Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 3 Episode 11 Gingerbread

  • 2 days ago
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 3 Episode 11 Gingerbread


00:00Is it a vampire?
00:15Mom, what are you doing here?
00:17I brought you a snack.
00:19I thought it was about time for me to come out and watch.
00:22You know, the slaying.
00:24You know, the slaying is kind of an alone thing.
00:28But it's such a big part of your life, and I'd like to understand it.
00:33It's, um, you know, something we could share.
00:36Actually, it's pretty dull, you know.
00:38It's bamboo stick poof.
00:51Come on and kill him.
00:56Buffett, he's over here.
00:59Oh, my God.
01:01It's Mr. Sanderson from the bank.
01:08Get him away.
01:39Oh, God.
01:59Oh, God.
02:28Oh, my God.
02:57Oh, my God.
03:26Oh, my God.
03:39Oh, my God.
04:00Oh, my God.
04:11They said we can go home now.
04:14They were little kids.
04:17Did you see them?
04:19They were so tiny.
04:22I saw.
04:25Who could do something like this?
04:28I just...
04:30I'm so sorry that you had to see this.
04:33But I promise everything's gonna be okay.
04:37Because I'm gonna find whatever did it.
04:41I guess.
04:44It's just you can't.
04:48You can't make it right.
04:53I know.
04:56I'm sorry.
04:58But I'll take care of everything.
05:00I promise.
05:02Just try and calm down.
05:05Don't tell me to calm down.
05:08I only meant...
05:09They were kids, Giles.
05:11Little kids.
05:12You don't know what it was like to see them there.
05:15My mom can't even talk.
05:18I'm sorry.
05:19I just want to help.
05:22I know.
05:24Do we know how?
05:27It wasn't a vampire.
05:29No, there are no marks.
05:33I mean, there was a mark.
05:36A symbol.
05:38Oh, 12th century papal encyclopedia.
05:42Try this.
05:46It was on their hands.
05:48The cops are keeping it quiet, but I got a good look at it.
05:53Find me the thing that uses the symbol and point me at it.
06:01Giles, speak.
06:03Oh, sorry.
06:04Um, no, I...
06:07I just wonder if we're looking for a thing.
06:10I mean, the use of a symbol on a victim like this suggests a...
06:15A ritual murder.
06:16An occult sacrifice by a group.
06:19A group of human beings.
06:23Someone with a soul did this?
06:26I'm afraid so.
06:32And while you're looking for the meaning of that symbol thingy,
06:35could you also find a loophole in that slayers don't kill people rule?
06:42This is a dreadful crime, I know, and you have every right to be upset, but...
06:48I wonder if you're not letting yourself get a shade more personal
06:54because of your mother's involvement.
06:57Oh, it's completely personal.
07:00Giles, find me the people that did this.
07:15I saw a burrito.
07:19This is a burrito.
07:22Damn straight.
07:27Hi, Oz.
07:31Hey, Amy.
07:32Hey, guys.
07:34Hey, Amy, I like your new hair.
07:37I haven't seen you all day. Where you been?
07:38Not with me.
07:39No, sir, ask anyone.
07:55So, Muffy's birthday's next week?
07:58Ooh, yeah, good.
08:00I've been pondering gift options.
08:03Oh, come on, we just got a topic here.
08:05Hi, Muffy.
08:08What's up?
08:10You guys didn't hear?
08:12Hear what?
08:13The murder.
08:15Somebody killed two little kids.
08:17Oh, no.
08:19They were, like, seven or eight years old.
08:22My mom found the bodies during patrol last night.
08:25Oh, my God.
08:28Why was your mom there?
08:29More bad.
08:30She picked last night of all nights
08:32for a surprise bonding visit.
08:34God, your mom would actually take the time to do that with you?
08:40That really wasn't the point of the story, was it?
08:44No, the point is, she's completely wigging.
08:47Who's wigging?
08:50Um, everyone.
08:53You know, because of what happened.
08:55Oh, it's so awful.
08:57I had bad dreams about it all night.
09:00Hi, Miss Summers.
09:02Oh, hi, everybody.
09:05Hi, Miss Summers.
09:07Muffy, have you talked to Mr. Giles yet
09:09about who could have done this?
09:11Yeah, he, uh...
09:13He thinks it might be something ritual.
