Insta Empire Ep 35 I was shocked to see her familys awful condition

  • settimana scorsa
Insta Empire Ep 35 I was shocked to see her familys awful condition
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00Hi guys Kevin here listen to full episodes of insta Empire exclusively on the pocket FM app
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00:10While Kevin was setting up the deal with Tyler all the Joneses were rushing to the family mansion
00:16Grandma Jones was sitting in the big chair in the middle of the room looking despondent
00:21Oliver was standing in front of everybody looking fearful and very ashamed
00:25So Oliver, where did your friend go?
00:30Grandma Jones asked him sharply
00:32Usually the Joneses would mutter to each other, but they were beside themselves this time one of his cousin shouted
00:39Where's all the money you promised another one yelled?
00:44Unbelievable you lost everything in just one night
00:47The crowd looked like they wanted to eat him alive
00:50Please don't worry Lily said in a panic. My dad has already called the police. They'll track him down soon
00:58Dorothy actually tried to appeal to them saying we're all family
01:03Let's talk about this peacefully as long as we find him. We'll get our money back
01:08But their pleas fell on deaf ears. The family was too furious with Oliver right now
01:14Grandma Jones gave Oliver a sad look and said you've really disappointed me
01:20The discussion turned to the next step they would take
01:24Having lost all their liquid assets
01:26The family was on the brink of ruin and it was so much money over a hundred million dollars that there was no way
01:33Oliver could ever pay them back by himself
01:35It looked hopeless if Grandma Jones hadn't been in the room. They might have gotten violent
01:42Mom, I really had no idea would turn out like this
01:45I transferred the money to my friend last night, but I couldn't contact him this morning
01:50Oliver explained, of course Oliver had been fooled
01:53But the family didn't believe his explanation as they became more and more emotional a few of them started rolling up their sleeves
02:01They look like they wanted to take a swing at Oliver whether grandma was there or not
02:06Just then everyone turned to the entrance as it was announced that Bella Ortez and Eugene Kim had arrived
02:14They were financial partners with the Jones family
02:17There were also some Jones Enterprise clients who wanted to speak with them
02:21This was too important. So they all came straight to the mansion instead of waiting to meet in the corporate office
02:29Before anyone could react the large group entered the Jones mansion's main hall
02:34Where it was obvious that Oliver had just been called on the carpet
02:39Bella Ortez was the first to speak. She said glumly
02:43I'm sorry to inform you that our board just had an emergency meeting
02:48We've decided to end our association with your company
02:52Grandma Jones was shocked. She asked Bella. Why would you do that?
02:57We've been working together for so many years
03:01Before Bella could say anything Eugene Kim followed suit and said it looks like President Ortez is trying to spare your feelings
03:09So she hasn't told you the real reason that we need to end our relationship with your company
03:14Kim got straight to the point
03:16We have a reliable report that the Jones family's corporation has been cheated out of all its assets to put it bluntly
03:22We do not want to be drawn into your bankruptcy. We hope that you can see this is purely a business decision
03:30Grandma Jones lip quivered as she replied
03:33President Kim you've gone too far. Our situation isn't as desperate as you think. Can you please reconsider?
03:42Bella responded to this request with a directness that left no room for doubt. I'm sorry, but we have no choice
03:50According to our contract. We are requesting only our initial outlay of funds
03:55As soon as she finished speaking the rest of the group spoke up to request their capital to
04:00They realized that the Jones family would be unable to repay them and the discussion turned to selling off the Jones family's real estate holdings
04:09Including the mansion the Joneses knew that they were ruined and started arguing with their former partners and clients
04:16Suddenly grandma Jones slammed the table hard and shouted. That's enough. What's the point of arguing?
04:23All that we're asking is clearly laid out in our contracts
04:27We have no choice now that the Jones family and your corporation are now
04:31Bella Ortez didn't finish her sentence, but everyone understood what she meant
04:36Grandma Jones let out a long sigh
04:39President Ortez president Kim don't worry
04:43We will definitely reimburse you but can you please give us a few days after all?
04:49We've been business partners for many years and we need some time to raise such a large sum of money
04:56Agreed out of respect for you. Mrs. Jones. We will give you five days
05:01After saying this Bella turned around and walked towards the door
05:05Before leaving president Kim added. Mrs. Jones. Doesn't your granddaughter's husband know Mitchell cook and Adriana, right?
05:12Perhaps you can ask them for help. Remember if we don't see our money in five days
05:17There will be serious consequences for all of you
05:20After they had all left grandma Jones sat back in her chair and rubbed her temples
05:24How could they raise over 50 million dollars in just five days at the same time?
05:30They were also trying to track down the hundred million that had been stolen by Oliver's friend. It didn't look good
05:37Not to mention the fact that they had no idea if Mitchell cook and president right would even agree to help them
05:43Even though they obviously had great respect for Kevin. It was impossible for grandma Jones to ask them for help
05:50That's when someone suggested why don't we ask Kevin to approach mr. Cook and president right for us
05:56This seemed to be their only solution, but nobody knew if it would even be possible
06:01They certainly weren't on good terms with Kevin right now to say the least
06:05As they were discussing their limited options a striking looking man in a dark suit walked in
06:11The man slowly walked to the middle of the room and said
06:15I'd like to speak with mrs. Victoria Jones
06:18I'm mrs. Jones. May I ask who you are?
