Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 3 Episode 7 Revelations

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 3 Episode 7 Revelations


00:00If I could walk alone, you know I'd never lie
00:31Oz, hey, have a seat.
00:34We don't have any seats.
00:36It's okay, I'll just scrunch in.
00:41Xander, why are you giving me a lap dance?
00:44What, I just like ya.
00:46And that's very beautiful.
00:48I think it's great when two people like two people
00:51and want to be close to them instead of anyone else.
00:54Here, here.
00:56Well put. Hey, can I snag a sip?
01:08We're here through Saturday. Enjoy the veal.
01:12Why are you guys so hyper?
01:15Hey, speaking of people and things they do that aren't like usual,
01:20anyone notice Buffy acting sort of different?
01:24Let's see.
01:26She's always torching sewer monsters,
01:29and now that's pretty much the same old bluster.
01:33I just mean, you know, she's off by herself a lot more.
01:37She's kind of distracted.
01:40Think maybe she has a new honey?
01:43A boyfriend?
01:45Why wouldn't she tell us?
01:47Excuse me?
01:49When your last study killed half the class
01:51and then your rebound guy sends you a dump-o-gram,
01:55But we're the best of Buffy's bestest buds.
01:58She'd tell us.
02:00Tell you what?
02:02About your new boyfriend who we made up, unless we didn't.
02:05This was a topic of discussion.
02:08A little raised, but never discussed.
02:10So, are you dating somebody or not?
02:14I wouldn't use the word dating,
02:17but I am going out with somebody.
02:19Tonight as a matter of fact.
02:21Really? Who?
02:23Hey, time to motivate.
02:25Really, we're just good friends.
03:13Synchronized slaying.
03:15New Olympic category.
03:17What do you think?
03:23Punches, leave blind sides open,
03:25and for a school night slaying,
03:27take entirely too much time.
03:29Which one of you is Faith?
03:31Depends. Who the hell are you?
03:35Gwendolyn Post.
03:38Your new watcher.
03:54Your new watcher.
04:49I'm telling you, I don't need a new watcher.
04:52No offense, lady,
04:53I just have this problem with authority figures.
04:56They end up kind of dead.
04:59Duly noted, and fortunately it's not up to you.
05:04Mr. Giles, where do you keep the rest of your books?
05:09I'm sorry, the rest?
05:11Yes, the actual library.
05:16I see.
05:17I can assure you, Misses Post,
05:18this is the finest occult reference collection.
05:21This side of the Atlantic, I'm sure.
05:24Do you have Hume's Paranormal Encyclopedia?
05:28The Labyrinth Maps of Malta?
05:33It's on order.
05:34Well, I suppose that you have
05:36Sir Robert Kane's Twilight Compendium.
05:40Yes, I, yes.
05:42Yes, I do.
05:44Yes, of course you do.
05:46I have been sent by the Council for a very important reason.
05:50Faith needs a watcher.
05:53I am to act in that capacity and report back.
05:56Excuse me, Mary Poppins, you don't seem to be listening.
06:00Faith, if the Council feels that you need closer observation,
06:04then we will all, of course, cooperate.
06:07The Council wishes me to report on the entire situation here,
06:12including you.
06:14Academic probation's not so funny today, huh, Giles?
06:19The fact is, there is talk in the Council
06:21that you have become a bit too American.
06:27A demon named Lagos is coming here to the Hellmouth.
06:30Mr Giles, an illustration of Lagos, if you please.
06:42Perhaps later.
06:45Lagos seeks the glove of Minigan.
06:49No record of this glove's full power exists,
06:53but we do know it is highly dangerous
06:55and must not fall into the hands of a demon.
06:58Lagos must be stopped.
07:00What do you propose?
07:02Well, if it's not too radical a suggestion,
07:05I thought we might kill him.
07:07I suggest two slayers at full strength for a coordinated hunt.
07:11We believe the glove to be buried in a tomb somewhere,
07:15so Lagos will be headed for the cemetery.
07:18There is more than one in Sunnydale.
07:20I see.
07:22How many?
07:24Twelve, within the city limits.
07:27Well, we'll just have to take them one at a time.
07:31Anything in your books that might pinpoint
07:34the exact location of the tomb would be useful.
07:38But then we cannot ask for miracles.
