• 2 days ago
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00:001, 2, 3, 4.
00:16I'm not mature enough to learn from my mistakes.
00:19I was forced to live this lie.
00:21I'm not in love with you.
00:23I'm in love with you.
00:53There's a shooting star in the sky.
00:56Everything happens, everything ends.
01:00I'm always alone in my room in Iskandar.
01:06Is this love?
01:14Look, Seifei.
01:16I couldn't sleep last night because of the pernilongos.
01:19The porch is full of insects.
01:21Did you poison it?
01:25Of course I did.
01:26I've been peeing all over the house.
01:28But the garden here is too big, Mr. Altec.
01:30I don't want to hear an excuse, Seifei.
01:32I want you to solve this right now.
01:34You're right.
01:35It's my job.
01:36You can leave it to me.
01:37What's that?
01:38A ceramic plate.
01:40Made by Mrs. Aydan and also by Mr. Arda.
01:43Mrs. Aydan asked me to use it from now on.
01:45Mr. Arda?
01:46The teacher.
01:56Ceramic, right?
02:00I can't stand how funny you are.
02:06Look, there he is.
02:07He's coming.
02:09I'm so glad you're here, Mrs. Aydan.
02:12I do wonderful things with you here.
02:14Imagine, this is my job.
02:16He's coming.
02:17Keep going.
02:19I love your gloves.
02:20You need to hold it like this.
02:22Oh, Altec.
02:23Come see the beautiful things I'm doing here for the house.
02:27Thanks to Mr. Arda.
02:31Oh, Aydan.
02:32Don't you think you've done too many dishes?
02:34Even because there are only two people living in this house,
02:36aren't there?
02:38There are three of us living here.
02:39That's right.
02:40Oh, sorry.
02:41Altec, I don't meddle in your business,
02:43so don't meddle in mine.
02:45I'm going to make as many pieces as I want,
02:47thanks to Mr. Arda.
02:48If you get tired of making dishes,
02:51I can teach you art.
02:54I can teach you whatever you want.
02:57Oh, that's amazing.
02:59I want to learn everything,
03:01because I'm at the peak of my creativity.
03:04By the way, there was a message saying
03:06that the problem with the insects was solved.
03:08What do you mean, insects?
03:09Oh, it's nothing.
03:11Well, then, enjoy the rest of the class.
03:14Thank you very much.
03:15Thank you very much.
03:22He left.
03:24He was crazy about men.
03:25But it doesn't look like it.
03:27Didn't you see his face?
03:28It's just that he didn't show his jealousy.
03:30Oh, that was just pretending.
03:32I know men.
03:33He didn't give a damn.
03:36And look at this mess.
03:38I don't know.
03:39I thought that's how he did it.
03:41I'm tired of all this mess.
03:43Let's do something cleaner.
04:14You're not going to call me, are you?
04:17You're never going to call me again.
04:40Good morning.
04:42Good morning.
04:43I'm here at the gate.
04:44But why?
04:45Aren't you going to work today?
04:47Oh, okay.
04:48I'm on my way.
05:12You look like a princess.
05:14I'm not a princess.
05:15I'm a woman of indomitable beauty.
05:17A true fatal woman.
05:19I don't even have words to describe it.
05:21But you rock.
05:22Don't exaggerate, people.
05:24Everyone has their own beauty.
05:25Just look straight.
05:26You're not used to my professional look.
05:31Anyway, I'm going.
05:32Doesn't the professional want to have a cup of tea before leaving?
05:36It's not that I don't want to leave the close one waiting, you know?
05:38The close one?
05:39Melo, stay there.
05:43I'm going.
05:45I love you.
05:48Look at this.
05:49I just want to take a look around.
05:55Hi, Melek.
05:56Good morning.
05:57For you too.
05:58See you later.
05:59Bye, bye.
06:14How are you?
06:18You were sure I'd come.
06:20To have dressed like this.
06:23Actually, I have a lot of commitments scheduled today.
06:27What commitments?
06:29Work, college.
06:32I got it.
06:34It looks like you're always prepared for everything.
06:37You don't waste time.
