Friday special – AEW Collision 9/6/2024 September 6th, 2024 Part 2

  • 2 days ago
Friday special – AEW Collision 9/6/2024 September 6th, 2024 Part 2


00:00:00those masks are sacred Tony when he's tearing at it I mean Mortos becomes
00:00:06obsessed with saving the mask and not with winning the match that's the
00:00:09strategy. Mortos is petrified. Think of Roosh, a man you know very well
00:00:14Don Callison, how many masks he's tried to pull off in his career.
00:00:20Banks counting along, Tekesta said no I'll do the counting here. Tekesta's confided in me
00:00:26that he hates Americans. Okay who doesn't. What do you think of Canadians Don?
00:00:34He loves it. You're looking live at the NOW Arena in Chicago, Tony, Nigel and Don Callis
00:00:42as Canoske, Tekesta and the Beast Mortos battle for the final spot in the four-way
00:00:48for the Continental Championship tomorrow night against the champion Azuska Okada.
00:00:55Who will it be? Right now Beast Mortos manning a comeback here. There you see Mark Briscoe
00:01:00Orange Cassidy already in the four-way. That is tomorrow on pay-per-view for our
00:01:06fans in Chicago. Tickets at A pick up Beast Mortos. Oh! No, no, no, no, no.
00:01:15Incredible backward. He's not done. Picks him back up. One more time.
00:01:21An incredible Simone drop. One, two. Don Callis calling for the kick and your man responded, Don.
00:01:30Mortos is showing a lot of explosion, a lot of athleticism for this late into the match.
00:01:35Very impressive, frankly. Yeah, Don Callis, you've got good reason to be concerned.
00:01:40If Beast Mortos hits his destination, hell hole, tombstone finish up, he could score a huge upset.
00:01:49Good standing switch. Oh, not after that. Oh, my God. What?
00:01:54Gets a test tube on his head and Mortos came back up. Unbelievable.
00:01:58Oh, there it is. The raging fire. No.
00:02:03No, I think that was a blue thunder bomb. That was a blue thunder bomb, Shivani.
00:02:07Taking another look if we can as Takeshita, excuse me, firing up. Look at this,
00:02:12landing right on the top of his dome. Perfectly executed release German there.
00:02:17Fighting spirit brought him back up and then the blue thunder bomb took him down in the center of the ring.
00:02:24Did not get a good cover, though, that time and Beast Mortos is still in this matchup.
00:02:28Back to the action here. Mortos, I think for the first time in this match, Nigel is in trouble.
00:02:33What a night this has been of action. We are going to continue with Rampage afterwards.
00:02:39Countdown and then, of course, tomorrow night, it is all out.
00:02:43Pick up. Oh, boy.
00:02:48Competitors dangerous on the top rope. Tony. Yeah, this makes me very uncomfortable.
00:02:53Dangerous. Obviously, guys, you are right for both men.
00:02:56Let's see what comes out of that.
00:02:59Need a counter here.
00:03:02Got to be so careful when you're on those ropes. One slip and you can blow out your knee,
00:03:07your neck, your shoulder. Oh, God, I don't want to tempt fate.
00:03:11Two big men on the top rope. This is terrifying.
00:03:14Oh, my God. What was that?
00:03:18No, no, no, no, no.
00:03:21Quickly, Brandon Martinez. One, two. No!
00:03:25Tequesta's hurt. Yeah, a doc came to his feet in our broadcast.
00:03:30Let's watch this back and just watch the way Tequesta lands.
00:03:33He's trying to protect himself and that right shoulder came straight down into the mat.
00:03:39And the rib cage as well, I thought, could have been a broken rib, a cracked rib out of that.
00:03:44I don't know, but this match has been unbelievably bruising and physical.
00:03:49Tequesta staggering to his feet, but he sends Beast Martinez to the ring post.
00:03:56German release.
00:03:59God, put him away. Put him away.
00:04:02Here's the big lariat attempt. Spear! The spear got him.
00:04:09The referee checking in. A cover.
00:04:12Whoa! Only a one count.
00:04:14Oh, boy.
00:04:16Let's take a look at the spear again, Nigel. My God.
00:04:19You can see Beast Martinez didn't have a lot of space to hit it, being so close to the ropes.
00:04:25But it was enough to take down Tequesta.
00:04:27What does kicking out at one do to you as the opponent who's going for the pin?
00:04:31Psychologically, it scares the living daylights out of you.
00:04:36Tried a discus lariat, but it was...
00:04:39And another one, a discus lariat caught.
00:04:42Oh, he's hurt. That was right into the jaw.
00:04:45Yeah, he's hurt bad.
00:04:47He comes right back.
00:04:49Both men trying to headbutt the physicality in this match.
00:04:55I'm surprised Tequesta's eyes are open.
00:04:57Look at Tequesta's mouth. You can see his teeth. There's a little bit of blood there.
00:05:01He took that forearm right on the jaw.
00:05:04He is out on his feet.
00:05:06Hitting the ropes. Pick up.
00:05:10Unbelievable. Tequesta came up with that out of nowhere.
00:05:15Oh, my God. He ran right into that knee.
00:05:17A running knee, Tequesta.
00:05:20Can he move on to tomorrow?
00:05:23Here it comes.
00:05:25This could be the raging fire.
00:05:27Raging fire.
00:05:34Here is your winner,
00:05:36Kunosuke Tequesta!
00:05:39He debuted that maneuver at the G1 Climax Tournament,
00:05:43the raging fire.
00:05:45And he wins it,
00:05:47defeating Bismarck.
00:05:50And the last thing we need to see is Don Callis get in the ring,
00:05:53but I guess that's what we're going to see.
00:05:55That, in my mind, was one of the most brutal tests
00:05:59that Kunosuke Tequesta has had to endure
00:06:03and because he endured it,
00:06:05he advances now to all out
00:06:07in the four-way match
00:06:09for the Continental Championship
00:06:12currently held by his countryman,
00:06:14Kazushika O'Connor.
00:06:16What a match-up that is going to be.
00:06:19With Mark Briscoe and Orange Cassidy involved as well.
00:06:23Standing by, Saraya Harley-Cameron,
00:06:26the Outcast.
00:06:28Danny, we watched your match on Wednesday.
00:06:31You know what we learned?
00:06:33Got a peak.
00:06:34That you're a slag.
00:06:35Yeah, slag of many.
00:06:36The biggest slag that ever did you.
00:06:39Thank you, exactly.
00:06:40What I didn't like is you disrespected me at Wembley.
00:06:43But not only me, you disrespected my family, babe.
00:06:46And then on top of that, you hurt my sweet baby Harley.
00:06:49Yes, yes.
00:06:50Ugh, pain.
00:06:51Yeah, at this point, you're stalking us.
00:06:53Yes, invasion of privacy.
00:06:54But you know what?
00:06:55We're going to stalk you instead.
00:06:57Turn the tables!
00:06:58So at some point, one of these days,
00:07:00you're going to get us in a match
00:07:01and you're not going to like what's going to happen to you, babe.
00:07:04You are in a lot of trouble.
00:07:18When this championship touched my waist,
00:07:21it marked a new moment in wrestling history.
00:07:24The champion you always wanted but never knew you needed.
00:07:29I don't run from fights.
00:07:31I get off on them.
00:07:33I haven't shaken a single hand in that locker room
00:07:35because I know the best way to really get to know a woman
00:07:39is to make her scream at your feet.
00:07:42Ladies, I look forward to meeting you.
00:07:45But here I stand.
00:07:47The world desperately needs glamour
00:07:49and I still haven't had my AEW Women's World Championship
00:07:55Well, tomorrow is all out
00:07:57and there's nothing more worth the money
00:08:00than watching me be me.
00:08:04But the saddest part about being me is
00:08:08I'll never get to meet Mariah May.
00:08:17All right, get the champagne!
00:08:23Tony, get excited.
00:08:25She's delirious.
00:08:29The following contest is scheduled for one fall
00:08:31with a 20-minute time limit.
00:08:33Introducing first, from Kanagawa, Japan,
00:08:35Nekaru Shida!
00:08:38Here she comes.
00:08:39She backed up her claim of being the ace
00:08:41of AEW Women's Division by winning that four-way match
00:08:45last week during a TBS Championship match
00:08:49coming up at All Out tomorrow
00:08:52against Mercedes Manet.
00:08:54And yes, Camille is barred from ringside.
00:08:57She is barred from ringside,
00:08:59but you heard what Mercedes Manet,
00:09:01the TBS Champion, said.
00:09:04She's not barred tonight, Tony,
00:09:06so stay tuned, keep watching.
00:09:09And while it is hard to bet against the ace,
00:09:12I guarantee you the TBS Champion has got a few cards in her hand.
00:09:17Yeah, Mercedes Manet basically with a warning
00:09:20to Shida.
00:09:21Let's go back to the ring.
00:09:23And her opponent, from Hackettstown, New Jersey,
00:09:26the virtuosa Diana Perrazzo!
00:09:31Diana Perrazzo, you see a record at 13-5 during 2024,
00:09:36a big part of the Women's Division,
00:09:39and fans will remind you that All Out is tomorrow
00:09:41right here at the NOW Arena in Chicago
00:09:43and tickets are available at
00:09:48That is tomorrow.
00:09:50There you see tomorrow, NOW Arena in Chicago,
00:09:55tickets at
00:09:57Next Wednesday, the 11th,
00:09:59we're going to be at Ruff Arena in Lexington
00:10:01for AEW Dynamite.
