Beyond Fantasy - Ep 3_ _Hardcore_ _ PORN INDUSTRY DOCUMENTARY

  • 2 days ago
Beyond Fantasy - Ep 3: "Hardcore" | PORN INDUSTRY DOCUMENTARY

CONTENT WARNING: This series features content that viewers may find disturbing, including images and themes of simulated sexual abuse, incest, and sexual assault. Nudity has been blurred. Viewer discretion is strongly advised.


00:00When I get ready for a scene with a girl, it's like a first date, I'm on my best behavior.
00:28I compliment her, I make her feel good about herself, I welcome her to the team, I say
00:37let's make something really special.
00:44On this set, she's shivering and completely dominant, completely crushed, totally annihilated,
00:58steamrolled as we call it, and then we just lay it on harder and I lay it on harder and I lay it
01:04on harder and until they snap, until we find the end. So I am guilty of that, I push to the maximum,
01:17to the absolute limit, and some women I have pushed over the limit.
01:34I went to college and I think I finished my degree in two and a half years,
01:49had my hand at teaching, loved my students, but I thought well I've got loans to pay off
01:58and I needed a lucrative job
02:04and I was like I wonder what this BDSM thing is.
02:09I just googled, I don't know what I googled, I googled something, I don't know if I googled
02:15BDSM dungeon or dungeon, but one popped up, so I went in and got a job there.
02:24One thing led to another and it was like I had my name and profile up on a website and
02:31a director scooped me up and threw me to an agent was like, you know, do porn. I was like, um,
02:40you know, okay, um, you know, I'm of sound mind and, you know, choice, but um, yeah, it's nothing
02:49I had ever thought I'd do. I'm 28 years old and I'm from Boston, Massachusetts,
02:57but the idea also didn't bother me, you know, it's not like it's against my morals or
03:02I feel like it's anything wrong. I'm a bit of an exhibitionist and, you know, an extrovert
03:09at heart, so the idea of having sex on camera with a stranger, you know, I don't really have qualms
03:15with. Bondage, domination, sadomasochism, BDSM. Basically, an agreement happens between two or
03:35more people that one of us is going to be the dominant half of this relationship
03:43and the other one is going to be the submissive.
03:48It's like a lot of like hardcore restraint and bondage where like there's rope and,
03:54you know, metal and you're in precarious positions and some of them really hurt.
04:04I didn't shoot and, um, the next day my lower back actually was felt bruised, you know,
04:10just because I was standing in one position for so long.
04:13Look at what trash walked in through the door today.
04:17I think I was struck with a cane like over a hundred times on my legs.
04:21At least you have long legs.
04:25And I literally looked down and I was like, oh my god, I'm so fucked right now,
04:31like I'm not going to be able to wear shorts.
04:41My legs took three weeks to heal and it looked like, you know, you can't say, oh, I fell down,
04:47you know, it's like, you know, like you look like someone beat you up.
04:54So I'm exhausted, you know, I've been like restrained and bound and gagged and
04:59marked and torn to shreds.
05:02Yeah, I don't, yeah, porn is, it's not glamorous.
05:38when I came into this industry,
05:42sex was about the sex.
05:45And it was very, what I would call, innocent compared to what is happening in the industry
05:54Can I help you?
05:54Yeah, sorry to bother you.
05:56Can I get some sugar?
05:57You know what, actually?
06:03What happened was there were so many videos being made and there was so much competition
06:10to set yourself apart.
06:13People started going to extremes and staging bigger and bigger train wrecks and it became
06:18more overtly violent.
06:22I just think that the internet's got to the point where everything's been so accessible
06:27and people have seen so much that you kind of need to go to the next level or the next
06:31step to have something exciting.
06:34And there's quite a few acts that are illegal to film in America.
06:39I know like some companies go like to international waters and film.
06:43If you start shooting for companies like that, you're going to be broken and spit out within
06:48like six months.
06:49There's the Throat Gaggers series that it's violent and it's point blank to show throwing
06:57up, gagging, crying.
06:59Oh yeah, I was a fucking nerd, right?
07:01What, are you surprised now?
07:03Choking is a huge thing in the industry.
07:05Yeah, choking, slapping, spitting.
07:07I mean, it's all just kind of standard, fair, fair average porn.
07:12Some of the films are really rough.
07:15People were getting hit in the face, slapped, thrown on the floor and making people gag.
