Succession Beauty and the Billionaire Part 6

  • 2 days ago
Succession Beauty and the Billionaire Part 6


00:00If Mr. Taft was here, I wouldn't be kicked out without being offered a cup of tea first.
00:08Tell her to come in. Let's grab a cup of tea.
00:12And what has brought you to our home?
00:17I heard that Grace was so sick that she couldn't even walk. I wanted to come and visit.
00:23Well, she's getting good care at home, so you can go ahead and leave.
00:27Mr. Taft, you don't look so good. Are you okay?
00:32Don't worry about me. Please go.
00:35Fine. I'll see myself out. I'll come back when Ms. Taft is fully recovered.
00:45Dad, Mrs. Devonshire mentioned you're not looking so well. Is something wrong?
00:51How can I greet that woman with a smile?
00:53I'm fine. You went to the office today. How was it?
01:00It was great.
01:02But you must be tired from today. Why don't you take a bath, get some rest?
01:15No one's going to take the Taft legacy from us. I have to keep it for my daughter.
01:20I have to keep it for my daughter.
01:29Thank you, Joe.
01:31Last night I heard from Dad that someone's trying to take the Taft legacy from us.
01:35He really said that?
01:37Yeah. This morning I tried to ask for more details, but he wouldn't say anything else.
01:41Do you know anything about it?
01:43Grace, I'm not after the Taft family legacy. I swear.
01:48I know it's not you. If I thought it was you, I wouldn't be talking to you about it.
01:54I'll talk to Father, but don't worry about it.
02:00Oh, Daniel's your ex-boyfriend. He contacted me for some investment opportunity. Do you want to meet him with me?
02:06You know that he's my ex and you're still asking me to go?
02:09Well, now that you're the head of Taft, he wants to come in for a favor. Possible revenge time.
02:15I don't want to get involved with that man.
02:16How about I make sure he never wastes your time again?
02:24Vice Chairman Jin! I've heard so much about you. It's great to finally meet you.
02:29You don't mind if Grace joins us, do you?
02:35Is there a problem?
02:37No, of course not. Please.
02:41If Grace here is what you want, then it's fine with me.
02:44Grace and I aren't on bad terms. That's not what I heard.
02:48Last time I saw you, you shoved me and broke my ankle. Thanks to you, I was fired from the Devonshire Group.
02:54You're the one that broke her ankle?
02:56Daniel, you really don't change, huh? Always using your shallow tricks and connections instead of your own abilities.
03:04Grace, how can you say such things?
03:08Grace, how can you say such things?
03:14Vice Chairman Jin, there seems to be a slight misunderstanding between Grace and I, but don't worry about it.
03:22Let's just get to business, shall we?
03:25I'm done. I don't want to hear this.
03:30Excuse me.
03:32Excuse me.
03:41You bitch!
03:44You did it on purpose so Yuju would invest in me, didn't you?
03:51Daniel, I can guarantee you that the Devs Group will not invest a single dime on you!
04:01Daniel Taylor, you little bastard! You really have a death wish, don't you?
04:10You really don't know how dirty that bitch is, do you?
04:14Aiden had his fun with her for a few days and tossed her out.
04:18What does a man like you want to be with a trash like her?
04:24Before dawn, any company affiliated with the name of Daniel Taylor, I want bankrupt!
04:32Should we go to the hospital or do you need something for your face?
04:36I'm hungry. I'm going to eat before I go to any pharmacy or hospital or whatever.
04:43Grace, if you just let people know who you are, then they're not going to be able to mess with you.
04:49You think I'm doing the wrong thing? If I tell people who I am, I'll never know their true intentions.
05:02Mr. Devonshire, Mr. Carrington from Midwest Bank is waiting for you over there.
05:07Go ahead first, I'll need a moment.
05:15Grace, did something happen to your face? Did someone hate you?
05:20I'm fine.
05:23Did you come for lunch? Alone?
05:26Did you come for lunch? Alone?
05:31Oh no, wait, you came with your new secretary. I won't ask you to join us then.
05:35Why would I?
05:37Why? Why won't you eat with us? It's not a big deal. Stop being a child.
05:45Oh look, your new secretary is waiting for you. Go on.
05:53I'll be there.
05:55Grace, something urgent popped up at work, so I need to get going. Would you like to come with me?
06:02Alright, I'll go with you.
06:04Grace, are you working with Eugene now?
06:06Yes. Why does that surprise you? Didn't you expect that when you fired me?
06:16What exactly is your relationship with Grace?
06:18And why do I need to answer that? That's a personal question. But if you're curious, I happen to like Grace.
06:36You have any idea what he just said?
06:38I know, but I don't think Aiden cares about you that much. I want you to know that I care.
06:43And when you were with Aiden, I backed off. But now, there's no reason for me to back off.
06:47Eugene, you're like a brother to me. Even if Aiden and I break up.
06:51So you still love Aiden, huh?
06:54I'm gonna focus on work now. Work hard and do well.
06:58Well, let me help you with that.
07:08Lucas, come to my office.
07:11Looking for me?
07:13Lucas, are you still in contact with Grace?
07:17Last time I talked to her, she was using her vacation days.
07:20Vacation days?
07:22Yeah, I guess her doctor said she needs to stay at home for a week or so. Something about a broken leg.
07:26She broke her leg?
07:28Yes. She didn't tell you?
07:30No. She just texted me and said she needed to rest.
07:34You didn't ask her why she needed to rest?
07:38I didn't ask.
07:40You're not having any regrets about firing her, are you?
07:43Because if you bring her back to the office now...
07:46She's with Eugene.
07:48Vice chairman of the TAF group, Eugene?
07:50That's the one.
07:52My friend works there and he said that Eugene's not even interested in women.
