Scrubs Heartbeat (Complete)

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Scrubs Heartbeat
| English Movies , English Drama
00:00:00Good morning interns, Dr. Harper Abbott will be here shortly to begin your orientation.
00:00:30Quick, I need one of you to help.
00:00:45Her pulse is dropping.
00:00:47It's just under 40.
00:00:49Look, her fingernails.
00:00:52Low oxygen saturation rate.
00:00:53Well spotted.
00:00:54What now?
00:00:56Check her lungs.
00:00:57What do you hear?
00:00:58Come on, quickly.
00:01:00That's right.
00:01:01We have to start surgery.
00:01:05No time to waste.
00:01:17Yes. No time to waste.
00:01:37That's just the excess blood.
00:02:09You're decisive.
00:02:11And fast.
00:02:18Dr. Stone, the last thing you want to do is freeze.
00:02:24The last thing I would want to do is be a show-off.
00:02:29Well, this was quite the eventful start to the day.
00:02:34Actually, your typical day will be high stakes and high stress.
00:02:39Your personal lives will have to take a back seat, along with everything else.
00:02:45Not all of you will survive in this environment.
00:02:49In fact, half of you will be gone by the end of this year.
00:02:54But for those of you who'll stick it out, it'll be worth it.
00:02:58I've been through so much to get here.
00:03:01Endless tests, tuition fees.
00:03:03I want to be a good doctor.
00:03:05To save lives.
00:03:07Whatever it takes.
00:03:10I am Dr. Harper Abbott, the hospital director.
00:03:14This is Dr. Naveen Banerjee.
00:03:18He's my good cop.
00:03:20And I'm sure you've heard of Dr. Gregory Ramsey.
00:03:27Harry Stone, male, 26 years old.
00:03:30Car accident, massive blood loss.
00:03:32Rh negative, the plasma's still on its way.
00:03:35Please, doctor. Save my brother.
00:03:37I need to open him up, put him on ice.
00:03:41We're going to perform an emergency thoracotomy.
00:03:43Opening his chest when he's losing so much blood already?
00:03:46You want me to save your brother or not?
00:03:58Your brother's going to be fine.
00:04:00The surgery was a success.
00:04:02We were lucky. We saved him in time.
00:04:07Thank you so much.
00:04:14Hi, I just...
00:04:17I want to say thank you.
00:04:19For my brother.
00:04:21Honestly, you don't need to thank me. It's my job.
00:04:23Sometimes the best option is still a bit risky.
00:04:26Thanks for your understanding.
00:04:34Now, shall we begin the tour?
00:04:43And this is your break room.
00:04:52Here are your partners. Enjoy working together.
00:05:01It says I'm paired with Dr. Abbott.
00:05:03There must be a mistake.
00:05:05There isn't a mistake.
00:05:07Dr. Blair Abbott, Dr. Harper Abbott's niece.
00:05:12Shall we go see our patients?
00:05:20Did I do something to upset you, Blair?
00:05:23It's Dr. Abbott.
00:05:25Right. I just... I feel like I offended you somehow.
00:05:29We're both professionals.
00:05:31I plan to work well together for our patients, don't you?
00:05:33Of course.
00:05:35Terrific, Dr. Stone.
00:05:48Hi, I'm Dr. Abbott.
00:05:51This is my colleague, Dr. Stone.
00:05:53We're going to run a few tests and check your vitals, okay?
00:05:59Sounds great.
00:06:09Can you tell us a bit about the symptoms you've been experiencing?
00:06:12Yeah, I've had a pretty persistent headache for the last few days and my stomach's been really upset.
00:06:20Upset painful or upset nauseous?
00:06:25And is there any dizziness or lightheadedness when you stand?
00:06:30Dizziness, yeah.
00:06:34It says on your chart that you have no allergies.
00:06:38I also noticed you have a rash as well, on your arm and neck.
00:06:43There's no need to take your blood security.
00:06:45Oh, it's from diving.
00:06:48You dive?
00:06:53Okay, we're going to take care of you, okay?
00:07:09Are you sure you're a doctor?
00:07:21I think we should put her on antibiotics every 12 hours and monitor her condition.
00:07:25I was going to suggest the same thing.
00:07:28Dr. Abbott needs to see me.
00:07:31I'll put in the prescription.
00:07:34And after you do that, you might want to change your scripts.
00:08:06We're doctors.
00:08:08I figure we're supposed to feel comfortable with other people's bodies.
00:08:11At least not all the interns are cold.
00:08:13Well, we can stick together.
00:08:17I'm Brian.
00:08:21It's nice to have a friend here.
00:08:23A friend?
00:08:26My patient.
00:08:28Go, go, go.
00:08:31Rescue team to room 532.
00:08:33Rescue team to room 532.
00:08:36Come on.
00:08:51One, two, three.
00:08:55One, two, three.
00:09:16She was experiencing dizziness, nausea, and headaches.
00:09:20And a rash on her arms and neck.
00:09:23I see the order you put in, Dr. Stone.
00:09:25Your patient had an allergic reaction to the medication.
00:09:29She had no allergies.
00:09:31Dr. Abbott.
00:09:33Good work administering CPR on the defibrillator.
00:09:36Dr. Stone.
00:09:39You know what?
00:09:41I don't think you're fit to be a good doctor.
00:09:50This is not a game, Dr. Stone.
00:09:53Of course. I...
00:09:55Dr. Stone, I have to give all the interns a fair grade.
00:09:58If you would like a high grade, remember the lesson.
00:10:02Dr. Ramsey, Dr. Cohen is looking for you.
00:10:08Thanks for standing up for me.
00:10:11You put in the prescription.
00:10:13Only because you had to go suck up to your aunt.
