My Vampire System - The Vampire

  • 2 days ago
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00:00Isn't that the boy I took the test with? If I remember correctly, he had no ability.
00:05Layla recognized him, although she could not recall his name.
00:08Let's see, Quinn said to himself as he circled his right arm to warm it up.
00:12Seems like I was on the mark, Quinn exclaimed happily.
00:16Layla only had one thought while she looked at Quinn.
00:19Maybe there will be a use for him.
00:22She decided that from now on, she would keep a close eye on Quinn.
00:25As the two continued to walk down the hallway,
00:31Quinn started to feel a strange surge through his body.
00:35Hey, let's go to the doctor. I'm sure the military must have a healer who can patch that up.
00:40Peter suggested, his eyes focused on the cut on Quinn's hand.
00:44Good idea, Quinn agreed. You don't have to come with me. I can reach there on my own.
00:48It will be a busy day tomorrow, so why don't you head back to the dorm?
00:52Look, don't worry, I'll be fine. I appreciate you looking out for me, Quinn encouraged.
00:57It was a strange thing to say,
00:59given that he was the one that had gotten injured while saving Peter.
01:03He could see the puzzlement on Peter's face,
01:05so he gave him an encouraging push towards their room.
01:08With that, Peter quickly rushed off and headed back to the dorms,
01:12making sure to cover up his wristwatch most of the time as well.
01:16He didn't want to stumble into another bully.
01:18Quinn, on the other hand, immediately rushed to the nearest boys' toilet just down the hall.
01:23When he entered the toilet, his eyes went to his arm, where Kyle's claws had left an ugly cut.
01:29Quinn examined his hand closely. Something strange was happening.
01:33He could literally watch his arm healing in real time.
01:37Though it looked slow, in reality, it was incredibly fast.
01:41For someone to be able to actually witness his skin scabbing over,
01:45and healing, was an amazing sight.
01:48Quinn had actually felt something strange happening to his body when he was talking to Peter.
01:53It was the reason why he had insisted on Peter leaving him alone.
01:56If Peter had watched his wound heal,
01:58Peter would know for sure that he had an ability, if he did not already suspect that.
02:04Quinn waited a few minutes and opened up his status screen.
02:07It was as he thought. His HP slowly regained as well.
02:11HP 8 of 10.
02:13Eventually, the wound on his arm and back had healed completely
02:17and only the rips on his shirt were left.
02:19HP 10 of 10.
02:21Your HP has recovered. Your hunger has grown.
02:24Does this mean the system uses food to heal my wounds?
02:28I guess it makes sense. The energy has to come from somewhere.
02:32Quinn thought as he felt himself getting hungry.
02:34It was as if he had just missed breakfast or something.
02:37When Quinn had the chance, he would get a quick bite to eat.
02:41Before Quinn headed back to the dorms, there was one more thing he wanted to do.
02:45He wanted to get back to the training room that they had been shown while touring the school.
02:50It was getting late and the students had an early start in the morning,
02:54so most of the students had already returned to their dorms.
02:57This meant it was the perfect chance for Quinn to head to the training room
03:01without anyone seeing him.
03:03He finally reached the training room in the academy,
03:05a large oval dome-like building with a huge empty space in the middle.
03:09At the edges of the room were rows and rows of technological equipment.
03:14There were giant mech robots shooting targets and things Quinn had no idea what they even did.
03:20Still, he hadn't come for those.
03:23No, the one thing he was interested in was the power-level testing equipment.
03:27Unbeknownst to Quinn, Layla had also snuck to the training room before Quinn had entered.
03:33She had come to test out her bow and arrow skills.
03:36She always practiced at night when she was nervous and she couldn't help but worry about tomorrow.
03:42When she heard the doors to the training room opening,
03:44she immediately hid behind one of the giant robots.
03:47Suddenly, she saw the student walk over in her direction.
03:50Then she noticed something.
03:52Isn't that the boy I took the test with?
03:54If I remember correctly, he had no ability.
03:57Layla recognized him, although she could not recall his name.
04:01Layla continued to watch Quinn as he approached the large drum.
04:05Let's see, Quinn said to himself as he circled his right arm to warm it up.
04:09He swung his fist back and prepared to hit the drum as hard as possible.
04:14When he punched the drum, a number appeared on the drum and slowly started to rise
04:18until it eventually stopped at 10.
04:20Seems like I was on the mark, Quinn exclaimed happily.
04:24He had come to test his theory about his status screen stats,
04:28matching the equipment the school used, and he was seemingly right.
04:31Layla, who had been watching from behind one of the robots, also noticed Quinn's new score.
04:36Confused and curious, she decided she wanted to find out more about this mysterious student
04:42and would stay hidden to learn more.
04:44Quinn then went to the hologram spike machine.
04:47Last time, Quinn managed to last 10 seconds against the machine
04:50before it got too fast for him to dodge the attacks.
04:53Since his stats were no longer halved, he figured he would last longer this time.
04:58Quinn started the test, weaving and dodging through the spikes.
05:02Unlike out in the fields, he felt more agile as the spikes whizzed past him.
05:06When the test was done, he lasted exactly 20 seconds.
05:10With Quinn having confirmed his results, there was nothing left for him to do
05:14but head back to the dorm and wait for the next day to start.
05:17Meanwhile, Layla, who had stayed hidden this whole time, had seen everything.
05:22She couldn't understand why a student would hide his strength in school.
05:25A low power level meant that one would be targeted by others.
05:30Layla only had one thought while she looked at Quinn.
05:33Maybe there will be a use for him.
05:35She decided that from now on, she would keep a close eye on Quinn.