07:55Says he surrounds himself with male workers.
07:58Eugene doesn't like women.
08:00Lucas, do you know...
08:03Do you know why I broke off the engagement with Grace?
08:05Why I broke off the engagement with Grace?
08:08She was cheating on me.
08:11With Eugene.
08:13You caught her sleeping with Eugene?
08:15Eugene gave her the diamond ring he bought at the auction for 15 million dollars and she just took it.
08:22He gave her that?
08:25Don't you think that seems weird?
08:28Eugene was like a son to Liam Tatt. He's known to do everything Liam tells him to do.
08:32You think that Liam would approve of him spending 15 million dollars on an average girl like Grace?
08:38There's no way he would do it.
08:40He must have looked into Grace.
08:42But have you met Grace Taft?
08:45I mean, she seems pretty mysterious.
08:49No, I haven't met her.
08:51Apparently she's staying home because of some sort of skin allergies.
08:56Skin allergy?
08:57Well, maybe she's just using that as an excuse to not go on a date with me.
09:01No, that's not it.
09:03What woman wouldn't want to go on a date with you?
09:05Are you saying that Grace, my big Grace Taft...
09:09Well, of course I'm not sure. It's just speculation.
09:12But you know, if you really want to know the same person, just go to their family and ask.
09:19I almost got married to Grace.
09:22I don't know her at all.
09:24I don't know her at all.
09:27Aiden, if you still like her, you should go out and get her.
09:32Before you regret it.
09:34Whether she's Grace Taft or just average old Grace,
09:41you still like her.
09:48Audrey, what is going on?
09:50What's with all that sighing?
09:51How am I supposed to take a nap with all your moaning and groaning?
09:55Do you think maybe the Taft family Grace is that Grace?
09:59What makes you think that all of a sudden?
10:06I went to Mr. Taft's house last night.
10:09And the voice I heard from inside, it was Grace.
10:14What was she doing there?
10:16I don't know anything.
10:18There's no point in asking me.
10:19William, you were close with the late Mr. Esther, right?
10:28If the old man knew anything, he would have told me before he died.
10:33Why don't you just ask Grace yourself?
10:36Just call her and ask her.
10:39How could I call her? We aren't even close.
10:42For someone not that close, you sure did a good job of harassing her.
10:45William, I did not harass her.
10:49If she really is the Taft family daughter, it's her own fault for hiding it.
11:02It's Aidan's mom. Why is she calling me?
11:05Maybe you should figure out who you are.
11:10Grace, I saw you quit working as Aidan's secretary.
11:13Where are you at now?
11:15I'm at a Taft group.
11:17Did you say the Taft group? That's great.
11:21But why did you call? Did something happen?
11:23I heard Aidan wanted to marry you.
11:26Honestly, I was a little surprised to hear how much he liked you.
11:31And that's why I have something I want to talk to you about.
11:34Can you meet now?
11:36Right now is not a good time.
11:38Oh, you're working?
11:40No, I just don't think I can meet anybody today.
11:43If you must, I'm available on the weekend. Let's grab a cup of tea.
11:47Tell her to come in.
11:49Let's grab a cup of tea.
11:52Do you have an allergic reaction on your face too?
11:56No, my face is fine. I'm just busy.
11:59Okay, let's meet on the weekend then.
12:05Eugene, Aidan's mom is suspicious of my identity.
12:08It makes sense that she's suspicious. You're a connection with Taft.
12:13Whatever. I don't care if they know. Aidan and I broke up anyways.
12:19You guys already broke up? Why is he calling?
12:22I mean, even if we broke up, he was my boss.
12:31Hello? Did you call to discuss your mother?
12:34My mother called you? What did she say?
12:36First, tell me why you called me.
12:41Why did you call me?
12:43The mark on your face. Who hit you?
12:45Couldn't have been you, Jude.
12:47What? No. Why would you, Jude, hit me?
12:50Then who hit you?
12:52Why do you keep asking? You fired me, so we're over now.
12:56When did I fire you?
12:58And all you did was just sending me a text saying you'd rest.
13:01Well, didn't Steven's contact... A friend sent a vacation request.
13:05And when I showed up for work, you told me to leave.
13:08I did that, meaning we should take a break.
13:11Well, then you can take all the time you need. I gotta go back to work.
13:16Grace, can we talk?
13:21We can talk. I don't want to get hurt anymore, Aidan.
13:25I don't care if anybody else messes with me, but when you do it, it hurts too much.
13:29I wouldn't have been so angry if you had just told me before you took Eugene's ring.
13:34And you say that I cheated? But isn't that what you're doing now?
13:38I'm cheating? That's ridiculous.
13:42Place a hand on your heart and honestly think about it, Aidan.
13:47You already have a new secretary.
13:50I don't have any connections with her unless it's work-related.
13:53You didn't believe me, so why would I believe you?
13:55Are you seriously thinking about breaking up with me?
13:58You're the one that pushed me away, Aidan.
14:00Think about it.
14:02Don't you think it's unfair that you don't want me to be upset about Eugene buying you an expensive gift?
14:07When you're getting jealous over me hiring a new assistant?
14:10Then what do you want me to do?
14:14Let's meet and talk.
14:17Okay. Let's talk tonight.
14:26Does it hurt a lot, huh?
14:28It doesn't hurt. We'll be fine in a few days.
14:33And I know you were upset that Eugene gave me that ring.
14:41Alright, I won't mention him.
14:44But tell me all about your new secretary.
14:47I was planning on getting married to you anyways. That's why I needed a new assistant.
14:52Lucas was the one that recommended for me to hire a woman.
14:55But I thought you were the boss, not Lucas.
14:59Okay. I'll be there.