00:10:19I made that up about Dr. Cohen.
00:10:22I don't understand.
00:10:24It looked like you needed a break from him, so I made that up about Dr. Cohen needing Dr. Ramsey.
00:10:28Are you joking?
00:10:41I'm sorry I shouldn't have snapped at you like that.
00:10:44I'm sorry. You were right.
00:10:46I just feel like everyone hates me here.
00:10:51I don't hate you.
00:10:54I was amazed by how quickly you acted this morning.
00:10:56I think you're the strongest doctor in our cohort.
00:11:27Oh God, she's going to report us.
00:11:30There aren't rules against dating other doctors.
00:11:33No one will take us seriously.
00:11:35You're overreacting.
00:11:37You heard Dr. Abbott say it herself.
00:11:39We need to be willing to give up everything else.
00:11:57First day?
00:12:03Don't worry. This place is a labyrinth. I can guide you.
00:12:07That would be great.
00:12:09Yes, please.
00:12:16Thank you, Martinez. I'm Dr. Stone.
00:12:18Nice to meet you.
00:12:21I'm Dr. Stone.
00:12:23I'm Dr. Stone.
00:12:29I also noticed you have a rash as well.
00:12:32On your arm and neck.
00:12:34Oh, it's from diving.
00:12:36Labyrinth. Labyrinth.
00:12:38This place is a labyrinth.
00:12:40I know what's wrong with Annie.
00:12:42Who's Annie?
00:12:49Dr. Stone.
00:12:51Dr. Ramsey.
00:12:53Remember when I noted the rash on Annie's arms?
00:12:56Dr. Abbott and I were mistaken.
00:12:59Annie is an avid diver, which in rare cases can cause decompression sickness and labyrinthitis.
00:13:07And Annie, what did you tell me?
00:13:09I've been in Indonesia for the last two weeks on a diving trip.
00:13:12First time there?
00:13:14First time.
00:13:16I'd like to put Annie on a regimen of antihistamines for the next couple weeks.
00:13:19Check her chart.
00:13:20What do you mean?
00:13:22I mean, check her chart.
00:13:31You ordered antihistamines already?
00:13:35You figured it out?
00:13:37Two hours ago.
00:13:39But, glad you got there eventually too.
00:13:45He's a total asshole.
00:13:51I heard you figured out what's wrong with your patient.
00:13:54Yeah, a little late though.
00:13:56You should be proud of yourself.
00:13:58Ramsey's an asshole.
00:14:00You're not the first person to say that today.
00:14:04Who's a real asshole?
00:14:06Dr. Ramsey.
00:14:08Tell me about it.
00:14:11Heading out?
00:14:13Heading out?
00:14:19So, some of the interns are headed to the bar.
00:14:22You want to join?
00:14:24Will there actually be other interns there when we show up?
00:14:27What do you mean?
00:14:29Oh, you'll pretend to be surprised and say,
00:14:31well, we might as well stay for a drink, just the two of us.
00:14:33And then the next thing I know, we're on a date.
00:14:36How dare you accuse me of something so low.
00:14:39Actually, it would be a good opportunity for you to bond with some of the other interns.
00:14:49I swear to God, his eyeball is just dangling out of its socket, bouncing around.
00:14:54What did you do?
00:14:56Put it straight back in.
00:14:59Well, Hannah had her own disaster today.
00:15:03Dr. Ramsey was berating her for not knowing what was wrong with her patient.
00:15:07Which, to be fair, I didn't.
00:15:10Then told her to figure it out.
00:15:13Which I then did.
00:15:15And Dr. Ramsey said?
00:15:17Glad you got there eventually, too.
00:15:23He has got to be the most stuck-up, arrogant...
00:15:30Yeah, hot asshole in all of medicine.
00:15:38I am so sorry.
00:15:41It's fine. I've gotten plenty of bad reviews from interns before.
00:15:46I was apologizing for the beer, not the bad review.
00:15:51I'll have a whiskey. Neat.
00:15:54And get this one whatever she wants.
00:16:00Don't you have an early morning surgery tomorrow?
00:16:03Congrats. You passed my test.
00:16:04I'm not here for hard liquor. Just to relax.
00:16:08Cola, please.
00:16:13So I'm stuck-up.
00:16:15And arrogant.
00:16:17Do you know what I think of you?
00:16:19Yeah, I know what you think of me.
00:16:21You think I am a smart, vivacious, talented young doctor.
00:16:26I wouldn't go that far.
00:16:29You're going to have to find some way to work with me, Stella.
00:16:31I know I'm new here, but if I get something right, I deserve credit.
00:16:36The credit you get is saving your patient's life.
00:16:40You're not any of those things if you let every wing go to your head.
00:16:49Damn it.
00:16:53Damn it.
00:16:57You're being ridiculous, Naveen.
00:16:59You're being ridiculous, Naveen.
00:17:01Gregory, you are incredible.
00:17:03But even the greatest have their limits.
00:17:06You have to at least let me try.
00:17:09I'm not interested in false hope.
00:17:11It's us doing our jobs.
00:17:13What we have trained our whole lives to do.
00:17:15It's time you understood that not everything is in your control.
00:17:20Jack, hey. Damn it, Naveen.
00:17:28Damn it.
00:17:47Hannah, wake the hell up. It's an emergency.
00:17:50I left my key. I must have fallen asleep.
00:17:54There's a crisis meeting in the conference room.
00:17:55About Dr. Banerjee.
00:17:57Dr. Banerjee?
00:18:03And so Dr. Banerjee will be taking a leave of absence.
00:18:07Effective immediately.
00:18:09Is he okay?
00:18:11Did he get fired?
00:18:13Quiet, please.
00:18:15Now, this means that there is a vacancy.
