• last year
00:00Breaking Free From Sadness
00:03The Spirit of the Lord God has taken control of me.
00:06The Lord has chosen and sent me to tell the oppressed the good news,
00:10to heal the brokenhearted, and to announce freedom for prisoners and captives.
00:15Isaiah 61 verse 1
00:18There is a sadness that doesn't go away quickly, a heartache that brings physical pain.
00:24Many people will try anything to get rid of it—food, alcohol, drugs, even hurting themselves.
00:30Maybe you've seen this in yourself or others.
00:34But the truth comes harder. None of these will fix this kind of heartache.
00:39They make the pain worse and speed up the downward spiral.
00:43Anyone dealing with such heartache needs to deal with the root causes of the issues they are
00:47facing. The shame, despair, fear, and loneliness need real answers, and that answer is Jesus.
00:55That's not a flippant, trite thing to say.
00:58Jesus, God's only Son, came bringing news that truly matters,
01:03healing hearts at the very core, and releasing prisoners from all kinds of chains.
01:08Are you feeling hurt or sad right now?
01:11Jesus came to help you. He is still your Savior today,
01:15just like He was for the world all those years ago on the cross.
01:20He cares for you. Watch for this hurt in your friends too.
01:24Listen, really listen to their troubles.
01:27Don't downplay it or brush it aside.
01:30Hear their heart and love them enough to help them find help through a caring adult,
01:34especially if they are threatening to hurt themselves.
01:38Pray. Read God's Word. Watch for the light to break through.
01:43Inspiration. It does not matter what your personal deficiency, or whether it be 101
01:49different things, God has always one sufficient answer—His Son, Jesus Christ.
01:54And He is the answer to every need. Watchman Nei, Chinese church leader and Christian teacher.