09:16A cult.
09:17But he's still looking.
09:19In the meantime, we're gonna add to my patrol
09:22and, you know, keep an eye out.
09:24A cult.
09:26Like witches.
09:33Too much dairy.
09:34Oh, I know you kids think that stuff's cool.
09:37Muffy told me you dabble.
09:39Right, absolutely.
09:41That's me.
09:42I'm a dabbler.
09:44But anybody who could do this isn't cool.
09:47Anybody who could do this has to be a monster.
09:50You know what?
09:51Uh, would you guys excuse us for a little bit?
09:55Nice to see you.
10:01What a burn.
10:03I mean, Buff's mom was just starting to accept
10:05the whole Slayer thing,
10:06and now she's gonna be double freaked.
10:08Makes me grateful that my mom's not interested
10:11in my extracurricular activities.
10:15Or my curricular activities.
10:18Are your friends gonna help with the investigation, too?
10:22Mom, I really think maybe this isn't
10:25the best place to talk about this.
10:27Are you embarrassed to be hanging out with your mother?
10:31I didn't hug you.
10:33No, it's just, this hall is about school,
10:38and you're about home.
10:40Mix them, my world dissolves.
10:43It's just, I keep thinking about
10:45who could have done such a thing.
10:47I have to help.
10:49Well, Giles can always use help in the library.
10:51I called everybody I know in town.
10:53I told them about the dead children.
10:55They're all just as upset as I am.
10:58You called everybody that you know?
11:01And they called all their friends.
11:03And guess what?
11:04We're setting up a vigil for tonight for city hall.
11:07The mayor is even gonna be there.
11:09Now we are gonna get some action.
11:13That's great.
11:15But you know what?
11:17A lot of times when we're working on stuff like this,
11:20we like to keep the number of people
11:23that know about it kind of small.
11:26Oh, right.
11:29Well, I'm sure there won't be all that many people.
11:44This is great.
11:46Maybe we could all go patrolling together later.
11:49At least your mom's making an effort.
11:51My mom's probably standing right in front of me
11:55right this second.
11:58Oh, I didn't know you were going to be here.
12:01Oh, hi, Bunny.
12:04Mom, what are you doing here?
12:06Oh, well, I read about it in the paper
12:08and went with your dad out of town.
12:11Oh, you cut off your hair.
12:13Well, that's a new look.
12:15Yeah, it's just a sudden whim I had in August.
12:20I like it.
12:22Hello, Joyce.
12:24Sheila, I'm glad you could come.
12:26I almost didn't find you in this crush.
12:29Oh, uh, this is, uh, Joyce.
12:34Quite a turnout you have here.
12:36Oh, well, it's not just me, but thank you.
12:41Well, it's, uh, it's been a while.
12:46Not since, um, not since...
12:50not for a while.
12:53There's a rumor going around, Mr. Giles.
12:56Rumor about us?
12:58About what?
13:00About witches.
13:02People calling themselves witches
13:04are responsible for this brutal crime.
13:07Indeed? How strange.
13:10Yes, strange. Witches.
13:13Well, actually, not that strange.
13:16I recently co-authored a paper
13:18about the rise of mysticism among adolescents,
13:21and I was shocked at the statistical...
13:24Oh, oh, are we starting?
13:32Hello, everybody.
13:34You'll do something about this, you'll see.
13:39I want to thank you all for coming
13:42in the aftermath of such a tragic crime.
13:47Seeing you all here proves
13:50what a caring community Sunnydale is.
13:53Now, sure, we've had our share of misfortunes,
13:57but we're a good town with good people,
14:01and I know that none of us will rest easy
14:05until this horrible murder is solved.
14:08With that in mind,
14:11I make these words my pledge to you.
14:15Never again.
14:21Now I ask you to give your attention
14:24to the woman who brought us all here tonight,
14:27Joyce Summers.
14:36Mr. Mayor, you're dead wrong.
14:40You're dead wrong.
14:43This is not a good town.
14:46How many of us have lost someone
14:50who just disappeared?
14:53Or got skinned?
14:56Or suffered neck rupture?
14:59And how many of us have been too afraid to speak out?
15:04I was supposed to lead us in a moment of silence,
15:09but silence is this town's disease.
15:14For too long we've been plagued by unnatural evils.