07:42We will begin tomorrow at sunset.
07:45Faith, with me, please.
07:56That was bracing.
07:59Interesting lady.
08:01Can we kill her?
08:03I think the council might frown upon that.
08:06Oh, how do you feel about a spot of training?
09:03I'd better go.
09:07Big night for us slayer types.
09:11People to see.
09:13Demons to kill.
09:17I'll be back.
09:33Better hurry before somebody figures out what we're doing.
09:36What are we doing?
09:43And almost kissing.
09:50It's just old habit.
09:54Bad, bad habit to be broken.
09:59It's hard.
10:02It's not hard.
10:04Cold turkey, it's the key to quitting.
10:14You think they make a patch for this?
10:17You have to go.
10:19I really do.
10:25I'm gonna try and vent a little hormonal angst
10:28by going out there and killing a Lagos.
10:31Whatever that is.
10:34Some demon looking for some all-powerful thingamabob
10:38and I gotta stop him before he unleashes unholy havoc
10:42and it's another Tuesday night Sunnydale.
10:47Be careful.
10:59This is intolerable.
11:01There's not a word here about Lagos or the glove.
11:04We don't have time for this near-missing...
11:08Just find out all you can about the demon.
11:11It's strengths, it's weaknesses, it's places of origin
11:14and most importantly, what it plans to do with this blasted glove.
11:19Hey, you're not the watcher of me.
11:21Then go home.
11:23I'll be back.
11:28You can go home, but if you choose to stay, then work.
11:37It's late, I'm tired.
11:40What do you want from us anyway?
11:42A number of a qualified surgeon to remove the British flag from his butt.
11:54My eyes are all blurry.
12:22Stop means no.
12:25And no means no, so, um...
12:43Well, hello, Sandra.
12:45You can stop your studying.
12:49I've got what I need.
12:52What have you got?
12:54The probable location of the glove of Milligan.
12:58It's housed in the Von Hauptmann family crypt.
13:02Yeah, that's that big one over at the Restfield Cemetery.
13:06Yeah, well, that's great, Giles.
13:09How did you find it?
13:11I looked.
13:13Where's Buffy at?
13:15I'm not sure.
13:17Well, I'll go check out this crypt.
13:20Tell her heads up if she stops by.
13:23Yes, by all means, Kurt.
13:25And I'll just keep studying.
13:27I think we're on the verge of a big Lagos breakthrough.
13:31I'd say we're done.
13:39Ronnie, deadbeat.
13:41Steve, klepto.
13:44Kenny, drummer.
13:47Eventually I just had to face up to my destiny as a loser magnet.
13:52Now it's strictly get some, get gone.
13:55You can't trust guys.
13:57You can trust some guys.
14:00Really, I've read about them.
14:02Yeah, so what about you?
14:05You mean like me and guys me?
14:08Not much to tell these days.
14:11Yeah, but you gotta have stories.
14:13I mean, I've had my share of losers, but...
14:16You boinked the undead.
14:19What was that like?
14:22Life with angels was complicated.
14:27It's still a little hard for me to talk about.
14:29Well, try.
14:32Look, Faith, all the angel issues are still kind of with me,
14:35so if you don't mind, I'd rather not.
14:40Yeah, whatever.
14:43You know what? We're 0 for 6 tonight.
14:46Why don't we just blow this off?
14:49I am kind of beat, but J.D. Hill's pretty close.
14:53I'll swing through it. It's on my way anyway.
14:56Alone? I don't know if I...
14:59I got Miss Priss on my back now.
15:01I don't need another babysitter.
15:03I'll holler if I'm having any fun.
15:31Son of a bitch. It's my lucky day.
16:29Hey, Giles, here's a nifty idea.
16:32Why don't I alleviate my guilt
16:34by going out and getting myself really, really killed?
18:11Oh, God.
18:15What am I doing?
18:17What are you doing?
18:19I don't know.
18:21Shame on you.
18:23Oh, God, I...
18:25I don't even know why I came back here.
18:28It's good you did.
18:31I don't know why I came back here.
18:34I don't know why I came back here.
18:38It's good you did.
18:41I think I have what you're looking for.
18:50Just wherever this was gift-wrapped
18:52remind me not to shop there.
18:58Glove of Meningon.
