• last year
00:00In this video, this is part 2 of 2. This video is addressed to my twin flame, Shaya. Hi, Shaya.
00:08For those just watching, I thank you for watching.
00:10This is going to be some crime against me and my twin flame. This may or may not be true.
00:15None of this information can be used against me or my twin flame or you will be sued and sent to jail for trying to legally frame me.
00:22I have some ice cubes with coffee.
00:25So now I'm going to talk about the notes to you, Shaya.
00:32I've already documented a crime report and two things since the last video I recorded to show you tomorrow.
01:01One of the crime reports is that there are too many things that I can't expose everything that happens to me.
01:21It happens to me because it could make me look like, it could make me look, because it's just too much, it's too much crime.
01:31It's too like, not really believable because there's just too much, there's too much AI.
01:44I can't even explain myself completely, Shaya.
01:48Why I can't show everything. Well, obviously, some of it's too evil to show.
01:53Oh, I didn't show the me smiling video. Oh, well. I didn't, I, I wasn't able to show every single one, though I showed most of them.
02:06So now I'm going to talk about the notes, Shaya.
02:10And I know that you're doing these video cams for me, these video recordings for me and also to document the crime.
02:19And they're trying to make me blur things out that would trigger me in you and I'm not going to.
02:25You're trying very hard.
02:32So now I'm going to talk to you about the notes, Shaya.
02:36So, I have this recording in regards to today.
02:44I had the telepathy of supporters ask me to email my brother and my mom and text my dad to buy a security camera
02:52and to start recording the controlled AI that happens to them as well as the spying, stalking of the hacker
03:04because I was also told that the hacker is listening, has or has and had listened to my dad's phone calls
03:14in order to try to, like, threaten my parents and my brother.
03:21But they've been, this hacker has been trying to K.I.L. my parents and my brother the whole time
03:29because they're like, they're just, they're not just, they're evidence that could prove.
03:39So I emailed my brother and my mom and I said don't respond to the email.
03:47I should have wrote the telepathic supporters told me to email you but I didn't write that.
03:54I only wrote that to my dad.
03:58My dad did respond and he said, what the hell did I do now?
04:04And then I said, this, I'm not trying to have a conversation, I'm just telling you what the tele,
04:09I'm just sending this message to you because the telepathic supporters asked me to.
04:16And then he responded okay.
04:19So obviously we know what the word okay means and I think what the hell did I do now
04:27was probably meant like, I'm not going to go into it, but obviously, like, I don't know.
04:38I personally think that it's like, it was a long time ago, it was a mistake,
04:45but it's, I'm not going to go into detail about what that meant.
04:52But he's not going to respond back after okay.
04:56So I sent them the link, I sent, because my parents are tortured and my brother's tortured
05:07and the hacker has had an obsession with my brother along with you, which is kind of weird.
05:17It makes it kind of weird.
05:19I had an extreme obsession with my brother and like, it's possible that me, my brother, my mom
05:32have a mental health problem that's exasperated, however I'm pretty much positive
05:44it's AI controlled and demon possession.
05:48So in regards to, I wrote, this is the link to get the wireless security cam.
05:54It's only $10 a month.
05:56You can get all recordings of your videos saved for 180 days and download and save them.
06:03This can be used for safety, et cetera, and evidence against a criminal hacker.
06:10The criminal hacker needs to get DEATHPNALTY and go to jail until he dies if he doesn't get DEATHPNALTY.
06:25Record the evidence, have the camera on hand when you're AI controlled
06:30or there are ads on your computer or however else, like I said, et cetera.
06:39If they, the criminals doing this, get quiet and stop harassing,
06:46you document live recordings of yourself of what you remember the hacker did to you.
06:53I said, you will both have less mental hospital time if you do this.
07:01And I said, my brother's name, you deserve to get better and have a family of your own.
07:08And I said to both my parents, I said, you're in a lot of trouble.
07:14I said their names, but I said, I said their names, not mom and dad.
07:18I said mom and dad, but I said their names.
07:21You're in a lot of trouble.
07:23Document the evidence, don't respond back to his email.
07:27Kind regards, Alyssa.
07:29So I was told to do that, to tell them, because they have to start following instructions by the Lemarians.
07:36And honestly, like my brother and your sister have been tortured more than anything.
07:50Our parents is a different thing.
07:55They've been tortured, my parents.
07:56But the problem is you can't be simultaneously attacking people while you get tortured.
08:02That's the problem.
08:05So I didn't really want to email them and text them, but I was told to.
08:11And I kind of have a little bit of relief because it actually makes me hopeful to think that they're going to do this.
08:24So I think they actually want to.
08:30I think they would actually want to.
08:37And it's not my choice what happens.