00:10:02And next Thursday, at the Nutter Center for Collision,
00:10:06that's the 12th of September.
00:10:09And then Wednesday, September 18th,
00:10:11Dynamite comes to Mohegan Sun Arena
00:10:13at Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania.
00:10:15Get your tickets at
00:10:19for all events.
00:10:20And here we go.
00:10:22Getting ready for her match.
00:10:24And this is not a good person to get ready with
00:10:27because Diana Perrazzo can easily win this matchup.
00:10:31Perfectly blends femininity, elegance, and grace
00:10:36with a joint-breaking style.
00:10:39The Fujiwara armbar specialist,
00:10:41the Venus de Milo double-arm version of it,
00:10:45which won her the Ring of Honor Women's title.
00:10:48Shida listens to the applause here in Chicago.
00:10:52A smile on her face.
00:10:54She better enjoy tonight,
00:10:56and she better focus on tonight
00:10:58and not think about tomorrow night
00:11:00and the TBS champion, Mercedes Manet.
00:11:02I agree.
00:11:03Diana Perrazzo has held eight women's championships
00:11:05in her career.
00:11:06Five-time world champion.
00:11:08Talk about the former Ring of Honor world champion.
00:11:11Hikaru Shida, though,
00:11:13three-time AEW Women's world champion.
00:11:17Most singles wins of any woman in AEW history.
00:11:22And Diana Perrazzo slips underneath.
00:11:24Single-leg pickup over the top.
00:11:27Diana, good counter.
00:11:29One, one.
00:11:32Back and forth, these two women go.
00:11:35Look at this.
00:11:36Fans appreciate this.
00:11:37A backslide.
00:11:39No, didn't get her.
00:11:40Diana, though, still hooked on.
00:11:44Diana's got the hook on her this time.
00:11:47Shida had the underhook,
00:11:48which gave her a leverage advantage,
00:11:50which is why Perrazzo tried to elect
00:11:52to go for a strike instead.
00:11:54Now to the midsection.
00:11:55We have seen a more aggressive side
00:11:57of Hikaru Shida over the past...
00:12:00Case in point.
00:12:01That's it.
00:12:02Over the past few weeks,
00:12:03in the past month,
00:12:04and I think it serves her well.
00:12:06I always thought aggression served Shida well.
00:12:10I always thought she was at her best.
00:12:12Really able to get out the doors
00:12:14with those punches in the corner.
00:12:17Roll up.
00:12:19Escaped that time.
00:12:20That time, shoulder head first
00:12:22to the middle turnbuckle pad.
00:12:24And once again, with force,
00:12:26sending Shida down,
00:12:27and fans, this match in the women's division
00:12:30continues in picture-in-picture.
00:12:33And the winner of this match
00:12:35is Hikaru Shida.
00:12:37And once again,
00:12:38this match in the women's division
00:12:40continues in picture-in-picture.
00:12:42What are you most looking forward to
00:12:44about the AEW women's championship celebration
00:12:47tomorrow night, Tony?
00:12:51Are you gonna be a part of that?
00:12:53Are you gonna go out and toast champagne?
00:12:55How could I not celebrate
00:12:58the glorious reign of the glamour?
00:13:02Can I ask you something?
00:13:03Do all beautiful women
00:13:04wrap you around their little finger?
00:13:06I don't know what you are talking about, Tony.
00:13:08You are just jealous
00:13:10that you didn't get a kiss.
00:13:14Stop on the arm in a cover.
00:13:16One, two.
00:13:17I have no comeback for that.
00:13:19There you see our-
00:13:20Because it's true,
00:13:21and the truth hurts.
00:13:23We've got, of course-
00:13:24You're turning the color of red
00:13:26that Mariah May's dress was right now.
00:13:29Shame on you.
00:13:30We have rampage.
00:13:31Can I get this out?
00:13:32We have rampage coming up.
00:13:34And Pia Nomenado will be in action.
00:13:36She has been right out as of late.
00:13:38We got the MXM collection
00:13:40and the House of Black.
00:13:42And, of course, following rampage,
00:13:44we've got the countdown
00:13:47to all-out right here
00:13:49in this building tomorrow.
00:13:52Of course, the longer this match goes,
00:13:54the better it looks
00:13:56for the TBS champion,
00:13:57Mercedes Monáe,
00:13:58tomorrow night.
00:14:00By the way, our fans watching internationally,
00:14:02you can watch all-out
00:14:05on select markets
00:14:07on Triller TV,
00:14:10The Zone,
00:14:11Main Event,
00:14:12and Sky.
00:14:15There you see it.
00:14:16Virtuosa is bringing it,
00:14:18no question.
00:14:20She's not thinking ahead tomorrow,
00:14:23She wants to make a statement here.
00:14:24She could pick up a victory
00:14:26against the number-one container
00:14:27for the TBS title.
00:14:28She'd put her in the running
00:14:29for it, surely.
00:14:31She is certainly,
00:14:32she, Diana Peraza,
00:14:33has had her success.
00:14:34The only wrestler
00:14:35with three wins in AEW
00:14:37over former world champion Thunder Rosa
00:14:40and also holds a win
00:14:42over Mariah May in April.
00:14:45So there.
00:14:46Are you sure about that, Tony?
00:14:51You believe everything you say.
00:14:58Right now,
00:14:59great underhook this time.
00:15:00Front-face look
00:15:01as Sheeta's trying
00:15:02to slip out the side door
00:15:03and a handful of air
00:15:04will help her.
00:15:06She just needs
00:15:07to the back
00:15:08to the kidneys,
00:15:09to the liver.
00:15:10That jarred
00:15:11the entire body
00:15:12of Sheeta.
00:15:13You saw that
00:15:14on your screen.
00:15:15And Aubrey
00:15:16was checking in.
00:15:18And right now,
00:15:19Sheeta's trying
00:15:20to intimidate
00:15:21or show up Sheeta.
00:15:22Double wrist lock.
00:15:26Sheeta trying
00:15:27to mount a comeback
00:15:28but she's got
00:15:29to mount a comeback
00:15:30but can she?
00:15:31Looking out here
00:15:32to the fans
00:15:33for their support
00:15:34to try to will her on.
00:15:35They can't help you.
00:15:42trying to just
00:15:43break loose here
00:15:44but no.
00:15:45The only person
00:15:46you can rely on in the ring
00:15:47is yourself.
00:15:49Unless you're Bryan Danielson
00:15:50and you've paid off
00:15:51the officials.
00:15:59This match
00:16:00in the women's division
00:16:02Hikaru Sheeta
00:16:03Vianna Perrazzo
00:16:04on the eve
00:16:05of All Out
00:16:07Of course
00:16:08you've got to give
00:16:09Sheeta plenty of credit
00:16:10to come in the ring
00:16:11one night before
00:16:12she has a battle
00:16:13with Mercedes Monet.
00:16:14You know,
00:16:15they say
00:16:16pride comes
00:16:17before the fool.
00:16:18Is it perhaps
00:16:19pride that will
00:16:20lead her
00:16:21to a loss
00:16:22tomorrow night?
00:16:24If she wins
00:16:25tomorrow night
00:16:26watch out!
00:16:27Shotgun drop
00:16:28Shotgun drop
00:16:29kick that time.
00:16:30Awkward landing
00:16:31the left elbow
00:16:32of Sheeta
00:16:33Awkwardly landing
00:16:34into the mat.
00:16:38There you see
00:16:40if Sheeta can win
00:16:42then she'll be
00:16:43the first woman
00:16:44to be able to hold
00:16:45both the world title
00:16:46and the TBS championship.
00:16:48And then of course
00:16:50our main event
00:16:51coming up in Rampage
00:16:52look at this!
00:16:55Followed by
00:16:56the countdown
00:17:02The fighting spirit
00:17:03of the former
00:17:04AEW women's champion
00:17:07Trying to become
00:17:08the first woman
00:17:09to hold the TBS title
00:17:10and the world title
00:17:14Oh no!
00:17:15She almost got the win
00:17:16that time.
00:17:17Running knee
00:17:18right to the side
00:17:19of the skull
00:17:20Perazo's not moving
00:17:22Perazo's in trouble
00:17:23and right now
00:17:26Sheeta trying
00:17:27to position Perazo
00:17:28Sheeta's going to
00:17:29go up top here
00:17:31Perazo trying to
00:17:32get to her feet
00:17:33she cannot
00:17:35and Perazo
00:17:36trying to slide
00:17:37out of the way
00:17:39and she did
00:17:40lured her down
00:17:43pick up
00:17:44straight into
00:17:45the Fujiwara
00:17:48Pulling on the arm
00:17:49and now will
00:17:53Pulling back
00:17:54on the arm
00:17:57trying to roll
00:17:58with it
00:17:59she does
00:18:00rolls through
00:18:01nicely done
00:18:02Sheeta got out
00:18:03of it
00:18:04but not finished
00:18:05Diana Perazo
00:18:08Hit the high
00:18:10couldn't get the win
00:18:13is really upset
00:18:14as you can see
00:18:15in the face of
00:18:16Aubrey Edwards
00:18:17the referee
00:18:18Take a look at
00:18:2024 hours away
00:18:21from a TBS
00:18:22title match
00:18:23and Sheeta
00:18:24is hurt
00:18:26She has been
00:18:27beaten up
00:18:28there is no
00:18:29question about that
00:18:39to the
00:18:42Got caught
00:18:44Horse collar
00:18:47Look at this
00:18:49Submission attempt
00:18:50The back
00:18:51of the knee
00:18:52of Perazo
00:18:54on the neck
00:18:58Nice escape
00:18:59from the virtuosa
00:19:07Question mark
00:19:08kick was on target
00:19:10Big pump kick
00:19:16Tomorrow night
00:19:17it will be
00:19:18all out
00:19:19Falcon out
00:19:21hooks the leg
00:19:26That was so close
00:19:27I was saying
00:19:28tomorrow night
00:19:29it will be all out
00:19:31they are leaving it
00:19:32all in
00:19:33the middle of the ring
00:19:40Looking for it
00:19:43Corner with it
00:19:49Here is your winner
00:19:50Hikaru Shida!
