Stonewall Penitentiary Game-play | Part 2 | The Masked Man | Indie Adventure Game ✔

  • 2 weeks ago
Stonewall Penitentiary Game-play part 2 is really amazing :D Meeting with other cellmates & knowing more about the situation every second ;) The moment I think it can't get anymore interesting It surprises me with a new twist :O

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#StonewallPenitentiary #StonewallPenitentiaryGameplay #StonewallPenitentiaryPart2
00:00Hello everyone, it's CretacoppyD and I'm back with another episode of the Stonewell Penitentiary.
00:09And this is the second time I'm playing this.
00:13So, let's go.
00:15Third one, the one that I'm playing.
00:21Yes, I'm here and...
00:23Okay, there's a lot here.
00:28Hot Symbols, I've read that.
00:30Index, I've read that.
00:34Inverse Diary, I've also read that.
00:38So, why that thing is flashing?
00:40Maybe the inverse diary, I haven't read that.
00:43Okay, I've read that in the last episode, most probably.
00:48So, Jesse is with me now, so we're gonna go to the cafeteria.
01:04Okay, so, I cannot go other ways, so I'm gonna go to the cafeteria.
01:10Let's go.
01:18And found ourselves standing before four men.
01:33We walked to the center of the room, and the others turned to face us.
01:47Were you all...
01:50Locked in cells too? Yes.
01:54We all got notes telling us to meet here.
01:59We wanted to wake you, but you were both out cold.
02:04We knew each of you had to be awake to get the other out by swapping keys.
02:08So, we figured it'd be best to wait for you here.
02:13My name is Grayson Wilford.
02:17This is Gerard Aberon.
02:21Sonny Payton, and...
02:24Louis? Louis Algar? Movie star?
02:27Don't tell me you haven't heard of me.
02:33I'm afraid not.
02:37What do you know?
02:39Is there others here also?
02:41I'm William Fane, but you can all call me Will.
02:45Jesse Bartlett. Nice to meet you all.
02:54So, now that we're all acquainted,
02:56does anyone have the slightest idea how we're going to get out of this place?
03:02Well, I suppose we should start by...
03:07How are you feeling, Nick?
03:10Good evening, everyone.
03:12I'm so glad you could all make it.
03:15By now, you're probably all wondering why you're here.
03:19Well, that's because the six of you share a common trait.
03:24Fear of accepting responsibility for something that has happened to each of you in your past.
03:31Something that has been troubling you all for some time.
03:36You see, each of you has caused the death of another.
03:40Yet none of you has had the courage or decency to accept responsibility for that death.
03:47This prison is where you all belong.
03:50But somehow, you have all managed to escape justice for your crimes.
03:57Ha, justice.
03:59That is a word that is not used nearly enough in our world.
04:03But it is something that I know quite well.
04:06Something that the six of you will learn before the night is over.
04:12But I'm nothing if not a decent person.
04:15So here is the situation.
04:17It is now midnight.
04:19The six of you have until 6am to find a way out of this prison.
04:25To get out, you must each come to terms with and accept responsibility for your offenses.
04:31If you manage to do this, then you will be free to go.
04:35As with all things, however, there is a catch.
04:38For every hour it takes you to complete this task, one of you will die as penance for your collective crime.
04:47It is only just.
04:51So my question to you now is...
04:54Will you face your fear?
04:57You have six hours.
05:00You have six hours.
05:07That... that was a joke, right?
05:12If it was, it wasn't funny.
05:16I don't know about the rest of you, but I haven't killed anybody.
05:22Alright, let's just calm down.
05:24Joke or not, we need to find a way out of here.
05:30Hey, who made you the boss?
05:35The guy's just trying to help us get out of here, man. Leave him alone.
05:41Does anyone remember how they got here?
05:46Not a damn thing.
05:48Today was my day off from work.
05:51I visited my sister at the theater, then headed home.
05:55I must have fallen asleep in front of the TV or something.
05:58At least I think I did.
06:01The last thing I remember was leaving my office.
06:04I'm a businessman.
06:07I don't even remember getting to my car.
06:10That was some time ago.
06:12I left work at nine.