00:18:19This means that there is a vacancy to be filled.
00:18:23By the most promising intern.
00:18:27Who will be determined by a point system.
00:18:30The intern with the highest performance will get the job.
00:18:34How do we earn points?
00:18:36Points will be distributed by myself and Dr. Ramsey when we see fit.
00:18:40Glad I'm on Dr. Ramsey's good side.
00:18:46It's so quiet.
00:18:48Well, we're not friends anymore.
00:18:50Now we're competitors.
00:18:51Now we're competitors.
00:19:00Don't stand a chance.
00:19:02You're a great doctor.
00:19:04If we keep helping each other, maybe one of us can get that spot.
00:19:07What do you say?
00:19:09I hope you're not expecting anything in return.
00:19:11Just your gratitude.
00:19:13Then it's a deal.
00:19:22Let's get him to the OR.
00:19:24Tell Dr. Wen we've got to prep an open heart surgery.
00:19:30No interns in the OR.
00:19:32We want to help.
00:19:33Or at least see what's going on.
00:19:35No interns.
00:19:40Open heart surgery?
00:19:42Can you imagine?
00:19:44We'd learn so much.
00:19:46What if I could get us in?
00:19:48The OR.
00:19:50How can you get us in there?
00:19:53I'm on rotation this week.
00:19:55I'm not.
00:19:57It's against policy for me to be in there.
00:19:59No one has to see you.
00:20:15Can they see us?
00:20:18It's incredible.
00:20:20Look how carefully he makes every incision.
00:20:23It requires so much precision.
00:20:27Strong, yet gentle.
00:20:30I thought you hated Dr. Ramsey.
00:20:33As a person, yes.
00:20:35But as a doctor...
00:20:38Actually, he's the whole reason I came to this hospital.
00:20:47Did you see?
00:20:49He looked right at us.
00:20:56Suture that up and we should be done.
00:21:20For everything.
00:21:22I don't know how I'd do all this without you.
00:21:25Don't mention it.
00:21:27Do you think they're gone?
00:21:29I'll check.
00:21:35They're not ready, Harper.
00:21:37I know what you're thinking.
00:21:39I'm thinking that I care about this hospital.
00:21:42And I want to keep it running.
00:21:44That's always been your problem.
00:21:45You put the hospital above everything and everyone.
00:21:48This isn't about us, Greg.
00:21:50Don't bring our past into it.
00:21:59What have we got?
00:22:01Smoke inhalation.
00:22:03Fire in the free room about 20 minutes ago.
00:22:05Alright, get an oxygen mask and tank stat.
00:22:07I'm gonna start CPR.
00:22:11What's going on?
00:22:13Pregnant woman, 30s, smoking.
00:22:15Smoke inhalation.
00:22:17Get oxygen.
00:22:19Hold on.
00:22:25Don't try to talk.
00:22:27It's my son.
00:22:29He made a photo.
00:22:31I brought it.
00:22:33Can you get it for me?
00:22:35I'm giving you oxygen now.
00:22:37It'll be fine.
00:22:39I promise.
00:22:41Dolores mentioned the drawing her son made.
00:22:44I found it in the ambulance.
00:23:06Dolores Hudson's test results?
00:23:09Dr. Ramsey?
00:23:13It's severe preeclampsia, isn't it?
00:23:17I'm 26 weeks.
00:23:19This is insane.
00:23:21You're a doctor, Dolores.
00:23:23This is the only option you have and you know it.
00:23:25No, I know you.
00:23:27You make rash decisions when you're panicking.
00:23:29Right now you're panicked.
00:23:31If it helps, I'd like to second Dr. Ramsey's diagnosis.
00:23:35If it helps, I'd like to second Dr. Ramsey's opinion.
00:23:40It's the only chance we have to save both you and your baby.
00:23:45If our positions were swapped, what would you tell your patient?
00:23:58Dolores had a seizure.
00:24:02We rushed her into delivery.
00:24:03What happened?
00:24:06I told her not to wait. She's so goddamn stubborn.
00:24:10What happened to them?
00:24:13We delivered her baby.
00:24:1650% chance of surviving the night.
00:24:24Dolores is gone.
00:24:27I'm so sorry.
00:24:29She was there with me all through med school.
00:24:30And then internship and residency.
00:24:35Tell me more about her.
00:24:38We have all night.
00:24:52Dr. Ramsey.
00:24:57He made it.
00:24:58He made it.
00:25:17She gave everything.
00:25:19I couldn't save her.
00:25:21I'm so sorry about Dolores.
00:25:22Dr. Ramsey.
00:25:24Forgive me for asking, but...
00:25:27Do you and Dr. Abbott have some sort of history?
00:25:31How do you...
00:25:34Yes. Yes, we do.
00:25:39I loved her.
00:25:43I wanted to make it work.
00:25:45To find a balance somehow.
00:25:47She chose the hospital.
00:25:51I wish she had made that choice before I fell in love with her.
00:26:05I should get back to the break room.
00:26:17Serious? What is it?
00:26:19We have to end things.
00:26:23The hospital will break us up.
00:26:25We have to end things before our feelings get too strong.
00:26:30Can we talk about this?
00:26:32Good morning, interns.
00:26:35I've got our Frisee rankings.
00:26:42Now, don't you all crowd around all at once.
00:26:52Something wrong, Dr. Stone?
00:26:56This is what I mean.
00:26:58I'm ten and you're eight.
00:27:00We need to focus on our work.
00:27:04One other thing.
00:27:06Brief team meeting.
00:27:08I would stay if I were you, because it will impact the outcome of this competition.
00:27:17Good morning, interns.
00:27:19Good morning, Dr. Ramsey.
00:27:23Good morning, interns.
00:27:25Good morning, Dr. Ramsey.
