Short filmTranscript
00:00Don't worry about Daniel.
00:02He's not going to be living here anymore, so you won't see him.
00:06And who's going to vaccinate me now?
00:08I'll do it.
00:10I'm not as good as him, but I'll do it with pleasure.
00:13Thank you, aunt. You are good.
00:16Your mom and Daniel are too.
00:18No, they are bad.
00:20And I need you to help me to separate them.
00:23I don't want them to see each other again.
00:25I don't want them to kiss each other again.
00:27I wish I could.
00:29I would love to have a magic wand
00:32and erase everything that happened.
00:34Everything that's between them.
00:36Then you can't help me.
00:40Well, I'm here to say goodbye.
00:43Maca, be good, okay?
00:45You too, be good.
00:48Let Daniel love my dad again.
00:50My love, I wish you could understand me.
00:53I don't want to understand you!
00:55I just want you to love my dad!
00:58My child.
01:04Take good care of her, please, Lucia.
01:06We'll take good care of her. Have a good trip.
01:12Hello, how are you? Good morning.
01:14Do you already have a reservation?
01:16No, I don't know if Mr. Uriarte has already made it.
01:20Gonzalo Uriarte.
01:22Gonzalo, no, I don't have a reservation for that name.
01:25And in the name of Federico Mendes?
01:28But if you like, can I assign you a table for two?
01:32In the name of who would it be?
01:33Federico Mendes.
01:34Perfect, Mr. Mendes. Come in, please.
01:46Is Mrs. Renata here?
01:48No, from whom?
01:50Did she go to the gallery?
01:52I don't know how to tell you.
01:54You don't know if she went on a trip?
01:57I'm sorry, but I can't give you any information.
02:07I brought you a coffee and a sweet bread.
02:10I already found out that Barbara and you left all the breakfast, Dad.
02:14I don't have an appetite, daughter.
02:16I've had a stomach ache since last night.
02:20And I can't get rid of it.
02:23It's the worry.
02:25It's the worry and the helplessness of not being able to do anything
02:29to prevent this family from falling apart.
02:34Can you imagine how your sister Rosamaria will feel
02:38when she finds out that your son took the woman from her?
02:42Of course I can imagine.
02:44And I'm as distressed as you are, Dad.
02:46This is terrible, daughter.
02:50And what are you doing here?
02:52I told you to go to the hotel
02:54and not to set foot in this house again.
02:57Gonzalo suffered another heart attack.
03:00Barbara just told me.
03:01It seems to be very serious.
03:03And they don't know if they will be able to get him out.
03:05Thank God.
03:08That's all I needed.
03:10My dad scolded me.
03:12He told me that if I helped you escape,
03:14he would give me a good beating.
03:16I'm not going to escape anymore.
03:18But I'm going to leave here.
03:20I'm going to call my dad to come get me.
03:23But I need his number.
03:25How are you going to get it?
03:26I think Grandpa has all the numbers on his office schedule.
03:30And aren't you afraid to tell your dad
03:32that you saw your mom kissing young Daniel?
03:35Why should I be afraid?
03:37Well, what if he gets angry and doesn't want your mom anymore?
03:41He's the one who leaves you and her.
03:44And what you want is for them to be together, right?
03:48So think about whether you're going to tell him
03:50or tell him that you want to leave here.
03:54Are you sure, Rita?
03:56Very sure.
03:57Young Daniel packed all his things and went to live at the hotel.
04:02Did he run away from the house or from the packer?
04:05Well, I don't know so much.
04:07The only thing I can tell you
04:09is that young Daniel is not going to live here anymore.
04:12That means they're still together.
04:16And they didn't care that Maca found them.
04:22Of course he suspects me.
04:24Otherwise, he wouldn't have told me
04:25that I'm the first to do the polygraph test.
04:28It's not going to do anything to you, Brenda.
04:29A dog that barks doesn't bite.
04:30It's just intimidating you.
04:32And it's doing it.
04:33Well, I hope you don't meet his threat.
04:35Because I can't lie to a lie detector.
04:38I can't lie. I can't.
04:41Look, Brenda.
04:42You're not going to do it.
04:43Try to understand.
04:44Especially now that time is coming
04:46with the change of the campaign we did.
04:48The last thing he's going to think about
04:49is who he took those pictures with.
04:51Come on, don't be ridiculous.
04:53Well, that's what I'm waiting for, Adrián.
04:55Because I remind you that if I fall,
04:57you fall too.
05:00Let's continue with the first four shots
05:02until 27A.
05:04Let the production know.
05:05Come on, see you later.