06:39Was all of this planned in advance?
06:42Does that mean you want to ask for something, sir?
06:45Ask for something?
06:47Who knows?
06:49Let's go?
06:51Where are we going?
06:52I want to take you to a special place.
07:07I want to take you to a special place.
07:15Can I take a look at this?
07:19But first, let's take a look at this.
07:22I bought it for you.
07:29Jacinto symbolizes rebirth.
07:32I thought...
07:34You and I...
07:36Once more...
07:37We could...
07:38Try to get out again.
07:42You're doing it on purpose, aren't you?
07:44Are you trying to make me even angrier?
07:53Tell him what I hate the most in life.
07:55That you pluck flowers.
07:58And what do I hate the most about it, Leila?
08:00That you turn the beauty of nature into mere ornaments.
08:03How can I explain this better?
08:05Wait a minute.
08:07Women don't like flowers?
08:09You've generalized a lot.
08:11Women like flowers.
08:12I like them, but Miss Peril likes...
08:15If you'd used your head a little, you'd have noticed it yourself.
08:18We've known each other for ten years.
08:21You're sleeping on the dot.
08:25These men...
08:30These women...
08:32Fifi is just like her, you know, my friend.
08:39How kind of you, Mr. Endin.
08:42It's a bonus for your efforts, Erwin.
08:46When you want it, you can be a true knight, Mr. Endin.
08:50Get out of here.
08:52Get out of here.
09:01Mrs. Aydin, your ceramic skills have improved a lot.
09:04Shut up, Cerf.
09:06Let me see if that new secretary posted anything.
09:09Let's see.
09:13Oh, it looks like it.
09:14Oh, yeah?
09:17Look, look how pretty she is.
09:21It's true, she's too pretty.
09:23But Mrs. Aydin is not jealous for no reason.
09:25Look, she always does the same pose.
09:28Which makes her very elegant.
09:30Very elegant.
09:31I love it.
09:32It's cool.
09:34I got it.
09:36What kind of coach are you?
09:37You shouldn't use those words in front of a lady.
09:41I'm sorry, Mrs. Aydin.
09:42It was just a comment.
09:45I don't want to know.
09:46And I'm not sorry.
09:48By the way, this game of being jealous is useless.
09:50Look at this.
09:51This house has become a workshop.
09:53What am I going to do with so much ceramic?
09:55Mrs. Aydin, I think your anxiety is too high.
09:57Take a deep breath, okay?
09:59We just planted the seeds and it's time to harvest.
10:03The plan will work.
10:04Trust the strategy.
10:07I hope so.
10:11Come here.
10:14Look at this picture.
10:15What's her name?
10:17She's beautiful.
10:18Why were you yelling, brother-in-law?
10:20Why are you doing this, Melo?
10:22I can't say hi to my brother-in-law anymore?
10:24It's a crime now?
10:25Of course it is.
10:26We laughed, we had fun, and the party's over.
10:29Everyone's helping to set the table.
10:32I'm on top of the clock.
10:33I have to go, guys.
10:34Bye, bye, bye.
10:44Can I talk to you for a moment?
10:46Of course you can, Eiffel.
10:48But I don't want the girls to hear our conversation.
10:52It's confidential.
10:53It's confidential.
10:54Of course it is.
10:55That's good.
10:56You have bank friends, don't you?
11:00Yes, several.
11:03I got a loan at the bank for the flower shop,
11:06but it didn't pay for much.
11:09And now I can't get another one.
11:11So I had an idea.
11:13I thought of...
11:16mortgaging the house.
11:18I think that's it.
11:20I don't really understand these things.
11:22I have a lot of friends who can help you with this.
11:25But isn't there an easier way to solve this?
11:28You can trust me.
11:30I've tried everything, and there's no other way.
11:33Don't forget that Aida's grandmother is your mother.
11:35Can't you ask her for help?
11:37That's your right.
11:39Aida doesn't take a dime from my mother.
11:42If she hears we're talking about this, she'll be furious.
11:45I'm serious.
11:46I never understood this tension between the three of you.
11:50My mother is to blame.