06:15I was on my way home from work too, at the Busymart.
06:18Around ten.
06:20The last thing I remember was I was working on my computer.
06:24I'm a web designer.
06:31I was just putting the finishing touches on a client's new website
06:35when I woke up here.
06:46I was already in bed.
06:48I was already in bed.
06:50I clearly remember lying down.
06:52Someone must have taken me in my sleep.
06:57Lewis, would you care to share your story?
07:00I have a funny feeling about Lewis.
07:02What story? There's nothing to tell.
07:06One minute I'm in my trailer, getting ready for a night shoot.
07:09The next I'm here with all of you.
07:12So what are we waiting for?
07:14Let's make our way to the exit and get the hell out of here.
07:19It's pretty dark in here though.
07:21And I'll bet our captor made sure that most, if not all, of the exits are sealed.
07:29Let's split up.
07:30One group should go to the basement and find some way to turn on the lights.
07:35The rest of us will try to find a way out.
07:40What makes you so sure the lights will even work?
07:44There must still be power going through this place
07:47or the television and security cameras would not function.
07:52I'm staying with Will.
07:55I think I'd rather stay here where it's safe.
08:00You heard what that message said.
08:02We can't stay here. It's not safe.
08:06Who knows what's out there?
08:10Hey guys, hello. I'll stay here with the kid.
08:13Make sure he's alright. The rest of you go on ahead.
08:18Right. Like you're doing this for the kid.
08:21You just want to save your own ass.
08:25I'm not a kid.
08:34It's fine. Jesse and I will go turn on the lights.
08:37Grayson, you and Gerard can go find a way out.
08:42Louis and Sonny, you stay here.
08:45Meet back in 15 minutes.
08:49Sounds like a plan to me.
08:52Very well. Meet back here in 15 minutes, but no later than that.
08:59In the meantime, if something comes up, we can all keep in touch via walkie-talkie.
09:04I assume you all have one.
09:12Jesse and I found some, yes.
09:16Okay then, let's go.
09:20With a nod, Grayson and Gerard picked up two lanterns and exited the cafeteria.
09:26See you all soon!
09:28If you don't all get yourselves killed.
09:39Okay, so actually, I am talking a little bit less.
09:44Because, you know what?
09:48The thing is, there are always speeches, so I don't want to interrupt the speeches.
09:56So, that's why I just talk less.
10:05Lots of classics, but they were all worn.
10:08Okay, there is something else here.
10:13Okay, you are William Tan, and...
10:18...trying to find a way to turn on the lights.
10:21Okay, there is not.
10:24Yes, I think it's in my thoughts.
10:27My job.
10:30Is that my job? No, that is not my job.
10:36Okay, Jesse and I met the others in Medford.
10:39Now he is taking my dog, Sam.
10:48Okay, if...
10:50I am just keeping this whole journal entries.
10:54Because they are like narrations of what have happened.
10:58So, if you want to read this, I suggest you to pause the video and then read it.
11:05And I am not like reading all of it.
11:07I am just checking it and then closing, nothing else.
11:16Okay, holy shit, what the hell? What has happened?
11:21Okay, I am just going through it as fast as possible.
11:25So far so good.
11:27Okay, I got myself, holy shit, I am here.
11:33Jesse Burlett.
11:35Okay, that is done.
11:38He is still blinking.
11:48I wonder what kind of food they serve at a place like this.
11:53Nothing good, I would imagine.
11:56They are cracking jokes.
12:02Something on the other side blocked the door from opening.
12:13I wonder if a prisoner ever tried to climb into one of these.
12:22The snow is getting pretty bad out there.
12:26You are telling me.
12:33Okay, there is nothing else here.
12:38Okay, that is where I came from.
12:51There is no ride.
12:54There is no car.
12:57That is pretty bad.
12:58That is pretty bad.
13:05Okay, so there is no other place that I can go.
13:23So, I should stop wasting my time.
13:29It reads, Notice.
13:31Commissary closed for reconstruction.
13:33Limited goods available for purchase.
13:36See below for list of items.
13:53Okay, so I think I need to go down here.
14:02This is Grayson.
14:03Gerard and I have found the main entrance, but it is bolted shut.
