• last year
Follows a housewife psychologically terrorized by a manipulative contractor, leading to a twisted battle of wits with deliciously unexpected results.


00:03:21We're doing this through the window
00:03:23It's okay. I'm not offended. I'm sorry. What do you want? Oh?
00:03:28Good question
00:03:31We're not doing any construction well, that's strange I have an order here for four three five Westmont says bathroom innovation
00:03:42Can't see it already got the bathtub unloaded just need access to the master bathroom
00:03:55There she is
00:04:03Is your husband's signature at the bottom, right I
00:04:08Suppose it is I
00:04:14Don't think either of us want to waste all day going back and forth behind a door now, do we
00:04:19Listen now is not a good time my husband will call and reschedule whatever it is. He has planned
00:04:24Well he planned a whole new renovation for you marble jack-and-jill sinks heated floors one of the mirrors you talked to oh and a
00:04:30Big old clawfoot tub. I got in the driveway. I like our tub
00:04:34He says there's time for something new
00:04:38You wanna call your husband
00:04:40My husband you know what I'll give him a call myself five five five eight seven one two right
00:04:58No answer I
00:05:00Feel like he would have made mention of this what do you want to call him?
00:05:04Maybe he'll pick up for you. No he probably won't answer hmm not even for you. Why is that?
00:05:10He's on a flight for work. Well. Maybe it's a surprise. I mean what woman doesn't want a romantic clawfoot tub for her
00:05:20When's your birthday not for another month, but you know it's definitely gonna take around a month to finish, so that must be it
00:05:28Look I don't mean to be rude, but the faster. I get this started the faster. I get out of your hair
00:05:33It's getting a bit embarrassing waiting out here. I mean
00:05:37Starting to seem like you don't trust me
00:05:40Look I get it. You don't want me in your house. I mean I get it all the time
00:05:44Shabby clothes rough hands, it's not that well if it makes you feel more comfortable
00:05:49I'll just wait in your driveway until I get a hold of your husband
00:06:29Bet you guys redo your house every year, so
00:06:33How do folks with everything get real bored put some new floors in putting some fresh landscaping redo the kitchen?
00:06:40Maybe a new bathroom come up with new ways to spend your money
00:06:51All these people you know throwing orgy swapping wives comfy bed loves the vibe in here
00:06:57Very chic you know they just do that thrill you know what I'm saying
00:07:05See why you wanted a clawfoot I
00:07:07Designed the tub area all by myself hmm
00:07:27You want to put a shop-caller on make sure I don't wander off
00:07:37I'll be downstairs you need anything
00:09:34How hard a thing it is to tell what a wild and rough and stubborn would this is
00:09:39Which I thought renews the fear?
00:09:43I'm just perusing your husband's library I
00:09:47Don't have any water downstairs. Well of course you don't Sammy turned it off
00:09:52Hey, Sammy
00:09:54Yes, boss
00:09:56It's a messy job hit to get our work clothes dirty
00:10:00You got a nice BMI
00:10:02Body mass index. I'm all about nutrition you see food is flesh fuel right boss. That's right
00:10:09Nope, this here's my handyman a handyman's handyman if you will I call him in with the job
00:10:14She's too big for one man Sammy's the best there is he's like a brother to me. He always gets the job done
00:10:20What was your name?
00:10:22mrs. Lothar
00:10:24Cool nice to meet you
00:10:27And you get your clawfoot tub just a little bit
00:10:30I like our tub the water mom like your husband said it's time for something new right so I
00:10:38Need water to cook well, you can imagine cutting through pipes with water running through them
00:10:43Lots of flooding big problem. Well. I'm making bolognese, and I need water to cook today, and I'm all in a Sammy
00:10:49Did you hear that bolognese?
00:10:53Italian man myself Leonardo the fourth at your service, but everyone calls me Leo because I'm my own man ain't that right Sammy
00:10:59That's right boss. I gathered the water. Oh, well. You don't need water to cook bolognese excuse me whole milk chicken stock
00:11:07And if it looks a little parched just a dash of dry white wine. Oh, that's not how my husband likes it
00:11:12Oh, he's coming back
00:11:14Lovely, I'd love to chat with him. No, but it's just not how I make it well
00:11:18That is how it should be made hey Sammy
00:11:21Take over while I assist the lady of the house. No I insist that you do not insist
00:11:28Would you just put on a shirt, please
00:11:37Hey boss bolognese yeah, just taste
00:11:49You didn't put the meat in yet
00:11:51Going to but I realized the water was out, so I went upstairs to you first
00:11:55And you're gonna use fresh tomatoes
00:11:57I know that's not normally the recipe, but I prefer it to the cans of tomato sauce cans of tomato sauce
00:12:02What planet are you on you're supposed to use the third cup of tomato paste?
00:12:05I mean your acids are gonna be all messed up. You got to just throw the meat in right now
00:12:09And what you should have done is you should have browned the meat in the pot first, but you know
00:12:14Wow pretty good-looking meat pretty pricey $20 a pound, where'd you get it the market unfairly?
