Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 3 Episode 10 Amends

  • 2 days ago
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 3 Episode 10 Amends


00:00a moment
00:04he would lose his soul previously on back to the vampire slayer
00:10this is it cursed what are you saying i may be able to work
00:14this willow cured him and and somehow he came back
00:19you must have known it was wrong seeing it or you wouldn't have hidden it from
00:22all of us i just wanted to wait for angel to go
00:25psycho again the next time you give him a happy
01:07come on now watch it son
01:14but daniel wherever you going you you're not human not
01:20of late no what do you want what happens that i'm
01:24hungry daniel and seeing as that you're somewhat in my debt
01:28yes i can't man playing his card should have a natural intelligence
01:33or a great deal of money and you're sadly lacking
01:41so take me winnings my own way
01:51of good cheer it's christmas
02:05it's going to be sunny and warm with temperatures continuing in the high 70s
02:09throughout the holiday weekend
02:27hi angel
02:35so are you shopping you're probably not shopping i couldn't sleep
02:43vampire is probably not that big on christmas now that i think about it
02:47that is a rule
02:54but you're good
02:58i'm i'm all right you yeah yeah i'm good i um
03:05i was just getting some christmas gifts for the gang
03:09um i better go before the magic store closes
03:24what is it
04:40and then he just bailed he didn't say anything he just took off
04:44it was so weird angel weird what are the odds do you think
04:50something's wrong maybe you should tell giles
04:55no i don't want to bug giles he's still kind of twitchy when it comes
05:00to the subject of angels now it must be that whole angel killed
05:04his girlfriend and tortured him thing hey giles is pretty petty when it comes
05:08to stuff like that and they're enough okay
05:12maybe angel just has the holiday blues everybody gets them especially when
05:18they're alone it's just so frustrating
05:23i'm trying to do the right thing and stay away from him
05:27and get over it and then boom there he is i just want a nice
05:34quiet christmas vacation so you're doing anything special tree
05:42nog roast beast just me and mom and hopefully in excess of gifts what are
05:48you doing for christmas being jewish remember people not
05:52everybody worships santa i just meant for vacation
05:58nothing fun oz and i hate plant but i guess that's off
06:07well i'll be enjoying my annual christmas eve camp out
06:11see i take my sleeping bag outside and i go to sleep on the grass
06:15sounds fun yeah i like to look at the stars you know feel the whole nature
06:19vibe i thought you slept outside to avoid
06:21your family's drunken christmas vibes
06:26yes and that was a confidence i was hoping you would share with everyone
06:31well i'll be in aspen skiing with actual snow i hear that helps
06:39it must be a drag to be stuck here in sweatydale
06:43but i'm thinking of you okay i'm done she certainly has reverted
06:49to form it's not her fault after what happened
06:54we gotta cut her some slack that's the christmas spirit
06:59hello still jewish hanukkah spirit i believe that was
07:04anyway forgiveness is pretty much a big theme with me this year
07:09because of the
07:22okay the thing is
07:27seeing you with xander it was
07:33well i never felt that way before
07:37when there wasn't a full moon but i know you guys have a history but it's
07:43a history that's in the past well i i guess most history is in the
07:50past but it's over
07:55well i don't know i don't know that it ever will be between you two
08:02oz please believe me this is what i do now
08:10i miss you
08:14like every second
08:18i mean it's like i lost an arm or worse a torso
08:27so i think i'd be willing to give it a shot
08:42do you want us to to hug now
08:50yeah i'm good for that
09:28do you want to get one with snow on it be very christmassy
09:34i think those are just for display no
09:38you know honey i was thinking maybe we should invite
09:42faith to spend christmas eve with us i don't know
09:48faith and i don't really hang out or talk or make eye contact lately
09:55do you really want to let her spend christmas eve all by herself in that
09:59dingy little motel room
10:03you're still number one with a guilt trip mom
10:06i try i'll ask her
10:11you're a doll what about giles no i'm sure he's fine
10:17we can at least ask him he doesn't want to spend christmas eve with a bunch of
10:21girls let's split up
10:58a bunch of them up and died on us i don't know why
11:02if you want one i can make you a hell of a deal
11:05no thank you oh honey this one's perfect
11:42yeah happy new year
11:46god bless us damn it okay
11:53um what's going on scary monsters
11:59nope um
12:05we're having christmas eve dinner at my house
12:08and i thought that um if you didn't have plans
12:12yeah mom sent you down huh no well thanks but i got plans
12:20there's this big party i've been invited to
12:23it should be a blast okay cool but if you
12:31change your mind the offer it's nice of you thanks