00:27:28That's more like it.
00:27:30We've got a patient, Remy Caruso.
00:27:33No test can explain his symptoms.
00:27:35Bungal infection, headaches, joint pain so debilitating he can't walk some days.
00:27:41So, we need all of you on the case.
00:27:44If you're disappointed with the first set of rankings, here's a chance to improve your standing.
00:27:54Dr. Ramsey.
00:27:57How are you doing?
00:28:00Dr. Stone, I don't know why you'd ask me that now.
00:28:04Get to work.
00:28:15Patient X.
00:28:30You're the fourth intern today.
00:28:33I feel like the most popular kid in school.
00:28:36Oh, anyone ask you to prom yet?
00:28:39Everyone wants a piece of me.
00:28:40So, why am I getting the VIP patient treatment?
00:28:44Well, in addition to your dashing good looks.
00:28:47Har har.
00:28:49Us interns have been promised a pretty big boost in our position here if we can figure you out.
00:28:56So, I'm a medical mystery.
00:28:59Thanks for telling me.
00:29:02I'm not sure I was supposed to.
00:29:06You seem honest.
00:29:08You seem on edge.
00:29:12It's just my boss hates me.
00:29:15I broke up with my maybe boyfriend.
00:29:18And I'm ranked 10 out of 12 interns, so...
00:29:22Fun times.
00:29:24Doctor, if I may offer a little advice.
00:29:27Life will always be stressful.
00:29:30Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, I'm breaking out in hives.
00:29:35And in the worst place.
00:29:38See, when it rains, it pours.
00:29:42Remy, have you showed anyone else this?
00:29:45No, I thought it was just stress.
00:29:48Promise me you won't.
00:29:50I'll be right back.
00:29:57Even though we're not together, we're still friends, right?
00:30:00Of course.
00:30:02I was just in Remy's room, and he showed me something he didn't show others.
00:30:05Hives. On the soles of his feet.
00:30:08I think it's a hereditary genetic disorder.
00:30:11And that would explain the other symptoms.
00:30:13Holy shit, run the test.
00:30:15I will, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't crazy.
00:30:17I'll go with you.
00:30:20You are always around.
00:30:23While I work here.
00:30:25Are you eavesdropping?
00:30:27As if either of you have anything remotely interesting to say.
00:30:31Brian, I want to look into something.
00:30:46Dr. Stone, you need to get your patient that MRI stat.
00:30:49But Dr. Martin-
00:30:50No ifs, ands, or buts.
00:30:52Dr. Stone, you need to get your patient that MRI stat.
00:30:55But Dr. Martin-
00:30:56No ifs, ands, or buts.
00:31:01That was close.
00:31:03Sorry for yelling at you.
00:31:05It's okay. But I think it'll be too risky if we both follow.
00:31:22Running aimlessly in hallways is unprofessional, Dr. Stone.
00:31:25Running aimlessly in hallways is unprofessional, Dr. Stone.
00:31:28Sorry, Dr. Abbott. I was just excited to tell you.
00:31:31I think I've diagnosed Remy.
00:31:42These tests show Remy Caruso has a rare genetic disorder.
00:31:45These tests show Remy Caruso has a rare genetic disorder.
00:31:50But these exact tests were already run about an hour ago.
00:31:57I'm sorry. I don't understand.
00:31:59Someone beat you to it, Dr. Stone.
00:32:02Now, please return to your other patients.
00:32:14Every time I open a door or turn a corner, there you are.
00:32:20I have a meeting with my aunt.
00:32:22What? To take credit?
00:32:24Brian and I caught you eavesdropping on our conversation about Remy.
00:32:27And mysteriously, someone ran the test and confirmed my theory.
00:32:31What? You're completely paranoid.
00:32:44Wow. First again.
00:32:48You're slipping.
00:32:50What did you say?
00:32:52Maybe you should spend less time being paranoid about your fellow interns,
00:32:56and more time focusing on your work.
00:32:59Maybe I just need to become the director's niece.
00:33:02Or maybe be as good of a doctor as I am.
00:33:11Congrats on rising four spots.
00:33:15It's not fair your ranking dropped.
00:33:18Blair is right.
00:33:20I'm spending my time here flirting with you.
00:33:24But I like when we flirt.
00:33:26But that's not why I came here.
00:33:28I need to focus on my work.
00:33:31Haven't you noticed?
00:33:33This is a competition.
00:33:35And we can't all win.
00:33:37Hey, where are you going?
00:33:45I'm going home.
00:34:16Dr. Banerjee.
00:34:20What happened to you?
00:34:33I was just...
00:34:36I was just gonna...
00:34:39What were you doing in there?
00:34:41I was just...
00:34:48Not here.
00:34:53I'm sorry.
00:34:54I didn't mean to pry everything.
00:34:56And yet you did.
00:34:58Dr. Banerjee.
00:34:59Is he okay?
00:35:00Does anyone else even know he's sick?
00:35:02Stay out of this, Dr. Stone.
00:35:05I'm worried about him.
00:35:07You're so...
00:35:12But not now.
00:35:13I can tell you more after our shifts.
00:35:18My place.
00:35:21Don't tell Sol.
00:35:40You can take that off.
00:35:41Take that off?
00:35:42The coat, I mean.
00:35:53Even though they started out minor, his symptoms got worse.
00:35:56Severe headaches, fever.
00:35:58Suddenly organ failure.
00:36:02And eventually sepsis.
00:36:04And you've tried every antibiotic?
00:36:06Each one made him worse.
00:36:08I've been hiding it from everyone because...
00:36:12Naveen said he'd rather go quietly than distract us from the patients.
00:36:18There has to be something you can do.
00:36:21I'm trying everything.
00:36:23Thanks for sharing the burden with me.
