• last year
Rumah tangga Malik (Rizky Nazar) dan Hanna (Mikha Tambayong) berada pada puncak bahagia, dimana mereka tengah menanti kelahiran anak pertama. Ketika melakukan konsultasi kehamilan, dokter kandungan Hanna berhalangan, dan diganti oleh dokter muda yang cantik, bernama Cathy (Syifa Hadju), yang ternyata adalah sahabatnya semasa SMA sekaligus mantan kekasih Malik. Naas, Hanna terjangkit kanker yang mengancam diri dan janinnya, sehingga perlu dilakukan operasi dalam waktu berdekatan dengan waktu kelahiran. Dokter mengatakan kemungkinan Hanna untuk selamat setelah operasi sangatlah kecil. Hanna sadar bahwa hidupnya mungkin tak akan lama lagi, dan Hanna memiliki sebuah permohonan, dimana dia ingin sebelum dia meninggal, Malik harus menikahi Cathy. Malik dan Cathy tentu menolak permintaan gila tersebut, tetapi Hanna sudah bertekad. Maka setelah meminta persetujuan berbagai pihak, Ijab Qabul pun dilakukan di rumah sakit, di hadapan Hanna. Ketiganya kini terlibat cinta segitiga dan poligami yang rumit.


00:00:28Hi, honey. I'm at the hospital.
00:00:30I'm sorry I couldn't pick up your call.
00:00:32It's okay. I just wanted to let you know that Dr. Rahma is sick.
00:00:37So, he can't practice. But, I've changed him to another doctor.
00:00:40So, what's next?
00:00:42We're recommended by Dr. Rahma.
00:00:45Honey, it's been 10 days. I can't control it anymore.
00:00:48It's okay if you're comfortable.
00:00:51I'm still young.
00:00:52He's good.
00:00:53Is he a boy or a girl?
00:00:54He's a boy. Single. Handsome.
00:00:56I don't mean that, honey.
00:00:59I don't mind if he's a boy or a girl.
00:01:03I'm kidding, honey. I'm more comfortable.
00:01:06Okay, I'll call you later.
00:01:08Okay. Bye-bye. I love you.
00:01:12Yes, ma'am.
00:01:13Where's Dr. Objin?
00:01:15Dr. Objin?
00:01:16He's the doctor, ma'am.
00:01:26Oh, my God.
00:01:27You're Hana, right?
00:01:29Oh, my God. It's true.
00:01:33Don't you remember me?
00:01:36I'm your high school friend, Han.
00:01:41Kitty. Oh, my God.
00:01:44Oh, my God.
00:01:45I'm sorry.
00:01:46You're so different.
00:01:48Oh, really?
00:01:49You had short hair when you were in high school.
00:01:51Now, you're a boy.
00:01:52You're so beautiful. You've become a doctor.
00:01:54Oh, my God.
00:01:55Let's have a check-up.
00:01:56Are you going to have a check-up?
00:01:57Are you sure?
00:01:58What do you mean?
00:01:59Are you hesitating to have a check-up with me?
00:02:01Or do you want to cancel your appointment?
00:02:04Don't do that.
00:02:05It's not practical.
00:02:07I'm kidding.
00:02:08I'm so happy to have a check-up with you.
00:02:13Do I have to call you doctor?
00:02:15What are you doing?
00:02:16Calm down.
00:02:17If you call me Kitty, it'll be the same as before.
00:02:20I'm confused.
00:02:21I'm confused, too.
00:02:23Oh, right.
00:02:24You often feel dizzy.
00:02:27It's because of your blood pressure.
00:02:29It's high.
00:02:30143 per 165.
00:02:32I'll give you some medicine.
00:02:33But if you still feel dizzy after taking the medicine,
00:02:36I'll refer you to the internist.
00:02:38Okay, doctor.
00:02:39I'll go with you.
00:02:41By the way,
00:02:42are you married?
00:02:44Please, in this room,
00:02:46let's just talk about medicine.
00:02:48Oh, my God.
00:02:49I'm sorry.
00:02:50Let's start.
00:02:53How's the baby?
00:02:55It's a boy, right?
00:02:58I'm so happy.
00:03:00The fetal weight is still normal.
00:03:03The placenta is also normal.
00:03:06It's good.
00:03:07And the fetal position,
00:03:08the head is placed near the uterus.
00:03:13The development takes a little longer.
00:03:15But we'll see the cause later.
00:03:21Han, you don't have to worry.
00:03:23There are a lot of cases like this.
00:03:25Usually, it's because the mother doesn't eat nutritious food.
00:03:29Yes, doctor.
00:03:31I know.
00:03:32For me to eat a lot,
00:03:33I have a condition.
00:03:34You have to want to eat together at my house.
00:03:39This time, there's a patient who gave me a condition.
00:03:43But you want to, right?
00:03:45Let me think about it.
00:03:46Oh, I'm busy.
00:03:49Isn't your husband coming?
00:03:52He has a meeting.
00:03:53But I think he's already on his way here.
00:03:55Speaking of which, I don't know who your husband is.
00:03:58Who is he?
00:04:00In this room, you can only talk about medicine.
00:04:05So that's it.
00:04:06Who said that?
00:04:18Thank you.
00:04:25Thank you, doctor.
00:04:35Finally, you're here.
00:04:37Come in.
00:04:42Han, this is your house.
00:04:44Thank you.
00:04:45It's so comfortable.
00:04:48I'm going to meet my husband.
00:04:49He cooked for us tonight.
00:04:51He said I shouldn't be tired.
00:04:53I'm so happy.
00:04:56My doctor is here.
00:04:57Oh, yes.
00:05:07I'm sorry, Dik.
00:05:15Are you happy now?
00:05:17Are you happy now, Hana?
00:05:20No wonder she didn't want to answer when I asked her who her husband was.
00:05:23It's you.
00:05:24Hana wouldn't say anything if her doctor friend was you.
00:05:27I just wanted to see your reaction.
00:05:30You're not missing.
00:05:32Don't look at me.
00:05:38Let's talk.
00:05:41Where are you going?
00:05:43I miss you.
00:06:10I miss you, too.
00:06:11I miss you, too.
00:06:12I miss you.
00:06:13I miss you.
00:06:14I miss you.
00:06:15I miss you.
00:06:16I miss you.
00:06:17I miss you.
00:06:18I miss you.
00:06:19I miss you.
00:06:20I miss you.
00:06:21I miss you.
00:06:22I miss you.
00:06:23I miss you.
00:06:24I miss you.
00:06:25I miss you.
00:06:26I miss you.
00:06:27I miss you.
00:06:28I miss you.
00:06:29I miss you.
00:06:30I miss you.
00:06:31I miss you.
00:06:32I miss you.
00:06:33I miss you.
00:06:34I miss you.
00:06:35I miss you.
00:06:36I miss you.
00:06:37I miss you.
00:06:38I miss you.
00:06:40He picked on me, but he's actually just making me laugh.
00:06:43It's not just making you laugh, honey.
00:06:45It's liking you.
00:06:48Oh, honey.
