Revelaciones del exmédico presidencial confirman detalles sobre el moretón de Fabiola Yáñez

  • last week
En una declaración de seis horas, el exmédico presidencial Saavedra confirmó la existencia de un moretón en el ojo derecho de Fabiola Yáñez, atribuido a un golpe accidental. La reunión con Alberto Fernández y Yáñez también abordó temas relacionados con su tratamiento de fertilización. Nuevos chats revelan más sobre la relación entre la pareja y las denuncias de violencia por parte de Yáñez. El testimonio del médico Alem, presente en los eventos descritos, será clave para la investigación.


00:00Yesterday the declaration of the former doctor of the presidential unit, who acted during the presidency of Alberto Fernández,
00:06that in those six hours could have contributed something relevant,
00:10well, we know that it confirmed many things that we already knew,
00:13and there were also a series of questions that were formulated.
00:16On the other hand, new chats were known,
00:18which talk about the relationship between Alberto Fernández and Fabiola Yañez,
00:21and some elements that he has to contribute to Fabiola
00:25in terms of the conversations they maintained at times when she denounces
00:29that he had hit her.
00:32Martín Angulo is with us to add him along with Meli Morina.
00:36How are you Martín?
00:38Hi Edu, how are you today?
00:39Good. What is the most substantial thing that the former presidential doctor
00:43could tell the prosecutor González?
00:46First, Saavedra confirms what Fabiola Yañez said
00:50regarding the bruise on the right eye.
00:52Saavedra said that he saw that bruise,
00:56because on a Saturday, June 26, 2021,
01:00Fabiola Yañez calls her and asks her to prescribe something
01:04to lower that bruise,
01:06and there Fabiola tells her that the reason for that bruise
01:10had been an involuntary blow.
01:12Three days later, they talk again,
01:15and the next day, a Wednesday,
01:18Saavedra goes to the Quinta de Olivos,
01:21meets with Fabiola Yañez and Alberto Fernández,
01:25and there she finds the bruise,
01:27already a more yellowish-greenish bruise,
01:33where Saavedra asks again the reason for the bruise,
01:38and there the doctor replies that he does not remember which of the two,
01:43he replies that it had been an accidental blow
01:47that had occurred in the bed,
01:49and that the other person,
01:51the other part of the couple that did not give the answer,
01:55He did not contradict this version.
01:58It seemed like an answer that had come naturally,
02:01and they kept talking about another topic,
02:03contrary to the topic that was the reason for that meeting,
02:07which was to sign the consent for the fertilization treatment
02:11that the presidential couple was going to start.
02:15This is the most important statement.
02:17How are you, Melissa?
02:18I wanted to ask you because the doctor says
02:21that there was another doctor with him at that time, right?
02:24Alem, who is another member of the presidential medical unit,
02:28who is the one who makes Fabiola Yañez's recipe
02:31for the famous arnica globules
02:33and the cream that Saavedra tells her to use
02:36to lower the swelling.
02:38Alem will be summoned to testify
02:40by Prosecutor Ramiro González,
02:43they have to give him a date,
02:45but he is a direct witness to what Saavedra told.
02:50Those four were present at that time,
02:53and therefore his testimony will also be important.
02:55Of course, because although Saavedra says that he does not remember well
02:58who told him that the blow had been accidental,
03:00I imagine that perhaps the other doctor can remember, right?
03:03Well, eventually Alem can point out who said,
03:09who of the two marked that the blow had been accidental.
03:14If Saavedra marks that he did not attend
03:18during the four years,
03:20no other occasion of a blow by Fabiola Yañez.
03:23He didn't have, let's say ...
03:26So there he categorically says, no, I don't know.
03:29No, no, that's the only time.
03:31I don't know directly,
03:33and no other doctor in the unit
03:36reported anything similar to him.
03:39Much of Saavedra's statement
03:41Saavedra was busy reporting his background as a doctor,
03:46how he became Alberto Fernández's personal doctor,
03:49and tells how the operation of the medical unit was,
03:52in Olivos and in Casa Rosada.
