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F.E.A.R 2: Project Origin Game-play Part 1 is about the First Interval 'Premonition' Mission 'Sanctuary'. A Delta Force team including sergeant Becket code-named Dark Signal is deployed to save ATC President Aristide from her penthouse. The penthouse gets attacked by the ATC security black ops dispatched by the Corporation's Board of Directors. Something doesn't feels right for sergeant Becket. He gets visited by Alma's presence here & there. Watch the full video to know more :)

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#Fear2Gameplay #Fear2Part1 #Fear2Interval1 #Interval1Premonition #Sanctuary
00:00I rememb-AHHHHHHH
00:02Hello everyone, I'm CGBD, and I'm back with another episode of Fiatube Project Origin
00:08and it is Interval 1 Premonition Mission Sanctuary and it's part 1 of the game
00:16Let's go everyone
00:23Warner Bros.
00:25Interactive Entertainment presents...
00:37Okay, I don't know what I can see, but it seems that there is a figure there.
00:48Okay, so there is... Oh man, a feature. So there was someone swinging in the tree, I guess.
00:57Okay. Oh man, oh man, oh man. The kid is in front of me.
01:04Okay, I'm in control. Interval 1. Premonition. Got it, got it.
01:12Okay, I don't have my flashlight. Okay, not my weapons. What are those? Okay, those are just bricks.
01:19Or cement, whatever. Okay, I have to go forward. Okay, the area looks devastating.
01:26And oh man, she's... Okay, she is escorting me towards some place, I don't know.
01:33Okay man, the jumpscares in this game. Incredible.
01:41Okay, so I have to drop down to this glowy thingy, I guess.
01:50Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, where am I? Where am I?
01:55Uh... Is this a cabinet or just some kind of aircraft? Oh man!
02:14Okay man, that troll's life.
02:25They got me.
02:28Okay, I know there are subtitles in the down, but...
02:54If you think the voice of the characters are low, then please comment down below to let me know,
03:01and I'm gonna be increasing the volume of those characters in the next episode.
03:06But I'm trying to keep it as low as possible, so do not interfere with my voice.
03:15Okay, with Jay Fox, she's Kay Stokes, he's Griffin, see Griffin, and this is Kagan, and this guy's Jankowski.
03:32Okay, so I'm left with our Jankowski.
03:45Okay, we're down.
03:55Okay, got the pistol, and the submachine gun.
03:59Okay, oh, there's something else I need to do. Wait.
04:02I think it's done.
04:05Okay, the controls were a little bit problematic, because the fear has so many things to do in the controls.
04:20So that's why I had to change it for better experience, because I've played lots of games that involve shooting, aiming, and sprinting,
04:33so if I change it this game, then I won't be able to play the other games.
04:42I will have a bad habit, so I have to change the controls with the other...
04:50Yeah, I know that, because I've played a little bit to adjust the graphics and the settings, but I forgot to change...
05:04Okay, the funny thing is interacting with the environment, that is the excellent thing in fear.
05:20Why can't I fire in papers? I don't know.
05:24Okay, maybe that is a glitch or something. Okay, whatever, let's go forward.
05:31Okay, cannot close the door in front of me, I just thought maybe.
05:37Okay, okay, okay, okay.
05:43Come on, man, they're not gonna let me go through the gates. That is bullshit.
05:49Okay, I don't know if I'm allowed to set it forward, but I'm gonna beep it anyway.
05:54Flashlight! Nice.
05:57Okay, what is the map mode? Okay, I don't have a map yet, maybe they're gonna give me a keyboard, a broken keyboard maybe.
06:19Okay, more information available on the PDA. Let me see.
06:25Okay, there is a pistol and submachine gun, a recoil operated locked breech, semi-automatic pistol with an impact resistant polymer.
06:34Okay, so much talk, and I don't know if you want to read that, you can read it by, you know, maybe you can read it by pausing or something, I don't know, but I don't think that is much needed.
06:56But, uh, yeah, you can do that.
06:59And, uh, Geneva... I don't know what is her name.
07:05Okay, Transgate MC says hello, well, how are you there, you damn well better be.
07:12Snackfish says damn it, I said stop bugging me, I'm working as fast as I can, I've been here all freaking weekend without an AC, and eating out of a damn vending machine.
07:22I can't exactly order pizza from here.
07:25Uh, Wade's last is mine, the Harbinger candidates will be here shortly.
07:29Snackfish says what the... you said this was theoretical, it was, are you insane?
07:35Oh, Wade, of course you are, don't argue with me, Terry.
07:38Who's Terry? I don't know anybody named Terry, and what kind of idiot would think about using someone's real name in an unsecured chat?
07:46Calm down, I don't know you, stop spamming me.
07:49Okay, thanks, bye.
07:51Snackfish appears to be offline.
07:54Okay, got it, and there are some tutorials that, uh, I think I don't know, because I've played the video before, and, uh, I think I will be able to handle it.
08:08And if there is... oh man, I can see blood, I can see blood.
08:12Okay, okay, okay.
08:15Okay, the blood seems real.
08:17Guys, the blood seems really real.
08:20Okay, man.
