• last year
The Scooby-Doo Show l Season 1 l Episode 2 l The Fiesta Host is an Aztec Ghost l 3_5 l


00:00yeah we'll get a boat and go up the river maybe we can find some answers out there
00:04like i hope that's all we find
00:09they told me the old hermit who lives here could loan us a boat
00:12but i can't ride in the boat i get seasick you've never gotten seasick before
00:17yeah well it only happens when i'm going up river to haunted pyramids
00:22you want to borrow my boat well yes we want to go up river to the pyramid that's right to
00:29find the ghost of katazuma how do you know all that i have ways of knowing these things
00:36the boat's down by the river like i wonder if he knows if we're ever coming back come on
00:50wow what a creepy river i just hope this leaky old tub can make it if it doesn't we're sunk
00:57oh just a little joke there i hope don't look now but look the phantom barge
01:05and it's heading right for us man the lifeboats cowards first
01:17what happened the barge it disappeared but that's impossible oh yeah so are 50 foot ghosts but we
01:25saw one well if there are any answers i think we'll find them at the pyramid
01:37what's the matter footprints footprints good work scooby those footprints lead off the trail
01:43shaggy scooby you two check them out the girls and i will keep going towards the pyramid
01:48hmm after you scoob
01:52blaster you oh no no no after you oh no you you you you
02:01look it's the pyramid what's that glowing zoinks it's old katazuma himself you have been warned
02:13leave these sacred grounds at once that's fine with me i'm a great believer in ghostly warnings
02:20we're with you
02:25it's the storm creature
02:29zoinks we're trapped somebody do something
02:57so far so good at least we made it to the pyramid the long way around but we can't find an entrance
03:04which means there must be a secret passage right a secret passage like finding it'll probably take
03:11all night short night wasn't it good work shag like wow it's dark in here let's find a light
03:20switch don't be ridiculous the aztecs built this pyramid centuries before electricity was discovered
03:28they must have remodeled this one this case is getting more mysterious every second it only
03:34seems that way daphne finding a modern light switch in here is definitely a clue what we
03:40need are more clues and fast let's split up do we have to wow this place is decorated in early
03:50nothing wait till we find one of the rooms daphne the aztecs had a highly developed civilization
03:57yeah but not this highly developed a movie projector what would the ancient aztecs be
04:04doing with a projector you have not heeded my warnings it's katazuma but he's shrunk to our
04:10size now you will suffer the curse of katazuma let's throw a little light on the subject
04:23run girls
04:25wow it sure is dark and scary in here stay close okay
04:34not that close
04:40something's following us
04:46a vacuum cleaner
