Middle of the Night | movie | 1959 | Official Clip

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Jerry Kingsley is a wealthy garment manufacturer left lonely in his 60s when his wife dies. Despite the difference in th | dG1fYzhTYlFoZ1o2QXM
00:00Hey, Ma.
00:01Oh, Ma, I'm sorry I'm late,
00:03but they threw me a party down at the office.
00:05Jerry called everyone together.
00:06Marilyn's here.
00:07Oh, hi, Marilyn.
00:08Hi, Penny.
00:09What are you doing tonight?
00:10I'll treat you to a movie, okay?
00:12How's Mac and the kids?
00:13Oh, they're all right.
00:14That's great.
00:15Listen, anyway,
00:16Jerry called everyone together just before lunch
00:17and announced our engagement.
00:18Well, I don't know where they found the time,
00:19but look what they bought me.
00:20Oh, it's lovely.
00:21It's a cigarette box.
00:22Ma, you see the inscription on it?
00:23I cried.
00:24I was quite touched.
00:25And before I knew it,
00:26there was 100 people in there,
00:27and we had drinks out of paper cups
00:28and somebody sent down for sandwiches
00:29and we just had a ball.
00:30Oh, Ma, I won't be back in a minute, okay?
00:32And we'll go to a movie, huh?
00:33My treat.
00:34Hurry up.
00:35Supper's almost ready.
00:36Don't be long.
00:37I just broke up
00:38about 20 minutes ago.
00:39The party, I mean.
00:40They threw me a party down at the office.
00:41No kidding.
00:42What is it?
00:44Boy, you know,
00:45it's the first party
00:46anyone ever gave for me in my life, I think.
00:47Everyone congratulated me.
00:48You know, I'm beginning to think
00:49I'd like a real big wedding.
00:50I have to mention that to Jerry.
00:52Boy, I like having a fuss made over me.
00:55I don't mind saying I'm a little tight, too.
00:57You know me, one whiff.
00:58You gotta look me on the ceiling.
01:00Oh, I don't think I've ever had such a fine time.
01:02Everyone in the world kissed me.
01:04You know something that would be nice?
01:06I mean, to have a real wedding
01:07with a white gown and all,
01:08maybe a small dance combination.
01:10With George at the piano.