11:52Anyway, this is a long story.
11:54Leave it there.
11:56I'm going to get the script, okay?
11:58Show it to your friends.
12:00I need a light on how much it's worth.
12:03Thank you very much.
12:07Honey, it's late.
12:08I'm sorry, but I have to go.
12:11I'm always the one who has to take the table.
12:22I'm sorry.
12:24I'm sorry.
12:50You knew, didn't you?
12:52Knew what?
12:53Look, don't try to fool me.
12:55Tell me the truth.
12:56Did you know anything about this?
12:58No, I didn't know, Eiffel.
13:00But it's not what you're thinking.
13:01Calm down.
13:02How not?
13:03Tell me, how not?
13:06You mean, from the beginning, Aida's been living a lie,
13:09so that's it?
13:11And she involved us in this lie.
13:13Why did she do that?
13:16How dare she?
13:18What was that idea?
13:21No, she did it for college, Eiffel.
13:23It was just to get back to school.
13:25Serkan would pay her scholarship.
13:27You know how much she wanted to finish her studies, don't you?
13:33Are you okay?
13:38I'm fine.
13:41She did it for college.
13:43Okay, I understand, but it's over.
13:46The girls know.
13:51No one can know I know.
13:55I'm going to talk to Aida.
13:59I need some time.
14:00I want you to leave, okay?
14:02I'm going to be alone now, please.
14:04Come on, please.
14:20Come on.
14:55No, nothing, I'm fine.
14:57I wouldn't call you if I didn't have to, so I'll be quick.
15:04No, it's not that important.
15:07It's not a matter of life or death.
15:11It's about Aida.
15:13It's about Aida.
15:20I need your help to get her into college.
15:42Come on.
15:53What a beautiful house.
15:55It is.
15:56It belongs to a client.
15:58He wants to renovate everything.
16:00The interior, the exterior, the gardens.
16:03We'll do whatever he wants.
16:07I'd love to live in a house like this.
16:10The trees must be over 100 years old, right?
16:16Why am I here?
16:19To give me some ideas.
16:21I haven't been your maid since yesterday.
16:24You were never my maid, Aida Yildiz.
16:33This house has a very interesting story.
16:36The former owner was one of the most famous doctors in Istanbul.
16:40He was also a heart patient.
16:42That's interesting.
16:45Well, he fell in love with one of the patients he was treating.
16:51The woman also loved roses.
16:53That's why he used roses as an excuse to meet.
16:57That's a good excuse.
16:59The doctor gave a rose to the woman he loved...
17:02and produced a rose that only grew in his garden.
17:06This rose is known as the Requiem Rose.
17:09The owner of the Requiem Rose lives here?
17:13That's amazing.
17:15I think so, too.
17:22And then?
17:24And then...
17:26As time went by, the woman got tired of him.
17:30He was an introvert.
17:32He was a workaholic.
17:33It didn't work out.
17:35She found another man...
17:37and married him.
17:39What about the doctor?
17:41Was he sad?
17:42Or was he a robot like you?
17:44That's a tough one, Aida.
17:46Robots also have hearts.
17:49But yes.
17:51The doctor was devastated.
17:54He left the house...
17:56left the roses...
17:58and just left.
18:00When he realized he wasn't loved, he left.
18:03That's it.
18:04That's tough.
18:06I understand his side.
18:08It's a beautiful story.
18:10Thank you for telling me.
18:12You're welcome.
18:15Can you give me some inspiration now?
18:18I can try.
18:19Let's go inside.
18:59That's it.
19:01This is the last room.
19:04The view from here is beautiful.
19:07It should be the main room.
19:09It's the room with the most beautiful view.
19:11Yeah, why not?
19:13Why leave the room with the most beautiful view to the guests...
19:17and not to the owners of the house?
19:20Just to show off?
19:22How ridiculous.
19:24Yeah, you're right.
19:26How about the colors?
19:29Natural, soft.
19:32In this window, long curtains of fine fabric.
19:36Simple things, but essential.
19:39A lot of pillows.
19:41Very good.
19:43I think that's it.