00:06:50That's how they make me a perfect match.
00:06:52Where did you meet each other again?
00:06:54We met in Jogja.
00:06:56We went to the same high school.
00:06:58I thought we were ordinairy friends.
00:07:00But since Jogja is romantic,
00:07:04yes, like that.
00:07:06But in high school…
00:07:07Sapa yang anak sir sama dia semua cewek nak sir termasuk kamu anaknya, kamu juga dulu sempet nak sir dia kan waktu SMA?
00:07:16Lucu banget, gemes
00:07:24Eh, Kat kamu udah married?
00:07:26Belum sayang, kamu nggak liat?
00:07:28Dokter, cantik, sukses, cowok-cowok mah takut sama dia
00:07:33Enggak, kan sih kamu tuh lebay tau enggak
00:07:36Ya, emang karena belum dapet yang cocok aja
00:07:40Wah, emang standar kamu ketingin
00:07:42Apa? Ketingin dari mana?
00:07:49Eh, sorry sebentar aku angkat telfon dulu
00:08:03Bu Dewi yang kemarin itu?
00:08:05Oh, yaudah-yaudah, baik-baik, saya segera kesana sekarang
00:08:08Yaudah tunggu, ya, oke
00:08:12Hannah, Malik, aku minta maaf banget, aku harus pergi sekarang soalnya aku harus ke rumah sakit ada emergency
00:08:18Iya, nggak apa-apa, kamu nanti gabung mobil kan?
00:08:20Sayang, antri dulu
00:08:21Eh, enggak-enggak, nggak usah, nggak apa-apa, aku bisa naik taksi kok
00:08:23Enggak, nggak mau-nggak mau, udah malem gini lagi nggak ada ukuran, sakitnya nggak apa-apa
00:08:26Eh, nggak usah, nggak apa-apa, aku antri dulu
00:08:28Aku siap-siap dulu sendiri
00:08:30Oh, sorry
00:08:32Hai, kamu beneran nggak apa-apa, Malik? Ngantriin aku?
00:08:35Nggak apa-apa lah, ya
00:08:37Aku percaya kali sama kamu
00:08:39Lagian, cewek kayak kamu mana mau sampai dorongin orang
00:08:59Pasal nggak kamu masih di sini?
00:09:02Iya, aku nungguin
00:09:04Cuacanya mau hujan kayak gini, aku nggak khawatir kalau kamu naik taksi
00:09:10Tapi aku udah pesan taksi
00:09:12Bisa di-cancel kan?
00:09:20Aku masih nggak nyangka kamu jadi dokter
00:09:23Padahal dulu ngeliat darah aja takut
00:09:30Malem, om
00:09:32Iya, iya, malem, malem
00:09:38Masih ingat nggak?
00:09:42Malik, tante
00:09:44Oh, Malik
00:09:46Ya ampun
00:09:48Kok kalian bisa sama-sama?
00:09:50Nanti aja ya, kayaknya cerita ini mendingan sekarang Malik pulang dulu aja
00:09:53Makasih ya, soalnya istrinya nungguin sendirian di rumah
00:09:55Oh, udah berkeluarga
00:09:58Udah ada anak?
00:09:59Lagi hamil, tante
00:10:01Ini dokternya
00:10:03Terima kasih banyak ya, udah ngantriin Cathy
00:10:05Yaudah, kalau gitu Malik, pamit ya
00:10:07Om, tante
00:10:09Ayo, tante
00:10:11Yaudah, kalau gitu aku ngantriin Malik sebentar
00:10:20Eh, kepo deh, kepo deh
00:10:59Astaga, Hana
00:11:09Pagi, dokter
00:11:11Kamu, kamu gimana? Kamu nggak apa-apa?
00:11:13Kayaknya gini
00:11:15Baik-baik aja kan, tetep cantik kan
00:11:17Aku nggak apa-apa kokat
00:11:19Baiknya juga udah dipriksa semalam
00:11:21Alhamdulillah, aman
00:11:23Oh iya, terus tadi gimana hasil pemeriksaan dari dokter mulia?
00:11:25Udah, kita mau CT scan sekarang
00:11:27Oh, oke oke
00:11:29Pokoknya, aku harus baik-baik aja
00:11:31Supaya aku nggak mati duluan
00:11:33Terus si Ayang kawin lagi
00:11:35Nggak rela
00:11:39Udah deh, ayo, ayo
00:11:41Kita ke radio lagi sekarang, oke?
00:11:43Oke, oke
00:11:45Ayo, ayo, kita ke radio lagi sekarang, oke?
00:11:47Ayo, kita buat ya
00:11:49Kamu nggak nungguin?
00:11:51Udah deh
00:11:53Tapi nanti kabarin aku ya
00:11:55Iya, bener ya
00:11:57Oke, bye
00:12:09Gimana Kat, pas lo tau
00:12:11Ternyata si Hana itu, suaminya itu malik
00:12:13Eh, gue yakin ya
00:12:15Pasti lo pengen jambak dia
00:12:17Aduh, Ra, lo tau vertigang banget sih
00:12:19Nggak mungkin lah katnya kayak gitu
00:12:21Ya kan, Kat?
00:12:23Nah, nah, diem kan?
00:12:25Atau dia setuju sama gue?
00:12:27Kat, bener lo mah sakit hati?
00:12:31Nggak ya
00:12:33Sakit hati sih udah enggak
00:12:35Tapi ya paling
00:12:37Pas ngeliat bukanya
00:12:39Pengen gue cakar-cakar aja bawahannya
00:12:46You still love him?
00:12:52I don't love him anymore, oke?
00:13:12Itu justru yang bikin lo belum bisa move on sampai sekarang
00:13:14But you're still single, right?
00:13:18Ya, apapun alesan gue masih jomblo sampai sekarang
00:13:20Ya pasti alesannya bukan karena itu
00:13:22Karena lo belum ketemu cowoknya maling
00:13:28Guys, gue udah move on
00:13:42Gimana dok?
00:13:44Mohon maaf
00:13:46Saya harus menyampaikan
00:13:48Berita kurang enak ini
00:13:52Hasil CT scan menunjukkan
00:13:54Adanya kanker
00:14:04Dok, dokter yakin dok
00:14:06Nggak mungkin ada kesalahan
00:14:08Ini bukan yang kita harapkan
00:14:10Hasil biopsi menunjukkan
00:14:12Kalo ibu Hana terkenakan
00:14:14Kanker ortak di stadium 3
00:14:18Jadi kita harus gimana sekarang dok?