00:36:29Oh, God.
00:36:30I didn't realize how late it's gotten.
00:36:33I have a guest room.
00:36:38I have a guest room.
00:36:40Thanks, but I have an early morning tomorrow.
00:36:58I'm number one!
00:36:59And you're three.
00:37:01We did it.
00:37:03Wait, are you mad at me?
00:37:06We're in this together.
00:37:10All you care about is getting a hit.
00:37:17Dr. Stone?
00:37:18What now?
00:37:21I am so sorry.
00:37:23I just made 11 enemies.
00:37:26Not in a good mood, number one.
00:37:28I'm going to a conference in Miami.
00:37:31I decided to bring this week's top intern along as my assistant.
00:37:38Hi, checking in.
00:37:40Gregory Ramsey.
00:37:42Alright, you'll be in room 510.
00:37:46There should be a second row.
00:37:48We're completely booked for the conference.
00:37:49The best I can do is upgrade you to a suite, a bedroom with an adjoining living room.
00:38:08I didn't realize I left the door open.
00:38:11Is everything okay?
00:38:14I think you should know the real reason I brought you here.
00:38:22I'm here for Naveen.
00:38:26Attending this conference is Declan Nash, VP of Panacea Labs.
00:38:33They've been investing lately in experimental treatments for sepsis.
00:38:37And, uh...
00:38:40I want you to, uh...
00:38:45Why not you?
00:38:48Last time I saw Declan...
00:38:55We got into a dispute and...
00:38:59Left on bad terms.
00:39:04This could buy us time to cure Naveen.
00:39:09I'll do my best.
00:39:11First event is casino night.
00:39:13Casino night?
00:39:15I don't have a dress to wear.
00:39:18Check your closet.
00:39:37Is this seat taken?
00:39:40It is now.
00:39:42Oh, I'll get $50 in chips.
00:39:46This is poker, right?
00:39:48Yes, it is.
00:39:49Great! Deal me in.
00:39:59I knew I should've never bet so much on a pair of twos.
00:40:03Nope, you shouldn't have.
00:40:05Wanna make this interesting?
00:40:10Interesting how?
00:40:15Well, Mr. Nash, I am looking for information on experimental treatments for sepsis.
00:40:23Well, that's confidential.
00:40:26What if you can get something you want, too?
00:40:30If you win.
00:40:35I don't think I can choose.
00:40:41A deal's a deal.
00:40:56Oh, no.
00:40:58That's a straight, right?
00:41:00It sure is.
00:41:01I just have the pair of twos on the table.
00:41:04Well, these.
00:41:09I think you owe me something, darling.
00:41:18We know we hustled you, but we are sincerely so grateful for this.
00:41:22You might save a life.
00:41:29You tricked me!
00:41:35Can I make a confession?
00:41:38I actually hate gambling.
00:41:42Then how did you get so good at it?
00:41:44Well, I had to pay my way through med school somehow.
00:41:48I realized the more I played, it's actually just about making informed decisions more than anything else.
00:41:54I never really had much, other than the head on my shoulders.
00:41:59I was desperate to become a doctor.
00:42:01To do something important for people.
00:42:06I'm the same way.
00:42:08I've barely slept in weeks, or seen my family.
00:42:13That's how desperate I am to save Naveen.
00:42:32Are you sure?
00:42:54I'm sorry.
00:42:56What is it?
00:42:57I can't do this.
00:43:29Where have you been? We've been paging you for over an hour.
00:43:35I'm sorry, but I don't have any pages.
00:43:38Something's been going on with my pager.
00:43:40Did it melt in the Florida sun?
00:43:42Come on, you're needed in room 209.
00:43:44What the?
00:43:49I don't know, I just have no idea what's going on.
00:43:51I've been calling you for hours.
00:43:53I'm on the phone.
00:43:56I'm not a mom.
00:43:59No, you're not.
00:44:01I know you're a mom.
00:44:05What type of monologue is this?
00:44:11I thought we were over this.
00:44:13Symptoms seem to have stabilized.
00:44:20The treatment is working.
00:44:22It's not much to celebrate.
00:44:24It's like we put a band-aid on a gaping wound.
00:44:27You two have become quite alike.
00:44:34I hope that remark was worth it.
00:44:59It's spread to his lungs. Take this to the lab.
00:45:02Already on it.
00:45:04What's that?
00:45:21They're gone now.
00:45:25We need that handkerchief test today, Sam.
00:45:37We can move him up on the transplant list.
00:45:40No time.
00:45:41We have to find the source of the infection.
00:45:43And I need you to not tell Lee.
00:45:47You can't keep this from him.
00:45:51You're scaring me.
00:45:53He already has so little hope.
00:45:56Promise me you won't tell him.
00:45:58I promise.
00:46:00I owe you.
00:46:02No, I get it.
00:46:04You do owe me something else.
00:46:09What's that?
00:46:11An explanation.
00:46:13About us.
00:46:17Thanks, love.
00:46:19Looks like you got some sun.
00:46:21Well, if I did, it was on accident.
00:46:23Me and my siblings loved to travel before I got stuck in this dump.
00:46:27No offense.
00:46:28We got to 110 countries.
00:46:33I'd love to hear some of those travel stories.
00:46:37Dr. Stone, I need to know what medication you prescribed to Mr. Rudnick.
00:46:44What is it?
00:46:45His file.
00:46:46It's missing.
00:46:50You lost your patient's file?
00:46:52I'll make another copy.
00:46:53Give me five.
00:46:54I'll get it from someone else.
00:47:04I'm busy.
00:47:06Trying to distract me and take the top spot?
00:47:09The opposite, actually.
00:47:11I miss you.
00:47:12I want to help.