19:00The world's ugliest fashion accessory.
19:02No, don't.
19:04Once you put it on, the glove can never be removed.
19:10No touching.
19:13Kind of like us.
19:17You hold on to it.
19:19I'll tell Giles in the morning.
19:21At least he'll be happy.
19:28Ah, yes. There we are.
19:31It's a wood engraving. See?
19:33Glove of Meningon.
19:36Yes, engraved by Father Theodore of Walsham.
19:40Based, I believe, on very sketchy and unreliable folk legends.
19:45The pictures are fun to look at, Mr Giles,
19:48but one really ought to read the nice words as well.
19:53Ah. Yes.
19:57Some tea, perhaps?
20:00I know that you must find me tiresome,
20:03but it's insidious, really.
20:06A person slips up on the little things
20:09and soon everything's gone to hell in a handbasket.
20:12For example, Buffy, your slayer.
20:16Mrs Post.
20:18I can assure you that Buffy is both dedicated and industrious,
20:22and I am in complete control of my slayer.
20:26We've got a big problem.
20:28It's Buffy.
20:33Will you excuse us?
20:46Would you like some assistance?
20:50It won't be necessary.
21:04Lagos is out of luck.
21:06I got the magic mitten thingy.
21:11What's with all the tragedy masks?
21:17Better take a seat, Buffy.
21:20What's going on?
21:25We know Angel is alive.
21:28Sandra saw you with him.
21:31It would appear that you've been hiding him
21:33and that you lied to us.
21:35Nobody's here to blame you, Buffy,
21:38but this is serious. You need help.
21:43It's not what you think.
21:46It's not what you think.
21:48Hope not,
21:50because I think you're harboring a vicious killer.
21:53This isn't about attacking Buffy.
21:55Remember, eye statements only.
21:57I feel angry. I feel worried.
22:00Fine. Here's one.
22:02I feel worried.
22:04About me.
22:06Last time around, Angel barely laid a hand on Buffy.
22:09He was way more interested in killing her friends.
22:11But he's better now.
22:13Better for how long, Buffy?
22:15I mean, did you even think about that?
22:17What is this? Demons Anonymous?
22:20I don't need an intervention here.
22:22Oh, don't you?
22:24You must have known it was wrong seeing Angel,
22:26or you wouldn't have hidden it from all of us.
22:30I was going to tell you. I was.
22:33It was just that I...
22:35I didn't know why he came back.
22:38I just wanted to wait.
22:40For what?
22:42For Angel to go psycho again the next time you give him a happy?
22:45I'm not going to...
22:48We're not together like that.
22:51But you were kissing him.
22:59You were spying on me?
23:04What gives you the right?
23:07What gives you the right to suck face with your demon lover again?
23:11It was an accident.
23:13What, you just tripped and fell on his lips?
23:15It was wrong, okay?
23:17I know that, and I know that it can't happen again.
23:20But you guys have to believe me,
23:22I would never put you in any danger.
23:25If I thought for a second that Angel was going to hurt anyone...
23:28You would stop him.
23:30Like you did last time with Miss Calendar.
23:36Buffy, I feel that when it comes to Angel,
23:40you can't see straight.
23:43And that's why we're all going to help you face this.
23:47But he's better now, I swear.
23:50Look, you guys, he's the one that found the glove of Minogun.
23:53He's keeping it safe for us in the mansion.
23:55Right! Great plan.
23:57Leave tons of firepower with this scary guy,
24:00and leave us to clean up the mess.
24:02You would just love an excuse to hurt him, wouldn't you?
24:05I don't need an excuse.
24:07I think lots of dead people actually constitutes a reason.
24:11Right. This is all nobility,
24:13and this has nothing to do with jealousy.
24:16Hello? Miss not over yourself yet?
24:18Don't you start with me.
24:20Charles, no one's doing the eye statements.
24:23That's enough. Everybody.
24:26Now, Buffy knows our concerns,
24:29and her actions, however ill-advised,
24:32can be understood.
24:35Now, our priority right now is to retrieve the glove of Minogun
24:39and try to destroy it.
24:42Now all of you, back to your classes.
25:06Thanks for the bail in there.
25:10I know this is a lot to absorb,
25:13but Angel did find the glove,
25:16and that was a good...