00:14:20Pada ibu hamil
00:14:22Memang harus ditangani
00:14:24Secara khusus
00:14:26Kemoterapi yang paling tepat
00:14:28Nanti saya diskusikan dulu dengan dokter kopcin
00:14:34Aku udah baca-baca
00:14:36Udah cari tau
00:14:38Kalo kemoterapi
00:14:40Untuk ibu hamil itu
00:14:42Beresiko tinggi pada janin
00:14:44Jadi aku gak mau lakuin
00:14:46Sayang, kalo kamu gak lakuin
00:14:48Resikonya bisa besar lah buat kamu
00:14:52Kalo aku lakuin
00:14:54Resikonya juga besar buat anak aku
00:14:56Dan yang paling penting
00:14:58Buat aku sekarang adalah bayi aku
00:15:00Ya tapi kalo kamunya kenapa-napa
00:15:02Bisa berdampak juga ke bayinya sayang
00:15:04Pokoknya aku baru mau kemo
00:15:06Setelah anak aku lahir titik
00:15:08Kamu jangan main-main dong sayang
00:15:10Ini taruhnya nyawa kamu
00:15:12Kalo aku harus kehilangan nyawa gak apa-apa
00:15:14Yang penting anak aku lahir dengan selamat
00:15:18Sayang kamu jangan keras kepala kali ini aja
00:15:20Kamu gak usah keras kepala
00:15:28Jangan emosi kayak gini ya
00:15:30Kalian tenang dulu
00:15:32Situasi ini pasti berat buat kalian berdua
00:15:35Sebagai pasien, kamu berhak
00:15:37Untuk menolak tindakan medis
00:15:39Tapi kamu juga harus ngerti
00:15:41Kalo dokter nyaranin semua itu
00:15:43Pasti berdasarkan dari reka medis yang ada
00:15:45Maka dari itu, antara pasien
00:15:47Dan juga dokter
00:15:49Harus ada kata sepakat
00:15:51Baru tindakan medis bisa dilakukan
00:15:53Menurut kamu
00:15:55Sebagai seorang sahabat
00:15:57Bukan sebagai seorang dokter
00:16:01Apa yang harus kami lakuin
00:16:05Sebagai sahabat kamu
00:16:09Aku pengen kamu ngelakuin tindakan medis
00:16:13Demi kebaikan kamu
00:16:25It's okay
00:16:55Gak apa-apa
00:16:57Biar dibawa ke dokter ya
00:16:59Jangan, pasien baru berangkat
00:17:01Bawaan hamil
00:17:03Oh gitu
00:17:05Dulu juga mbok gitu pas hamil
00:17:11Liat suami ngangkur
00:17:25Selamat sore
00:17:31Lama gak kesini
00:17:33Iya tante
00:17:35Abis 2 bulan keliling Eropah
00:17:37Ada urusan bisnis juga
00:17:39Sama papa kamu
00:17:41Cuman emang sekarang banyak bisnis papa yang aku pegang
00:17:43Emang gitu
00:17:45Anak muda sekarang harus sampai peran
00:17:47Jangan dibelakang orang tua aja
00:17:49Salah buat papa kamu
00:17:51Aku sampai dong
00:17:53Tante bikin ku enak banget ya
00:17:55Gak usah tante aku mau jemput Katie aja langsung
00:17:58Boleh dong
00:18:20Hai Ken
00:18:24Gak apa Katie berangkat ya
00:18:30Jangan pulang malam-malam ya
00:18:32Dan nero titip anak saya
00:18:34Pulang harus untuk
00:18:36Pasti om
00:18:38Mari tante om
00:18:44Restorannya bagus ya
00:18:46Tapi kok tumben sepi banget ya
00:18:48Aku sengaja booking
00:18:50Buat kita berdua doang
00:18:54Rol ini apa kamu gak terlalu berlebihan ya
00:18:56Ya enggak lah
00:18:58Rol buat kamu
00:19:00Aku udah pesan makanan juga buat kamu
00:19:02Gak apa-apa kan
00:19:04Gak apa-apa kok aku percaya kok sama selera kamu
00:19:08Jadi pas kemarin aku di Eropah
00:19:10Papa tuh
00:19:12Desek aku buat segera nentuin pilihan
00:19:14Karena katanya aku itu harus komitmen
00:19:16Sama pasangan
00:19:18Baru dia bisa nyerahin semua bisnisnya kamu
00:19:20Iya emang
00:19:22Biasanya kalau
00:19:24Orang udah married
00:19:26Pasti bakalan jauh lebih bisa berkomitmen sih
00:19:28Justru itu
00:19:30Aku emang pengen komitmen sama kamu
00:19:32Aku itu pengen kamu
00:19:34Sama aku bukan sekedar teman
00:19:38Itu mau papa kamu
00:19:40Ya itu mau aku juga
00:19:44Kok ketawa?
00:19:46Ya gak apa-apa pengen aja ketawa ya
00:19:49Jadi gimana
00:20:21It's fine
00:20:49Saya kesana sekarang
00:20:51Oh sorry banget
00:20:53Aku harus ke rumah sakit sekarang
00:20:55Soalnya ada urusan emergency
00:20:57Makan dulu aja
00:20:59Mereka bisa nunggu kan
00:21:01Mereka gak bisa nunggu
00:21:03Ini adanya orang lo bergantung sama aku
00:21:05Aku harus pergi sekarang
00:21:07Kamu gak usah nganterin aku
00:21:09Aku naik kaksi
00:21:21Buat aku maaf aku gagal waktu kamu
00:21:23Ya aku paham itu tugas aku ko
00:21:25Sekarang Hana gimana
00:21:27Em user
00:21:29Gimana dok keadaan isteri saya
00:21:33Tidak ada jalan lain
00:21:35Bayinya harus segera dikeluarkan
00:21:37Tapi dok dalam kondisi pasien seperti ini
00:21:39Passekan sangat berkesan ko
00:21:41Maaf pak dipanggil ibuk
00:21:43Oh, yeah.
00:21:44Oh, Doc.
00:21:45Sit down, sit down.
00:21:49I'm sorry, but I...
00:21:51I know, I know.
00:21:52You have an emotional bond with the patient.
00:21:55But if you're in pain, you can be replaced by another doctor.
00:21:58The surgery must be done immediately.
00:22:00At the very least, one life will be saved.
00:22:05Okay, Doc.
00:22:07I'm ready.
00:22:09Because there's no other choice, right?
00:22:12But I don't care anymore about what happened to me.
00:22:17I'm asking for your help.
00:22:22Please save my son, Kat.
00:22:29Everything will be fine.
00:22:35I hope...
00:22:37I can also be at peace when I'm gone.
00:22:42I know I won't last.
00:22:47I'm sure you know that too.
00:22:53You'll get better.
00:23:06I know...
00:23:07you two still have feelings for each other.
00:23:22Don't have bad thoughts about me.
00:23:25I don't have bad thoughts.
00:23:29You're so good.
00:23:32I'll be at peace...
00:23:35and happy...
00:23:38if you two get married.
00:23:47Han, I'm sorry, but...
00:23:49this isn't funny anymore.
00:23:52Ty, I'm sorry.
00:23:53Hana is down, so...
00:23:56that's why she can't speak clearly.
00:23:58I'm serious.
00:24:00Honey, I...
00:24:01I'm serious.
00:24:07I want my son to be safe...
00:24:10and protected by the right person.
00:24:15Mali is also a good husband.
00:24:20I don't want...
00:24:22him to marry the wrong woman.
00:24:31You know...
00:24:33I love you so much.
00:24:37But I'm sorry.
00:24:40I can't fulfill your wish, Han.
