General Hospital 9-5-24

  • last week
00:00I'd ask if you got up early or stayed up late, but it looks like you're wearing yesterday's
00:10Am I?
00:11All right.
00:12I may or may not have spent the night at Texas and he has graduated from the police academy.
00:21He's got his PCPD badge and that officially makes him one of the poor Charles finest.
00:26Oh, well, too bad he didn't graduate yesterday.
00:29He could have broke his badge in on this very property.
00:33I was kind of hoping that Tracy had hired that cop car to go sit outside and ward off
00:39I'm afraid not.
00:42I was gone for one night.
00:45What happened?
00:46It's unusual to see a patient in this state.
00:51He's technically not comatose, but he's not conscious either.
00:56I'm not sure what to make of it.
00:57To be fair, I'm not experienced in this field.
01:00Would you say he's vegetative or is it a twilight state?
01:04The EEG show a brain activity.
01:07He did open his eyes last night.
01:12From what I heard, it was very brief and likely caused by a seizure.
01:16Maybe that's the key to finding out who he is.
01:21Hey, Jordan.
01:22How's the patient?
01:23From what I can see, no change.
01:29How's Lulu?
01:32She's holding steady.
01:34Well, I just heard from Laura.
01:37She and Kevin made it safely to Nairobi and met with her contacts, so she's going to let
01:42me know if they get any leads.
01:43I'm lucky.
01:44You're wishing you could be in two places at once?
01:48All the time.
01:50I'm not doing anything anywhere.
01:53I was off trying to find Lucky.
01:55I'm here with Lulu.
01:56She doesn't even know it.
01:57Yes, she does.
01:58And Laura has contacts in East Africa that you don't.
02:07I just wish there was something I could do, you know, to bring Lucky back.
02:11There's got to be something I can do to help do that from here.
02:18John Gates.
02:19He'll always be Jagger to us.
02:20I mean, the guy wasn't in a rock band or anything, so why did he go by Jagger?
02:28Because he wanted a name that sounded like an adolescent body spray.
02:31You really shouldn't speak ill of the dead.
02:33You're right.
02:34If you're going to speak ill of someone, you should do it while they're still alive, preferably
02:39to their face.
02:41All right.
02:42I'm sorry.
02:43I'm sorry.
02:47Someone was killed, and it's definitely a crime.
02:50It's tragic, no matter how we felt about him.
02:53Almost as tragic as the crime committed on my sacred space.
02:59What sacred space would that be?
03:01My bed.
03:02I went to get in it last night, and it looked as if someone had wrestled a bear on top of
03:09Who would do that?
03:10Mother, we all have our own beds to wrestle on.
03:15We do.
03:16We do.
03:17But, you know, a couple of guests from last night, one in particular, did come downstairs
03:23looking a little...
03:25Oh, no!
03:26I need coffee.
03:27I'm sorry.
03:28I'm sorry.
03:29I'm sorry.
03:30I'm sorry.
03:31I'm sorry.
03:32I'm sorry.
03:33I'm sorry.
03:34I'm sorry.
03:35I'm sorry.
03:36I'm sorry.
03:37I'm sorry.
03:38I'm sorry.
03:40How'd you sleep?
03:43I slept fine, Tony.
03:44I just slept like...
03:54It's kind of hard to get a good night's sleep when you know you could wake up to an accessory
03:59to murder charge.
04:01That's what.
04:03Thanks for coming.
04:04I'm sorry I couldn't get here sooner.
04:06I was tied up with a client last night.
04:08So late?
04:10Well, Jason's snafus present themselves at all hours.
04:14Do I even want to know?
04:16Normally, no.
04:17But in this case, I will make an exception, because Jason's misadventure is the Davis
04:22family good fortune.
04:25Cates was going to kill you.
04:28His hired gun was.
04:32And you came to work.
04:34I don't really have the luxury of taking a me day.
04:38Cates may be dead, but his legacy lives on.