08:40This is not our plan, Shia.
08:41This is God's plan, the Lemarians' plan.
08:44The Lemarians underground that are controlling the people on the surface.
08:50And verbal statements are more powerful than written statements.
08:53So say they do get quiet and there's not a lot of evidence of them attacking me and demonically possessing me,
09:02I can use the crime reports to record, put it on my video, record the ones as backup on my camera.
09:11However, I'd like to go to the library instead and put it on my, what is it called?
09:22Put it on my flash drive.
09:25I kept calling it USB, it's not USB.
09:29I'm making my voice sound funny, Shia.
09:35And that mouse is not completely natural.
09:39But I think because my brain is so sensitive, some of my face expressions and body,
09:47I have a lot of spasticity in my body, it's reacting to the pain in my brain that they're doing.
09:58So in regards to the face acupressure, Shia, I want to show you this specific one.
10:02And what I like about Chinese acupressure is they have really nice names that make it magical.
10:10It makes it really magical.
10:16It's also possibly more powerful in the face because the hands always get touched.
10:21We always use, touch things and press on things, but the face never gets touched.
10:28So I have to find, oh, it's on the other, I screenshotted it on the other page, so hold on.
10:42Something definitely happened after doing the face acupressure while I got out of the bath.
10:49I did the face acupressure and the names that they use with the Chinese reflexology,
10:59did you see that, the way they just went like that?
11:02Like upper star, root spirit, harmony bone, silk bamboo lalo, earth granary, middle of the person.
11:15These are like, you know, it's very spiritual and very magical.
11:21And because we're not really like, because we are star seeds, Shia.
11:30So I pressed on all these for three minutes and then I went back and did it and I used the timer on the phone.
11:37The specific ones I like, this one, I like this one.
11:47This one's very powerful.
11:50And you know how my lumbar spine is going in?
11:53A lot of the kidney and bladder is connected to the lumbar spine.
11:56I have extreme kidney and bladder problems from the stroke.
12:03I think my hip was already having scoliosis this way because I had a leg.
12:12I constantly limped my whole life from being crippled from the leg injury.
12:17So I was already developing scoliosis, but the paralysis just threw my spine off.
12:23So I really like this face acupressure and you're going to notice something.
12:28You're going to get extreme results, Shia, from face acupressure because of what happened to your face.
12:44I know that you really want to post, Shia, but you know that it's going to be used against both of us.
12:51So you know that, so you're not going to.
12:55And that's fine, Shia.
12:57I don't want you to get attacked and stressed out.
13:10I used the pendulum and you're feeling happy because we're going to be together soon.
13:17Because you're not going to make me show you these videos of how bad I'm acting and looking and then not have you be with me soon.
13:28I know you're just as sick as me, Shia, but I do imagine you a little bit healthier and stronger because I'm already too weak.
13:37I can't imagine you, like, weak.
13:47And a lot of times, like, when I was hugging the pillow and thinking about you, Shia, there was a good day I wouldn't tell if I had the supporters tell me things that you're thinking or doing or how you're feeling about the things that I say.
14:01I'm not going to go into detail about it.
14:04Yeah, so I'm going to be more careful with my spine because I'm realizing more and more now that I saw on the video cam how, like, curved it is.
14:23And then when I scooch back real quick, or like when I'm in the bathroom, I scooch up, it's bending the spine, hurting it.
14:30I'm going to be more careful with my lumbar spine.
14:36And I'm always hunched over. It's a problem.
14:42It's also not just a problem. It's being forced.
14:46It's forced with AI. We just hunch over.
14:54And they are, like, this whole video, they're, like, kind of, like, speeding up my adrenaline and making me nervous.
15:03So if you're noticing that and making my voice sound funny, like, my tone funny.
15:09Your focus, Shia, being positive, it's going to make you sick when you watch yourself, Shia.
15:17It's going to make you sick when you watch yourself because you're so sick.
15:22However, they were real quiet this morning, and I think they were trying to be like, you don't need that security camera.
15:31We're going to stop. Well, if they don't stop, it's good as evidence.
15:37If they do stop, it's very good because I wanted to stop.
15:41But they're, like, constantly acting like, well, now that it's stopping, you want us to keep torturing you so that you can show Shia.
15:48That's not true.
15:55And you're feeling better from the acupressure, Shia.
15:58This isn't just acupressure. This is magical.
16:07So they tried to wake me up so many times, and it didn't work. I was so happy that it didn't work.
16:12This happens rarely. I don't want to be shocked to think that it's going to stop completely, but I do that sometimes.
16:20I use that with AI for the shock factor.
16:24But I got a sparkling energy feeling in my feet and lower legs when I did all the face acupressure.
16:31So the face is equivalent in power with as much as the hands.