19:47Why did you bring me here today?
19:52To see you.
19:57It looks like you have no idea...
20:00how we're going to end up.
20:02We don't have to end up.
20:05Are you coming back with Celine?
20:11Is that what you want me to do?
20:15I really want to know your opinion.
20:17Please, be honest.
20:20She's the logical choice for you.
20:25It's what you always say, right?
20:28So it's obvious you're coming back.
20:30At least that's what I think, after all.
20:36What are you going to do?
20:39I'm going to look for a college abroad.
20:46Why don't you accept my help?
20:49Is it because of the stock market?
20:52I don't want to.
20:54I don't need it anymore.
20:57You told me I was ruining your life...
21:00your image...
21:02the day I kissed you.
21:05I just want to fix the mess I made.
21:09I just want you to be happy with Celine.
21:20You don't have to leave.
21:24But I will.
21:31Because I don't want to stay.
21:41Why do you insist that I don't go?
21:43This whole thing has lost its meaning.
21:46It seems you still hate me.
21:49But you haven't told me why.
21:53You never knew me, Serkan.
21:56And now it's over.
21:58And we don't need this.
22:01I want to live my life away from your...
22:05Forget it.
22:07What is it?
22:11Please, finish what you were going to say.
22:14Away from what?
22:18I just want to stay as far away as possible...
22:20so your presence doesn't affect me.
22:23I understand. Are you sure?
22:27Yes, I am.
22:30Well, if that's the case...
22:33thank you very much.
22:38For everything you did.
22:41For helping me get back with Celine.
22:47And for completing your mission.
23:00Thank you, Serkan Bolat.
23:06You gave me the most unforgettable weeks of my life.
23:13Come here.
23:17Come here.
23:40Talk to me, Enjin.
23:48Another problem at the office?
23:50No, it's all right. I didn't tell you that.
23:53It's all right.
23:55But anyway, we have to fix this.
23:58I didn't say anything about that. You got it all wrong.
24:02It's all right. We'll fix it. I'm on my way.
24:06Hello? Hello?
24:14It was bad at work.
24:17So we're saying goodbye here.
24:20You come with me. I'll drop you off at home.
24:23You don't have to.
24:25Look, Ed, I still want to take you out for dinner. Relax a little.
24:28And I confess that it will be strange not to have you around anymore.
24:32Serkan, you don't have to. It's over.
24:35We're not going to extend it.
24:39Okay, I just want to thank you for everything you've done for me.
24:44But you don't have to.
24:46At least come to the office with me. Then I'll take you.
24:51Serkan, you don't know how to live without me.
24:55Yeah, you have that annoying way of winning people over.
24:59Come on, please. Come with me.
25:04So, let's go?
25:06Okay, I'll go. I'll take the opportunity to say goodbye to everyone.
25:09Great. Let's go.
25:16You know, I was thinking here with me.
25:19I worked hard in this company to become the general manager.
25:22And I think this bouquet is the beginning of this new journey.
25:25This is definitely a sign.
25:27A sign of what exactly?
25:30And I'm going to find out. That's what came to my mind.
25:33I think it makes sense to be a sign, right?
25:36Leila, can you come here?
25:38One moment, Mr. Endin.
25:44Leila, I have an offer for you.
25:46Go ahead.
25:47When Erdem leaves the office, I want you to be my assistant.
25:52What do you say?
25:54So you won't have to worry about Serkan anymore.
25:58Oh, no.
25:59Mr. Endin, the truth is that I'm already stressed out.
26:02Just having Mr. Serkan as general manager.
26:05By the way, while we're talking, I can be fired at any moment.
26:09I didn't know that.
26:11Here's the thing.
26:12Leila, there's one thing you need to know about Serkan.
26:15He doesn't give up on the people who come into his life.
26:19You can never show the love you feel.
26:21You can even destroy your life.
26:23Yes, yes, exactly.
26:24Now, I don't know if I understood correctly.
26:27Do you mean I'll stay here forever?
26:30Yes, it's enough.
26:33I can't do anything.
26:35You know, it's even a relief.
26:38Did I go crazy?