00:12:24Yeah, you know what
00:12:27Wouldn't let a guy like me in the door though. That's not true. There are plenty of people like yourself that shop there like myself
00:12:34Yes working men
00:13:20Let your garage
00:13:23Yes, I bet you got some pretty nice things in there. Oh
00:13:29Well, you know I got such a nice setup here a huge house beautiful pool
00:13:33Lots of privacy. I mean such a big space just a couple no kids
00:13:39No, not yet. Not yet. Can't wait too long. I mean a woman of your age
00:13:46Do you have children Leo no, but when I find the right woman, I'll make it happen. I always get the job done
00:13:53Guess that makes me a working man
00:13:55Thank you for your help, I'm sure Samuel probably needs it a lot more than I do. Mm-hmm, maybe
00:14:03What did you say the water would be back on any time now
00:14:09Okay, can I get a glass of that fine oh
00:14:16And for Samuel too
00:14:42Don't matter
00:14:55Are you kind of you good hostess you are, you know when your husband gets back into town, I'll be sure to let him know
00:15:20Completely forgot about our yoga day. Well, the nanny canceled and Larry's at the office. So I'm stuck with little Darren all day
00:15:26Please tell me you have wine, of course. Okay. Well, you can go run back baby. Go ahead. Hi is Evan home
00:15:35What is that a
00:15:39Bathroom remodel I've never mentioned it and you just let them in silly. I know
00:15:45He's mad and Italy strange and clingy. I get this feeling like he's watching me testing me
00:15:51It ruined my bolognese not the bolognese
00:15:57So you just let them in he had the paperwork
00:16:01Evan's signature. Do you know how easy it is to forge a signature? It's literally a few squiggles and a dot
00:16:07Thanks for reassuring me. I
00:16:11Have a lawyer's mind
00:16:15If it were me I would have litigated the entire situation until they gave up and left I
00:16:21Think I know how to protect myself
00:16:25There are lots of ways to protect yourself tree post for instance when I was back at the firm
00:16:31I had a lovely client whose mother-in-law died a sudden and excruciating death
00:16:36My client was wrongfully accused in the matter, but ultimately I was able to prove that the mother-in-law stabbed herself in the heart
00:16:46That's incredible
00:16:47It was incredible poor thing just
00:16:51Didn't want to survive anymore
00:16:53But what was really incredible is the trick I learned to get bloodstains out of fabric hands heart and center
00:17:06What is it
00:17:09It's heaven
00:17:12This morning when I woke up Evan was gone there was no note
00:17:17Suitcases are still in the closet
00:17:19Last night he was quiet, but that's not out of the ordinary lately
00:17:23He's been so tired when he gets home from work. I just didn't even think anything of it
00:17:27Well, maybe he just left for the office early this morning didn't want to wake you up. I called the office
00:17:33Not there called his phone
00:17:36What about his car? It's in the garage
00:17:42Another woman
00:17:46The handyman is what's strange
00:17:50All of a sudden Evan disappears and this guy just shows up. Mm-hmm
00:17:54Do you think maybe he hired the handyman to spy on you or like I mean, I'm not saying that who is this handyman?
00:18:03This is a lot there I just wanted to let you know we'll be making quite a bit of noise upstairs
00:18:07Thank you for letting me know my pleasure. Oh
00:18:12And in case you're wondering
00:18:14Your husband's order came in last Friday got an email from directly along with instructions and a deposit
00:18:22Thank you for letting me know girls have fun
00:18:30You start taking clients again, you gotta start taking their calls to be honest with you
00:18:34I think this one might have done it, but maybe his wife bludgeoned herself to death. Will you watch Darren for me?
00:18:38I need to run to my home office
00:18:40Hello, I told you don't fucking talk to anyone everything goes through me
00:19:15Hey, that's Evans violin, what were you doing in our closet you like classical music like quartets or orchestra strings or
00:19:23Stop it. What you don't like classical music. I mean my dad always used to tell me if you don't like music
00:19:29You're crazy. You have to like classical music
00:19:41What now tell me you like classical music
00:19:45Were you going through my stuff
00:19:47Me no, never
00:19:50I'm calling your supervisor. Ah, you know, he's pretty busy. I wouldn't do that. I memorized the number
00:19:56I'm warning you don't do it. You're kind of making mad
00:19:59Hi, this is your manager speaking. How may I help you? I'd like you to get out of my room right in the middle of a job
00:20:05I don't think so. I mean the hazards. It's a lawsuit waiting to happen. I will call the police
00:20:11Really? I will okay. What are you gonna tell him? Hmm that your handyman's fix in the bathroom
00:20:19Okay, okay. Hey Sammy, now, let's go get some lunch, huh?
00:20:25Yeah, lady the house. She looks like she's gonna blow a gasket
00:20:28Gasket in that for a car. Oh
00:20:31Hey, miss offner. Uh, I found these in the
00:20:35In the garage. I'm gonna go get them. I'm gonna go get them. I'm gonna go get them. I'm gonna go get them
00:20:41I'm gonna go get them. I'm gonna go get them
00:20:43Car oh
00:20:45Hey, miss offner, uh, I found these in the in the pipes
00:20:50Are these your undies? I swear. I wasn't doing anything weird or anything. I just
00:21:52Been it's me. I just wanted to see if you'd be home for dinner. Give me a call when you can
00:22:11What do we say when a man tries to get you into the van you smack him in the nuts and take their candy damn straight
00:22:17Hey, I
00:22:20Thought you said you were leaving I said I was taking a break
00:22:23I'm just giving you a little alone time in the house. You know what I'm talking about
00:22:36You and the kid are just talking right sharing secrets
00:22:41You got any secrets you want to share Janet?
00:22:44I'm taking you home Darren. Well, you know, that's that's totally fine. Hey good talking to you, bud
00:22:48You know, we're gonna make a lot of ruckus up there
00:22:50Anyway, jamming away in and out in and out real wet stuff. Oh
00:22:55You're missing a ball
00:22:57These sets usually come in six, right?
00:22:59Hey boss, where'd miss Loughner go? Ah, she'll be back. I'm gonna go check on the pipes downstairs. Keep working. All right, you got it boss
00:23:56Did in a way
00:23:59I don't understand how you can be so meek having a husband like yours
00:24:03What do you mean?