00:24:43I can't.
00:24:45Please leave...
00:24:47so that your bad thoughts can go away.
00:24:52Ty, I'm sorry.
00:25:00I love you.
00:25:25What's wrong with you?
00:25:27Don't say weird things.
00:25:29I've never asked you for anything, Han.
00:25:34Just this.
00:25:50I want my son to be safe...
00:25:53and protected by the right person.
00:25:57Mali is also a good husband.
00:26:01I don't want...
00:26:03him to marry the wrong woman.
00:26:26To be continued...
00:26:56To be continued...
00:27:38I'm ready.
00:27:45It's true, Kat.
00:27:47Ty, let's talk.
00:27:49For what?
00:27:52You're ready.
00:27:57Listen to me.
00:27:58You'll get better.
00:27:59I have the virus.
00:28:02And I'm sure it's true.
00:28:17Follow me.
00:28:20In the name of God.
00:28:25Honey, it's impossible.
00:28:28Ty doesn't trust us.
00:28:30Enough, honey.
00:28:34I'm a Muslim too, Mali.
00:28:41So, I should be able to do it.
00:28:53You used to be apart.
00:28:58But now...
00:29:00there's no reason for you to be apart.
00:29:07Follow me.
00:29:13In the name of God.
00:29:20In the name of God.
00:29:23In the name of God.
00:29:26Come on, Kat.
00:29:27You promised me.
00:29:33In the name of God.
00:29:36In the name of God.
00:29:39I will...
00:29:42marry your husband.
00:29:50I don't want to.
00:30:01In the name of God.
00:30:05I will be happy.
00:30:16Your husband.
00:30:28Thank you.
00:30:30You always make me feel at ease.
00:30:36I want to see you get married before I get surgery.
00:30:47Honey, it's impossible.
00:30:49I'm ready and I just want...
00:30:51to see what you're worried about.
00:30:55Honey, I can't.
00:30:57How can I know you'll keep your promise...
00:31:01if I'm gone?
00:31:08Okay, this is getting out of hand.
00:31:10You should withdraw your request.
00:31:13But you've made a promise.
00:31:16This is the only thing that can calm me down...
00:31:19when I get surgery.
00:31:24I want to witness your wedding.
00:31:32I think Hana knows that you just want to win her heart.
00:31:38But don't worry.
00:31:39Don't worry about it.
00:31:40I'll take care of it.
00:31:42I'll talk to Hana.
00:31:44I'll try to make her understand.
00:31:48Let's do it tomorrow.
00:31:58Let's get married tomorrow.
00:32:03Why are you doing this?
00:32:07You're doing this because you feel sorry for Hana and me.
00:32:10You're sacrificing your future.
00:32:12We're doing this...
00:32:17for Hana.
00:32:19Is that all?
00:32:22What else do you want?
00:32:30I still love you.
00:32:32Because when you left me,
00:32:35I felt lost and I was still hoping you'd come back.
00:32:38Is that what you mean?
00:32:49I don't have any feelings for you anymore.
00:32:53And I want to marry you.
00:32:56Only for Hana...
00:32:58and the baby in my womb.
00:33:01And one more thing.
00:33:03I'm apologizing not because of you.
00:33:06I'm apologizing because I want to learn Islam.
00:33:11And I started learning when I was studying in England.
00:33:14And when we're not together anymore.
00:33:17So, whatever my decision is,
00:33:20I'll do it based on my own will.
00:33:24And it has nothing to do with you.
00:33:27And I'm sure...
00:33:31believes in me.
00:33:35It's all a part of me.
00:33:59If you made that decision,
00:34:03it means you're not Mama's son anymore.
00:34:05Ma, don't talk nonsense.
00:34:09So, you agree?
00:34:10No, I don't agree.
00:34:12I don't agree that our son married his wife.
00:34:17But Katie will always be our child.
00:34:23A child who once disappointed us
00:34:25because he changed his faith to pursue his love for Malik.
00:34:31I'm apologizing not because of Malik.
00:34:35And at that time,
00:34:38I was already separated from Malik.
00:34:42So, it has nothing to do with Malik.
00:34:46Don't continue.
00:34:48This matter is clear.
00:34:49Don't continue.
00:35:00Forgive me.
00:35:03Because I...
00:35:06have always disappointed you.
00:35:11I did all of this not without a reason.
00:35:19Whatever your reason is, it's not in my head.
00:36:02How are you, Mas?
00:36:03We can start now.
00:36:17In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:36:19I hereby marry Malik Al-Fatih bin Muhammad Yahya
00:36:25to Catalina Gilia Binti Paul Lujaya
00:36:29with a marriage certificate.
00:36:33I hereby marry Catalina Gilia Binti Paul...
00:36:49to Catalina Gilia Binti Paul Lujaya.
00:37:10Thank you.
00:37:19In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:37:24I hereby marry Malik Al-Fatih bin Muhammad Yahya
00:37:28to Catalina Gilia Binti Paul Lujaya
00:37:32with a marriage certificate.
00:37:35I hereby marry Catalina Gilia Binti Paul Lujaya
00:37:39with a marriage certificate.
00:37:42I hereby marry Catalina Gilia Binti Paul Lujaya
00:37:46with a marriage certificate.
00:37:48I hereby marry Catalina Gilia Binti Paul Lujaya
00:37:52with a marriage certificate.
00:37:54How is it, Shafiq?
00:37:57In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:38:00I hereby marry Catalina Gilia Binti Paul Lujaya
00:38:03with a marriage certificate.
00:38:16I hereby marry Catalina Gilia Binti Paul Lujaya
00:38:19with a marriage certificate.
00:38:46Mom. Dad.
00:39:46♪ ♪
00:40:16♪ ♪
00:40:48♪ ♪
00:41:12I'm sorry, Dad. I fell asleep.
00:41:15It's okay. Your room is taken care of.
00:41:17It's done, Dad.
00:41:20I'll take you to your room.
00:41:25Your room is over there.
00:41:42This is my room with Anna.
00:41:44You can sit over there if you want.
00:41:58I'm sorry if it's uncomfortable.
00:42:03This is enough for me.
00:42:06It's clean.
00:42:11I'm leaving.
00:42:13I'll put these things away.
00:42:23If you need anything, just call me.
00:42:26Thank you.
00:42:35Here you go, Sir.
00:42:37I didn't order this.
00:42:38It's okay.
00:42:39Just take the initiative.
00:42:42Just put it there.
00:42:49I'm sorry, Sir.
00:42:51Is this your guest, Ma'am?
00:42:57I'm sorry again, Sir.
00:42:59It's a female guest.
00:43:02Does Ma'am Anna know about this?
00:43:08I'll tell you.
00:43:09So you won't misunderstand.
00:43:11Her name is Buketi.
00:43:13She's a friend of Ma'am Anna.
00:43:16She's a doctor who takes care of my mother.
00:43:21And Buketi...
00:43:24...is my wife now.
00:43:31You're not celebrating your birthday, are you?
00:43:33Are you planning to go to war?
00:43:34No, Ma'am. I'm serious.