00:19:52That was a battle
00:19:54Was a battle
00:19:56Shida slowly getting
00:19:57to her feet
00:19:58and now
00:19:59once again a chance
00:20:00to become
00:20:01the TBS champion
00:20:03and of course
00:20:04the former world
00:20:05champion would have
00:20:06a first
00:20:07in AEW women's
00:20:09Don't forget
00:20:10that Camille
00:20:11will be banned
00:20:12from ringside
00:20:13when Mercedes
00:20:20That's tomorrow Tony
00:20:22This is tonight
00:20:30We're about to find out
00:20:31what happens
00:20:32when you mess
00:20:33with Manet
00:20:42Watch out!
00:20:43It's Camille!
00:20:45Camille Rector
00:20:46with a forearm
00:20:47right between
00:20:48the shoulder blades
00:20:50Classic distraction
00:20:51from the TBS champion
00:20:54After this
00:20:55brutal match
00:20:56that Shida had
00:20:59How can she have
00:21:00anything left
00:21:01to fight back here with?
00:21:05And now
00:21:06Mercedes Manet
00:21:07the champion in
00:21:11She grabs
00:21:12the kendo stick
00:21:17You wanna mess
00:21:18with me?
00:21:19Alright, yeah
00:21:20you're gonna get it
00:21:23Camille got whacked
00:21:26So did the champ
00:21:34Camille trying
00:21:35to get back in
00:21:36A dropkick
00:21:37It's 2 on 1
00:21:41A backstabber
00:21:43Hang on
00:21:44The katana
00:21:45She answered
00:21:46tomorrow night
00:21:47She'll be
00:21:48a TBS champ
00:21:52Hikaru Shida
00:21:56Mercedes Manet
00:21:57is a champ
00:21:59on her
00:22:00And now
00:22:01the TBS champion
00:22:02is on the back foot
00:22:03She faces
00:22:04Hikaru Shida
00:22:05tomorrow night
00:22:06for her title
00:22:07with Camille
00:22:09from ringside
00:22:13Let's go back
00:22:14And now
00:22:15to the newest member
00:22:16of our broadcast team
00:22:17Alicia Tepp
00:22:18who is standing by
00:22:23I'm here with
00:22:25Now for the last
00:22:26two weeks
00:22:27we saw grizzled
00:22:28young vets attack
00:22:29you from behind
00:22:30and you came this
00:22:31close to revenge
00:22:32this week
00:22:33but then they
00:22:34cowered away
00:22:35So what's next
00:22:36for FTR?
00:22:37That's a great point
00:22:38Two weeks in a row
00:22:39you guys attacked us
00:22:40Two weeks in a row
00:22:41you guys left us
00:22:43So what's next
00:22:44for FTR?
00:22:45That's a great point
00:22:46Two weeks in a row
00:22:47you guys attacked us
00:22:49So what's next
00:22:50for FTR?
00:22:51That's a great point
00:22:52Two weeks in a row
00:22:53you guys left us
00:22:55So what's next
00:22:56for FTR?
00:22:57That's a great point
00:22:58Two weeks in a row
00:22:59you guys left us
00:23:01So what's next
00:23:02for FTR?
00:23:03That's a great point
00:23:04Two weeks in a row
00:23:05you guys left us
00:23:07So what's next
00:23:08for FTR?
00:23:09That's a great point
00:23:10Two weeks in a row
00:23:11you guys left us
00:23:13So what's next
00:23:14for FTR?
00:23:15That's a great point
00:23:16Two weeks in a row
00:23:17you guys left us
00:23:19So what's next
00:23:20for FTR?
00:23:21That's a great point
00:23:22Two weeks in a row
00:23:23you guys left us
00:23:25So what's next
00:23:26for FTR?
00:23:27That's a great point
00:23:28Two weeks in a row
00:23:29you guys left us
00:23:31So what's next
00:23:32for FTR?
00:23:33That's a great point
00:23:34Two weeks in a row
00:23:35you guys left us
00:23:37So what's next
00:23:38for FTR?
00:23:39That's a great point
00:23:40Two weeks in a row
00:23:41you guys left us
00:23:43So what's next
00:23:44for FTR?
00:23:45That's a great point
00:23:46Two weeks in a row
00:23:47you guys left us
00:23:49So what's next
00:23:50for FTR?
00:23:51That's a great point
00:23:52Two weeks in a row
00:23:53you guys left us
00:23:55So what's next
00:23:56for FTR?
00:23:57That's a great point
00:23:58Two weeks in a row
00:23:59you guys left us
00:24:01So what's next
00:24:02for FTR?
00:24:03That's a great point
00:24:04Two weeks in a row
00:24:05you guys left us
00:24:07So what's next
00:24:08for FTR?
00:24:09That's a great point
00:24:10Two weeks in a row
00:24:11you guys left us
00:24:13So what's next
00:24:14for FTR?
00:24:15That's a great point
00:24:16Two weeks in a row
00:24:17you guys left us
00:24:19So what's next
00:24:20for FTR?
00:24:21That's a great point
00:24:22Two weeks in a row
00:24:23you guys left us
00:24:25So what's next
00:24:26for FTR?
00:24:27That's a great point
00:24:28Two weeks in a row
00:24:29you guys left us
00:24:31So what's next
00:24:32for FTR?
00:24:33That's a great point
00:24:34Two weeks in a row
00:24:35you guys left us
00:24:37So what's next
00:24:38for FTR?
00:24:39That's a great point
00:24:40Two weeks in a row
00:24:41you guys left us
00:24:43So what's next
00:24:44for FTR?
00:24:45That's a great point
00:24:46Two weeks in a row
00:24:47you guys left us
00:24:49So what's next
00:24:50for FTR?
00:24:51That's a great point
00:24:52Two weeks in a row
00:24:53you guys left us
00:24:55So what's next
00:24:56for FTR?
00:24:57That's a great point
00:24:58Two weeks in a row
00:24:59you guys left us
00:25:01So what's next
00:25:02for FTR?
00:25:03That's a great point
00:25:04Two weeks in a row
00:25:05you guys left us
00:25:07So what's next
00:25:08for FTR?
00:25:09That's a great point
00:25:10Two weeks in a row
00:25:11you guys left us
00:25:13So what's next
00:25:14for FTR?
00:25:15That's a great point
00:25:16Two weeks in a row
00:25:17you guys left us
00:25:19So what's next
00:25:20for FTR?
00:25:21That's a great point
00:25:22Two weeks in a row
00:25:23you guys left us
00:25:25So what's next
00:25:26for FTR?
00:25:27That's a great point
00:25:28Two weeks in a row
00:25:29you guys left us
00:25:31So what's next
00:25:32for FTR?
00:25:33That's a great point
00:25:34Two weeks in a row
00:25:35you guys left us
00:25:37So what's next
00:25:38for FTR?
00:25:39That's a great point
00:25:40Two weeks in a row
00:25:41you guys left us
00:25:43So what's next
00:25:44for FTR?
00:25:45That's a great point
00:25:46Two weeks in a row
00:25:47you guys left us
00:25:49So what's next
00:25:50for FTR?
00:25:51That's a great point
00:25:52Two weeks in a row
00:25:53you guys left us
00:25:55So what's next
00:25:56for FTR?
00:25:57That's a great point
00:25:58Two weeks in a row
00:25:59you guys left us
00:26:01So what's next
00:26:02for FTR?
00:26:03That's a great point
00:26:04Two weeks in a row
00:26:05you guys left us
00:26:07So what's next
00:26:08for FTR?
00:26:09That's a great point
00:26:10Two weeks in a row
00:26:11you guys left us
00:26:13So what's next
00:26:14for FTR?
00:26:15That's a great point
00:26:16Two weeks in a row
00:26:17you guys left us
00:26:19So what's next
00:26:20for FTR?
00:26:21That's a great point
00:26:22Two weeks in a row
00:26:23you guys left us
00:26:25So what's next
00:26:26for FTR?
00:26:27That's a great point
00:26:28Two weeks in a row
00:26:29you guys left us
00:26:31So what's next
00:26:32for FTR?
00:26:33That's a great point
00:26:34Two weeks in a row
00:26:35you guys left us
00:26:37So what's next
00:26:38for FTR?
00:26:39That's a great point
00:26:40Two weeks in a row
00:26:41you guys left us
00:26:43So what's next
00:26:44for FTR?
00:26:45That's a great point
00:26:46Two weeks in a row
00:26:47you guys left us
00:26:49So what's next
00:26:50for FTR?
00:26:51That's a great point
00:26:52Two weeks in a row
00:26:53you guys left us
00:26:55So what's next
00:26:56for FTR?
00:26:57That's a great point
00:26:58Two weeks in a row
00:26:59you guys left us
00:27:01So what's next
00:27:02for FTR?
00:27:03That's a great point
00:27:04Two weeks in a row
00:27:05you guys left us
00:27:07So what's next
00:27:08for FTR?
