Mystick Tycoon

  • 2 days ago
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00:00i'm gonna go make some calls if anyone can help we won't let anything happen to miss jane
00:08and i'll go visit her now i should be there for her thank you for sticking with me
00:16where else would i go
00:22i don't want anything from you it's not like i can expect anything nice from an orphan such
00:28as yourself grandma stephen is a decent and honorable man i don't think so why your grandfather
00:36gave his blessings to your marriage i'll never understand no one in the family likes him i'm
00:43just the only one brave enough to say so it's enough it's okay carrie really you see he knows
00:49his place don't you i had such high hopes for you carrie such high hopes
00:59you know what would make a nice present stephen what's that you could divorce carrie and let her
01:08marry cullen henderson like i wanted her to so many years ago now that would be a nice present
01:18now pass me a present and it better be expensive
01:25i grew up as an orphan and poor but i was about to discover i had more money than god
01:32how incredibly rude no shock there the orphan boy has no manners sorry i'll just be a minute
01:41um hello is this stephen it is this is the hospital miss jane asked us to call you miss
01:48jane was my caretaker at the orphanage the only person in the world who was kind to me
01:54and she isn't doing as well as we'd hoped it looks like she will have to have the surgery
02:00okay yes of course what's wrong it's miss jane her kidneys have gotten worse and she needs surgery
02:10oh no steven i'm so sorry i thought the doctor said the dialysis would work
02:14and apparently things are worse than they thought with surgery so expensive you know
02:21if you need the money you can always ask grandma i'm sure she would let it to us
02:25surgery is going to cost a quarter of a million dollars i doubt she'll end us that much
02:30she hates me carrie no she doesn't okay fine she does
02:38but again hard to ask maybe she hears about it she won't understand
02:46i'll ask her no i should be the one to do it
02:49lisa what is it now
02:55go on miss jane the woman who took care of me at the orphanage all those years
03:01she's in kidney failure and she needs surgery so so she means the world to me
03:08and i was wondering if i could borrow some money to help her and how much is the money
03:14and i was wondering if i could borrow some money to help her and how much
03:18is this surgery a quarter of a million dollars i see
03:25i just figured as generous as you are maybe you'd like to do something nice for someone
03:30as a birthday gift you figured all that did you
03:36you come to my house on my birthday you give me nothing you have nothing you leech off my
03:44granddaughter and you have the audacity to ask me for money for some random woman's treatment
03:50it's not some random woman she's someone that i care about how can you care about someone if you
03:55have no money to care for them with miss jane took care of steven and many others out of the
04:02kindness of her own heart and steven just wants to repay that it is my birthday for crying out
04:08loud unless the two of you are going to tell me that you're getting a divorce i don't want to
04:13hear anything i'm not divorcing him believe it or not not everybody marries for money
04:18some people marry for love like us and is that how he shows his love by forcing you to beg for money
04:27once an orphan always an orphan all right if you want the money you kneel and beg for it
04:38and i'll give it to you what grandma be quiet child i need you to see what you've
04:48tied yourself to this is what he is and will always be you heard me kneel
05:11please lisa
05:13lisa i know you think i'm worthless maybe i am but none of that matters miss jane is about to
05:22die and i will do anything i can to help her please help me please i'll pay you back with
05:29everything i've got all right i'll give you the money and you can pay me back by divorcing my
05:41granddaughter divorce my granddaughter and let this family be done with you how dare you
05:48how dare you interfere in my life someone has to you obviously have no sense of your own
05:59i just can't believe her
06:05i'm gonna go make some calls see if anyone can help
06:09we won't let anything happen to miss jane and i'll go visit her now
06:13i should be there for her thank you for sticking with me where else would i go
06:27i'm here to see jane goodwin please are you related in a way she's like a mother to me
06:35can i see some id please
06:44i'm sorry i'm afraid she's been moved sir moved where she's been moved to another hospital i'll
06:50write the address down for you but i was just told a few hours ago that she was to have surgery not
06:54that she was being moved i'm trying to come up with 250 000 on my own actually it says that her
07:01condition got worse and her surgery will now cost almost three million dollars three million
07:14but it says here that the bill has already been paid in full what i don't have three million
07:21dollars there's no way the benefactor who paid her medical expenses is the one who had her moved
07:26to the new facility but who paid for it that's confidential i'm sorry i suggest going to this
07:34new hospital and asking them okay thanks just hours ago all hope seemed lost but now miss jane
07:46was in good hands but whose hands were they who was taking care of the bill for her treatment
07:51stephen don't be afraid sir my name is sean drake we met before a long time ago
08:03i know you my parents are dead because of you sir please you insisted they drive across the
08:11country he was so concerned with making good time they fell asleep at the wheel they never
08:16even saw that truck that hit them i was thrown into an orphanage after that and that's all