03:54And there he refers that no doctor gave him
03:58any reference or information
04:00regarding the attacks or other bruises of Fabiola Yañez.
04:04Martin, I want you to tell me what is the relevance
04:07that the tenor of the chats that were contributed can have.
04:09And here we have some of them,
04:11which refer to the moment when Dr. Saavedra
04:14confirms that he is going to get these anti-inflammatories.
04:17Federico Saavedra says, in an exchange,
04:20Fabiola says, now the cream is going,
04:24put it on several times a day,
04:26specifies four, continues writing the doctor,
04:30that will help the hematoma to be reabsorbed faster.
04:34Fabiola says OK, I already have it,
04:36of course, because I was on my way.
04:38That cream, along with the arnica globules,
04:40would be so that the inflation
04:42is proceeding faster.
04:45Yes, what I wanted to ask you, Martin,
04:47the doctor said, or this is a conclusion,
04:49I don't know, something that is estimated,
04:51that the arnica globules are for treatments,
04:54when they pass, for aesthetic treatments,
04:56can it be or not?
04:58I don't know if it's a reference to that.
05:02I understand that it has to do,
05:04it's more like a homeopathic treatment,
05:07but I don't know specifically
05:10why the arnica globules can serve
05:14for a treatment for a blow.
05:16Those chats that you are showing,
05:18are from June 26,
05:20it was on Saturday that Fabiola Sáñez
05:23contacts Saavedra to ask her,
05:27or to tell her what had happened to her,
05:29and to prescribe her something
05:32as a treatment to lower the inflammation.
05:35Does Fabiola Sáñez formally present it
05:37in defense of Fabiola Sáñez,
05:39does Federico Saavedra support it?
05:41Saavedra, yesterday in the statement,
05:43yesterday in the statement,
05:45when he told and reported this episode,
05:48he offers to make available
05:50these chats with Fabiola Sáñez.
05:53This is important because it ratifies,
05:56not only in the words of Saavedra yesterday,
05:58but also in the chats of that moment,
06:01the treatment that he recommended
06:04to Fabiola Sáñez to do to Saavedra.
06:08There is also a fact,
06:10if you look at that image
06:12that is now on the screen,
06:14where Fabiola Sáñez is going through
06:16a kind of ice, cold through the eye,
06:19the video was accompanied by a photo
06:23that has dates, if I remember correctly,
06:25June 22 or 23,
06:28and according to the investigation
06:31and Fabiola's own story,
06:33that blow was a blow
06:35that Alberto Fernández gave to Fabiola Sáñez
06:38intentionally in bed,
06:41on June 21.
06:43Therefore, the consultation
06:45that Sáñez makes to Saavedra
06:48is five days later.
06:50Martin, let's review the chats,
06:53at least a synthesis of what has been presented,
06:55of the novelty of this happening
06:57towards the end of the month of June.
06:59Federico Saavedra writes,
07:01Fabiola, now the cream sorbet goes,
07:03put several times a day,
07:05indicates four,
07:07Dr. Saavedra continues to say,
07:09that will help the hematoma
07:11to be reabsorbed faster.
07:13Fabiola Sáñez says,
07:15I already have it,
07:17but let's move on to another section
07:19of the conversation that is established
07:21towards the end of June.
07:23Let's clarify, sorry,
07:25I already have it, he says,
07:27the other thing I had to take,
07:29Fabiola asks him,
07:31we start with this and the globules tomorrow,
07:33the globules of Arnica,
07:35in this case, as Martin said,
07:37that can be prescribed as accompaniment
07:39of what the doctor clinically maintains.
07:41Hello Fede, good morning,
07:43how are you? June 29, 2021,
07:45here we are on the line
07:47that Martin had just pointed out.
07:49How is the eye going? The doctor asks.
