our busy president?
01:03:59No, of course not. It's great to see you. You look beautiful.
01:04:03Stop it. Managing your overseas business has given me wrinkles.
01:04:07You owe me big time.
01:04:09I'll have Mark get you anything you need.
01:04:12But I'm running late. I have to go.
01:04:15What can be more important than a company and me?
01:04:18It seems like I picked the wrong time.
01:04:21Don't be like that. I want to introduce you to someone.
01:04:25Oh, really?
01:04:33Where's Ryan? He said he'd pick me up, but I don't see him.
01:04:37I wonder if I look presentable.
01:04:40Wendy, you look so beautiful today.
01:04:44Come on, I want to introduce you to someone.
01:04:47Come on, I want to introduce you to someone.
01:04:49Oh, dear grandfather, this is Wendy, the loveliest lady in the house.
01:04:54The one I want to introduce to you.
01:04:56Nice to meet you, Wendy.
01:04:59You and Bob really look like the perfect match.
01:05:03Me and Bob?
01:05:11Why do you look like you want to bite Bob's head off?
01:05:14Did he and his little girlfriend offend you?
01:05:17She's my girlfriend. I need to tell father.
01:05:21Wait, are you telling me you're fighting over a woman with your nephew?
01:05:28Ryan, when did you become so childish?
01:05:30I'm not.
01:05:33Since when do you care so much about it?
01:05:36Come on, you don't want your father to see his son and grandson fighting over a woman.
01:05:41He's just gotten back from a nursing home.
01:05:43His temper isn't great.
01:05:45Don't stress him, okay?
01:05:47And it's for your girlfriend's good.
01:05:55Don't be a fool in love.
01:05:57The calm, collected Ryan Clark is the one I want.
01:06:05Who is she? Is this part of the plan?
01:06:08Uncle Jack.
01:06:12So good to see you, Karen.
01:06:19Ryan, Linda has been managing your overseas business all these years.
01:06:25Now she's finally back, so you better take good care of her.
01:06:30Of course, father.
01:06:32Bob, Ryan, please come with me to the study room.
01:06:37So tell me about Paris shopping.
01:06:41So, you must be the lucky girl who got Bob head over heels.
01:06:46I'm Linda.
01:06:48May I say your dress is beautiful.
01:06:51What's your name?
01:06:53You can call me Wendy.
01:06:57Who is she? Why was she with Ryan? And why are they so close?
01:07:04You seem a bit nervous.
01:07:06Don't worry. The Clarks family is great.
01:07:09Try one of these cakes. It's my favorite.
01:07:12I can't believe Uncle Jack still remembers.
01:07:15What's your favorite?
01:07:17I'll ask Kitchen and they'll make it for you.
01:07:21That's okay. Thank you.
01:07:25Speaking of that, Linda, why did you come back?
01:07:30Didn't Ryan give you all the overseas business?
01:07:33Was it too much for you?
01:07:35How could it be?
01:07:37You know, Ryan and I grew up together. He knows my abilities.
01:07:42I heard some gossips and decided to check it out.
01:07:47I couldn't believe the most wanted bachelor in finance has fallen in love.
01:07:52Linda, you must be joking.
01:07:55Haven't you and Ryan been together for so long?
01:08:00I'm just sitting here waiting for my wedding invitation.
01:08:03Oh my god. Stop.
01:08:07Well, I did say if we're both single and old, we'd just get married.
01:08:22What are you doing in here?
01:08:27I thought you left with that flashy woman, you jerk.
01:08:32You're drunk.
01:08:35Look at me.
01:08:36I won't look at you.
01:08:40You kissed that woman and then you left with her.
01:08:45We're over.
01:08:48And give me my lighter back. It's expensive.
01:08:52I cheated on you and all you want is a lighter?
01:08:57It's a DuPont lighter.
01:09:01Why would you give me something so special if I didn't deserve it?
01:09:07Because I loved you.
01:09:32I love you.
01:09:55Where am I?
01:09:58Who are you?
01:10:11Boss, the meeting for acquiring this hotel is scheduled.
01:10:14And the penthouse suite is ready for you.
01:10:17And your nephew has reserved the lounge for his birthday.
