Insta Empire Ep-17 She refuses to acknowledge our relationship in public

  • settimana scorsa
Insta Empire Ep-17 She refuses to acknowledge our relationship in public
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00Then Kevin turned to walk out.
00:03Lily stared at Kevin.
00:04She didn't know what to think.
00:06It was like he'd become a completely different person, a complete stranger to her.
00:11Everyone stood there in shock silence.
00:14As Kevin walked towards the door, Jason shouted,
00:16Stop him!
00:17Don't let him leave!
00:19But no one moved.
00:20They all wanted Kevin to leave and for this horrible scene to be over.
00:25Jason saw that no one was helping him and ran over to grab Kevin by the shoulder.
00:29Didn't you hear what I just said?
00:31You can't leave!
00:33Right then a white van stopped abruptly outside the restaurant's entrance.
00:38Then multiple powerfully built men jumped out of the van, holding baseball bats and
00:44armed to the teeth.
00:46It looked like the party was about to get even worse.
00:54Grandma Jones' birthday party had just been completely ruined by the fight between Jason
00:58and Kevin.
00:59It started when Bradley asked for Grandma's blessing to marry Lily, who was obviously
01:03already married to Kevin.
01:05Unfortunately for Jason, Kevin kicked his butt in the fight so Jason called up a friend
01:10to help.
01:11Jason was relieved to see his friend who showed up pretty quickly with a few of his toughest
01:17Drake, thanks for getting here so fast.
01:20The man gave a slight nod.
01:22What's going on, Jason?
01:24He pointed at Kevin and said, Drake, this is the piece of crap I told you about.
01:29One of the Joneses recognized Jason's friend.
01:32Drake, that's one of the toughest crime lords in the city.
01:36Wow, someone else said, Jason sure has friends in low places.
01:40Look how fast he got over here with just one phone call.
01:43Lily heard this and got scared for Kevin's safety.
01:46Kevin, run, she shouted.
01:49Lily knew that if Drake got his hands on her husband, he'd end up dead or worse.
01:54But Kevin didn't budge.
01:55This made Lily even more desperate to help him.
01:58She stood up and started to move toward him.
02:01Before she got two steps, Bradley stopped her.
02:03Lily, what are you doing?
02:06Drake's a very dangerous man.
02:09Everyone was afraid to interfere because of Drake's vicious reputation.
02:13Drake took a drag from his cigarette and casually threw it on the floor.
02:17Who's the bastard who did this to my buddy, Jason?
02:20When Jason heard this, he walked over towards Kevin.
02:24He could feel the eyes on him and knew that everyone was impressed that he had such a
02:27powerful ally on his speed dial.
02:29He'd be bragging about this for years.
02:33But no one could imagine how Jason and Drake ever got to know each other.
02:37It was simple.
02:38The first time they met, Drake almost beat Jason to death in a sparring match at the
02:44That set the tone for their relationship.
02:46Ever since then, Jason tried his best to make friends with the man.
02:50He figured it was better to have him as a friend than an enemy.
02:54So every month, he would give Drake a wad of cash to keep him on his good side.
02:58As long as Jason kept this up, they'd still be friends.
03:02Get out, Kevin!
03:04Lily shouted, but Bradley stopped her again.
03:07By now, Drake was standing face to face with Kevin.
03:10So you're the one who hurt my friend, Drake snarled.
03:14You've made a huge mistake.
03:16So are you his friend or just his guard dog, Kevin said coldly.
03:21Do you know how long it's been since someone talked to me like that?
03:26Drake put his hand on Kevin's shoulder and leaned closer.
03:29A long time.
03:32Kevin didn't even flinch and replied, I don't care how anyone talks to you.
03:37This is between me and Jason.
03:40Jason was happy to see this.
03:42He was sure that Drake would finally get Kevin out of the way for good and things could go
03:46back to normal.
03:47He knew that Drake was a man who feared nothing and no one.
03:52This is going to be good, he thought to himself.
03:55Man, you've got cojones, Drake said as he narrowed his eyes.
04:00As he looked at Kevin, he got the feeling that he looked familiar, but he just couldn't
04:04remember where he'd seen him before.
04:07It doesn't take cojones to know what's not a threat, Kevin replied coldly.
04:12This really got everyone's attention.
04:15How could Kevin talk to such a dangerous man like this?
04:18Grandma Jones scowled but didn't say anything.
04:21She wasn't used to dealing directly with people like Drake.
04:25Jason clenched his fists like he wanted to take a swing at Kevin.
04:29This guy obviously hasn't heard that you just don't mess around with Drake Cook.
04:33Let me teach him a lesson for you.
04:35Kevin glared at Jason, then turned back to Drake.
04:40Your last name is Cook?
04:42Kevin slowly took his phone out of his pocket.
04:44Do you happen to know Mitch Cook?
04:47Drake's face froze when he heard this question.
04:49He gave Kevin a puzzled look.
04:52Most people didn't know just how well Drake knew Kevin's friend.
04:56Kevin spoke into his phone.
04:58It's me Mitch.
04:59I'm here with a mutual acquaintance.
05:02Drake is standing right in front of me.
05:04Kevin then handed his phone to the man.