04:42How so?
04:43Robert Scorpio, he's going ahead with these ridiculous charges surrounding Christina's
04:50And I still need a lawyer.
04:53You said you had somebody in mind.
04:54Well, I do.
04:55But I'm having a little bit of a problem connecting you two, so I guess I've been a wee bit indisposed.
05:01Well, clearly.
05:02Which is why, once I heard from you, I asked him to meet us here.
05:09I think that's him.
05:10He has perfect timing.
05:37Ava took back her statement last night.
05:46Which one?
05:47The revised statement overseen by the late, not great John Cates, where she swore that
05:54Christina tried to kill her.
05:55That's the one.
05:56And why would she do that?
05:59Because John Cates tried to have Ava killed.
06:04Apparently, Cates felt that Ava might become susceptible to pressure by Sonny and would
06:14And that is the written affidavit that was the latest statement on record?
06:20The one that he could take into court against Sonny, with or without a living, breathing
06:24Ava Jerome.
06:26So how did she dodge the bullet, if it were?
06:29Well, allegedly, Cates hired a third party to kill Ava, pin it on Sonny, but Jason threw
06:34a monkey wrench into those plans.
06:36So the case against Christina is done.
06:39Please try to contain your joy and relief.
06:43The fact that she's out from under one murder charge and is possibly liable for another
06:48doesn't make me want to dance.
06:50Whose murder might Christina be liable for now?
06:54Rick, this is Ava Jerome.
06:57Ava, this is Rick.
06:58Rick Lansing.
07:01Wait, you two know each other?
07:04Sonny's brother.
07:06I was also your brother's legal counsel.
07:08I'm representing him in this little matter of, oh, what was it again?
07:11Oh, yeah, Connie Falconeri's murder.
07:14Is this your idea of a joke?
07:16I forgot that you two crossed paths.
07:19Obviously, if I would have made the connection, I never would have requested your help in
07:24the first place.
07:28Okay, well, this is where we're at, okay?
07:32Ava needs a lawyer.
07:34You're an able one, so you might as well give it a go.
07:41I mean, what the heck?
07:42You might as well.
07:44Not on your life.
07:48I'm sorry that you lost sleep over it, but you're not going to get charged.
07:52I'm not going to get charged.
07:54I really wish I could be as sure about that as you are.
07:57What can I do to convince you?
08:00Sonny, if I knew the answer to that, I would have made it a part of the deal before I agreed
08:03to let you use me as your alibi.
08:05And you did it anyway, and that means a lot to me.
08:09It's a bad habit I'm really trying to break.
08:12Harder than you think?
08:14If I would have just took more time to think about it.
08:18Or if I knew how far you were going to take it, you know, we would have had a very different
08:21chat about this alibi thing.
08:23What, you would have thrown me to the wolves?
08:26Oh, come on.
08:28You know I don't want you going to jail.
08:30I appreciate that.
08:31But I'm not going to take this any further than I absolutely have to.
08:34You got it?
08:35Yeah, I got it.
08:37I gotta go.
08:39Wait, wait, wait, wait.
08:40Why in such a hurry?
08:42Am I so terrible?
08:47I'm going to be sick.
08:48Okay, great.
08:49Let's take a deep breath.
08:51In through the nose, out through the mouth.
08:53You want me to grab a paper bag?
08:55Come on, mother, stop being so dramatic.
08:58I'm a lot of things.
09:00I'm not dramatic.
09:03All right, I don't get it.
09:05So is it who those people were in your bed or what those people were doing?
09:09Oh, God, yes to the bag.
09:12It's all, it's all bad, Gio.
09:14It's all bad.
09:15Tracy, I'll burn the sheets.
09:17We'll get you a new bed.
09:19I'll call an exorcist.
09:21Okay, let's rein it in.
09:22It's not that big a deal.
09:24What is wrong with you?
09:26Those two reprehensible people made me a party to their filthy four-legged urges.
