Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 3 Episode 1 Anne

  • 2 days ago
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 3 Episode 1 Anne


00:30That's right, big boy.
00:33Come and get it.
00:39I got him! Go!
00:43Anytime now!
00:53He's getting away! And... ow!
01:01Oh, my God!
01:09That really never works.
01:12Are you guys all right?
01:14First of all, what was with the acrobatics?
01:18How did that happen?
01:20Wasn't Andy Holick on the gymnastics team?
01:23That's right, he was.
01:28Okay, and the second problem I'm having...
01:32Come and get it, big boy.
01:34Well, the Slayer always says a pun or a witty play on words,
01:40and I think it throws the vampires off,
01:43and it makes them frightened because I'm wisecracking.
01:47Okay, I didn't really have a chance to work on that one,
01:49but you try it every time.
01:52If I may suggest, this time it's personal.
01:56I mean, there's a reason why it's a classic.
01:59I've always been amazed with how Buffy fought,
02:01but in a way, I feel like we took her punning for granted.
02:05Xander, past tense rule.
02:08Oh, sorry, I just meant we in the past took it for granted,
02:12and we won't when she gets back.
02:18Do you think Buffy knows school's starting tomorrow?
02:27Big day.
02:29Oh, I'm going to be busy a lot,
02:32but only till three, and that's when you usually get up.
02:36I can't wait to see Cordelia.
02:39I can't believe I can't wait to see Cordelia.
02:42I wonder what our first homework assignment's going to be.
02:46Hey, you're excited over Cordelia, okay?
02:50We've all got issues.
02:52I guess we should pack it in.
02:59Wouldn't it be great if Buffy just showed up tomorrow
03:02like nothing happened?
03:04She can't just show up. She got kicked out.
03:07Well, yeah, you know, I just wish...
03:11I wish we knew where she was.
03:23How did you find me here?
03:25If I was blind, I would see you.
03:32I'm sorry.
03:34I'm sorry.
03:36I'm sorry.
03:38I'm sorry.
03:40I'm sorry.
03:42I'm sorry.
03:44I'm sorry.
03:46I'm sorry.
03:48I'm sorry.
03:50I'm sorry.
03:53I'm sorry.
03:57Stay with me?
04:01That's the whole point.
04:05I'll never leave.
04:08Not even if you kill me.
04:23It's okay.
04:38Get off me!
06:09Anything else that'll do us peaches paint the camera sure you don't want me to work it off for you
06:34Guys ready? Yeah, I think we're good. Um and
06:44What do you have well, okay, what can we get with this?
06:53Can we get cake
06:55Don't be stupid
06:57We gotta eat healthy. We can't have cake
07:02Can we get pie
07:04You've got a peach pie. I can't guarantee there's a peach in it shouldn't have blown all our money
07:12Come on it was worth it. Hey
07:18Check this out
07:21It's nice
07:23It's nice and
07:26Permanent. Yeah
07:28forever, I
07:31Mean, that's the whole point
07:38Hey, do I know you I don't think so
07:43Really where you from I'll get your pie
07:50I'm not feeling great cover for me. Sure. Okay
08:04So no joy at the cemetery
08:06No, he got away. We still have some glitches in the system like
08:12Vampires getting away, but I think we're improving
08:15God's like be careful. I
08:18Mean I appreciate your efforts to keep the vampire population down until Buffy returns
08:26If anything should happen to you
08:29Should be killed. I should take it somewhat amiss. You'd be cranky
08:35Well, we try not to get killed. That's part of our whole mission statement. Don't get killed
08:41Good. I think you're gonna love it
08:48How was your summer I
08:51Can't believe you brought that up
08:52Plus Palmas with the nightmare resort
08:55They order you around and make you have organized fun and I use sarcastic quote marks
09:01Plus the fact there are cockroaches in Mexico big enough to own property
09:07It was all about dredge. How was your summer? Oh, it's okay
09:12Is it all right? Well, I guess summer good great. I haven't seen you yet
09:19Do I look okay? Oh, yeah, how's my hair? Oh, it's good
09:25He didn't meet anybody over this summer. Did he know who is he gonna meet in Sunnydale, but monsters and stuff
09:33But then again, he's always been attracted to monsters
09:37How's my hair still good?
09:41Hi, maybe he's forgotten me
09:44Well, I'll just have to make him remember
09:48See ya
09:50You came to visit me
09:53You came with books. Are they books for me? Well, actually they're kind of for me. I
09:58Don't get it
10:00Well, it's sort of a funny story
10:02You remember when I didn't graduate?