14:07We will have to find some other way out.
14:13Okay, so that is where I came from.
14:16I am just checking everything.
14:31Oh, dirt.
14:41This area does not look quite as run down as the rest of the prison.
14:44We will keep looking around.
14:57That is the medical ward.
14:59This door leads to the medical ward.
15:02Do I need to go to the medical ward?
15:05Let's go.
15:15What the hell?
15:16Did our captor take these pictures while we slept?
15:22I am so scared.
15:25So, the masked guy took pictures of us.
15:28I mean, all of the four criminals when they were sleeping.
15:31Maybe there is a gate.
15:37Okay, so this is...
15:45What can I say?
15:46A real prison.
15:49I shut down the radio.
15:51I mean...
16:16There is a north gate.
16:18There is a door.
16:20Why must there be so many locked doors?
16:27The gate was closed.
16:40Water pipes.
16:41I doubt that they are ever in use anymore.
16:49I think I need to go that way.
16:58Basically, yes.
16:59That is the door.
17:03There is an elevator.
17:08There was no power.
17:13Okay, there is a sitting room.
17:16Hey, if any of you guys happen to find some food
17:18make sure you bring some back with you.
17:20I am starving.
17:26I told you earlier, right?
17:27I wasn't authorized.
17:28But that wouldn't stop me.
17:31I told you earlier, right?
17:35This guy.
17:36This Louis guy.
17:37He is...
17:42He is really funny.
17:44There are magazines here.
17:45I never had the patience to read them.
17:52There is another door.
17:54There are pipes.
17:57I cannot go right.
18:00There is a rug.
18:06There is a sitting room.
18:13No smoking.
18:18I guess I could say the same.
18:22Okay, so Jesse smokes.
18:27Electric tape.
18:32The crumpled page was blank.
18:38They say the pen is mightier than the sword.
18:40But in this case, I'd rather have the latter.
18:44Various prison documents.
18:46Nothing worthwhile.
19:10I need to get inside.
19:14That's locked.
19:15Come on.
19:19Okay, what do I have?
19:23I have a tape.
19:29Can I take that?
19:33Can I take that?
19:59Okay, got it.
20:00There is a key here.
20:05Okay, so I have to flip on, then I have to get the key.
20:21Now, inventory.
20:23Pick the key.
20:25Open it.
20:27Now look at it.
20:31Okay, now I can use the tape.
20:40All fixed.
20:47Great job, Will!
20:48Let's head back to the cafeteria.
20:52The electricity is back on.
20:54You did a great job.
20:56Okay, the break.
20:58The gauze.
21:02Okay, so there is nothing here.
21:04Let's go back.
21:06Okay, all light up.
21:09Nothing underneath.
21:14They're hot to the touch.
21:18Then don't touch them.
21:20Jesse is really savage.
21:24Why must there be some-
21:25Okay, so many locked doors.
21:28The rug, there's nothing.
21:37What was that?
21:40It sounded like it came from the corridor to the west.
21:48Okay, let's go to the corridor.
21:56Execution check.
21:59I bet that is the sitting area I came from.
22:02That is solitary.
22:04Oh man.
22:06A woman.
22:07A naked woman.
22:11Look at her!
22:19I don't know if I can show you everything or not.
22:25But I'm gonna blur that.
22:28Okay, let's wake her up.
22:30Let's wake her up.
22:32We can bring her with us to the cafeteria.
22:36I think I should be the one to wake her, Will.
22:39Given our situation, she might feel safer seeing a woman first.
22:44That is actually correct.
22:47If I go to wake her up-
22:48Jesse gently nudged the unconscious woman.
22:51...kidnapped her to rape her.
22:53Wake up.
22:54It's okay, wake up.
22:58Wake up.
23:03Okay, so she woke up.
23:05What's your name?
23:12I'm Jesse, and this is Will.
23:14You're gonna be okay, Becca.
23:17We need to find her a set of clothes.
23:19Go look for some.
23:20You know what?
23:21I'm gonna come back with Rez in another episode.
23:24I'm gonna end my episode right now, and I'm gonna see you in the next episode.
23:28Till then, ciao.