09:33It's not like they asked you to film it.
09:36Filthy four-legged urges is the name of my new band.
09:40You may want to go get some air, okay?
09:44And make sure that your passport is valid on your way out.
09:48Tracy, it's not like you're going to catch cooties from a bed that was previously in trouble.
09:53Oh, no, stop.
09:55Uh, guys, excuse me.
09:57I am going to be permanently nauseous.
10:00I'd never eat again.
10:01No, it's Tracy.
10:02Cool your jets.
10:03Have a croissant.
10:05It's actually croissant.
10:08The former is colloquially correct, but the latter, technically so, and far kinder on the ears.
10:24Find out what you can from Christina.
10:27Not as a mother, but as a lawyer.
10:31I will try to separate the two.
10:34I'll circle back.
10:35We can compare notes.
10:38All right.
10:43Thank you for everything.
10:45I'll try not to keep you waiting so long next time.
11:03Why was Diane here?
11:06You're saying that you won't represent me?
11:10Well, my caseload's full.
11:12That's funny.
11:14I thought that you came from the Scotty Baldwin School of Law.
11:17Never saw an hour you couldn't bill for.
11:19As flattering as that characterization is, even I have my limits.
11:23You know, if you knew that you weren't going to represent her, why are you even here?
11:27Well, I wasn't really sure what the case was.
11:30And now that I do, the answer is no.
11:34Oh, don't give me that sigh, Nina.
11:38You were very, very careful to omit the details, including the identity of my would-be client.
11:44Well, I thought that you would get over any objections you have once I reminded you that you owe me a favor.
11:51I owe you what for?
11:53For trying to rob me blind during our mercifully short marriage.
11:59I don't know who you are or what you're doing in my living room, but I'll pronounce my French pastries just the way I eat them.
12:10Any way she wants.
12:13Brooklyn, 15th Avenue and 85th Street.
12:19Perhaps a bit farther inland, but no more than 83rd.
12:23Okay, that's creepy.
12:25Okay, that's creepy.
12:27She got Olivia right down to the cross street.
12:29Yeah, and it's freaking me out.
12:31It's the ah in her croissant.
12:34The closer to Bath Beach, the more nasal the tone.
12:37Okay, I'm sorry.
12:39Who are you?
12:41Are you a reporter here to get dirt on the martyr?
12:45I'm Robin Finch.
12:48I'm a dialect theorist and tutor to the stars.
12:53And you must be Lois Cerullo, my new student.
13:04You're not terrible, Sonny.
13:07We have a beautiful family together.
13:10We've had a lot of good years.
13:14The bad ones are a special kind of hell.
13:17I love you.
13:19I really do, but we're done.
13:22Yeah, I know that.
13:24What's the harm in just playing out the alibi?
13:30The harm comes when our family finds out what we were supposedly doing
13:35while you were talking to Agent Cates.
13:38As soon as Chase heard that there was a body, he put this whole place on lockdown.
13:43And they knew right away that the victim was John Cates.
13:46That's what the paper says.
13:49Cates was no friend of Sonny's.
13:51You don't think it was?
13:52I'm trying not to think.
13:58Is it okay if I hang with you?
14:00Lois told me to clear the big house for a while.
14:03Because of all the cops crawling around?
14:05The Cues must be losing it.
14:08Most of them are coping pretty well.
14:11Most of them?
14:14Tracy's having a meltdown because a couple of last night's dinner guests
14:20fused her bed.
14:25My God.
14:27It was my Uncle Sonny and your mom.
14:38I'm sure you're great, but
14:42I don't know anything about a Tudor.
14:45Well, I'm not a Tudor.
14:47I'm a Tudor.
14:49Say it with me.
14:55Okay, okay, okay.
14:56I'm sorry.
14:57Didn't you say that you were a Tudor, a coach to the stars?
15:03I presume you're familiar with the work of Miss Meryl Streep.