05:07Drake hesitated a moment and took the phone.
05:10While he talked, his expression changed from anger to confusion to worry.
05:15Drake hung up the phone and reached out to hand it back to Kevin.
05:19As usual, the Joneses began whispering to each other, trying to figure out what they
05:23had just witnessed.
05:24I can't believe my eyes.
05:27What's wrong with Drake?
05:28Who did Kevin call?
05:30Kevin looked the man dead in the eye and asked, Are you sorry now?
05:34Yes, Mr. Williams.
05:36I'm very sorry.
05:38Drake's forehead had started to bead with sweat.
05:41Of course, Kevin had just called his friend Mitch to set Drake straight.
05:45The message he gave him was short and sweet.
05:48If he touched a hair on Kevin's head, he would lose his own head.
05:53Jason was confused.
05:54Drake, what are you waiting for?
05:57Seeing that Drake still wasn't giving Kevin a beating, Jason couldn't hold back any longer.
06:02He decided to take another swing at Kevin.
06:05But before his fist even made contact with Kevin's face, Drake grabbed Jason and threw
06:10him to the ground.
06:12Then Drake picked Jason up by his tie and slapped him in the face.
06:17What kind of mess have you gotten me into?
06:19Drake kept cursing while he slapped Jason over and over.
06:23But Drake, what did I do wrong?
06:26Jason asked, holding back the pain.
06:28You really screwed up this time.
06:31Drake spat on the floor.
06:33Then he turned to the men who had come with him and gave them an order.
06:36See if you can knock a little sense into him.
06:39They immediately surrounded Jason and started dragging him towards the side exit.
06:44Grandma Jones was distraught at the sight of this happening to her favorite grandson.
06:49She looked over at the other family members for help.
06:51A few of them started to move hesitantly towards Jason.
06:55They weren't really sure what they could do, but they knew they just had to obey Grandma
07:00But they stopped dead in their tracks when they saw Drake pull a knife out of his jacket
07:04and say,
07:05If anyone lifts a hand to help him, he'll answer to me.
07:10The few young Jones men who had stepped forward immediately took a few steps back after hearing
07:15Drake's threat.
07:16Talk about a rock in a hard place.
07:19They didn't want to disappoint their grandmother, but they were also powerless against this
07:24Then Drake turned back towards Kevin and spoke calmly.
07:28Mr. Williams, again, please accept my apologies.
07:32Everyone was stunned to hear this.
07:34When they saw Drake apologizing to Kevin, they were very confused.
07:38Was this real?
07:40Kevin didn't reply.
07:41He just gave Drake a deadpan stare.
07:44I'm very sorry to have bothered you, Mr. Williams.
07:47Drake apologized once more.
07:49My phone, please, Kevin said.
07:52Drake handed him his phone and began to speak.
07:55Sir, but Kevin cut him off.
07:58Yeah, whatever.
07:59Then he impatiently took his phone back, turned around, and left the restaurant.
08:04When Kevin was gone, Drake let out a long breath and told his men to stop slapping Jason
08:10Then he walked over and spoke to Jason, who was lying on the floor in a daze.
08:15Don't ever use me like that again or you'll regret it for whatever remains of your useless
08:21Then he took his men and left.
08:23When the van had driven away, the Joneses slowly walked over and surrounded Jason.
08:28Jason, are you alright?
08:30Grandma Jones asked him.
08:32Her voice was filled with concern.
08:35Suddenly one of her other grandsons rushed into the room.
08:38Grandma, Mr. Cook is pulling up outside.
08:41They looked out the front window and saw two black SUVs and a Maybach limousine stop at
08:47the curb.
08:48A young man in a suit quickly hopped out and opened the passenger door of the sleek limo.
08:53A man in a nicely tailored Armani suit stepped out and calmly walked towards the door.
08:59The Joneses were surprised and not for the first time that day.
09:04Grandma Jones is really important.
09:06Even someone as powerful as Mitchell Cook has come to see her on her birthday.
09:10Grandma Jones didn't know what to think at this point.
09:13She had only met Cook once before at the Whistler Hotel.
09:17They didn't have any relationship to speak of.
09:20She just knew him by his reputation.
09:22Plus, she knew that she hadn't invited him.
09:25So what did he want?
09:28As he walked up to her, his bodyguard stood back at a respectful distance.
09:32With a smile on his face, he inquired, Ms. Jones, may I ask if Kevin is here?
09:38As soon as he said that, the crowd fell silent.
09:40I'm sorry, Mr. Cook, Kevin has already left.
09:45She replied in a very embarrassed tone, Oh, well, since Kevin isn't here, I won't take
09:50much of your time.
09:52I understand that today is your birthday.
09:54Please accept this small gift.
09:57Cook snapped his fingers and one of his bodyguards walked up and placed the gift on the table.
10:02After Cook and his men left, the Joneses sat there in silence.
10:06Some of them had turned pale.
10:08At the moment, nobody was very happy about how the party had turned out, and no one was
10:12in the mood to open the box to see what the gift was.
10:16They filed out and headed to their cars to return to the Jones family mansion.
10:21Everyone was still thinking about what Kevin had said before he left, and they were very
10:25worried about what might happen next.