00:47:14The first half of my peace offering.
00:47:17And the second half, I can help you with Martinez.
00:47:21Well, that's certainly more enticing than a piece of cafeteria carrot cake.
00:47:25You have 30 seconds to convince me.
00:47:27Do you know Panacea Labs?
00:47:32I've heard of them.
00:47:34They have a new medication which can cure her disease.
00:47:37Wait, what?
00:47:38They haven't committed to a trial, so we'll have to complete a special application.
00:47:42That's incredible!
00:47:48I want to reiterate, it's only a 20% chance.
00:47:52A chance is a chance.
00:47:55I'll try anything to see Peru.
00:48:00We'll put in an application.
00:48:02And we?
00:48:13She's a perfect candidate.
00:48:16There must be some way we can get a hold of this drug.
00:48:23Machu Picchu is only a three hour train ride from Lima.
00:48:27The ancient city.
00:48:28The home of the Incas.
00:48:30This is my first stop in Peru.
00:48:33Any word on my application?
00:48:36Nothing yet.
00:48:40You getting tired?
00:48:42I can have one of the nurses help bring you back to your room.
00:48:47Hey, Chris!
00:48:49What the?
00:48:51Oh, you came back.
00:48:53Nice and easy.
00:48:55Here we go.
00:48:57There you go.
00:49:00Hey, Hannah.
00:49:02At least you're talking to me.
00:49:04I can't really blame them.
00:49:06You did tell the other interns the nurses are lazy and incompetent, after all.
00:49:12I didn't say that.
00:49:14What's going on?
00:49:19Gotta go.
00:49:21Please believe me, Danny.
00:49:22I would never say that.
00:49:26I overheard Dr. Ramsey saying that the Panacea lab rep is coming tomorrow.
00:49:31And they'll bring the sample?
00:49:33Yep. Tomorrow's the day.
00:49:37Declan Nash, the VP of Panacea Labs, should be arriving around 8.
00:49:42Once he's here, I'll page you.
00:49:44And you'll accidentally run into them.
00:49:47Dr. Abbott, you're needed in the ER.
00:49:49You'll tell Dr. Abbott she's needed urgently in the ER with Dr. Minari.
00:49:52Leaving Declan alone.
00:49:54Hello. I'm Dr. Moore.
00:49:56I'm Brian.
00:49:57Hi, Dr. Moore.
00:49:58I'll do it anyway. So, surgical area...
00:50:00Then you'll accidentally spill something.
00:50:03Are you serious?
00:50:05Once he's put down the briefcase...
00:50:07What is wrong with you? Get your hands off us!
00:50:09It's not that bad.
00:50:11I spring into action.
00:50:13Declan Nash has quite the temper, so he should be yelling at you.
00:50:25This is a $2,000 suit.
00:50:27That's worth more than your entire life.
00:50:29I will get this dry cleaned for you.
00:50:31You're not a doctor. You're a nurse.
00:50:33People should just be very, very weary of your care in this hospital.
00:50:42Now, I want to remind you again.
00:50:44This medicine is not clinically proven.
00:50:47But there's a chance, right?
00:50:51That's all I need to know.
00:51:18I've never seen a white blood cell count rise like this before.
00:51:24I think Ms. Martinez is ready to go home.
00:51:31Well, I'm going to get you out of here.
00:51:42Back to work.
00:51:44Back to work.
00:51:46Oh, don't think I didn't notice that magic trick you played.
00:51:54What trick?
00:51:56Yes, give me that. I will do it.
00:51:58Okay. It's...
00:52:00What is your problem?
00:52:02Do you understand that this is a $3,000 shirt?
00:52:04This is worth...
00:52:08This isn't my briefcase.
00:52:10World-class thief.
00:52:15Back to work, Dr. Stone.
00:52:20Come in.
00:52:26You needed me?
00:52:28I have bad news.
00:52:30Ms. Martinez passed away in her hotel room last night.
00:52:38The family has some concerns about her death.
00:52:41The family has some concerns about her death and threatened to sue.
00:52:45So we'll have to open an investigation.
00:52:47An investigation?
00:52:49These things are routine.
00:52:56Where was she when she died?
00:53:00Lima, her room.
00:53:12Martinez died?
00:53:15What in the...
00:53:17It was my fault.
00:53:20I put her on that medication.
00:53:22And I knew...
00:53:24I knew that it was risky.
00:53:26But if she hadn't taken it, she wouldn't have gone out into the world, right?
00:53:31But if she hadn't taken it, she wouldn't have gone out into the world, right?
00:53:51Something's wrong.
00:53:57What happened?
00:54:04He's down to 2,000 white blood cells.
00:54:10How much time do you think?
00:54:12A month.
00:54:16Is that why you're listening to such sad music?
00:54:19This isn't sad.
00:54:22It's beautiful.
00:54:25You have to...
00:54:29It's about two young lovers.
00:54:34On their wedding day, you were to see it was bitten by a snake and taken to the underworld.
00:54:41Morpheus, her husband, was a musician.
00:54:47He played so beautifully that the earth opened up for him so he could follow her.
00:54:55When they met again, the Lord at the underworld said he could take her back, but under one condition.
00:55:03What was that?
00:55:05If at any point he looked back before they reached the surface,
00:55:10she would be sent back to the underworld.
00:55:13He looked back, didn't he?
00:55:15He did.
00:55:17And he spent the rest of his life alone,
00:55:21waiting to die to be reunited with her.
00:55:51We can't.
00:56:04Are you afraid we're in too deep?
00:56:08Then what is it?
00:56:10I'm afraid I'll look back.
00:56:17Danny, do you know when Dr. Ramsey's getting in?
00:56:19He's not.
00:56:20What do you mean?
00:56:22I mean, he resigned.