15:08A dingo ate my baby.
15:12I read an article years later that said the dingo probably did.
15:15Oh, that poor lady.
15:18The dingo lady.
15:20You were a bit young to work on A Cry in the Dark, weren't you?
15:24Well, I'm referring to Miss Streep's work as a mother.
15:28I coached her daughters.
15:29They're very talented women in their own right.
15:32Yes, they're all great, but what are you doing here?
15:35I mean, Ma and I talked about this at home at heart with the whole collared thing,
15:38but there is nothing wrong with the way she.
15:41You talk.
15:43I didn't hire her.
15:45Of course you didn't.
15:48I did.
15:57No, no, no.
16:00My mother did not sleep with Sonny.
16:04I'm just telling you what they're saying up at the house.
16:06Well, they're messing with you.
16:08They seem pretty serious to me.
16:12Yeah, yeah, maybe.
16:16And when did this supposedly happen and how did it happen?
16:21Last night and probably the usual way.
16:29This is a mistake, right?
16:31This is a mistake.
16:33Yes, it is.
16:34It just sounds like a big game of trashy telephone.
16:39I don't really know the cues very well.
16:41I'm sure I just heard the wrong thing the wrong way.
16:47I'll be back.
16:53What happened?
16:55Sonny and Carly's breakup was mutual, but it wasn't amicable.
17:00And we already agreed this is a one time thing.
17:03Fine, whatever.
17:04Everybody's going to think that I'm just some sleaze manipulating poor, vulnerable Carly.
17:09I'm not poor or vulnerable.
17:11And I will make sure that everyone knows that I walked into this with my eyes wide open.
17:15And I'm going to make sure that everybody knows there's no future here.
17:20I don't like what it's doing to you, but I'm glad that, you know, I can count on you.
17:24And you know, I would do the same for you.
17:44Oh, no.
17:49Any updates?
17:51No change.
17:52I'll let you know if there's any indication that the patient's coming to.
18:01So this guy's got no ID, no phone.
18:04Prints aren't in the system, which means he's not ex-military and hasn't had any runs with the law.
18:09Dr. Robinson did say he had a distinctive tattoo on his back.
18:13All right.
18:14I guess we'll follow up on that.
18:16I'm going to call the WSB in the meantime.
18:18You think they're going to care about the local PD over something like this?
18:22Possibly, if I drop Laura's name.
18:26Can't hurt to try.
18:27And I am going to pursue every avenue of this investigation that I can think of.
18:33That man matters to someone.
18:48Excuse me.
18:51Can I help you?
18:54Ah, yes.
18:55Our marriage.
18:56Good times.
18:57Yeah, because you got to roll around in my inheritance.
19:01Well, you're that, and you were a real blast.
19:06Almost as much fun as the prospect of Sonny watching me defend Ava in court.
19:12But since Ava kicked my niece out a window and killed my granddaughter,
19:17at the very, very least, it's a conflict of interest.
19:20It absolutely did not happen like that.
19:23Maybe not.
19:27But I can't take your case.
19:32Yeah, me too.
19:34You got any other bright ideas?
19:37Good morning.
19:39You didn't answer my question.
19:40Why was Diane here?
19:42To tell me that Ava had recanted her revised statement
19:45and is no longer claiming that you tried to kill her.
19:49What does that mean?
19:50It means that without Ava's statement, the FBI case is groundless.
19:57I can't believe it.
19:58I still have to file a petition, but I can't imagine that the case won't be dismissed.
20:04It's over?
20:06Not exactly, no.
20:09John Cates was shot and killed at the Quartermain's last night.
20:13Yeah, I heard.
20:15One down, one to go.
20:20I don't think I've seen you before.
20:22I'm new.
20:23I've never seen you before.
20:25I don't think I've seen you before.
20:27I'm new.
20:28I'm just here to clean up.
20:31Well, you'll have to come back later because this patient needs his rest.
20:35Of course.