25:21I won't remind you that the fate of the world often lies with the slayer.
25:25What would be the point?
25:27Nor shall I remind you that you've jeopardized
25:30the lives of all that you hold dear.
25:33The lives of all that you hold dear
25:36by harbouring a no-murderer.
25:40But sadly, I must remind you that Angel tortured me.
25:46For hours.
25:48For pleasure.
25:53He should have told me he was alive. You didn't.
25:58You have no respect for me or the job I perform.
26:03You have no respect for me.
26:33A word of advice.
26:35Vampires rarely knock, especially in daylight.
26:39Oh, right.
26:42So, this is your home?
26:45Yeah. The, uh, decorator actually just left.
26:50They... Do you know who the Spartans were?
26:54Wild stab a bunch of guys from Spart?
26:58They were the fiercest warriors known to ancient Greece.
27:02And they lived in quarters very much like these. Do you know why?
27:06Because a true fighter needs nothing else.
27:12I'm going to be very hard on you, Faith.
27:15I will not brook insolence or laziness.
27:18And I will not allow blunders like last night's attack.
27:23You will probably hate me a great deal of the time.
27:26You think?
27:29But I will make you a better slayer.
27:33And that will keep you alive.
27:36You have to trust that I am right.
27:40God only knows what Mr. Giles has been filling your head with.
27:43Giles is OK.
27:47His methods are unfathomable to me.
27:50I find him entirely confounding.
27:53But that is not important. Let him have his games and secret meetings.
27:58What meetings?
28:00Oh, I don't know. Something with Buffy and her friends.
28:04Oh, right. I guess that doesn't include me.
28:08And why does he let her socialize so much? It hardly seems...
28:13No matter.
28:17Would you like to do some training?
28:20Would you like to do some training?
28:24Training? As in kicking, punching, stabbing?
28:28Yes, that's the idea.
28:30I'm your girl.
28:41Hey. Hey.
28:44So on a scale of one to a million, how much are you hating me right now?
28:50Sierra, you were scared. You kept a secret, you know?
28:54That's... It's OK.
28:56I mean, secrets aren't bad. You know, they're normal.
29:00They're better than normal. They're good. Secrets are good.
29:04Must be a reason why we keep them, right?
29:08Yeah, I guess.
29:11So, are you going to the bronze tonight, or...
29:15Are you going to sneak away for a not-so-secret rendezvous with Angel?
29:20None of the above.
29:22I'm going to try and kill this Lagos guy. Peace out, friendly girls.
29:26Well, Angel has the glove now, right?
29:29Yep, but Lagos doesn't know that.
29:31I figure sooner or later he's bound to show up with that crip looking for it.
29:35Ah, but instead he finds a Buffy in a not-so-good mood?
29:40It's my brilliant plan.
29:46You look pissed.
29:48Rough day.
29:50Tell me about it.
29:52I'd rather just shoot.
29:54Don't think I don't know what you and your pals were talking about behind my back today.
30:00Yeah, what was that?
30:02More about this glove deal than they say.
30:05The glove of men again? Right.
30:08I had to get ahead of some real news. Angel's still alive.
30:12Angel's still alive?
30:17The vampire.
30:19Back in town, saw him myself,
30:22toting the popular and famous glove.
30:27A guy like that, with that kind of glove, could kill a whole mess of people.
30:32I said the same thing to Buffy myself.
30:35Weird how she didn't seem to care.
30:37Buffy knew he was alive.
30:40I can't believe her.
30:42She says he's clean.
30:44Yeah, well, I say we can't afford to find out.
30:47I say I deal with this problem right now.
30:50I say I slay.
30:53Can I come?
31:01You wanted to see me, Mr. Giles?
31:03Yes, I do apologize for bringing you in at this late hour.
31:07Please, a good watcher must be awake and alert at all hours.
31:13Would you like some tea?
31:16God, yes, please.
31:19Completely knackered.
31:21Spent the afternoon training with Faith.
31:25She doesn't lack for energy.
31:27She's your first slayer, I take it.
31:32If you're questioning my qualifications...
31:35No, I'm not.
31:37I have the utmost respect for your methods,
31:40in my own American way.
31:46I also have the glove.
31:49Not actually on me, but I believe it's safe.