01:10:21You are late.
01:10:22I'm so sorry. I was stuck at work.
01:10:25You are a terrible girlfriend. Don't bother coming.
01:10:31Sir, are you okay?
01:10:41He's having an allergic reaction. He needs to lie down.
01:10:44Do you even know what you're doing?
01:10:45Get him some water!
01:10:47Hang in there.
01:10:51This is Ben and Julie. It will help you.
01:11:06Are you okay?
01:11:12Are you okay?
01:11:19No, it's Wendy.
01:11:32Thank you.
01:11:42Sir, your dress got dirty.
01:11:45Should I prepare something for her?
01:11:49Yeah, go help her.
01:11:58You agree to let me go?
01:12:02You don't think the Wilson Group can run without you?
01:12:06Of course not.
01:12:08I'm just a little secretary.
01:12:10I'll get prepared now.
01:12:23Hey, Miss Miller. You look so beautiful today.
01:12:27Thank you.
01:12:29These are my homemade cookies with your favorite flavor, chocolate.
01:12:36What do you want? Just say it.
01:12:38Just say it.
01:12:39Well, I heard that the company is hiring a new chief secretary.
01:12:44How much perfume is she wearing?
01:12:48Yes, HR should have informed you guys, right?
01:12:51Why are you leaving? Did the CEO's fiance say anything?
01:12:55Whatever the reason is, it's nothing to do with you, so just mind your own business.
01:13:00I know that the chief officer can be recommended by the previous one.
01:13:05What do you think of me?
01:13:06Just please give me a bit of space.
01:13:13What do you mean? Are you insulting me?
01:13:16No, don't get me wrong. I just...
01:13:20Are you pregnant?
01:13:22That's why you're leaving.
01:13:24Stop talking nonsense.
01:13:26I just have a stomach bug.
01:13:37Is she okay?
01:13:40What's happening? Please tell me.
01:13:42Her surgery can't wait any longer.
01:14:07Well, I think you have made the right choice.
01:14:16I'll need a million dollars.
01:14:18A million dollars? That's a lot of money.
01:14:25But you know, I do have a very generous client coming tonight.
01:14:31If you catch his eye, you might be able to make that kind of money, I don't know.
01:14:38He has a very particular taste, you know?
01:14:44He likes his women...
01:14:51Maybe you go on his little cruise ship, whatever, and then...
01:14:56And then you service all of his friends.
01:14:59Wendy, we need to talk.
01:15:01I am working. I don't have time for you.
01:15:05No problem. Whitney will take care of it.
01:15:07Seems like everything is settled, huh?
01:15:09You're hurting me.
01:15:15Bob, what do you want?
01:15:19Come home with me this weekend.
01:15:21I want to talk to you.
01:15:23What do you want?
01:15:26Come home with me this weekend.
01:15:28I want you to meet my family.
01:15:31You have got to be kidding me.
01:15:35Bob, we are not together anymore.
01:15:39Why? I never said we're splitting up.
01:15:42Yesterday was just, you know, my birthday.
01:15:44I just had some fun, so what?
01:15:46You don't think that's betrayal?
01:15:49You can take her to your family dinner, whatever.
01:15:53No, my uncle doesn't like this kind of women.
01:15:57What does your uncle have to do with it?
01:15:59You know, my uncle, he doesn't like me dating gold diggers.
01:16:03He likes innocent, honest girls.
01:16:07Like you.
01:16:09So you're coming to attend his birthday.
01:16:11My promotion depends on him.
01:16:13Are you ordering me around after sleeping with another woman?
01:16:18You are unbelievable.
01:16:21Fine, I'll pay you.
01:16:26I'll buy one night to play my girlfriend.
01:16:29How about that?
01:16:34Who are you?
01:16:37You saved me last night.
01:16:39Don't you remember?
01:17:12You got really drunk last night.
01:17:14You came on so strong, I was helpless.
01:17:16What can I do?
01:17:17But, we don't even know each other.
01:17:21Did Bob know the woman he was kissing?
01:17:25I told you about that.
01:17:31You've talked a lot.
01:17:34Need any help?
01:17:46I'm sorry.
