Insta Empire Ep 21 Stunned by my revenge on my wife and her boyfriend
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull
00:00When Rachel finished speaking, she looked over at Kevin and saw that he had just finished
00:05his call.
00:06Garrett objected to Rachel's put-downs and snapped back at her.
00:09What do you know?
00:11Listen, I'm Lily's new boyfriend and Aunt Dorothy wants us to get married.
00:15So what do you say to that?
00:17Do you think you deserve her?
00:20Rachel turned and put her hand on Lily's arm.
00:22Lily, how can you even be with a schmuck like this?
00:27Rachel felt helpless.
00:29She never expected Lily to actually abandon Kevin.
00:32Then she thought to herself, maybe she still doesn't know who Kevin really is.
00:37Lily looked directly at Kevin and narrowed her eyes.
00:41My mother arranged it all.
00:42She still couldn't say no to her family.
00:45Hearing this, Rachel instantly understood and shook her head helplessly.
00:49Garrett didn't like Rachel's reaction at all.
00:52Lily, your friend seems to have already made up her mind about me.
00:56What have I done wrong?
00:58By then, Kevin had finished his call and walked back over to them.
01:02He stared intently at Garrett.
01:05But before Kevin could say anything, Garrett spoke again.
01:08What are you still standing here for?
01:10This isn't a grocery store.
01:12Not everyone can just walk in here off the street.
01:14Well, what if I want to buy one of your properties?
01:18Kevin asked nonchalantly.
01:20With what?
01:21Garrett asked.
01:22Did Lily give you some of her money?
01:25Kevin almost laughed out loud when he heard that.
01:28Why would he ask Lily for money?
01:30Lily interrupted them and spoke up to Garrett.
01:33You have no idea what you're talking about.
01:35No, Kevin didn't ask me for any money.
01:39Kevin snickered a little and said, I don't really like you, Garrett, but your company
01:44does have some good properties.
01:46You know, I think I'll buy the best one of your listings.
01:49Kevin continued.
01:50Since you're the manager here, you can probably answer this.
01:54Which one is the best?
01:57Dorothy said you're worthless, but you sure are good at bragging, Garrett said.
02:02He walked to a model on a table by the front window pointing at the beautiful tower.
02:07He said, this is the core wind tower.
02:10You've probably seen it going up a few blocks from here.
02:13The penthouse is available for anyone who can afford the price tag.
02:17Eight million dollars.
02:19Garrett turned around and gave Kevin a pretentious look and asked him, can you afford it?
02:25Kevin saw that Rachel was about to say something, and he put his finger to his lips to ask her
02:30to be quiet.
02:32That's what I thought, Garrett said.
02:35This would be a good time for you to leave.
02:38Kevin didn't say anything.
02:39He just smiled.
02:41Who said I can't afford it?
02:43He replied.
02:44Didn't you hear what I said?
02:46The penthouse costs eight million, Garrett said in a very snotty tone.
02:51Kevin ignored him.
02:52He just took out a black card from his wallet and looked at the rude agent who had greeted
02:57him when he walked in.
02:58Then he walked over and handed it to a different agent, the one who was standing near the reception
03:05Garrett stopped her as she was about to go into the back room and swipe the card.
03:11Isn't this your first day of work?
03:13That's not the proper procedure.
03:15That's when the agent realized that Kevin's card didn't even have a name on it.
03:20I guess the only way to find out if my card is good is to swipe it, Kevin said confidently.
03:26Just then, Garrett's phone rang.
03:28When he saw the caller ID, he quickly stepped away and answered the call.
03:33Kevin spoke calmly to the agent who was still holding on to his card, unsure of what to
03:38do next.
03:40It looks like your manager is on the phone.
03:42Go ahead and swipe my card, he smiled and added, for the full amount.
03:47Yes, sir.
03:49Please wait a moment.
03:50She didn't actually believe that Kevin had that much money on his card, but she thought
03:54she would give it a try anyway.
03:57Where did you get that black card?
03:59Lily asked him.
04:00Lily knew about this type of card from work.
04:03Her boss had negotiated with the CEO from an international corporation who used it for
04:07major expenses.