00:24:05He's just a shark
00:24:07Larry told me some stuff about them closing the Holyoke account and between you and me
00:24:11Let's just say that I do not think you will be jumping at the opportunity to work with him ever again
00:24:16I'm sorry fine. It's just
00:24:19Ugly man stuff, you know
00:24:47Thought you're a good criminal attorney
00:24:50There are good criminals and there are good attorneys a good criminal attorney is really just a good criminal. I
00:24:56Didn't know any better. I would say that Evans doing this on purpose like to torture you
00:25:04I'm kidding kind of I mean he was pretty awful to his other wife
00:25:08The one that I don't know if you remember he did leave for you
00:25:12Says a lot about someone's character
00:25:56Just feeling really leafy right now blowing in the wind
00:26:02That is positively poetic I've been thinking about going back to school to be a writer just have so much to say
00:26:10Tons really
00:26:15This one's a little dull
00:26:25Shall we
00:26:29Always five inches off target my instructor thinks I need glasses
00:26:33You ever have fantasies? Oh, yeah, Larry and I have this one called jellyfish where I wear a huge sunhat covering my eyes
00:26:40I take a loose hotel and I just like bloody
00:26:43Violent gory that type of stuff. Oh, you just have to ask if you want to see my crime scene photo library
00:26:49It's very thrilling. It's part of the reason why I still stay in the job
00:26:54Thought about hurting people in a non-sexual way, although I don't even know anymore. I
00:27:03Feel different Tasha I
00:27:06Feel rage
00:27:12Sometimes while Larry's sleeping I hold a pillow two inches from his head just to see if I'll do it
00:27:16It's just like a kooky thing. I do
00:27:19Larry's never caught you
00:27:21Actually, I think he may have because one time the day after I went to the salon came back
00:27:25Darren had a full-time nanny and my law degree was hanging up in the new office
00:27:32Don't think just throw
00:27:40Are you sure you haven't been seeing my instructor? I mean you probably should he's absolutely gorgeous Oh Tasha
00:27:48What I just figured that Evan would have you high-heeled and pregnant by now men like him can smell perimenopausal from a mile away
00:27:58It's too late what
00:28:01Larry ever leave you my Larry. Oh god. No, his prenup is not strong enough for that. I should know I wrote it
00:28:08You did not. Yep
00:28:10That's genius
00:28:12It's survival
00:28:17Survival I
00:28:20Wish I spoke to you earlier. I
00:28:25Adore your knives Tasha. Thank you
00:28:31Hey, miss lopper
00:28:34It's me
00:28:35Samuel had some free time. I thought I'd clean your pool. Hope you don't mind
00:28:41What are you doing today? Oh
00:28:44That's nice, I saw you doing some yoga I like to do yoga
00:28:53Well, maybe
00:28:56Maybe we could go
00:28:59Do something sometime
00:29:02You look like you have a lot of nice clothes. Maybe you'd like going to the mall. I
00:29:08Used to go hang out at the mall and
00:29:11Steal pretzels. I
00:29:13Don't do that anymore
00:29:15You make me want to be a better man. Miss lopper. I
00:29:19Don't know what it is
00:29:21Every time you walk in a room
00:29:24You just light the place up a little firecracker you I hope you don't feel embarrassed. I don't
00:29:35Sammy where the hell are you? Come on, man. We got some work to do
00:29:42Let's move. We got to get this tub inside
00:29:45Come boss
00:29:47Were you and I've been having issues like were you thinking about divorce? No, not at all
00:29:53I mean the normal issues that everyone has in their marriages, but nothing that we couldn't work through willingly, right?
00:29:59All I'm saying is that if you are having issues if you need a good lawyer
00:30:02Let me know because if I know Evan, I know he would have a plan
00:30:06You wouldn't see it coming and then suddenly you're left with absolutely nothing after how many years of marriage eight
00:30:11Eight years of marriage and then nothing. I mean no offense, but you have absolutely no marketable skills
00:30:17You were a secretary for what six months you did a great job, by the way
00:30:21But if I were to give you advice, I would say wait two years and get alimony for life. I
00:30:26Waited tables before I worked for Evan. Absolutely not
00:30:36I should really get back make sure they haven't imploded my bathroom. Ah, what one what one?
00:30:47One two, three four
00:30:50Where do you come up with all these numbers?
00:30:521822. Oh
00:30:54Dang, how many more numbers could there be? What are you doing?
00:30:58Well, we have to store the tub somewhere overnight until we bring it upstairs tomorrow
00:31:02Hey, miss offer great dress really suits you
00:31:06Just bring the tub upstairs if you're gonna bring it inside the house
00:31:09See the problem is we brought the tub up now would fall right through the floor
00:31:12See, we had to rip up all the tiles and the sub flooring to get to the plumbing
00:31:16Before we bring anything as heavy as this tub
00:31:18We're gonna have to lay down the sub floor and then do all the tiling and how long is that gonna take days?
00:31:24Maybe weeks look we at career construction do everything safely. Are you even a contractor?
00:31:30Are you legally authorized to do this type of work? I can't believe you'd even ask me that
00:31:36Do I not look smart enough to be a contractor? That's not what I said because I'm not
00:31:42I'm a handyman jack-of-all-trades. Oh, hey, miss offer. What's your birthday? Stop that
00:31:49Sorry, but if you want to stop just open up the garage
00:31:53No one is going in the garage
00:31:56Fine, then we'll just leave the tub in the driveway. I'm sure your neighbors in the HOA would love that
00:32:01I will deal with the HOA just leave the tub in the driveway and turn on my water
00:32:06Your wish is my command
00:32:10Hey boss, hmm, it's HOA
00:32:14Homeowners Association Sammy
00:32:17What's that? I?
00:32:18Bet you got some big-ticket items in there
00:32:20Maybe like a classic car maybe a two-seater like a Mustang
00:32:23Something your husband takes out on the weekend to feel the wind in his hair
00:32:27The water I wonder what kind of car is in there or is it with him?
00:32:30Yes, I thought he was on a flight. Yes. The car is in the shop
00:32:35Which one is it Janet? Is it in the shop at the airport or with you? Don't call me that what Janet?
00:32:41I'd prefer that we keep things formal. You know, I gotta say I didn't expect this from you
00:32:45I mean we have so much history together making bolognese mayo bonding with Darren
00:32:50I'd like you to turn the water back on and go
00:32:53So what you really want?