07:22I mean, let's just face it, they were abusing girls, but at least we weren't killing people.
07:27I remember that phrase was thrown around a lot.
07:30Which one's your fucking room, you little bitch?
07:32Which one's your fucking room?
07:34I don't know.
07:36I don't know.
07:38I don't know.
07:40You little bitch, which one's your fucking room?
07:42Which one's your fucking room?
07:44I mean, we didn't have special effects at all.
07:46And so, if you watch something where a girl's gang meeting up, it's real.
08:10Billions of people watch porno.
08:1680% of the porn viewing people want to see both parties having a good time.
08:22Now, there is a subset of people who want to see different things.
08:26There's fetish, there's bondage, and there's the rape fantasy porn.
08:30There are those who do it well, and there's those who don't do it well.
08:34And Max Hardcore's a perfect example of someone who does it well.
08:38Who does it well?
08:46Where does that fantasy come from?
08:52Where does the rape fantasy come from?
08:54I think it's right at the heart of it.
08:56I mean, it's the power struggle, isn't it?
08:58We all wish we were more powerful.
09:00We wish we were the head of states or, you know, big important people in society.
09:06Falling short of that, you can get some of that on a one-to-one basis by overpowering another person.
09:16In a sexual manner, you know, you're the big alpha male and she's the little dependent female who's now become being overpowered.
09:26It's tough to say because I guess it's almost dark enough that I don't want to analyze it.
09:32I just want to enjoy it.
09:34Because if I start thinking about it too much, the magic may disappear and I may not enjoy it anymore.
09:46Now, I personally don't like really aggressive pornography.
09:50But there are people that want to watch that.
09:52As long as somebody's not being forced into it and hurt, I see no problem with it.
09:58But there's some sick fucking people in the world.
10:02And there's some sick fucking people in the porn industry.
10:06And they are the guys that have, you know, abusive companies, abusive websites.
10:15I have a friend and she's a new girl and she signed up for a video where the word abuse was in the title.
10:22Hi, little boy.
10:28What's the matter, little boy?
10:31What's the matter?
10:32My face hurts.
10:33Face hurts?
10:35Alright, get on your knees.
10:36Now, I don't know if her agent didn't tell her what she was getting into, but she said that she was fucked so hard in her face that she got bloodshot eyes and this and that.
10:44And she couldn't work for three weeks after while she was healing.
10:47I think it's disgusting. I think it's ridiculous. I think it's horrific.
10:51And that's unlawful, in my opinion.
10:54I don't know how much longer you can take all this.
10:57We're almost done.
10:58It's your work.
11:01Four more, okay?
11:04You can do four more.
11:24The majority of the porn sets are filmed in private locations, private houses, private mansions.
11:30In motel rooms where it's like an all-guy staff.
11:36Often, you think you're going to a set to do a solo scene or just a single shot.
11:43But you're not.
11:45Where it's like an all-guy staff.
11:48Often, you think you're going to a set to do a solo scene or just a simple, you know, boy-girl scene or girl-girl scene.
11:56And you get there and they say, okay, well now we need you to do this.
11:59And if you don't do this, you're not going to get paid.
12:02The way that I would recruit would be, give as little information as possible until they're sitting down in an environment that I control.
12:11You don't tell them very much on the phone about the details.
12:14If you think that they might not show up if they knew it all.
12:18You just tell them how much they're going to make.
12:21And when they ask, what do I have to do?
12:24You say, we'll talk about it when you get here.
12:26Let's say you go to, we'll call this director, Jax.
12:32Jax says, oh yeah, I'll pay you $500 to do a sex scene.
12:37You're sitting in there, you've spent two hours in makeup, you know, you're starting the scene.
12:43You go through the oral, you go through the boy-girl, the vaginal intercourse.
12:47And all of a sudden, Jax says, okay, it's time for the anal.
12:50I've never done anal before in my life.
12:52You know, I'm not going to, honey, this is, you know, anal sweethearts number 32.
12:57You have to do anal.
13:00He knows what he's doing in that situation.
13:03When he didn't spell out exactly what it was she was going to be doing.
13:08Well, let's just get through this.
13:09We're almost done, okay?
13:10It's hurting me.
13:11It's like, I feel like I've been ripped.
13:12I feel like every time I think about it, it's like I feel like my ass is going to be ripped off.
13:16It's hurting me.