15:20This isn't our town anymore.
15:23It belongs to the monsters and the witches and the slayers.
15:33I say it's time for the grown-ups to take Sunnydale back.
15:39I say we start by finding the people who did this
15:43and making them pay.
17:21Watch it.
17:23Oh, sorry. Did I make you smudge your eyeliner?
17:26Gonna put a spell on me?
17:28Hey, what is your problem?
17:31Everyone knows he's into that voodoo witch crap.
17:34I heard about those kids.
17:36People like him, gotta learn a lesson.
17:39And what about people like me?
17:42Get in my face and you'll find out.
17:52No problem here.
17:56We're walking.
17:59Come on.
18:05You guys okay?
18:07Yeah, I'm fine.
18:09Thanks, bro.
18:12You'd be one busy little slayer babysitting them.
18:16I doubt they'll have any more trouble.
18:18I doubt your doubt.
18:20Everyone knows that witches killed those kids.
18:22And Amy is a witch.
18:24And Michael is whatever the boy of witch is,
18:26plus being that poster child for yuck.
18:29If you're gonna hang with them, expect badness,
18:32because that's what you get when you hang with freaks and losers.
18:36Believe me, I know.
18:40That was a pointed comment about me hanging with you guys.
18:44Yeah, I got that one.
18:46Besides, witches didn't do it.
18:49Actually, I think they did.
18:51My research keeps bringing me back to European Wiccan covens.
18:56You found the meaning in the symbol?
18:59I'm pretty sure, yes.
19:01There's one piece of information I need
19:04that's in a book that Willow borrowed.
19:06Can you find it?
19:13Buffy, hi.
19:14Hey, is Willow around?
19:16How can I convince you people that it's over?
19:18You assume because I'm here, she's here,
19:20that I somehow mysteriously know where she is.
19:23Those her books?
19:25Yeah, she's in the bathroom.
19:27But the fact that I know that
19:29doesn't change that I have a genuine complaint here.
19:32Look, I'm getting sick of the judgment, the innuendos.
19:36Is a man not innocent until proven guilty?
19:39You are guilty.
19:41You got illicit smoochies.
19:43Gonna have to pay the price.
19:45But I'm talking about the future guilt.
19:47Look, everyone expects me to mess up again.
19:49Like Oz.
19:51I see how he is around me.
19:53You know, that steely gaze,
19:55that pointed silence.
19:58Because he's usually such a chatterbox.
20:00No, but it's different now.
20:02It's more a verbal non-verbal.
20:05He speaks volumes with his eyes.
20:11Hey, Buck, what you looking for?
20:13You want to borrow something?
20:16What is this?
20:18A doodle. I do doodle.
20:20You too, you do doodle too.
20:22This is a witch symbol.
20:24Okay, yeah, it is.
20:30That symbol was on the murdered children.
20:33You step back, stay away from the lockers.
20:36It's police business.
20:39You want to give me that, please?
20:41The books.
20:47Oh, man, it's Nazi Germany,
20:49and I've got playboys in my locker.
20:51This is a glorious day for principals everywhere.
20:56No pathetic whining about students' rights.
20:59Just a long row of lockers and a man with a key.
21:04I just took three kids away.
21:06What are they looking for?
21:08Witch stuff.
21:12They got my spells.
21:14I was supposed to report to Snyder's office.
21:16Oh, my God.
21:18Okay, Amy, you'll have to come with me.
21:20Stay away from the lockers.
21:26I need to stop in my locker.
21:28I'll be right back.
21:31I need to stop in my locker.
21:33Hennebane, Holborn, Manfrey Group.
21:35Excuse me, playboys,
21:37can we turn the sympathy this way?
21:41Hey, get your grubby custodial hands off that.
21:45That hairspray costs $45, and it's imported.
21:50My locker's next.
21:52Buffy, I didn't do anything wrong.
21:54The symbol is harmless.
21:57I used it to make a protection spell for you
22:00for your birthday with Michael and Amy,
22:03only now it's broken because you know about it.
22:06So happy birthday, and please, you have to believe me.
22:15Ms. Rosenberg, my office.
22:28Back up.
22:46I can't get the skirt in my boots.
22:48Giles, we need those books.
22:50Believe me, I've tried to tell that to the nice man with the big gun.