00:27:09That's a great point
00:27:10Two weeks in a row
00:27:11you guys left us
00:27:13So what's next
00:27:14for FTR?
00:27:15That's a great point
00:27:16Two weeks in a row
00:27:17you guys left us
00:27:19So what's next
00:27:20for FTR?
00:27:21That's a great point
00:27:22Two weeks in a row
00:27:23you guys left us
00:27:25So what's next
00:27:26for FTR?
00:27:27That's a great point
00:27:28Two weeks in a row
00:27:29you guys left us
00:27:31So what's next
00:27:32for FTR?
00:27:33That's a great point
00:27:34Two weeks in a row
00:27:35you guys left us
00:27:37So what's next
00:27:38for FTR?
00:27:39That's a great point
00:27:40Two weeks in a row
00:27:41you guys left us
00:27:43So what's next
00:27:44for FTR?
00:27:45That's a great point
00:27:46Two weeks in a row
00:27:47you guys left us
00:27:49So what's next
00:27:50for FTR?
00:27:51That's a great point
00:27:52Two weeks in a row
00:27:53you guys left us
00:27:55So what's next
00:27:56for FTR?
00:27:57That's a great point
00:27:58Two weeks in a row
00:27:59you guys left us
00:28:01So what's next
00:28:02for FTR?
00:28:03That's a great point
00:28:04Two weeks in a row
00:28:05you guys left us
00:28:07So what's next
00:28:08for FTR?
00:28:09That's a great point
00:28:10Two weeks in a row
00:28:11you guys left us
00:28:13So what's next
00:28:14for FTR?
00:28:15That's a great point
00:28:16Two weeks in a row
00:28:17you guys left us
00:28:19So what's next
00:28:20for FTR?
00:28:21That's a great point
00:28:22Two weeks in a row
00:28:23you guys left us
00:28:25So what's next
00:28:26for FTR?
00:28:27That's a great point
00:28:28Two weeks in a row
00:28:29you guys left us
00:28:31So what's next
00:28:32for FTR?
00:28:33That's a great point
00:28:34Two weeks in a row
00:28:35you guys left us
00:28:37So what's next
00:28:38for FTR?
00:28:39That's a great point
00:28:40Two weeks in a row
00:28:41you guys left us
00:28:43So what's next
00:28:44for FTR?
00:28:45That's a great point
00:28:46Two weeks in a row
00:28:47you guys left us
00:28:49So what's next
00:28:50for FTR?
00:28:51That's a great point
00:28:52Two weeks in a row
00:28:53you guys left us
00:28:55So what's next
00:28:56for FTR?
00:28:57That's a great point
00:28:58Two weeks in a row
00:28:59you guys left us
00:29:01So what's next
00:29:02for FTR?
00:29:03That's a great point
00:29:04Two weeks in a row
00:29:05you guys left us
00:29:07So what's next
00:29:08for FTR?
00:29:09That's a great point
00:29:10Two weeks in a row
00:29:11you guys left us
00:29:13So what's next
00:29:14for FTR?
00:29:15That's a great point
00:29:16Two weeks in a row
00:29:17you guys left us
00:29:19So what's next
00:29:20for FTR?
00:29:21That's a great point
00:29:22Two weeks in a row
00:29:23you guys left us
00:29:25So what's next
00:29:26for FTR?
00:29:27That's a great point
00:29:28Two weeks in a row
00:29:29you guys left us
00:29:31So what's next
00:29:32for FTR?
00:29:33That's a great point
00:29:34Two weeks in a row
00:29:35you guys left us
00:29:37So what's next
00:29:38for FTR?
00:29:39That's a great point
00:29:40Two weeks in a row
00:29:41you guys left us
00:29:43So what's next
00:29:44for FTR?
00:29:45That's a great point
00:29:46Two weeks in a row
00:29:47you guys left us
00:29:49So what's next
00:29:50for FTR?
00:29:51That's a great point
00:29:52Two weeks in a row
00:29:53you guys left us
00:29:55So what's next
00:29:56for FTR?
00:29:57That's a great point
00:29:58Two weeks in a row
00:29:59you guys left us
00:30:01So what's next
00:30:02for FTR?
00:30:03That's a great point
00:30:04Two weeks in a row
00:30:05you guys left us
00:30:07So what's next
00:30:08for FTR?
00:30:09That's a great point
00:30:10Two weeks in a row
00:30:11you guys left us
00:30:13So what's next
00:30:14for FTR?
00:30:15That's a great point
00:30:16Two weeks in a row
00:30:17you guys left us
00:30:19So what's next
00:30:20for FTR?
00:30:21That's a great point
00:30:22Two weeks in a row
00:30:23you guys left us
00:30:25So what's next
00:30:26for FTR?
00:30:27That's a great point
00:30:28Two weeks in a row
00:30:29you guys left us
00:30:31So what's next
00:30:32for FTR?
00:30:33That's a great point
00:30:34Two weeks in a row
00:30:35you guys left us
00:30:37So what's next
00:30:38for FTR?
00:30:39That's a great point
00:30:40Two weeks in a row
00:30:41you guys left us
00:30:43So what's next
00:30:44for FTR?
00:30:45That's a great point
00:30:46Two weeks in a row
00:30:47you guys left us
00:30:49So what's next
00:30:50for FTR?
00:30:51That's a great point
00:30:52Two weeks in a row
00:30:53you guys left us
00:30:55So what's next
00:30:56for FTR?
00:30:57That's a great point
00:30:58Two weeks in a row
00:30:59you guys left us
00:31:01So what's next
00:31:02for FTR?
00:31:03That's a great point
00:31:04Two weeks in a row
00:31:05you guys left us
00:31:07So what's next
00:31:08for FTR?
00:31:09That's a great point
00:31:10Two weeks in a row
00:31:11you guys left us
00:31:13So what's next
00:31:14for FTR?
00:31:15That's a great point
00:31:16Two weeks in a row
00:31:17you guys left us
00:31:19So what's next
00:31:20for FTR?
00:31:21That's a great point
00:31:22Two weeks in a row
00:31:23you guys left us
00:31:25So what's next
00:31:26for FTR?
00:31:27That's a great point
00:31:28Two weeks in a row
00:31:29you guys left us
00:31:31So what's next
00:31:32for FTR?
00:31:33That's a great point
00:31:34Two weeks in a row
00:31:35you guys left us
00:31:37So what's next
00:31:38for FTR?
00:31:39That's a great point
00:31:40Two weeks in a row
00:31:41you guys left us
00:31:43So what's next
00:31:44for FTR?
00:31:45That's a great point
00:31:46Two weeks in a row
00:31:47you guys left us
00:31:49So what's next
00:31:50for FTR?
00:31:51That's a great point
00:31:52Two weeks in a row
00:31:53you guys left us
00:31:55So what's next
00:31:56for FTR?
00:31:57That's a great point
00:31:58Two weeks in a row
00:31:59you guys left us
00:32:01So what's next
00:32:02for FTR?
00:32:03That's a great point
00:32:04Two weeks in a row
00:32:05you guys left us
00:32:07So what's next
00:32:08for FTR?
00:32:09That's a great point
00:32:10Two weeks in a row
00:32:11you guys left us
00:32:13So what's next
00:32:14for FTR?
00:32:15That's a great point
00:32:16Two weeks in a row
00:32:17you guys left us
00:32:19So what's next
00:32:20for FTR?
00:32:21That's a great point
00:32:22Two weeks in a row
00:32:23you guys left us
00:32:25So what's next
00:32:26for FTR?
00:32:27That's a great point
00:32:28Two weeks in a row
00:32:29you guys left us
00:32:31So what's next
00:32:32for FTR?
00:32:33That's a great point
00:32:34Two weeks in a row
00:32:35you guys left us
00:32:37So what's next
00:32:38for FTR?
00:32:39That's a great point
00:32:40Two weeks in a row
00:32:41you guys left us
00:32:43So what's next
00:32:44for FTR?
00:32:45That's a great point
00:32:46Two weeks in a row
00:32:47you guys left us
00:32:49So what's next
00:32:50for FTR?
00:32:51That's a great point
00:32:52Two weeks in a row
00:32:53you guys left us
00:32:55So what's next
00:32:56for FTR?
00:32:57That's a great point
00:32:58Two weeks in a row
00:32:59you guys left us
00:33:01So what's next
00:33:02for FTR?
00:33:03That's a great point
00:33:04Two weeks in a row
00:33:05you guys left us
00:33:07So what's next
00:33:08for FTR?
00:33:09That's a great point
00:33:10Two weeks in a row
00:33:11you guys left us
00:33:13So what's next
00:33:14for FTR?
00:33:15That's a great point
00:33:16Two weeks in a row
00:33:17you guys left us
00:33:19So what's next
00:33:20for FTR?
00:33:21That's a great point
00:33:22Two weeks in a row
00:33:23you guys left us
00:33:25So what's next
00:33:26for FTR?
00:33:27That's a great point
00:33:28Two weeks in a row
00:33:29you guys left us
00:33:31So what's next
00:33:32for FTR?
00:33:33That's a great point
00:33:34Two weeks in a row
00:33:35you guys left us
00:33:37So what's next
00:33:38for FTR?
00:33:39That's a great point
00:33:40Two weeks in a row
00:33:41you guys left us
00:33:43So what's next
00:33:44for FTR?
00:33:45That's a great point
00:33:46Two weeks in a row
00:33:47you guys left us
00:33:49So what's next
00:33:50for FTR?