07:51Yesterday I did not go out because I had to go
07:53home, I am waiting for the result,
07:55says the doctor. Fabiola replies,
07:57uh, the eye is still the same,
07:59haha. I say, the tone in which
08:01they speak, and we go with more
08:03chats right away,
08:05the tone in which they speak,
08:07it does not seem to pose a
08:09serious scenario, Fabiola, Martin.
08:11No, exactly, in fact,
08:13Fabiola in his statement
08:15said that he had a very cordial
08:17relationship with Saavedra.
08:19Saavedra said that
08:21he arrives at the
08:23presidential medical unit because he was
08:25Alberto Fernández's chief doctor
08:27and that it was never Fabiola
08:29Yáñez. In fact, he said that
08:31Fabiola Yáñez was
08:33attended to by doctors outside
08:35the presidential medical unit.
08:37But yesterday Saavedra
08:39at no time spoke
08:41of a conflictive relationship,
08:43a tortuous relationship,
08:45nor did that blow
08:47generate any kind of suspicion.
08:49And the chat that you are showing,
08:51Edu, realize that,
08:53that laugh of Fabiola Yáñez
08:55does not show a
08:57situation of violence.
08:59In fact, when Fabiola
09:01says, oh,
09:03no, no, I have not had
09:05improvement, haha, the doctor
09:07responds, how
09:09does your schedule come today, in the afternoon?
09:11I imagine it is to meet.
09:13Yes, because he explains that, he explains that the family is
09:15with coronavirus, that they were testing and that he could not
09:17go just the day.
09:19Because of those hiccups he had to do.
09:21Of course, he saw her days later, as Martín says, that she had
09:23half a green, yellow eye.
09:25If you had to define this, Martín, to close,
09:27I will go right away with Bobby Mena.
09:29If you had to define it,
09:31is this categorical
09:33in terms of what Dr. Saavedra can present?
09:39because I believe that
09:41Fabiola Yáñez's belief,
09:43what he is going to raise is, the blow
09:45hit, and at that moment
09:47Fabiola Yáñez could not say anything
09:49about how it had happened,
09:51because Alberto Fernández was the president of the nation,
09:53because he was in a co-operative relationship,
09:55because he was in a conflictive relationship.
09:57I think it will go
09:59along that line,
10:01Fabiola Yáñez's belief.
10:03Then you have to see what
10:05decision, let's say, the prosecutor takes,
10:07what analysis, what analysis
10:09does of all the evidence
10:11in the cause.
10:13What Martín Angulo points out
10:15is what I think is the main thing
10:17that the doctor confirms.
10:19First, that he treats her
10:21for an eye injury,
10:23and that the two treatments
10:25that he suggests, both the cream
10:27and the arsenic globulins,
10:29are analgesic and anti-inflammatory.
10:31But the second,
10:33which I think is more important,
10:35even when it is always by reference of them,
10:37of third parties, is that no one speaks
10:39when they go to meet the patient
10:41about something aesthetic.
10:43What they talk about is a blow,
10:45involuntary, but they talk about a blow.
10:47If someone would have wanted to talk
10:49about something aesthetic, it was the time
10:51to have pointed it out.
10:53There is an important point
10:55that you and Edu say.
10:57The witnesses presented by Alberto Fernández,
10:59these witnesses who have a letter,
11:01give different versions
11:03of the reason for the bruises.
11:05In fact,
11:07one talks about a treatment,
11:09let's talk about it sometime,
11:11a platelet-rich treatment.
11:13Yesterday, Saavedra did not refer
11:15anything to this.
11:17There was no reference to this.
11:19And there are other witnesses who talk
11:21about Fabiola Gianni suffering those bruises
11:23because she fell as a result of alcohol consumption,
11:25because of the blows,
11:27because of alcohol consumption.
11:29Yesterday, Saavedra said that
11:31she never had to do a treatment
11:33to Fabiola Gianni because of alcoholism.
11:35It is clear.
11:37Martín, thank you.
11:39A hug.