22:53No, there's something about the symbol that we're missing.
22:56Willow said she used it in a protection spell.
22:58It's harmless, not a big bad.
23:01So then why would it turn up in a ritual sacrifice?
23:04I don't know.
23:05Ordinarily, I would say let's widen our research.
23:07Using what?
23:09A dictionary and my friend Flicka?
23:11This is intolerable.
23:13Snyder's interfered before,
23:15but I won't take this from that twisted little homunculus.
23:18I love the smell of desperate librarian in the morning.
23:22You get out.
23:26And take your marauders with you.
23:29Oh, my.
23:31So fierce.
23:33I suppose I should hear you out.
23:36Just how is, um,
23:39blood rites and sacrifices
23:42appropriate material for a public school library?
23:45Chess club ranching out?
23:48This is not over.
23:50Oh, I should say it's just beginning.
23:52Fight it if you want.
23:54Just remember, lift a finger against me
23:57and you'll have to answer to Moo.
24:00Answer to Moo?
24:02Did that sentence just make some sense that I'm not in on?
24:06Mother's opposed to the occult.
24:08A powerful new group.
24:11And who came up with that lame name?
24:15That would be the founder.
24:18I believe you call her Mom.
24:25Oh, sit down, honey.
24:28Did Principal Snyder talk to you?
24:31Yes, he's quite concerned.
24:34Mom, I know what this looks like, and I can totally...
24:38Oh, you don't have to explain, honey.
24:40This isn't exactly a surprise.
24:43Why not?
24:45Oh, well, identification with mythical objects.
24:50Why not?
24:52Oh, well, identification with mythical icons
24:55is perfectly typical of your age group.
24:58It's a classic adolescent response
25:00to the pressures of incipient adulthood.
25:03Oh, is that what it is?
25:06Of course, I wish you could have identified
25:08with something a little less icky,
25:11but developmentally speaking...
25:13Mom, I'm not an age group.
25:16I'm like Willow group.
25:19Oh, honey.
25:22I understand.
25:24No, you don't.
25:27Mom, this may be hard for you to accept,
25:31but I can do stuff.
25:33Nothing bad or dangerous, but I can do spells.
25:37You think you can, and that's what concerns me.
25:41The delusions.
25:44Mom, how would you know what I can do?
25:47I mean, the last time we had a conversation,
25:49over three minutes,
25:51it was about the patriarchal bias of the Mr. Rogers show.
25:55Well, with King Friday lording it over all the lesser puppets.
25:58Mom, you're not paying attention.
26:00And this is your way of trying to get it.
26:03Now, I have consulted with some of my colleagues,
26:05and they agree that this is a cry for discipline.
26:10You're grounded.
26:14This is the first time ever
26:17I've done something you don't like, and I'm grounded?
26:20I'm supposed to mess up. I'm a teenager, remember?
26:24You're upset. I hear you.
26:26No, Ma, hear this.
26:29I'm a rebel. I'm having a rebellion.
26:32Willow, honey, you don't need to act out like this
26:36to prove your specialness.
26:38I'm not acting out. I'm a witch.
26:41I can make pencils float,
26:44and I can summon the four elements.
26:47Okay, two, but four soon.
26:50And I'm dating a musician.
26:53Oh, Willow.
26:57I worship Beelzebul.
27:00I do his biddings.
27:02Do you see any goats around?
27:04No, because I sacrifice them. Willow, please.
27:06I'll bow before Satan.
27:08I'm not listening to this.
27:10Prince of night, I summon you.
27:13Come fill me with your black, naughty evil.
27:16That's enough! Is that clear?
27:19Now, you will go to your room
27:22and stay there until I say otherwise.
27:25And we're gonna make some changes.
27:28I don't want you hanging out with those friends of yours.
27:31It's clear where this little obsession came from.
27:35You will not speak to Bunny Summers again.
27:39I don't want you seeing that Willow anymore.
27:42I've spoken with her mother.
27:44I had no idea her forays into the occult had gone so far.
27:48You're the one who ordered the raid on the school today.
27:51Honey, they opened a few lockers.
27:53Lockers? First syllable lock?
27:56They're supposed to be private, and they took all of Giles' books away.
27:59He'll get most of them back.
28:02Mu just wants to weed out the offensive material.
