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00:00get the first new dude I can't let him get it on me dude
00:14zone wars map code ladies and gentlemen let's check it out shall we
00:18chat I helped develop and make this map I'm also a partner in it
00:30chat been a while oh I don't have I don't even have my ramp I don't even
00:51have my ramp freaking key bound anymore
01:02now these are my kind of builders dude
01:13what is that
02:07brah that aug is nutty
02:13brand-new nuke wars map ladies and gentlemen
02:21I'm getting so close to limiting these guys takes me forever
02:51heating up oh hold up
03:09bro how many times am I gonna fake reload this
03:51oh this is ridiculous dude I can actually play the game
04:20heating up
04:37Oh, baby
05:16I need a better shotgun
05:40heating up hold up
05:54on fire
06:00oh like how much oh dude I don't have over shield everyone's just sitting
06:09there above bro where the heck did my shield just go hello
06:30he actually killed me mid shockwave
07:09Peter I was gonna get the first nuke dude
07:17I can't let him get it on me dude
07:30just literally praying that that guy didn't kill me there
08:13love them
08:30that's a strat right like land one spot and then just shockwave other side of
08:41the map and then get shot by someone else
08:52yeah this little fake Peter bought kid is so obvious it's crazy
08:56heating up oh hold up like
09:06who I hate builds just don't get it
09:27heating up
09:52like do you see what I mean he fades it into the ramp flips onto the appropriate
09:58side like it's just wild
10:29heating up
10:48heating up oh my god he's one in right reload
10:59well what is that aim this guy's actually fucking cracked
11:16heating up
11:52on fire
11:56it just turns around at what bumps me it's just get cracked out of his mind I
12:03could reset the lobbying or I assert dominance
12:23no heart not gonna make a fucking heart
12:45heating up
13:04come on bro
13:10go down
13:18on fire
13:48he literally just shot me sticking his gun through the build
14:10look at some of the ninja skin in the game
14:27Oh God am I though
14:40I needed that kill for the shield
15:10I don't think it actually showed the nuke off it was supposed to whoa are you
15:18sure you're not the real ninja oh I am I am the real ninja