10:04Well, I know you had a lot of incompletes, but that's what summer school was for. Yeah
10:10Remember when I didn't go
10:14Summer is over
10:16Be somber but you never said anything
10:20How am I supposed to react to this rather alarming news? Well, actually I was pretty much banking on you finding it cute
10:28Traditionally, you know repeating a grade isn't exactly a turn-on and you're practically a genius. You're mr. Test scores
10:37It's all a little weird
10:40So the cute thing is out. Have you guys seen Cordelia? Yeah, she's around here somewhere. I don't want to come on too geeky, but
10:49Okay, I'm psyched. There's gonna be some heat if you know what I mean, so you guys might want to duck and cover
10:57And I'm starting to be geeky
11:01Okay, bye
11:03Your hair is fine
11:07This is our year. I'm telling you best football season ever. I'm so in shape. I'm a rock
11:14It's all about egg whites if we can focus keep discipline and not have quite as many mysterious deaths
11:21Sonny Dale is gonna roll
11:24I'm trying to get to cute really but I'm still sort of stuck on strange
11:29Well, I'd be willing to bargain down to eccentric with an option on cool
11:34Hey, hey
11:37Good summer, that's all right. Cool. Yeah
11:47Well, I'll see ya yeah, whatever
12:30I'm no one
12:37Yes, thank you. Thank you. I
12:46Have a lead a
12:48friend in Oakland has a sketchy report of
12:52Young girl sending off a group of vampires out a week ago. There's a plane out in about now
12:59And what makes this different from the last nine leads
13:04I believe there's a meal on this flight
13:09Gotta mean to poop at the party here. It's just
13:12You get your hopes all up and then it's just a big fat raspberry and I feel bad
13:17But it's good that you're looking though
13:20You shouldn't give up. Oh
13:23Yeah, definitely. This one must try
13:27But I should go
13:31You don't think maybe he'll find her I
13:35Think he'll find her when she wants to be found
13:44And and Buffy
13:52Don't be mad I won't turn you in or nothing. I guess, you know recognize me
14:05Mean from before I
14:08Was calling myself Chanterelle then I
14:11used to
14:13Well, I was in this cult that worshipped vampires so lame. I know
14:24You kind of saved us I
14:28Never thanked you or anything
14:32Did you tell anyone who I was oh
14:35No, not not even Ricky. I mean I was so surprised to see you here waiting tables
14:44But I wouldn't tell I know how it is when you gotta get lost
14:56Do live nearby well, there's a couple of places they're abandoned and a lot of people stay there
15:06So, how come you came up with an
15:10It's my middle name
15:13Lily's from a song Ricky picked it. I'm always changing anyway
15:20Chanterelle was part of my exotic phase
15:27It's nice, it's a it's a mushroom it is
15:34That's really embarrassing
15:37Well, it's an exotic mushroom. That's how they come for
15:43Before that I was following this loser preacher and calling myself sister sunshine
15:50What do they call you at home
15:57I like Lily
16:01It's cool for now
16:04Hey, do you have any money I
16:08Didn't mean that like
16:10Well, I just mean I know this guy he's gonna have this kind of rave thing in his basement
16:19We could go. I mean I could show you if you had because I'm broke
16:28I don't think so. I just kind of I
16:33Want to be alone? I
16:35Didn't mean to bug you
16:37No, I I didn't I didn't mean that it's just a
16:41Lot of people like that. It's it's too much. I do have the money though
16:46Why don't you and Ricky go and then maybe I can meet you snow, it's okay forget about it
16:54It's not very polite
17:02Are you okay?
17:36Are you okay? I didn't see
17:41Maybe you shouldn't move maybe slide down somebody call an ambulance
17:47I need to go
18:00Where are you running to sorry?
18:05Maybe I should ask where are you running from?
