• last year
The anime centers around Kurumi Azuchimomoyama, a normal 14-year-old girl who attends Egaogaoka Middle School. One day, | dHNfV1JzNXpzMDAxbW8


00:00I'm going to freak out!
00:04You suck!
00:05Why did you become a dragon?
00:06Damn it! Fly higher!
00:08He's a pervert. I'm scared.
00:09Dark Great Seer!
00:11If you close your eyes, you can destroy all animals.
00:14It's a direct attack!
00:16Miso! Let's try it!
00:18That's good. It's like a loli.
00:20This is good.
00:21What are you talking about?
00:22What are you talking about? Are you okay?
00:23Watch it! Absolutely!