00:43:36I can't believe this, Sir.
00:43:38Ma'am Anna is sick.
00:43:40Why are you getting married?
00:43:42Does Ma'am Anna know about this?
00:43:44I'm getting married...
00:43:45...because Ma'am Anna wants me to.
00:43:48That's impossible, Sir.
00:43:50It's impossible.
00:43:51No woman wants to be seduced.
00:43:54I'm a witness.
00:43:55I was once seduced.
00:43:56My husband remarried.
00:43:58I really wanted to beat him up.
00:44:02I really wanted to beat him up.
00:44:04But he never agreed.
00:44:09I'm sorry, Ma'am.
00:44:10I'm talking about my husband.
00:44:12I'm not talking about you.
00:44:13It's true.
00:44:16I'll pray now.
00:44:18Okay, Sir.
00:44:29I'm sorry.
00:44:30It's okay.
00:44:31It's not your fault.
00:44:33Well, being a second wife...
00:44:35...means you're in the wrong position.
00:44:38And you can't defend yourself.
00:44:40I'm not sure.
00:44:41Everyone will understand.
00:44:43It's just a matter of time.
00:44:46Actually, I want to ask you something.
00:44:49Where is Qibla?
00:44:51Qibla is over there.
00:44:54I haven't prayed yet.
00:44:56I'm sorry.
00:44:57I should've reminded you.
00:44:59I'm your imam now.
00:45:03I'm sorry.
00:45:06Do you want to pray together?
00:45:14Allah Akbar.
00:45:16Allah Akbar.
00:45:28Allah Akbar.
00:45:32Allah Akbar.
00:45:46Allah Akbar.
00:46:05I'm going to check.
00:46:17Did I do that by accident?
00:46:19I'm sorry.
00:46:21Allah Akbar.
00:46:46Allah Akbar.
00:46:48Allah Akbar.
00:46:50Allah Akbar.
00:46:52Allah Akbar.
00:46:54Allah Akbar.
00:47:17Praise be to God.
00:47:21Your son is safe.
00:47:24Praise be to God.
00:47:27Praise be to God.
00:47:29Praise be to God.
00:47:32How is Hana?
00:47:41For now...
00:47:44Hana is still pregnant.
00:48:05Allah Akbar.
00:48:06Allah Akbar.
00:48:10Allah Akbar.
00:48:13Allah Akbar.
00:48:41Congratulations, Hana.
00:48:54What's his name?
00:48:56His name is Altan Maliki.
00:48:58I gave him that name.
00:49:03It's a good name.
00:49:05I hope you can see your child soon.
00:49:14I hope so.
00:49:31How is it? Is it good?
00:49:33It's good.
00:49:34Did you cook this?
00:49:36No, I ordered it.
00:49:46Malik, I'm sorry.
00:49:47I should be the one who can prepare all this for...
00:49:51Your husband.
00:49:57It's still...
00:49:58It's still hard for you to say, right?
00:50:02How can I say this?
00:50:03To be honest, I still can't believe that we're like this now.
00:50:08It's still like a dream for me.
00:50:10Yeah, me too.
00:50:13Do you want me to make you a cup of coffee?
00:50:16Yes, please.
00:50:17Black coffee.
00:50:25The coffee is over there.
00:50:29Here? Okay.
00:50:36Here, glass.
00:50:38Sorry, the glass is here.
00:50:46Do you want to use sugar?
00:50:48No, I don't want to use sugar.
00:50:50The coffee is over there.
00:50:56Do I have to boil the water first?
00:50:58No, just boil it.
00:51:01Let me do it.
00:51:02No, it's okay.
00:51:05Ah, sorry.
00:51:07I left it there.
00:51:12Uh, Ti.
00:51:14I think we have to...
00:51:19getting used to...
00:51:22What's it called?
00:51:25We have to start getting used to...
00:51:27Becoming husband and wife.
00:51:33It's still hard for you to say it yourself.
00:51:39To be honest,
00:51:40this is harder than...
00:51:43the first time I fell in love with you.
00:51:52Here, you can drink this.
00:51:54Oh, yes.
00:51:55Thank you.
00:52:00Be careful, it's hot.
00:52:03I mean...
00:52:04I'm so sorry.
00:52:05I forgot to tell you.
00:52:06It's hot.
00:52:07Are you okay?
00:52:08Yes, I'm okay.
00:52:11It's okay.
00:52:19Do you want to share a room tonight?
00:52:26You have to stay at the hospital tonight, right?
00:52:29Oh, yes.
00:52:30That's right.
00:52:31I have to go to the hospital.
00:52:33Yes, it's better if you go to the hospital.
00:52:35You'll feel better.
00:52:36Yes, I...
00:52:37Uh, Ti, I'm sorry.
00:52:39I didn't mean to...
00:52:40It's okay.
00:52:41I understand.
00:52:43Right now,
00:52:44you don't have to think about me first.
00:52:46There are things you have to prioritize.
00:52:49You can go now.
00:52:50It's getting late.
00:52:52I'm ready to go.
00:52:57I'll put the coffee here.
00:53:06Sayateh finished her work.
00:53:08Sayateh saw your photos, right?
00:53:11But your photos weren't with Mom.
00:53:15Sumi, why did you ask?
00:53:18You're not mad at Sumi, right?
00:53:20I'm sorry, Mom.
00:53:23No, it's okay.
00:53:24I'm not mad.
00:53:26She's your first wife.
00:53:29Her name is Bu Hana.
00:53:31She's being taken care of at the hospital.
00:53:35She's in a coma after giving birth to Altan.
00:53:42you're her second wife.
00:53:48But you're pretty, kind, and a doctor.
00:53:52Why do you want to be her second wife?
00:54:02I believe...
00:54:04that fate is in God's hands.
00:54:07And God has prepared a good fate for me.
00:54:12So, I can only depend on God.
00:54:14But do you love him?
00:54:20I won't ask you again.
00:54:22I'm sorry.
00:54:26I don't love him,
00:54:30I wouldn't be here right now.
00:54:44Ty, the car is here.
00:54:46Okay, I'm ready. You can go now.
00:54:53Send it to me.
00:54:54It's a famous group of babysitters.
00:54:58It suits you.
00:55:00Gosh, you're so pretty.
00:55:04Who are you?
00:55:05Have you washed your hands?
00:55:07Who are you?
00:55:09I'm Sumi.
00:55:10You're new here. I've been here for a long time.
00:55:12I'm in charge of her mother.
00:55:14I'm in charge of this baby.
00:55:16Her father told me to wash my hands first.
00:55:19You're a Sundanese.
00:55:22I know you're old.
00:55:24But you're a racist.
00:55:26I know you're a racist.
00:55:28Who's a racist?
00:55:30I'm a racist.
00:55:31You've been taking selfies.
00:55:33You won't change.
00:55:34You won't understand.
00:55:36Racism and racism are two different things.
00:55:39What's going on?
00:55:40Dad, she's...
00:55:41She's the babysitter.
00:55:43Can't I hold my child?
00:55:45She's a baby.
