Full throttle

  • 2 days ago
Full throttle
00:00This is the quiet town of Autoville, and it houses a certain car who will test the bonds
00:13of friendship.
00:14Look at her go!
00:15Don't slow down at the curves.
00:16Remember our strategy.
00:17I know, Lila!
00:34This is Spark, a young bolt of energy that ignites the asphalt with her passion, and
00:41a heart that races as fast as her wheels.
00:46Did she just beat her own record?
00:50These are Spark's besties, Max and Lila.
00:56Max, these tires are amazing!
01:01Amazingly worn out, you mean.
01:03I've got some news that'll pop them right off.
01:08That would help me.
01:10Well, there's gonna be a racing competition in our town.
01:16It's called the Circuit Sprint, and it's being organized by Blaze!
01:23Blaze was a legendary champion of the Rapid Nitro Cup.
01:28Spark had idolized him for years.
01:31That's amazing!
01:33I'll get to see him!
01:36Or you could participate?
01:40You will.
01:42I've already entered your name.
01:48Look, this competition opens you up to sponsorships and a chance to participate in the Rapid Nitro
01:57With all the top race cars of the world?
02:03You're the best racer in these areas!
02:05With the best teammates?
02:08You've got this!
02:11Spark beamed at her friends who had always supported her dreams of racing.
02:15Well, then I guess we better change these things.
02:19We've got a race to win!
02:23They planned and practiced during the days leading up to the race.
02:28Spark, I need to update your safety features.
02:32And I'm gonna fine-tune Betsy.
02:34Who's Betsy?
02:36Spark's engine.
02:38You named my engine Betsy?
02:40Every great engine deserves a name.
02:43Now Betsy, we're gonna make you roar like a lion.
02:49What's in those drinks?
02:51Thank goodness I'm electric.
02:53The day of the circuit sprint arrived.
02:59High above on the VIP podium appeared Blaze, the legendary race car and Spark's hero.
03:08Oh no, what if I turn badly?
03:10What if my brakes fail?
03:12Girl, calm yourself.
03:14You're gonna do great.
03:16And your brakes are fine.
03:18Don't insult my work please.
03:20You're right, I've got this.
03:23The race began and they sped off.
03:26Blaze's keen eyes followed them, assessing the competitors.
03:32Come on Spark, last lap.
03:36Spark overtook everyone on the track and...
03:43That's the way to do it.
03:47That's our girl!
03:50Spark was swarmed by flashing cameras and companies wanting to sponsor her.
03:58We won!
04:00Betsy never fails.
04:03Well, guess we're going to the Rapid Nitro Championship.
04:09Just then, Spark noticed Blaze.
04:15Hey, Spark, right? Congratulations on the win.
04:20Thank you. It's an honor to meet you.
04:24I've watched your every...
04:27Hey, Blaze, we've got that street race lined up for tonight.
04:35Street race? Isn't that illegal?
04:39That's what makes it exciting.
04:41I can't believe you'd be involved in something like that.
04:46You're young. You'll soon learn that bending some rules is how you get rich and stay on top.
04:52I value my integrity.
04:55Integrity won't get you where I am.
04:58But I've admired you for years. I thought we shared the same ideals.
05:05Sorry, kid. Welcome to the real world.
05:10Spark was baffled and immensely hurt.
05:13She had idolized Blaze for years, but he had turned out to be someone completely different.
05:20The Rapid Nitro Championship was in the next town, much to their delight.
05:26Wow! I could get used to living here.
05:30And seeing Blaze's face everywhere...
05:33Oh, forget about that phony. He's now your rival.
05:38We're going to whoop his bumper and win that trophy.
05:46They reached the tracks and gaped at it.
05:49I never thought I'd be here one day.
05:52We're here, so let's start practicing.
05:55Max and Lila poured over multiple possible winning strategies,
06:00all the while making sure that Spark was up to the mark.
06:04You know, I met a Porsche yesterday.
06:07Apparently, Blaze's team had tempered with her brake systems and switched her oil.
06:12She nearly crashed.
06:14I heard they bully and bribe contestants off the track, too.
06:19Spark listened in silence.
06:21Spark had hoped that Blaze was still good, but the rumors didn't help.
06:26Well, we're done.
06:30Beauty sleep? You guys go ahead. I'm going to practice some more.
06:38She dashed away, hoping to ease her conflicted mind.
06:43You've got some real talent, Spark.
06:48Want some pointers?
06:50That you picked up from your side gigs?
06:53Are you still annoyed about the street race?
06:56Someone could get seriously injured in those.
07:00I can assure you my team makes sure no accidents occur.
07:04Does your team enjoy bullying cars off the race courses and tampering with their parts, too?
07:11She turned to him accusingly.
07:14I know you don't like me, but trust me, hurting someone intentionally isn't something I'd do.
07:19But your team...
07:21Wouldn't hurt someone either.
07:23Spark was surprised, so Blaze didn't know his teammates' true natures.
07:29I still don't trust you. Good night.
07:37Spark concentrated on practicing her skills while leaning on her friends for support.
07:45Look at Miss Integrity.
07:49She's not going to make it.