00:32:57Well, you don't have to ask me twice
00:32:59But I just want to make sure that's exactly what you want because if I turn this lever on right
00:33:04Well, you're just gonna have flooding all through the house. I mean, it's a lot of unconnected pipes up there
00:33:10Well, how long is it gonna take for you to connect the pipes then
00:33:15No, no, you'll have one hour to connect the pipes and then I want my water back on and I want you to go
00:33:21No, well, you know, that's not a problem Janet
00:33:24Sorry, mrs. Lothar a career construction. We aim to please
00:34:25Don't know what to say
00:34:26It hasn't stopped you yet
00:34:28You know, you're real funny. Yeah
00:34:30You know since again, yes, I'm all jokes just out of patience
00:34:34No, well, there I am upstairs clanging away at the pipes and I hear the music getting louder and louder and louder
00:34:42And I realized you're just trying to drown me out
00:34:46well, I
00:34:48Came to apologize
00:34:51You did of course, I mean, I don't want to be a nuisance, right? I'm just doing my job
00:34:57That's what we do me and you I mean I fix bathrooms
00:35:02Will you do this?
00:35:04I mean, I want your home to be a sanctuary right place where you feel safe. I mean in these days with everything going on
00:35:13There's some fucking crazy people out there. No telling what they'll do
00:35:18Like what what would they do?
00:35:21Check this. So I saw this story the other day, right? This guy breaks into a home while the family's sleeping
00:35:27Ties him up in the living room
00:35:29He takes a box cutter cuts all their hair off right down to the scalp. He shoves it in their mouth
00:35:36And then what happened well, then he sits their throat sits him up on the couch all of them TV on
00:35:42while watching the game show channel
00:35:46Ain't no rhyme or reason. I mean people these days it's like they want to get caught. It's like almost like it's an art form
00:36:13Tell me tell me how the razor slice
00:36:26Almost like it's an art form huge bloody mess, right? I mean hey boss. I
00:36:37Just loaded the truck aces Oh
00:36:41Water's on
00:36:43Shake it. Yep. There you go. Thanks, Sammy
00:36:45Yep goes on and off. So you're good. We'll be back tomorrow at 10 to install your tub
00:36:52I'm a slopper
00:36:5410 a.m. I said we could sleep in tomorrow how you can sleep when you're dead. I like my fucking job
00:38:27Love my husband's away on business and I'm here all alone. I think someone's in the house
00:38:37I'm a 23
00:38:54Hey, I need you to trouble when you walked in
00:39:42Nothing they're the healthiest thing you can eat except a lot of people unintentionally add
00:39:47Calories with some of the ingredients they use especially in the United States. I mean the ingredients are just trash
00:39:53That's why I like that you use the veggies, you know, I did suggest it because you know
00:39:58They got the minerals vitamins get your fiber, you know, I'll be good with this. Ah
00:40:03Dang, I wish we hadn't eaten already because we could have added some oats
00:40:07But not just any oats. You don't want the sugary ones. You want the ones with like still cut still cut. Oh
00:40:15Hey, miss lopper. Morning sleepyhead. I was wondering when you were gonna get up
00:40:20What is going on here, well, we came in and saw you still sleeping so, you know, we came in and made on
00:40:27You want something? We got extra. How did you get in my house?
00:40:31The door was open at least lock the doors. I mean you think you'd have some sort of security I did and I do
00:40:39Strange because they weren't you should probably get that looked at
00:40:44You said you'd be here at 1010 I'd never say 10 you never say 10
00:40:48I mean hell days already halfway gone by 10. I mean only lazy people stay in bed till 8 or 9
00:40:53I mean, it's a sign of bad upbringing
00:40:57Do you mind oh, I'm sorry mrs. Lawther
00:41:01You know if I had silk sheets I'd sleep in the nude to just feel so good and cozy on the skin, right
00:41:15Guess she's not a morning person
00:42:15Pipe shows boss. Those are cool
00:42:18Well, so we got to do get the sledgehammer the what get the sledgehammer. We're taking this shit down. Excuse me. Oh
00:42:26Hey, miss offer. I really like your hair. Thank you
00:42:29If it isn't the mistress of the house
00:42:33Who's that our bank and credit card statement
00:42:38It's that many zeros you must be speaking a different language, huh?
00:42:41What this says is that in no way in the last two months has my husband made any sort of deposit for a bathroom renovation
00:42:48That's what that says in those words, obviously not the numbers do not add up. Mr. Carrillo
00:42:55Who the fuck mr. Carrillo you are
00:42:59Yeah, that's not me
00:43:04What is this
00:43:07I just thought it looked cool
00:43:15Just tell me how you came to be at my house who sent you here
00:43:18Like I said, your husband sent me an email along with the deposit and I'm telling you this paperwork says he did not
00:43:26And then why don't you go ask him then?
00:43:31Still no, I guess I'll just give him another call there
00:43:44No answer again, you know, I have a theory
00:43:50Bear with me here. My friends think I'm clairvoyant. I think it's your husband went to work one day
00:43:59Just never came home now you sit here in this big old house alone waiting for the other shoe to drop
00:44:08Maybe he had a mistress
00:44:11Maybe she's younger than you
00:44:14Pretty not that you're not pretty
00:44:17Man, your husband needs a big business man. I see him in the papers all the time
00:44:22So he takes off with this woman, right?
00:44:24Now you're wondering what's in it for me. What do I get? Yes, you get a big fat nothing. That's what you fucking get
00:44:31How did you know my husband drove a Mercedes?
00:44:34Well drove past him
00:44:39That's interesting
00:44:44I will ask you one more time. How did you come to be at my house?
00:44:54You let me in mrs. Lothar
00:44:59And your husband he gave me cash cash
00:45:04Showed up personally dropped it off to me in this real nice Mercedes
00:45:11No, he wouldn't
00:45:13He wouldn't I guarantee you he would not rich people like you plenty of cash laying around in this empty house
00:45:21You want to know how I know?