31:53It's in a mansion on Crawford Street.
31:56A friend of Buffy's is keeping it there.
32:00We must get to it, immediately.
32:04Hide it before someone else finds it.
32:06Or better still, destroy it.
32:09Destroy it?
32:12Yes, I didn't think it could be done either, but...
32:18It involves transforming fire into living flame and emulating the glove.
32:25It's complex, but...
32:28I believe I have all the necessary materials.
32:32Well, I must say, Mr. Giles...
32:36Good show.
32:42Good show, indeed.
33:03Um, not to downplay my own slaying abilities,
33:06which in some circles are considered formidable,
33:10but shouldn't Faith be here?
33:12I tried calling, but no one was home.
33:14Look, if you're feeling any demonophobia, please.
33:17Splitting is totally an option.
33:20You're not the one in trouble with Giles.
33:23That's true.
33:25How long do you think he can stay angry at me, anyway?
33:28The emotional marathon man?
33:31I can't really blame him.
33:33It's weird, though.
33:35Now that my secret...
33:39angel's all out in the open...
33:43I feel better.
33:45Well, sure you do.
33:47This big burden's been lifted.
33:50And keeping secrets is a lot of work.
33:54One could hypothetically imagine.
33:58You have no idea.
34:01None whatsoever.
34:04But can I ask you a question?
34:09When you were with Angel and nobody knew about it,
34:14did that make it feel, you know, sexier somehow?
34:19Not really.
34:21It's too much pressure.
34:24After a while, it even makes the fun parts not so fun.
34:33What makes you think all this secret stuff is sexy, anyway?
34:37Nothing. I'm just wondering.
34:39Gotta keep asking the big old questions
34:42when you're blessed with this girl's thirst for knowledge.
34:47There's something I have to tell you.
34:54This will make me feel better, right?
34:57You know, I always consider myself a good person.
35:02Floss, do my homework, never cheat.
35:06But lately...
35:08and please don't judge me on this, but...
35:11I want you to be the first to know that...
35:14that there's a demon behind you.
35:46We're talking!
35:58Sorry about that.
36:01So, what were you saying?
36:04Oh, I...
36:06I opened my SAT test booklet five minutes early.
36:11Just doesn't seem important now, does it?
36:15Your secret's safe with me.
36:18Come on.
36:20Let's go bring Giles some happiness.
36:27Good old Sunnydale library.
36:29Fully equipped with reference books, file cards...
36:33and weapons.
36:36I call crossbow.
36:37You got it.
36:42All right, ready to go?
36:44That I am.
36:53Oh, my God, it's Giles.
36:56Giles, can you hear me?
36:58What the hell happened?
37:00She let me guess.
37:03Hold it.
37:04Just think a minute.
37:05Yeah, I'm thinking.
37:06Thinking Buffy's ex-mate did this.
37:08It's Night Angel style.
37:09The guy's a demon.
37:10How much more proof do you need?
37:12Bite marks would be nice.
37:13Yeah, a medical emergency.
37:15Sunnydale High.
37:16Screw this weighted crap.
37:18Faith, if we leave, Giles could die.
37:20Yeah, he's gonna have a whole lot of company...
37:22unless I do something permanent.
37:24For what?
37:25You to grow a pair?
37:26You handle the babysit, and I'm gonna kill Angel.
37:30Damn it.
37:55We are home.
38:02Giles is gonna be psyched that we showed up
38:04to stuff the old missus' poster.
38:06Oh, my God.
38:07Sunnydale Medical.
38:08What happened?
38:09Caucasian, male, mid-40s,
38:10blunt object, head trauma.
38:12Notify ER. We'll bring you...
38:13What happened?
38:14No time for this.
38:17Buffy, you must destroy the glove.
38:21You want him to live?
38:22Get out of the way.
38:23Use living flame.
38:33What happened?
38:35Your boyfriend's not as cured as you thought.
38:38What makes you think that Angel had anything to do with this?
38:42We saw what you saw.
38:44So you just assume?
38:46I didn't.
38:48Faith did.
38:53What did you tell her?
38:55Only what everyone knows.
38:57She's a big girl.
38:58Can't draw conclusions.
39:01How much of a head start does she have?
39:04Ten minutes.
39:08Go through Giles' research.