26:40Because I found my peace.
26:43Thank you, Mr. Endin.
26:45Thank you very much.
26:53I heard everything.
26:54What did you hear, Erdem?
26:55Tell me.
26:56Are you going to get hurt now?
26:58Are you upset with me?
27:05Eda, welcome.
27:06Thank you, Endin.
27:08Mr. Serkan, I have a conference for you next week.
27:12Can I book two?
27:13Yes, please.
27:14Endin, we need to talk urgently about that crisis.
27:20Endin, we have a crisis to solve.
27:27Let's have some coffee?
27:28Of course.
27:29Let's go.
27:33There is a crisis.
27:34Eda is leaving.
27:35Where to?
27:36She's leaving our lives, Endin.
27:38I want you to make her an offer.
27:40Something irrefutable.
27:41For her to stay at the office.
27:43What offer?
27:45Oh, man, I swear your mechanical intelligence tires me sometimes.
27:49What don't you understand?
27:51She's leaving.
27:52Do you understand now that she's leaving our lives?
27:55You have to make an offer that's irrefutable.
27:57Because then she'll stay.
27:58She doesn't want to work with me.
27:59Got it?
28:00But if you ask, maybe she'll accept an offer.
28:03What am I going to offer her out of the blue?
28:05Endin, I don't know.
28:06Just do something.
28:07Offer your position.
28:08I don't know.
28:09Just do it.
28:10What was it?
28:11What was it?
28:13Look at me.
28:14Do you still think about getting back together with Celine after that?
28:19Endin, what does that have to do with it now?
28:21I have no idea what it has to do with it, but I panic when I see you like this.
28:24I told you we're in a crisis.
28:25I want you to do something quick.
28:28Throw a bomb like that on my neck and want me to shoot?
28:31The guy leaves and leaves me talking to myself.
28:33What am I going to offer?
28:34Eda, you're going to have to make changes to the golf resort design again.
28:40It would be better if Adil did it.
28:44Because I'm not going to work here anymore.
28:49Are you kidding?
28:55If you love me, say it's a joke.
28:57I can't stop the circus without you.
28:59And I'm not leaving this job, please.
29:01You won't, Leila.
29:02But I'll teach you some techniques.
29:05It'll be okay.
29:09Leila, let me ask you a question.
29:12Where is this circus conference?
29:14In London.
29:16But you told both of them.
29:17Is he going with Endin?
29:24With Celine?
29:26I don't think so.
29:27She's not going to London right now.
29:29She's getting married, isn't she?
29:34I don't think she's getting married.
29:54Hello, Geron?
29:56What's up, Eda?
29:57Why am I such an idiot?
29:59How could I be so naive and fall in love so quickly with this man and suffer like this?
30:03What happened?
30:04He's going to London with Celine next week.
30:07There won't be a wedding.
30:09They're fine.
30:10They've already reacted.
30:11And Serkan didn't even tell me anything.
30:13Eda, I have a meeting that I have to go to.
30:15I'll call you back.
30:55She's coming.
31:00Can I talk to you for a minute?
31:06Yes, Indy.
31:08Eda, I have a proposal for you.
31:11I'm not interested.
31:12But it's great.
31:13I don't want to.
31:14Eda, you haven't heard what I have to offer.
31:17Indy, please, tell Serkan Balak to come.
31:21Tell Cercabolat that he won't be able to arrest me here.
31:25Hello? Yes, it's me.
31:28Yes, I signed up.
31:32Of course, I can go. I already have authorization.
31:36Oh, really?
31:39Of course, I'm sure. I have the visa and the passport.
31:45Damn, thank you so much. Of course, I'll prepare everything.
31:49Good afternoon. Once again, thank you very much.
31:54Look at me and listen to me, please.
31:57Of course, Cercan and I and everyone at the office would be very happy if you...
32:03I can't stay in India. I'm going to Italy.
32:08Are you going on vacation?
32:10To study.
32:14You got what you wanted. Are you going to finish your studies in Italy?
32:19I have to go, guys. I have to celebrate this.
32:24Where is she going? Where is she going?