00:33:51That's a great point
00:33:52Two weeks in a row
00:33:53you guys left us
00:33:55So what's next
00:33:56for FTR?
00:33:57That's a great point
00:33:58Two weeks in a row
00:33:59you guys left us
00:34:01So what's next
00:34:02for FTR?
00:34:03That's a great point
00:34:04Two weeks in a row
00:34:05you guys left us
00:34:07So what's next
00:34:08for FTR?
00:34:09That's a great point
00:34:10Two weeks in a row
00:34:11you guys left us
00:34:13So what's next
00:34:14for FTR?
00:34:15That's a great point
00:34:16Two weeks in a row
00:34:17you guys left us
00:34:19So what's next
00:34:20for FTR?
00:34:21That's a great point
00:34:22Two weeks in a row
00:34:23you guys left us
00:34:25So what's next
00:34:26for FTR?
00:34:27That's a great point
00:34:28Two weeks in a row
00:34:29you guys left us
00:34:31So what's next
00:34:32for FTR?
00:34:33That's a great point
00:34:34Two weeks in a row
00:34:35you guys left us
00:34:37So what's next
00:34:38for FTR?
00:34:39That's a great point
00:34:40Two weeks in a row
00:34:41you guys left us
00:34:43So what's next
00:34:44for FTR?
00:34:45That's a great point
00:34:46Two weeks in a row
00:34:47you guys left us
00:34:49So what's next
00:34:50for FTR?
00:34:51That's a great point
00:34:52Two weeks in a row
00:34:53you guys left us
00:34:55So what's next
00:34:56for FTR?
00:34:57That's a great point
00:34:58Two weeks in a row
00:34:59you guys left us
00:35:01So what's next
00:35:02for FTR?
00:35:03That's a great point
00:35:04Two weeks in a row
00:35:05you guys left us
00:35:07So what's next
00:35:08for FTR?
00:35:09That's a great point
00:35:10Two weeks in a row
00:35:11you guys left us
00:35:13So what's next
00:35:14for FTR?
00:35:15That's a great point
00:35:16Two weeks in a row
00:35:17you guys left us
00:35:19So what's next
00:35:20for FTR?
00:35:21That's a great point
00:35:22Two weeks in a row
00:35:23you guys left us
00:35:25So what's next
00:35:26for FTR?
00:35:27That's a great point
00:35:28Two weeks in a row
00:35:29you guys left us
00:35:31So what's next
00:35:32for FTR?
00:35:33That's a great point
00:35:34Two weeks in a row
00:35:35you guys left us
00:35:37So what's next
00:35:38for FTR?
00:35:39That's a great point
00:35:40Two weeks in a row
00:35:41you guys left us
00:35:43So what's next
00:35:44for FTR?
00:35:45That's a great point
00:35:46Two weeks in a row
00:35:47you guys left us
00:35:49So what's next
00:35:50for FTR?
00:35:51That's a great point
00:35:52Two weeks in a row
00:35:53you guys left us
00:35:55So what's next
00:35:56for FTR?
00:35:57That's a great point
00:35:58Two weeks in a row
00:35:59you guys left us
00:36:01So what's next
00:36:02for FTR?
00:36:03That's a great point
00:36:04Two weeks in a row
00:36:05you guys left us
00:36:07So what's next
00:36:08for FTR?
00:36:09That's a great point
00:36:10Two weeks in a row
00:36:11you guys left us
00:36:13So what's next
00:36:14for FTR?
00:36:15That's a great point
00:36:16Two weeks in a row
00:36:17you guys left us
00:36:19So what's next
00:36:20for FTR?
00:36:21That's a great point
00:36:22Two weeks in a row
00:36:23you guys left us
00:36:25So what's next
00:36:26for FTR?
00:36:27That's a great point
00:36:28Two weeks in a row
00:36:29you guys left us
00:36:31So what's next
00:36:32for FTR?
00:36:33That's a great point
00:36:34Two weeks in a row
00:36:35you guys left us
00:36:37So what's next
00:36:38for FTR?
00:36:39That's a great point
00:36:40Two weeks in a row
00:36:41you guys left us
00:36:43So what's next
00:36:44for FTR?
00:36:45That's a great point
00:36:46Two weeks in a row
00:36:47you guys left us
00:36:49So what's next
00:36:50for FTR?
00:36:51That's a great point
00:36:52Two weeks in a row
00:36:53you guys left us
00:36:55So what's next
00:36:56for FTR?
00:36:57That's a great point
00:36:58Two weeks in a row
00:36:59you guys left us
00:37:01So what's next
00:37:02for FTR?
00:37:03That's a great point
00:37:04Two weeks in a row
00:37:05you guys left us
00:37:07So what's next
00:37:08for FTR?
00:37:09That's a great point
00:37:10Two weeks in a row
00:37:11you guys left us
00:37:13So what's next
00:37:14for FTR?
00:37:15That's a great point
00:37:16Two weeks in a row
00:37:17you guys left us
00:37:19So what's next
00:37:20for FTR?
00:37:21That's a great point
00:37:22Two weeks in a row
00:37:23you guys left us
00:37:25So what's next
00:37:26for FTR?
00:37:27That's a great point
00:37:28Two weeks in a row
00:37:29you guys left us
00:37:31So what's next
00:37:32for FTR?
00:37:33That's a great point
00:37:34Two weeks in a row
00:37:35you guys left us
00:37:37So what's next
00:37:38for FTR?
00:37:39That's a great point
00:37:40Two weeks in a row
00:37:41you guys left us
00:37:43So what's next
00:37:44for FTR?
00:37:45That's a great point
00:37:46Two weeks in a row
00:37:47you guys left us
00:37:49So what's next
00:37:50for FTR?
00:37:51That's a great point
00:37:52Two weeks in a row
00:37:53you guys left us
00:37:55So what's next
00:37:56for FTR?
00:37:57That's a great point
00:37:58Two weeks in a row
00:37:59you guys left us
00:38:01So what's next
00:38:02for FTR?
00:38:03That's a great point
00:38:04Two weeks in a row
00:38:05you guys left us
00:38:07So what's next
00:38:08for FTR?
00:38:09That's a great point
00:38:10Two weeks in a row
00:38:11you guys left us
00:38:13So what's next
00:38:14for FTR?
00:38:15That's a great point
00:38:16Two weeks in a row
00:38:17you guys left us
00:38:19So what's next
00:38:20for FTR?
00:38:21That's a great point
00:38:22Two weeks in a row
00:38:23you guys left us
00:38:25So what's next
00:38:26for FTR?
00:38:27That's a great point
00:38:28Two weeks in a row
00:38:29you guys left us
00:38:31So what's next
00:38:32for FTR?
00:38:33That's a great point
00:38:34Two weeks in a row
00:38:35you guys left us
00:38:37So what's next
00:38:38for FTR?
00:38:39That's a great point
00:38:40Two weeks in a row
00:38:41you guys left us
00:38:43So what's next
00:38:44for FTR?
00:38:45That's a great point
00:38:46Two weeks in a row
00:38:47you guys left us
00:38:49So what's next
00:38:50for FTR?
00:38:51That's a great point
00:38:52Two weeks in a row
00:38:53you guys left us
00:38:55So what's next
00:38:56for FTR?
00:38:57That's a great point
00:38:58Two weeks in a row
00:38:59you guys left us
00:39:01So what's next
00:39:02for FTR?
00:39:03That's a great point
00:39:04Two weeks in a row
00:39:05you guys left us
00:39:07So what's next
00:39:08for FTR?
00:39:09That's a great point
00:39:10Two weeks in a row
00:39:11you guys left us
00:39:13So what's next
00:39:14for FTR?
00:39:15That's a great point
00:39:16Two weeks in a row
00:39:17you guys left us
00:39:19So what's next
00:39:20for FTR?
00:39:21That's a great point
00:39:22Two weeks in a row
00:39:23you guys left us
00:39:25So what's next
00:39:26for FTR?
00:39:27That's a great point
00:39:28Two weeks in a row
00:39:29you guys left us
00:39:31So what's next
00:39:32for FTR?
00:39:33That's a great point
00:39:34Two weeks in a row
00:39:35you guys left us
00:39:37So what's next
00:39:38for FTR?
00:39:39That's a great point
00:39:40Two weeks in a row
00:39:41you guys left us
00:39:43So what's next
00:39:44for FTR?
00:39:45That's a great point
00:39:46Two weeks in a row
00:39:47you guys left us
00:39:49So what's next
00:39:50for FTR?
00:39:51That's a great point
00:39:52Two weeks in a row
00:39:53you guys left us
00:39:55So what's next
00:39:56for FTR?
00:39:57That's a great point
00:39:58Two weeks in a row
00:39:59you guys left us
00:40:01So what's next
00:40:02for FTR?
00:40:03That's a great point
00:40:04Two weeks in a row
00:40:05you guys left us
00:40:07So what's next
00:40:08for FTR?
00:40:09That's a great point
00:40:10Two weeks in a row
00:40:11you guys left us
00:40:13So what's next
00:40:14for FTR?
00:40:15That's a great point
00:40:16Two weeks in a row
00:40:17you guys left us
00:40:19So what's next
00:40:20for FTR?
00:40:21That's a great point
00:40:22Two weeks in a row
00:40:23you guys left us
00:40:25So what's next
00:40:26for FTR?
00:40:27That's a great point
00:40:28Two weeks in a row
00:40:29you guys left us
00:40:31So what's next
00:40:32for FTR?
00:40:33That's a great point
00:40:34Two weeks in a row
00:40:35you guys left us
00:40:37So what's next
00:40:38for FTR?