01:17:47I'm sorry.
01:17:48I'm sorry.
01:17:49I'm sorry.
01:17:50I'm sorry.
01:17:51I'm sorry.
01:17:52I'm sorry.
01:17:53I'm sorry.
01:17:54I'm sorry.
01:17:55I'm sorry.
01:17:56I'm sorry.
01:17:57I'm sorry.
01:17:58I'm sorry.
01:17:59I'm sorry.
01:18:00I'm sorry.
01:18:01I'm sorry.
01:18:02I'm sorry.
01:18:03I'm sorry.
01:18:04I'm sorry.
01:18:05I'm sorry.
01:18:06I'm sorry.
01:18:07I'm sorry.
01:18:08I'm sorry.
01:18:09I'm sorry.
01:18:10I'm sorry.
01:18:11I'm sorry.
01:18:12I'm sorry.
01:18:13I'm sorry.
01:18:14I'm sorry.
01:18:15I did not have drink that much last night.
01:18:18Well, I cheated on you.
01:18:21And then you slept with a devilishly handsome guy to get even.
01:18:25Sounds fair to me.
01:18:35Last night wasn't enough for you.
01:18:38I'm not that kind of girl.
01:18:45After I leave this room, we don't know each other, okay?
01:18:48What if I want to know you?
01:18:51Listen, if Bob knows about this, he might want to get back at you.
01:18:58He has a very powerful uncle.
01:19:01You know his uncle?
01:19:03Well, no, but I've heard he's very influential.
01:19:06He sounds terrifying.
01:19:10Are you concerned for me?
01:19:15Maybe you should give me your number.
01:19:19In case he comes after me, you could vouch for me.
01:19:24Okay, that's true.
01:19:35And here's my number.
01:19:37Call me.
01:19:39If you need anything.
01:19:41Well, let's hope I won't have to.
01:19:46Silly girl.
01:19:48How'd you think you ended up in the penthouse suite?
01:19:58Get Bob up here for me.
01:20:34So, according to store rules, flowers used for dip wrapping are free.
01:20:38I actually made these using leftover petals.
01:20:40Here, give this to your little brother.
01:20:42I'm sure he'll love it.
01:20:44Thank you.
01:20:46I'll take that flower.
01:20:48I'm sorry, sir, but this flower belongs to a little girl.
01:20:51But I want it.
01:20:53Give it to me.
01:20:54She came here first.
01:20:55I'm sorry, sir.
01:20:56Here you go, sir.
01:20:58Um, excuse me, sir.
01:20:59You have to pay for that.
01:21:04I'm sorry, sir.
01:21:05The flowers are free, but everything else in the store you have to pay for.
01:21:08This applies to every customer, regardless of who you are.
01:21:14Pick it up.
01:21:16Buy her something nice.
01:21:23Tell the manager to give that girl a raise.
01:21:25Yes, Mr. Vincent.
01:21:27Mr. Vincent is mad.
01:21:29Fire this girl, Aria, right now.
01:21:32Uh, we have a reservation.
01:21:35Executive Lounge has a dress code.
01:21:37Well, my boyfriend's waiting for me.
01:21:39Can you just let me in like this?
01:21:41There's nothing I can do.
01:21:44How dare you talk to her in such a way?
01:21:46This lady is a guest in our penthouse.
01:21:48I'm sorry, sir.
01:21:50I'm sorry, sir.
01:21:52I'm sorry, sir.
01:21:54I'm sorry, sir.
01:21:56I'm sorry, sir.
01:21:58I'm sorry, sir.
01:22:00This is the penthouse suite.
01:22:02Penthouse suite?
01:22:04I'm terribly sorry.
01:22:06Please forgive me.
01:22:08Miss, we prepared for you some fitting dresses.
01:22:10The manager will lead you to the suite.
01:22:12Of course.
01:22:14This must be Bob's arrangement.
01:22:16He's so thoughtful.
01:22:18Please, follow me.
01:22:19This way.
01:22:25Bob prepared all these for our date?
01:22:27I didn't expect him to be so thoughtful.