20:37Let me get the door.
20:48Okay, I'll go to the accident scene and see if I can find anything.
20:51Sounds good.
20:54Let's go.
21:15Hey, TJ.
21:17How you doing?
21:24I'm worried.
21:26I'm afraid that Molly has been putting on a brave face for me.
21:30I know she talks to you and I'm hoping that you can tell me what's really going on with both of you.
21:38What we're doing?
21:43I think.
21:50We are in different places with the loss.
21:57I don't want to put any more thought or energy into what happened in that hotel room, but it is all that Molly thinks about.
22:04I mean, she's all about assigning blame.
22:06She wants to see somebody punished.
22:08I know the feeling.
22:09I do too.
22:10But then what?
22:11There's no Irene at the end of the road.
22:14It just circles and leads to more pain.
22:17And I'm hoping Molly can see that before this costs her more than she's already lost.
22:23Everyone is better off with Kate's dad.
22:26He had it out for dad and he was using me and my daughter to get to him.
22:29I'm not going to cry because Kate's is gone.
22:32It's probably not a good idea to applaud the murder of a man that you've openly threatened.
22:37Well, it's a good thing.
22:39The only person that heard me do it then is my lawyer.
22:41I'm not just your lawyer.
22:43I'm your mother.
22:45And it concerns me to hear you talk about a human being like.
22:51They're worth nothing.
22:54No sleep for weeks.
22:56The threat of prison and a hole in my heart that will last me a lifetime.
23:01I know exactly what a human life is worth.
23:03My daughter was worth dying for and Kate's case was worth killing.
23:08Did you kill him?
23:12No, I didn't kill him, but you think I did.
23:17You were gone for a good amount of time.
23:20I told you I was at Adela's grave.
23:23And the part you forgot to tell me was that you had a gun with you.
23:29Maybe I should just get out of Port Charles.
23:31Skip town.
23:35You can't go on the run.
23:37I can.
23:39I have the money and means.
23:41Then you'd be a fugitive.
23:43Ava, you'd be looking over your shoulder your entire life.
23:46Better than looking out from behind bars for the rest of it.
23:49You've never been to prison, Nina.
23:51I have.
23:53I do not want to go back there.
23:55Then you have to stay and fight.
23:57If you're on the run, it's not just Port Charles that you'll never see again.
24:02It's Avery.
24:05How Lois speaks is none of your business.
24:09Lois is my employee.
24:12She sells deception products coast to coast on Home and Heart.
24:17Our sales are directly linked to her presentation.
24:21Our sales are doing just fine.
24:23If they were, you wouldn't be tripping over yourself trying to get Sonny's investment and the hoochie mama that comes with it.
24:31Hoochie mama? Really? And no one is tripping over anything.
24:35I believe that our numbers will improve if Lois' rough edges are smoothed out.
24:46Smoothed out? What about me, Tracy?
24:49You think my numbers would improve if I spoke a little more snob?
24:55You might be more intelligible with a rounder O and a clearly aspirated T.
25:01If you can't understand what I'm saying, I've got some great sign language I can show you.
25:06Nobody's signing anything.
25:11Excuse me.
25:12Excuse me.
25:15And you had no right to bring this person in without my mother's buy-in.
25:21The buy-in is implicit, isn't it, Lois?
25:29I hope I'm not interrupting anything.
25:32No, of course not, honey. What's up?
25:34I just talked to Gio and he told me something really insane about my mom and Sonny and I just wanted to check with you and...
25:43Oh my God. It's true, isn't it?
25:50So while John Cates was being gunned down somewhere on the Coeur d'Amene estate, you two were bedding down in a Coeur d'Amene bedroom.
25:59We just got caught up in the moment.
26:02I don't believe that for a second. And I sincerely doubt anyone else will.
26:06No one can prove otherwise.
26:08Look, it's a big property. Are you sure you weren't spotted somewhere other than the unfortunate Coeur d'Amene boudoir?