00:40:39That's a great point
00:40:40Two weeks in a row
00:40:41you guys left us
00:40:43So what's next
00:40:44for FTR?
00:40:45That's a great point
00:40:46Two weeks in a row
00:40:47you guys left us
00:40:49So what's next
00:40:50for FTR?
00:40:51That's a great point
00:40:52Two weeks in a row
00:40:53you guys left us
00:40:55So what's next
00:40:56for FTR?
00:40:57That's a great point
00:40:58Two weeks in a row
00:40:59you guys left us
00:41:01So what's next
00:41:02for FTR?
00:41:03That's a great point
00:41:04Two weeks in a row
00:41:05you guys left us
00:41:07So what's next
00:41:08for FTR?
00:41:09That's a great point
00:41:10Two weeks in a row
00:41:11you guys left us
00:41:13So what's next
00:41:14for FTR?
00:41:15That's a great point
00:41:16Two weeks in a row
00:41:17you guys left us
00:41:19So what's next
00:41:20for FTR?
00:41:21That's a great point
00:41:22Two weeks in a row
00:41:23you guys left us
00:41:25So what's next
00:41:26for FTR?
00:41:27That's a great point
00:41:28Two weeks in a row
00:41:29you guys left us
00:41:31So what's next
00:41:32for FTR?
00:41:33That's a great point
00:41:34Two weeks in a row
00:41:35you guys left us
00:41:37So what's next
00:41:38for FTR?
00:41:39That's a great point
00:41:40Two weeks in a row
00:41:41you guys left us
00:41:43So what's next
00:41:44for FTR?
00:41:45That's a great point
00:41:46Two weeks in a row
00:41:47you guys left us
00:41:49So what's next
00:41:50for FTR?
00:41:51That's a great point
00:41:52Two weeks in a row
00:41:53you guys left us
00:41:55So what's next
00:41:56for FTR?
00:41:57That's a great point
00:41:58Two weeks in a row
00:41:59you guys left us
00:42:01So what's next
00:42:02for FTR?
00:42:03That's a great point
00:42:04Two weeks in a row
00:42:05you guys left us
00:42:07So what's next
00:42:08for FTR?
00:42:09That's a great point
00:42:10Two weeks in a row
00:42:11you guys left us
00:42:13So what's next
00:42:14for FTR?
00:42:15That's a great point
00:42:16Two weeks in a row
00:42:17you guys left us
00:42:19So what's next
00:42:20for FTR?
00:42:21That's a great point
00:42:22Two weeks in a row
00:42:23you guys left us
00:42:25So what's next
00:42:26for FTR?
00:42:27That's a great point
00:42:28Two weeks in a row
00:42:29you guys left us
00:42:31So what's next
00:42:32for FTR?
00:42:33That's a great point
00:42:34Two weeks in a row
00:42:35you guys left us
00:42:37So what's next
00:42:38for FTR?
00:42:39That's a great point
00:42:40Two weeks in a row
00:42:41you guys left us
00:42:43So what's next
00:42:44for FTR?
00:42:45That's a great point
00:42:46Two weeks in a row
00:42:47you guys left us
00:42:49So what's next
00:42:50for FTR?
00:42:51That's a great point
00:42:52Two weeks in a row
00:42:53you guys left us
00:42:55So what's next
00:42:56for FTR?
00:42:57That's a great point
00:42:58Two weeks in a row
00:42:59you guys left us
00:43:01So what's next
00:43:02for FTR?
00:43:03That's a great point
00:43:04Two weeks in a row
00:43:05you guys left us
00:43:07So what's next
00:43:08for FTR?
00:43:09That's a great point
00:43:10Two weeks in a row
00:43:11you guys left us
00:43:13So what's next
00:43:14for FTR?
00:43:15That's a great point
00:43:16Two weeks in a row
00:43:17you guys left us
00:43:19So what's next
00:43:20for FTR?
00:43:21That's a great point
00:43:22Two weeks in a row
00:43:23you guys left us
00:43:25So what's next
00:43:26for FTR?
00:43:27That's a great point
00:43:28Two weeks in a row
00:43:29you guys left us
00:43:31So what's next
00:43:32for FTR?
00:43:33That's a great point
00:43:34Two weeks in a row
00:43:35you guys left us
00:43:37So what's next
00:43:38for FTR?
00:43:39That's a great point
00:43:40Two weeks in a row
00:43:41you guys left us
00:43:43So what's next
00:43:44for FTR?
00:43:45That's a great point
00:43:46Two weeks in a row
00:43:47you guys left us
00:43:49So what's next
00:43:50for FTR?
00:43:51That's a great point
00:43:52Two weeks in a row
00:43:53you guys left us
00:43:55So what's next
00:43:56for FTR?
00:43:57That's a great point
00:43:58Two weeks in a row
00:43:59you guys left us
00:44:01So what's next
00:44:02for FTR?
00:44:03That's a great point
00:44:04Two weeks in a row
00:44:05you guys left us
00:44:07So what's next
00:44:08for FTR?
00:44:09That's a great point
00:44:10Two weeks in a row
00:44:11you guys left us
00:44:13So what's next
00:44:14for FTR?
00:44:15That's a great point
00:44:16Two weeks in a row
00:44:17you guys left us
00:44:19So what's next
00:44:20for FTR?
00:44:21That's a great point
00:44:22Two weeks in a row
00:44:23you guys left us
00:44:25So what's next
00:44:26for FTR?
00:44:27That's a great point
00:44:28Two weeks in a row
00:44:29you guys left us
00:44:31So what's next
00:44:32for FTR?
00:44:33That's a great point
00:44:34Two weeks in a row
00:44:35you guys left us
00:44:37So what's next
00:44:38for FTR?
00:44:39That's a great point
00:44:40Two weeks in a row
00:44:41you guys left us
00:44:43So what's next
00:44:44for FTR?
00:44:45That's a great point
00:44:46Two weeks in a row
00:44:47you guys left us
00:44:49So what's next
00:44:50for FTR?
00:44:51That's a great point
00:44:52Two weeks in a row
00:44:53you guys left us
00:44:55So what's next
00:44:56for FTR?
00:44:57That's a great point
00:44:58Two weeks in a row
00:44:59you guys left us
00:45:01So what's next
00:45:02for FTR?
00:45:03That's a great point
00:45:04Two weeks in a row
00:45:05you guys left us
00:45:07So what's next
00:45:08for FTR?
00:45:09That's a great point
00:45:10Two weeks in a row
00:45:11you guys left us
00:45:13So what's next
00:45:14for FTR?
00:45:15That's a great point
00:45:16Two weeks in a row
00:45:17you guys left us
00:45:19So what's next
00:45:20for FTR?
00:45:21That's a great point
00:45:22Two weeks in a row
00:45:23you guys left us
00:45:25So what's next
00:45:26for FTR?
00:45:27That's a great point
00:45:28Two weeks in a row
00:45:29you guys left us
00:45:31So what's next
00:45:32for FTR?
00:45:33That's a great point
00:45:34Two weeks in a row
00:45:35you guys left us
00:45:37So what's next
00:45:38for FTR?
00:45:39That's a great point
00:45:40Two weeks in a row
00:45:41you guys left us
00:45:43So what's next
00:45:44for FTR?
00:45:45That's a great point
00:45:46Two weeks in a row
00:45:47you guys left us
00:45:49So what's next
00:45:50for FTR?
00:45:51That's a great point
00:45:52Two weeks in a row
00:45:53you guys left us
00:45:55So what's next
00:45:56for FTR?
00:45:57That's a great point
00:45:58Two weeks in a row
00:45:59you guys left us
00:46:01So what's next
00:46:02for FTR?
00:46:03That's a great point
00:46:04Two weeks in a row
00:46:05you guys left us
00:46:07So what's next
00:46:08for FTR?
00:46:09That's a great point
00:46:10Two weeks in a row
00:46:11you guys left us
00:46:13So what's next
00:46:14for FTR?
00:46:15That's a great point
00:46:16Two weeks in a row
00:46:17you guys left us
00:46:19So what's next
00:46:20for FTR?
00:46:21That's a great point
00:46:22Two weeks in a row
00:46:23you guys left us
00:46:25So what's next
00:46:26for FTR?
00:46:27That's a great point
00:46:28Two weeks in a row
00:46:29you guys left us
00:46:31So what's next
00:46:32for FTR?
00:46:33That's a great point
00:46:34Two weeks in a row
00:46:35you guys left us
00:46:37So what's next
00:46:38for FTR?
00:46:39That's a great point
00:46:40Two weeks in a row
00:46:41you guys left us
00:46:43So what's next
00:46:44for FTR?
00:46:45That's a great point
00:46:46Two weeks in a row
00:46:47you guys left us
00:46:49So what's next
00:46:50for FTR?
00:46:51That's a great point
00:46:52Two weeks in a row
00:46:53you guys left us
00:46:55So what's next
00:46:56for FTR?
00:46:57That's a great point
00:46:58Two weeks in a row
00:46:59you guys left us
00:47:01So what's next
00:47:02for FTR?
00:47:03That's a great point
00:47:04Two weeks in a row
00:47:05you guys left us
00:47:07So what's next
00:47:08for FTR?
00:47:09That's a great point
00:47:10Two weeks in a row
00:47:11you guys left us
00:47:13So what's next
00:47:14for FTR?
00:47:15That's a great point
00:47:16Two weeks in a row
00:47:17you guys left us
00:47:19So what's next
00:47:20for FTR?