00:55:46If you want to hold her, you have to wash your hands first.
00:55:50I'm sorry, Sumi.
00:55:51Is she okay?
00:55:53Pray for her.
00:55:54Of course.
00:55:55Sumi, this is Mrs. Ipah.
00:55:57She's been working here for a long time.
00:56:01I'm a senior here.
00:56:03It's not the right time.
00:56:05It's not the right time.
00:56:08Don't fight.
00:56:10I'm sorry.
00:56:11I'm late. I have to go now.
00:56:13Let's go.
00:56:18Today's seminar felt so long.
00:56:21By the way,
00:56:22don't you want to join us for dinner?
00:56:24I'm sorry, but I can't.
00:56:26I have to go to my room to make a call.
00:56:28Who are you calling?
00:56:31I'm calling my sister.
00:56:33She wants to check on my child.
00:56:36I don't think she knows.
00:56:38She's a newlywed.
00:56:40She can't tell her husband.
00:56:43See you tonight.
00:56:45Okay. Bye.
00:57:00What are you doing here?
00:57:03You won't believe this.
00:57:05I have a meeting here.
00:57:10It's a coincidence.
00:57:12It's a perfect timing.
00:57:14Yes. It's a coincidence.
00:57:17See? You don't believe me.
00:57:19No. I believe you.
00:57:21Where's Alton?
00:57:23He's at home.
00:57:25He's busy.
00:57:26Suni is here too.
00:57:28Let's have dinner here tonight.
00:57:33I see.
00:57:34So, you're here just to invite me to dinner?
00:57:42I have a meeting here.
00:57:44It's a coincidence.
00:57:46So, why not?
00:57:49I'll wait for you in the lobby.
00:57:55I'll wait for you in the lobby.
00:57:57We're husband and wife.
00:58:02It's hard to say.
00:58:09So, where should I wait for you?
00:58:12It's up to you.
00:58:39We'll go now.
00:58:47You look different.
00:58:54What do you mean?
00:58:56You look beautiful.
00:59:01I see.
00:59:31I'm sorry.
00:59:33I'm sorry.
00:59:40I'm sorry.
00:59:42I'm sorry.
00:59:44I'm sorry.
00:59:48What's wrong, dear?
00:59:50How are you?
00:59:52I'm fine.
00:59:57How are your parents?
01:00:01They're fine.
01:00:08If you're not feeling well, go inside.
01:00:13You'll catch a cold.
01:00:15It's nice here.
01:00:17Do you have medicine?
01:00:19I'll get it later.
01:00:33Kati, come here.
01:00:39Do you want to kiss me?
01:00:49Do you love me?
01:00:51I love you.
01:00:57Come here.
01:01:01Mom, it's Kati.
01:01:29What's your name?
01:01:43My name is...
01:02:00Mr. Malik.
01:02:02Your wife must continue to use...
01:02:04...the extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation.
01:02:07Medically, your wife is still in good health...
01:02:10...because of Alfan's help.
01:02:12We can't do anything...
01:02:14...until your wife recovers.
01:02:19I'm sorry.
01:02:21I'm sorry.
01:02:23I'm sorry.
01:02:25I'm sorry.
01:02:27I'm sorry.
01:02:58I'm sorry.
01:03:10Be strong and patient.
01:03:12I know...
01:03:14...you're doing the best for Ana.
01:03:16But if you see Ana like this...
01:03:20...I feel sorry for her.
01:03:28I'm sorry.
01:03:42I'm sorry for making you wait.
01:03:44It's okay.
01:03:46Let's go.
01:03:53What's wrong?
01:03:58What do you think?
01:04:00Are you asking me as your wife...
01:04:04...or as a doctor?
01:04:09As your wife...
01:04:12...I will definitely follow my husband's decision.
01:04:16But if you're asking me as a doctor...
01:04:23...the reason Ana is still in good health...
01:04:26...is because of the help from the machine.
01:04:36It's okay.
01:04:57It's okay.
01:05:01You don't have to force yourself.
01:05:05If you can't do it...
01:05:07...don't do it.
01:05:11It's okay.
01:05:26It's okay.
01:05:58I'm sorry if I made a mistake.
01:06:01I'm sorry if I'm not patient enough.
01:06:04I just don't want you to suffer any longer.
01:06:26I'm sorry.
01:06:57I bear witness that there is no god but Allah...
01:07:00...and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant.
01:07:26I bear witness that there is no god but Allah...
01:07:29...and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant.
01:07:56I bear witness that there is no god but Allah...
01:07:59...and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant.
01:08:41Praise be to God.
01:08:43God has shown His greatness.
01:08:45Nothing is impossible for God.
01:08:48Come with me.
01:09:10Are you awake?
01:09:14Praise be to God.
01:09:19What are you doing here?
01:09:23Don't you remember?
01:09:25You don't know, do you?
01:09:27I don't.
01:09:31Hi, honey.
01:09:33Who is this?
01:09:35Honey, this is Cathy.
01:09:39At that time, Cathy...
01:09:41I'm your doctor.
01:09:46Since you just kissed me...
01:09:49...you should get some rest.
01:09:52I'll stay here.
01:10:10Why did you tell Ana...
01:10:12...that you're her doctor?
01:10:14I'm her birth doctor, right?
01:10:16Yes, I mean...
01:10:19I wanted to ask...
01:10:22...what kind of wife are you?
01:10:28I just talked to Dr. Mulya.
01:10:33He said that...
01:10:36...Ana suffers from anterograde amnesia.
01:10:39So, the amnesia sufferer...
01:10:41...can't remember what just happened.
01:10:43She can only remember the information...
01:10:45...or the events that happened in the past.
01:10:47That's why she...
01:10:50...doesn't remember who I am.
01:10:54And why she forgot that...
01:10:58...we're married.
01:11:02I'll try to tell her.
01:11:05Malik, don't.
01:11:07For now...
01:11:09...don't put too much pressure on her.
01:11:16Let's just wait...
01:11:18...until she's fully recovered.
01:11:22What do you mean?
01:11:26I'm worried...
01:11:29...that Ana's decision to ask us to get married...
01:11:35...might not be fully realized.
01:11:39I'm afraid, Malik.
01:11:41I'm afraid that...
01:11:43...Ana will remember everything.
01:11:45She won't be able to accept that I'm married to you.
01:11:49No matter what happens...
01:11:51...you're my wife now.
01:11:53And I want you to be there for me and Altan.
01:12:25What are you doing?
01:12:27I want to see Altan.
01:12:28Alright, you're still a baby.
01:12:30Don't move around too much.
01:12:32He's crying. I want to see him.
01:12:35It's okay, honey.
01:12:37Titi will take care of him.
01:12:40Yes, Titi is your doctor, honey.
01:12:42He was also our classmate in high school.
01:12:45He took care of Altan when you were in a coma.
01:12:52So, all this time...
01:12:54...he's been living here?
01:12:57Sometimes he has to stay because Altan can't be left alone.
01:13:04Alright, don't move around.
01:13:09He wants to do that, right?
01:13:13If you're in his shoes, I'm sure you'll do the same.