08:24Oh man, oh man.
08:28Activate terminal.
08:31Okay, okay, now I need to see the tutorials.
08:36Activating... oh, activate terminal.
08:40Some computer terminals will prompt you to press E to use them. Computers may contain videos or perform useful functions.
08:47Okay, got it, got it.
08:49Okay, I'm up here, man.
08:54Not that.
08:56Okay, this is...
08:58Oh man, oh man!
09:05Okay, so one dead body here, and there should be another dead body.
09:10I can see blood, yeah.
09:14Oh man, oh man, oh man, what is happening, what is happening?
09:18Oh man.
09:26Okay, one down, one man down.
09:29Not Griffin, not Fox, who is that?
09:35Okay, Stokes.
09:37It's you and me.
09:40Got some bullets, that's it.
09:46Okay, this pistol have no other firing mode, just only one single shot.
09:53This has two, the burst fire and the automatic.
10:00Okay, let me see, there's so much stuff.
10:04That information goes...
10:07Okay, I'll rendezvous with my team in the building lobby.
10:10Okay, maybe...
10:15Okay, now I think there can be...
10:18No, no other stuff.
10:23Then why...
10:25Access PDA, that is what you're talking about?
10:28Come on, man, I've done that pretty much like...
10:32So much back, come on.
10:41Okay, armor vest, maybe that was.
10:44Protects against most weapons.
10:46Indicator in the lower left of the screen shows how much you currently have.
10:51Keep your eyes open for armor vest as you explore.
11:09Okay, nobody shoots her.
11:12She goes saving content.
11:15Oh man, oh man, oh man.
11:18Oh man.
11:35Okay, let me get some bullets.
12:11Oh man, that should come in handy in the future.
12:16I'm glad I know that.
12:20Okay, I think, yeah, that's what I thought.
12:23This door is locked.
12:26Oh, if you go close to the trash, you can move it, that is nice.
12:40Okay, I can do that also.
12:44For cover, nice!
12:46I really love that.
12:48Okay, there's nothing else in my opinion.
12:52And yeah, she's waiting for me.
12:55Okay, I just love these animations.
13:02Okay, cannot go up, cannot jump up.
13:07Okay, there's nothing else here.
13:11Okay, open the door.
13:19Okay, there is something.
13:21Bad news.
13:43What is that?
13:47Alma trying to release...
13:49Okay, maybe he was a janitor.
13:51Sorry man.
13:54You're in the middle of something and you got killed with, like, nothing to do with it.
14:00You got nothing to do with it.
14:03Okay, they're firing.
14:12Okay, this door is...
14:14This is the way that I should be, maybe I can do that.
14:26Okay, I'm coming.
14:29But first let me check.
14:31Okay, cannot do this with this table.
14:34Can I go... Oh man, come on, I thought maybe I could.
14:38No, I can't.
14:43Okay, there is something I can see.
14:46Good luck.
15:26Okay, that is just a statue, nothing else.
15:33There are some packages in, like, the first fear that you could break.
15:40But no, not here.
15:42Oh man, oh man, oh man.
15:51So I'm guessing the hero, Mr. Bagot, is still not fully recovered.
16:16Who else wants some bullets?
16:25Oh, there is another one.
16:37Anyone else?
16:49Okay, everyone's dead.
17:00Okay, there is nothing... There is a stair.
17:10Okay, there is nothing here, the stairs.
17:16Some more guns.
17:18Okay, I don't know how much, like, I can carry.
17:22Okay, I think this is the way that I need to go.
17:29Yes, fire mode selection, what is that?
17:38Okay, frag grenades.
17:40Okay, there are some mobs.
17:42Okay, that is good.
17:49Nice, that is good.
17:51Okay, where do I select that?
17:54V, no, V, no, V for that.
17:58Where was that? Okay, I forgot.
18:02Six, seven.
18:06Maybe five.
18:08Five is one, six, seven, eight.
18:13Five, six, seven, eight. Okay.
18:17Got it.
18:19Oh man.
18:30Okay, where is Stelps? I don't see her anywhere.
18:36Five, six, seven, eight.
18:39So there are... No, there are only... I have only one kind of grenades.
18:48Sorry man, I wish you could see me.
19:00Okay, who else wants some bullets? Come on.
19:12Okay, I'm pretty good at this.
19:14Maybe I'm speaking too soon because this is the first mission.
19:23That's what I'm talking. So this is the first mission and...
19:29After some time I will be able to say if I'm good or not.
19:33Okay, I can do that with this table, with this table.
19:38And this door is locked.
19:40Yes, employees don't leave, so I'm not an employee.
19:44Okay, I haven't kinda...
19:47Okay, I can do that with this table also.
19:49Okay, there is so much... There is so much to explore.
19:58And you need to explore in a game like this.
20:01Like, there is so much thing to see.
20:05So much you can miss if you don't explore.
20:09So you should.
20:11Okay, there is nothing else.
20:14Okay, they give me bullets, bullets, grenades.
20:20And lights are flickering. Okay, someone is dead.
20:24Oh man, headshots. I love it.
20:29Oh man, there you are.
20:40Okay, that is great.