01:22:30What are you doing here didn't I tell you not to come what's happening do you even
01:23:00know how embarrassing you look right now if you just listened to me you wouldn't be
01:23:06in this mess
01:23:36Wendy do you know how late you are do you know how much time you've wasted
01:24:05I'm sorry I I was busy last night busy with what Bob's birthday I saw he posted
01:24:12on Instagram with a girl much prettier than you Oh Wendy you've been dumped by
01:24:18that rich guy you must be very upset no wonder how you made such a huge mistake
01:24:23on financial report what are you talking about
01:24:28I don't recognize these papers but I could tell the data is terribly wrong Whitney wasn't
01:24:41it your job to do this seriously are you going to say it was me don't blame others
01:24:48you have to do it by tonight or you'll be fired hey Bob you're here early you had fun last night
01:25:03yeah I did Wendy
01:25:06what a jerk he's a jerk yes I don't need him
01:25:36she's our penthouse sweet guest make sure she gets back safe
01:26:06I thought you said you were clocking out
01:26:37did you tell your father about us my father yeah I received a message from
01:26:44his secretary he wants to invite me to his house for dinner
01:26:49not really yeah that's great I've been wanting to introduce you for a
01:26:57long time
01:27:00Linda what are you doing here you don't seem very happy am I disturbing a busy
01:27:24president of course not it's great to see you look beautiful stop it managing
01:27:31your business has given me wrinkles you owe me big time I'll have market you
01:27:36anything you need but I'm running late I have to go what can be more important
01:27:43than a company in me seems like I picked the wrong time huh I'll be like that I
01:27:49want to introduce you to someone really yes
01:27:58where's Ryan he said he'd pick me up but I don't see him I wonder if I look
01:28:03presentable Wendy you look so beautiful to me come on I want to introduce you to
01:28:11someone Oh dear grandfather this is Wendy the
01:28:14loveliest lady in the house the one I want to introduce to you nice to meet
01:28:19you Wendy you and Bob really look like the perfect match me and Bob
01:28:33what do you look like you want to bite Bob's head off did he and his little
01:28:38girlfriend offend you she's my girlfriend I need to tell father wait are
01:28:45you telling me you're fighting over a woman with your nephew Ryan when did you
01:28:51become so childish I'm not since when do you care so much about it come on you
01:29:00don't want your father to see his son and grandson fighting over a woman he's
01:29:04just gotten back from a nursing home his temper isn't great don't stress him
01:29:09okay and it's for your girlfriend's good
01:29:17don't be a fool of love come collected Ryan Clark is the one I know
01:29:25you wishy-washy is this part of the plan uncle Jack Linda so good to see you
01:29:41Ryan Linda has been managing your overseas business all these years now
01:29:48she's finally back so you better take good care of her
01:29:52of course father Oh Ryan please come with me to the study
01:30:04so you must be the lucky girl who got Bob head over heels
01:30:08I'm Linda may I say your dress is beautiful what's your name you can call
01:30:16me Wendy hmm who is she why was she with Ryan and why are they so close you
01:30:27seem a bit nervous don't worry the Clarks family is great
01:30:32try one of these cakes it's my favorite I can't believe uncle Jack still
01:30:36remembers what's your favorite I lost kitchen and they'll make it for you
01:30:43that's okay thank you speaking of that Linda why did you come back Ryan give
01:30:54you all the overseas business was it too much for you how could it be you know
01:31:01Ryan and I grew up together he knows my abilities I I heard some gossips and
01:31:08decided to check it out I couldn't believe the most wanted bachelor in
01:31:13finance has fallen in love you must be joking haven't you and Ryan been
01:31:20together for so long I'm just sitting here waiting for my wedding invitation
01:31:26oh my god stop well I did say if we're both single and old would just get
01:31:34married download the app to watch what happens next
01:31:44what are you doing in here Bob I thought you left with a flashy woman
01:31:52you jerk you're drunk look at me I won't look at you
01:32:02you kissed that woman and then you left with her we're over and give me my
01:32:11lighter back it's expensive I cheated on you and all you want is a lighter it's a
01:32:20DuPont lighter why would you give me something so special if I didn't deserve
01:32:27it because I loved you
01:33:17all right
01:33:22who are you