01:13:18Because you have a pure heart.
01:13:27Here, borrow this.
01:13:28Thank you.
01:13:29You're welcome.
01:13:30Hi, hon.
01:13:33You still don't remember who I am, right?
01:13:41I'm Katie.
01:13:43I used to be your friend.
01:13:45We used to go to school together a lot.
01:13:50Hold on.
01:13:51I think I should...
01:13:53...keep our picture.
01:13:58It's so old, right?
01:14:04It's okay.
01:14:07Oh, Katie.
01:14:21Katie, meow.
01:14:26Oh, Katie.
01:14:28Yes, I remember.
01:14:29I'm sorry.
01:14:31Oh, God.
01:14:33By the way, thank you so much.
01:14:35Malik told me...
01:14:37...you took care of Altan when I was in a coma.
01:14:43I really love Altan.
01:14:45And if you allow me...
01:14:48...I really want to take care of him.
01:14:53Of course.
01:14:56Hello, Gunda.
01:14:59Your son is sleeping.
01:15:00How was your day, hon?
01:15:02It was boring.
01:15:04Come here.
01:15:05Hello, son.
01:15:08...can never be freed from lying.
01:15:12The proof is...
01:15:13...you told us to lie.
01:15:15Yes, Mrs. Ipah.
01:15:16But this is for everyone's good.
01:15:18Look at Bu Hana. She's still sick.
01:15:21We'll tell her later.
01:15:22Take it easy.
01:15:23Be patient.
01:15:24You're so...
01:15:25What is it, Mrs. Ipah?
01:15:26You're so nosy.
01:15:28So nosy.
01:15:29I'm not nosy.
01:15:31I'm not on anyone's side.
01:15:34That's enough, Mrs. Ipah.
01:15:35Let's just pray...
01:15:37...that they'll be happy.
01:15:40You're so nosy.
01:15:41They'll be happy.
01:15:43I have a high-flying watch...
01:15:46...called Dimadu.
01:15:47It hurts like this.
01:15:51You can smile...
01:15:53...but your hands hurt like this.
01:15:56Listen, Mrs. Ipah.
01:15:58Listen to me.
01:15:59Don't compare everyone in this world...
01:16:01...to Mrs. Ipah.
01:16:03Mrs. Doctor, Mrs. Hana, Mr. Malik.
01:16:05They're well-educated.
01:16:06They're smart.
01:16:07They can think.
01:16:08They have brains.
01:16:09Do you understand?
01:16:10So you're saying...
01:16:12...that my head is too big...
01:16:13...to fill my brain?
01:16:15That's not it.
01:16:16You're so nosy.
01:16:23They'll think I'm a narcissist...
01:16:26...talking about my tribe.
01:16:27I'm not a narcissist.
01:16:32I'm tired.
01:16:35Me too.
01:16:36I'm tired.
01:16:37Do you know?
01:16:39My biggest strength...
01:16:42...to survive...
01:16:44...is you.
01:16:47...always want to be with you.
01:16:49I want to grow old with you.
01:16:52Yes, honey.
01:16:54We'll grow old together.
01:17:25Honey, look at me.
01:17:26Look at me.
01:17:27Look at me.
01:17:29Look at me.
01:17:35Look at me.
01:17:41It's okay.
01:17:42It's okay, honey.
01:17:43It's okay.
01:17:53It's okay.
01:17:57Cat, if you're eating something...
01:18:00...or talking to someone...
01:18:02...just ask Mr. Ipah.
01:18:04She'll make it for you.
01:18:05Yes, honey.
01:18:06Thank you.
01:18:07I've promised Titi...
01:18:08...I'll cook a recipe of seafood for my daughter.
01:18:11I'm sure it'll be delicious.
01:18:14You're calling Titi?
01:18:24You know...
01:18:25...when I call someone...
01:18:27...I usually call their last name.
01:18:29I've been calling you Nana.
01:18:31My other friends call me that too.
01:18:34I forgot.
01:18:36What's your name?
01:18:44My name is Mia.
01:18:48Malik, honey.
01:18:50I thought it was Liklik.
01:18:53It's so weird.
01:19:13I can't go on like this.
01:19:17The more I come here, the more I feel guilty towards Hana.
01:19:27It's time for us to be honest.
01:19:33But what if Hana can't accept everything?
01:19:36Hana will accept it.
01:19:41Let's find the right time to talk.
01:19:52I love you.
01:20:10It's done.
01:20:13Good morning, Mom.
01:20:14Good morning, Doctor.
01:20:15Good morning, Han.
01:20:16Good morning.
01:20:17Good morning, Titi.
01:20:18It's okay.
01:20:19You look beautiful this morning.
01:20:21You look refreshed.
01:20:22Did you sleep well last night?
01:20:26It was raining last night.
01:20:27So, I couldn't sleep well.
01:20:29That's good.
01:20:30Are you okay?
01:20:31Yes, I'm fine.
01:20:44can you change the spray in my room?
01:20:46Oh, yes.
01:20:47I did it yesterday.
01:20:48Han, you're still...
01:20:50It's okay.
01:20:51It's okay.
01:20:52You don't have to change it.
01:20:53It's okay.
01:20:54I'll just change it.
01:20:55I want it to be clean.
01:21:01I'm worried if you're not comfortable.
01:21:03If you're not well,
01:21:05she won't have a personal doctor anymore.
01:21:09Are you afraid of me?
01:21:14If Titi is not here,
01:21:17it'll be troublesome for you to take care of me and Altan.
01:21:31It's okay.
01:21:32Let's continue.
01:21:33Altan is crying.
01:21:34He's my son.
01:21:36I can't take care of my own son.
01:21:38I'm his mother.
01:21:42Let's continue.
01:21:43Let me do it.
01:21:44I don't want to.
01:21:45I want to do it myself.
01:21:54from now on,
01:21:55you don't have to take care of me like that.
01:21:57It's okay.
01:21:58I can do it myself.
01:21:59You're healthy.
01:22:04Let's continue our breakfast.
01:22:07Enjoy your breakfast.
01:22:18Oh, honey.
01:22:20What's wrong?
01:22:26Why did you ask me to meet you here?
01:22:31What's wrong?
01:22:33I want everything to end, Malik.
01:22:37I want everything to end too.
01:22:39I'm tired of pretending like this.
01:22:42Let's talk to Hana tomorrow.
01:22:45That's not what I meant.
01:22:47I want...
01:22:50Hana to remember me as her best friend.
01:22:54So, I'm the one who will leave your lives.
01:23:00No one will leave.
01:23:01Malik, you have to understand.
01:23:06I love you.
01:23:09But there's something more worthy for you to love.
01:23:13I'm really happy with you.
01:23:19But there's something more important for you to be happy.
01:23:25I'm your wife.
01:23:30But there's something more that needs you as a husband.
01:23:35So, you don't need me?
01:23:38You regret giving me this?
01:23:40I've never regretted our marriage.
01:23:45Marrying you is something I've always wanted.
01:23:51And I will always remember you.
01:24:00Forgive me.
