• last year
00:00Hey kids, I'm the number one and I'm here to learn more about multiplication.
00:07I could really use some help so do you think you can help me?
00:12Awesome thank you so much!
00:14My friend the robot is here to help us so let's go learn about multiplication.
00:20I have here a multiplication problem of 5 times 3.
00:25Some of you may already know multiplication but I need a little help.
00:30Maybe my robot friend can bring in something to help me out.
00:35Uh wait a minute, my robot brought me some cookies but how is that going to help me?
00:41I know, he wants me to look at different ways to multiply and drawing a picture is a good
00:47way to do this.
00:49When multiplying we can look at the 5 as being the number of groups and the 3 as the number
00:54of objects in the group.
00:58These cookies show this concept.
01:01There are 5 cookies and they are the number of groups.
01:04On each cookie there are 3 chocolate chips and they are the number of objects in each
01:11Can you please tell me how many chocolate chips there are in all?
01:17There are 15 chocolate chips, great job!
01:20We have 5 cookies which represent the number of groups and 3 chocolate chips on each cookie
01:25that represent the number of objects in each group.
01:29Counting all the chocolate chips gives us 15.
01:33There is something really cool about multiplication, take a look at this.
01:41Here we have 3 cookies and on each cookie there are 5 chocolate chips.
01:46What we just did was switch the number of groups and number of objects.
01:51The 3 is now the number of groups and the 5 is now the number of objects in each group.
01:59If we count the chocolate chips do we still get 15?
02:02Well let's do that but let's do it by skip counting by 5's.
02:06We start counting with this cookie, 5, 10, 15, great job!
02:15We still get the same answer if we switch it around.
02:18Let's try a new problem.
02:22Here is 3 multiplied by 4.
02:25We are going to use a picture again to understand this problem.
02:30Here are 3 cookies which shows us the number of groups.
02:35Can you tell me how many chocolate chips I should put on each cookie?
02:40We need 4 chocolate chips on each cookie to show the number of objects in each group.
02:47Can you count the chocolate chips and tell me what 3 times 4 is?
02:51You can use skip counting or count by 1's.
02:57The answer is 12, great job kids!
03:003 multiplied by 4 is 12 and we not only know the answer but we know how multiplication
03:10I hope you learned a lot like I did.
03:12Visit me next time to learn more about math.
03:14Now let's eat these cookies.
03:16Hey robot, don't take all the cookies, hey you come back here with those cookies!