Iqbal Masih - Child Labore

  • 2 days ago
Iqbal Masih was a Pakistani child laborer who escaped bondage at the age of 10 and became an international symbol of the fight against child labor, advocating for children's rights until his tragic murder at the age of 12, believed to be in retaliation for his activism.


00:00In the small village of Maureed K in Punjab, Pakistan, Iqbal Mawsi's story began amidst
00:06the backdrop of poverty and hardship. At the tender age of four, he was sold into bonded
00:11labour by his family, becoming a child labourer in a carpet factory. The factory, a place that
00:17should have been filled with the laughter of children, instead echoed with the sounds of
00:21exploitation and abuse. As the young boy laboured under harsh conditions, a spark of resilience
00:28ignited within him. Iqbal's spirit refused to be broken by the weight of the loom, and despite the
00:33hardships, he dreamed of a different life. His chance for freedom came when he escaped the
00:38clutches of the carpet factory with the help of the bonded labour liberation front.
00:43Embracing his new-found freedom, Iqbal became an unwavering advocate against child labour.
00:49His courage took him beyond the borders of his village and country, as he travelled to various
00:54nations to share his story. At the United Nations and on international platforms, Iqbal spoke
01:00passionately about the plight of child labourers, urging the world to recognise their suffering and
01:05take action. The global community responded to Iqbal's call for justice. He received prestigious
01:12awards that highlighted the urgency of addressing child labour on a global scale. Iqbal's story
01:18inspired individuals and organisations worldwide to join the fight against child labour,
01:23amplifying the voice of those who had been silenced for too long.
01:27However, the struggle for justice was not without its challenges. Iqbal faced threats and danger as
01:33powerful interests sought to maintain the status quo. Despite the risks, he continued his mission,
01:39knowing that the fight against child labour was more significant than any individual's safety.
01:45Tragically, Iqbal's journey was cut short. In 1995, at the age of 12, he was mysteriously
01:52murdered. The circumstances surrounding his death raised questions about the forces that
01:57sought to silence him. Yet, even in death, Iqbal's legacy endured. His life inspired the establishment
02:04of the Iqbal Masih Shaheed Welfare Foundation in Pakistan, dedicated to continuing his work
02:10and advocating for the rights of children. The tale of Iqbal Masih became a symbol of resilience,
02:16courage, and the ongoing struggle to protect the most vulnerable in society.
02:21As the years passed, Iqbal's story became more than a personal narrative,
02:26it evolved into a global movement. His legacy lives on through the annual observances dedicated
02:32to raising awareness about child labour and the countless individuals who carry the torch for
02:37justice in his name. In the village of Morideh and far beyond, the memory of Iqbal Masih persists,
02:44reminding the world that the fight against child labour is a collective responsibility.
02:49His story echoes through the ages, urging humanity to confront the harsh realities
02:54faced by children and strive for a future where every child can embrace
02:58the warmth of freedom and the promise of a brighter tomorrow.