00:45:25He's laundering it through me
00:45:27He gave me a couple stacks
00:45:29All I had to do was give him a couple dummy invoices claiming he had paid a lot more for it
00:45:32But even after the renovation, I still come out ahead
00:45:36the renovation
00:45:39That's not
00:45:48Wow, I see it now. Oh my god, you believe I didn't see it
00:45:53What what do you see?
00:45:56This whole time. I thought Janet was a little innocent one
00:46:00But she's been in on it
00:46:03But not on this one
00:46:07Now she's wondering what else is he left her out?
00:46:11Now your husband seems to have disappeared
00:46:14He's on a work trip a work trip. Yeah, sure. You keep saying that a
00:46:18Work trip work trip work trip work trip shit. If I didn't know where he was, I'd probably say the same thing
00:46:24Or maybe you do know where he is
00:46:30Either way, it seems like there's a lot of cash out there or or in here that needs to be cleaned
00:46:37I'm feeling I'm feeling kind of dirty myself
00:46:41You have to get used to me partner
00:47:22Need to bring this wall down ASAP chop-chop
00:47:27Hey boss, there's no sledgehammer out there
00:47:33You're leaving now, oh, hey miss opera, do you have a sledgehammer? What what did I do out of my house?
00:47:40the razors
00:47:42sliced like butter
00:47:46Like I said, you better get used to this face you're not in control anymore Janet
00:47:52Now I'm gonna give you a little breather
00:47:55Consider your options when I come back with sledgehammers
00:47:59You can tell us where the money is
00:48:01Where I rip this fucking house apart
00:48:19Want to think about Scorpio Scorpio's I see I know what you are your birthday's next month
00:48:34Put me to thank you Jenny. I'm a doer. I'm a Scorpio a doer
00:48:40Some people think that the Zodiac bullshit, right?
00:48:45Jimmy how could the Zodiac be bullshit when I'm such a fucking Scorpio Janet
00:48:59Come on I'm a calm guy, but I don't
00:52:16My god, yeah, we can't get it gotta get me out of here man. Yeah, I get me she fucking lost it
00:52:21She fucking lost it. I was about to hop in the fucking chamber
00:52:25She fucking comes up behind me and I fucking I wake up here like this man. I can't wake up here like this
00:52:34Come on get me out of here. I'll be here for fucking days. Give me the fuck out of here
00:52:38Leo hello
00:52:40Get me the fuck out of here. It's insane
00:52:45The fuck are you doing here anyway, buddy?
00:52:48Wait, wait
00:52:51That's what all that racket was up there you
00:52:54Ripping up my path
00:52:55You you ripping up my bathroom. You didn't even bother to ask where the fuck I was
00:53:04You came to steal my car you came to steal my fucking car after everything I've done for you
00:53:09You came here to steal my fucking car
00:53:14What have you done for me, oh you fucking kidding me
00:53:16I pluck you out of a goddamn fucking strip mall and I give you a fucking golden ticket
00:53:21I gave you 45 grand to do whatever the fuck you want. All I wanted was an invoice for 300 grand
00:53:27That's a 15% That's a fucking good deal. You don't even have to touch my fucking bathroom
00:53:32You paid me to redo the bathroom. I paid you to say you redid the bathroom you fuck what?
00:53:37Let's oh my god. Oh Jesus. What'd you do? Anyway, what would you put a fucking cloth a tub in there?
00:53:45We haven't installed it yet
00:53:49She she fucking hates
00:53:55She has no appreciation for any kind of classic beauty
00:53:59She wanted to put laminate floors on her living room that look like wood. I mean, that's fucking ridiculous
00:54:04Just get the wood get the fucking wood. You could afford the wood get we could afford the fucking wood you get the wood
00:54:13All right. Look
00:54:14Here's what's gonna happen. Okay, you're gonna get me out of here and you're gonna get all the business you want for life
00:54:19Okay, you won't even have to listen finger for I want it all
00:54:23What I said, I want it all you what are you fucking high you want it nobody?
00:54:29No, you're gonna you're gonna draw a very nice income doing jobs that don't even exist
00:54:32Okay, and you're gonna supply me with all the invoices that I want. I don't think you're in any position to negotiate
00:54:39Oh, really? Well, you're still sitting right here in front of me at my home fucking house. Yeah. Yeah your house. It's nice
00:54:46Maybe you'll get to enjoy it if you hand everything over
00:54:51Yeah, you're a fucking prince man, you're a fucking genius man, I'm sorry you want me to keep it down
00:55:00You think you can come in here
00:55:02With your fucking dirty hair you fucking plunges a toilet routine and you tell me to hand over cash
00:55:08From a billion dollar empire in which I am one of many cogs and you're gonna walk out here with clean hands
00:55:13You think that's gonna happen, right?
00:55:15You have any understanding the complexities of having the kind of money that I have and knowing where to store it and the fucking
00:55:21Security systems that have to be in place and have any fucking clue and you really think that my bosses who would fucking stub you
00:55:28Out like a fucking stale cigar. Do you think they're fucking idiots? It doesn't happen like that, buddy
00:55:34Well, then how does it work crash course me? Okay, you take all that I have my bosses
00:55:38They're not gonna be very happy with you. Okay. Now you become my cog. We both get what we want
00:55:43So if you want that car, you fucking take the car the keys are in the kitchen. They're on a hook take it
00:55:51Yeah, see I'm not a cog
00:55:57So I want everything
00:56:00You're serious you're fucking serious you want everything. Okay, you're serious. You're fucking serious
00:56:21My fucking money
00:56:38Where do you think you're going? It's just you and me now
00:57:21Fucking problem, huh? Why don't you just tell me where the fuck the money is, huh?
00:57:51I'm fucking tired
00:57:53Janet where the fuck is the money?
00:57:56Where the fuck's the money? Huh? Where the fuck's the money? Where the fuck's the money?
00:58:21Janet, come on
00:58:26There you are
00:58:28I can hear you
00:59:21Hey Sasha
00:59:49Hey are you okay? You sound tired
00:59:51Nothing's wrong?