26:16It was dark. It was raining. People were inside. There's no way anybody can identify who killed Cates.
26:25Well, I'm praying it doesn't come to that because I do not relish the idea of having to sell this rekindled relationship to anyone else.
26:34It's not a relationship.
26:36A moment.
26:38A momentary sexual lapse while your mortal enemy was shuffling off his mortal coil.
26:45No, no. You're going to need more than that to sell this thing.
26:49You need something ongoing. You need a pattern. You need an affair.
27:02Please tell Supervisor Brennan that I'm asking for the WSB's assistance on behalf of the mayor.
27:09You don't think the police are capable of IDing my patient?
27:13Well, it doesn't hurt to have another set of eyes, right?
27:17No, but why your eyes?
27:21Did you hear that John Cates was murdered last night?
27:28Not that long after the time of death, we just so happened to witness someone who had no love for the man toss a gun off a bridge.
27:40I went to get the gun out of my bag last night and it wasn't there.
27:44So I thought maybe you took it or maybe I lost it somewhere along the way.
27:48Along the way where?
27:50It doesn't matter where. I went to Adela's grave. I came home. I never used it, Mom.
27:52You know what I thought when I found the gun? I thought you were going to hurt yourself.
28:00I thought I was going to lose you.
28:05An affair is a non-starter.
28:08Well, if the two of you want to protect yourselves.
28:11I pay you to protect us. So do your job, Brennan.
28:16You'll know why.
28:17Why? We're doing.
28:19Stop. Stop. Do not finish that sentence or utter anything similar to anyone ever.
28:26I can't do this.
28:33Before I go, let me give you a piece of good news.
28:37Christina is out of the woods.
28:39Because Jagger's gone?
28:41No, because Ava recanted her statement.
28:44Ask Jason.
28:45Ask Jason.
28:47Now listen, one more thing about this.
28:49You and Carly need to be in sync about every detail of your story.
28:55And then you both have to own it.
28:57I hear you.
28:59Good. Because I can only hold off the police for so long.
29:03And then the two of you are going to need to make an official statement.
29:06And unlike myself, Anna Devane is not likely to suspend her disbelief.
29:16Hey, I'm really sorry. I thought it was funny.
29:19It's okay. Look, it's an innocent mistake.
29:24Please tell Jess how sorry I am.
29:27Okay, I'll see you later.
29:31My mom is reading my texts and not responding.
29:35Jess, just take a breath.
29:38You don't know for sure what happened.
29:40Or even if it did.
29:42And if it did, so what?
29:44Your mom and Sonny are two consenting adults who have a ton of history.
29:48Yes, a history of him hurting her and everybody else around him.
29:52Well, you got back with Dex.
29:54Oh, you cannot compare those two.
29:57Dex doesn't use me.
29:59Well, maybe that's how your mom feels about her relationship with Sonny.
30:04Look, there are more than enough reasons to be upset.
30:08Look, there are multiple reasons why you shouldn't be with Dex.
30:12But you saw something and you thought it was worth it.
30:15Maybe that's how your mom and Sonny feel.
30:18Just the thought of that makes me want to do something.
30:22Do you really want to get in the middle of their dynamic?
30:24You're right.
30:26My mom is a grown adult.
30:28It's her choice.
30:30I'll focus on my life.
30:32And if she wants to mess up hers, she can't.
30:35By herself.
30:39Lois was open to the idea.
30:45Unless something changed.
30:51Lois, living here doesn't mean you have to give in to her classism.
30:55I will not apologize for preferring dulcet tones.
31:00And I never would have hired Miss Finch if I didn't think that Lois wasn't on board.
31:06Listen, alright?
31:08I will admit that when that woman called in on Home and Heart, that it got to me a little bit.
31:17I mean, look, it's one thing to sell a band to a record label.
31:22But it's another thing when you're looking into a camera talking to millions of people who may think that your accent is...
31:29Toneless. Offensive.