00:56:27And that justifies an investigation of all the interns.
00:56:30She hasn't had a visitor in months.
00:56:32The suspect has to be an insider.
00:56:35Well, I hope they find the truth.
00:56:40Oh, Hannah.
00:56:42Did you know they're investigating Martinez's death?
00:56:45Yeah, that's why I'm here.
00:56:47I'm serious.
00:56:49Dr. Abbott suspects one of our teams.
00:56:51She's interviewing the whole hospital.
00:56:53I have to talk to her eventually.
00:57:02Hey, can I borrow that computer really quick?
00:57:04I'm inputting charts.
00:57:06You should have done that this morning.
00:57:08I would have if I didn't spend all day in Dr. Abbott's office answering questions.
00:57:12Here, you can use my computer.
00:57:17Gosh, it's a miracle we're able to help anybody right now.
00:57:24You can call off the investigation, Dr. Abbott.
00:57:27I administered an unauthorized medication to Martinez.
00:57:34Do you understand what you're confessing to?
00:57:36I do.
00:57:38I wish things were different.
00:57:40But I won't make you waste the medical staff's precious time with an investigation.
00:57:44I admire your courage.
00:57:46But you may never practice medicine again.
00:57:59Thank you all for attending.
00:58:01In a few days, we'll hear testimonies regarding Dr. Stone's actions leading to Ms. Martinez's death.
00:58:07The board will then vote on whether or not to revoke Dr. Stone's license.
00:58:12May I say something?
00:58:14Go ahead.
00:58:16I just wanted to say that I fully confess to my role in Ms. Martinez's unauthorized treatment.
00:58:24And if I had to, I would do it again.
00:58:34You do not regret giving her an untested and possibly fatal drug?
00:58:40Between loneliness and a chance at freedom, even if it was short.
00:58:44She chose freedom.
00:58:46The hearing to determine your future in medicine will commence in two days.
00:58:50In the meantime, you're suspended from practicing.
00:58:54Where? Are you okay?
00:58:57I'm sorry. Was I that loud?
00:59:04I really envy you.
00:59:07For potentially losing everything you have.
00:59:10I'm sorry.
00:59:11I'm sorry.
00:59:12I'm sorry.
00:59:13I'm sorry.
00:59:14I'm sorry.
00:59:15I'm sorry.
00:59:16I'm sorry.
00:59:17I'm sorry.
00:59:18I'm sorry.
00:59:19I'm sorry.
00:59:20I'm sorry.
00:59:21I'm sorry.
00:59:22For potentially losing everything I worked my whole life for.
00:59:25For standing up to my aunt.
00:59:28For doing what you felt was right, even if it was an established procedure.
00:59:32In a weird way, you're the only person I can trust.
00:59:37Everyone else here just tries to get on my good side because they think it'll get them ahead.
00:59:52I think you can beat this case.
00:59:54You do?
00:59:55I know my aunt pretty well.
00:59:57There's one witness you haven't considered.
01:00:06Come in.
01:00:11I've heard about everything.
01:00:16Good. I'd hate to have to explain it all over again.
01:00:19So, come to Walla with me?
01:00:23You know why I'm here.
01:00:25The answer is no.
01:00:27Gregory, there's no one Dr. Abbott respects more than you.
01:00:31Not anymore. I left.
01:00:34You've worked with me more than anyone.
01:00:37You are my best witness.
01:00:40In the span of mere weeks, I lost Dolores and I'm about to lose Naveen.
01:00:43I'm powerless.
01:00:45I'm not going back there.
01:00:46End of story.
01:00:50I'm sorry.
01:00:57I came to this hospital for one reason.
01:01:00To work with Gregory Ramsey.
01:01:03You've saved countless people, including my own brother.
01:01:08And maybe you've stopped caring, but I never will.
01:01:15You think I don't care?
01:01:16No, I know you do.
01:01:19I'm sorry.
01:01:28I'm sorry.
01:01:30We shouldn't.
01:01:32You said it yourself.
01:01:34You don't work for the hospital anymore.
01:01:49I'm sorry.
01:02:08I just wanted to wish you good luck.
01:02:10Planned us a fun night tonight.
01:02:12I won't be joining you.
01:02:17I know you've been sabotaging me.
01:02:20I know it was you who turned all the nurses against me.
01:02:24And took credit for Remy.
01:02:26And you prompted an investigation that Dr. Abbott started.
01:02:47Do you hear yourself?
01:02:48This is crazy.
01:02:49Drop the act.
01:02:50It's over.
01:02:52I just wanted to be someone you can depend on.
01:02:56Like you said, we can't all win in this competition.
01:03:01Only one can survive.
01:03:07Hey, where are you going?
01:03:18You've reached Gregory Ramsey's voicemail.
01:03:20Please leave a message.
01:03:22I'm trying to get a hold of Dr. Ramsey, but he's not answering.
01:03:25Why? To testify?
01:03:27No. With.
01:03:31Can you keep a secret?
01:03:42Naveen may be infected with more than one bacteria.
01:03:46Every antibiotic given to him to treat one
01:03:49Every antibiotic given to him to treat one
01:03:52benefited another.
01:03:54That's why he's been resistant.
01:04:00I've been taking care of him all alone since Dr. Ramsey left.
01:04:04I can help.
01:04:06Leave it to me.
01:04:13Dr. Banerjee.
01:04:16We've discovered multiple kinds of bacteria interacting in your system.
01:04:22There's only one solution.
01:04:26Phage therapy.
01:04:31Introduce a phage virus to kill off bacteria, but...
01:04:35He can kill me as well.
01:04:38Dr. Abbott, Dr. Stone.
01:04:40You're all terrific, but there's only one doctor I can trust to do this.