04:09She decided to look into it and found out as much information as she could.
04:14It was even more exclusive than the Sapphire Bank card, way more.
04:19So when Kevin took out the card, she recognized it at a glance.
04:23The agent returned after a couple of minutes.
04:25She was incredibly excited.
04:27Sir, I'm sorry to keep you waiting.
04:30Is the transaction complete?
04:33Kevin asked as he reached out to take his card back.
04:35Yes, sir, she said with a huge smile.
04:38You are now the new owner of the top two floors of the Corwin Tower.
04:42This is my first day, so I'm sure someone else will go over the paperwork with you.
04:47She was new to the company, but one thing she did know was she would be getting an enormous
04:54What did you just say?
04:55The rude agent, the one who had met Kevin earlier at the door, was shocked.
05:00Miss Moore, this gentleman has just bought the Corwin Tower penthouse, and he paid in
05:05full, she explained to her trainer.
05:08The young woman could barely contain her excitement, and I get a 2% commission.
05:14Kevin looked at her name tag.
05:15Well, Lisa, it looks like you earned $160,000 today.
05:21Garrett finished his call and walked back to them.
05:24You still haven't left?
05:25He asked Kevin.
05:27Kevin just grinned.
05:29Garrett in his smug way told him, if you can buy the Corwin Tower penthouse, I will personally
05:34kiss your ass.
05:36Are you sure you want to make that bet?
05:39Remember, there are a lot of witnesses here.
05:42Kevin replied.
05:43Yes, that's what I said.
05:45Garrett straightened up and lifted his chin in a very snooty way.
05:49Rachel started to laugh hysterically.
05:52By now there was a fairly large group of employees and customers watching.
05:56They'd been drawn in by the argument between Kevin and Garrett, and they didn't want to
06:00miss the show.
06:02But Mr. Butcher, this gentleman has already bought the Corwin Tower penthouse.
06:07Lisa told him.
06:08What did you say?
06:09Garrett spun around and looked at her.
06:11It's not a mistake, sir.
06:12This gentleman just brought the property.
06:14His credit was good, she replied meekly.
06:18Garrett's jaw dropped.
06:20Will that be the left cheek or the right?
06:24Kevin inquired politely.
06:26Not for someone like you, Garrett exploded.
06:30The people in the crowd began to whisper and some of them were even giggling.
06:34Are you sure?
06:35Kevin asked him.
06:37And there's not a thing you can do about it, Garrett replied.
06:40How dare you talk to me like this?
06:42I'm not afraid of you.
06:43I work for the Williams Corporation.
06:46Wow, I'm really impressed, Kevin said in an obviously sarcastic tone.
06:52But the onlookers were definitely impressed.
06:55They started talking about how important the Williams Corporation was and how they were
07:00building all the high end real estate in the area.
07:03Rachel, who had already seen the extent of Kevin's influence, couldn't believe what she
07:07was hearing.
07:08Yes, he said in a very matter of fact way.
07:12I'm very high up in the organization, a good for nothing like you wouldn't even be able
07:16to get through our company's gate.
07:19Just then, everyone turned to see a distinguished looking middle aged man rush through the front
07:24door and race up to Garrett saying, you are no longer an employee of the Williams Corporation.
07:31Please turn in your access badge.
07:34Director Turner, what are you doing here?
07:37Garrett didn't understand why one of the Williams directors was in his office.
07:41It's a good thing I came down here.
07:43I wouldn't know how you treat our customers.
07:46After saying this, Turner pulled Garrett's name badge off his suit jacket.
07:50Then he walked up to Kevin.
07:52Lily, who thought that Turner was about to turn his wrath on Kevin, stepped between them
07:57and said, Director Turner, please don't misunderstand.
08:01Kevin didn't deliberately cause any trouble here.
08:04Turner knew that Kevin liked to keep a low profile.
08:07When he noticed that his CEO was giving him a look that said, don't tell them who I am.
08:13He smiled kindly at Lily and told her, ma'am, that's not my intention at all.
08:18As a matter of fact, I want to apologize to this gentleman.
08:22The crowd, especially the employees, realized that Turner was one of the Williams executives.