28:05Everything else will be returned to Mr. Giles soon.
28:08If we're gonna solve this, we need those books now.
28:11Sweetie, those books have no place in a public school library,
28:16especially now.
28:18Any student can waltz in there and get all sorts of ideas.
28:23Do you understand how that terrifies me?
28:29Mom, I hate that these people scare you so much.
28:33And I know that you're just trying to help,
28:35but you have to let me handle this. It's what I do.
28:39But is it really?
28:41I mean, you patrol, you slay,
28:43evil pops up, you undo it, and that's great.
28:47But is Sunnydale getting any better?
28:50Are they running out of vampires?
28:53I don't think that you run out of...
28:55It's not your fault.
28:57You don't have a plan. You just react to things.
29:00It's bound to be kind of fruitless.
29:05Okay, maybe I don't have a plan.
29:08Lord knows I don't have lapel buttons.
29:11And maybe next time that the world is getting sucked into hell,
29:14I won't be able to stop it
29:16because the anti-hell-sucking book isn't on the approved reading list.
29:20I'm sorry. I didn't mean to put down...
29:23Yeah, well, you did.
29:26Doesn't matter. I have to go.
29:29I have to go on one of my pointless patrols
29:32and react to some vampires.
29:35If that's all right with Moo.
29:41A nice acronym, Mom.
29:47Just trying to make things better.
29:52You are.
29:54There's bad people out there.
29:57And we can't sleep.
30:00Not until you hurt them.
30:03The way they hurt us.
30:47How are you?
30:49I'm all right.
30:51I think I'm better than before.
30:54I'm sorry.
30:56I'm all right.
30:59I think I'm better than you right now.
31:05I heard about this.
31:09People are talking.
31:12People are even talking to me.
31:16It's strange.
31:19People die in Sunnydale all the time.
31:22I've never seen anything like this.
31:27They were children.
31:32It makes a difference.
31:35And Mr. Sanderson from the bank had it coming.
31:44My mom...
31:47said some things to me about being the Slayer.
31:51That it's fruitless.
31:54There's no fruit for Buffy.
31:57She's wrong.
31:59Is she?
32:01Was Sunnydale any better than when I first came here?
32:06Okay, so I battle evil.
32:09But I don't really win.
32:12The bad keeps coming back and getting stronger.
32:16Like the kid in the story.
32:19The boy that stuck his finger in the duck.
32:23It's another word for damn.
32:28Okay, that story makes a lot more sense now.
32:31Buffy, you know I'm still figuring things out.
32:34There's a lot I don't understand.
32:40I do know it's important to keep fighting.
32:44I learned that from you.
32:48But we never...
32:50never win.
32:52Not completely.
32:54Never will.
32:56That's not why we fight.
32:58We do it because there's things worth fighting for.
33:02Those kids, their parents.
33:07Their parents.
33:09Look, I know it's not much.
33:13No, it's a lot.
33:17I shouldn't interrupt you.
33:20Who said you could interrupt, you stupid, useless fad?
33:25I said fad, and I'll say it again.
33:28At that point, I will become frightened.
33:32Take heart. We found your books.
33:35We can put the heart back.
33:37We can't get in. I'm locked up in City Hall.
33:40Frisky Watcher's chat room, White Giles.
33:44Oh, Buffy, Oz and I found out...
33:46What do we know about these kids?
33:49Facts, details.
33:52Well, they were found in the park.
33:54No. Where did they go to school?
33:57Who were their parents? What are their names?
34:01We know everything about their deaths.
34:03We don't even know their names.
34:05Well, sure we do.
34:07It's on the tip of my tongue.
34:09No, it never came up.
34:12And if no one knows who they are, where did these pictures come from?
34:16Let's just assume someone had the details.
34:18I don't know, really.
34:20Well, that is strange.
34:22We need to get some information.
34:25Yeah, well, somebody else do it.
34:26This thing's locked me out.
34:28Well, if you wouldn't yell at it.
34:29I can look around, but Willow would really know the sites we need.
34:33That's great. She can't even come to the phone.
34:35The wrath of Mu.
34:37Well, we don't need the phone.
34:43All right, we're linked.
34:45If anybody's ID'd the kids, she'll pull it up and feed it here.
34:57Two children found at a mysterious marked note.
35:01These children were found near Omaha in 1949.