12:35but i got uh i got that big party that i've been invited to so
12:50i like the lights yeah well it says the season whatever that
13:04just a minute
13:14hello um
13:19i'm sorry to bother you
13:22sorry coming from you that phrase strikes me as rather funny
13:30sorry to bother me i need your help and the funny keeps on coming
13:35i understand i have no right to ask for it
13:40but there's no one else
13:45all right
13:53i i can't come in unless you invite me i'm aware of that
14:03i come in
14:13i've been seeing
14:16i've i've had dreams lately about the past it's
14:23it's like i'm living here again it's so vivid
14:28i need to know i need to know why i'm here
14:33yeah back on earth i should be in a demon dimension
14:39suffering an eternity of torture i don't feel particularly inclined to
14:43argue with that i'm not
14:47i was freed and i don't understand why knowing why you were back would give you
14:52peace of mind it might you think that's something
14:56you ought to
15:00because sir to be blunt the last time you became complacent about your
15:04existence turned out rather badly
15:16don't you see her
15:26i can't
16:05sir please i should return to the party margaret margaret
16:10there's no hurry mistress will be wondering
16:13mistress will be wondering how to get the good reverend chalmers into bed
16:17and will not notice the absence of canapé
16:21stay with me sir people might talk i'll be put out in the streets
16:29my little boy would i can't lose this job
16:35you must keep quiet you're hurting me cry out call for help
16:42i'm sure mistress will believe your behavior beyond reproach
16:46please come make a scene huh shall i
16:55no no
17:00will be as quiet as mice
17:10no matter what
17:15my son oh and make a fine dessert
17:57trouble sleeping
18:01you're not here i'm always here
18:08leave me alone i can't you won't let me
18:18what do you want i want to die in bed surrounded by fat grandchildren but
18:24i guess that's off the menu
18:27i'm sorry you're sorry for me don't bother i'm dead i'm over it
18:39if you want to feel sorry for someone you should feel sorry for yourself
18:43oh but i guess you've already got that covered
18:47i am sorry for what i've done what else can i say to you
18:58i don't want to make you feel bad
19:04i just want to show you who you are
19:08you had a dream about angel i was in angel's dream
19:12i'm not sure that's jiles there was stuff in this dream that i couldn't
19:15possibly know about it was angel's past he was dreaming it
19:19and somehow i got sucked in
19:24there's something wrong with him
19:27i know i've seen him
19:36he wanted to know why he was back is there a way for us to find that out
19:43uh possibly i've been looking well let me look too
19:51i'm not seeing him anymore i'm trying to put all this behind me
19:55and i'm not going to be able to as long as we're both doing guest spots in each
19:59other's dreams
20:05so we'll help him
20:12where do we start
20:16look i'm aware i haven't been the mostest best friend to you when it comes
20:20to the whole angel thing and um i don't know maybe i finally got
20:25the Hanukkah spirit
20:28well we start unsurprisingly with research
20:34uh xander um black chronicles and uh buffy the
20:41diary of lucius temple an acolyte of her catholic expert on demons you can skip
20:46the passages on his garden unless you're keen on growing
20:50heartier beets
20:53are you sure this is how you want to spend your christmas vacation
20:57yeah this is actually the most exciting thing i've got planned
21:00who else can claim that pathetic a social life right guys
21:04what are we doing
21:22he's gonna come over on christmas eve because my parents are out of town
21:29we're gonna watch videos that's good right
21:33you guys are back
21:36it's good it's perfect in an awkward uncomfortable sort of way
21:45i just don't know how to make us trust me
21:50xander has a piece of you that az just can't touch
21:55i guess now it's just about showing us that he comes first
22:02i guess
22:08hey he likes beets i read that one already
22:13we're not getting any closer
22:16oh the thing i remember most was thinking how
22:23artful it was in the dark they looked just like they were
22:29sleeping it wasn't until i bent down and kissed
22:34them good night that i felt how cold they were
22:39you grabbed me and i thought who would go to so much trouble
22:44to arrange them like that
22:50but you see that's what makes you different than other beasts they kill
22:57to feed but you took more kinds of pleasure in it than any creature that
23:03walks or crawls oh god yeah
23:08cry out make a scene i was to be married that week
23:15but then as i recall you knew that it wasn't me
23:19it wasn't you a demon isn't a man i was a man once oh yes
23:26and what a man you were
23:34a drunken whoring layabout and a terrible disappointment to your
23:40parents i was young
23:45never had a chance to die of syphilis you were a worthless being before you
23:52were ever a monster
23:56i don't want to hurt you angel but you have to understand
24:06cruelty is the only thing you ever had a true talent for
24:09that's not true