00:47:21That's a great point
00:47:22Two weeks in a row
00:47:23you guys left us
00:47:25So what's next
00:47:26for FTR?
00:47:27That's a great point
00:47:28Two weeks in a row
00:47:29you guys left us
00:47:31So what's next
00:47:32for FTR?
00:47:33That's a great point
00:47:34Two weeks in a row
00:47:35you guys left us
00:47:37So what's next
00:47:38for FTR?
00:47:39That's a great point
00:47:40Two weeks in a row
00:47:41you guys left us
00:47:43So what's next
00:47:44for FTR?
00:47:45That's a great point
00:47:46Two weeks in a row
00:47:47you guys left us
00:47:49So what's next
00:47:50for FTR?
00:47:51That's a great point
00:47:52Two weeks in a row
00:47:53you guys left us
00:47:55So what's next
00:47:56for FTR?
00:47:57That's a great point
00:47:58Two weeks in a row
00:47:59you guys left us
00:48:01So what's next
00:48:02for FTR?
00:48:03That's a great point
00:48:04Two weeks in a row
00:48:05you guys left us
00:48:07So what's next
00:48:08for FTR?
00:48:09That's a great point
00:48:10Two weeks in a row
00:48:11you guys left us
00:48:13So what's next
00:48:14for FTR?
00:48:15That's a great point
00:48:16Two weeks in a row
00:48:17you guys left us
00:48:19So what's next
00:48:20for FTR?
00:48:21That's a great point
00:48:22Two weeks in a row
00:48:23you guys left us
00:48:25So what's next
00:48:26for FTR?
00:48:27That's a great point
00:48:28Two weeks in a row
00:48:29you guys left us
00:48:31So what's next
00:48:32for FTR?
00:48:33That's a great point
00:48:34Two weeks in a row
00:48:35you guys left us
00:48:37So what's next
00:48:38for FTR?
00:48:39That's a great point
00:48:40Two weeks in a row
00:48:41you guys left us
00:48:43So what's next
00:48:44for FTR?
00:48:45That's a great point
00:48:46Two weeks in a row
00:48:47you guys left us
00:48:49So what's next
00:48:50for FTR?
00:48:51That's a great point
00:48:52Two weeks in a row
00:48:53you guys left us
00:48:55So what's next
00:48:56for FTR?
00:48:57That's a great point
00:48:58Two weeks in a row
00:48:59you guys left us
00:49:01So what's next
00:49:02for FTR?
00:49:03That's a great point
00:49:04Two weeks in a row
00:49:05you guys left us
00:49:07So what's next
00:49:08for FTR?
00:49:09That's a great point
00:49:10Two weeks in a row
00:49:11you guys left us
00:49:13So what's next
00:49:14for FTR?
00:49:15That's a great point
00:49:16Two weeks in a row
00:49:17you guys left us
00:49:19So what's next
00:49:20for FTR?
00:49:21That's a great point
00:49:22Two weeks in a row
00:49:23you guys left us
00:49:25So what's next
00:49:26for FTR?
00:49:27That's a great point
00:49:28Two weeks in a row
00:49:29you guys left us
00:49:31So what's next
00:49:32for FTR?
00:49:33That's a great point
00:49:34Two weeks in a row
00:49:35you guys left us
00:49:37So what's next
00:49:38for FTR?
00:49:39That's a great point
00:49:40Two weeks in a row
00:49:41you guys left us
00:49:43So what's next
00:49:44for FTR?
00:49:45That's a great point
00:49:46Two weeks in a row
00:49:47you guys left us
00:49:49So what's next
00:49:50for FTR?
00:49:51That's a great point
00:49:52Two weeks in a row
00:49:53you guys left us
00:49:55So what's next
00:49:56for FTR?
00:49:57That's a great point
00:49:58Two weeks in a row
00:49:59you guys left us
00:50:01So what's next
00:50:02for FTR?
00:50:03That's a great point
00:50:04Two weeks in a row
00:50:05you guys left us
00:50:07So what's next
00:50:08for FTR?
00:50:09That's a great point
00:50:10Two weeks in a row
00:50:11you guys left us
00:50:13So what's next
00:50:14for FTR?
00:50:15That's a great point
00:50:16Two weeks in a row
00:50:17you guys left us
00:50:19So what's next
00:50:20for FTR?
00:50:21That's a great point
00:50:22Two weeks in a row
00:50:23you guys left us
00:50:25So what's next
00:50:26for FTR?
00:50:27That's a great point
00:50:28Two weeks in a row
00:50:29you guys left us
00:50:31So what's next
00:50:32for FTR?
00:50:33That's a great point
00:50:34Two weeks in a row
00:50:35you guys left us
00:50:37So what's next
00:50:38for FTR?
00:50:39That's a great point
00:50:40Two weeks in a row
00:50:41you guys left us
00:50:43So what's next
00:50:44for FTR?
00:50:45That's a great point
00:50:46Two weeks in a row
00:50:47you guys left us
00:50:49So what's next
00:50:50for FTR?
00:50:51That's a great point
00:50:52Two weeks in a row
00:50:53you guys left us
00:50:55So what's next
00:50:56for FTR?
00:50:57That's a great point
00:50:58Two weeks in a row
00:50:59you guys left us
00:51:01So what's next
00:51:02for FTR?
00:51:03That's a great point
00:51:04Two weeks in a row
00:51:05you guys left us
00:51:07So what's next
00:51:08for FTR?
00:51:09That's a great point
00:51:10Two weeks in a row
00:51:11you guys left us
00:51:13So what's next
00:51:14for FTR?
00:51:15That's a great point
00:51:16Two weeks in a row
00:51:17you guys left us
00:51:19So what's next
00:51:20for FTR?
00:51:21That's a great point
00:51:22Two weeks in a row
00:51:23you guys left us
00:51:25So what's next
00:51:26for FTR?
00:51:27That's a great point
00:51:28Two weeks in a row
00:51:29you guys left us
00:51:31So what's next
00:51:32for FTR?
00:51:33That's a great point
00:51:34Two weeks in a row
00:51:35you guys left us
00:51:37So what's next
00:51:38for FTR?
00:51:39That's a great point
00:51:40Two weeks in a row
00:51:41you guys left us
00:51:43So what's next
00:51:44for FTR?
00:51:45That's a great point
00:51:46Two weeks in a row
00:51:47you guys left us
00:51:49So what's next
00:51:50for FTR?
00:51:51That's a great point
00:51:52Two weeks in a row
00:51:53you guys left us
00:51:55So what's next
00:51:56for FTR?
00:51:57That's a great point
00:51:58Two weeks in a row
00:51:59you guys left us
00:52:01So what's next
00:52:02for FTR?
00:52:03That's a great point
00:52:04Two weeks in a row
00:52:05you guys left us
00:52:07So what's next
00:52:08for FTR?
00:52:09That's a great point
00:52:10Two weeks in a row
00:52:11you guys left us
00:52:13So what's next
00:52:14for FTR?
00:52:15That's a great point
00:52:16Two weeks in a row
00:52:17you guys left us
00:52:19So what's next
00:52:20for FTR?
00:52:21That's a great point
00:52:22Two weeks in a row
00:52:23you guys left us
00:52:25So what's next
00:52:26for FTR?
00:52:27That's a great point
00:52:28Two weeks in a row
00:52:29you guys left us
00:52:31So what's next
00:52:32for FTR?
00:52:33That's a great point
00:52:34Two weeks in a row
00:52:35you guys left us
00:52:37So what's next
00:52:38for FTR?
00:52:39That's a great point
00:52:40Two weeks in a row
00:52:41you guys left us
00:52:43So what's next
00:52:44for FTR?
00:52:45That's a great point
00:52:46Two weeks in a row
00:52:47you guys left us
00:52:49So what's next
00:52:50for FTR?
00:52:51That's a great point
00:52:52Two weeks in a row
00:52:53you guys left us
00:52:55So what's next
00:52:56for FTR?
00:52:57That's a great point
00:52:58Two weeks in a row
00:52:59you guys left us
00:53:01So what's next
00:53:02for FTR?
00:53:03That's a great point
00:53:04Two weeks in a row
00:53:05you guys left us
00:53:07So what's next
00:53:08for FTR?
00:53:09That's a great point
00:53:10Two weeks in a row
00:53:11you guys left us
00:53:13So what's next
00:53:14for FTR?
00:53:15That's a great point
00:53:16Two weeks in a row
00:53:17you guys left us
00:53:19So what's next
00:53:20for FTR?
00:53:21That's a great point
00:53:22Two weeks in a row
00:53:23you guys left us
00:53:25So what's next
00:53:26for FTR?
00:53:27That's a great point
00:53:28Two weeks in a row
00:53:29you guys left us
00:53:31So what's next
00:53:32for FTR?
00:53:33That's a great point
00:53:34Two weeks in a row
00:53:35you guys left us
00:53:37So what's next
00:53:38for FTR?
00:53:39That's a great point
00:53:40Two weeks in a row
00:53:41you guys left us
00:53:43So what's next
00:53:44for FTR?
00:53:45That's a great point
00:53:46Two weeks in a row
00:53:47you guys left us
00:53:49So what's next
00:53:50for FTR?
00:53:51That's a great point
00:53:52Two weeks in a row
00:53:53you guys left us
00:53:55So what's next
00:53:56for FTR?
00:53:57That's a great point
00:53:58Two weeks in a row
00:53:59you guys left us
00:54:01So what's next
00:54:02for FTR?