06:22Grandma asked with a slight frown
06:24She didn't recognize the man
06:25So she was fairly certain that he wasn't someone who was currently doing business with the Jones family
06:30The man replied in a friendly tone of voice
06:33My name is Tyler dawn. I'm the CEO of the KWTD corporation
06:38As soon as he finished speaking the room became filled with an excited buzz of conversation
06:44This was a shocking development
06:46Everyone in the entire country had heard of the KWTD corporation
06:50They also knew that the company president Tyler dawn rarely showed his face in public. He was a very private man
06:58Grandma Jones was stunned. She had never expected to meet such a famous business tycoon, especially right here in the Jones mansion
07:06Tyler was unimpressed by their reaction the Jones family didn't have the best reputation in Chicago
07:12But he trusted Kevin so he continued to be pleasant to them
07:16If his friend hadn't asked him this favor, he was pretty sure he wouldn't even be talking to grandma Jones
07:22Mr. Dawn, what brings you here today?
07:25Grandma Jones asked nervously
07:27While they were talking some of Tyler's assistants walked in and one of them brought over an empty chair for him to sit in
07:34Tyler sat down and casually explained
07:37Grandma Jones. I hope you don't mind if I call you that please don't be nervous
07:42I came here to discuss a joint venture that should be profitable for all of us
07:48Everyone became excited when they heard him say this
07:51Mr. Dawn, how do we fit into your plans?
07:55Grandma Jones was starting to get a little short of breath with the help of the KWTD corporation
08:00The Jones family would be able to easily pull out of this crisis and she wouldn't be forced to ask Kevin for help
08:08It's very simple, I know that you currently have no available funds, so I'm prepared to invest
08:15300 million dollars to set up an import-export company in Chicago
08:19Tyler explained as soon as he finished saying this everyone looked at him enthusiastically
08:25What are your conditions? Mr. Dawn? Grandma Jones asked him somberly
08:30Except for the fiasco with Oliver's investment
08:33She wasn't usually very trusting this sounded too good to be true
08:38The conditions are actually very simple. All you would have to do is handle the day-to-day activities of the company in exchange
08:46I only want 60% of the Jones family shares Tyler said casually, you know that you're in a dire situation
08:54300 million would not only pay off your debt, but put you in a position to expand your family's business
09:00For a moment the entire room fell silent
09:03Grandma Jones thought long and hard before answering
09:06Mr. Dawn, you understand the situation perfectly. However, don't you think that the conditions are a bit extreme?
09:16Grandma Jones, you know very well that the family's assets are worth 300 million Tyler said very seriously
09:23This is a very fair offer. If you can accept my conditions, then I'll move on
09:28I'm sure there are people in Chicago who would be willing to sign on with KW TD
09:33Without waiting for Grandma Jones to speak Tyler continued to be honest. I could easily walk away from this deal
09:40I run a business not a charity. You have three minutes to consider my offer
09:46Everyone in the room turned and stared at Grandma Jones. They all knew that without this opportunity, they would be finished
09:53Grandma Jones gritted her teeth and replied hesitantly
09:56All right, mr. Dawn, I agree to your conditions
10:01Suddenly the room broke into lively debate. Some of them were against it
10:05They knew Tyler was taking advantage of them, but they also knew that they were facing liquidation and bankruptcy
10:11They didn't jump at the software. It would just go to someone else
10:15Stop, Grandma Jones shouted. I've decided the discussion is closed. Oh
10:21Wise decision Tyler said I'll have my attorneys drop the contract and arranged for the transfer of funds
10:29Tyler walked out followed by his assistants
10:3120 minutes later while riding in his limousine Tyler read through the contract and financial plan on his laptop
10:37Then he pulled out his phone and called Kevin
10:41Kevin everything's been set up according to your instructions
10:45300 million for 60% of the shares in the Jones family's corporation. He reported coolly
10:51Thank you, Tyler. I hope this goes well for you
10:55Kevin replied calmly if you don't have anything else, I won't take up any more of your time
11:00After saying this Tyler hung up the phone
11:03Kevin took a moment to think about what he had just done
11:06He put his phone in his pocket and headed for the exit
11:10Just as he walked out of the Whistler Hotel a black car pulled up in front of him
11:15Two men dressed in black suits quickly got out of the car and called to him. Mr. Williams. Our employer would like to meet with you
11:23Dominic Archer Kevin raised his eyebrows and asked please come with us the men in black didn't answer Kevin's question
11:31They opened the rear door of their limousine and gestured for him to get in
11:34Kevin shrugged and got into the car as they drove along Kevin thought back on a question
11:40He'd asked cook just last night
11:42He was wondering how Dominic Archer compared to Drake as it turned out most of Drake's strength came from having cook support
11:51However, Dominic Archer was different. He relied on his own strength. So Drake and Dominic were pretty much equal
11:58Half an hour later. They arrived at a luxurious mansion when Kevin entered the foyer
12:03He saw Dominic stretched out on a sofa in the library
12:07Glad you could make it Dominic said as he glanced at Kevin
12:11Mr. Archer. I don't understand why you've called me here. So early in the morning Kevin asked candidly
12:16I know I can be a little headstrong, but in our family, we know how to repay kindness
12:22You really helped my sister yesterday, so I'd like to give you something
12:27Dominic Archer stood up in motion for one of his aides to place a box in front of Kevin
12:33Yesterday your president writes party my sister and I could tell that you're interested in the miraculous benefits of herbal medicine
12:41Dominic walked over to Kevin and opened the box
12:43He said we have connections with a research lab that is developing some very powerful herbal ingredients
12:50I believe that you'll find the contents of this box extremely helpful
12:55Really Kevin replied. He was surprised at this turn of events
12:59Then I guess I should say thank you Kevin said quietly
13:04Dominic Archer waved his hand and said no need to thank me. I'm just returning the favor
13:11Kevin looked in the box for a few seconds and then said I would never have expected the two of us to have something in
13:17Common, but he couldn't help wondering what else Dominic may want from him
13:22Hi guys Kevin here listen to full episodes of insta Empire exclusively on the pocket FM app
13:29Click the link in the description to install the app now