05:07Victor, do you have a signal?
05:10Not in the hotel, not anywhere.
05:11I already asked all the guys and no one has it.
05:13But do you need anything?
05:14Can I go get a stationery store, a coffee shop?
05:16No, no, no, no, no.
05:17No, don't worry.
05:18Hey, you've been a great help.
05:21Well, don't worry.
05:22I love my job.
05:29I want to tell you something.
05:31Last night I was talking to Triana
05:35she feels that her accident was caused.
05:39Brenda, that's not going to happen, okay?
05:40Don't worry.
05:41No, don't worry.
05:42Not only because of the change of times
05:44we did with the campaign,
05:45but because I would have to do the polygraph test
05:47to all the production of the photos.
05:49And it's a fortune.
05:50I would have to pay for it from his pocket.
05:52No, wait, but he doesn't care about that.
05:53What he cares about is getting to the bottom of the matter.
05:55Yes, getting to the bottom.
05:56To the bottom of his career in Mexico.
05:59Because apart from that,
06:00the times we have scheduled for the campaign
06:02are not going to give him.
06:04He's going to rot.
06:05Like an idiot.
06:06And everyone is going to find out.
06:07The plan is perfect.
06:08That's it.
06:09In that, you did very well to change the dates.
06:12And besides, no one has suspected anything.
06:13No one...
06:14No one suspects it was you.
06:17That's the difference, Brenda.
06:20From an executive who has earned things
06:22based on sweat and effort.
06:23And a junior, good for nothing,
06:25who knows nothing.
06:27It's okay, it's okay.
06:28I'm going to be an optimist like you.
06:32But the truth is that...
06:35Sebastian does manage to intimidate me.
06:37Trust me, Brenda.
06:38You've never been wrong.
06:40Together we are going to get out of this.
06:45So she also suspects it?
06:49There are people who,
06:50on the day of the accident,
06:52saw a man put some cones on an electric ladder.
06:54And the ladder wasn't even broken.
06:56Then he fell and broke his foot.
07:00I'm telling you, there's a black hand here.
07:02And Adriana and Brenda are in cahoots.
07:05But the problem is the same.
07:06We have no way of proving it.
07:08There will be a way, but hey.
07:16Look, I'm with the stylist,
07:17I'm not understanding myself.
07:19She's bringing me some colors
07:20that don't go with my skin tone.
07:22Then the designs, not with my body either.
07:24So I think it would be best
07:26if you could go with me
07:27and you give me what's in my looks.
07:29Look, I'm not going to go with you to anything.
07:30I'm not in charge of that.
07:31That, please, see it with Henry.
07:34And please, don't overdo it.
07:36Try to keep this professional.
07:38I don't want any misunderstandings.
07:41Excuse me.
07:43See you.
07:50See you.
08:04How is my dad?
08:07Very serious.
08:08Is he going to die?
08:10Mr. Gonzalo doesn't have much time left.
08:13No, doctor.
08:14Don't tell us that, please.
08:15My dad has to recover.
08:17He can't die.
08:18I'm sorry, but his heart can't take it anymore.
08:20In fact, I'm surprised
08:22that the heart attack wasn't so fulminant.
08:25What's next, doctor?
08:28Prepare to say goodbye to Mr. Gonzalo, ma'am.
08:32My God, please.
08:35Please, my God.
08:37You can do anything.
08:39Please do the miracle
08:41and keep my dad alive.
08:43I beg you.
08:48I don't want him to die.
08:50Please, I don't want to.
08:51I don't want to.
08:56I'll do anything you want.
09:00Doctor, please.
09:01Please, I want to see my dad.
09:03I don't care.
09:04I don't care if he's unconscious.
09:05I need to tell him to hold on to life.
09:07Please, he can't leave us.
09:09I beg you.
09:13Another heart attack?
09:16Jesus told me
09:17and I'm on my way to the hospital right now.
09:20How bad is he?
09:21Bad, very bad.
09:23I'm sorry, Ana.
09:25Please, let me know if anything happens.
09:26Yes, yes, honey.
09:27I'll let you know.
09:41Hi, it's Fatima.
09:42Leave your message
09:43and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
09:46Ana just told me about your dad.
09:49I'm really sorry.
09:51As soon as I get out of work,
09:52I'll go to the hospital.
10:03what happened?
10:05What were my dad and you talking about
10:06when he had the heart attack?
10:07Please tell me.
10:08Did you argue?
10:10Did you give him any bad news?
10:11What happened?
10:12No, no, no.
10:13As I told Pablo and Jesus,
10:15he was leaving
10:16when I entered the office.