18:13You're pretty new around here
18:16You got the look though look like you had to grow up way too fast
18:24What's your name
18:27Hey, I'm Ken
18:30You're glad take one of these
18:35Don't be shy about stopping by I guess you're not starving, but you know, we're not just interested in feeding the body
18:42You might find something you're missing
18:45I'm all right
18:48And why are you here
18:51And this is not a good place for a kid to be
18:55Get old fast here
18:58The thing that drains the life out of them. It's despair. I
19:04Kids come here. They got nothing to go home to
19:08This ends up less stop for a long
19:10I shouldn't have to be that way
20:29Boy I'm glad we showed up for depressing night
20:34Wonder what she's doing right now. Oh, I know what she's doing
20:39Gabbin to all of her friends about her passionate affair with Pedro the cabana boy
20:43Laughing about me thinking how she still might have feelings about me
20:50Oh, it's possible you're talking about Buffy
20:55The Bronx just never seems the same without her. Yeah, and the slang isn't getting any easier either
21:02I don't know. I think we're kind of getting a rhythm down
21:05We're losing half the fans
21:08Yeah, but
21:09Rhythmically, we just need to work on our timing. I think
21:14You know, I know what we need a vampire slayer next best thing
21:57Come back from a friend of mine called with a lead
22:03Stories about someone fighting vampires
22:08Didn't pan out. I'm afraid
22:11No, Buffy
22:14No vampires
22:16Bunch of school kids in heavy mascara listening to extremely silly music
22:21Well, thank you for going I can hardly
22:26Can hardly leave the house, I'm just afraid she'll call she'll need my help
22:33Buffy's the most capable child I've ever known
22:38How much she may be confused?
22:40Unhappy, but I honestly believe she's in no danger. I
22:44Just wish I could talk to her
22:48The last thing we did was fight
22:52Choice you mustn't blame yourself for her leaving. I
22:58Don't I
23:02Blame you
23:07You've been this huge
23:09influence on her guiding her
23:12You had this whole relationship with her behind my back. I
23:17Feel like you've taken her away from me
23:25I didn't make Buffy who she is and who exactly is she?
23:41Can I talk to you this really isn't a good time, can we Ricky's gone I
23:48Haven't seen him for more than a day. He's never left for that long. I think something
23:54Happened, maybe something's happened
23:58Call the police
24:00Ricky skipped out on his girl. I think it just caused more trouble
24:07Did you did you ask around can you help me?
24:16But that's who you are and stuff, right? I mean you help people and you know, I can't get into this. I'm sorry
24:25You you know how to do stuff I don't
24:32But I don't know what to do
24:44We gave blood lots of times cuz you get a few bucks
24:48And they have cookies
24:50You're a fan of the sugar rush
24:52It's nice. Hi
24:55You here to donate blood we're looking for a friend Ricky T. We come in sometimes
25:01Ricky sure. He's not here. Well, do you know if he's been in in the last day or so?
25:07Let me check the sheet
25:11So probably go faster if we split up
25:15Can I come with you
25:18Okay, where did I lose you on the whole splitting up thing?
25:24I was thinking we could check out some of your hangouts and I guess meet later at my place
25:33Sorry guys
25:35He hasn't been here
25:37Thanks. I'll tell him you were looking
27:31Did you find Ricky I
27:35Thought of what he likes to go to this movie house you can get in around the back Lily I
27:44Think he's dead
27:55He takes care of me
28:02We're gonna get a place
28:05His cousin can get him a job at the car wash. Oh, there's there's something else
28:11The the person that I found
28:16Was old he looked about 80. Well, that's not Ricky. I'm sure it was
28:25I don't know how but
28:29It was like something drained the life out of him
28:34Do you mean like a vampire?
28:38No, a vampire couldn't accelerate the aging process
28:46Maybe it was something in his blood
28:49It was last time you guys get blood together I
28:52Don't understand. Maybe it's not Ricky. Okay, Lily. This is something you're just gonna have to deal with but he didn't do anything wrong
29:00Why would this happen to him? That's not the point
29:03These things happen all the time, you can't just close your eyes and hope that they're gonna go away
29:13Is it cuz of you
29:20Do you know about monsters and stuff
29:26You could have brought this with you
29:32Didn't bring anything with me and I didn't ask for you to come to me with your problems. I just wanted to be left alone
29:39If you can't deal then don't lay it off on me
30:04Are you okay?
30:08Hey, it's okay, maybe I can help
30:15You can't
30:18Look I know you all think I'm a big square handing out leaflets about hope
30:25But hope is a real thing
30:28Just like despair
30:30And hope can fill up a part of you. That's missing
30:41Say are you Lily?
30:45Why he was talking about you
30:51You've seen Ricky oh sure
30:55Ricky's with us now
30:59She said he was dead
31:02Well someone sure handed you a tall tale Ricky's no more dead than I am
31:08Why'd you come to family home we'll get you taken care of
31:59What are you doing
32:02Breaking into your office and going through your private files
32:06Candidate for what? I'm calling the police
32:12Now you've got a whole bunch of candidates here I wonder if any of them are missing like Ricky
32:18Gosh, I bet they are
32:21You're getting yourself in a lot of trouble. I don't want any trouble. I
32:26Just want to be alone and quiet in a room with a chair and a fireplace and a tea cozy I
32:34Don't even know what a tea cozy is, but I want one
32:38Instead I keep getting trouble which I am more than willing to share
32:45What are you doing with these kids nothing I just
32:52I give him the names of the healthy ones
32:57Give them to who?
