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▶️ MOB Entertainment Almanya'nın ilk sanatçısı Suzan'ın ''Glaub Mir'' video klibi 12 Temmuz'da yayında!

►Suzan'ı bütün platformlarda dinle: https://linktr.ee/Suzanmusicofficial
►M.O.B Entertainment kanalına abone ol: "http://shorturl.at/bdxFZ"
►M.O.B Entertainment Instagram: https://instagram.com/mobentertainment.tr
►Suzan Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/suzanmusicofficial/
► M.O.B Entertainment Website: https://apollonunity.com/tr/m-o-b-entertainment/
►M.O.B Entertainment Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mob832/

Produced by: M.O.B Entertainment Associated Label Of Apollon Unity
Published by: Turkish Music Publishing (TMP)
Suzan Management: Apollon Unity
Suzan Booking: Apollon Entertainment

Songwriter: Joey Nikolas Andrews
Co-Songwriter: Moritz Bibow, Selin Ataseven
Komponist: Joey Nikolas Andrews
Producer / Aranjör: Joey Nikolas Andrews
Recorded by / Kayıtları alan Tonmeister: Moritz Bibow
Mixed by / Mix'i gerçekleştiren Tonmeister: Moritz Bibow, Jakob Himmelein at Peppermint Park
Mastered by / Mastering'i gerçekleştiren Tonmeister: Moritz Bibow, Jakob Himmelein at Peppermint Park

Product Design: Ecem Yüksel Mutlu

Associated Label Of GOVINET
Associated Label Of GOVINET

Website: https://www.mob-entertainment.com
M.O.B Entertainment YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/mob832
M.O.B Entertainment Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mob.832/
M.O.B Entertainment Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mob832/