10:19I saw him vanish.
10:20I was frozen, daughter.
10:22I was so impressed
10:23that I couldn't react.
10:25It was horrible
10:26to see him lying there on the floor.
10:28I agree with Fatima.
10:29Something must have upset him
10:31so that he had another heart attack.
10:35nothing has to happen
10:36for you to have a heart attack.
10:37A heart attack only occurs...
10:41Sorry, I had to take this call.
10:50I want to see him.
10:53I want to see my children.
10:54Don't talk.
10:55It's not good for you to make an effort.
10:57Yes, but please, I want to see them.
10:59I want to see them all.
11:00I don't have much time left.
11:02I'm going to talk to Dr. Mendiola
11:03to see if he allows you to see them.
11:07I just want to see them.
11:10No one else.
11:11That's right.
11:14Pablo, and Fatima.
11:17That's right, Mr. Uriarte.
11:19But please,
11:20try to stay calm.
11:22Yes, thank you.
11:24I just want to see them.
11:28When did he have the heart attack?
11:30I guess
11:31when he was going out to see you.
11:33I was in my room
11:34when Jesusa yelled at me
11:35to let me know
11:36that he was unconscious.
11:38You don't know how sorry I am.
11:41I was very interested
11:42in clarifying things with him.
11:44And I had the impression
11:45that he wanted to do the same.
11:47Maybe he won't be able to anymore
11:49because Gonzalo is very serious.
11:51I just hope that his lover
11:53doesn't have the nerve
11:54to show up here at the hospital.
11:56His lover?
12:00Yesterday I found out
12:01that Gonzalo has another woman.
12:03We argued about that.
12:04You went out for dinner
12:05and he found out
12:06that he had seen you again.
12:08That's probably why he was looking for you.
12:09That must be it.
12:12I'm very sorry
12:13for what's happening
12:14to you and your family.
12:16Thank you, Federico.
12:18Please keep me informed.
12:20Of course.
12:22Have you thought about
12:24what you're going to do
12:25about Barbara?
12:27Have you made a decision?
12:29Since you told me,
12:30I haven't had a moment of peace.
12:32And I still don't know
12:33what's best.
12:35If meeting her
12:37or letting her live
12:38her life as it is now.
12:41Well, Greta,
12:43I don't think it's the time
12:44to talk about that.
12:46Yes, you're right.
12:53Don Gonzalo wants to see his children.
12:56So he's conscious?
12:59Come in one by one
13:00and just a few minutes, please.
13:02Yes, yes, doctor.
13:05I'll go in first
13:06and then you do it.
13:08No, Doña.
13:09I don't want to go in.
13:11Why not?
13:13I don't know if I have the courage
13:14to see him like this.
13:16But he wants to see us, Pablo.
13:19Maybe it's the last time
13:20we see him.
13:23Fatima, you go.
13:24I'm not going to let you win.
13:37Tell him I love him
13:39with all my heart
13:41and give him a kiss
13:42and a hug from me.
14:06What are you doing in the office?
14:08Where is Renata?
14:10You're the one who came the other day
14:11and broke a portrait.
14:12Go or I'll call the police.
14:15Where is Renata?
14:24I don't know where she went.
14:25Don't you dare lie to me
14:26because you're going to regret it.
14:28I'm telling the truth.
14:30He told me yes, good morning,
14:31but he didn't say where.
14:33I swear.
14:36I swear.
14:47My princess.
14:49No, no, no.
14:50Don't cry, Pablo.
14:52Don't push yourself.
14:53No, no.
14:57You're always...
15:00You're always the first
15:01to be with me.
15:03And I'll always be there for you.
15:05Always, always, always.
15:11Promise me one thing.
15:15That you'll never stop fighting
15:17for your dreams
15:20and your happiness.
15:25I promise, I promise.
15:34I need to locate Sebastian.
15:36Fatima's father suffered another heart attack,
15:38but I can't get through to him.
15:40Yes, Ana already told me.
15:42But I called them
15:43and they didn't answer.
15:44I don't know if they have problems
15:45with the signal.
15:46I don't know.
15:47Please keep an eye on him.
15:49As soon as he gets out of the location,
15:50let him talk to me.
15:52Yes, of course, sir.
15:55You know you're my pride.
16:00And you're mine.
16:03My love.
16:05My love.
16:07No matter how much you grow up,
16:10you'll always be my princess.
16:16Always, Dad.
16:18I love you so much.
16:20So, so much.
16:22And I love you.
16:26I've always wanted
16:28to make your brother a good man.
16:33I didn't have your sister,
16:35Bárbara, but...