32:30Can we talk?
32:31Can we talk?
32:42So you're going to Italy.
32:45Yes, so what?
32:47So what? And even though you weren't going to tell me anything?
32:51But you heard me.
32:54Congratulations. You got into one of the best universities in the world.
33:02And you didn't even worry about telling me.
33:05What's your problem? Why did you expect me to tell you?
33:10Who gave you this scholarship? Couldn't you have given it to someone else?
33:15You're just like everyone else, Cercan.
33:17No, Eda, I'm not. I'm not just anyone, and you're not, either.
33:21After all we've been through. Was it for nothing? It's not that simple.
33:25You're right. It's not simple. It wasn't simple at all. But it's over.
33:31But it doesn't have to be over, Eda.
33:34You want everything to always be your way. You wanted to get back together with Celine, and you did.
33:39It's done. You're together. You did it.
33:41Now leave me alone, Cercan, please. Leave me alone so I can move on with my life.
33:45Leave me alone, Cercan.
33:55Okay. Okay. I'll leave you alone.
34:07And if you want someone to stay in your life,
34:11you can do simpler things than offer jobs, Cercan.
34:18Just ask someone to stay, Cercan.
34:22I don't have the right to ask someone to stay if they don't want to.
34:31That's the way it has to be.
34:46I'm sorry.
35:07Ah, Mrs. Eifer?
35:09Hi, Steve. Where's Aidan?
35:11She's at the pier. How are you?
35:17I'm fine. This has nothing to do with you, Safe.
35:21Don't worry about it, okay?
35:24Excuse me, didn't you know that civilized people should call before entering a person's home?
35:29You understand ticket rules better than I do.
35:33Such as contractual relationships, agreements, lies.
35:38You knew everything, didn't you?
35:41What should I know? What are you talking about?
35:45I'm talking about the contract that Serkan and Aida made to pretend to be engaged.
35:49You knew, didn't you?
35:55I should have known.
35:57Why would you ever agree to that?
36:00The engagement is a dirty farce.
36:02A low lie, a ridiculous piece of paper.
36:05Yes, I knew.
36:06Why else would I tolerate the idea of being in a relationship with you, Mrs. Eiffel?
36:11You don't stand me, do you?
36:13If it weren't for him, I'd give you more reasons to hate me.
36:16Is that a threat?
36:17No, no. You're just talking without thinking, that's it.
36:20Me? Which side are you on?
36:23Mr. Alptekin should also be ashamed.
36:25He called us here for dinner, offered a job for Melo.
36:29But what kind of people are so despicable?
36:32No, I don't need to tell you the truth.
36:34I can assure you that Mr. Alptekin didn't know anything.
36:36He really wanted to meet you and this job for Melo.
36:39That doesn't matter anymore.
36:41The contract is over.
36:43And your dear niece did an excellent job.
36:46What an example of a mother you are.
36:48How can you just watch your son's cheap games?
36:52Do you think it's right to treat people that way?
36:55Mrs. Eiffel, my son would never harm the job.
36:59Besides, your niece is not a poor saint.
37:03She accepted the contract willingly.
37:06Tell your dear son to never show up at my house again.
37:11I want him away from Ada.
37:14I think it's good to take him seriously.
37:17You know very well what I'm capable of doing to protect my loved ones.
37:23You're a shame, Eiffel.
37:32What a crazy woman.
37:38I want to apologize for the other day.
37:40I know I'm a perfectionist.
37:42But I think together we can get around this situation.
37:45I'm sure of it.
37:47Otherwise, we wouldn't have contacted you.
37:49We've analyzed the items pointed out by Mr. Serkan.
37:52And I think we can negotiate.
37:56There's just one little problem.
37:59Problem? What problem?
38:02I know we can solve it, but what are we talking about?
38:19The company that built the summer houses...
38:22was subcontracted by a subsidiary.
38:25At the time, the company didn't do the necessary supervision...
38:28because it was involved in several major projects.
38:34I... I wasn't aware of that.
38:38I mean it.
38:40But you can be sure it won't happen again.
38:43It's not the company's policy to work like this.