39:10Figure out how to destroy the glove.
39:16Shut up and help me.
39:24What do you want?
39:25Gwen Post. Mr. Giles sent me.
39:30What for?
39:31To help you destroy the glove. Is that the living flame?
39:37Look, I'm sorry to be so abrupt,
39:40but Largos is on his way here now.
39:43If you're performing the ritual incorrectly,
39:45it will only make the glove more powerful.
39:48All right.
39:51Good. Where is the glove?
39:54In the trunk.
40:01That's what I love about this town.
40:03Everyone's so helpful.
40:14Fuck. Fuck!
40:22Okay. That hurt.
40:26I was supposed to kill you.
40:28If you'd been human, it would have.
40:32But I believe this is your poison.
40:52Mrs. Post!
40:54I can't believe how much I'm going to kill you.
40:57You're not getting that glove.
40:58You want to bet?
41:21Think we got it?
41:22Well, it's either the catalyst for living flame
41:24or just some really smelly sand.
41:27We'll have to test this.
41:29I'll double-check.
41:34I know what the glove does.
41:36There's no time to test this.
41:46I can't wait to do it, Faith.
41:48You're confused, Twinkie.
41:50Let me clear you up.
41:51Vampire, slayer, dead vampire.
41:54There's a lot that you don't understand.
41:57Faith, she doesn't know.
42:00She's blinded by love.
42:03Faith, no.
42:05Trust me.
42:08Faith, we can figure this out.
43:19The glove.
43:20It's in the trunk.
43:22We'll get it.
43:23Help Faith.
43:40What are you? Stop!
43:42Guys, listen!
44:38What's going on?
44:41Faith, a word of advice.
44:45You're an idiot.
44:49Stop, please!
45:01Stop, please!
45:13Stop, please!
45:19Can you draw her fire?
45:22You bet I can.
45:23Go do it.
45:35Stop, please!
45:40There's nothing you can do to me now.
45:42I have the glove.
45:44With the glove comes the power.
45:46I'm getting that.
46:37So there's no more glove thingy?
46:40A little living flame, a little mesquite.
46:42Gone for good.
46:44Just a lot of fun.
46:46Then we're telling it wrong.
46:48What do you think Buffy and Angel are gonna do?
46:50Boy, do I don't know.
46:52Well, he saved me from a horrible, flamey death
46:56that sort of makes me like him again.
46:59Well, as long as she and Angel don't get pelvic,
47:02we'll be okay, I guess.
47:06What are you guys talking about?
47:08Oddly enough, your boyfriend.
47:12He's not my boyfriend.
47:15Really, truly, he's...
47:20I don't know.
47:26Are we cool?
47:30Just seeing the two of you kissing
47:33after everything that happened,
47:35I leaned toward the postal.
47:38But I trust you.
47:40I don't, just for the record.
47:45Let me guess.
47:47Gwendolyn Post, not a watcher?
47:49Yes, she was.
47:51She was kicked out by the council a couple of years ago
47:55for misuses of dark power.
47:58I swear there was a memo.
48:01Well, I better go.
48:03A little more damage control.
48:08The whole Angel thing is so weird.
48:12Yes, well, we'll have to see how that unfolds, won't we?
48:24Yes, sir.
48:26My name is...
48:28Come in.
48:31Come in.
48:47The place looks nice.
48:49Yeah, it's real spottin'.
48:52How are you?
48:55Five by five.
48:59I'll interpret that as good.
49:04Look, Gwendolyn Post, or whoever she may be,
49:08had us all fooled.
49:10Even Giles.
49:12Yeah, well, you can't trust people.
49:15You can't trust people.
49:17Even Giles.
49:19Yeah, well, you can't trust people.
49:21I should have learned that by now.
49:26I realize this is gonna sound funny,
49:29coming from someone who spends a lot of time kicking your face.
49:33But you can trust me.
49:38Is that right?
49:40I know I kept secrets.
49:43I didn't have a choice.
49:48I'm on your side.
49:50I am on my side, and that's enough.
49:54Not always.
49:57Is that it?
50:03Yeah, I guess.
50:05All right, well, then, I'll see you.
50:18Uh, Buffy.
50:47I'm sorry.
51:17I'm sorry.
51:47Grr! Arrgh!