33:00Wow don't you look nice I
33:06Well, you don't want to wear your own outfit to the cleansing. It'll get soaked a
33:11Cleansing is like a baptism
33:14Not quite the same will I see Ricky after of course he's waiting for you. He's very excited
33:27Do I have to be bait?
33:29I'm always bait
33:32Why can't we'll be big?
33:34He's already seen Willow and could you complain later so that all the vampires leave I?
33:41Think this is a good spot
33:44Is everybody packing?
33:49Let's do it
33:59Doing this for Bucky's sake this has nothing to do with you. Yeah, like you needed that cleared up
34:06Go away, this is my hiding spot. What do I hide you don't hide your bait go at the baby?
34:13What's the plan?
34:16Vampire attacks you and then what the vampire kills you we watch we rejoice
34:22Everything's a joke with you
34:24No, just our relationship. What relationship? Oh, that's right. I forgot we actually want to bury that piece of the past don't we?
34:33We come to this station to wash away the past
34:39Go ahead Neil
34:45We let the water
34:48Run over the sin
34:51the pain
34:53And the uncertainty
34:55It looks kind of dirty
34:59You know, I just I woke up and I looked in the mirror and I thought
35:05Hey, what's with all the sin? I
35:08need to change I'm
35:11I'm dirty. I'm bad with the
35:15sex and
35:17Envy and that that loud music us kids listen to nowadays, but
35:24Yeah, I just suck it undercover where's Ken
35:28This is a private moment if you could just how do you make a mold Ken do you feed on youth? What's the deal?
35:33Do you really want to know what's going on?
36:36My face
36:39Do you have any idea how hard it is to glue that thing on?
37:46Welcome to my world. I hope you like it
37:55You're never leaving
38:06Let me just ask you one thing
38:08How long did it take for you to forget me? Were you still taxiing down the runway or was it actually in the cab?
38:13Oh, yeah, mr. Faithful probably met up with some hot little Inca mummy girl
38:18Yeah, I heard about her
39:14Always knew I would come here
39:18Sooner or later
39:22I knew I belonged here
39:31This isn't hell
39:33Isn't it?
39:37What is hell but the total absence of hope the substance a tactile proof of despair
39:47You're right Lily, this is where you've been heading all your life just like Ricky Ricky
39:54You forgot you?
39:56What took him a long time?
39:59Hey, he remembered your name years after he'd forgotten his own but in the end
40:07But oh
40:09interesting thing time moves more quickly here than in your reality a
40:15Hundred long years will pass here on earth
40:19Just a day
40:21So you just work us through our to own spit us back out
40:26That's the plan
40:30See Lily
40:33You'll die of old age before anyone wonders where you went not that anyone will watch why we chose you
40:41You didn't choose me
40:43No, but I know you and
40:50So afraid
40:54Sympathetically determined to run away from whatever it is you used to be
41:01To disappear
41:08You got your wish
41:21Work and you live
41:24That is all
41:25You do not complain or laugh or do anything besides work
41:31Whatever you thought
41:33Whatever you were does not matter
41:36You are no one now
41:45Who are you
41:57Who are you no one
42:01No one
42:07No one
42:17I'm Buffy the vampire slayer and you are
42:31Anyone who's not having fun here
42:55There's no way we can get back up there without meeting the people
43:03Those guards leave
43:07I want you to take these people and get them out there. Okay fast and quiet
43:15Believe you can handle this because I say so
43:29I'm sorry. I said this was your fault before please can wait in case we die
45:00Get down there
46:21And you all die
46:28That was not permitted, yeah, but it was fun
46:37You've got guts I think I'd like to slice you open and play with
46:44Let everyone know this is the price of
47:19They'll be fine
48:14Can see my impression of Gandhi
48:26Gandhi well, you know, he was really pissed off
48:45What do we do
48:59Let me give you the tour
49:05This concludes our tour
49:09It's really nice
49:13While the rents paid up for the next three weeks I
49:17I spoke to Mitch at the diner
49:24He said you can start on Thursday
49:27he's a
49:29He's kind of repulsive but you won't give you a hard time
49:43I'll call and check up on you
49:50Not great at taking care of myself
49:58Gets easier takes practice
50:14Hey, can I be an
51:58Grr argh