16:38Yes, you could.
16:39You could, Dad.
16:40Don't torment yourself with that, please.
16:43Listen to me.
16:45You were the best.
16:46The best, Dad.
16:48That we could have had.
16:50The best.
16:52And I love you so much.
16:54So much, Dad.
16:58You are...
17:02You are the best gift
17:04life has ever given me.
17:07You've always been the honey of my garden.
17:11You filled my life
17:13with love,
17:15with happiness.
17:20My love.
17:32My love.
18:03My love.
18:04My love.
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18:06My love.
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27:31My love.
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27:33My love.
27:34My love.
27:35My love.
27:36My love.
27:37My love.
27:38My love.
27:39My love.
27:40My love.
27:41My love.
27:43My love.
27:46My love.
27:49My love.
27:51My love.
27:53My love.
27:56What are you doing here?
27:58My love.
27:59Just remember I´m
28:00waiting for you.
28:04I love you
28:11When he comes out, you'll be able to see him.
28:13I can't believe he had another heart attack.
28:15Why? What happened?
28:16Honey, honey.
28:17Wouldn't it be better if you kept a good memory of him?
28:20The way Pablo wants to do it.
28:25What happened?
28:26What happened?
28:27Oh, don't tell me your dad...
28:31He wants to see you and Pablo.
28:35Let's go.
28:36I'll walk you to the therapy room.
28:38Yes, yes.
28:39Let's go.
28:45You're the only sensible person right now, honey.
28:55Rita, can you do me a favor?
28:57What do you need, Maca?
28:59Can you take me to call my dad?
29:01And that?
29:03Here's Grandpa Alvaro's new cell phone.
29:06Hey, Dad.
29:07Can you call him from your phone and give it to me, please?
29:11And why do you want to talk to him?
29:14To ask him to come get me.
29:16I won't let Mom go back to the ranch ever again.
29:19So she won't be with Daniel anymore.
29:42Hi, Dad.
29:46Honey, what phone are you talking about?
29:48Did something happen?
29:49Are you okay?
29:50Yes, Dad.
29:51But I want to leave.
29:53But why, honey?
29:54You were very happy at the ranch.
29:55Did something happen?
29:56But I'm not anymore.
29:58Please, Dad.
29:59Take Mom and me with you to Guadalajara.
30:02I beg you, I beg you.
30:04Let's see, honey.
30:05Honey, Maca.
30:06Did something happen that you don't want to be there?
30:08If I tell you, will you still love me and Mom?
30:11Who are you talking to, honey?
30:14Let's see, give me that phone.
30:16Give it to me.
30:18Honey, what's wrong, Maca?
30:24Oh, my love.
30:28You look beautiful, daughter.
30:31You look beautiful.
30:34Maca, how are you?
30:36I'm fine, Dad.
30:40I send you many kisses.
30:44And I love you as much as I love myself.
30:46Daughter, I want you to know that you are the most important thing to me.
30:53And you to me, Dad.
31:00Oh, my love.
31:03Today, more than ever, I need your advice, your love, your support.
31:18Please, don't leave, Dad.
31:25What's wrong with you?
31:27What's wrong with you, daughter?
31:29I'm sorry.
31:33Wait for me in the kitchen.
31:35And since Bárbara went to Mexico, Maca probably felt sorry for her and that's why she wants to go with you.
31:41Yes, well, yes, of course, it could be.
31:44I suppose you are aware of Gonzalo.
31:47Yes, damn it.
31:48In fact, I'm arriving at the hospital right now.
31:51Please, let us know anything.
31:53We are praying a lot for him.
31:55A kiss, nephew.
31:57Can you explain to me why you lent your cell phone to Maca to talk to her father?
32:01Because she asked me to.
32:03Don't try to get ahead of yourself, Reta.
32:05I know Mrs. Bárbara doesn't like me, but don't put the stability of the girl at stake, please.
32:10I'm sorry, ma'am, but I'm not the one who's putting anything at stake.
32:13It's Mrs. Bárbara and young Daniel who are doing it.
32:17What happens between the two of them is not something that concerns you.
32:20But it affects me, because since Mrs. Bárbara went to Mexico,
32:23the peace that was here is over.
32:25In addition, that relationship between her and her son is destroying her entire family.
32:29And even if you get angry, ma'am, you know I'm right.
32:38I want to be with you for more days, more time.
32:43I don't want you to leave.
32:45I would love to.
32:48I just remember one thing.
32:54Our love.
32:56It's much stronger than blood.
33:06You were the best dad in the world.
33:12You were the best dad in the world.