00:59:53You know you can tell me.
00:59:54Um, I think it'd be best if I explained it to you in person.
00:59:58Okay, you got it.
01:00:00Karen, stop it!
01:00:03Nanny called and's sick again.
01:00:05Is it okay if he just runs around the back?
01:00:07Yeah, baby, go ahead.
01:00:09Don't get grass stains on those pants!
01:00:11Victoria just washed them!
01:00:16Oh, honey.
01:00:17Is your maid on strike too?
01:00:32You are acting very strange.
01:00:35And what happened to your eye?
01:00:37We're friends, right?
01:00:39Of course.
01:00:40Westmount HOA for life.
01:00:42What's good for the neighborhood is what's good for all of us.
01:00:45I'd like to hire you.
01:00:47In the lawyer league capacity.
01:00:48Okay, of course.
01:00:50How much?
01:00:51Well, I don't want to underserve my services, so we'll start with a dollar, for now.
01:00:55And then once I assess the damage, we can reassess.
01:00:58All I have is hundreds.
01:01:03I have to show you something.
01:01:08What I'm about to show you isn't pretty.
01:01:10But it was necessary.
01:01:12I prefer pretty.
01:01:14But as a lawyer, I understand necessity.
01:01:29Okay, who else knows about this?
01:01:31Just you.
01:01:38What do you think?
01:01:41Let's get a drink.
01:01:48So, the handyman broke into your house.
01:01:50He just seemed so interested in the garage.
01:01:53I thought maybe for a second he knew.
01:01:55But I think he only knew about Evan's business dealings, or whatever.
01:01:59And Evan was going to leave you for another woman?
01:02:01For a 22-year-old, and take everything just like what you said.
01:02:04I thought maybe for a moment yesterday when you were talking about it that you knew, but...
01:02:08Well, I wouldn't say I'm clairvoyant, but I definitely have a sensitivity to things.
01:02:13That is so strange.
01:02:15That is exactly what Leo said to me yesterday.
01:02:18The handyman?
01:02:23Back to Evan.
01:02:25So, he was going to leave me to deal with the consequences from his business partners,
01:02:28and as you know, that was not going to end well for me.
01:02:31I've made dinner for them. They are not nice men.
01:02:33I'm sure they're not.
01:02:34They're not good people.
01:02:35No, you'd be dead.
01:02:38So we were playing croquet, and I was waiting for him to tell me,
01:02:42Just come clean.
01:02:43And he didn't.
01:02:44And then he went to go shower, and I went through his phone.
01:02:47And I saw everything.
01:02:49So I grabbed the nearest thing to me.
01:02:55I hit him over the head many times with this,
01:02:58and dragged him to the garage in a shower curtain.
01:03:01A shower curtain?
01:03:02Who still uses those?
01:03:03From the maid's room.
01:03:04But to protect the floors.
01:03:06Obviously, right.
01:03:07And you cleaned the entire bathroom. Linens, clothes, everything.
01:03:10I bleached everything.
01:03:11Except for this.
01:03:12But we'll take care of that.
01:03:14You know I didn't want to hurt Evan.
01:03:16You understand that, right?
01:03:18Of course. I know you didn't want to hurt him.
01:03:21You wanted him to stay.
01:03:27Sweetheart, I hate to break it to you,
01:03:29but what's going on in the garage isn't easy to overcome in a marriage.
01:03:33I know.
01:03:35And I don't want to be the one to say it, but somebody has to.
01:03:38You can't keep them in there forever.
01:03:41That's why I called you.
01:03:43I need your advice.
01:03:45Well, I think that the only logical thing to do is,
01:03:49you know,
01:03:51I just didn't want it to come down to that.
01:03:53I know you didn't.
01:03:54My poor Janet.
01:03:55My poor baby. I feel for you.
01:03:58I do.
01:04:01But now is probably a good time for me to go over my fees.
01:04:04This will certainly be taking up a great deal of my time.
01:04:07It's taking up a great deal of my mental and emotional headspace.
01:04:09I'm thinking maybe around $100,000, $500 an hour as a retainer.
01:04:15The friends and family discount?
01:04:16Of course.
01:04:17We really are friends, aren't we?
01:04:21Of course.
01:04:22In cash, though.
01:04:24You do keep that in the house, right?
01:04:30I was wondering about that old microwave.
01:04:32It reads very TV dinner people.
01:04:38I feel better already.
01:04:39Money, money, money.
01:04:40Like I can do my best.
01:04:41No, no, no.
01:04:42We do not play with money in other people's houses.
01:04:44Just in our own house, okay?
01:04:47There's a man outside.
01:04:48There's a man outside?
01:04:50There's a man outside.
01:04:58Who is that?
01:05:06It's Lopper.
01:05:09Shit, sorry.
01:05:12Leo called last night and said whatever you guys were fighting about got fixed.
01:05:16And I should meet him here.
01:05:18So that's why I'm here.
01:05:20If you're wondering why I'm here.
01:05:22Were you wondering why I'm here?
01:05:23Samuel, right?
01:05:24Leo, he left.
01:05:25We actually decided we're going to go with another contractor.
01:05:28He didn't tell you?
01:05:31Damn, no.
01:05:32I wish you would have because I...
01:05:35I don't know.
01:05:36I had to take the bus all the way here.
01:05:38And then I had to walk a mile and a half.
01:05:40And I got lost.
01:05:41And my blood sugar is all messed up right now.
01:05:44You got anything to eat?
01:05:45Because like my fuel tank is running on empty over here.
01:05:48I don't, I don't.
01:05:49But you should really go home.
01:05:51I'm sure we could find him a sandwich.
01:05:54You got like a phone or something I could use to call for a ride?
01:05:58You don't have a phone?
01:05:59Well, no.
01:06:00Not since I got out of the pen.
01:06:01Leo was real nice hiring me.