13:17It's like, I feel like I've been ripped.
13:18I feel like every time I think about it, it's like I feel like my ass is going to be ripped off.
13:23All right, you know what we're going to do?
13:24Can I just have my $200 and be done?
13:30Seriously, it hurts so bad.
13:35So, in terms of coercion, there's a prime example of somebody being coerced into something that they didn't really sign up for.
13:46When I did a gangbang scene, it was 25 men.
13:51The producer told me that I wouldn't have to actually sleep with all of them.
13:54But once I got to the set, not only did I find out I was actually going to have to sleep with all of them,
13:59but that he wanted me to have anal sex with some of them, too.
14:08Meet Mrs. Elizabeth Rollins, right here.
14:12All right.
14:13And she's going to be today's teacher, and she's going to walk you through the basics of cooking.
14:17He offered me drugs and alcohol to coax me into doing the scene the way that he wanted it done.
14:24I really just felt like I was a bag of meat being pounded.
14:28It was four and a half hours long.
14:30I blacked out at one point.
14:32One of the guys slapping me brought me back, too.
14:35After that, I couldn't, you know, urinate, right?
14:38I couldn't have a bowel movement the right way.
14:40I was just messed up.
14:42And I stayed in bed for about a week, and I didn't answer my phone.
14:46I didn't want to do anything.
14:47I was just really depressed.
14:49I was very low at that moment.
14:54Weren't they concerned that something might happen to your body doing a scene like that?
14:58No, there is no concern in the porn industry.
15:01They don't care.
15:03He only cared about my name at the time.
15:06He only cared about my name at the time,
15:09and how much money he could make off of that kind of scene.
15:20I remember I was on a scene.
15:23It was a house that was on top of a hill.
15:26I went for something that was just supposed to be regular sex,
15:31and I'm getting hit in the face.
15:34I'm getting spit on,
15:37getting sperm in my eyes,
15:40and it's not supposed to be that type of scene,
15:42so I end up with pink eye.
15:46One of the guys was so hard
15:49that I was screaming so bad cos it was so painful.
15:59I was ripped, and I literally stopped the scene.
16:03I was bawling.
16:06So you're ripped, you're bleeding. What happens?
16:09I called my agent and let him know,
16:11and when I told him, he's like,
16:14well, you have one more scene after this, but it's an easy scene.
16:18They wanted you to do more?
16:20I left there, and he took me to another scene
16:23because it was already booked,
16:25and if I didn't go, then there was a cancellation fee
16:29that the agency actually had to pay.
16:32After you were already ripped, they took you to another scene?
16:35Directly after.
16:43People think porn's so glamorous and attractive,
16:47but they don't realize that what you see attractive on screen
16:51is completely different.
16:53I mean, it takes take after take to get it that way.
16:56Hey, let's talk.
16:58What's the matter?
17:00I just want to take a break.
17:07You know, what's attractive about a girl curled up
17:10in fetal position in the corner, sucking her thumb
17:13because her mind's so blown by what she just did?
17:19Or they don't tell you in the credits that this actress
17:22had to have surgery to repair damages done to her body
17:26by the scene that you just thought was so erotic.
17:31There's nothing sexy about being on set
17:34and seeing a girl get her, like, vagina ripped,
17:37which I saw last week.
17:39It was her fifth month in the industry,
17:42and she had to work with, like, four guys that day
17:45in the middle of, like, the third scene or something,
17:48like, her vagina ripped.
17:50And I'm like, you literally fuck her until, like, she's bleeding.
17:53Like, that's not OK.
17:56Then the guys in the viewer at home sees these, like, scenes
18:01and thinks that she really, really wanted it that hard,
18:04and she was begging for it so bad that she had tears in her eyes.
18:08But really, it's a facade.
18:11You pull up the curtain, and you have all these people
18:14that are making these girls into what they don't want to be,
18:19and then people at home think that, like, that's the normal.
18:23If you look at it from the outside in, it's an amazing thing,
18:27and the women are perfect in every way, shape or form.
18:30That's not the reality.
18:32The reality is some of them are pretty miserable.
18:36They don't really want to be there.
18:38They need at least two hours of make-up just to get their face on.
18:43And when you start interacting with them, it's not the same.
18:47And then, you know, eventually the fantasy's gone,
18:50and they're just grinding out a paycheck.