35:07Yeah, they ain't ours.
35:09Keep going.
35:16Those are the same kids.
35:19Fifty years ago.
35:221899, Utah.
35:24Two children.
35:26Rural community torn apart by suspicion.
35:28A hundred years ago.
35:31Rural community torn apart by suspicion.
35:34A hundred years ago.
35:36How is this possible?
35:37It's no match to who they were.
35:39They've never been seen alive, just dead.
35:42A lot.
35:44Yeah, there were more articles.
35:46Every 50 years.
35:48All the same.
35:50From as far back as 1649.
35:54Can I see that?
36:01Written by a cleric from a village near the Black Forest.
36:05He found the bodies himself.
36:07Two children.
36:09Gretel Strauss, age six.
36:12Hans Strauss, eight.
36:15So they have names.
36:17That's new.
36:21Willow, I thought I made myself clear.
36:24You're not minding me.
36:27I see what you're doing.
36:28You're challenging me.
36:29I will not have you communicating with your cyber...
36:32Coven, or what have you.
36:36What happened to me being delusional and acting out?
36:40Oh, that was before I talked in depth with Miss Summers and her associates.
36:45It seems I've been rather close-minded.
36:49So, you believe me?
36:52I believe you, dear.
36:55Now all I can do is let you go with love.
37:00Let me go?
37:02What does that mean?
37:10Now, wait a minute.
37:14There is a fringe theory held by a few folklorists...
37:20that some regional stories have actual, very literal antecedents.
37:29And in some language that's English?
37:32Fairy tales are real.
37:34Hans and Gre...
37:38Hansel and Gretel?
37:40Wait. Hansel and Gretel?
37:42Breadcrumbs, ovens, gingerbread house?
37:45Of course.
37:47It makes sense now.
37:49Yes, all falling into place.
37:52Of course, that place is nowhere near this place.
37:55Some demons thrive by fostering hatred and persecution amongst the mortal animals.
38:03Not by destroying men, but by watching men destroy each other.
38:08They feed us our darkest fear and turn peaceful communities into vigilantes.
38:15Hansel and Gretel run home to tell everyone about the mean old witch.
38:18Then she and probably dozens of others are persecuted by a righteous mob.
38:23It's happened all throughout history.
38:25Happened in Salem, not surprisingly.
38:28Whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm still spinning on this whole fairy tales are real thing.
38:33So what do we do?
38:35I don't know about you, but I'm going to go trade my cow for some beans.
38:40No one else has seen the funny here.
38:43Charles, we need to talk to Mom.
38:45If she knows the truth, she can defuse the whole thing.
38:51What happened?
38:52I was attacked.
38:54Officially not funny.
38:55By whom?
38:57My dad, his friends.
38:59They're taking people out of their homes.
39:01They're talking about a trial down at City Hall.
39:04They got Amy.
39:05Michael, stay here and hide. Charles, we'll go find my mom.
39:08Tell her to get out of her house.
39:11Stay in my office.
39:16Mom, we really have to talk.
39:19Time to go. Oh, and get your coat. It's chilly out.
39:22Go? Go where?
39:24I said get your coat, witch.
39:30Did you speak to the families on Sycamore Street?
39:32Yes, I did.
39:37Buffy, Mr. Giles, did something happen?
39:40Mom, we need to talk to you. Now.
39:42Of course, honey. Go on without me.
39:46No, we need to talk alone.
39:50Look, there's more to this than we...
39:58You were right.
40:02It was easy.
40:04I told you.
40:06It gets even easier.
40:08I told you.
40:10It gets even easier.
40:12But I'm still scared of the bad girls.
40:16You have to stop them.
40:18You have to make them go away.
40:50Hold still.
40:54Why are you doing this to me?
40:58There's no cure but the fire.
41:02Wake up!
41:04This is crazy, Mom!
41:10Wake up!
41:21It took you long enough to wake up.
41:23My hand hurts.
41:28Why are you here?
41:30Things are way out of control, Giles.
41:32First, the thing at school.
41:34And then my mom confiscates all of my black clothes and scented candles.
41:39I came over here to tell Buffy to stop this craziness
41:42and found you all unconscious again.
41:45How many times have you been knocked out anyway?
41:49I swear, one of these times, you're going to wake up in a coma.