01:04:58How'd you get in here?
01:05:00You left your door unlocked.
01:05:02Were you hoping I'd come?
01:05:06What's going on?
01:05:08Phage therapy will work for Naveen.
01:05:12We really need your help.
01:05:18I know this is hard, but please.
01:05:29I always knew I'd spend my life in this hospital.
01:05:34Yet I thought I'd be fighting for other people's lives and not my own.
01:05:41It's funny how life works.
01:05:50You'll have another chance.
01:05:54I'll stay with him tonight.
01:05:56I should head out.
01:06:04I'm sorry.
01:06:14For you.
01:06:16How are Dr. Banerjee and Dr. Ramsey?
01:06:19Dr. Banerjee is showing signs of improvement.
01:06:22And Dr. Ramsey says good luck today.
01:06:25I'd rather he show up.
01:06:34Lucky you have those poker skills.
01:06:37Medicine certainly didn't work out.
01:06:43Thank you all for being here.
01:06:45We'll now begin testimony.
01:06:49Dr. Stone was a dedicated, caring doctor.
01:06:53Who always held herself to the highest standard of professionalism.
01:06:56And care.
01:06:57And care.
01:06:59And care.
01:07:05We have one more witness.
01:07:11Mr. Martinez.
01:07:16I'm Victor.
01:07:18Teresa Martinez's son.
01:07:20Thank you for coming.
01:07:22I know it can't be easy.
01:07:24It isn't.
01:07:26Would you like to make a statement?
01:07:28I do.
01:07:32I can never forgive Dr. Stone.
01:07:34But I want to say thank you.
01:07:36My mother was able to make her dreams come true.
01:07:39She described Machu Picchu as the happiest day of her life.
01:07:43The night before she died.
01:07:52Thank you, Victor.
01:07:54I didn't do it for you.
01:07:56Then why testify?
01:07:58A friend of yours called me.
01:08:00I figured I should help.
01:08:02In case someone's mom needs a great doctor like you someday.
01:08:10Dr. Stone.
01:08:12Your total disregard for our code of conduct
01:08:15makes me wonder if you understand what it means to be a doctor.
01:08:21The last thing you want to do is freeze.
01:08:25I do.
01:08:26It means acting quickly
01:08:28and making decisions in line with my patients' wishes.
01:08:31So you don't regret your actions?
01:08:34I regret the pain that I caused Ms. Martinez's family.
01:08:38But I stand by my decision.
01:08:40Shall we vote?
01:08:41All right.
01:08:46Dr. Banerjee!
01:08:49I'm here alive, thanks to Dr. Stone.
01:08:52May I resume my place on the committee?
01:09:01Thank you for bringing him
01:09:03and convincing Ms. Martinez's son.
01:09:06It wasn't me.
01:09:08It was Dr. Ramsey.
01:09:12Dr. Ramsey.
01:09:16We'll start on this end and work our way down.
01:09:19I vote to dismiss.
01:09:22Dr. Taylor.
01:09:29No more disruptions, please.
01:09:33Dr. Wen.
01:09:38Dr. Bennett.
01:09:43Dr. Banerjee.
01:09:45Retain, of course.
01:09:53Well, that's three to two, Dr. Stone.
01:09:56I hereby declare your position retained as of tomorrow morning.
01:10:03This is outrageous!
01:10:05She stole and misused my company's property!
01:10:08You should be much more concerned
01:10:10that your defective drug is about to go to trial.
01:10:13I would rush to the lab if I were you.
01:10:16This is a scandal.
01:10:19You did this!
01:10:37Why did you punch him? He has enough against you.
01:10:40He was going to punch you first.
01:10:42I could have taken it.
01:10:44It's more than that.
01:10:46You did.
01:10:48Getting Victor Martinez here to testify on my behalf.
01:10:52Getting Naveen here with Blair.
01:10:55It was the least I could do.
01:10:58You understand why I couldn't testify, right?
01:11:00It's okay. You don't need to.
01:11:03I didn't testify because it's a conflict of interest.
01:11:09A committee can't trust a witness who's
01:11:12obviously in love with the accused.
01:11:15I agree.
01:11:19Dr. Abbott reinstated me.
01:11:22We're colleagues once again.
01:11:25You heard.
01:11:26My suspension isn't over until tomorrow.
01:11:29For tonight, you and I are just people to each other.
01:12:11I've got this.
01:12:16Late on your first day back?
01:12:18I had to help a patient.
01:12:20Did I miss anything?
01:12:22Not yet. She's about to start.
01:12:25Quick announcement.
01:12:27As some of you likely know, Dr. Banerjee has returned.
01:12:31Which means that the intern with the highest points
01:12:35will not be getting awarded his position.
01:12:38Instead, they will be awarded with Dr. Ramsey's.
01:12:42Wait, what?
01:12:45Oh my God.
01:12:49I've decided to resign my position as director of this hospital.
01:12:53Dr. Ramsey will be taking my place.
01:13:01And my old position will be filled by the number one intern of this hospital.
01:13:06Dr. Hannah Stone.
01:13:16Shall we get to our patients?
01:13:18Dr. Stone.
01:13:20I'll let you two talk onboarding.
01:13:26Congratulations. You've really proven yourself.
01:13:28Thanks, but Greg... Dr. Ramsey...
01:13:31I know what I've said about us being colleagues.
01:13:34How we can't.
01:13:36I was wrong.
01:13:39Hannah, I'm not afraid anymore.
01:13:42I'm not afraid anymore.
01:13:45If you've shown me anything, if you've taught me anything,
01:13:48it's to jump in head first without fear of loss.
01:13:52I guess we both learned something from each other.
01:13:56Let's get to work.
01:14:02Hello, I'm Dr. Ramsey.