18:55The pornographers are trying to make it seem that
18:58everybody likes what they're doing,
19:01and that's really not what it is.
19:04We're being told what to do.
19:07It's all acting. It's all playing. It's not reality.
19:11But the hurt and turmoil that can get into a person's mind and heart,
19:18that is permanent, that is something that happens.
19:46If you come into a situation where maybe there's a girl on the set
19:51that is disturbed, you can sense that something's maybe not right there,
19:55is there ever a conflict that happens within you in those kind of situations,
19:59or how do you deal with a situation like that?
20:02I usually, and I'll borrow my mentor's words here,
20:07I'll usually just steamroller over it.
20:13You know, I'm hired on a contract basis to get a finished scene.
20:19And if that finished scene doesn't happen, that company's not going to use me again.
20:23So my job, as far as I see it, is to help them overcome their nerves.
20:28If I have to flatter them, great, I flatter them.
20:31If I have to strong-arm them, perhaps I'll strong-arm them.
20:34But again, there comes a point where you have to accept that, as an individual,
20:39you make choices in life, and it's your choice to be there or not be there.
20:44But if you're still staying there, then it's my job to get a scene out of you.
20:48And so you do what you need to do to get the scene.
20:55Your motto used to be, we're not happy...
20:58We're not happy till you're not happy.
21:01That's still my motto.
21:03And it's kind of a joke, but there's a lot of truth in it.
21:09And the truth about that is that I want to push you till you're not happy.
21:17If you stay cooperative to the whole scene, then we haven't pushed you hard enough.
21:22We definitely haven't drilled your ass hard enough,
21:26because I want you to tell me to stop, and then I'll stop.
21:30And then we'll do something else.
21:32But if I don't get to that point, then it's considered to me to be a weak scene.
21:38It's just like Formula One.
21:41People are just getting destroyed by that sport all the time.
21:46Discarded like garbage.
21:51When you're pushing hard, people are going to suffer, for sure.
21:58It's a great experience to find out what the breaking point of an engine is,
22:04what the breaking point of a person is.
22:07You're looking nice with those new high heels.
22:11See, in my movies, I push to the maximum
22:15to find out how much stuff can she take before she stops
22:21and says, oh my God, I can't take it anymore.
22:33In any high-end sport, there's a lot of dead bodies along the way,
22:37a lot of people that got thrown off the bus.
22:41They're young and healthy, but I'm more powerful.
22:46And I completely fucking dominate them and push them down,
22:51hold them and put the arms behind the back and pull the hair
22:56and spank them and slap them
22:59until you finally break them down and leave them on a heap on the floor.
23:04And sometimes they break completely and start crying
23:08and all this stuff, and all this has been in my videos.
23:19We have a saying around here.
23:21We're not happy until you're not happy.
23:26But I'm not happy. We're going home now.
23:30Are you scared?
23:32How come?
23:33Because you're scaring me.
23:34Well, we're going to have some fun.
23:36Our idea today is to have some fun.
23:40With you.
23:41That's right.
23:42And we're not going to be done until you're completely happy.
23:57The things that you're doing to my body and stuff, it's abusive
24:00and I'm not comfortable with it.
24:02I hate it.
24:03Right? I fucking hate it.
24:05I just can't fucking do it.
24:07It's horrible, right? And I want to go home.
24:12You've got responsibilities.
24:14And people that have responsibilities are important.
24:17They do the job.
24:20They take care of business.
24:22They say, okay, goddammit, I like it, and I'm going to do it.
24:26So, we're in a scene where Felicity becomes distressed.
24:31And she leaves the scene, she's crying.
24:35So, she's saying she's been abused.
24:40Why pursue her at that point?
24:45Because I wanted to build her up.
24:47I wanted to build up her confidence.
24:49I talked reasonably to her.
24:52And what I said to her was, do you want to be a winner?
24:56Because winners find a way to get things done.
25:00And losers just say to hell with it.
25:03And you can look at that as pressure.
25:05And trying to coerce her into doing a scene.
25:09But I look at it as encouragement.
25:11Find a way to win. Don't find a way to lose.
25:18Baby, I don't appreciate your fucking effort.
25:20You just fucking opt and quit.
25:22You didn't even try.
25:23You're fucking, it's just, it's, you talk about, you see it's disgusting me?
25:29You disgust me.
25:30Your fucking, little fucking tiny effort.
25:32You're a fucking loser.