01:06:02Not many people give an ex-con a chance.
01:06:04Oh, you hear that, Janet?
01:06:06He has no phone or GPS and he's an ex-con.
01:06:08Poor thing.
01:06:10Oh, thanks.
01:06:11I guess.
01:06:12I didn't do anything.
01:06:13I'm being honest to God real with you.
01:06:14I really am.
01:06:15They got me for too many unpaid parking tickets, if you could believe that.
01:06:19That is just awful.
01:06:20I'm going to write a letter.
01:06:21Yeah, you should.
01:06:22Because you know what?
01:06:23The food inside, it comes from like all these big old companies
01:06:26that distribute food to like airlines and stadiums and schools and all that stuff.
01:06:33Even first class?
01:06:34All right, so you have no family, friends, girlfriend, anyone?
01:06:37Well, no.
01:06:40Not really.
01:06:41You know someone?
01:06:43You single?
01:06:47Oh, nice.
01:06:48It's a pretty phone.
01:06:50You really should get him that sandwich.
01:06:54Who are you calling?
01:06:58Who else?
01:07:02Oh, he must have left his phone in the garage.
01:07:04We'll go grab it for you and then I'll call you a cab when we get back.
01:07:09One second.
01:07:14Listen, I know this isn't what you want to hear, but Samuel has to stay here.
01:07:17He's a loose end that must be cut off.
01:07:19I see this all the time with my clients.
01:07:21You think they're in the clear and then one person with a little too much information steps up for a reward.
01:07:26But he said I have a nice BMI.
01:07:28You do.
01:07:29You have a great BMI.
01:07:31It's perfect.
01:07:32But this is the messy part.
01:07:34I saw that you have a clawfoot tub in the driveway.
01:07:36Oh, that tub.
01:07:37I find that type of design unappealing.
01:07:39I can't imagine why Evan would want that for our bathroom.
01:07:42Despite you.
01:07:43But I think we can use it in our favor now.
01:07:46Mommy's taking out the trash!
01:08:32Have you ever done this before?
01:08:33No, but I have no less than ten clients who have done it.
01:08:36I mean, it can't be that difficult if so many men allegedly do it.
01:08:42Anything they can do, we can do better.
01:08:46Now, it's quite hard to dispose of a body in totality.
01:08:50But much easier to do so in increments.
01:08:53Like laundering money.
01:08:55So, do you have a drain plug for the bath?
01:08:57Yes, upstairs.
01:08:59Because as soon as we saw through his aorta, there's going to be a ton of blood.
01:09:04Like, a ton of blood.
01:09:12Get away from here!
01:09:17Die! Die! Die! Die!
01:09:20Help me!
01:09:21Shut up!
01:09:22This is not fair!
01:09:23Die! Die! Die! Die!
01:09:25Mother, please!
01:09:27I love you!
01:09:29Mother, I love you!
01:09:31Die! Die! Die!
01:09:33Get up!
01:09:37I love you, Mother!
01:09:41Die! Die! Die! Die!
01:09:56This really is effective.
01:10:17Oh, my God.
01:10:23Big body.
01:10:25Oh, my God.
01:10:31Now, remember.
01:10:32Should we...
01:10:38Sorry, baby, you don't need to see this.
01:10:51All right, get ready.
01:11:16Help me!
01:11:46I love you.
01:12:17I feel like you really needed that.
01:12:19You've been so stressed lately.
01:12:21So stressed.
01:12:22You know, I hate to say it, but the tub, it's growing on me.
01:12:26Yeah, I mean, the amount of liquid that it held.
01:12:29And the edge.
01:12:30It feels nice on my arm.
01:12:35Yeah, it does.
01:12:47Janet, I'm putting on music.
01:12:49Any requests?
01:13:02Mr. Wallaby, I told you, do not contact me
01:13:04unless it's on the burner phone.
01:13:06Always burn, never bury.
01:13:08God, morons.
01:13:13This is taking so much longer than what I expected.
01:13:18Yeah, but we're getting there.
01:13:20Step by step.
01:13:23Do you want anything from Peachtree Cafe?
01:13:25If I don't get Darian's chicken nuggets,
01:13:27he's going to have a frickin' meltdown.
01:13:29Get me a ranch head and comp salad.
01:13:32But hold the dressing.
01:13:33I don't want it.
01:13:34I don't want it.
01:13:35I don't want it.
01:13:36I don't want it.
01:13:37I don't want it.
01:13:38I don't want it.
01:13:39But hold the dressing.
01:13:40All this stuff with Samuel.
01:13:43It's really putting my health into context.
01:13:47I swear to God, if this blood voids my warranty,
01:13:49I'm going to fucking flip out.
01:13:52By the way, can you believe that these work
01:13:53on your phone with touchscreen?
01:13:55It's pretty fantastic.
01:13:59You ready to start number two?
01:14:01Uh, yep.
01:14:06Dad, where are you?
01:14:07I'm working my night job.
01:14:09Dad, the girls are so mean to me at school
01:14:12and I don't know what to do.
01:14:14You know, can you talk to your mom about it?
01:14:16I have a delivery I have to make.
01:14:20What a mess.
01:14:21This is disgusting.
01:14:25Absolute disaster in here.
01:14:31Do you have Windex?
01:14:32The maid bought something off-brand.
01:14:33I guess that'll do.
01:14:34Oh my God, I didn't even think of who to do first.
01:14:37Well, it depends.
01:14:38Do you want to have more or less mercy for Evan?
01:14:49We were married for nearly a decade.
01:14:51Oh God, I feel so old.
01:14:53Fucking decades since my wedding.
01:14:55Oh, that was so fun.
01:14:56So then do Evan first.
01:14:58Rip it off like a band-aid.
01:14:59Fast, fast.
01:15:00Our food's coming too, so.
01:15:17Oh, absolutely.
01:15:18More like to the left.
01:15:19And then make sure when you do it, you do it really hard
01:15:21because you don't want to have to do this a bunch of times.