31:31Unnecessarily cruel.
31:36Well, different isn't always better.
31:39Lois Cerullo is a proud Brooklynite who has never let anyone condescend to her.
31:46Not my grandfather, Catherine Bell, or my mother.
31:53You carry a lot of tension in your jaw, don't you?
31:58You? Save it. And you?
32:01It's better to be Lois Cerullo than some phony baloney.
32:04I do not wish to rob Miss Cerullo of her authenticity.
32:10I merely want to give her the tools so she can refine herself if and when she, not you, she chooses to do so.
32:20I've coached many front-facing corporate personalities on how to identify their ungainly dipthongs and tripthongs.
32:29And once they can hear them, they can choose to deploy or drop them at will.
32:35It is not my goal to recreate Miss Cerullo. I simply want to empower her.
32:51Just trying to help Lois help herself.
32:53Granny, she doesn't need that kind of help. Maybe I do.
33:00Why don't you stick around and show me what you got?
33:08I shall.
33:16If I could just help find out who your John Doe is, maybe it would help me feel a little less powerless.
33:26Mom, you are the most powerful person I know.
33:32Couldn't help to save you from the pain you felt? I couldn't help my granddaughter?
33:40Put that man in there. If I could just find his name, maybe it'll make up for all I couldn't do.
34:27Put me through to Sidwell. I have eyes on Ganon. Instructions? Understood. He will never wake up.
34:48You're right. Of course I can't leave Avery. But I can't go back to prison either. I just can't. I need a lawyer.
34:57Well, I'll talk to Rick again.
35:00You were right here. He made it pretty clear that he is not going to represent me.
35:05I'm sure I can convince him.
35:07Zenita, why do you want to help me? I betrayed you, right?
35:15I want Avery to be able to have her mom. And you should really thank Willow for this because she gave me a second chance and I feel like you deserve one too.
35:37Diana left?
35:39Yeah, she says we're going to be talking to the police and that's going to be happening soon.
35:51Yeah, sure. All right, well, I need to go.
35:56She also doesn't think that we'll be able to make people believe that we're together. I don't believe that because I think history is on our side.
36:08And necessity.
36:10I mean, if we're going to keep you out of prison and end Donna's life, we're going to have to make people believe it and what happens happens, right?
36:24I'll just add it to your tab.
36:39I'm so sorry, Mom. I wasn't going to hurt myself. I swear, I never would.
36:55Thank you for saying that. And I'm relieved to hear that you had nothing to do with that shooting.
37:03I'm sure. Yeah, I would be relieved if I were you too.
37:07I better get that gun back now.
37:10Where did you get the gun?
37:12It's Dad's. I took it from Dad's and he's going to notice if it's missing. So can I please have it back?
37:20It's gone.
37:22What? What do you mean it's gone?
37:24Possession of a firearm is a bail violation. If anyone had found out about it, you would be in jail.
37:30What did you do with it? Where is it?
37:31I got rid of it.
37:33What? Off the bridge, over Blackstone Canyon.
37:37Jason, we got a problem. I found a gun missing from my safe last night.
37:46I don't want anything to do with whatever drama you're trying to stir up.
37:55We saw a woman drop a gun off a bridge. It's not a crime.
38:01You may have had a motive to kill an FBI agent and disposing of a murder weapon is a crime.
38:06And this woman happens to be your ex-wife.
38:08Elisabeth, the police have to know what we saw.
38:11It's Tom.
38:14Elisabeth, Alexis and I have history and it's not going to be believed on my own. You saw it.
38:23We have to come forward with what we saw.
38:32On the next General Hospital.
38:34I can smell a con a mile away.
38:36Are you closer to identifying this man?
38:38We need to tell the police what we saw.
38:40What's up?
38:41Development in the homicide of Agent Kate.
38:43Did you sleep with Sonny or did you give him an alibi for murder?
38:46This is the only thing tying me to the murder.