20:49What is that?
20:52Oh man.
21:06This is so incredible.
21:09I love it.
21:20Okay, you can still interact with the dead. That is great.
21:34Okay, there is a toast.
21:39And there is a health kit.
21:43Where is that?
21:44Okay, machine gun ammo is full.
21:50Can I do anything with the computer? No.
21:54Can I use this door? No.
21:59So, there is one thing to do and that is this.
22:07Oh man, who is firing me?
22:10Okay, okay, okay.
22:18Okay, so you are dead. Nice.
22:27That is what you get, man.
22:29Don't mess with me.
22:30Okay, I need the flashlight.
22:35Oh man.
22:39Okay, my flashlight is flickering.
22:42I don't like it, man.
22:52There is a health, but I cannot go up.
22:56Maybe later.
22:58Okay, okay, what is happening?
23:16Okay, man.
23:17Okay, there is not...
23:32I am...
23:35I am a little bit scared.
23:40Okay, there is nowhere to go.
23:43I think I need to drop down to the water, but I am not feeling great about that.
23:51Because the water seems...
23:55The water seems wet.
24:28Okay, man.
24:29So, Elma has not...
24:34Led me.
24:35Like, she is with me all the time.
24:37Like, from the first game to till now.
24:41Let's go here first.
24:42I don't wanna miss any stuff.
24:44See? That is what I am talking about.
24:46There is one thing that I haven't missed, and that is this.
24:50I remember...
24:55Oh man.
24:57Oh man.
24:59Oh man, oh man, oh man.
25:01They did it on purpose.
25:04They did it on purpose, man.
25:06Oh man, I don't know.
25:08I cannot remember what was my voice when I see her.
25:12But dude, I was really scared, man.
25:15Oh man, that was some...
25:17That was some...
25:18Class 1 jump scares.
25:21Oh man.
25:22Like, they did know that some people will come here...
25:26And remember that there was something in the balcony.
25:30So they are gonna come here and...
25:55Okay, she is not...
25:56She is not dead.
26:06Oh man, who is firing?
26:13Where are you, dude?
26:20Okay, there you are.
26:25Come on.
26:30Okay, okay, okay.
26:31Now I expect...
26:33Okay, who is firing now?
26:37I expect nothing from this game.
26:39Absolutely nothing.
26:53Okay, my armor is down, but my health is intact.
26:56That's why maybe I'm not gonna be needing any of the kits.
27:01Maybe? I don't know.
27:26Okay, I get it.
27:53Actually I don't get that much.
27:56But they are talking about Geneva.
27:58The woman that we are here to rescue.
28:02Okay, full ammo.
28:06Okay, nice view.
28:10That is what I like.
28:11Okay, we are in the middle of the city.
28:14And we are firing in the building.
28:16And cars are moving here and there.
28:19Like, woah.
28:20Man, why?
28:22There's nothing to say, actually.
28:25Come on, break it.
28:33Okay, now I'm gonna be moving a little bit with care.
28:37But I don't know.
28:38Because I don't know where or where they are moving.
28:41I'm scared.
28:42Oh man, that was so scary.
28:45And unexpected.
28:46I didn't expect that.
28:53I thought maybe all the jumpscares were finished.
29:00Okay, I cannot open that.
29:11Oh man, oh man, oh man, oh man, oh man.
29:22Okay, she's using there, so there should be the...
29:29The door.
29:32Okay, I know I should not do this, but I have to.
29:37Because I want to get the full experience of the game.
29:44We cannot do that.
29:45Don't tell me she will be standing there.
29:48I thought maybe...
29:51No, nothing else.
29:52Okay, no jumpscares.
29:57Okay, there's nothing here.
30:22Okay guys, sorry that I'm eating right now.
30:27Okay, info.
31:22Who is this Keegan, maybe?
31:24Is this the Keegan guy that is killed a little bit earlier?
31:29So, he is...
31:32Okay, another.
31:33Okay, this is me.
31:34Michael Beckett.
31:36Physical condition, outstanding. Mental stability, outstanding.
31:39Telescopic potential, outstanding.
31:42Subject struggled in high school, but has excelled in the military.
31:45Furthermore, his Paragon scores are the best I've ever seen.
31:48Aside from the origin prototypes.
31:50With telestatic amplification, he might even surpass...
31:54...Pankston Vettel.
31:56Harbinger status, approved.
32:08Okay, here is all the...
32:12...members that came here, and that is...
32:15...none other than the Keegan that guy died.
32:18So, is this...
32:23...hard doing?
32:48He killed us all.
32:56Sergeant Beckett, what's wrong? What is it?
33:00Oh, man.
33:04Okay, okay, okay.
33:05Okay, okay.
33:06Okay, what is happening?
33:07What is happening?
33:08Okay, what should I do?
33:09Do I press anything?
33:13Do I leave?
33:14I think I should leave.
33:19Oh, man.
33:20Okay, she's...
33:23She is...
33:25...running away.
33:32I'll go this way.
33:44Okay, okay, where is she?
34:06What is that?
34:18Am I dead?
34:19Am I dead?
34:47Get them aboard.
34:48We don't have much time.