33:18And I swear to you that I feel blessed that you are my daughter.
33:27I love you so much.
33:31I love you so much.
33:47Please come see him.
33:49I don't want to.
33:50I beg you, Pablo.
33:51Please don't be so selfish.
33:58I can't.
34:05Engineer, Mr. Ortega is here.
34:08What's up?
34:10Come in.
34:11Thank you very much.
34:12Can I come in?
34:13Come in.
34:14We agreed to go eat.
34:16But you didn't talk to me or answer my messages, so I came to see you.
34:22I'm sorry.
34:24He left.
34:26I have a lot on my mind.
34:28But everything is fine, right?
34:32Greta's husband called me to see us.
34:35We were going to meet this morning.
34:38But he had another heart attack and he's serious.
34:48Did you talk to your dad?
34:50What did he say?
34:51Did he say anything?
34:53That he loves me very much.
34:55But he's dying.
34:58He's really dying, Mom.
35:04He wants to see you.
35:06But Pablo doesn't want to come in.
35:08So I'll do it.
35:10Gonzalo is not asking to talk to you, but to his children, Greta.
35:15Pablo, please.
35:17Please come in.
35:20Pablo, if you don't come in, I'll kill you.
35:27Pablo, if you don't come in, he won't be able to die in peace.
35:41If that man dies, Greta will be a free woman again.
35:45And that is very beneficial for you.
35:48That's not true.
35:50Greta is my past.
35:52My present and my future is Renata.
35:54And I suppose Renata is being accompanied to the hospital.
35:57No, she's not with her.
35:59Renata postponed her trip to the province and for the first time she didn't tell me where to go.
36:04I need to locate her to tell her what's going on with Gonzalo Uriarte.
36:29Come closer.
36:32Come closer.
36:38I don't have much time left.
36:42You have...
36:45You have to be a good man.
36:49Sit up straight.
36:51Get away from alcohol and vice.
36:56I tried, but I can't.
37:00Of course you can.
37:02Of course you can.
37:07Die now, Gonzalo.
37:09I'm sick of your agony.
37:12I hope you value the fact that I kept quiet and didn't tell your children that you and your husband were arguing when he died.
37:24Have you heard our conversation?
37:27Yes, but it's not a place to talk about those things.
37:30We'll talk about it later.
37:32Have you heard our conversation?
37:35Yes, but it's not a place to talk about those things.
37:38We'll talk about it later.
38:01You and I are the same person.
38:02You and I are the same person.
38:03No Fear of the Truth, this Saturday at 11pm.
38:07These are the breaking news.
38:09The National Republican Convention in Milwaukee is a celebration of identity.
38:13There has been a report of an increase in the number of rescues of people in danger of drowning in the sea.
38:17The authorities are still looking for the source of this contamination.
38:20Every night, your meeting point with the information.
38:23In Punto, 1030, Las Estrellas.
38:26This will be the most difficult decision for Eva.
38:29You have to come with me tomorrow.
38:31Oh, he's cutting himself.
38:32I'm going to find you another dad.
38:35You're the one who's looking for a posthumous father.
38:40Who's Dani's dad?
38:41You're Dani's dad?
38:43Is Eva for real?
38:44This Tuesday at 11pm.
38:47Discover the fate of the usurper at 2.30pm.
38:50And they didn't see me, nor did I see them.
38:53And from Tuesday, September 17th at 3.30pm.
38:57Discover the story of a couple united by accident.
39:00If I were my girlfriend, I wouldn't look at her like I look at anyone.
39:03Until money stops us.
39:05For Las Estrellas.
39:07Your day begins in Despierta.
39:11With the analysis of the information and the stories that matter to you.
39:17Also, everything about sports, entertainment, and climate.
39:21Despierta, a newscast from NMAS.
39:23Monday to Friday, 7am to 9am.
39:25With Las Estrellas.
39:27Contacto Deportivo.
39:29End your day well informed.
39:31The results that interest you.
39:33September classic with Canelo again going up the ring to celebrate the national holidays.
39:38Don't miss it.
39:40Contacto Deportivo.
39:42Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays at 11.30pm.
39:45With Las Estrellas.
39:48Are we really going to be alone?
39:52Or do they work so we can all eat decently?
39:55I mean...
39:59Okay, have they left?
40:00We know how to make you laugh with a family of 10.
40:03New season.
40:04Sunday, September 15th, 7pm.
40:06This little return.
40:08Please, don't leave.
40:10I'm going to give a contract to the partner so you can stop being here.
40:15It will bring great surprises.
40:17This is not my business.
40:19Without complaining.