00:54:03That's a great point
00:54:04Two weeks in a row
00:54:05you guys left us
00:54:07So what's next
00:54:08for FTR?
00:54:09That's a great point
00:54:10Two weeks in a row
00:54:11you guys left us
00:54:13So what's next
00:54:14for FTR?
00:54:15That's a great point
00:54:16Two weeks in a row
00:54:17you guys left us
00:54:19So what's next
00:54:20for FTR?
00:54:21That's a great point
00:54:22Two weeks in a row
00:54:23you guys left us
00:54:25So what's next
00:54:26for FTR?
00:54:27That's a great point
00:54:28Two weeks in a row
00:54:29you guys left us
00:54:31So what's next
00:54:32for FTR?
00:54:33That's a great point
00:54:34Two weeks in a row
00:54:35you guys left us
00:54:37So what's next
00:54:38for FTR?
00:54:39That's a great point
00:54:40Two weeks in a row
00:54:41you guys left us
00:54:43So what's next
00:54:44for FTR?
00:54:45That's a great point
00:54:46Two weeks in a row
00:54:47you guys left us
00:54:49So what's next
00:54:50for FTR?
00:54:51That's a great point
00:54:52Two weeks in a row
00:54:53you guys left us
00:54:55So what's next
00:54:56for FTR?
00:54:57That's a great point
00:54:58Two weeks in a row
00:54:59you guys left us
00:55:01So what's next
00:55:02for FTR?
00:55:03That's a great point
00:55:04Two weeks in a row
00:55:05you guys left us
00:55:07So what's next
00:55:08for FTR?
00:55:09That's a great point
00:55:10Two weeks in a row
00:55:11you guys left us
00:55:13So what's next
00:55:14for FTR?
00:55:15That's a great point
00:55:16Two weeks in a row
00:55:17you guys left us
00:55:19So what's next
00:55:20for FTR?
00:55:21That's a great point
00:55:22Two weeks in a row
00:55:23you guys left us
00:55:25So what's next
00:55:26for FTR?
00:55:27That's a great point
00:55:28Two weeks in a row
00:55:29you guys left us
00:55:31So what's next
00:55:32for FTR?
00:55:33That's a great point
00:55:34Two weeks in a row
00:55:35you guys left us
00:55:37So what's next
00:55:38for FTR?
00:55:39That's a great point
00:55:40Two weeks in a row
00:55:41you guys left us
00:55:43So what's next
00:55:44for FTR?
00:55:45That's a great point
00:55:46Two weeks in a row
00:55:47you guys left us
00:55:49So what's next
00:55:50for FTR?
00:55:51That's a great point
00:55:52Two weeks in a row
00:55:53you guys left us
00:55:55So what's next
00:55:56for FTR?
00:55:57That's a great point
00:55:58Two weeks in a row
00:55:59you guys left us
00:56:01So what's next
00:56:02for FTR?
00:56:03That's a great point
00:56:04Two weeks in a row
00:56:05you guys left us
00:56:07So what's next
00:56:08for FTR?
00:56:09That's a great point
00:56:10Two weeks in a row
00:56:11you guys left us
00:56:13So what's next
00:56:14for FTR?
00:56:15That's a great point
00:56:16Two weeks in a row
00:56:17you guys left us
00:56:19So what's next
00:56:20for FTR?
00:56:21That's a great point
00:56:22Two weeks in a row
00:56:23you guys left us
00:56:25So what's next
00:56:26for FTR?
00:56:27That's a great point
00:56:28Two weeks in a row
00:56:29you guys left us
00:56:31So what's next
00:56:32for FTR?
00:56:33That's a great point
00:56:34Two weeks in a row
00:56:35you guys left us
00:56:37So what's next
00:56:38for FTR?
00:56:39That's a great point
00:56:40Two weeks in a row
00:56:41you guys left us
00:56:43So what's next
00:56:44for FTR?
00:56:45That's a great point
00:56:46Two weeks in a row
00:56:47you guys left us
00:56:49So what's next
00:56:50for FTR?
00:56:51That's a great point
00:56:52Two weeks in a row
00:56:53you guys left us
00:56:55So what's next
00:56:56for FTR?
00:56:57That's a great point
00:56:58Two weeks in a row
00:56:59you guys left us
00:57:01So what's next
00:57:02for FTR?
00:57:03That's a great point
00:57:04Two weeks in a row
00:57:05you guys left us
00:57:07So what's next
00:57:08for FTR?
00:57:09That's a great point
00:57:10Two weeks in a row
00:57:11you guys left us
00:57:13So what's next
00:57:14for FTR?
00:57:15That's a great point
00:57:16Two weeks in a row
00:57:17you guys left us
00:57:19So what's next
00:57:20for FTR?
00:57:21That's a great point
00:57:22Two weeks in a row
00:57:23you guys left us
00:57:25So what's next
00:57:26for FTR?
00:57:27That's a great point
00:57:28Two weeks in a row
00:57:29you guys left us
00:57:31So what's next
00:57:32for FTR?
00:57:33That's a great point
00:57:34Two weeks in a row
00:57:35you guys left us
00:57:37So what's next
00:57:38for FTR?
00:57:39That's a great point
00:57:40Two weeks in a row
00:57:41you guys left us
00:57:43So what's next
00:57:44for FTR?
00:57:45That's a great point
00:57:46Two weeks in a row
00:57:47you guys left us
00:57:49So what's next
00:57:50for FTR?
00:57:51That's a great point
00:57:52Two weeks in a row
00:57:53you guys left us
00:57:55So what's next
00:57:56for FTR?
00:57:57That's a great point
00:57:58Two weeks in a row
00:57:59you guys left us
00:58:01So what's next
00:58:02for FTR?
00:58:03That's a great point
00:58:04for FTR?
00:58:05That's a great point
00:58:06for FTR?
00:58:07That's a great point
00:58:08for FTR?
00:58:09That's a great point
00:58:10for FTR?
00:58:11That's a great point
00:58:12for FTR?
00:58:13That's a great point
00:58:14for FTR?
00:58:15That's a great point
00:58:16for FTR?
00:58:17That's a great point
00:58:18for FTR?
00:58:19That's a great point
00:58:20for FTR?
00:58:21That's a great point
00:58:22for FTR?
00:58:23That's a great point
00:58:24for FTR?
00:58:25That's a great point
00:58:26for FTR?
00:58:27That's a great point
00:58:28for FTR?
00:58:29That's a great point
00:58:30for FTR?
00:58:31That's a great point
00:58:32for FTR?
00:58:33That's a great point
00:58:34for FTR?
00:58:35That's a great point
00:58:36for FTR?
00:58:37That's a great point
00:58:38for FTR?
00:58:39That's a great point
00:58:40for FTR?
00:58:41That's a great point
00:58:42for FTR?
00:58:43That's a great point
00:58:44for FTR?
00:58:45That's a great point
00:58:46for FTR?
00:58:47That's a great point
00:58:48for FTR?
00:58:49That's a great point
00:58:50for FTR?
00:58:51That's a great point
00:58:52for FTR?
00:58:53That's a great point
00:58:54for FTR?
00:58:55That's a great point
00:58:56for FTR?
00:58:57That's a great point
00:58:58for FTR?
00:58:59That's a great point
00:59:00for FTR?
00:59:01That's a great point
00:59:02for FTR?
00:59:03That's a great point
00:59:04for FTR?
00:59:05That's a great point
00:59:06for FTR?
00:59:07That's a great point
00:59:08for FTR?
00:59:09That's a great point
00:59:10for FTR?
00:59:11That's a great point
00:59:12for FTR?
00:59:13That's a great point
00:59:14for FTR?
00:59:15That's a great point
00:59:16for FTR?
00:59:17That's a great point
00:59:18for FTR?
00:59:19That's a great point
00:59:20for FTR?
00:59:21That's a great point
00:59:22for FTR?
00:59:23That's a great point
00:59:24for FTR?
00:59:25That's a great point
00:59:26for FTR?
00:59:27That's a great point
00:59:28for FTR?
00:59:29That's a great point
00:59:30for FTR?
00:59:31That's a great point
00:59:32for FTR?
00:59:33That's a great point
00:59:34for FTR?
00:59:35That's a great point
00:59:36for FTR?
00:59:37That's a great point
00:59:38for FTR?
00:59:39That's a great point
00:59:40for FTR?
00:59:41That's a great point
00:59:42for FTR?
00:59:43That's a great point
00:59:44for FTR?
00:59:45That's a great point
00:59:46for FTR?
00:59:47That's a great point
00:59:48for FTR?
00:59:49That's a great point
00:59:50for FTR?
00:59:51That's a great point
00:59:52for FTR?
00:59:53That's a great point
00:59:54for FTR?
00:59:55That's a great point
00:59:56for FTR?
00:59:57That's a great point
00:59:58for FTR?
00:59:59That's a great point
01:00:00for FTR?
01:00:01That's a great point
01:00:02for FTR?
01:00:03That's a great point
01:00:04for FTR?
01:00:05That's a great point
01:00:06for FTR?
01:00:07That's a great point
01:00:08for FTR?
01:00:09That's a great point
01:00:10for FTR?
01:00:11That's a great point
01:00:12for FTR?
01:00:13That's a great point
01:00:14for FTR?
01:00:15That's a great point
01:00:16for FTR?
01:00:17That's a great point
01:00:18for FTR?
01:00:19That's a great point
01:00:20for FTR?
01:00:21That's a great point
01:00:22for FTR?
01:00:23That's a great point
01:00:24for FTR?