07:51But to his surprise, she did.
07:56Blaze found himself admiring her grit.
08:00Hey, race me.
08:02Um, no.
08:04Why not?
08:06I don't engage with criminals.
08:08Wow, I think you're scared.
08:12I think you're scared?
08:16Yeah, you're scared you'll lose.
08:19That I, the Great Blaze, will leave you in the dust.
08:23Oh, you're on!
08:25And to everyone's surprise, Blaze and Spark were seen racing together.
08:31They were almost matched in speed and skill.
08:36Show that pompous jerk who's boss!
08:39Spark did her best, but Blaze ended up winning.
08:42Both, however, were entirely out of breath.
08:46Wow, I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed racing.
08:50But you race all the time.
08:52Yeah, but with all the fame and the press conferences, racing just became another task.
09:02I love racing.
09:04I love the way it challenges me, and I adore the friends I've made through my journey.
09:09That's my reason. What's yours?
09:12Spark's words resonated deeply with Blaze.
09:16They reminded him of the ideals and hopes he had when he first joined the racing world.
09:23Huh? What's this?
09:27Oh, hey, Blaze.
09:30What is th-these are?
09:37These parts don't belong to us.
09:40Actually, they're similar to...
09:43They're nothing. Don't worry about it.
09:46You know, I was thinking, what if we stopped our street races?
09:51Ha ha ha ha, that's hilarious.
09:55I'm just... rethinking our priorities. Racing with... integrity.
10:02Ha ha ha ha, you think you're cruising in this luxury lifestyle because of integrity?
10:08You're turning soft because of little Miss Integrity, Blaze.
10:13Just focus on the race, okay? Don't forget who you are.
10:19Maybe I'm just remembering who I used to be.
10:25That night, the cars were practicing on the track.
10:29Blaze watched absentmindedly, lost in thought.
10:33Just then, one of the cars lost control. It was Remy.
10:38Oh, no!
10:41Blaze noticed his teammates snickering and knew they were behind this.
10:47Wait, Blaze!
10:50Hey, look! Blaze?
10:53Blaze managed to save Remy, but...
10:57Oh, no! I don't know. Did you see what happened over there?
11:02Oh, no! Blaze! I'll get your team!
11:05No. Don't. Take me to your side.
11:10Spark carefully led Blaze over to Max and Lila.
11:15That looks terrible.
11:17Why are you here? Your team...
11:20I don't trust them. Spark, I believe you were right.
11:24About what?
11:25Blaze told them about the odd spare parts in his garage.
11:32I'm sure they sabotaged Remy.
11:35Report them!
11:37But there's no proof.
11:40I need to find another team to race for.
11:42But who'd take me after finding out the reason I left?
11:46We'll take you.
11:48We will?
11:49I've always believed in you, and I know you've got a good heart.
11:53You mean a good battery.
11:55And engine.
11:57But on some conditions. No street races.
12:01No committing any frauds.
12:04Just plain, honest racing.
12:09Blaze looked at Spark in disbelief.
12:12Of course. Thank you.
12:14Yes! Then let's get working.
12:17Ooh, I'm gonna name your engine Ralph.
12:23It's a thing he does. Ignore.
12:27Max and Lila worked hard to fix Blaze up,
12:30configuring his systems to finesse.
12:34Ralph sounds good.
12:39But Betsy's gonna win.
12:45Finally, it was the day of the Rapid Nitro Championship.
12:49Cars from all over the world gathered at the starting line, waiting.
12:55They were off with Blaze in the lead.
12:59Look at Spark zipping through like a lightning bolt.
13:03More like a lightning bug. Adorable.
13:07Well, sometimes the smallest sparks ignite the biggest flames.
13:15Put against hood, Spark and Blaze pushed their limits in the final lap around the track.
13:22Go, go!
13:24Nearly there, and...
13:26What? It's a... tie?
13:29A dead heat. They won the cup together.
13:37We won! Blaze, we won!
13:41Sharing a win with you is a dream come true.
13:45Racing against you was an honor.
13:48Hey, Blaze.
13:50Knew you'd win. Let's go celebrate.
13:53By the way, you guys are rogues.
13:59Come on, buddy.
14:01He's not going anywhere with you.
14:04Especially since you belong in jail.
14:07What are you talking about?
14:09Whose bumper guard is this?
14:11That's mine. I lost it last week.
14:14Where did you find it?
14:16Remy's teammate found it in their garage the same day she lost some of her parts,
14:21and Blaze found them in his.
14:25You stole Remy's parts and then sabotaged her at practice.
14:29We... we never.
14:32You can prove your innocence to them.
14:35The two turned around, only to face the authorities from the Racing Federation.
14:40They took away the troublemakers and everyone cheered.
14:46When did you...
14:48We're your team.
14:51Blaze had finally rediscovered his love for racing.
14:55The ethical kind.
14:57Together with Spark and her friends,
15:00they formed a new racing team built on trust and friendship.
15:04True champions aren't just the fastest on the track,
15:08but those who race with integrity and support their friends.
15:13Real victory lies in how we play the game
15:16and the legacy we leave behind on the Road of Life.