40:20Poor thing, now that he's retired.
40:22Chocalas Compañito.
40:24This Sunday, 7.30pm.
40:26The humor of Cantinflas is so fresh.
40:29Let's see if they put ice on it so it's cold.
40:32Because I like fast baths.
40:34What will make you laugh?
40:36A lot.
40:37Join him on Saturday, 7pm, 2.30pm.
40:41And up and down.
40:43Sunday, 3pm.
40:44With Las Estrellas.
40:51Before becoming a champion for your country...
40:59You were already a champion in life.
41:01Dedicated to Las Estrellas and the athletes that make Mexico proud.
41:04Teletón. Proudly stubborn.
41:06The first hours of the day also bring the first stories you need to know.
41:10Agile, precise and punctual.
41:12This way you will know all the information in the news.
41:15Because what happens in Mexico and the world is here.
41:18I'm Carlos Furtado and I'll be waiting for you in La Noticia.
41:21Sunday, Friday, 5.50am.
41:23With Las Estrellas.
41:47In El Dicho, to be able to connect with you, we want to give you advice like a friend's.
41:53If you come to fight, better leave.
41:55Be very careful. This was just a warning.
41:58When will you talk about things that are not so superficial?
42:01I'm forgetting how amazing you are.
42:03As the saying goes, stories that connect with you.
42:07Your day begins, wake up.
42:11With the analysis of the information and the stories that matter to you.
42:17In addition, everything about sport, entertainment and climate.
42:21Wake up, a newscast from NMASC.
42:23Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning.
42:25With Las Estrellas.
42:28Are we really going to be alone?
42:32Or do they work so that we all eat decently?
42:39Because they had already left.
42:40We know how to make you laugh with a family of ten.
42:44New season.
42:45Sunday, September 15, 7 p.m.
42:47In the Angel of Aurora will fight against the heart.
42:50What about us is over.
42:52We should not continue with our wedding plans.
42:54You are still in love with Anton.
42:56Forget me, Angel.
42:57Teach me how to do it.
42:58Giving rise to the unexpected.
43:00I would accept to be my wife.
43:02You will find your son Aurora, but dead.
43:04Monday to Friday, 4.30 in the afternoon.
43:07When loneliness comes along the way.
43:10I don't want to be able to come back.
43:11But I want you to know that I'm on your side.
43:13And anyway, I already gave up.
43:14I decided to continue fighting for the impossible.
43:16The truth will be a refuge.
43:18When are you going to realize that Lorena MartÃnez had nothing to do with your friend's death?
43:21You will see that he will soon return to his life.
43:23With what you just told me, my soul returns to my body.
43:25Monday to Friday, 8.30 at night.
43:27Visitors from the past will arrive.
43:30I am the mayor.
43:31Yes, I am the daughter of AgustÃn Cholano.
43:33You are.
43:34From up to hundreds of years ago.
43:37I am Jenny.
43:39The genius who lived in this lamp.
43:41You have set me free.
43:43This Sunday, 5.30 in the afternoon.
43:45For the stars.
43:47The first hours of the day also bring the first stories that must be known.
43:50Agile, precise and punctual.
43:52So you will know all the information in the news.
43:55Because what happens in Mexico and the world is here.
43:57I am Carlos Gustavo and I wait for you in the news.
44:00A newscast from NEMAS.
44:01Monday to Friday, 5.50 in the morning.
44:03With the stars.
44:12La risa es una ciencia exacta.
44:19Afortunadamente, aunque nuestros cientÃficos no son los más exactos,
44:23sà son los más divertidos.
44:25Televisa, sabemos hacerte reÃr.
44:27Descubre el destino de la usurpadora a las 2.30.
44:31Y no me veÃan, ni verlos yo.
44:34Y a partir del martes, 17 de septiembre, a las 3.30.
44:37Conoce la historia de una pareja unida por accidente.
44:41Si usted fuera mi novia, la cuidarÃa como a nadie.
44:43Hasta que el dinero no se pare.
44:45Por las estrellas.
44:47Valeria descubre en una página de niños desaparecidos una foto de ella cuando era pequeña.
44:53Al hacerse una prueba de ADN, descubre que no es hija de Fernanda y JoaquÃn.
44:58Dejando al descubierto que ella es un amor robado.
45:02La Rosa de Guadalupe, capÃtulo de estreno.
45:05Viernes con las estrellas.
45:07Su llegada ha provocado celos.
45:10Mi amor por los caballos y por todos los animales.
45:12Lo aprendà de alguien que quise mucho.
45:16Yo lo contraté.
