Emmerdale - Opening Scene (6th September 2024)

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00:00Every time. Can you please have a word with Moses about stinking the bathroom out?
00:15Just hold your nose and get in there. Absolutely not. I'm gonna go and have a poo at
00:19the cafe now. Oh my God!
00:23Belle? I thought you were upstairs with Sarah.
00:27No, I got hungry. I came down. Right, just as long as you're not laughing
00:31when I die of fright. Oh, good to see you laughing, babe.
00:41You know we're gonna sort this, don't you? He's not gonna get away with what he's done
00:45to you. Thing is, I'm already feeling so much better
00:48about it. That's good. So I just don't know if I'm ready to tell
00:54everyone else about it yet. Your call. But by everyone, I'm assuming you
00:59mean Cain. I'm just done with men lashing out.
01:03Belle, he's not going to. He's not like he used to be. It's Moira that's the violent
01:09one these days. He's the steady presence. Who'd have thought that a few years ago?
01:13Come on, Belle. He's your big brother. He needs to know.
01:18There's one thing that I don't want Cain to know about. It's stupid, but...
01:23Okay, I'm guessing this has got so much to do with you asking Ryan how to break into
01:26his computer. Tom's got pictures of me.
01:32And I guess he'll put them online if you speak out. Or strangle the kittens at the vets and
01:38say you drove him to it. Belle, there's always going to be something.
01:41He'll come at you from every angle to try and get you to keep quiet. But not anymore,
01:46okay? His time's up. Well, can you speak to Cain about it then?
01:50Because the thought of talking to him... Belle, listen to me. I will speak to Cain
01:55and I promise you, he's going to be brilliant. Okay?
02:02What kind of farmer loses her WD-40? No good wrench and a spin of soot.
02:06Well, I've probably put it somewhere really safe, so when I find it, I'll bring you yours
02:10back. Right. And what's your excuse for setting
02:12me up last night? I was too busy with Frankie.
02:15Right. Likely story. Your flake's the period. So come on. Where's my ball and chain?
02:20I've probably heard you coming and ran for the hills.
02:22Am I? What have I done now? I'll let him tell you.
02:25Look, Myra, I really don't want to fall out with her family.
02:28Are you serious? After you and Tracy? You're Ruby, an apology. If a bloke could
02:34behave the way that you are, I mean, seriously, you said she was after Cain.
02:37She's always flirting with him, Calum. Yeah, only because he doesn't like her. Any
02:40fool can see that. All right, so I'm a fool now, am I? Here, stick it.
02:44Seriously, I want you to apologise for assaulting her.
02:47Are you taking a mick now? You know what? I'll catch you when we can
02:51talk privately. Ignore him, Myra. He's a waste of space.
02:57Stop encouraging her to be an idiot. And while we're on this subject, stop being one yourself.
03:01I can't help it. I hate him.
03:11Bet you'll miss my stuff flying around. Don't fly yourself.
03:17Anyway, won't Myra be screaming for you at the farm?
03:20Yeah, I've been given a late start as it's my last day there tomorrow. I think she's
03:23maybe embarrassed at letting me go.
03:26Well, you could sack today off.
03:30I need to pay.
03:32You know, Vic's really going to miss you.
03:37Yeah, I'll probably be staying there tonight, as it's the last one and all that.
03:42But I might be in the pub later.
03:44Might be a bit weird if my mum's there.
03:47I wasn't suggesting leaving presents and teary goodbyes.
03:54I'll see you. I'll see you.
04:02I don't know how I'm going to get her back because Myra's really quite scary when she's angry.
04:08I heard that she did the same thing to Charity once.
04:10Yep. But who wouldn't?
04:13She's not right.
04:16So, no apology?
04:18I didn't even think it was an issue.
04:20Nate was there, backing her up.
04:23Hanging on her every word.
04:24Could tell Mackenzie thought she was out of order, though.
04:28Thanks for speaking up for me.
04:29I mean, not that I should be grateful, but...
04:31No, you're right. You shouldn't.
04:33This is wrong. It's assault. Even Cain would agree.
04:36I'm going up there later.
04:38Don't fight with Nate. You'll lose.
04:39Thanks for the vote of confidence.
04:42But you're right.
04:44I'll wait till he's on his break.
04:46I mean it, though, you know.
04:47Myra's not getting away with this, I swear.
04:50You're a dirty dog.
04:51I haven't slept with him. Yet.
04:54But he was right up close and...
04:56Oh, the thought of losing him.
04:59It just felt so natural to just...
05:01grab a hold of him.
05:03We only kissed and it was both of us.
05:07Can't help it.
05:08I know what I want now.
05:10Till your head gets turned.
05:12Hey, I left him in the first place because he had a fling.
05:15This wasn't all me.
05:17Yeah, but with Caleb, it was a full-blown affair.
05:21Which I massively regret.
05:23Nate could be sitting somewhere now regretting yesterday.
05:26Well, I really, really hope that's not true.
05:30I don't want him to take this job.
05:33For Frankie.
05:35And for me.
05:37It's too final.
05:38Talk to him, then. Tell him how you feel.
05:42And if that fails,
05:44beg him.