25:33You didn't put no fucking effort into this.
25:35Fuck that.
25:57I'm a pornographer.
26:00I'm a hardcore pornographer.
26:02And it's taken me years to get to this point.
26:04It's been a steady progression.
26:07I was largely responsible for putting this culture of hard sex
26:14into what modern porn is.
26:17I know that. Everybody knows that.
26:20Open your mouth.
26:22Before Max, pornography was a very tame thing.
26:27All pornographers, whether they accept it or not,
26:30owe a large part of their craft to what he developed.
26:35You have to recognize that without him,
26:38adult would not be where adult is.
26:40I want your mom.
26:42You know, we stand on the shoulders of genius with everything we do.
26:45As pornographers, we stand on the shoulders of the genius of Max Harcourt
26:49for what he created.
26:56I love you.
27:14Listen, I deal with girls all the time.
27:16I know what you're going through.
27:18And another request that I will make,
27:20can you please try to be gentle?
27:22And not hurt me.
27:25I've done it before.
27:26That's why I told you, because you'll know.
27:28You know what I mean?
27:30She looked like a 12-year-old.
27:32But she was so tiny and skinny.
27:35And we just, I just destroyed her.
27:38Right? Plain and simple.
27:41Yeah, you're going to be a good model, aren't you?
27:44I want to be.
27:47Well, what I want to do is,
27:49I want to have fucking sex with you, baby.
28:03I can't breathe.
28:04Yeah, quit wiping it away.
28:06I can't breathe.
28:07Don't wipe it off your face.
28:16Go ahead and cry.
28:19In those scenes,
28:20it looks like a full-blown sexual assault has occurred.
28:23Oh, yeah, it's a full-blown sexual ass-fucking,
28:29that's for sure.
28:31I think what most people want to see
28:34is really dramatic, full-on,
28:37total ass-fucking assault on the girls,
28:41where she's just totally destroyed.
28:43Her hair is all fucked up.
28:46Completely crushed.
28:48Steamrolled, as we call it.
28:50Like that.
28:52Now you're going to get ass-raped.
28:56Oh, my God.
28:58Oh, yeah.
29:01I can't do it anymore.
29:02Sure you can.
29:03Sure you can, you little fuck.
29:05Of course you can.
29:06Oh, my God.
29:07Of course you can.
29:09See, she's doing it right there.
29:14Okay, I got to stop.
29:16I got to stop.
29:17A little too late for that, isn't it?
29:19It hurts.
29:21Go ahead and cry.
29:35Yeah, you dumb fuck.
29:44Go on.
29:51What I want to impress upon people
29:54is that a lot of girls want to be broken and weeping.
29:59That is their final end point.
30:02And then they feel comfortable,
30:04then they hold onto your fucking leg.
30:07They're kneeling down and holding onto your leg
30:09because now they know you're a powerful man
30:12protect them from all evil.
30:17And there's a lot of evil in this world,
30:19but I am not evil.
30:23I will protect you from evil.
30:28I am the protector.
30:39You see, the beauty of this one to me
30:41is that you're not doing it for the people,
30:43you're doing it as yourself.
30:44This is the most open and honest I've seen you
30:46and it's in front of a camera,
30:47which to me is very impressive.
30:50Well, that's what counts, man.
30:53You gotta be careful.
30:54You know what I really want to say
30:56is these meat muppets need to be destroyed, right?
31:03Of course.
31:04No, we understand that,
31:05but the public doesn't get with the program,
31:10doesn't understand it.
31:11They could be recording me now and I'll tell you this,
31:15you don't understand.
31:16You don't get it.
31:18You don't, there's no way you can get it
31:20unless you've been with the business for like five years.
31:45Why do men want to see a woman physically and verbally degraded
31:50in a sexualized context?
31:53Probably for no good reason.
32:00You know, you kind of wonder who's on the other side
32:02of the computer, the type of guys or women
32:05that are watching those super specific,
32:09super hardcore scenes.
32:12I don't know if that type of porn
32:14is a great message to be sending out.
32:17Like, let's violate this person verbally
32:20or assault them physically and fuck them.
32:28Because to me, it sends a pretty clear message.
32:32I don't know if there's any gray area in that.
32:36I mean, you could say it's theatrics,
32:39that it's role playing,
32:41but in the end of the day, we're still planting seeds.
32:47And maybe those seeds aren't the right seeds to be planting.