08:21your fault life can be cruel sometimes why are you here are you stalking me you've got some nerve
08:28it's about your family sir your real family my real family is dead because of you didn't you
08:33hear what i said your grandfather sir he sent me excuse me my grandfather he didn't know what
08:41orphanage you were sent to he couldn't find it despite how hard he tried it seems the files
08:46were lost got lost it's been 20 years why are you doing this why now why did no one come find
08:56me after all these years he tried steven for years he tried every avenue he had a team of
09:01experts looking everywhere using ai to age your likeness by 20 years to track you down
09:07i don't understand it was miss jane goodwin that was the missing piece when she was hospitalized
09:12we found her detail and tracked her back to you i was sent to find you to see if it was really you
09:17who is who is my grandfather then mr winston gemsworth he'll be overjoyed to hear the news
09:23winston gemsworth is my grandfather one of the richest men in the world is my grandfather he's
09:29the one that paid for miss jane's treatment and had her moved to another hospital look he wants
09:33to see you now let's go he'll explain everything more was this a sick joke i needed to find out if
09:41this was all really true was i really related to one of the richest men in the world
09:50steven mr gemsworth oh please don't call me that you're my grandson
09:59oh how long i've looked for you all my prayers have finally been answered
10:07you look just like your father i do you do do you uh remember him no
10:20and yes you're so long ago i don't know if i remember him just bits and pieces
10:29nothing makes sense i can't remember his face or mom's it's all right my child it was many years
10:39ago you were quite young i'm sorry we we left you alone for so long come we have much to catch up on
10:46winston shared stories about my parents while i told him about my life i couldn't believe i finally
10:53i couldn't believe i finally had family of my own you're more than welcome to move in here of
10:58course with your wife as well oh no we live in an apartment apartment in town yes i know
11:04but this is your home too besides now that you're back i gotta get you up to speed on family
11:10business who else is gonna take over when i'm gone you mean you want me to
11:17inherit this of course you're my only grandson i don't know what to say
11:25this is yours as much as it is mine thank you grandpa
11:34enough about the past let's look toward the future shall we
11:40have you heard of the sterling group of course it's impossible not to if you live in new york
11:46well as of this afternoon i own it you do indeed and if you accept i'd like you to be president
11:55you want me to be what you heard me do you accept well of course i do great sign here
12:09you start tomorrow you should let your wife know it might be a few long days to get everything
12:14situated smooth transitions make for better business as you know
12:25steven where are you it's a long story carrie but the good news is everything's gonna be okay
12:30what do you mean everything's gonna be okay did you get the money not a lot makes sense right now
12:35but you have to trust me on this everything is taken care of we're gonna be okay you me
12:42miss jane it's all gonna work out i'm worried it's just so hard to believe i'm handling
12:48everything just give me a few days to get the details worked out and i promise i will explain
12:52everything we will finally be able to live outside your family shadow okay i trust you i love you i
13:01love you too
13:14not only was i now heir to the gemsworth family fortune but my new duties as president of the
13:19sterling group took up much of my time i jumped right into both roles learning more about my
13:24family while also learning more about the family business however while going through some files i
13:33found a sterling group partner that looked familiar the hopkins group also known as my wife carrie's
13:41own family it looked like most of the hopkins family deals were with the sterling group
13:46and with access to their files their entire life was now in my hands
13:51and after how carrie's grandmother lisa treated me
13:56i was all too happy to find any dirt i could wait what's this i couldn't believe i was sitting on a
14:03gold mine of information on my wife's cruel grandmother the question was what would the file
14:18lisa hopkins was suspected of hiring a hitman to take out her own husband i could not believe what
14:29i was reading we were led to believe that grandpa hopkins died of natural causes but these files
14:34held proof that that was not the case here it was in black and white lisa likely killed her husband
14:40to inherit his fortune i have to tell carrie about this then i realized i couldn't not until i knew
14:50more i needed to get the facts straight first before going to her information like this could
14:55ruin a family and a marriage my days were filled with meetings as the new president of the sterling
15:04group but my mind never stopped thinking about lisa hopkins and her criminal case
15:15this is steven hello steven who is this i have some information regarding mr hopkins death
15:22what do you know who is this happy to tell you if you're willing to pay for it yes
15:30of course any price next week meet me at grand central station i want ten thousand dollars
15:37fine how will i find you you'll know but how pleasure doing business with you
15:44especially when it hurts lisa hopkins who is this
15:48who was the mysterious man on the phone what evidence did he have against lisa hopkins
16:01why did he hate her as much as i did don't let your excitement die the full audio series
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