45:17Yo ya habÃa tomado la decisión.
45:18La caballeriza mandó yo.
45:20Y dudas en el corazón.
45:22Nada más ahà va.
45:23El precio de amarte.
45:25Lunes a viernes, 9.30 de la noche.
45:27Este pequeño regreso.
45:29Por favor, don Pepe.
45:30Le voy a dar un contrato al compañito para que dejes de estar aquÃ.
45:36Traerá grandes sorpresas.
45:38Esto de la intendencia no es lo mÃo.
45:40Sin quejarse.
45:41Pobrecito, ya que lo jubile.
45:43Chócalas, compañito.
45:45Este domingo, 7.30 de la noche.
45:58Mi amor.
45:59Tu papá ha sido una excelente persona.
46:02No debe temerle a la muerte.
46:04Y estoy seguro de que está en paz con su conciencia y consigo mismo.
46:10Yo no quiero que se muera.
46:12Yo sé.
46:13Yo lo sé.
46:15Pero uno se va cuando Dios quiere.
46:18No cuando queremos nosotros.
46:22No sé cómo le voy a dar la noticia a Maca.
46:24Ni siquiera se puedo despedir.
46:29Por cierto, Maca me llamó hace rato.
46:32Me dijo que ella no quiere estar en el rancho.
46:34Y cuando le pregunté qué pasaba,
46:37me dijo que si no dejaba de quererla a ella y a ti,
46:40sà me lo contaba.
46:43Tú sabes qué fue lo que pasó.
46:51Tú no crees en mÃ.
46:53Crees en Fátima.
46:55Cuando nos abandonaste, regresaste por ella, no por mÃ.
46:58No, no.
47:09Perdóname, hijo.
47:12No supe demostrarte mi amor
47:17y lo importante que eres en mi vida.
47:22Pero quiero que sepas que...
47:26que te quiero mucho.
47:32Te quiero.
47:34Quiero darte un beso.
47:47Te amo, Pablo.
47:48Te amo.
47:49Te amo.
47:50Te amo.
47:53Te amo.
47:54Te amo.
47:58Te amo.
47:59Te amo.
48:00Te amo.
48:01Te amo.
48:02Te amo.
48:03Te amo.
48:04Te amo.
48:08En cuanto tengamos un buen ramo,
48:10lo llevamos a la capilla del pueblo
48:11y rezamos por la salud de tu abuelo.
48:13SÃ, tÃa.
48:14Porque yo no quiero que le pase nada mal a mi abuelo.
48:17Lo sé, mi amor.
48:19Y, bueno, quiero que hablemos de lo que sucedió hace rato
48:22cuando le llamaste a tu papá.
48:25¿Me vas a regañar?
48:28Yo no soy nadie para regañarte.
48:30Pero dejaste a tu papá muy preocupado
48:32y me empezó a hacer preguntas que yo no le puedo contestar.
48:35¿Que no le puedes contestar?
48:37Porque a mà no me corresponde.
48:38Y a ti tampoco.
48:41Es a tu mamá a la que le toca hablar con tu papá
48:44sobre lo que está sucediendo aquÃ.
48:46¿Y si no le dice que mi mamá y Daniel son novios?
48:50Se lo va a decir.
48:51Tarde o temprano, se lo va a decir.
48:53¿Tú crees que mi papá los abandone cuando lo sepa?
48:56Yo no quiero que mi papá me abandone.
48:58No, no.
48:59Por supuesto que no.
49:02A lo mejor tus papás se separan,
49:04pero Mario jamás te va a abandonar,
49:06jamás te va a dejar sola.
49:08¿Estás segura?
49:09Completamente, mi amor.
49:11No tengo ninguna duda de eso.
49:14Asà que no tengas miedo.
49:17Vamos a dejar que tus papás resuelvan este asunto.
49:21Bárbara, Bátima, vengan conmigo, por favor.
49:24A don Gonzalo le quedan pocos minutos de vida.
49:27Quiere despedirse de sus tres hijos.
49:29Yo entro con ustedes.
49:31Yo también quiero despedirme de mi marido.
49:34Lo siento, señora, pero la voluntad de don Gonzalo
49:37es estar con sus tres hijos.
49:39Pablo ya está a su lado.
49:41¿Es que no me puede hacer esto?
49:43¿Después de más de 30 años de casados?
49:46Por favor.
49:47Por favor, respeta la voluntad de mi hermano.
49:51A ver, tranquila, mamá.
49:53Le voy a hablar con él, le voy a decir que tú te quieres despedir.
50:10Mi bebé.
50:17Mi bebé.
