• 3 months ago
Little Pattie - Enough Rope with Andrew Denton (July 2006)
00:00You really were nodding at the centre. When you saw Chrissie on stage with this
00:05remarkable performance, this cross between a whirlwind and a banshee, what
00:12did you see? Oh, I loved it. I loved it for reasons that a few years earlier I didn't.
00:19You have to be a good girl. I mean, what era you grew up, you know, you were
00:23perfect. You know, it was Laurel Leigh who was a singer in the band, Standaz, who
00:27said that, you know, the weird part of growing up on bandstand or growing up in
00:32our era as, and we were pioneers of our era, not that we realised that, was that
00:38all of the young male singers had, generally speaking, were allowed to or
00:43had kind of wild images or, you know, reckless, reckless young men. Whereas the
00:49women, we female singers were, you know, virginal and pristine and ever so sweet
00:56girl next door. Which you were. Oh, thank you. Maybe. And there was such a
01:05difference, but that reflected society at the time as well. So I could feel the,
01:12you know, that it was all terribly unfair, but that's how life was in the 60s, as I
01:18said. So when you saw Chrissie on stage. When Chrissie came along, I thought, you beauty, you know, she's stood up to
01:25everybody. She is fronting a band. Yeah, I mean, I'm extremely proud of her for
01:31many reasons, but for that reason she wouldn't have known, and probably I
01:35didn't either, the effect that that would have had for the industry. She was the
01:40first one to do that.