08:29Lily nodded, even though she was still so confused by the whole situation.
08:34Turner approached Kevin very politely and said, Sir, I'm really sorry that Mr. Butcher
08:39was put in a position of authority at our company.
08:42He was obviously very unprofessional toward you.
08:45Please accept our apologies.
08:47On the way over to the office, Turner had gotten a call from Ms. Wilson, Kevin's chief
08:52of staff.
08:53She explained the situation and also sent the video surveillance from the office's security
08:59system, and he watched it on his phone.
09:01It was damning evidence.
09:04I accept your apology, Mr. Turner, but if you don't fire this man in the future, Kevin
09:10didn't finish his sentence.
09:12Of course, sir.
09:14Turner understood right away what Kevin meant.
09:16He turned around to face Garrett and then pointed at the door.
09:20Please leave.
09:21Director Turner, please, you can't fire me.
09:25Vice President Ambrose is my uncle.
09:27Let me call him.
09:29Garrett pulled out his phone and called his uncle.
09:32Uncle Ed, help.
09:33Director Turner said he wants to fire me.
09:36Garrett shouted into his phone.
09:39Don't panic, Garrett.
09:40Where are you?
09:41I'll be right there.
09:44Everyone could hear Mr. Ambrose's deep voice coming from the earpiece.
09:48Turner snatched the phone from Garrett's hand and told him, we're in the Corwin Tower sales
09:54When you get here, we'll all be in Mr. Butcher's office.
09:57Then he hung up the phone.
09:59Turner looked at Kevin and said, sir, I hate to trouble you, but could you please come
10:04with me to the office?
10:06He continued to explain.
10:08The vice president is a reasonable man.
10:10As long as you explain to him what happened, I think he'll understand the situation.
10:15Although Turner was an important manager in the company, his position was only slightly
10:20higher than Garrett's.
10:21He had to be careful not to provoke someone like Vice President Ambrose.
10:26Edward Ambrose?
10:28Kevin asked.
10:29That's him.
10:30Turner nodded.
10:32Kevin looked over at Lily and then walked towards the elevator with Turner and Garrett.
10:36Rachel, do you think something will happen to Kevin?
10:40Lily asked nervously.
10:42Don't worry, Kevin will be fine.
10:44Rachel patted Lily's back to comfort her.
10:47Rachel wasn't worried about Kevin at all.
10:49However, Kevin had already told her his secret and she didn't dare to tell Lily his true
10:54identity not just because she had given her word, but because she didn't want her husband
10:59to lose his job.
11:01The elevator stopped on the 14th floor where Garrett's office was located.
11:07Director Turner, I advise you to leave before my uncle arrives.
11:11You're only a regional manager and there's no need for you to lose your job over this.
11:16Garrett sat back in his chair and put his feet on the desk.
11:19Garrett, do you really think your uncle can save you this time?
11:23Turner said as he shook his head.
11:25I sure do.
11:27My uncle is the vice president of the company.
11:29He can easily fire you.
11:32If you want my advice, you shouldn't help this nobody.
11:35Remember, my uncle also has the power to promote you.
11:39Does Edward Ambrose really have so much authority in Williams Media?
11:44Kevin asked.
11:45Garrett was surprised.
11:46Do you know my uncle?
11:48Kevin ignored his question.
11:50It seems like the company isn't as well organized as I thought, Kevin said to himself.
11:57I really don't know what Lily sees in you, Garrett sneered.
12:01I don't care what you think and don't forget, she's still my wife, Kevin said.
12:07And one more thing, you don't get to call Lily by her name.
12:11You're nobody.
12:12You couldn't hold a candle to me.
12:15Garrett's expression showed his disdain.
12:18That's enough, Garrett, Turner snapped.
12:21Director Turner, my uncle will be here soon.
12:24He said this confidently without even looking at him.
12:27When his uncle arrived, he planned to have him make Turner apologize.
12:31How dare you fire me, especially in front of my employees?
12:35You won't get away with this, Garrett thought to himself.
12:39A few minutes later, the office door opened forcefully.
12:42In a deep, arrogant voice, Garrett's uncle Ambrose snarled.
12:47Director Turner, how dare you fire one of my employees?