24:24you mistake it for a curse angel but it's not
24:30it's your destiny
24:36i'll show you
24:40i'll show you
26:53no take her take what you want
26:59pour all that frustration and all that guilt into her and you'll be free
27:09you can't live for eternity with all that pain
27:14this is what you are this is why we brought you back
27:20take her
27:23and then you'll be ready
27:27to kill her
27:40hey buffy take a look
27:45these letters contain references to an ancient power known as the first
27:51first what evil absolute evil older than man than demons it could have had the
27:58power to bring angel back these guys
28:03i saw them in my dream i i fell asleep up there
28:07you had another dream with angel
28:11what happened
28:14oh we don't need to get sidetracked who are these guys
28:19um they're known as the as the bringers or harbingers they're high priests of
28:24the first they uh they can conjure spirit
28:28manifestation and set them on people influence them haunt them these are the
28:33guys working the mojo on angel we gotta stop them
28:39you can't fight the first buffy it's not a
28:42physical being well i i can fight these priest guys
28:45if we can find them
28:55hey it's the slayer well bring the uh slayer down here
29:06hey willie how you been keeping out of trouble
29:11there's god as my witness so what can i do for you a couple of
29:16drinks yeah let me get a double shot of um
29:22of information pal three priests they call themselves the bringers
29:28bringers harbingers they have a no eyes kind of look
29:33i didn't ring a bell how about i ring that bell for you
29:37does the threatening come now maybe you shouldn't help
29:42they would have come to town recently they'd be holed up somewhere summoning
29:46the spirit of the first
29:52well i heard a few things you know from the underground the
29:58underground yeah you know from things that live under
30:01the ground apparently there's been a lot of migration
30:04out of sunnydale from the lower inhabitants
30:07something scaring them off and these are things that are not easily scared
30:12could be your priest guys are underground underground where
30:15i do not know
30:19okay thanks see you around hey you did great by the way
30:27i was very intimidated by you really
30:32thanks let's go hey kid merry christmas
30:51man is it hot it was so nice and cool in there
30:55yeah a nice cool waste of time we know underground
31:00that's a start sure a town with 14 million square miles of sewer
31:05plus a lot of natural cave formations and a gateway to hell
31:09yeah this does resemble square one
31:13i don't know what to do i think right now the best plan is to deck the halls
31:18with boughs of holly
31:21look we'll catch the bad guys sooner or later
31:37i got videos hi
31:43why don't you come sit down
32:00i've heard people say that
32:05too much of anything is not good for you baby
32:10but ever have that dream i don't know where you're in a play
32:14and it's the middle of the play and you really don't know your lines
32:18and you kind of don't know the plot well
32:22we're alone and we're together i just wanted it to be special
32:30how special we talking well you know we're alone
32:37and we're both mature younger people and and so
32:46we could i i'm ready to with you
32:53we could do that thing
33:01where are you going no i'm not going just a
33:05dramatic gesture that's that's pretty special
33:12uh i i want to be with you first
33:18i think we should sit down again
33:30i i'm ready
33:33thank you
33:36okay well don't take this the wrong way
33:43but i'm not
33:48are you scared because i thought you would
33:53but this is different
33:57and you look great
34:01and and you got the berry working for you and and it's all
34:07good but when it happens
34:14i want it to be because we both need it to
34:17for the same reason
34:22you don't have to prove anything to me
34:26i just wanted you to know i know
34:31i get the message
34:50there we go nothing like a roaring fire to keep away
34:54the blistering heat oh come on it's lovely
34:59maybe i should turn the air conditioning on
35:06so angels on top again what angel or star
35:13oh uh star star
35:35uh looks like that whole party thing was going to be kind of a drag
35:43i didn't really have anything you know
35:51i'm glad you came
35:55uh here why don't you come in from the entire lack of cold
36:05uh that one is for your mom they're pretty crappy
36:10faith you made it
36:13oh that is so thoughtful they're crappy you know i'm gonna go upstairs and get
36:19your gifts excuse me would you like some nog
36:24okay mom don't touch yours though because then you're gonna know what it
36:36huh buffy
36:40what is it
36:46okay look i uh i had to see you um
36:56i don't know why
36:59you shouldn't be just tell me what's going on
37:06she wants you to touch her
37:10what are you waiting for you have to stay away from me
37:16you came to see me to tell me that i can't see you
37:25angel something is doing this to you
37:31you just have to control it okay i know that you're confused
37:36i think you're the one who's confused i think you need to