01:15:24Um, try to see if there's anything else.
01:15:26Just a lot of force.
01:15:27Definitely use your forearm.
01:15:28If it doesn't, just keep it out of duty.
01:15:29Oh my God, shit.
01:15:30I'm sorry, guys.
01:15:31I'm so sorry.
01:15:33I'm sorry.
01:15:34I'm sorry, baby.
01:15:44Hi, Evan.
01:15:46Hi, Evan.
01:16:01I have treasured our time together.
01:16:04From the first moment I saw you and you said,
01:16:06that's an ass I could see myself marrying,
01:16:08I knew that we'd be together.
01:16:10We had a true partnership.
01:16:12I trusted you.
01:16:13I trusted you.
01:16:14And then you betrayed that trust,
01:16:16and I hope that you understand.
01:16:19I had no,
01:16:23I had no choice.
01:16:30you always had the most beautiful bedroom eyes.
01:16:33And I'll never forget when you cried on our wedding night.
01:16:36And then the stock market rallied
01:16:37and we had the most beautiful reception.
01:16:39Absolutely delicious cafes at the reception, by the way.
01:16:42I told Larry that I wish we had those.
01:16:44Thank you so much.
01:16:45Of course.
01:16:47I loved all of our vacations together.
01:16:49I adore the bag that you got me for our last anniversary
01:16:52and the earrings on Easter.
01:16:53And, I mean, the tennis bracelet, it's kind of old-fashioned
01:16:56and it's not really my taste,
01:16:57but I know that you were trying
01:16:58and I really do appreciate that.
01:17:06I guess you should say something now.
01:17:13Oh, fuck, Janet.
01:17:16You fucked up.
01:17:17You fucked up.
01:17:20I fucked up?
01:17:21You fucked up, bitch.
01:17:22There's fucking blood everywhere
01:17:24from a dismembered fucking body.
01:17:27I worked out every day for you.
01:17:29I toned every inch of my body.
01:17:31Do you know how difficult bar is?
01:17:33Bar? For fuck's sake.
01:17:35I decorated this entire house impeccably, by the way.
01:17:39I hired and fired all of the staff.
01:17:41I held up my end of the deal.
01:17:45You just got old, okay?
01:17:47You just got old, okay?
01:17:49And you have an awful sense of design.
01:17:51I'm sorry.
01:17:52The tub, it's fucking ugly and old, like you.
01:17:57It's awful.
01:17:58The tub looks like a Parisian street that bums piss on.
01:18:01It's fucking ugly.
01:18:11What do you think he meant by that?
01:18:13Okay, sweetie, I know that you're upset.
01:18:15The tub was, he's not thinking clearly.
01:18:17But just hear me out.
01:18:18Fine, but you have to get back in there
01:18:20because he's not dead.
01:18:21Do you see what I mean?
01:18:22Do you see what I've been fucking dealing with?
01:18:23He fucking says...
01:18:24Fuck, get up.
01:18:26Get up.
01:18:27Get the fuck up.
01:18:28Get up.
01:18:29Fuck up.
01:18:30And he says I'm fucking crazy.
01:18:31Like I'm the fucking crazy one.
01:18:33Get the fuck up.
01:18:38Fuck, I'll get this off.
01:18:40Shit, where's the battery?
01:18:44Get the fucking battery.
01:18:45I don't understand, baby.
01:18:46Why would you say that?
01:18:48Babe, I loved you too much.
01:18:50I'm sorry.
01:18:51Fucking bitch.
01:18:52Give me the butt.
01:18:53Where's the butt?
01:18:54The fucking butt.
01:18:55I love you so much.
01:18:56Fucking killer.
01:19:02Please pick me back up.
01:19:03Please pick me up.
01:19:04Come on, you fucking fuck.
01:19:06See what you made me do?
01:19:07Jenna, Jenna, please.
01:19:08Jenna, Jenna, please.
01:19:09Pick me up.
01:19:15This is just working.
01:19:22I'll be able to work.
01:19:25Holy shit.
01:19:34Come on, you can do this.
01:19:42Get the fuck out of here.
01:19:43Shit, he's getting away.
01:19:47You crazy bitches.
01:19:49We cannot let him get away.
01:19:56Go, go, go, go.
01:19:57Hit it, hit it.
01:20:03She told me they weren't even going to go to the California Pizza Kitchen,
01:20:07but then I looked and...
01:20:08Go, go, go.
01:20:09Faster, faster.
01:20:10To the left.
01:20:11To the left.
01:20:12Go, go, go, go.
01:20:13I can't.
01:20:14You got this.
01:20:16To the left.
01:20:17To the left.
01:20:18To the left.
01:20:19He's right there.
01:20:26Thank God.
01:20:28Do you think he's dead?
01:20:30Fuck you.
01:20:35Just run him over again.
01:20:52I was wrong.
01:20:54And you were right.
01:20:57And I'm really sorry that it came down to this.
01:21:03But I owe you a huge thank you.
01:21:10Because that talk is going to look fucking amazing in my house.
01:21:16And it was an absolute pleasure doing business with you.
01:21:25Food's here.
01:21:33Oh my God.
01:21:36Are you...
01:21:38We've never been better.
01:21:42Fuck, they dressed the salad.
01:21:45I'm going to fucking kill someone.
01:21:47That's what it said on the ticket.
01:21:49Dressed salad, dressed.
01:21:57I'm going to fucking kill someone.
01:21:59I'm going to fucking kill someone.
01:22:00I'm going to fucking kill someone.
01:22:27Are you okay?
01:22:31You go ahead. I'm going to check on something really quick.
01:25:00We mix equal parts hydrogen peroxide and dish soap and we soak it with cold water.
01:25:04But we have to be really careful. You don't want to damage the fabric.
01:25:07Wow, it is really easy to get blood stains out of fabric.
01:25:30Oh my God.
01:26:00Oh my God.
01:26:30Oh my God.