50:25Todo llega a su tiempo.
50:29Y créanme.
50:34Verlos a los tres aquà juntos
50:38me hace el hombre más feliz del mundo.
50:44Asà quiero que se mantengan unidos
50:48a pesar de cualquier diferencia.
51:01Y prometanme que siempre,
51:06siempre van a estar unidos.
51:08Te lo prometo, papá.
51:12Te lo prometo, papá.
51:15Yo también.
51:38Mi bebé.
51:45Mi bebé.
51:46Le agradezco a Dios
51:50que me permita estar con los tres.
51:53Eso amo a mis bebés.
52:01Es una bendición haber sido tu papá.
52:09Mi bebé.
52:13Mi bebé.
52:39I'm running out of money.
52:41Yeah, I know. Me too.
52:43Mario's idiot changed his cell phone.
52:46So what I had to look for this morning was his apartment.
52:49And Eric told me that he had gone to Mexico City
52:53and that his friend wasn't going to give me another kiss.
52:56And did he ask you why?
52:57Oh, no, girl. Obviously not.
53:00He's probably very upset about that sugar daddy
53:03for whom you changed your cell phone.
53:05Oh, I know. Don't even tell me.
53:07If I'd known, I wouldn't have cut it.
53:08Besides, with Eric, I had a fixed entrance.
53:12But well, we'll have to forget about them
53:14and look for someone else.
53:36Oh, God.
53:42Oh, fuck.
54:36I think it would make you very happy if he died.
54:39You're unbearable.
54:41You too.
54:42Oh, please.
54:45I brought this for you.
54:53What happened?
54:54What happened?
54:56What happened?
54:58He died.
54:59My dad died.
55:02They couldn't do anything for him.
55:06Oh, no, no.
55:13What am I going to do without him?
55:15What am I going to do?
55:24Daddy, my daddy.
55:29Don't tell me that, Mario.
55:31What's going on?
55:33I'll let them know, don't worry.
55:35See you soon.
55:36And thank you very much for letting me know.
55:39Don't worry, but Gonzalo died.
55:44I just came to give you the news.
55:47Mario left me a message on his cell phone and I wanted to tell you.
55:50Mario doesn't want Maca to find out yet.
55:53He wants to be the one and only to give him the news.
55:57Life is very unfair.
56:00I should have died instead of him.
56:03No, no, no, no, dad, no.
56:05I'm old.
56:06I don't need anyone.
56:08Of course you do.
56:09Instead, Gonzalo.
56:11I understand your helplessness, dad, but death is a mystery.
56:15We don't know why it still comes to us when we believe that they still have a lot to live.
56:20Calm down, please.
56:26Thank you, Dulce.
56:30I'm sorry to bother you, engineer, but I came to tell you that Fatima's father died.
56:39Don't tell me.
56:40My mom told me at this time.
56:43Give her my condolences, please.
56:46Engineer, I also want to ask you for permission to go to the funeral.
56:51Yes, of course.
56:53Where are you going to see him?
56:55At Pedregal's funeral.
56:57Did you find Sebastian?
56:59No, but I'm going to leave him another message telling him everything that happened.
57:03I'm going to send Renata an email.
57:06She wanted to spend a few days disconnected from the world, but before this I think I owe Isabel.
57:13Yes, she loved my friend very much.
57:15Well, she loves her very much.
57:18Sorry, do you need anything else, engineer?
57:23I'm going with Fatima and your mom.
57:25And I need you.
57:26Yes, thank you.
57:27Excuse me.
57:34I think it's time for you and Diego to see each other's faces.
57:37You've been seeing my wife regardless of the consequences.
57:41If Fatima or any of my children shed a single tear for what you are doing, I swear I'll kill you.
57:49So many years together and when he leaves, I can't be with him.
57:55I can't accept that my dad is dead. I can't.
57:59But it's a reality, my love.
58:02And now more than ever we need to be united and be very strong to face his absence.
58:09That's what my dad asked.
58:12That we stay together.
58:14And did he say anything else?
58:18Only the first time I came in he told me that...
58:28He told me that love was stronger than blood.
58:32And I don't know why he told me that, but I'll never forget it.
58:45I'm here for whatever you need.
58:52Forgive me, son.
58:55Forgive me.
58:57I want to introduce you to Federico Mendes.
59:01When you gave Barbara the weight of my life, I felt a little jealous.
59:05I'm crazy, right?
59:06My silence is your silence.
59:08When you gave Barbara the weight of my life, I felt a little jealous.
59:12I'm crazy, right?
59:13My silence is your silence.
59:16Are you going to turn it off or not?