16:36I don't usually like to lift up my feet.
16:39My legs are very sore and achy when I lift up my legs.
16:48But I think I should do the feet.
16:55Eventually I will.
16:57So I landed on... I opened up one of the Hana Koga books, the pendulum one, and landed my finger on a word, and it said, hold.
17:21And I immediately thought, we're going to be holding each other at old age, Shia, and that's what you think.
17:31And we have to constantly think that it's going to happen.
17:36And that's what you're thinking, Shia.
17:39But when I look ugly, it's a paralysis. It's a paralysis when I look really ugly. It's a brain stroke.
17:55Because people do look funny after they have a brain stroke. Their body and face changes.
18:00And I am noticing more paralysis on the left side of my body now that I'm doing the acupressure.
18:11So we're going to get more sick before we get better because of the acupressure.
18:21Well, no, that's not true. We've been sick like this nonstop.
18:29However, we're going to feel near death because of the acupressure. We're going to have moments of feeling near death.
18:40My heart's been acting funny again, off and on. But don't worry, Shia.
18:45Don't worry, Shia.
18:54And in regards to the Kiran Rakyas, I listen to them a lot. I listen to the Kiran Rakyas a lot because they work.
19:04However, we are the 5% most tortured, most possessed.
19:10I told you when I had that full-body walk-in and was just observing the walk-in entities controlling and acting in my body like I wasn't even there.
19:22I was literally just observing my body being used like I wasn't in my body, controlling my body for several years. That happened.
19:34It's still going on, but it was more obvious that it was supposed to kill me.
19:39So we're a special circumstance in regards to the Kiran Rakyas not completely working.
19:46Most people are not as possessed as us. They don't have really an excuse for these Kiran Rakyas to not work.
19:56But because of our situation, because of how possessed we are, the Kiran Rakyas, the acupressure, the spiritual sacrifice is not going to work as quickly.
20:17I saw a license plate called Jedi. I like to think of us as the Jedi, and then I looked up the Jedi.
20:24The Jedi is the light force, and I never watched Star Wars or Star Trek. I've never watched very few movies because I wasn't allowed to pay attention and follow along the storyline.
20:38I couldn't with the AI, but I saw the license plate, Jedi.
20:43Jedi means the guardians of order and justice. I believe we're the Jedi, Shia.
20:54The Jedi is the light side of the force. I like anything that has to do with aliens and space, even though I've done very little research on aliens and space because I haven't been able to.
21:10We harness the power of the light force, Shia.
21:17So I'm very happy to put the fan in the kitchen because I get really hot. It is the coolest area in our studio. However, it's not that cool.
21:30I did take a break from 1247 on. I took a break from the security camera and only documented it twice with the crime report of the microwave and the stove.
21:50So my food hasn't been getting really cooked through. In the microwave oven, it takes a while. In the microwave, the food pops and bubbles extremely quickly. That doesn't mean the food is getting cooked through.
22:10It just means that the voltage is being increased to make the food pop.
22:19And by the way, you know how the hacker's assistant made a phone call on my phone?
22:34They also posted on my alternate fashion Facebook a comment and I looked at the profile. They stole the profile and wrote something in the description that says,
22:48You know who you are if you're looking at this. And then they delete the profile and they possessed me to delete the comment. But it had the word spoon in the comment and it was the assistant saying, we spoon each other.
23:03So the comment was deleted. However, and that Facebook page was deleted. However, that can be used against them because it did happen.
23:18Also, I was told that there is evidence in regards to what happened to you. That's going to help a lot. And I'm very worried that we could die from the stress of all these trials.
23:39However, we are going to make it easy for us. But we're going to get a lot of help.
23:45They stole that Facebook page. So I looked at the profile description and the hacker's assistant wrote, if you're reading this, you probably know who this is. They stole that Facebook page. They changed the description.
24:10Also, I've seen the hacker stealing several other pages and then friend requesting me with the stolen hacked pages that he stole the identity from.
24:29So the acupressure is working, Shia. We've got to definitely keep doing the acupressure. Recite the Quran because that's white spells. If we don't declare it through our voice, it's not going to work.
25:29So I'm having a little bit of hope. However, it's not going to last, Shia.
25:54Because I got less torture today.
25:58Yeah, there's a heat wave. Something's going on with the heat in here.
26:1286. It's not typically 86 degrees. So I'm going to go away from the window. And I'm going to move away from the window and sit over here.
26:28So I'm going to talk to you tomorrow. I'm thinking about you, Shia. I'm looking at your photos. They make me happy. I'm going to play your video. And tell Pasquores we'll talk about you, Shia.
26:47I love you, Shia. Thank you, everybody, for watching. Thank you so much, Shia, for watching.