37:40she wants you to taste her
37:45think of the peace you'll never have to see us again
37:51angel how can i help you leave me alone
37:57i just need you to stay with mom in case he comes back yeah i'll play
38:01watchdog i don't really get it though i'll
38:03explain later everything i promise watch your back
38:09trials we have to do something soon now i'm still not sure what
38:16find me these priest guys find me something i can pummel
38:20let's not lose our heads charles he's slipping
38:29i think we're losing him
38:34you realize if he truly becomes a danger you may have to kill him
38:46can you do that
38:49i can't do it you have to do it what else are you good for get away
38:55from me just feel her
39:01you almost smell her skin
39:06you never were a fighter angel don't start trying now
39:12sooner or later you will drink her
39:16i'll never hurt her you were born to hurt her have you learned
39:20nothing as long as you are alive and i'll die
39:27you don't have the strength to kill yourself i don't need strength
39:35i just need the sun to rise
39:41you're not supposed to die this isn't the plan
39:54but it'll do
40:03a child shall be born of man and goat and have two heads and the first shall
40:09speak only in riddles no wonder you like this stuff it's like
40:13reading the sun yes ah priests
40:18um yes but uh more posturing i'm afraid um for they are the harbingers of death
40:25nothing shall grow above or below them no seed shall flower neither in man nor
40:31they're rebels and they'll never ever be any good
40:35nothing specific about their horns let me see that
40:42the harbingers of death nothing shall grow above or below
42:06all right 10 more minutes of chanting and then you guys have to go to bed
42:21i'm impressed
42:27you won't get angel you think you can fight me
42:33i'm not a demon little girl i am something that you can't even conceive
42:39the first evil beyond sin beyond death
42:47i am the thing that darkness fears
42:53you'll never see me but i am everywhere
42:55every being every thought every drop of hate all right i get it you're evil do we have to
43:05chat about it all day angel will be dead by sunrise your christmas will be his wake
43:16no you have no idea what you're dealing with let me guess is it evil
44:11i bet half the kids down there are already awake lying in their beds sneaking downstairs
44:19waiting for day angel please i need you to get inside there's only a few minutes left i know
44:31i can smell the sunrise long before it comes i don't have time to explain this you just have
44:36to trust me that thing that was haunting you it wasn't haunting me it was showing me
44:43me showing you what i am were and ever shall be i wanted to know why i was back now i do
44:56you don't know some great evil takes credit for bringing you back and you buy it you just give up
45:03i can't do it again buffy i can't become a killer then fight it it's too hard
45:08it's too hard angel please you have to get inside it told me to kill you you were in the dream you
45:16know it told me to lose my soul in you and become a monster again i know what it told you what does
45:22it matter because i wanted to because i want you so badly i want to take comfort in you
45:30and i know it'll cost me my soul and a part of me doesn't care
45:39look i'm weak i've never been anything else
45:45it's not the demon in me that needs killing buffy it's the man
45:51you're weak everybody is everybody fails maybe this evil did bring you back
45:58but if it did it's because it needs you and that means that you can hurt it
46:03you have the power to do real good to make amends but if you die now then all that you ever were was
46:11a monster angel please the sun is coming up let's go i won't once you think this is simple
46:22you think there's an easy answer you can never understand what i've done now go you are not
46:29what i've done now go you are not staying here i won't leave
46:43am i a thing worth saving huh am i a righteous man
46:50the world wants me gone
46:52what about me
46:59i love you so much
47:05and i tried to make you go away
47:10i killed you and it didn't help
47:15and i hate it
47:19i hate that it's so hard
47:23and that you can hurt me so much
47:30i know everything that you did because you did it to me
47:37god i wish that i wished you dead
47:44i don't
47:48i can't
47:59buffy please
48:04just this once
48:09let me be strong
48:12strong is fighting it's hard and it's painful and it's every day it's what we have to do
48:22and we can do it together
48:27but if you're too much of a coward for that then burn
48:33if i can't convince you that you belong in this world then i don't know what can
48:39but do not expect me to watch and don't expect me to mourn for you because
50:39and while most of southern california is enjoying a balmy christmas an extreme
50:44cold front has sprung up out of nowhere around sunningdale where they're reporting
50:50heavy snowfall for the first time in well ever sunningdale residents shouldn't expect to see the
50:56sun at all today that cold front isn't going anywhere the temperatures in the high 30s
52:34grr argh