41:53Wake up in a... Never mind.
41:56We need to save Buffy from Hansel and Gretel.
42:01Now, let's be clear.
42:03The brain damage happened before I hit you.
42:13What's with the grim?
42:15We're here to join you guys.
42:18Now, really, why should you guys have all the fun?
42:21We want to be part of the hate.
42:24Just so we're clear, you guys know you're nuts, right?
42:27Like a kid!
42:34Good morning, sleepyhead.
42:36Mommy, you don't want this.
42:38Since when does it matter what I want?
42:41I wanted a normal, happy daughter.
42:43Instead, I got a slayer.
42:53This has been so trying. You've been such a champ.
42:56Oh, you too, Joyce.
42:58We should stay close, have lunch.
43:00Oh, I'd like that. How nice.
43:04Oh, you can't be serious.
43:06Mom, don't!
43:17All right.
43:19You want to fry a witch?
43:21I'll give you a witch.
43:23Goddess Hecate, work thy will.
43:28Before thee let the unclean thing fall!
43:53She couldn't do us first.
43:55You've seen what we can do.
43:57Another step and you will all feel my power.
44:01What are you going to do?
44:03This little pencil arm?
44:05It's a really big power.
44:08Yes, you will all be turned into vermin.
44:12And some of you will be fish.
44:15Yeah, you in the back will be fish.
44:18Maybe we should go.
44:20But you promised.
44:22You have to kill the bad girls.
44:28I can't believe you have this stuff in your apartment.
44:31It smells foul.
44:33Shred the wolfsbane.
44:35That's the leafy stuff.
44:37And then you can crush the Satyrian root.
44:41Luftin, Seedin, something.
44:45Shuma, Shuda.
44:48What are you muttering about?
44:50They're part of an incantation.
44:52It's in German, without my books.
44:54What does it mean?
44:56It's about lifting a veil.
44:58It should make the demons appear in their true form,
45:02which, with any luck, will negate their influence.
45:06And drop a toadstone into the mixture.
45:12It doesn't look like a toad.
45:14No, isn't it should?
45:16It's from inside the toad.
45:19I hate you.
45:28We've got to get inside.
45:30Oh, God, help!
45:36Sounds like she's right about us.
45:50They heard us.
45:52Burn them.
45:54Mom, dead people are talking to you.
45:57Do the math.
45:59I'm sorry, Buffy.
46:01Mom, look at me.
46:03You love me.
46:05You're not going to be able to live with yourself if you do this.
46:09You earned this.
46:11You're not going to be able to live with yourself if you do this.
46:16You earned this.
46:18You toyed with unnatural forces.
46:21What kind of a mother would I be if I didn't punish you?
46:39You got hair with that.
46:43God, you really were the little youthful offender, weren't you?
46:47You must just look back on that and cringe.
47:03Buffy, I can't take it. It's so hot.
47:06Sorry, Will.
47:08If it wasn't for me, none of this would have happened.
47:12It wouldn't be it.
47:20Stop them!
47:30You like that?
47:32How about some movie?
47:34Smoke fire!
47:36Cordelia, put out the fire!
47:38Oh, thanks.
47:41Oh, thanks.
48:12Oh, thanks.
48:14Okay, I think I like the two little ones more than the one big one.
48:43Oh my god!
48:49Protect us!
48:51Kill the bad girls!
48:55You know what?
48:57Not as convincing in that outfit.
49:09Did I get it?
49:12Did I get it?
49:24We're here to save you.
49:30Your mom doesn't mind us doing this in the house?
49:32She doesn't know.
49:34Business as usual?
49:36Yeah, sort of.
49:38She's doing that selective memory thing
49:40your mom used to be so good at?
49:42She forgot everything?
49:44No, she remembered the part
49:46where I said I was dating a musician.
49:48Oz has to come
49:50for dinner next week.
49:52So, that's sort of like taking an interest.
49:56Okay, should we try this again?
49:58Let's do it.
50:00I think we got the mix of verbs right this time.
50:04Okay, ready?
50:08Diana Hecate
50:10I hereby license thee
50:12to depart
50:14goddess of creatures
50:16great and small
50:18I conjure thee to withdraw
50:34Maybe we should get her
50:36one of those wheel thingies.
51:06Grrr, argh!
