• last year
Charity Lawson Reveals Why Her Wedding Planning Is On Pause


00:00A few questions about wedding planning. How's it going, girl?
00:02It's going, honestly. We have taken a pause on it, and I can say that.
00:07I'm totally fine announcing that or saying that.
00:10I feel like people ask all the time, like, how's wedding planning or where are we at?
00:14And it's like, for me, I got in this space where I just felt this constant pressure of,
00:19like, I need to check off something every month or every week.
00:23And it got to the point where I'm like, I don't want to do that right now.
00:25Like, I'm still also just, like, easing into life and normalcy again.
00:30So I think we're just, like, taking a pause for now.
00:33Obviously, we're still getting married. It's just...
00:35The relationship's good. The wedding planning, it's taking a second.
00:38We're just taking a moment, taking a beat. But yeah, no, we are obviously, like,
00:42Dotton is so vocal about it, which I love. Like, I'm like, as a man, I'm like, yay!
00:47What is his number one request?
00:48He literally, like, just wants, like, a good, like, reception, which I'm like, you know, Dotton.
00:53He's like, I need a good teaching.
00:57And it's crazy, the cake. Like, he is very...
01:00Yeah, I know. I know, right? The cake.
01:02He has...
01:02What is his request for the cake?
01:03I don't want to show you guys, but, like, it is...
01:06Is it the flavor or is it the aesthetic?
01:07It's the flavor and the aesthetic, but I'm definitely going to have more say of the aesthetic.
01:11But, like, the flavor, he's, like, he told...
01:13That's, like, the one thing he tells me.
01:14He's like, me and Trudy, we figured out the flavor of the cake.
01:20He loves it.
01:21So when the time comes, we'll, like, drop some hints there, but that's...
01:24Like, he's just vocal about the most random things, but I'm just...
01:27Yes, I'm just glad he's involved and he wants to have a say.
01:30So it makes it, like, fun for me and for the both of us.
01:33But, yeah, less pressure for me, I should say.
01:36Oh, I love that.
01:36Oh, the cake. I can't wait to see this cake in...
01:38No, listen.
01:39...whenever this wedding happens.
01:41You've teased a little bit, maybe two wedding dresses.
01:43I know you probably can't say too much, obviously, because Dotton's definitely watching this.
01:48But can you tell me anything?
01:49Was it what you expected you were going to want?
01:51Okay, so obviously for Bridal Fashion Week,
01:55that was, like, the first time I ever, like, tried on dresses.
01:57And I think I came in, like, Bridal Fashion Week having this idea of, like,
02:01oh, these are the types of dresses that I wanted.
02:03But, like, I'm telling you, everything changes the moment you put it on.
02:06And so, like, my entire, like, my entire frame of, like,
02:10where I thought it was going to be is totally different.
02:13So it's exciting in a way.
02:14But then I think also it allows me, like, more freedom now to, like, get creative,
02:18because one of my dresses will be custom.
02:20So that's going to be super fun.
02:22So I just am excited about that.
02:24Yeah, like, just having the creativity to plan that out.
02:27But yeah, it totally changes.
02:29So, yeah.
02:30I've heard that so many times, too.
02:32Like, with my girlfriends, they think they like something,
02:33and then they go on, and then they're like, mm-mm.
02:35Because it's just like, and I think I see it, like,
02:38I have, like, a vision board on Pinterest.
02:39Like, you know, you have all these things where it's like, yay, like, this is going to be it.
02:42And then, like, you just have to know, like, your body type, like, your proportions.
02:46I'm like, yeah, this probably isn't fitting.
02:48Like, I'm very petite.
02:49So some things just didn't look as good on, and then others looked great.
02:54So I think, yeah, we know which path to take now.