38:46Well, of course, but it's not just that.
38:49Mr. Opetekin has abandoned the responsibility.
38:53He tried to cover the events related to the subsidiary.
38:57We want to be sure that this situation won't happen again.
39:02So if you could talk to him.
39:07Okay. I'll talk to him personally.
39:10But first of all, I have a big request for you.
39:13Can we keep this between us for now?
39:16Well, don't worry.
39:18This doesn't have to get out of here.
39:21We're just doing a more detailed investigation...
39:24of the companies we want to partner with in the future.
39:44Hi, honey. What's up? You're home early.
39:48I finished earlier today.
39:50Didn't Mr. Serkan have any more tasks for you?
39:54Not anymore.
39:56I'm going to my room.
40:47Is there anything I can do for you?
40:49Tea? Coffee?
40:53Dessert? Something like that?
40:55No, thank you.
41:02Do you want to tell me something?
41:07And I'll go crazy if I don't tell you.
41:10Okay. Come here, then.
41:14What happened?
41:21Look, I'm not going to blame you.
41:24I know you had your reasons, which must be very fair.
41:28But I wanted you to tell me the truth.
41:31What are you talking about, Aunt?
41:34I know about the contract you signed with Serkan.
41:38That this engagement is a lie.
41:40And I also know...
41:42That you did it because of college.
41:48I'm sorry, Aunt.
41:52Look, I'm sorry. I couldn't tell you.
41:55I swear I couldn't.
42:00Are you mad at me?
42:02Imagine, my angel.
42:04I'm the one who has to apologize.
42:09After all, I allowed you to be so desperate that you had to do this.
42:14Stop blaming yourself, Aunt. Please don't do this.
42:17I agreed to do it. I wasn't forced.
42:20It was my choice.
42:22If it weren't for that, I wouldn't have done it. You know that, right?
42:25I know.
42:27But I don't think I could afford to get the education you deserve.
42:32Don't say that, Aunt.
42:34You did everything for me.
42:39Everything I learned was with you.
42:41I never lacked anything, nothing. I learned everything.
42:45Everything. Stop blaming yourself, please.
42:48It's okay. It's okay.
42:50Look, I'm even more relieved.
42:56We talked.
43:01But there's nothing between you and Serkan.
43:05No, no.
43:07There never was.
43:10It was just a contract. It wouldn't work.
43:18I don't want you to meet those people again.
43:22That's over, too.
43:24Don't worry, Aunt.
43:26By the way, I have good news.
43:30They called me from the University of Italy.
43:34They want to give me back my scholarship.
43:36They called me today.
43:38My dream will come true.
43:41What good news.
43:43I don't understand why or how it happened.
43:45But it's a good opportunity, right?
43:47Good opportunity? It's an excellent opportunity.
43:52But who did this and why?
43:55Look, you'll see. They realized you deserve it, Eda.
44:00Yeah, maybe that's why.
44:02I'll tell the girls.
44:04Yeah, I'll make us some tea.
44:06Let's drink together. I'm so happy.
44:20I'm going to Italy tomorrow.
44:22I'm going to do an interview for the scholarship.
44:26If it works out,
44:29I'm going to realize my dream of finishing my studies in Italy.
44:33But what about my brother-in-law?
44:37He has a company here and a life to follow.
44:40Doesn't he have a fiancée?
44:43Girls, it's a long story. I'll explain later.
44:46Can we put that aside and celebrate that I can get my scholarship back?
44:50Of course.
44:52You're the most beautiful thing in my precious heart.
44:56I even miss you.
45:00Eda, where are you?
45:02I have to meet Endin, but it'll be quick, I promise.
45:05I'm at home. I have to pack now.
45:08Wait, I'll be right there.
45:10I want to see you before the trip.
45:12Okay, I'll be there as soon as the meeting is over.
45:53But there's a light in their eyes
45:56The beating of my heart
45:58It doesn't fit in me
46:00What is this movement?
46:04Turn your face to the sky
46:06Look at the star of a love
46:12It will shine, it will fade
46:14I know
46:18Everything happens
46:20I should be telling you
