1960s President Johnson PSA Savings Bonds TV commercial

  • 2 days ago
1960s President Johnson PSA Savings Bonds TV commercial


00:00On this anniversary of our nation's birth, most of us are enjoying a holiday from work
00:06in the cares of the world.
00:09But even while we celebrate Independence Day, there is no holiday from responsibility.
00:15We must go on with the works of building peace, of enlarging our prosperity, of guarding against
00:20inflation and recession.
00:22I ask you to invest a few dollars each month in the front lines of the battle for a stronger
00:28America and a safer world.
00:31Put a small part of your prosperity into saving bonds.
00:34You can buy them automatically just by signing up for the payroll savings plan where you
00:39So I ask you to think about that as you enjoy this holiday.
00:43Think about how much more meaningful your enjoyment would be if you could only honestly
00:49say, I have pledged to do my share as an American.
00:54I will buy a United States savings bond on a regular basis.