01:24:06But this is the best for us.
01:24:08You can't just disappear from my life.
01:24:14Because now I'm in love with two amazing women.
01:24:18I love you.
01:24:38What's wrong?
01:24:39Dede Al is crying in her room.
01:24:42But I'm scared.
01:24:44I don't dare to go inside.
01:24:45But she's been crying for 30 minutes.
01:24:47I'm so scared.
01:24:48What should we do?
01:24:49Shanti, the baby might get infected.
01:24:51No, it won't.
01:24:53What's wrong?
01:24:54It won't get infected.
01:24:56Help me.
01:25:04What is it?
01:25:05It's me, Katie.
01:25:12Can I hold Alton for a second?
01:25:15I don't want him to cry.
01:25:21Hold Alton.
01:25:31Alton needs to get used to me.
01:25:33Otherwise, he'll stay away from me.
01:25:37Alton can't stay away from you.
01:25:39You're his mother.
01:25:42But he's actually closer to you.
01:25:50Sit down.
01:25:59You can take my husband.
01:26:03But not my son.
01:26:09Sit down.
01:26:11Sit down.
01:26:17I didn't expect...
01:26:20...that you're that evil.
01:26:22You're so evil.
01:26:27Let me explain.
01:26:30I can see it.
01:26:33I can see it clearly.
01:26:38...and Malik...
01:26:41...are in the same room...
01:26:43...in this house.
01:26:50How could you, Katie?
01:26:52You're your best friend, Natine.
01:26:56Han, I want to...
01:26:57You ruined my house.
01:26:59Han, please.
01:27:00I should know.
01:27:01You can never stop loving Malik.
01:27:24Listen to me.
01:27:30You can take Malik.
01:27:36Please, Katie.
01:27:37I don't need a traitor like him.
01:27:40I don't need him.
01:27:46But don't take my son from me.
01:27:56In the end...
01:27:58...a traitor...
01:28:01...will meet a traitor.
01:28:05To be continued...
01:28:35To be continued...
01:29:05To be continued...
01:29:35To be continued...
01:30:05This is not what we agreed on.
01:30:07What should we do?
01:30:09Poor Ana and the doctor.
01:30:14Ana, what are you doing?
01:30:16Watch out.
01:30:17Ana, wait.
01:30:20Ana, listen to me. Don't cry.
01:30:23I'm not crying because of you.
01:30:27I shouldn't be crying.
01:30:32I'm crying because...
01:30:33...my imagination about who you are is ruined.
01:30:39Just like who you really are.
01:30:45Let go of me.
01:30:46I want to show you something.
01:30:52Look at this.
01:31:04Why am I in this photo?
01:31:10I'm sorry I haven't told you.
01:31:17That marriage happened because of you.
01:31:24In the name of God.
01:31:27In the name of God.
01:31:29I will...
01:31:32...marry your husband.
01:31:35This marriage will never happen if it wasn't for me and Katie.
01:31:38God will make you happy.
01:31:40Why are you telling me this now?
01:31:51Because you told Amnesia.
01:31:54Katie didn't want to tell you too soon.
01:31:56She wanted to wait for you to fully recover.
01:32:02You're the one who asked for this marriage, Ana.
01:32:05You're the one who made a promise.
01:32:06You're the one who accepted this marriage.
01:32:08Now, Katie has given up.
01:32:09She doesn't want you to remember that I married her.
01:32:16She didn't sacrifice her happiness for you.
01:32:26Now, she just wants...
01:32:30...me to be the one for you and Altan.
01:32:37I will marry you.
01:32:45And now, Katie wants to be separated from me for you.
01:32:57I love you.
01:33:23Forgive me, Kate.
01:33:25I'm so sorry.
01:33:30You're an amazing woman, Kate.
01:33:34I'm sorry for running away from you.
01:33:42I don't know how to thank you.
01:33:44I'm sorry, Kate.
01:33:50That time, I begged you.
01:33:55For Mika and Malik.
01:33:59And now, I'm here...
01:34:03...begging you again.
01:34:09Please come home.
01:34:15For your husband.
01:34:21...and our son, Altan.
01:34:52No woman wants to be the second woman.
01:34:58Everyone dreams of being the main woman...
01:35:01...and the only one loved by the man we love.
01:35:22But sometimes, fate is different.
01:35:26It depends on how we handle it.
01:35:36...happiness is not what we wish for...
01:35:40...but what we are experiencing.
01:35:43This is for you, Kate.
01:35:45And this is for you, Malik.
01:35:48Thank you.
01:35:53Talk to me.
01:35:56I don't want to.
01:35:57Why don't you talk to me?
01:35:59Why don't you talk to me?
01:36:01What should I say?
01:36:08What is it?
01:36:16Kate is pregnant.
01:36:26You're pregnant, Kate?
01:36:29Praise be to God.
01:36:34This is a miracle from God.
01:36:37Altan will soon have a brother.
01:36:42Even though it's not from my womb.
01:36:48I love you.
01:36:57I love you.
01:37:01Praise be to God.
01:37:07And with Malik and Hana...
01:37:09...I can feel the beauty of sharing.
01:37:13Peace be upon you.
01:37:16Peace be upon you, too.
01:37:18Peace be upon you, too.
01:37:38Let me see.
01:37:41It's beautiful.
01:37:45Are you happy?
01:37:46I'm happy to see my husband...
01:37:50...my daughter...
01:37:53...and my daughter-in-law.
01:38:11My goodness.
01:38:14My goodness.
01:38:21Hana is still unconscious.
01:38:24How is she?
01:38:25The doctor has examined her.
01:38:29I hope she will wake up soon.
01:38:51I'm grateful...
01:38:53...because God gave me time...
01:38:59...to see Altan.
01:39:02To play with Altan.
01:39:07And I'm sure...
01:39:11...my husband...
01:39:14...and my daughter...
01:39:17...will be happy with you.
01:39:22I'm ready to be called by God.
01:39:29Don't say that.
01:39:32You have to remember.
01:39:36I will always be with you.
01:39:42I love you.
01:39:55And we...
01:40:00We will always be together.
01:40:42I love you.
01:40:55Even though I only lived with you for a short time...
01:40:59...you taught me a lot.
01:41:03About love...
01:41:08...and sacrifice.
01:41:10And I will tell our daughter...
01:41:14...that she's lucky to have an amazing mother.
01:41:25I'm not a nobody compared to you.
01:41:30And no matter what...
01:41:33...I will never be able to replace you.
01:41:37But I will try to fulfill your wish.
01:41:43To love...
01:41:45...and love Malik and Altan...
01:41:48...as much as you love...
01:41:51...and love him.
01:42:06To be continued...
01:42:36To be continued...
01:43:06To be continued...
01:43:36To be continued...
01:44:06To be continued...
01:44:36To be continued...
01:45:06To be continued...
01:45:09To be continued...
01:45:19To be continued...
01:45:36To be continued...
01:46:06To be continued...
01:46:36To be continued...
01:46:40To be continued...
01:46:44To be continued...
01:46:48To be continued...
01:46:52To be continued...